Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Aug 1908, p. 7

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Tri NONE'REOEIVED L~JutFOR LES8 HA watt 25 CENTS REAL ESTATEB WýANTEO-Be.t bouse la Waukeî"~, Sthat $200 Cash w.ii buy. Mue, b4 beaMan.F. FLoo, Rointe 2, Bol 28, FARMS-We have a large flo! Lake coun ty larme to soUl, aiea bouses and lots lu village. DYMdolN & AU@TIN. 4041t_ jMISCELLANEOUS WANTED-Man with boise i Who in Weil aCquainted in Lai to work subseription prapo cornmicson bagie. Inquire at for p»rticulars or addrecc. Sube INDIPENDENT, tibertyvile. INSU RANCE-I write lire and tornado inanrance. J. A. GRAvEs, Liberlyrillo. -FARM FOR SALE-No better faim lu Lake CoUnty, priCe reasau*bie. AHTcrItu L. STANFYOU. Round Lake, 111. 40-tf. FOR RENT FOR SALE--Ubolce lots lu C. Franki Wrlgbt'a addition, r0xl;f0, for $20000.1 FOR RENT-Farm of 160 aerem, suit- $250.0 and $80000 f>vuioxi, & AcUT.1 able for darY or truck fariuing. C. J. 40-tlt1 CASTEaTON, 11 M Mapfle Ave, Waukegati, FO;' SALE-Âcre loti on 1ymofd subdivision, clone to town and elecriî FOR RENT-We have a few good rnod- cars. Prlc$30000. Ivon AUSTIN lern bouses and fiatito rent 1iioi 41-tf JAUSTI1. 4:-tf FOR SALE-7 roon) houe.-. nearly netw 'FOR RENT-7-room houoIe oit Frét bard wood finleh, elctric liglits and sîrpet, with furiturp or witfîout turu- good etrng water. Call or write J. . iture. Inquire L. H. W'HITNEY. 45-2 jmzX. iherty ville, 111. 36-t I-t I 1~ I i i I I I I 3 3 Q 3 3' 3 3 3 3 3 3 h :îi 4 TO RENT-Piauos. player and organâ. $2 to $5. Rent aiiowed if purchased. Bargainti in uced pianos on easy pay- ment@. Kitubail. $250; Stenway, $225; Fimeber, $125; Kraulcb & Baeb. $10; Apollo Player, $75; Organo, $25, Ed M. Mu-Cormick, Luce Furniture 8t,îre, Libertyvilie. Tefephbour 27. ILtsidîlieîî telephone 503. 37-tf FOR RENT-Fîfty ai-rte of nire pacture- tend ta ret fir the balance ofttlieca.iîi. Inquire Wii. CA, Hiland Farm, Lbertyville, 45tf 1FOR SMI FOR SALE-Kimbaîl aurrey for $110 Vine Ave., Highland Park. 46-tf FOR SALE-I double buggy, nearly ucw. run very littie; 1 ingle buggy, 1 Oak hating store, 18 iu. grale. for ptber Wood or uoai, 2 Oak heting t6ve, 161 In. grates, for wood ouiy, splendid claves wili sell vry r.-aeonahle. Can b.- ceu at the T. C. pesnlula-, (mince, III WAbiTE-Oiri for general honaework.-ij ot 9 r aw usar town. Inîluire IsiEPENi)EST ioficet.'FOR SAL-Mlrot f3r4-ac Libertyvill.-. 46.2 i Aifdreee Box 187, Librtyrille 452 WANTED-Two to six men to isrIII FOR SALE-75 rordm of wood Inquire Fresncb. New Mexieo, on our excursion 1E . A. Round Lake. 42-tf Tuesday, Aug. lm, via Santa Fe. The 1 _________________ bet irrigated land lun the entire moth-ti FOR SALE-Farnily trap. good as new, west aud prie low.-t. Special iniure- ! chea . F. J. ALLEtIAS, Librtyville. InenUà during Auguet. Ample watcr 3ýt tored ayear ahiead lTith-s aliolut.-ly ______________ perfect. Sec nie for particularc. Fu.