Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 Aug 1908, p. 2

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_i 'A. Sèmves,. or laukegan, spat a c th Ma&tive sud finedslu falSer WouIle Mi for Notre Modaqito @ aid ibise wihtep et 1thii LMrais Oeary sud da ter Mse ilet tao Long Grave 1seday t «wweek wth tIr, sud Mns. J. N. oumba r ai ciul teaeohenare tba lutitute ai Waskegan1 .Çwdy. ai Buffalo, inu., l ers 1 i a tew witb relatives sud9 X oba Webcb sud daugiter Eetiset, bwood, we. tise ouet ai B. au amily laei Friday. Miss Leareturned ta Hlgiswood lSsm au Saiunday tur a 'we.k's -0 Nae Murray returssed home lsas ~alter a iwo we.ks viei wi9i 9 tSPaul Minif. W »*i Asnsoi d Sallr' dus 01 IÀe couny seld lu thse SalaMi Tbsusa rid proved - ue..TIse westbar wa Ideal l~~~ ~~ eteprgnsfor tba two diye hitIdout ti bsaetire sais- 99 &IL. Tiseaid soldiere bago 0* TI'ursday nsouulng sud con- W to comnelu ail day taattend thé b Rwe thet a veong whichs proved ai el5 ,*s old sodier.-xprsse hon. l*Ue ceipfra tby bdeve'r Cbe . bs Prrdge, ai Wa.. *sapeaer@ wisansP. eshot. u talks, tellng toriec *@Mud wi Skul by tba Imperlal DEFRLD 1. hini.utcblsoare vleltllg mgowlh ua L H. Mathse-. peva Pil, 'o Delevan, Wls., le à iwo wee's vacation at home. 'Ove sud iamiIy, ai Chicao, were sos o tise Mayer tamil.y aven 1e'Dor&& Socety met bau vls Mn@. F. à. Neyer. a ttueg&I, ai Fou du Lac, lis., .esfeval daye ai ëtweei witb M arie a boatuto Brus, ai Chicago, spent &y vts tbe Knaak tamily. **u uhikte,,ai liiecuneîi, is vi@it- ~. .P~Todd vetdwitls ber kiar Mn. Selzer in Chicago d Bareuberger sud family epent *y lu Glenco. wlth relatives. 4atbeurans here are atteudiug tise1 wichis i hgbeld lu NCIda.Kuaakiso peuding ber vans- tu eLudingion, titis ý»r.wd lire Harold Fia wcr are vtst- i Milde 1 levisitiug witb rela ~5.L EL Nattboeansd childreu. ai 1!f psoýq»t Sunday iithi Hutchîsoni niad line.C.S Fehr, af Pekin, Ill., ,1iiwith telr chistdren, C. C.1 '"d r. CbsterWes.lhug. E iasLWly Eggevi, of Chicago, @peut Psadsy vusF. Hareuiserger sud lira. Maxwell are viiting lu NWe*sra eliob returoed home Saturday fi4 taiportedfeeling quit, iseil. S0cr Hauser, o! Spllissu. Iowa, le i'wUnlw itis M. aid Mn. lin. Boggie. Qom H11c. mkin. ai Penny. Mlici., is ilgiinwith ber sou, R. L. Haesil. Mr. sud Mm..Barry Msyfleid are tise p00u4 parsit a! a baby daîgister. lIbo. Artisur C. Liudeumeyer, af ,îâStlag, Ill., vited iitis Aug. Mayleld sudy oail n Moudsv.. 1usd Brown is *orking ou tise uew noyoad MiS. AiS ayfietd visited ber brother 1,sltwek. 'Csas Gilmore a1 Chicagu, spent Sun- Mme.Caerna Beoxzly isas tise guet ut leM ber.hmaven Sunday. Altbea Wlîmanu entertaiued I ou Glenvîew Suuday. n Be Ewen sviiiig mwith Ernu 0C. Huebl spent a day ufthtie la gin where? To the Aniaoa'e balSatunday ceniug, iBetaman we. tise guest - lillIme ierai day. ai the Vsnueooacis. beart, or kiduey wsskti"utisleeoargons Doal drog the sto-alà Ibo 1 ' ior Sidney, Quatete a Cîcgo sdthe . Brui Eorps. Onljidsay thse cramas uegass 10 came early sud alibougi tise ball ganse we. ta have been lu the lorenoan on accout ai tise Laurg Lak. tearn be&tgg latein gettlngbhere tbeiug 11:30 wbi tbey arrlved tise gaIne wae po.tpned unthl 2:30. hi~e gaine ai Thur.da e ietwe.u Waucanda sud Lake Zurich sud praved a very excitiug ganse, tisebonse teans winlng by a&mare ai iotas. Tise yMe ou Friday. we. heiween Long ke aid Round LaIre tba latter wlnlg bysamore o 7 tu . The prograin lu the grave lu the siternoon we. fiue ishap Falaw dslilverlug the main addres wilcbwe. fâne sud higily ap- plaide iiy ail. