Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Aug 1908, p. 1

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INIYEPENPEI and WAIJKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL. XVL NO 47. LIBERTYVILLE, [4K.ECOUNTY, 1LLUOIS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1908-8 Pages Boy DROW«NrD NEAR roada were heavy and i uuddy. on ac-! LAKIE COUNTY TO cunt et rairi. By an agreenment ire- HAVE A CENTENN lAI THE! NAVAL STATION te.tewler ofebetso any itnf save waler waa taken ou tire Disobayed Rue of the Gads Hill jnuruey, eatlng heing trictly harred. Wonderful Possibilities of Such a Cele- Camp and Stois Away Wih lion. Some Thinga Thoti May Party of Boys for a Swim. M@. De Koven at Lake Forest. Happên in tire Future. Poor Mrs. Reginald De Koven. Very Michael OGrady, age thîrteen, of dernocratically sire climired op on a There la anme talkin ter effcrt tirat 220 Seier treet, Chircago, wiro wag lunch couter stool lu a rallway sis- Laite county rihoulfi celebrate ls onue sent eut te tire Gafis 1Hill Enramp- tion te nihle a sandwich antd hecarne iundredtir anrîlversary or oganîzation mient soeeLinte ago iry tire members se interestefi in tire processa ta a ln 1938 and] an assucitilon iap lire of tire ReLan.' rd Aid Society of Ch]- wicked Indîvidual stole her suit case. terme-flilutire ucar Iutîre lu ouaIo cago, was drowned litire 8aal la- Sire had çrared it beside tire stool on tire idea. gonuathtie Unitedi States naval train-tire loor. Of course. tirey advertlaed, Tire courrty a s organizefi legalle lng station about terr thirly Monday and tire police have tire descriptionln1 1838, heur-e tire lactîg ofthtie coun morning. burt se far nothing iras come et It. tenary date as alove.Tire sanie as- Stais Away From Camp. Sire iad jusi comnlufrom tire cast Il) sociation,. if it is organized, proposes Accenrdir.g te thre ..fficlaofethtie vieit hec sîster, Mrs. Ciratileld-Tayloc, te celebiralctirth two irnndredrh imiut Gads Hill camp. ln compauy witb andi was just finulirng tire sandwich versary of tire otidng ut Wattitgan oine otirer Chicago boys, O'Gcady and was heginning te thini Of piclul 192(), 1720 becbg tire irst date ln stole away t ait early mour Moîtday when Itiappened. tire cit5r-r irstory. Waitegan Day mornlng. Tire part>' o ten beys went Thare wece ail sorts of trlirnirts and ua nta ht 192() sud ho rretire dat t0 tire naval training station, contem- a dlarnond erring lu lire case . Natural set sî,rt tfr tire granîd celebrations. paUIng taking a swimn hetore return- ly Mc. 'De Koven dîvîikeg tire lidesut Has lntecesting Possîbrîrtres, log toterecamp. iber personnai ielonginga binlrruilhe Tire ides iras imît>restinrg lossIhill- OGranly. It appeara, wat actinrg as irandfistarangers, W as>nuliiug of tics, amorîg wiîcitare lire îotlowlrîe tire cief te rgoup. tireir Intrinsle value. itctures ot tire ftrroutth irert>'arnd Caugnt ln Undertow. Many affairs wlll ire gîrcun irer cm)tuîý' L.eadlng tire way arroésatire small honor duclng ier vîsît lunlLake Forest. t-Tire poprution otf Waukogar outlet wiicb rins front tire ravine at Friday Mrs. Morrts L. Joitustone gave wîl be more titan doublefi if it keeps tire naval trailning station. OGrad> a luche-on lunirer houer 51 Onwentsia ni) its ireseut parc. waz csught ln tire undertow and iis and yeterds>' Prs, Hugli J. Mel31ruey 2-Tire cotty will ire cultrp tan brody carried suddeuly under tire w.