Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Aug 1908, p. 6

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Democratic votera of Lke ounty "lenbér tbat D. E. Gibbons wae the Airet man te break theiseMHturi-Boeoe3' Countv combine that enablsd theee two c.Ountiesta dictesth ie mlnonity nom- .lnstiofl for members iu the general aaeemby fer ixteenyeere. Btand for your righte on priinary day, Saturday, Augut 8, aud renomnais the hosioable D. E Gibbons and belp rersrd a man who has tood laitul ly by bis constituentfs. LAKE COUNT'S CANDIDATE. r DWIARD J. HEVOICICER Rtepusiîkmn Candidat* for States At' torsnsy. would aPpraclata YOUr volW il tise Primry Election to b. lald on 8aturday, August 8, 1908. Poli qopn fro 6 A. M . o P- M- An, open tetter to the Waukegilt Editor Gazette, Waukegan, Ilt.: o'Dear sir-My attention bas bsen ,.calteS to an edîtoial lu the Gazette o! Jly 30d, also ln Wsely Gazette, 'vierein is an svident attempt te he- ltte my candidacy for the legistatere. **te, accoiepisb ahtch. I cm said te bs- runnbsg in thelIntsrest et Edward D. Sburtleff. I berewith stJbinit a cep3' et a tel@-- grain received truie Mr. Scrogin. bsad o! the legilative departuient o! the1 Anti Saloon League. t baS taîkeS 'with Mr. $crogln and tbld ina it any candidate fter the legilature cotd gel th3ie league Indorsement and if MY oendidacy would imperil the nommna- Stionofo!suris candidate, 1 vouid bolS i ny petition. The telegram is as fol- lora: "Springfield, Ill. Jnly 6. «J "j.A, J. Wipple. Waukegan,IlI.: ~:" adylse that yoo fite peilibon; viii »se you Tuesday afternoen. <Siged) "E. A, SCROGIN." s- (Note thse date oftie telegram.) Pursuat ta tise tels-graffi I sa- Mr. s, Ioogln sud he saiS he sent the tele gremumisecuse Ivau tise only candi- date pledgad ta tise local option bssue;. tha hi baS a tetter from Mr. Jackson Saad tise tetter wma non-cenamittal, I wuv5 tiseretore entittled to tise teigne h euA4ot5aent, and tise Ione ens ns- tAter 1 recelved a letter tram tise JOWeug peope whlch selS the candi- da 'ta endorsed hy the league are John A~. Wbipple anS . H. Jacksen, tisat Quyl aSifluenceS thse latter teuetise termsofo the league and go cu record for tise rounty option i- Tiss letter ls dateS July 25th and ju' *a thse ftnotknowledge 1Ibil ofe!Mn, 'J4ebon'a change o! front, My pe- U~.ltim asi fot fited ai thse suggestion ci uin Siureff but at the suggestion e , et, r. Serogin of the Anti Saloon Leafue and at tiseletsimoment, Nov 1fr. Editor, I have a right te ametpublication of the ebove ln the j" and Weekly Gazette. sine s-vs-n tb exigeurbes o! poltirs do not ex- mmnireposentatlon. Tise motter or th..edtors opinion as tW My otrmgth as a candidate I pesa over. Tb@ wiaarles Augnat t Sis'vlIdis- place, ',opinion" by fart. Yonna truly, JOHN A. J. WHIPPLE. «aukffan, fi., August. 