Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Aug 1908, p. 5

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viI»ÂY, ÂUGM T21, .1908 't -~ '~ v t 4tAa~ AIS ais A A ~ (~VVWWVWWWVWW~h A Cool, and Refreshing Drink of Cream Soda, Ginger Aie, Lemon Soda, Strawberry Soc and Root Beer Bottled by Libertyville Crysî J. E3Lî AI LIBERT la ital Sprlng LE BY < TRIGUS lie 5' HlE3ADQUARTERS for Teas and Coffees We reepect! ully caUl the attention of our mmny patrons lu Libertyville and vicinity to the especia1 qnàlity of the teas and coffees we are now offering at most reaionab1e prime. lEngllsh Breakfast Tea Extra Special Quality Only 50c. per Pound What is more refreshing and de- lightf ai than a good ctip of coffee? Our Twenty-five cent Coffee with its Fine Flavor and Deli- cate Aroma Filis the Bill and Serves the Purpose for Which Coffee is Used. S111TH & DAVIS L Libertyville, 111. - ws~. Critical Point MAN may be particular about n is dress, but if he neglects bis neckwear he viii *poil Ji whal othervise iight be a splendid effect. ht is the becomning ncck- wear that ruakes the whole suit a suc- cesa What the ordinary mortel vauts is this harmouy. Our novélties arc attractive being of excellent texture and beautiUl construction. EVERVTHING FOR MEN B.- MORSE & CO. HANBY .DLOCK, LIBERTYVILLE 1WRYI. r li Item$ about ILIBBI<TVLLE pople 10"w I AN IDEAL SUBURBAN VILLAGE don't lir. Churchilila building afin@ residene Miss Ruth Menton, ai1IRussell, spent a on Second street. few days la@t; week visitiug relatives Tet-lepar cent ou ail trlmmed bere.1 nelneyatla. PUOvuuE's. 4(1-2 Sam Eviflalaor's @"isi nud eldnO Mise Liii Faubel, of Freeport, Ill., le froin Ohio Sm vlelting im for la fewI the guest of Miss Gertie Warner. wb. D itail whiie shfrtwalsts at about ball Wiunifred liack la speudlug ber vaca. t their value ai lMes. PaorutE's. 46-2 tion wlth her innt, lire. J. J. Buekley at t Arthur Cook, of (Chcao, speut Bundai l-ka Kegonsa hser sMmer borne. w at the home of hie amut, Uin. E. E. Elle, BigIneduction on ladies' dlresm ekit i ini wonth. lis. Pac>vïsa's. 46-2 G1 MiliaeMriasGertrude Bards, o! LAs li amrs WbW eds 'tfu5d [&t wesk bh Angeles. Cal.. la thegnetoi liru. .J, B. frornColorado Spings, wberee sit pent MdarGouln. the Peit uonth. vlftlng friendo.L Mir. and i. Jmes Bnyanl,of Berwyn Mlr. sud lirse. L. R.Whitney bave been l [I.,gwS unaay wlth n. sund lire. E: camping at Lke Bluff the paut two et LI. D Bois. wesks and enjoylng au outlng close ta t Mn.. F. T. MacCaig aud daugbters are homte. nf suading tbe summen witb lMr. and lire. The Lâkesid Ce.netery Association a' d.W. .?allsui. will meet wlth liWg S. S. Wbeeler, onU Mrs.WillCliamananddangterFriday elternooin, Aug. 21, vo sew car- M lois, 0f Oak Park, are vi.siting at th. etag.Pl bonms o! J. W. Miller. The Prnsyt4dla Ladies' Aid Society ai Mltceel's Military Baud wlll gve the ir ment ait the homie o!flire. E. Wollo, oi regular fovtnigbtly danme atthe town wTbrsay W.Thr bal[ Frlday evenlng o! thie wesk. wllawok Mir. sud lire. S. E. Shelddan, o! Anu A. F. Sheldon lait this week for an ei Arbor, Micb., are guente at the home o! extensive lecturs tour and business l their sou, Arthur lFnederick Sheldon. throngh the wuht wbieb will occupy S lire. Belle Thoma@ and ber nebhews rT nots Charles Thomas, are vilitiug sith~ea. The W. C. T.UI. wlll meet witb Mns. A W. Follett farn outb o! the village. Sarah Mason Tunday, Auguot *25,ait 2:30. Subject: «"Sheavesl Brougbt in by Miss Selma Walden returned Tuesday Superinteudents." b front Big Rapide and other ioints l »uii.nibos I elàeddrpe Michigan -wbere sha speut ber vacation. enita E Gb15 ât.oflai Thurday audb Mns. Trucb aud ber twodangbters and eaid be bad nat felt so0 good lu years as R two lady friende o! Oak Park, are he had since the election. 