Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Aug 1908, p. 4

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~T)@~s No. 1. Lutor's Retldoace Telopiiose Ne. titi. LIbertyviiIe ExclI5ngO SSRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Kf^x M. JUST........ .............................................Edtor ,IL. 111. KELLEY ... ........................................ Ciy Editor FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1908. MAIL ORDER COMPETITION. Itl a le lu say that any mendiant1 ,wbo get energetically about lifcaun iý * 1back a lt of thé mail order trade1 'Ci bis community lu bis altoe. 1 Tbe trouble ila taI sumamuy mer. abIms maké the mîstake of spend- Zig tisir ime "kuockiug" mail order ...onsptition, instéad of 'hoostlug" ,tir oaci business. Tbey frget tbat -yoq tan catch more files vilI su- Argulng lIaI a catalogue bouse eus- tomer le nol a guod citizen, hesping abuse ou the mail rder bouses, tell- lng péople thal îhny gel cbeated mot a! thé imes tbey buy by mail, doent count for muchln lutIe long run. The thing for lbe dealer in Iis cornrunily 1u do la lu tell is trade wbat good merchaudîse theY can buy lu is store; low far a 1111e rnoney will go fr relishle méerche.udie lu lies store; that thelr credit le good, if lie do.. ,a crédit business; that lhéy can ses what lbey boy aud pay for >1 wheu they getltI, sud nt uy vitboul melng what lhey're gettibg and psy- lng for It- a week lu advancé; that they can gel vIaltbey 'vent wheni lhey vaut Il, vithout walllug a week or two for It lu corné hy mail or ex- press. Tbe dealer wbo carnies the beet goods be can fiud, selle thern at tle lowesl margin of profit Iliat le rea- sonable, advertises effectivPly, sud gîves careful attention tu lbe Innu- merable ways open te hlm uf attract- lng and holding trade willI bave 1111e tu fear se far as mail order compe- tition is concerned. THEV ARE GOOD AND LOYAL REPUBLICANS. The officil returns as tabulated by a vlctury as did Tales. You caunent the Chicago Tribune Frlday show Gov- saY that vote vas cnmposed uofsre- heads, kîckers sud soured politicians. r~rDeneens majority over ex-Gov- orne Taes u l 1202,tbevot leThey are bost as guod sud loyal re- iererYaes o c 2,92,th voe e-publicans as tbuse who vted for Ing, for Deneen, 212,525; for Tales, Deneén. The tbing for Deneen sud U9,623. is lieutenants tu do la lu recognize Wbile Iis la a pleuly te nominale, lhern as sudb, and that tley bad as observes tbhettacornb Journal, aI the fuW riglil, as epublicans, lu vole for umnUlme the vte ls closee nugli Tales as any o! those wbo voted for to show tbat the Tales following la Deneen bave sncb riglit sud daim. 1Ws isignifican $air-nol a tac- The \ task nov la to gel logelber, sud tiqa tisa, because defealed hy s mv n Déneen fliower should rejuice totem, la luehée tèam-rollered or over Tales' defeal or belittle bis dam- 'Puoo-Pobed" out of existence. Sel- palgu or the vole lie received. We dem did éver a man, slnglé-handéd bave a job on baud for Iis fall, and êisgb ay, go Up againsl thé pat- It 'ilIl aie thé unlted force. of De- ropage and part>' organization of a eeen and Tales lu do il successfuhiy Mtoanad corne so near carryijsg off from a repulîcan slaudpoiut. là$, movemont i tat raolved encou Ahglen, Cal., 'vbéî MÙIty ave vtedi etSla favor ofa bc Oto bufilSgood rtyiug featu tbMt