4th, 1908. DEESPIELO, ILL. L Countya Choice for Reprisent- aiv in the Gênerai Assemibly congresen,.oeu sBopened bli Coo county campalgo for theXnlted States senatonibip lest night ln a tent meet- ing at Southport and Beltnont ave- nues and trained is guns upon laenat- or Abert J. Hopkins. Fifteen hundred crowded the tent and applauded the tenth district cou- greasman as be answered questtot'e put to hlm by Sènator Hopkins, and frequently Interrupted hlm te lnJect remarks concerning Mr. Hopkins. Cengressman Foss, who untit now bas refrained from assalllng the record of 'Senator Hoepins, wae torced through attacks made upon hlm ln 'boiter plt"press iattêr sent ever the state rbya.the Hopkins' fortes. te give utter- lance te olet queries whlcb he weuld like Senator H{opkins te anawer tn Quesstiona He Aas Il "I woutd tîke te ak 0eater Hep- kins the tllowing questions." caid C Cougresman kons., "and ,ope he WinIII ,answer them at the eariest epper- tunity:1 1"Do you think Id prper for a United i States seniater te appoint or recetu- s mend the appointmeut et members ef hic own famity te public office? t "Do you regard pubietî office ase a h public trust or as a famiiy suap? c "De yoo thiuk a UniteS States senat-t or ought te, practice law on Uncle1 Sam's tîie, aind do y'0llfs-el justlliedt ae a mecaber o! the flrîn in retaiuing( thes $24.000 fs-e paid by the sanItarye district et Chicago te yor taw iret? "Do yoît think a U'nited States sec-1 ster rau be a real atnd truîs represeut- ativo of the people and ai the same1 To thje Republican Voters eftâte stb t1alun e the attorniey'fer large cor-1 Senatorial District.:1or1a tous? "Do yoîu thlîîk il lroper for a Unit- I de@ire te anneunce that I s14al l b a Pd States se'tater tu ule-bis positioni candidate foi> Stale Seiater from thle se as 10 increase is ovn 1ractirs-? 8th Secatonial Distrit subiest tri tle "Do you thîni. l roper for a Unite-d1 licpiîblieaiî primary slestien te ce held States cenatet te ergaîîize a suris-y1 Aug8t , 108,cetcîîaîy and dirs-ctly or iudirs-ctlyi Owig t y i nt he.oar ofthrougb the agente e! said remîjany Oîeingt; tis' iuiea,îî tîs-B;ardelindirsie that fitwould be well fer fs- j Rev is-w. i ill iibe ;ip8iiîîle teupper- raI lepIoesstesecurs- their bonds sonaly se ail oeithIe Bspiblîeaî vîters Iln sucb couapany?1 of the ditrict. therefore i take ibis wny a"Do 'eu thiuk Ih proper or becomtngi aUnite-d States senater te sectîre tisei et annouuidig 111 s-'ndidacy and slirit appointme-t o! a ms-muer o! is evu yiiur support. law fiine a rsferee ln baukruptcy? GEORGE QUENTIN. "Do yen tiuk thai yeur prederes- sers, Douglas and Truinhull, Yats Smith for Leuenant Gavai-nr. and Ogteshy. and Palmer anS Logan, Prank L. Srit's nenie appears on thse couid regard ibese thiugs hecoming Repblian rimry iekt te lnt nea UniteS States senator"' Beputira pnraar tiket iselestone Quertas Are Anewerad. nnder thse heading of "Por Lieutenant Congreasmen Posa asked Senator Governor." Hopkins these questions afien he baS Frank L Smith would ha much the answered a series o! queresa put to, stronger on the Party ticket ibis fali of hlm by the fs-erai candidate ta suc- ceeS hieseif. enator Hopkins asked any candidate mentioned. Congressmau Posa eue question ten Frank L. Smith'@ boneis lein Dwight, vays. Gongressman Flosa answered Liringeton rexît, anS Livbngton each o! the questions lu bis speech. conygves a large Repubiien maerity, AU.. ere to the point that he ts run- comityning for Congresa f rom the tentis dist- and neyer baS a @tate officer. rict anS United States senator et thse Franuk L. Simitisheha een endor"e by seme trne. tise Republican organizatien in Cook "Why are you runuîng for two offI' couaty, Mlayor Fred Buss, Senators rces-repreaentatlve from the tenth Cullm ad Hokin, Seake