6 epending tbe week witb lrs. Wm. Wm. Devereaux, who bas leen speud- V Kunke. ing severai weeks et Sheldonlrst eluce le A. party waefield iunlicnr o! tbe i ;tll completiug bis course at t l. ie 1Ilrst M birthday o! F'rauk Kunke leslt Sunday o! Michigan, ls visiting Iie îparents iu a uigbt. Many friends tram the .-ity o)was8o, Mieb. 1ea atteniled irm. 0. L. Thompsoan,mIrs.L. R, .i, Mise Heurietta Van de ErvE.bfflreturned KrAmner aud daugbter, of Frankfort. r' toi lier borne in Hollaud. Idicli , alter a Ind.. bath ni8ters of ire EV. X. liiop, W twa week'e visit witb ber brotber, l{ev. returned home Saturilay iter a two cl J. Van de Ervo. week's visit ber.W lire. Wm. 'Bierman aud daugbter, At.J .Ovs !Wucabe Florence, have gone ta Chiîcago wbere charge of the legal affaire of Plaul Mac- tbey will sped twa weel's vimiting Guffluse extensive praetice doring hisS relatives aufed. absence sud makes frequent vieits frnt E The Ladies'AId o! the M. E. cburch the eouuty meiropalis tu this bubtliug j will bold a bakery sale Saturday altier- village. noon Auuet29 t th O.I. ues The Chicago Business Scipw*î Club will M furuiture store. Camne and buy. pienie at Lakre RaM, Saturday, Auguet w Mise liabe Goetuluger, o! Chicago, bai 291. About 150 persans are ex pected ta vc been vislting friends lien the past week attend titis outing. Mr. Sheldon will o1 sud le the gnest of R. J. Practor and returu f rom Iowa to addre@d the gather- hs family ait the Newcastle hotel. îng that day. vi John McCormiek sud famIlvy are J. Eli TrIggsleft Saturday forefferou, egending several weeks at their sntamer IOWa, wbers h ocompaniel 5,1r@. C. W. cottage ou Rangs Lake, Waueonda. Taylor. Mrs Taylor as soon as thte Misa Mary Melloy accompanled themn. affaire of ber bnbond&@ eotat- bave been Joe , Gibon, wh la onvecte i settled will retunu Libertyville aud JoeA. ibbnswhois anncte wth mire ber home hurle. the Springfield Insurance Ca., spent the lire. Lauta Wilson Smith, of Boston, lust of tb. week wlýh hbisaunt i re. es; isdlt skathhoe! lark. Bemnay huild another bouse on ber coulie isn.R W oîut hMri.S.l The Prway h una coo i-la a llterary vom en ad poet and bais '1'e p yte4ain undy ihoo pi- rittea a number o! Snnday erbool nlcked at EamaTuesday. A speilhynmethatarenow sang atour churebes.0 car on iba slstrlc eoveyed the Partyu which sent a montpileasat day et ibis lir. sud lire. Alexander Hein, o! beautilul &pt, wsulga, sPent several houri bers Leader G. . litcell la also director 'IL'ueuf enronle to Fox Lakts. Tboy of the et Lake Forest and a ouzo- be jre rturned from, New York City1 ber of thse Lberty-nllle musieiana lie.w li@ r. Rein purcba"e a large andT q uetly &se"t la their concerts ilion., etensie stock for bis Walckegau Stars. For race' bors and muale this villaqe la Roachester Âcademy, Rlochester, WIie., a bead liner. o pens Its forty-second ysox Sept. S. lin. Fermer why are you paylnglîlgb Course admit. wlthout examination ta preefor fonce aind uotgstting muat wbat coilege or unlvseriity. Spinal courses in yo liko wben you eau bave 5 diflern Business, Muiec ad Preparation fori styles ta select fram ai a specWa low Toaihiug. Fonr atalog and Wnormatin p ris SSa aur ad. kessaictN ieWRz addreesé E. 0. Toan, Prin. 48-5-7-8 Nxcx Ca,, Libertyvie. 