- gave une,- country' astates for millionairea Ifthei tersansd mb tire amaîl lagoon near pre-unt rate ef prrcirase la sustairred. tire hariror. Three beys wcut le iis aid CANDIDATES SPENT t There will ire n nortir shore-- as dld a numirer efthtie employez at nyCiaofo akgnsuht tire station, Tiey wcce not qu iet MONIEY AT PRIMARIES enl Chon, ont aiegnsutr enougir. iowevcr, as tireirody was 4lakgr ilb ra ae soon carriefi eut of reacir. Que ofthto Prînters -andi Rairoafis Sard tbRe- 4.-akgr iI u ra at beys had a narrow escape when ire ceivefi Bulk of Money arnd ocean port. whlci te deep> aster- tee arsirtlu tre urrut.Spent Thisra ay wvien cxcflvated wil maIre l tcwlagtith urn.Camnaigon. arrding oceari comrmerce sud lait Because He bisobeyed. ___ trade with equal tacilîty. Tire oiliciais athtie camp clati lirat An>' body wro ieliaves that lirerat> Great Harbrn Grewtir. tire boy was Sit tault Iecause ire fils- run acar ag rîa ie00Wr Xaukeganiraror wiîir ils Ires obeyed tirerues orthtie camp b>' leavsr a'mpinune h ý r Ingthepreilsn wthot Prmisi ntsc>' law 0on notiig more tangible otI rate of gru tir, onie slii), a sesr andg t ire preurtses wtn errîslnthinair irad ibotter fucus iis eyes ounil ii xteud iura searica otfcslipsona sudir> vilatng ireswlntig odltire ianit arcolruts of tire 1,50>0 cantdi-nmain citannel clear to Zion Cita. nance. The oy'sbod wasrocvere bydates wio ceaaed runniug, Aller tirat (;-Tirerindustrial section', ut lis Tireirns iodywas ecoerei b' ie may revîse hi:. iews as hie ceea fît.iegso wiîî ire ou tire laite front to men aItirhe naval statien sm v.ere Tire ojîeolrg ot a barrel of moues tire bgirring ofthtie bluffs, oulu he aidedfIin tire las b>'tire dead boys literally took rflace iluIlintois durligtmgl ern NorthiChcrago antd Msuitegai rhums, lire cantpairn %%'bat la more. lis nd u on te west aide. Hrbmen ef ud Lasen h la in frtoue, vas tacatteradni)uîansd dowl tire 7-WVaukegan will have a syateut o gumione andwasjus leuingforstale irs tire varlous candidates alto publie parks. thre training station wiren word reacir foundi t necessary in get eut sud 8-TI>e Laite ceunt>' laites distrlc efi iere tirat tire body hafi been 'OUfId maire tire acquairtanre ofthlie ranki andi will ire tire tates hrbeaîiring place. This la tire Irs case et drowulug aI file efthtie etera. maur of tireur for t> Fort Sheridan wilI realî ire fr tirescirool hariror. th ir Oal ime i tirheir officiai lives. tifiafi foliowlng on tire deep walerwa: Atln 1. rs,.0o ' was irnt..rnt.exeeesnlnns anr>.,rr a l actt e e.iro f lm BOY KNOCKED DOWN f BY AUTOMOBILE ti _________t Long Distance Waikers Reacir Laite Bluff andi Retucu 10 Chiclago.- d Otirer Northr Shore l Newa. th Alfredi KeUar et Highliandf Park met witb an accident Thursay attennoon wiicir wili prebahi>' confine him tu iis b bcd for soet ite, but frent tire re- t pert ni Dr. Berge-n Itlsl ho1red urn sert-U nus complcatious wnul daveler. f Tire large touriug car of R. DE. Hill v was mast lowing -Lrwu near Levinsat jevelry tr e on Cenrai avenue wirene Kelier rau ont front iehinfi a box sudn failllg toeascape waa s keciefi deanf aud tire machine iassefi overiis rgirt ide. Tire slow apeeiofethtie- machine accounta fer iis net being more sari- ousi>' hurt. M. Hill toittihepoyimme-diatel>' te Dr. Bergeu's office andi tircute iis honte. Stuart'& Cottage Burns. L.akec Forest iras ireard with fiee-p1 regret sud sp'mpath>' nf tire-complete- destruction b>' lire of Protessor Stu- arts cottage aI Nortipent Peint, Michrigant. Tire>' were ail t a>' at S picuî aund tire professer write-s "on our'ratuntiere tee-ce ouI>'embers erea v-alefl a ottage."-I.aie Fer- ester. Improve Laite Ciannel. Fox Laite, Ili., Aug. 15.-WiIe me- tr iosîs are iucreasing ln nunther on tire waîar of tire rivera and laite-s. naneca et moats are unIting t10 Improve conditien rf travel. Tire san uckauit er wbhibias ireauaIt worit on tire riv- er sentir et Pitaitea Laiteiras movefi rip mbtirah laite andi an effort wili ha mafia 10 gel Il tataGrass Laite for de-penlug tire chanal te tire string of laites near Chanel Laite. Long Qistance Waiiters. Tira tour men wbo compate inlutira long, distance- walk front tiraRosir treet ridige te Laite Bluff, ELl, and~ returu te Chicago, a distance of OittY- two mile-s, a-l complataf tira cours Sonda>', sitir C. W. Pihilpe iih Ing lu tire van. Ha coveref tire dis- tance lu 16 heurs andf 20 minutes. H. A. Collne was second lu, 17:45 sud -Victor ColItes tiird Iu 19:40. Coule>' ,Wj4 l ourh la - ïg;0 fTe ire canupalgn Iîy tire rcandidates of tire four itolîtical tickets, arcording to es- inatea made b>' leaders efthtese liar- lies. -Wbere fird it conne tront anrd aiere lit! It go-' aitad tany astonnisirar! i ticiana vue hsd conlrihrîtad botirte, ire brig tond sud tir e aicuse ef cun ning tire caiopaign. Source andi Destinationl. luat wvireait ail camne front proit> bly nobofi> kîows Tirat printers w'it turnefi out tire tonns oft lterature.* 1'neestainro piovIdea tira staliiE for tis printed i alter, tire rairoad v-hidi wiiked tic caniddates airoîr tira atate, sud tire providera and i 100 ara. et ternIs ah goltireir sirara of tir morne>'whicir vas baiug spent ' s trealy. Tiss dfiltinnai axpausa vas attrîl uîed largal> te tire eiliiation ofethti bosses sud tira political machinas air lu tîntes past mafeia t theîr dut>'t, place tire candidates iretere the par itie. Under tira new law each cannd date tonnd tiraIiris aucceas or tallur restefisolel>' upon iris own airoulfeir He irafite turuisir his own lite-ratîrr iris ewu staff of irubiity expierts, an rI sppi>' iis ovrr stampa nI tire caý efth liaexpeuses. A resprectable fortune s'as expn ed b>'tire ses cr candidates for goe nec sud their supîporters. IIICCOUGIIS CAUSE WOMAN'S DEATI Mca. Editi Zinîmer, wlfe of Edwai Zimmer, fiiefi aI Highliandi Park Wr> ne-ada>' toliowing îîrolunged allants tire iicceugira. Tirevirole case it nîsiresenaeofthtie ofidest Iustances y chroniclafi. Mca, Zimnier, wiru vas abouI Inn dOfve, la sali te bave suffaref of vi elent sud uecontrnllabie allants oftIt Irhiccougirs for tirrea >eaca. irer irusbaud and phyirpilan are saifi te have- afvised hier teo nde-cge an opera- tleu andi race-tti>' aie-underteent tire aeration enfler tire handa et experts ai Augusta-na Htospital. 'Hewevar, tire- oparation seemefi te hava avaliafi ier litla as Wednesfiay uigirt sire diafi lu wirat 'la saifi le hava be-naunauattacit et tire saine lfi iiccougirs. Ode laSses a irusiraufaud tirrea cilfirsu. A qucer tact lu counection witi tire late Danbi Cole, kfiledz on tierailiroafi at Ravinla two yeaeRIKaO. portance trou> a ntlitary stanfipoint. Naval Scirool Finisiren.a 1lin-Tire-nrval training acirool aitt sear nlasa et 6000, aîiowlug for tireG O fral graduation> and giving tour ycars f 1for roimpelitien of tire aciool. ' s n Il-Chircage sud Milwauitae wiIi ire 1initef b>' meaus et a great macadam or asîriaît irotlevard. t2-Wauutegau irariror wiIl have a yachtingibasin, sanmarne part, a chran- nel car te tire wire weritan sd a lina of ore troats traveling tu tire Wauka- )gan amelteries.t tE lTirere will Ire a laitesaire rail- vt ay Indefinitelyncrt. V. 14 Tire down town district wili le irave expanded Io' trille inlisre inn O Wariiegan. 