Canondistrict and UniteS States senator-et Culam nS opknsSpekerCanonthe saee tîme?"'asked Senator Hep- and Rpubhcan congefllen ini llinoi, kins. tisa l7tis congreuionai district, tise l6tis "I ame ronning fer Congt$cs bscause senatorbel district, mamîy rpreentative the people o! my ditrict hy resolu- cises, and now aoke tise moet import- tieon," saiS Cougresaman.Joss, "ex- presseS a wsh that I contiiine te re- aut endormement et alI-the peOPle's pregent them util ratled te a blgber endorsement. office. That resotution bas bseu pb- Vote for Frank L. Smith t the pr- lished breedrasi throughout the state. maries August 8 euS you wl make no ta thai reseotion thse people intimat- mistaIs, s-S that they deaired me te be a can- _______________didate for UniteS States cenator. ACCUS QUAYE. ibis state, lu Cook rounty and my own ACCUShrereoeraUarLe. Bckd ince thet urne i have baS thousands aitth ccson rformratare hc W. of requestc from influs-tlatlu-nnlu aoins acuation e! gain vhlcb Wpe district thai 1 become a candidate for Hopinen. ileed lîn pi keperUniteS States senator. Thousands o! Quayle o! the Leke County ILev and Order League. Hopklneon says thet et ter being 'ses-n iy Quayle he palS bina $46. He saya t f rom this Quayle paiS $28.10 fine anS vIshes te know visat be diS wut te nsst, Quayle ba saiS ta claie that ise palS tise balance to tise city of Lake Forent vhs-n the rase vas a Highvood oes anS not a city matter, e tate charge bsiog leveled altiougis Stades Attonney Hanna vas not pres- sni, uer hIe assistant Mn, Miller, In Justice Bridgîoan's court vseu tise la- sue vas tris-S oui, VATrEs SETS PACE. District.j Mattomn Jou rna-Gar*e- -1 There ta no gettt,i l-,v.'Y troin t, Flve reesons wby the peopleoi Lake Ytes la setting a' i tire iînder our coany ehuldsupprt Jibbns. present peertessaj -e;. H eb Ing greeted by ici... cew& j'; Iait Fïrýt: Re is dimtinctively a LakeCeunty of the places whc; :1 tpeakL3 Go; ju6an. ernor Deneec- has 1I0 off troin hie Second: Hi@ past recrd is elean and ipeakIn9catnpalg.i . om e rua on. honombtle. - Third: On quetions coucerniug Lake YuredteINEEDETwn c»lUntstand o helol adntcolumii. So do 15,000) ters. That le cýourtb: ie pleasant relation@ ait); why the columu iqs ua oýij~I.i rAs a final word to the Republicans of Lake Coun- ty, I déire ta say, that I believe it is for a public servant ta do the particular work for which he is 'Y mployed and ta do it thoroughly. The particular work of a stat,' s attorney is ta strictly enforce the existixig lawa. Hence I subinit .2phlf ta the voters absolutely pledged te, the strict morcement of ail existing laws-those against GAMBLING and ILLEGAL LIQUOR 1 have neither directly nor indirectly promised tqnmn1ty, lemiency or favor ta a living man. With ý;:_Is i aspite for none, simple justice, neither more mor las, for every one aMne. TI. GF m-en, la my proposition as I an- MPuj>Jly lust Februarl, and as I most re- 7.bntit for your considération at the AZTHUE BULKLEY, Zgqmbl.aon 0adidate for State's Attorney. people have epeuly declared that they waated a new man in the United 1'tates Senate from Illiisl. Vote Only Advisory. "ge far as the Congreesional nemi- nation la concerneS, a plurallty vote wll secure it. The oie for United States senator le merely advisory and la net blndlug upon the legialature. It le te be hope.. tui. the tegllature wilt follow the expression o! the peo- pe In thet regard.' "Are you lu taver of that?" asked a man lu the.audience. *"I cetainly arn," Ceugresmian Fos responded. "Thats what we waet to knew," waa the reply frem bts Interrogater. "Ie t your belle!?" asked Senator Hopkins ef the congreasman, "that you cau serve _.e tenth district Iu the "a)use o! REprs-ss-tatlves and the S't tc o! tllino(is tle the Unite'd tates Senute cenctirnentlý,?' "That la a fontisb question;." said t'ttgressman Pose. "Ne. et course, sucb is nt my belle!' "Hopîkins eseld fil bth oft llem If ic- thought lhe could." said anuce ofthe ruîigre.snsn's auditors, and take al te salaries he rould get." Wý'ild a onelsent te dram, salaries; for bnîh jobs?" was anetber et Sei 'lIer Hopkîtîs questions. 'Ne, t1a'ould net!"saaid the (tont gîcasmaît. "rhat la the 01,1? ansa ci. t 'suppoese Hopîkins weld." 'tI arn gnng te asl. the peeple ut(ifa' i oîgressleual district te vote for nie for reîîresentative, and, afler te. Lave remîîared les record witb the re- eord et Senater Hepkins, 1 amn gobug te u.k lhei f they rau conscicctos- y gîve me tlieir Indorsement for that higher huner. the Utnited States sent- ie, -ship." "L.eaae it le us," waa the restieuse trou; a adore etfcmen. Congressman Pos' questions te Senator Hopakins areuaed enthîîsiastic respences from bisa hearers. "That wll bold hum for a while," ehoiîtezi men il, different setins of the audlienîce. '"He s-vsr wilt anawer them." No Furiher Proof Nseded. Reter-t theught thie paper wae friendly te înie'? Editor-So it ii. Whatîa the matter n0w? "t 1made a speech et tie bauquel lasi niht ' and vea didu't print a insofut i.' "Weil'" *hat futher proof did Y01 went oi ourfi-tendhlp" Albt J. eOm tm abe iDig. affl Statemant STATE SENATOR CANDIDATE Hae No Mudt t Throw-No ApologIes to M&ka.-Is Confident cf Results. Te the Repubtican votera e! the .Elghth Senatorial District: t simply wlsh te state te the votera of the Eighth Sencatorlal District that here la ne tr;îth ln Ihe report $cat- tered broadca,4 througbOut Lake, Blonne, and McBs-nry reuntles, that 1 am not eligible te the office o! State Senator on Srcout o f net bavlulg ltved ln the district îwe yeara. t voted ln \W'oodctork, McHe5l') Couuty, lu Nevember. 1906. 1 have lived ln Woodsîock cepatinuoiîlg' sce 1903 and for 10 yeas prier te 190' . 1 tîved lu Woodsterk 8 or 9 menthe of each year, onla' goiîig te Chicago lt spend a tew of the aitîter meonthe. .&dmttting every claiet made hyi thune who have pubtlshs-d onders- aree headîbues this blufif lu the hope o! costlng me votes, 1 arn clearly eutitis-d to quallfy for tise office. if t were net,1 it le not reasenahie te suppose that these saine parties would take the ne- cesaary stepe te lîreventle?' ramte appearing on the 1îrimary ballot. This iceulut be a siletle t;roedîîre but thP.,' kuew the tutility er Id. aîîd intad et fllicg a tegal protes-t the-". have filcd a politicat bluff. wlîcist 1pîre',ing a boomerang for thenaî;d ailing me. 1 a'ieh furths-r to tis-thalt 1de not cow or us-ver dîd oas tl s caleso or ai,' Iîtlerest ln one. Ner was the Frantk J. Clîiser, men- tioned ln the tlong ceommunîîilcation; agaiesit e'. ever nltilhi?)ed t)y mei'n. or in the nallk tîtît;îî"'. siih rme, 1tor is he