counnln>'dstrlc :tlna msuch g<n 4h. tty, viicliah, 4 "d fruit raiseras fe toe bnad arew - Thse ronde yl b rock sud gravel, au ANOTHER 0000 ROADS VICTORV. for good roadsehbuhé covéred 4rith a beavy coatiag of uragernent trom Lue crude ilI, vhlch Califorula produces ln ré' thé people of thé abundance. As Ilial il ia ful ut as- [more thbm tiréee 10 plat. Iis coallng yull virtually glve ond Issue of $3500,- Los Angeles counny country' ruade as 1roada. A srangé good as lhe asphaît paved sîneels of tré ot thé vote vas Chicago. le gave the propo- California liglil bave attainéfi the eter majowit>' Ihan ane end at mucli les. expensé hî rovs liaI randbere selllng lier couvicts 10 vont onte kuo'v vhal la gddroads, but au>' vay Il ehétéer Ian no eilliug te pay for IL. vay, aud penliaps Los Angeles yull lu- bc made of crnshed ud thse surface la lu spire ollier communilles lu laite su lu- ternit lu Iis important subjeet. N Coe.ORAV dI.I io l - Colorado Spzlugs. Colo., Aug. 12, '08. EDITG# LtNEPK.juas: 1 'viii " i sud irit9 you a ltter te lot youksôw arn si 1v.. IlotiLibrt vle on July 7sAgi,çaine te Colo o = tb 9%hwithRoylle and fanilY The tintry thrbugh Illlnoleanad tows looked tb. wm arni t didlu Lake counuty, w'ittle toc rnuch min StIthat tiras.. 11 salionSNebreathejr worm cuttlag whet wblch lookud good to me, whie ltu wemten Nebraeha and esmieres Colo rado everythlng 'vas driod npý Long, beore- ws got te Denver w. saw the mountans whiebstgmyuannitlated eye looked-grand al&Hthe we.y frons Den- ver te Colorado 81prifigi1 could nt keep My ejes off thern.. W houl w got hors 1 pt »P et the Acacia Hotel, a nev hLel, an dma littie exporlence tisai nome ef nul buisinems boue. could imitae.. 1 wet out to bpy a linon collar alter six q'ciock and found ail thie sores lgied U i iu lod 1tied again at eveak .P.ücklu he orning but the store was stilU clomed and 1 aéked a man who was puflng down thé blinde 'vien they dld etnlfht sud open at 8 O*Clo"klin thé org.t" I thought ibis wmsld hé a go.d UIdée oLihértyrile sud Lako couny unrebatota ollou asud would <iv.~ ~~t thr hac i pend tissu evon- les i ome sud gsi aequainted wlth thr elisor2 idfaniy Om.n dýlg o:t fth. store I eew a lail âhadow lu front of thé door. Lo sud bebold '«a man from hom," Chas. Avenui, was standing there t0 met me. Weil yon bel I wa@ as eurprioed ti es hlm as ho 'vas to met me ber.. 1 bad tometii. gnodw'ife. Theywere room- lug and 1 arn til toppiug there wit.h my family. W had a good time ejoy- ing the mountain seeneryasud Nm. Avenul said they lied to trvel 1000 miles te gel acqualnted with me. (1 amrn cli w*kDV il ICarfy. Weil I got se liorese ha~lid 10 send for my farily who are witb me now. Oeo. Mitchell and fanily. of Diarnond Laite, aiso came. Lest Sunday we &Uaileteuded the Pr.sby- terian churcli hère, lu ail there were ton Libertyvllle people. 7 This, limats is just lovely. Thé air is dry sud Ibère in mosi alweys a cool breese blowlng especlally aI iglit whicb makes It very mrereeing. Sincé I 1have been bers there lies been only oneloudy day. Il ralned thé tiret nie. days =ac aflernoon but thé sun alwe»shons in the forenoon. They certainly are long on sunebine the wbole year round. Tués- end myoélf an&lail et1 rp acoithé moute a4 ie i h eswcehr7 of thé mountaum w'as jumI grand. iWe 'vers up as blgh a*el2,000 let on thé @WotrIe lias, W. had a train of four coabs suad two englues and a'v thé ymountelue from *a1l"msad the mddie as 've 'eut through a goid man>' tunnels. We expect te ho home orne tinie lu the near future but have et Mt a day. 1 expette10gr"t yeu ail ai Pair lIme.-- - - 1 CsAs . H. AisEs.1 Favorable Commenta. MieM. ertudeatde, thérdr wbo 'vili give an Union clpj~c~oai titétaliént i thOMMf ostmwUrmomx>uiemun thesué oowis i notice bile cordil Act I andii drame and en ou r cestel 1 w S0ii lTowén Meeting. STATU.OrLUNOI5. ipennd _ p o "£ n oen not i e hrby gvflta tt ion <>eDIgm Qkt COurt f lAite nn$1 e n phe réa <4 30 lagal voters of the towu Of iAWétY- . Iiul v..rk Wlthute. choa vi)@, la thé Conty ofl Laitnud State of jsdisou B. PettY& an 'smalAsefor I#bi>, boas bauflld wilh the tovuOlseeep Horace atri».-h, , * Mto wu o! Llhertyville is. Um M t proposition tg) aking Lthe ukn'vesW.air evdéVISof o2n jsala aboror moue>'of thé district D&anel i .hnk dece.m&e ' Uukou WOVakUIed roismrty oM al ubrntted moWUIa hoMeset tlaté 01 wub al -en tbe. hjal votera of m»Id lown at a Mrosdd"Un oaO c 'ie ýtWkmeting, t-O hé celleSfonr N. ain nOf al bc bto ie eld outhé lesi x. D 49.~ç,due 1Incui wbcb'vlihéhé< t- aa,, or siviselle Th a"~sm4ayts25*s ofA. n netb-"i M. 10, hélng théelIt i -edaypaasU"aad the me bounn 8*hlheistAslégal votera o01"ldto'vu b waeaesl ayvote b>' ballot for or agls etasé. deent¶ u li f0m r **ling thé p t n l lhanor «Du ho rund saI ocelle. ot mu Ï ot1» qlsitrIlabor and p peurty W. Putfridalan[ "4 til -cpc on m tNs é 001fes"Ido0 s he les nulleS to, rer hotwees thé huhem Rp A neelldtemp Mdt nSnia (o*CIO&k lnthé forenoon c09 c "Yf d.e ddny. tvm n der rny laid h. elgthdafmhebgnnit ai Atiane, A. D. 100.Ocf Lmue rIl.c. ds't.lî i4 unA.usD 19k08. - lée, *trtsei JuA8A. i TpOW, TlvuClerit. &. t'b=,éla , lé É a b Dîn, tib 46-2 aut dll4w of thi s '--rei in îit he MotarS Béeiél o k 0 of m taus'-s. tleuk le. s 0 sýir of or pr*oue whicb A Boon ta Eidenly People. ? ilWr-o- 9,Parii-andi~' rs det-adauto au af.-muid. st!. MoeS eldrly peuple bave soins kidney tisI eabove ainéed o ,uýpainant l U!lier so or bladder dîsorder taisIsebollipamnful Ohéusésrv ,iL InhéaId oUt n heM21 aund aigerous. Foleys Kidué>'Réniédy tihenouoaidemeuioUI %&d act smmons laud. bas provéu a boon to meuy eiderly peo- ties boy namodidefeselants. Ctultuaro un baule pe se Il etirnulate, île uinary orgtange, s cf thé Tenus itbtéCrtuit Court enc il, 1 @id Lkeonn, to lbell edt lise cu1ienc correcte irregrularities sud toues Up tbe flousé lu Wukegan, len5Ald La5. C(n,ny. grosm 'vbole sylten. Commeuce lakiug Foiey'. On the ftret Monday of Octohor A. D.ie8 s Hpl Sidney Rémedy ai ourSe sudd b. vigorous. Iiila. eure u iîhcul î SMl by FRANK B. LO',-ï1L. Imn. Lave, 0. Baooxwày. Cleri. Tane an.Illli. u.Ist il, 19L,8.1r PLMCGu rpss, COîPlaitasîsddollîor.I Notice tInBil elS n i4-4 agers deiring toenler tleir te8îse piena. notity me hlore Satiurda>', tt2, sthe enînses vili close et E.An y léam desiring tsenCter *Couuty Fair (isesmut nolil>' lors liidate. 1U. L. Hou E, Manager. Lîhértyville, 111. 'éd anscofie., thé nev ohffffl substi- 30'vu to groceor'a everywhler,-a8 Soo's Health Vofleen, viii triek evén gww el raisa . ofreal la itrr«ý. ure h tu fasted . " Blt, e, etc., bave ten mu blmesd=di: 10<Ive a 'vundenflîl>' r'.gcôB. mate aid #A% r. And !naSe ln a minute," 10. No a'20 tc 80 rnlntealsan. WÉL t £ &FRI RICKS. t eWéde6 BEN M. MILLER. Atoney. Notice cf Final Settusmeènt. B§TLTOF lLtIN01ns1s Counir eLias la thse 0CurtY ,ocut fLake Counnu 8épieushér Trm .A. D use. luth. asîier oft. lnal setieémentouthtis estteo ut rtoeler1ok Ben¶5ods.decewsed, To William L il-rg crU.Irée'erlck j. Drishons. 