15-But virats tire use ot dream- ' Inig? Blow tire antoie away. lIs' e 190)8 10 None of Tirese Lett. tu However tirere woulfi ha noue et Otire followiiîg lftI, it la probable- .1 1-Sursivors of tire Wsr of tira R- -e ielionuor Mexicsnr Xlar. rs 2- Rosi olfi Laite count>' sett;ers. re 3 Sorvisors efthtie Indilan tinoas id i Wrsoiegan or Laske count>'. at 4-Tire seteranrofuthtie Spanisir Amerîcan Viar wilItbe mîidle agefi i-men. 'r- MCIIENRY COUNTY MURDER MYSTERY tdWonan. Siain by Cousin Whro After- cd wards Turns Weapen upon Hinvsef e- and lasin Crilical Condition. of1 Mle eNiet Mcy, hoery o ute o mioebwetct, sireni lnthe>' la irisy cousi, sMcta.ndewcll Cly wltb rifffe Tirurada>' aveuîîg ai lgit p. t. Tira tact is et inlereel irea iecause tira principal acIers arces'eu itnown andi have- relatives in Laite reunt>'. Lures Womnan From ouse. Mca, Newecli Couir>' tas evidantit lurafi fremthtie famll- ceaide-nde te tthe harnb>' tire murderar, as tire brn wan tire acenaetftirasiroting FelIowlng lire morflerons attack up- on tira lite oetbis cousin, Colir> turned te rifleupon hirintac, IuOlicting 1wo weunda, oeeilutira mout, lire otir aboya tier Igit eya. Shoots Cousin Tyvlce. Wireu founfi by relative-s Ilt as dim covarefi that two wouuds hafi beau le- fllafi, Tire oman was dead iren tounfi, Colir>'lay lu a pool etfiloof at bac side, unconsceus aud ln a dylug conidition. Ha waa paced Intire cttb )a t> tif es ir. ay tody ef thre aieriff nfthe counIs whe tafi hlm removefi to thc lower house tear lire courrty Jali. Eltirer ofthtie two wounds lnflicted n thre body of thre Couinwould have caused Instant deatir. tOr, rilec oie N-as tounfi ln the breasttire otirer in the torehead. Husbmnd ls n Jail. Mra, Newei Coiby's ru,and la at prescrIt dolng time intire Illois state perîltentlary ati.Joliet. It suenorer le ahot and kllled. Dr.lIcite. alanoto !ricivinry. Tire murlet cd woman ceaves three cirilfiren t mouru irer Cause le a Mystcry. Tire cause et tire rnuid.,ruattacit as a myatery which bias tr >detly toit- Pd tire police of McFieur, m tyott. Il la teared, hewever, tirat CII19 migirt have loved i Is ircotiers ait, aud that ire had heen "turned dus i' by lier, thua tire act. Althngh 1,-r huairand la conlined ln tire state p-nitcntlary, tire marrtage Vows and seals have been preservei and trIent ut ftire de- ceaaed cdaim ~rtaire stili lrod liter irurhaud. Colby WuI' De. Tire murderer, It t, t-pried, wrll ot live tirrougirtire do> ITh, bullet wounfi tirougir thire otifft iifeared, wili save hlm from tire gattows. Pirv aiciana worited over hlm ail dat, ln an effort to sae hlm trurn rhosating lthe deatir plattorm, but relut trrom Mc- Henr-y state tiret It la d,tflwiretit er ire wll survive tire eo-ing fis condition was moat critirît IMMORTAL "6JOMN D." MAY RESI IN LAKE CO. sanctruary in Lake couni> to wiricir ie may retire wiren harassefi b>'tire as- dduous magazine mnuit raiter or spe- lail writer. Saturia>'tire coutrart ,ai et ftor a tiaguifirent residence tii.> i, fntir e raclefitaILakre Fore.. ý,sotrillran oullues near Higiraront tir iHaroldi ricCrricIs, wboo rt t. t t1ohn rI1 Rorbeteliara daugirter atnd r'. iiiivte reniose toLaite ceurr.til s laprnnia- ri-ut placaetofresîdenr. Tiree Fourtirs of Acre. Thus raitir relatives tit. itr- i"ere-.t pruier suddinnît outalt ilt>%, ilsta Join D. ma>' aitan> tt .it i. iteI aray 'fronithtirafret tint t ir-t, irfCii- cage, Clevelaund or New 'Yonitsud b. in>mured fil rural solitude tiîitîtroacir able, ro ire ne-a MrCnriîick"tplace viii ireutiles esrh way trot r raitroan station. Tire excavastion ofet irea toittraof art acre witt iregin sirortt> andfiti ncw M(ornrtmansiern la teho ci Gsrgarîtral pîroportions, fit tor lth foundIrng a famil>' andi tire ioualng n acycra geriteratiens. Just Lrike Armouria. Tire NlcCorniicli place viiilu fnac he lite ArunutoiiJ. Ogdeîî Arnieur' hundrefi roonr ieiAtafdin1ratade fr ii daugirler 1tîtîts, sud tili. ahir cempleted,. bcelire niosl clarnte ani beautifut v art.. otrestrdantiarl art fi tis state v thir texrceptionofuthli Acteur place î-,t ut LaiteFoeraI Wîil Taite Two Vears. Tireirouse vill irrduiiy trao cars fi Ils erection anditire wertrts fanion artista ahIlaid itri tlisairnipli îîus de( orallensansd si liie utatrrngemneo Fartions roouîs riti uroîtîsuverl ranowneal atituîtîtsvare tnr lie finît catefi,nontabt' i erlsfront Versai lei;, andi tire iîbttecinne la 10 telle' pure Ideals n ttif tîhe rIasi sciror Armour Tiers of Tasis. just on til te-iif tire arrnrînn ln1t of tth, lXl i inîck planrs cour( the ocras trt ITltcdentr tan ef huainîr .tid a chli ofthe ni block. P. il)Attînîlor.Is latirer! Oftil stupendons t ik if ratsing thire sar Armotiria, sse tif Laite Forest, ai aitirougu in\\ti ltiiihIil t. ' Itu make It a s ral'in- tî,îrtî eaiîiecii 'as1 Oirai pianruefi I.iita Vatîin l-itiila Ssali! lic fiudIng tire iir.întrie utitîci l tain. TVe ittiis ut oftire nirîiel mon muansion. wticlt %il Imequires- sxt> M sautsta o te>lti lae. latort big tasit for mot itfi isair!, snd salea wlti a yarît imoti.'lteuc crlisnilr abetere tire pltirt. colutleteil, ilmeur la tire,] r f it He irefers a present ne-ides i,,filtLakr' Forest r a.Ciîcago, sorncltiîg les" irîtenrtii ie sud costi>', antIifl is sald thtiahie In grets iteent>'.5>t miariigont Armouria prujectircir is tire vonc efthtie stala. ]y Maantlme huc>'forces et wurmin le are St anri or> tiie'mansion sud t Swouders ara dati>' rempletef, ta ir eritage 0et luti' iolita ta>' ira id Ouest lu tire land. VO) Onaeirundred nusd Ian scirnol mai r . reported for dt t>'aItire oening et In anuUal teacirers' institute, whlch lm en session at tire tresnt tine lu tira g sembly rooutaaItirhe Watikegan i s- Iachool building- $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.>i ing, eut ot thaf city, saut tîaluload'. îf Igainu eofchdat y. attail so graiher a a, nIl o e ts sin entroa, an tire th,-cagiolai- snenw'trl, arte Chaicgosînd preparations. Thre Northv.cstern ex. ppett to handie tire lIrst 0f the cuiug crops withiln two weeits; tire sanie is troc nf tire Wisconsin Central. Both rond., are, gathering att damiaged teriglit cars and are rushing worit on theit. 'rhe., are enîploying hundreds of met> for the ptîrpoae, and esery shop Il, ruutiug St full force. ,%t t1O X %V, Nlilwaukee sirops the M iw au kee ro at Is repalrlng app tru\l- niate~I li) crs vper day. In thcse sairne shuos froimtwcuty 10 twenty aLve tara arc heiru but each day. Fise great locomtitves, nf latest patteru, arc belng turued 00f esery rmouth- The read titerclore experts 10 handie tire coming healvy traffie aitir aIl rea- sonahle rapidity. That tirere wMhre at least a par- tial sirortage of cars lu expcctcd, how- ever. Il la nul posstlble for thre road. te taIse up therecnoros traffie of ir tai! without any loconvenicoce, whcn a Il other seasena of tire t-ar require hardly more than hairthtie cars de- h~~i )UuL, 1~. AFTER IMPOSTERS WHIO WrAR BUTTON4S Old Vetecana Trespassing un Rrghts nrf Protective Order Must Join Pott of TaIse Couse- quences. Notice isareitrg seullt omer,-carlntg lthe litîte bronze irrîtînu' of tire G. A. R. sud whn are net memrbera of arty ptost tirat tire>moist desial or juin tire orier. Tire statotes maite it a misîlerneator aundtire stste comnmandler iras doter- mînefi to prosecule cases broîngirt 1 iris notice. Tire circutartler Issuefi lby MonIs as tollows: De»ar Sir--Tire ionoraity i>'scharg- eud auldiera or sallors sirouifi, of ail mer0, always saud ever>'wirar, -slricily aud rireerfutîs oh.-> the law. ..ThrestttttevutflIllinois ,rnsidc as totlows: 'It shah ire uulawful for ait>'per- son to vear tire badge or enibtcm of lire Grand Army ofthtie Relorirtir, thre United Sîtanirh War Veteraus associa- stien or tire Aruty of tire Pilippines, t0 obtan aid or assistance titerer>'front any persen, unlesa ire riali have ircen ironerairly uischarged and ire entitIefi 10 wear or use tiresaine under tire -rulea andi regtîlatlons ofthtie Grand Am>'ofthtie Reîuirllr. tire Unitedi aSpanîsi War Veterions' association, or etire AfuiyofethlIe Pilippîines respîect la iýely. .. Arr persnconu'icted ot a viola- liot ntfanr>'outthe prrovisinsaof Sec- *tion 1 of Ibis art. sirait ir deenied iry *tire rotit grnilty of a miademeanor, andi *and shat] iee Oued lu anyasonttless lthai t1il dotlars aud ntot miore tirar )otan nintdrsct dollars.' 0 '"The rotes atrdf regnl ationt aof or a-orîler iritville as foltows. *'No persnshah ire cutitiefi 1< ssear tire badge or buttlnfth ie Grant ýtArmyofthtie Republîr unîcssire la a ro mennber in> goofi standing efthlie Granr tl Army ofthtie Raîrublir.' 'l It la reitorteil tiat yot> are veariti, )e a Grand Art>' ir>tton, aitiîough netE h-memrnir ofnanry poat. e Il devolves cît me, as courtaudel id ef tire Dapartrnut ot Itlinoia, Grant Arrnyofthtie Relirit, te rtotlfy al tf wiro wear tire tirtton iltegaIlly thir ce tire>' are ot only disobeylog tir ueý tf andi regulations ofthlie Grand Arnu e but are aiso cittilg a ernn tf offense im îtier tire statiîtes ofIllinois 'nies tire acarers desist I shah hb ton cd ir tubtae action. Howevecr r t lînctant 1t iis> ie 10 resort te extreti 's ureasorer îriy action aitI net ire hon ror deisyed, en lOt r r> ioniorably diarirargefi val fi cran iîold bclong no tire Grand Art n ert lit Repobitti, andi assiat lu matr eý tairlng it. Tire cnet le tPifling twn t tour cennts s veek for duea-the ortir nîced p on>, sud you wlli ha ireneflîn In ir> iasing tire organîzatir> a strol ns anrd sigorous oea re '-jolinsanme post and again marc nt. sitoulder 10 sirnulder wirtirte cor Id rades who are respectei andi honore ll nt onltiy ibi ts nation but b> tire e il- tire worid. Induce otirers te JOin wil ow mou, tirereby aldlng us In exteudir. >1l tire riacuineassefthtirsgrandeal au muet exaltefi association t tat iras ex, ice r'xi.sted-an organizatitru aitlOnnt as lîcer. in 'lu conclusion I alipeal te yotnr v Ild triolisin sud geefi jofgmeut. andi a ireo riraI yoijin a pelit or cesse wcarii 'ce, tire imtont; as, if yon linsiat rpon wcf lin irrg It urlais tîn tiy il lI e ut>'dut>' ,r lîroceefi agaiust yen acrurdluig t., la ire 'Yorirs v ry trul>', -.BRAN DB 13RRY, is Deiîartme'1t Commandei us- ro RAILROADS PRIEPARE Sa FOR GRAIN CROF nefi Lake countY ia PlaYing a brg-Pi Ar- in tire movement oi the crops oft iris great nortirweat. Ita bcanch Nor and western tine, tire Cicago andi Si lua Line Railway, iras Of lste, wrth1 re- main lune, been irandling long tri lira of damaged caca wiricir are belng ai dcce to tiresirops at Miwaukee for cepa foc use ducing tire marketing of1 men irarvest. new More tnt tis, lire great irarvest tira tire norttwfetliasses rîgitt tirrol th thia cmrtnty. Says tira Milwauitee Seutinel: In îreîîsrstinn for tire enortt tralgirt rovc'ncnt Incident utten ,m ripauIug oethtie croira, tiere alîrnafi ftire tire state arc repairîng traigirt s lu Sud cleariug thaîr Unes. eaa- Tire crop moventent iras iregun hlgb et Kansas City'. Tire Chicago, Mill keeanard gt. P'aul coad aireariy lasIl it iSUBSCR1PTIONS * INDEPENDENT iPaid at thie Teni O AT THE Lake County Fair * Sept 19 2, 3, 49 This asbeau tire customt of this paper for years sndtire lent il * ie founfi at tire usual location. Make your ireafiquarters Chu * Vstors wloe ,f Tiere having ieen n e collec or o u tie road tie past yesY a tIL1 ber et subocribers on tire rural routes have ireen fieniemi an oppoet" __ aud tire pleunre of "settling for tire paper," At tire Fir la Us Don't for-get. Don't sa>' you are net geiug because youam re It & aun . So wiîîyou. ,-~ POLITICAL POT BEGINS TO Paul Mac Guffin M .nion d as &A date fo, C uny Judgs alto Poi5I-" Ie. aukegn Civic Officiais. XXilritit6e result5a or tire jriiWst ca rc ci> rorrrted lire game Ofe tWtt0 irsbît tarled again sud candid" - trlr tttof mayor. eouuty j~ sud niher cil>' and count>' offices tu, biW Ouled aItirhe spriug electina are hé. not; t alited oet Alderman tiitrai F. Bidinger thuW far seenia thte roartimnua ciroice, fur repriblicarinninationnftoc mayor and, wilir a good cdean record heiiaf IUU and witir oan>' movemeuts mafie W, hit for lire peoples heneit la regar cd as moat promlalng. Tirere la an aifiermanlc sent to li fille>] lu cacir ward andfi lelaanticipait d tire tottowing wlln toc ce-el5ý, tien: Crapo. ItIMcflermott, 20d, Man. .3rd; Morrnw. 4tir; sd StM*41 For city treasrrer tire are no r0 pacra as yet. E. P. Bidînger l preseul incumireni. Forc Ity à~ Harry Tiracker wiii of course g90t$» ruauimous endorsement of tirek IMM~ fer re-electien. For City attornuey sous auncunces tirat ire viHirj sud tibs leaves ia vaeancy. 't$« E. v. orvîs la mentiontedfofr t4 Tirer- are ne ether caaadidateoi In tire ceunty line uP ttO0bide5 te ire a tirae cernerefi fight for ceunI>' jrdgsiîp witir Attorniyé5 sous. C. T. Heyflecker anI&4 -î Guffin as tire participants. ' noue oft tiet bave autoflU.