À FOR SALE-Hoirse and surrey (-hjeaîi if E.I'RE. takeci imiuediately. tieutle lamilir drir- lig horse-' carniage lu gond condition. .,~uVTl'.Iuîquire W.Ni. LASil.. Libertyvîlle, 111. FOR SALE-Bleriehire loar. Iiquire, SACRIFICE SALE-4If Standard Farmi at WWIu. Nelri-lîe store, i 1r11-,llr. II. ir.- Fencitig aI a speciai priceol iScets or HcîUONF'ilILLI(H, One mile 'tio 0 i1 a rod ou seven bar, 27 intlies high, hog Roekefelrr. 4-tf fence, whiîle it laste and utber heigbta col ____________________________f,-ceat greatly redJuc.-d prires.AliiÀ LOST andFOUND Watt Frsi-e ., -Librvil 1t FOUNO .ciras îuill e.bclî tcrne to MONEY TO LOAN My tarii abouitt tour aeek augo Il e mnay Iris nr,. .at- la idî'nîîf.vîng and MONEY TO LOA N-0n good farlu rying for iie ad verticeuieni. W. S. security. J. A. (;u. %veS, Libertyville. CON,. Prairie Vica', fil. 46-4 43-tf * MEICAN POLITENESS. i 0 ogD Oem at ______ ow long do du-ame lait? A Goe. la th. tat. iof Mi0hoacmn Chlvslry in an asavantIsneslWhog 8 mt Compulcory. t er. But there lescearcely a doit no "Xi ny an pins tat 8e cfcoid nt gîve hlm Pointe andt bas tn -Ifvalp sud ophes tru kt erant ofdu-ameti centuries iu seconds. The spirit bave gone forever. let hlm tart codrum.I ybc sîated. cornes hi Vh forthwith on a fur souîvard journey. iew seconds before the awskeng mot hit is steps until be brngs p andt bas no relationu ta tîme Or "Pace. ln the towu of Morelia, wblch la the This la cîcar enough te the ma. who capital ai 1he Mexican state uf bas-e-ve been placeit under au anses- Michoacan.- remarked a traveling thetln "fo.r a short wilie sud found man. Urne and %puce ellminated. "Ha%,tng arrlved linStorlia, 8e vîlI Au au expermrnt thiz writer was et once se. that the chlvalrons spirit placed under a whlff of chloroform by still aurvlv". 1 was down tbere nt a doctor. &biOlute uncOuzclOuBnleBs long *goud the gallantry of the men sUpervenudt ten a retou of cou- and thelr exireme resitîncas lu entend 1 lousnuss. the questions oi the uni- courtesie e otbe faîr se% 1tesed aud verse, up tbrough layers of conaclous- snrprleed me. Wbeu I noiied tbe Duss.wItt always the feeling, *iNow I alacitywlt whnb be atie mieshave solved it,. and the "N." sud th. aJumpt u on 18 e nasdc te t car "Yen" alternallng tbrougb centuries of tume offr ton set, lu 1ed fr emîtathought, and Iben the quizzical face to st en ts(èrfdResteugîto he myssenitbof nithe tonton, emembere aiter a mil- much mare gntlemanly are tbffee1inyas Hwln aayub Meicans than many uf my osvn COUD under?" The experimenter struggled trymen. Tbcy do net watt te sec Ir uit and ssw the doctor wîth bis watch sorne otilsi man le golug ta get up, butl au ea ceonia" tee ducta- each tries te beat the other lua Co -sîd ad li demer hat b nouat- teouziIy profferlng i euleatt the lady. aide lime for a tm htbsn es "I spoke about the mtter la the pr- u rs.