ln the cilkthîtales', ln Cbicaugo at uiy old stand. I have eedeaa'ored te conuet a dlean, gentlemau;iî campiaig-n. i bas- not anS will net adit the îîolitical canard te aid me ceose. I stand on cia 1;ersonal, btucInese anîd politeal record and if 1 arntio- minated for Stats- Seriator. t piedge you that t wWl represent thîs district, al] o! it. aItthe tilee. t thank my many Lake CountY frienda for wbat they have doue in my bebaif and in closlug ans your support at the polis ou Saturday, Auguat Sth. 1908, content te jeave my caudldacy lu your banda. Do flot be deceived by any rleverly worded reports out te Injure me. 1 am n uthe field te stay anS your stup- port wlll mesurs- my nomination. Ver? trîîly yours, ALBERT J. OISON. D & W-lt Advertisement. HON. WM. H. JOHNSON. Who as Congi-casman cf the Tenth Illi- nois District WiII Rellect Gi-est Ci-edit on the State of Illinois. William Herbert Johnson, candidats [for nomination for represeutative tn Congress% Tenta, District, vas bhem Oct, 31, 1856, ar Lawton. MIcis. Hia parents werc Gilbert D. Johnson and Nancy Longwell Johnson, ploneers ln western Michigan, Gilbert D. Johnson served lnî the- W'ar o! the Rebelîlon as captain ef Cotmpany H, Twet!th Mich- Igan. sud was woîînded at the battît et Pittshurg Landing or Shlloh. i Mr. Jobnson bas bs-en a member et the Chicago bar for nearly thirty ,7ears. and activeiy engageS la the practice et law. lu Octeber. 1899, ha was marris-dte Miss Kate Hubbard. 1datîghter et Franaklin Huhbard, o! To- ledo, Ohio, and bas a family o! fou, boys aud two girls. He bas cerved as vice president o! the Marquette Club, aud lu 1892 waa chairman efthdie Po- litiraI Action ComtnIttee; ta a tife member e! lbe Hamilton Club, ant bas ser veit Cli the Politîcal Actiet Gommitter, la nov and bas bs-en for many years a niember o! the Chicago and Biais- Bar Associations, Law Club and Law Itîstitute; hanseerved as chairruan of the Nominatiug Commait- tee o! the Ban Association, and beeî a member ef the Med:nortal Cemmt- tee; la a member ef the ffkekle Coeun try Club. bavIng serveS for several years as director sud chairman o! the tMembershlp Commlttee; ls a niember of the Wlnneka Club, o!f'whlnhbchebas been vice presideut anS chairman ef the Membenship Commutes- and mena ber o! the Board, o! Directens. Mr. Johnson resides ln the village of Gleucos- sud bas filleS ths- positions et Bchool irerter, ms-tber et the coucl and pregident o! the village, sud has attended ftho Coagrsgatleuîal chîrrrh ef that svilge, anS served ifor ceveraI ys-are as truiites-, athougb net a le- ber of the churséh. He bas atls-nded tnany et the reuventions ef the Re- publîcan partS', lnrtudiog cont,, con- gressiemîsl air State, sud corne yeara ago vas Seis-gate te the convention et Reptîblican slubs ai Milwaukee. il FOR CONGRESSMAN Tanth Oltrici Pro's FREDERIOK C DE LANG 5t of Oloncos ,uAil Lake County votes for De Lang for Corgress èiiii, '. Smith, asaoclated with 0 Bradner Smith do Co. W. H. Winaiow, associated with Winaiàw Bros. Robert S. Clark, associated with 9 . , Robert S. Clark & (Co. , P. Coesta. aasoelated twlth Ginocbio, t Coesta & Co. Andrew Cunee, assorieted with Louis Ginorchio, assotiated witlt Ginnocbio Costa & Co. Jesse Baldwin, associated witb Jesse and Henry Baldwin.a Lucins Teler, associated wtth