ý1 neuncementa or slgnlfied thetr' tiens, thelr names belng meirtdié supporters. dnIW Tire are tirîs fac no d aspirants for city e oCUnIty3Oblfi tire republidan part efthtie çabien, lg pfayed briskly andi conditioMl* , generaiiy unfieratooi even at eari>' date. CARS TO MILWA. t r- Milwaukee, WIs ,Aug. 8weatirer conditions prove m Duntoward lu tire next feue WO* fOicago-.Mllwaobtee Belec1a tcompany will ire runuinV eYU ýtween Milwaurkee audi Chiicag Ocloirer 1 and pessiiriy bya ,h b e r 1 . ýY Coustruction work in thre éitY practioly been comlrlatefi, Bthave irean laid sud balla na mt s jî 10 towitin two mils anith re clty lImIta. Poies have hoe ir up te Howard aventan d wis:7 t ire strung&s soma as tire pollesa avW lu inplace. Tire wock ot censtcuctlng b, 19 la i ng dions under tire dre iq ce tire recelvers ofthtie C iîag E-watikee Electrie Rali*aY eempà* Man Wantsd. Six Young ladies, wiro reat#tn Rocktefeller, sud tlacîr chILP0010, an exciting tiIntlst Trne*4ý e lng wiren the large tant la W# s8 were camping at tire head 01 e Laite coliapse d leavlng ChUle t clafi te i'ght tire tierce x- caint'whicir wa peltlng do'u ail rate et three billion droP8 Ia Reports trent Rockeieiled s*4 ud tira girls are ail] autfrn5 ftr coida ibut tirat tirey do Rot f. en e-tire werae et weac. Thr e- were alan drencrefi. TheY a*9 that they pent a moat deighz ".altrorrgb they wece COMiid19W about tofer elît. LIL'x.à-l Tire- crepa efthtie nortir will net ire reafi> for movlng toc about titree weeita. At 'Minneapolis aud St. Panni,1 acrerding te Wisconsin Central agents, tire cropa arabieîg irarvestedf. Tire soînti andi weaî have predrîcefi crrpb snperIer te tirose efthtie Isat few > ears. Tire Mlwauktee road. atter meviug tire mounlaina et western grain to tire citles oftIhe east. wil hrrry ira-rit is treigirt cars laden witir GAD'S 1MILL US NOT IENGLISII YOU KNOW Tirey are Imnproper Saya Percy Alden Because Boys and irmla Are Kept ln Camp Togetirer.1 Chirage, Arîg. 17.-TiraI surir a camp as Gafis 1Hill would viOlate al ttire Eriglislsdeas ni propriel>' waa tire deriaratîon et Parc>' Aldenruent- bar of tire Britisir iouse et cemmens, who spoke yeslerday aSthtie conter- aride on summer outiug wock aI Gafis ilIii camp ati.Laite Bluff. Mc. Alden iwasstor twelve yeasa sresifient of Mansfieldi Housa. a London social set- tilaete, burt la ninw a me-mirer etftira bouse et rommous front Tottenhant. lun Englanfi wa hava no sucit catira as tris, lu our country tirey teoulfi ha cousifiacafivery impreper,' said Mc. Alden. "Thia la tira Oral canrprI avec aaw lu wiricir ioti rd' anîd girls ara recalvefi. Tire wa>- we -do other tirea l te have a camp fet i- men sud anetirer foc wonen, sud te r have tireirOtan>' uies spart. t ha-v. r nIetnte oser here, iroweve-r, te tell i you irew te donduct YOur ontini 9 rampa, for I thiluiyeu are lu afivaur' of us, sud 1i wli try te get anme lmt t provefi metiiodsa afopte inlu t>' wt i- country wiran 1 go iracis." r- Business Poor Tins Year. hSturimer casorî iteeper8 of Lait g ceunI>' are up against IL. Tirea1i d~ uotiring doiug. Pleasure seekera are cr te-w andfi ac hetween sud as a resul a businless is at a standatili aitirougir et prenses ara higirer this yeac Iran rt an>' eue tinte dtrring tira paat yesrs. iHotel Iseeliers at Drcr Laiteaud ik tire larger laites efthlie mont>' at g nunce thal neyer have tire>' se-e cbusiness as duit as it lsaaItirae pres eut tinte. Tire- places usually fre o ented are "deafi." c. Tirerae nînt a rIozcn Pieoplte ata iug at Drore La ke toc tira sutr Lisualt>' taeeare at leaat fi>'. art tire the tirs sent >irs theo St of ougir tire so of' Cari nou. lwau- Liaus

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