-Loudon Chronicle. pretor of the bolet sud Immediaielyi ho began te Inugh. A Great Arist Enrsged- "'Tyon muet Undreiant. senar.' sait Alma-Tadema bas toIt a tory of the the lunkeeper, 'thatte gavernur ai , fate oi two unsuccesilpîcturesai our îtate lasued a tecree Ihat If a-iY bis student days. Oue of them vas re- Min kecp i seatlfin a sîreel car. turnet unsolit by the committee ai the thereby coriplllng a woman taestanud, Brussels exhibition lu 1859. The sub- bo lselable te arreet andt a f1ite The ject vas a bouse on te, wtb Peuple police bave been lstrucledtuto xeccite resculng the victime. Thxe artiste afel- thsa rder severely, and I Iblul t1ls low studeats wcre asked Ito Aima- bas mncb te do wl lb the prompt oilîe- Tademas studio and were invltcd Vo nueaof whlrb you spealr, inue tione <)t ump tbrough tIhe nanvas, the &wner our population wgbes te becoittu- fi aiile4dlug tbs va! by leaplug bead voivet wlth the police andt toeie pub- fist througb the oily flames. licly bran.ded ase Icklng lu gentlîty.'" The other unsuccesaful effort vas a -Baltimore &mrelau. large size square pîcture that came back agaln andt again Voels creators 88. Had Rsd Buns. eaeel until mt îast It was cul nut of The philanthropie lady vas vislllug lis trame aud given to an aid womau 4 Gasgow pluin sud hait just heen te use as a table caver. ushered Iul a bouse wbae the goot The pîcture ii pralsed by aV leutt wit. was engage wasblng. Rler en- onai persan viba appreclatsd is excel- dgavoir vas It elevate the mis of the lence no Aima-Tadeuia uaed to de- peur.suit ehe asked, "Have you reat clame, for the id womian wua wot to »&Mnh?" remark that lt£as mncb bette! Iban la a*swer the gond Wtt baue bar those commSon icloth tbln tisat al- b MwuM arm and d»mlAe a lerge re ways le ba±t tht r Sugh. a thise i. nWzpY*fztu:"is'W -fl I gatis 11tffl 09m ~fa~fB5 okgvuS a . t .e tpm o' thse 'Pot,bglIfl' gu eàFbik.oM vu4p~ty et »BI K- a b IS a" OI*. « Womaai Wandisr% F1ic.l. According to a SlOrY front BarhIn0 S tan. ragged as to clothes and rather S emalateit as lu features, a Mrs. !Mey- er was found wanderlng the fieIds belween Laite Zurich and Barriugton r n Satiîrday anîd taken lu by the tenîants on tbe Grare faim,wb*uct- elie aat rt- turiiedto10 er home. Tbne womau It lIscatdit dbecu wan- iut buggy derlîte about for two ulays andt durîng isition n th al time bail becu wthout food ex- t tbis; office cept whaî she could forage. be lia-i atriPtlonI' heeli taken home audIo lwaeil) areit for. 1h la blleved that she wlll re- 4ohn Malloy and Miss Margaret Toni- gan art United. (From TbursdaysfSuin This rnor lng atilu, oclîiuk ah St. J , jts hc, 1Mr. Jobn Mallîti ai uîllteud ii. marriage I i Ils Nfaigar(-tt Tonlgaii. The cerenioni wýas Iluriorili ed by Rev. fichutte. The bride waa atistîdi t lbiler si-, ter, Mils Laurett, - iti il i Iii.tepîl M Elroy of Chnago ii tel as, hest nmari. Tht- bridea a at ti-tcl !it ahîti- tt- gaudir over whltci ikaoî î-a tulle- veilIundt clrritil a iti-rosi-s. Tflic brldesmnald w'e ri î îalnîy goan of wbite mail amii>i îrîcî a boutquet of tlili ruai--, Afier a sxî-dilig lîr-akfaatthie <ati 11e icît foir a short tiplî. There were iialiy oiît ortif ui gui --,t INfr iî. li i~and iii lie t hli tii tiî-ir m r itîti r.iltt ahi i g - 1 i- Arthur Bulkley Has Eieýen Voies, Weiss, 1, Dady, 8. It looksais ihttigh At,îîîi,y iiti Biiilli-y bail the- prohibîition îîîîîîîîîî. lion fuor ttaite satiornes - as thl.,ait uu<iiithe official caivase uif tht roi- blttini %ttretsetit tilt oloIw igý Biihkley for elatet, aitarlîci -..... Il [lad y . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. Wu-l ,. .. . . ..u IT WOULD BE FOOLISH. Wi, Itear aî niîniiiiier o! rehîubllcîatu tir \Vaîîkegau anîd Laie couuîii ex- îîitsbliig 1he opiniaon Covernor De- neen wlll be bî-ateu lu Nîisentler by Aillai St,-veitsoiî the deniocratir inomi lii e. yet a l ia dls foi *iioi-i artucaîl -- supprt.t i j - AUÔÜËJT 14. 1908 VOIX). Pio ed by the Arnerican Terra Cotta Br, ta LMr. and irMesAbert Mller, LAM ...celuin and .wss a tranger to Wau- prof, Sunîilay, Augiiot 2nd, a con. Harley Illen aîîd %vifs and bab "y re- kegan and Noirth Chicago. Mi s.Jiin Kirwan visili-it te-r sister, turned toî Ibit-ago lad ix i--k afler cpen-tiI lis faIl r9rrl I-it liîirto iiihsse- Mire Jennie cusman at Rouli Lao, last ing scieraI w eesai, tlicîr outage bere. nient of thc bîlliing alîcre he was DR Tlîursday. W. .1. (aile wa»a C liiceasv, vi-to>r, liieklititantID, o' Oiwil suninioued oritICExot M re iharity iînught is inluI. -rt %t le Fridii 'v .The niauti liv vas rut hiti lawbon.- oi -7ta a th bi clativ i--ia lew days thie Scik r..<lLans i t et t iidaey utt le otI aas satlered lbit iit hiwat caimeu 8 P. ili,,srs. ll-ibert Howard andit F-ank iluge hei. lts ueatb beyond tIe - lii the precîs e Becdence on Kriift. of Waukegan. werî- in baI, l i r. and Mrs f'reil Al-n and bhlîdren, inature of the deaîli r i-.-i-a-,svet Lib flunday eceuin3g. (if Chi-agit. caille ouI t t liir t--ttuge Mis Krpf as alld tt ltit ii Thinilu dyto cpeiid the i-ettif the sinu n~~kîiuwn.The i iie-iu ai l lihe blit ille- Kaplwas-diiedy h lite c. riî,Iller. thîs evenlng. DR. C. iii ia-s o! iceister. Meeîfîuîues Heurs- S ýt iii- e aftl't ah rý Eni îloye-s itaIth e utIl ai.clitl oI ha t 1fr. Srai 1111 o Chcag, x a t e EChcago passengers Fidity. îlyerîlisk. was stiîl liruaiîng whe orFICE OV gucet iSarat ives01 aud rinî ,iiandhe E.Cleveland and lui e întîrtiîiineiltlcy foulid hlm but the phvslcia lau iR-frOii arounîl Voilast week. Mm. ï[ay Hook w a- iii Cliii ugo al cd ta dIscuter asn fa!lite andt It lu Lit lire Evu-reît Stone entertîi lier Thursday. hellevei that dealh was tnstantan-uiiie mie rs. rWîîî. Bacon ar-I daiîglit.-r Once more ae wili give N.ouI a Iiio Th, lbody wa removed t o the Lareoti D.E Ferri, of Mvfenry,Saturdayaiýiîiiîday. timne. Corne ta Itîe dancefiatnrilay exen- DIE MissMaud Walonof ilet~ i ng at Aîîanns hall. Rotund)Lake, unid Conrad nmorgue. was, thie guet of 1,r parents h-r,- -atiîr TciteSO. elrtaîls ebow Ibayfet Rycrlil d ilay andl suiday.Mn feed si anfrom a ta-ertbîîyteh ielait special Atten lire John Richardson aliil iithr, As a îld îriha ht îanwt 1- ei.Lii Mre shltz are lu Deslai vei itiiîg IFrorn Thursday's Son a hIichcaused deauh. reluticce for a fea, daye. Juohnl Byerlins-il ageut abiout foi-i v The lîtqiîi-it wa i-I4 d lit tour thbIs af- Mr. and it Ire. Iiifford Wbh-ie fLi ng aas It sli ykillIetet ai lut clili -liierniil ttu a wiLîIa rsoliand CuinradiM Lake, w ere in Vola anc e%.i iii g 1.Ut t lis îîîîîî îlit ath1e naal Ira ininlg sî a- llarl,îi OVES LAEI w-. 