Chi-t cage Trust anl Savings Bank. P. D. Friedlander, asoriated with Priedlander, Brady & Co.d S Jesiah Cratty, asesoctaWed slth rtv - . ty Bros. and Ja,'vis. E. M. Murray, acociated wtth Bicycle ý MlOU. «»Me SdUud lest Îadder Co. ___________________________ T. D. Whiney, asseclated wltb Lud- owichi Celabon Ce. (From Tutsday'as$un.) Chartes B. Ayer, assoclatpd with C. A speutaneous uprislng ot Chirag's F Love Co. E. C. Pierre, associated witb E. C. business Interests in faver of theno Pierre & Co. mînation of Congreseman George Ed- John L. Owen, associated with Marx mund Fesa for United States Senater Owen & Ce. tu succeed Abert J. Hopkins look defl- William E. Hille, asseciated witb nit shpe eatrdy btheforat r-Marchants Publisbing Co. asol- niteBhae ysteray n te fomaior- Rebert A. Boiers, fermerly soit ganîzation o!fPos Business Mens ed with Rend, Mcnally & Cob. League, with John C. SraIes. tbe well H. H. Felchenfeld. pesaoclate4 witb kînwn South Water street merchant Felchenfeld Bros. as preident.C. J1. Eldridge, assoclated with Mer- as reidet.ri] an d Eldridge. Wilh the entry et such au ergla- W. W. MeFarland, asqoriated witu lon as Ihis eue, reliresenting eîîch M. Baker & Co. dliversificît commerrial îîîîcrcsts. ]nu, W'.C. Zimnmerînan, asgocialcd w1tt thepoitialfied a eenanthe ot-W. C.Zimn;crnian. tueî;eiîialfled l acu uoter ut Mo;rtimer N. iurchard. aseociated rroptinof e the lxiolilar Intersct arche, atth ('himage .Iewelel,'s Aasoratioli. ed b;' Ithe cea' primna r> la .It ia ai; Sauel oct tstroi;.associated aith other caldenca'oetihe inrertaintica of S 1l;ikstromn & Ce. the tirssent rareîaign, aîol lîrioga Thonflas. E. Dontî,-tly, amscratpd agalii te the foes the ques'tion as t1<)wthBR. R. Dî;aîîlly & Sons (<r, j;;';) how mî;ch Intitiencc the regîlar A. D. Ferry, aBssecated wlth A. D. ielltîcal machine la te haveIn luthe Pc; ry &, Ce. primariesof enîext Saturdas. 1j Wlllaiam aaî;cr.aswîl;lalcd with The new Fos rganlzation starta Kactier Stat" Bank. as 1h a rnemberahiî; efsecveral huniired William Kelacek. asaoclated wlth and ameng them are a grsat number W, Kolecek & Ce. ef the leaders who have helî;cd te J.M. Kralrler, assorlaled with bîild Chîcagos cenmmercial cupremacy Uinited American Insurance Ce. It la promised by the officers that the Edwin j. Moser, associated witlî ciew organizalien la te be ln u nese Reubena. Fischer a;,d NoHes. a figurehead, but that active and ef- Chartes J. Novak, aaaeciated wiih fective werk le te bc douesl'y the C. J. Novak & Ce. members. The fellowing were seleýct- A. C. T. Pregler. aasoclated with ed .as Vice Presidente' Autos, C. T. Pregler & Ce. 1John V. Farwell. Jr., associated A vigerous Fees campaigu wlll be with John V. Parwell Cempany. made up to tbe ieorning of primary 2. Andrew lWcLetsh, asaoclated day with Francia T. Simmous as witb Carson, Pline Scott & et). chairman of the executIve commlttee. 2. A. H. ReveIl, asseriated wlth Tbe-various business artivities are te A. H. Reveil & Company. be organized Imb Iheir claBsified tBues 4. Richard C. Hall. assoclated with and pushed te the ut.moat. New mana- Dock Brand Company. bers wtll be aecured each day, and 5. Benjamin Carpenter, aaeoclated faut as tbey are enrelled they willl with George B. Carpenter & Company. popl be assigned te duty. 6.JmsA. Patten, soitdwh Mr. Pose wlll make au automobile Bartlett, Frazier & Carringtsn. trip over the city this evenlng pre- 7. Chartes* H. Weaver, associateil visto hie i etmetn tSuh esth C. H. Weaver & Co. potson biRetmnt mvenei ndat out S.W ilhlMatmFC.e Boyden. sscatdvisit the steýriopticaus by whicb he Io 9. J acob Fsrhfer, asocied thbeing où, effectlvely advertimed. He H. art, Sehaffr Masscx. wt will speak at North Clark atreet au.l Hart Schffne & Mrx.North avenue, ai Lincolu and Belmont 10. E. A. Skinner, assoclated with avenues, on Nortb avenue juat oPp- WilsJon Ben. asocaedwihsite Humbeldt Park, and et somneipoint 11. oseh Bsch assciaed ithon the West Elde, probalîly Madison Siegel Cooper & Company. street and Western avenue. He will e 12. Abert B. Kuppenheimer. asso- then drive ta the tant meeting, wbere clated with B. Kuppenheimer & Com- ha wi make hie longer addreas. pany. pcamuiba enarnefo a 13. John E. Wilder, asaeclatcd wltb Sthecte dia ad.o Wilder & Company. tetitmeig nldn ad 14. Addison E. Wells, assccated a nd a quartette ot maIe voicea, san with Wells Bros.eue of the stereopticana. wilt assist lu the enterta.nment ef the crewd. Mu, 8 15. W. A. Gibus, asaociated with irai intrtîments and a snegaphone kWilliam A. Gî lot ead aalte hé e 16. John W. Scott, assoclated with pae aso hrtehe adde e mathtbe-other Carson, inie Scott & Company. pes ber h pcue ahnewl 1;. e. W . P.,uiw, solte wt J_ B. Ctew & Sons, 18. Frank G. HaIt) aaeoclated 'viii Ketbti res & Comnpany. 19. C. W. Spofford. a8sociated with Chicago Dry GoOds Reporter. 20. E. W. Lyman, ansoias-S witis Moore, Ceas-, Lyman & Herrick. 21. Alfred L. Lindsay, asgsordted with Chase & Banisoru. 22. *Edwin P. GetchelI, associas-S with Edwin P. Getcheil & Company. 23. James F.. Prat,ssociated vits Sith Wallace Rime Company. 24. A. W.lBecker, associated vih Becker Mayer iCompany. 25. T. P. Statwood. ssociats-d wvu Edward Stanwood Shos- ComPany. 26. George R. Skinner, assoclated with Skinner Bros.- 27. D. P. Caitly, associas-S vus D. Pý <rilly Company. 28. Josephs DowneY, fermer BuIlS- t ng Coînmlser. 29. Samuel J. Clin@, associated witis B. Kuppenhieber &. Company. 30. Clark B. Osboru. aBBsaRited widh C. B. Osboms, Company. 31. W. B. Mundie, assoriated 'vus 1Jenube, Mondie & Jenseni. W. B. Allen, assoclated vus W. B. Als-n Mfg. Go. A. L. Sencomb.ý assorbated with lu- ternationat Bilver Go. Edward G. paîîliîîg, asa.iciat-d with E. G. Pauling & Ce. 1 L. A. Goddard, assorlàted with Siais- - jank o! Chirago. - Robert L. Henry, assei'iated with iHe-nry' Oit Ce. l' Rebert MeDougal. aseoctated Nalth LIKnight & McDeugal. PrankCu'nseo, asseriated wlth Cueo Broc. Jehn A. Gauger, aseerialî'd with John A. Gauger Ce, H. K. Teuny, aasoriats-d with Tenny Coffeen anS Tenuy. Max Aaron, assocIas-S with B. Aaron &Ce, C. P'. Wiliard, assortated with Bush Hat Ce. M. Baker, assorîat-d with M. Baker & Go. Chartes P. Love, assoriated wlth C. P. love & Ce. John W. Lowe, assoclated 'vus Wayne & Lowe, Frank N. Savage- .aaaorlated vlth Savage & Go, Edward Clifferd, associais-S 'itis Horubtower & Weeks. Jas. B. Slepina. associas-S 'ith James F. Stepine & Ce. -Orneas A. BSmitb. Chaerles A. Stephenson. A. S. Maituan, assoclated. vît A. S. Metmen & CO. John Venuema. ,r Wyltla Baird, as»ociated 'vus BairS & Warper. TO THE VOYERS OF THE EIGHTH SENATORIAL DISTRICT. 