1l1eBerothorn andl Christopher Elunreru. bore eKt iC, devIséles andi Sera teeg ni said deceaffed: lou and ccInt Tou are Isrby notlfld tisa thé ot'i..rolaseaeilx'-ulorg of tIbe last Wnland Teemuî oi-rIderik Benuirr, decsmeed. villnnu Mndyte lit ïï o Sèpeeise. ,. féea len Gclock mA. M. la IisécsnyOnsrî,,,n lth,. CeunI fousé inthOllYntWaukesse, Lake Count-, Ili.. beicce lie Honorable . 1.Joueos. Judga-ci sid out-.presettomG court lieir Ceai repont sud aiécunt a Exors oh sais i Tli sud Testament sud rast l have thées"me aviep ee. "Idi asiate dsciared ettliedsud ta as mad88 Ch EeOfutorg t vieoi gipe &?Adplace FOU iaaiseoar if mOu ao t; se, 0 do. e Brd' rcetln was of thé Most J,= llot ntr.Hrflsnumhér 'vas 1,0f "The. Tamig of thé Shrs'v," an ite rseniug the ehow.d gpont isc ablty. lu ber othermelectious scores shé pruved that ma a umor. .eadsr sbehm basSvequals.-Dor- er Beacon, Dorchester, aun. 'iII 86-V th"t I have flot for yeere d mue schiéve the. true Shakes- anfavo of dellelous d vi=d 1>' 'vhie Mime" ad eIL mrau mented lu the çuaracters of PeIna- 'servante and Ka&tbée'e fathen. )r Peinueblo, hirnself, héo'vas perfect. ebreexe, thé duli, thé vlnility, thé nation of film, ever>' look, evéry re to thé liII. Al ihébc rt of Mis do' performance vasexcellent. fihé e star-Mn. Helen A. Shaw, Dra- le Critlc aid Stage Dlrector, Bodton. New Fountaimi et Fair Grounds ltemporany fonutain vhic v&a lIed at thé fair grounds.te ait la I 8replaced 'viti a peruann basin ounted by eavYoe. The 'viole la nnrcted uof cement and. thé bainl- oS o bsong round inesquare and orna- .5 8 sa ef corner b y largeround 8. Iit.o! suffielsnthélbt ta préveat ag chidren front prrorasng any ex- poraneous feete ludlving aid le a stl umad ornamental addition t10 doe. Thé, Fair Association la Zto1 Mnr. Samuel Insull for a cou- utou of $50 towardalts e oustruction h le greatlv apprEK-laled sud moet ukuiie'rfeeived. Théellowing 'véil h leede this louustain is os'. of thé eexhibilse t thé fair groude aid yéar it furniéhéd thousaide oh thinaly ýle et thé Sain with à cool sud ré- ing drink oh the fluel vwater lu tisé J.uI tle old daye 'valer led 10 hé ileuad placed in bar"éle itb ice luit Iebtis veli was @truckt Isél hal thé ,ad@ bave beeseamil>' sud bOutifuul>' plied. Indians ah the Corn Exposition. oh ludiasi Affaire aI Washingtounlulhâve a baud oh Soullvéstern Indiaue ti îlte Illinois Corni Show at Spnlngflld Iis all. Thé Indiana vilI hé pregeeted lu théi jrnative village Ilité. lking lu lepeés, griudiug corn in p rimitive fa@hionalu baud mortars, aud baking comn caeé oveIhir camp i res. Ths ylhé une oh the muet attractive fealures oh tii Show, markiug as lt due. thé firgt 'veym domu vas uéed aq a food Bluf, isile Ih viii hé au inléreetiug contrat lu go frnm thilelu exiibits of thé modem breakfast tonds, vhi are ais,, mails Iroinscorn, but vhltîs cano e lteined theedaym lu baud v packaieandme.rvéd ou thé table vithoul cooking. 