45-tf Miss Gertrude Gibbons, orincipal aof About thirty littie frlendp of Kennetb bigb sebool st Green Bay 'Wins Scam- Wheeler's gsthered et hi@ ho me lait pauied hy ber mother an Miss' France lionday afternoan la bonor of biésisxth liNeil, h ebool tearber of Sharon, birtbday. The afternoon wai @pent lu Wis., and Miss Oleuna, Buckley, a Madison playing games afiter wbieh les cresmnisd Univereity etudeut. o! Beloit, Win., are cake won perved. AIl returued ta their vlslting thoîr aunt, li James Maek ont bornes aving spent a plisant sfter- Broadwai'. # Doon. B y borse and awagon. Wagon wai Peculiar noises trickled ont o! the base- loeyed with biSvuit cens. Can feU aon1 ment sithte nesidence o! Arthur E. the horse. Horse rau awsy. Bo rau Lamkoy lait Monday nlgbt about eleven oser but uotseriouslydamged. Wagon i D'dlock. Somehady pulled the burglar unhurt. 8o wa the bores. Rappened alarn. lMarshall Limber sud a Wedneeday afternoou. The boy was platoan o! the reserves respanded. Thoy Ernest Jobnson. The wagon balonged1 snrrouuded the bouse. Thon thiY ta, the Trigge grocery. searched it. The burghaneecaped thrugh 'Plisparty o!boys, Kuiglit.o! Dsuiel, & kut ble l th celar alLo! Chicago, who *are camping at Lake >The Los Angeles Times made the Ranis, will play ait the union service at !ollowing cornplimsntary notice o! the ihe Union eburcb Doit Sund"y eveulug. reader who le ta appeair at the Union Tbey bavesa well drllled drum corps that cburih on next Tuesday svonlug: "«Thon furniehes stirng music. Tbey willIbho came M. Gertrude Harde, reader. addrsssed at the lake lu the afteruoon Ondinarlly that gays Il aIll, but lis by Ber. J. Van de Erve. H&Od laemore. She bas a magilient Miss Rîlda Anderson andJogeph Beshel nicb, deep vole that dosm mot tire.wremridlWuegWdesa Sarnebody said thait ber brother l.a nns 8p.m . by in 11ueg ev.Buln Miss acti no one who beard ber yestorday Adnoubmabyterlme l dit- lu the "«Woolug of Prince Henry" wlll vine for sorne time auddbas made many douht It. She was compelled ta respond friands wha will greatly miss ber. Mn. twice toancores." Bleshel le a farmer aud ai L. Geo. HI. aud Lewis Radke. o! Ivanhos, wha know hlm sveak higbly of!bhlm R. R. Klrnhorly, of Waucouda, and J. A. Thoir niany friends Pitend congratulai >Graves, o! Llbertyville. left bers Tuesday tions. >noon for Lam Vegas, N. M., for a Short 8aturday, "flertc l)ay," at the Lake vieitaOthe rneadow lundi'Of thatecOuntrY County Fair le au envîirely new departure wihic are at prisent attracting sncb fromt former year- and le holiaved ta ho ~iffe aprad attention among born»a-ua excellent 'move ou the part of the seekere and land invostors. They wers directare. It matles ths fair ans day joinsd et Chicago by @everal partie@ front langer but ou a day that ils sure ta pro 1nDean Barringtau wltb wbom they wiU dure rienîlts lu the. wny o! attendanels. make te tri.kLwis Fadke will returu A great rnany frmn the surrouudlng > thie way o! Dalhart, Texas, ta dispose rities bavesa haîf-holiday Satu rdav and o! land he bougbt there a ysar aga. the exteudiug o! tihe time will give them Benjamin Bl. Willianis aud Miss Jenl su oppantunity tii attend. The fair will L. Atkînson were jaîned lu the boly ho rigbt in its prime. Saturday and the bonds o! matrimony at the homne o! the crowd will be a large one. bogroom luet Sunday afternoan St five 'Wbe eomiug fair in Sî'ptember calle ta >o'clock. 11ev. L. L. Warner. o! Adrian, minc the fart that it would nat lie a badl Micb., performiug the ceremony. Mr. ides vo show visitîîre la Libertyville, Williamsils the superincendent o! the drigthat time-*w,,at a real niestawn Ameican Wlr Feue Ca., aud bas lîssu we have bene. (4.tliutyour 'glad rage." a resideut of this village for more tlîan a fuse@ up a bit. The itr,'ts are beiîig re- >year making mauy frieude wlîo lild bina airied, the weede u clt atid the oid tow n bin the bighesv respect and esteem. A le going ta lokcilleti,-asd dandy. To strenuons charivari party became Rn those wbo aire 1l...king for thîe mauey Dexuberant in their demoustrations; Tues- suother Word: lion't take auy more $>day night that they threatened life. limb than a man bas witJihihm sud when vu 0uad propenty. Marshall Limbery wus once gsi hold o! it don't give It uplu).I ID callecisud dispersai the gatberiug. othor words ho ebrewd but ho carefs WHEN YOU GO TO THE LAkE COU NTY FAIR Picnic at Oshorn's Gnove. The athîstie committes o!.tbe picnie to, ho given by St. Joseph'@ cburch st Osboru's Grave next Satnrday bave vro- pared a program tbat is bouud ta keep the cnowd int.reeted sud amueed. The base hall game betwesn the SaIn- hier@ sud tbe Browns at three o'clock lu the afteruoou will ho the main event but atber games sud raes bave siea been arrsnged. Tbey are ai follows: Cbampiansbip indoor-outdoor bail garne, marrled men vs. single men; rbam- pionsbip indoor autdoor bail gaine, mac- ried wornen va. young ladies. Fm or fa&ai sak race-Fini prise, sllk umbrella; second prise, pooket book; third pris, 12 cigare; consolation prise. Married wamen's r Fe-v t npis pair kid g loves; second prise, pannd box candy; third prise. bal! pound cendy; consolation prise. Boye' rre up ta 15 ysars old-Frst prixe, silver watch; second prise, baie hEaL; third prise, hall bat; consolation prisa. Girls' race up ta 15 ysare aId-Firâl prise, boit nd buckle; second prise, paund o! candy thîrd prise, bal! ponnd eaudy; consolation prise. Free for ail 100 yard daih-Firit prise, Gillette razor; secend prise, black derby bat; ihird prise, shaving rap sud hrusb. Catchinq the greased pig-Tbe winner get. the pig. Cllrnbing greased pols wltb a two dollar bill on top-The tiret one up gets the bill. There wlll ho au honrly service op th electrie lins aIl day for the benetit of those dssiriug to attend the pienie. The lait car will leave the gronuds at 12:30 going west aud will returu ta ths pienie groundesud again take paasenger eait at 1:00 o'clock. Passeugerisbahuld get off at St. Mary's station it beug the mont couvenieut ta ths picule grounds. Ramblens Boat Round Lake. Ths Round Lake Maroons gave the itainblers a rua for their mney at the fair groundls lait Sunday alternoon lu a ton lnnîng garni. Bath teame had a number o! good ploya as wefl as the bad unes tao their credit sud vwo doubles made brlgbt spots in a game that wai more like a "talk test" than real hase bail. Ths Ramblere ecored ans run lu the lait o! the third iuuing sud in the tiret o! the slxth the Marnons made a gallaut effort vo catch up witb throe men on bases sud bit whicb wag weII fielded followed by a double chosed the innlng. lu tbe tirit, o! the elghtb ,the Maronna tied thesecore with a ruu sud at the close o! theA intb the games was sill even. At thoclose ofithe extra innlng the flmbIors gcored the ton that won the garne. Following is the score by lunings: Round Lake -00OO0 0 00 O00-1 Ramblers -0 0 100 00 0 01-2 The ChicgoStandards are sceduled ta pay be bien aithefair groundu ~ Bad~iy sieenon.Augasi 28. ,~ fihtclap am teueam aad a - ganI l exscle. , *O. cake cornW f Damluaati DkmWflè.lIhI capital - Stockholdr's LiabiNtq Surplus end Proits over Deposits over -- Total Resources over- - $50.000.0 - -39O.0OÜ% are the makers of the bout W' most reliable enginea ia lb. Ww and whon in the market for be @are and gel my pries. Ihave at prenent two 2 . enginea which have heu in no but are am good asne vsad vil besold st a great reduotion. Albert'W. Lichtfeld, Agent LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. BIG