1 hers-by announce ieyself as a can- didate for the office o! State Senaton from tise Eightis Senatial District, INCOMPLETE RETURNS FROM 94 COUNTIES FAVORABLE TO VATES Inconiplate estimates receive'd at Vatest headquarters from 94 nut Of loi rountiea, nôt including Cook, mdi- cala that Vates' neajority outaida o!I The Osoeu lwvwn*04<q a4ed ou. and* that;Adama, M*rgan, ý àaomon, beWitt Cols., WIil, Platt, Champaîgu, Vermillon, MoLean andi Tszewsll counties will go for Vates. They cdaim Macoupin, Christian, L.o- gan, Case, Knox and Pecria countis by fair majoritieS and also express themeves ns confident of carrying ýMàcon. The Vates leaders, however, asai-t ihat bath Pecrne ad Macon are for Kankakee, Stephenson, McHenrY and CarroIl ane concsded tel Vîtes by the Deneen leiders An aîmnaphere of complets confi- 'e. dença prevaiis at Vals' hoadq5isètens whkle thora are nmy evidencea of panlic ntthe aDenean ipartmont, which feeling le helghtensd by thé pr-- nnuncsd report that Mayor Fred Buse ha& told hi* lieutenants to "PutDe neou st of business." WvU. F. wVMs Canfd$)te ftr Stta .Attorsaeyrj. i;;t 1oiaallr; auCsupcil entforsrd un- a,îtnvu8l s. iudfrotinp 40,J ,mre nlaifr 4U et.. <F'rom Satuirday's Sun) William F. Weiss of Waukegan was laet nigbt made the unanimous choice of Ziou City for the office of state% attorney when WiHbur Glenn Voiva and bis cabinet ef eleven made tbw endorsement. At a single stroke this endorsement makes irý Weiss the leadiug candi- date for the republican nomination for states attorney as It gives bim between four and flIe hundred votez, tbe targest single votp lnZion City. as it bas neyer been denied that Vol- iva controis a majo'rIty of the votes. Nir. Weiss' adysutage by this stroke of political activity caonot be gain- said In view oftheb; new primary iaw. The Volva cabinet met laat night. l consiesof et nuheacde of the four departments of the iy's activitles and Voliva imself, making twelve. Thère are fthce elesiasticat. the cdu- cational. the î,litirat and the COM- merriat departments and unanimosly Mir. Weiss waa findor8K]. Superviser Farlcy le the head of the poiticai division. ZMon City generalty bas favored the Weiss candidacy from the atart and while tbere bave heen reports of varn eus nature It was known that Weiss would receive tbe indorsement. subis-ct ta the itrtion et the Republi- can prînles il> hel-d Augukt tis, 1908; ey ivo terms service lu tise Lower I testel oghite b ave somevisat qualifieS me-for the polit ien. If elerteS I do hereby sors-e to, vote for the candidate for United States sester thai saal recelve tise endorse- ms-ut o! tise voters ai tise PrImaries. Coqk cnunty, witt not ha lema than FRANK R, COVEY, 54,000. Belvidere, . The figuras are bamed on conserva- tive estimatas. irat Destor-Jobson ia. dene tibe The Daneen leaders now concede meanesitbing i ever iseard of. that »of 28 counties ln, iouthern Illi- Secou'd Doctr-What's tisai? noia, Va.. wil curry ml but St. Ctair, Fureur Botor-Be ceame ta tny houan Clnoned Harde,,,!tise otiser uight, atg a big dlnner, got Clintonindigetion. anS then vent toacaoliser The . Vtal mon dairnthe ltter twn dortor tbu ecureS. FA w L L.l TC ba Mi ln wi ma riae WC te W) i' 'slu t Or ni lit sec s f

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