1 tlîîîî wîen 8e fi-lti ont thei tecondl soUtas-8 Vo NMr,. iSarahî A. Howard, ofl1 ili---îil s. tol" outonue of the blinltgs ouit ich Hua, luTrain'Emn. DAIL wi.s a iitor at A. J. hsii ule li-wa, i-niîîla id asîilalîr How @halwe trainoir gils' is an 1.1 I.rila nîd Saturdoy. i3o~ rlin)slxlrail- to aurlu lasti seek importanît ietiîîl. Train Ibem awith M 4 C ahîel ctertained i r an- \I,. lu- gai. agaii liiu ekbtliteabout ta ny-w yrsof blek ii if Johnl Sabel andl sou, of veîtîî.îur yvon ant tii pIeuse your girls. A velvet ic suidav. slaknoa-u of bini excelit that lue Ilecm- train wouîd also maî llet lîappy. Mir. andt Lrs. T. Fisher, Mi-s lla' Hoora 8 Moore and Jennie Patter tJ.ti %Vauronda. uaturday afternt,î witti Dr, SMc getsa athe r. jN Giuer tîlhoIlesMciyD wcre Mrs. Vrani Znelmdorf oîîîl , Iiiilri-n IM &aËd Misa Mary Zaeladorf, oaIM, Ii ry Fanuy Seatoîlt. if Waucondî. -te i ROý bolo Sunday. VETE The Young Ladies' SocetYtiliiî- ,ý Janesville and John Deere ASISTAi M, E chureh sish to tbauk MrlItaI Ire Lit H-ti Padduoc-k and farcivfir itib-ue- uof Sulky, G ang and Xalking' Pl iw theirhous andlawnfor Itheet,, iibell there last Friday eveing andtiai-ttr fILsW their help witb the social. - -uWH assure Mr.and Mir. Paddock riiit tîîîîr International and 2oth Century kidesi pproeialed. 5 30.1 Lee Wheeler, of Wanconda. itothi-.,,M anure Spreaders getof hie cousins, Missae@ Ilaîi -.aid_______ Edith Snell, Sunday and Mondaîi ________DEERING-iCORNHARVESTERS A. Thte Lake Zurich Ladies' Aî id ilgire M C rikad DelgIukr ail irecrealu social in fibennitig m grîise. M C r ikad-ern ukr Saturday eveuiug, 'Aug. 15. bioidyt1 _______ Mites Lillît- Anderson. oflu îg is International sî-iting ati(0. Franis A Thîelisesesct gof Clitriiuc i tîce j F T L is ln n i the- guete flisJ. D. Fini la- tu-i s ioine ngin s vi A i lreclat lue i at i t i ii -,haftî-r 18e A liulile-r front here atteud.-d i i, iî 1iei heat of the batîle andîthiat the îawa ai S-hîuuibirg Sunday atîir, îî--fLAii'rs he c , spots art- stîll bort yît ai-ril11,s-u1al goîdtiime. A C ' iiiîe rstaîî Ilaliy ail v r'-îli1 irait 9l,-ce teanditMedameg B lt. Wii b. iltelrl o he tthinoeTanki.H, Krîîpî and F. Krîî1l, ctntS s b o îlî h , t t 'bte ff h i n ie S u d a ia t t l H . M ille a it D ia îîîî n d L a ke .T la cue is ace- Ial gaule Sunday, Aug.lP;, Lake, OOOD (anIidîlti-Sievenkeon bas aserconti Zurîî-h ve. Elgin. some af the- factlitaliem of is Iarty Kol l rs. reieived a earîîîu.l(if -attle iin serurîig the nomiattilon for gavera I 'oui Wieronesiii or. He gîtes it out, Ihat 8e la for a noîî larlisan admnitratioan o litre tbe alîid ailti-Deneen vote ainbte P' repuîblcaîî rackts For a mnî ao bas ii-su r been aîîy, tIlîg ilse but partisan, iipholdlug hbIs H IT pariy right or a rang. tbere la sortie mleglvlng abouti thishi for supîport. 