BARGAIN In Fine Napkins 20 doz. very large size (27 lpches square) fine aiblime Napkins, assorted quality, onuly one or two dozen of a pattem . lot WC closed out 33 L3 Pet cent. belo usal vholesae picese slto 4 doz. extra fine mnercerized 27-inch Napkin& $300 grade at......................... $200m "rd~ 3,50 grade at.............. 2.25 "- 4,50Oand$5.0kind at . ........3.00 »m -AT- TlH E F AI GUESTS INVITD TO A SURPRIS! PARTY ( Paul MaffOuffîn and Bride on a Money- mac. Trip through Yellowstone Park an.d the Northwest. Tho Ottawa (Kansas) Dafly Republlc of Thnrsday, August 13, gives the toIlowlug aceount of a connubW l re- mony thât wlU internet rny frlends of te happy pair: À wedlng wblcb wlll ho a surprise tOttawa friende occurred lait night- rhenlia mi" beýà1 MiOne Peck wss nlted tu marriagle ta Mr. Paul Mac- niffin. of Libertyvile, Illinois, at the hoe of the bride'@ paret, Mr. and ire. Frederlck B. Pek, on nouth Locust etruet. The guente who were Ivited tas "surrifetpat Ileeail DrprMedWhen he lrpraved ta be the weddlng. Rev. J. D. Smith perforined 'the maarriage cereuiony, mélng the ring serriçe. Ferus, palme and eut flowers were uéed with artis lec effect ln decoratlng the home. Mendelsehn'a weddlng marmh wss played by is Ethelyn Harrison, who aso, played neveral sellectionas sftly on the piano during thei resding of the crernansd congratulations. The wedding gawn of the bride was an equlsite creatlon of handmade Princesse laee, worn over a cresm messallue .@Bk C p.fie carrled a sbower bouquet of rida'. rosesand filles o! the valley. The bride and groom were unsttendsd. Alter eongratulations a two course lnchean in pink sud white, waasesrved y Misesn Norma Les Peck, Mary Kerr, Iary Fergson and Phoebe Ellie, from mqIl tables, eacb decorated with bouquets of pink brides iaid roses. Roses were aIea given as favors. The bride's cake containing the lucky ring was eut by the bride, and the ring feil toa tbe lot of Miss Mary Kerr. Mme. MacOufflu's goiug-away gown was atailored suit o! blue cloth with bat and glovea to match. The guest8 were lmited ta about thirty close Iriends and rlatives o! the bride. The bride, wbo was humn and bred ilu 0 awa, is a harming and talented yofing worn who in very popular lu society and ducations.l circles. be in a igraduate of the High sehool, Ottawa [Uuiversity and he Couservstory o! Musie. Lent year ab taunlit Ianguaes in the Lihertyville Eligb sehool. The groom, Mr. Maciluffu, ia prominent lawyer o! Libertyville. Mr. aud lire. lrs. MacOuflin left ou the M issouri Pacifle lait uigbt for a six weeks' tour wbich wlll luclude a visit- to Yellowstone Park and other points of internet in the northweot. Tbey will be at borne atter October tiret at Liberty- ville, 111. M 'A i i 1' i 1~Js 1 TnTrlr7 il. -O-Wd» -14 ýi Clearance Sale Ldis $300 Tan Oxfords.... 2.25 2.50 " - ...2.00 * 2.25 " 175 Mi»« Ses .5L120 1. 30 "LOO.0 Childa' 120 ..90 Mens $LOO Strw Hats .50 .. 5c Straw Hats ..... .25 Boys' 25Scand S0c Straw Hats. .15 25c and 20c Ginghams ...... .15 WIlLL ENTERTAIN AT THE! UNION CIIURCII Mis.]daria" Gertrude EBard. will appear in Bumarous Chararter Sketches and Monologues ab ils Union cburch weday evening, Auguit 25th ai aigbi o'clock: PROOBAU In theToilà of the es ... ............. n Ligz. 8o&dler ...... Budyard Kiphnm MO cal ia à! B"alBar.. .Henr abulse ïcvelFnGreeulea.uherlan ueR............ evui rbOMadsLettan..... ...ÂAn.n Ma i funushed by ýlocaltalnt This enterialument is given unden the auspices o! the Wasuan'a Hlomo Missaion- ary Society of tho M. E. chuneh. ww"wýwq"

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