1 Ateintian, Asthme Suffoerss Foley's Houe>' sud Tac viii give lu. médiate relief 10 asthima euflrers and lise cured usan>' case that had refused 10 yteld 10 othér treatmont. Foie - Huy.,d Ta le the beet rom mrl coubicude and ail'thmotm awn trouble. Coitadna lao bamint fdru So ir bfaÂi<B. Lcvuu., - - - - - - Thetis oy or adherThuela a tock'of tldm- pleee the my bedepeded onIo»eafitlmie It Ioa peaau tosM Who !MWeton Rmdfl s astme plu= to get loto a Place scb msours *here the cdocha Mmd watchee ay bc depended upon. Ve mal the beet tdmepieceat a pelce you might elpeet to ça> fi a poorone, ANDRIEW lIUSS JEWIELER, LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO§S 2Oth Century Cagh Store Only a kew weeks before the Lake Co. Fair, [cave your mecasure for a new suit or a pair of pants ma&e by the Royal or the International TalIors, Made ta measure and fit guarantecd. 1.000 sataplea ta select from Suits made in 5 ta 6 days Pant. made in 3 days Men!s Black and Brown Derby Hata Young Men's Nobby Style Hats Sbirt. Neckwcar and Collars Shats that fit and Wear Flrsheim and Mayer make and Men=e Elk Ski Work Shoms E. W. PARKIiURST -~ Scha~ok Stock A2 *~ LIlfETYVILE,]ILL. Good fail Painting If your buildings need painting now, don't put it off until next apring. "DO IT NO W" t Will be money saved to proteet the lumber against winter weather. Then,. too, the fallisl a fine painting season, weather conditions right; no heavy rains to soak int the lumber; no erate and files to stick to the fresh paint. OUR ADVICE IS. I. E' r R f. o Paint Now and Use Our Paints Covers inost, wears longest, looka best, mosit econornical. Young & Lynch Bros. FURNITURE. PAINTS ANDOQILS Uudertaklulg I., suos*S.S:Z l'R!D jOCBH!IM SPECIAL ATTENTION To oui of Town Ordora Aid SI -Trade LIBERTYVILLE, ILI Tolephone No. 46 Libértyvile Exehani ,BAKER anid CONITCTIONER LibertyvilIe 1,. - Illinous '4 -..'ae.a s,. i I i PIlYMO"thTwine et &Joints le tw behst and chem$s twon the mateba "Ya>'Oas poundof liouth Tw i mot-egr" ntha 10 cents woeth of pla tqgtEGERor b 4 4 w ROTELS AND RETAILERS suppLIED WE 019LIVER TO ABSIQNT tOWNS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.- 11,e nw the tirne to T a nd figure on Lumnber, Cernent, Brick and Filn- P ÔS t sh - ail have declined and we can Bave yon Vou money. IEMMONS -MERCER LUMBER COMPANY PHONES 47 and 9171 E. A. BISMOP, Mgr. ImERTYVILLE...............-iLiNOis LAKESIDE BRAND THIS BUTTER 18 MADE OF PURE CMEAN, PROU BBLECTBD DAIRIES IN 'THE ELOIN DISTRICT Parit>'and Weiglst (3maraaiee solS by 1 CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBTYVIILE, ILLINOIS E. W.PROCTOR E. F. SWAN R.C. HIGOINS TUB 1HOME LUMIBR CO. à Co-vartnershiv Bucccq.eors to G. H. SCHANCK L umber, Coal and Feed LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 1 PHONE 50 IIAPPINESS TIIAT OVERFLOWS le bestowed on the munic-lovlng woman wben se secures a Schiller piano for lier home. Education has tauglit the twentîeth century woman that the reilning influence@ of music on home and family cannot be over-emtlnlated. Let yrnr boys and girls grow up under the refiniug influence of a Schiller piano, and tbey will show il& effects ln manbood or womnanhood LOUIS J. YEOMAN WAUKEGAN ILL Cigarsand Laundry Tobacco Office CLAREN4CE rLAGG TOr4SORIAL UlkERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Go to L<EO DRURY the Newv IBARBER SIIOP w0bg Uaildla CIGÂ S ,ANA OAC llp_ 'l 1 4

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