1i Nether 8e îîîr bis arty bas e-,er maxi Ifestrd 18e first no-îîariisan inclinîa- tion alter II axeane given poweer Non 1artlansltlp by a democratîn gov- L AE G ernor souît disruîît bIs pariy Ilu lii unois. Ii ~inPTVI cy- On. Fii Wtdn'Grass. Anumber ai men vere Ieiliug nitrM markable catches off AtlanUic Clty. aud une or thern sald that one day ho f cauf5ht a very small cuit, andi,nt car- Ing to, take home euch e lîttie ieliuw, he look a plece O! napper vire, rftu h tba-ougb the tl ofa!t1e Ssb, andt ou une end o! the a Ire be altached a napper tag lith bis naine scratched upon 11L "The udxt yeur a-heu I was off there." contlnued th1e man. "I got a besvy pull on thehUne, aud after five minutes' figbtlug landeit a t-welve POUnd cod. aud there nlit il vas Mny tag-" "That reminits me oi a similar ex- perleuce off there," sald another man. --i canght anc ai those arnallcoit.and 1 wanled to bang sonte sort ai ideutifi- nation on i, but I coulitn't End sny- thing i hUcnopper taghUe irorn one end ni the boat ta 18e other. 1 dit fiud, however, a 11111e Un wblatle lu anc oi my ponkels. and, runnlng a vire tbmougb dis tal o! the fish, I buug on the whistîe andth(bnw the cnd bath Intc the valer. "The folîowlug yesr 1 guot a Most Pe- cullar bite on Mny bhok. und niter pull- lug In the lîne 1 grvt 1he surprise of MY lite. There ws the sentue 1111e nod. lie baisaI gruwn an Indu. tîbît bxug- f ng on bIs tatI w-as a long tog hot."- Pbllaitelpbîn Press. Muil Have'Had Exporîsstts. "'Neyer mînit, dear,' 8e sald reusstr- lngly as ebe raied ber eveet face iram bis ebouliter ani tIhey bot B ea the ablle îluir on bis coat; "Il vil all brusb off." -Oh, Charlfe," she horst out. sabîimîg bitlug ber face agaîn Upan bis ahiteY shouliter, 80v du you inow'l-Sti- erville Jnurnal. --- oth Ways. Womnau-Now that I. have feit you, are you gnlng vîthout doing yor work? Tram"-Olcoldn't wurruk on an lmpty stomach, 'lnom, an' 01 nîvîr wgrruk on er fuil one, so timers yez be! -SBmart Set Malta1 He.dway. ?4ervous Traveler etaoset companton) -now taut shouit yon gay yoa er travelng? OoMpunamn(wIbobau beau 'fiMtins ftisa walm 4 eqt amlsa oeut..-Ut& czi? "61%*ti n iI r Brothers Libertyville. 111. J . L TAYLOR. )VER J. ELI. TIJGOSB 1,G. 10 a. m. 2Vo 4aud ôte . M nBroadway, opposite Park. iertyrille, Illinois. CR. GALLOWAY. ES LOVELLUO IîHUfi TORZ. m 1 Vo 8 and ô Vo 8 P. IM. lertyvlille. Illinois. :DWARD V. SMITH REKIAL PRAtlMCE over Luce & Co.*s Store mtion ta Dioeases of tbê y iertyville, Illînois RE FL SMITH, DENTIST. LIOt!tNTY NATIONAL BANI. 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. -'Y. Iertyvle, 111fr ois- DR. GOLDING DENTIST to 12 a.m-1 to 5 P-M. Ell Triggs Building ýJ . L. Taylor-Phone i19 tes. Phone 1092 hbertyville. Illinois )F. BUTTERFIEL, ERINARY SURGEON. NT êTATE VETEIUINAEI*. àbertyvlle. Illinois. IlTNEY F, DADY LAWYERS i Wasbington Street Waukeg, Illinois Y- STEAMN LAWYER qWasblngtou Street Waukegan 'Phons 2761 JL MAC GtJFFI. 'ORNET AT LAW. ibertyvfle, Ilinoîs eRNZ u88 JESSE S. HYATT CIVIL ENGINEER ANI) SURVEYOP. Libertyville, III. Tel. 851 Office witb FRANK A. WINDES Winuetka,111. 'ILLE, ILLINOIS ______________ S-EPT. 15,29,35 45.5, The old reliable aud always suecefsful eounty fair on a bigger, bttter and larger scale than ever hefore New Additions New leatures New Buildings New Attractions New Dayj== The 66Derbyj Daq" but stili the same Lake Count!J Farmer's Reunion free Open Air Perf orm an ce s= Something Doing Everq Minute Exhibits that WilI Interest Both Old and Young The Greatest Agricultural Expo= sition in INio0rthern Illinois SpeedProgram Y<EDNESDAY, SEPT. 2 1 su-ar oit Trot, suakt- ciiied-----------......adiei $200 00 3 00 Trot. pursu---------------------------............. 00ou 2:20I Pare, purgee-------------------------------.......... 800 (00 THURSDAY, SEPT. 3 Frpe-ae, lurme--...-----.-...-.-...-..-...------. 2.33 Pac-e, akike cdus -ut ............- .............-- - -mile andt repent lturîîîug Cule-b Weiglite .... m, ile dasîî unit carry nîît lit-uhlan 145 pouiuds.. FRIDAY, SEPT. 4 i yeîî r oh - iaxu-. stait- i liHe-l........... .. uddî-l Fre-e Tuot pur-te-------------------------- ......... 2.15 Pare. 1acsu-......-..-..-..-.->-.--...-.. -.----. 1 mile uliuelîluuiiig i'atch b euglîtA . . . SATURDAY, SEPT.5 2: T'riii -plîrse .... . -.. . mi le anditru--at [ii iininizg---..--.----- I, tulle cluh .uie tun ty 1li-tlv iarrynuii esth lîa145 poiii............ ....... .... 400 001 400 0 150 00 1501 00 200 00 400) 00 4001 00 151010 150 10 17,11 00 6 OAMES BASE BALL 6 One Wednesday, two Thursday, fwo Friday and a match gaine on Saurday afternoon for a purse cf $50 between two of the best tean in the county LIVE STOCK Eibits will be parieulrl fine this yeuan d the HORSE SHOW wili bc one se"do equaflc la Norern Mlinois TUESDAY Opening Day. Ne Adîalsaow Exhilbltots wi propose their displayea WEDN ESDA'Y Chldr.a's Day BrlnIz the Little On« TIIURSDAY The Big Day* .Evtrybedy Goeu fRIDAY The Boat Dey of AI SATURDAY The New Dey--Derby Day ilfelp Maake It a SBUCeeu A Carnival Week' of Amusment and funi A Greater Midwayj with More Shows and'a Wonderlul Arrag; of Startling and ý Interesting SigIý*j FOR ÉALE-10 roorn houge and lot, 5xi, on Firet Mt., furnace and ail modern convenience.JomEIIIFu EO Libertyvîfle. Iii. 41-tf TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTY --of &il klnds for Pale Corne and me@ what 1 bave, You. A iII lind cornefine bargains. J. k- rÂLLbertyville. 4:1 tf WANTE SWANTED-)Mau to pay Ibacs cxapliole lu Lîbertyville band. Iri8trument for "aleou easy terrme. luquire at tis WANTEO-Sueady emnployrnét of any kind by man witb fauiîly. Farm fore- mansbl p referred. Miglt rmut tcked taro. Inq uire LÂKP (o). 'IiLDS 45-2 WANTE-Compleufniefl for faru. work woman, capable roui, good wagesforÏ11 rlgt people. J. H. HiAI>,à .Lb rty- ville. 43-tf eiý ---------------- ------ ----------- E[rrNuy BALPIE J. DkDi - il z5c L115LKI Y V à

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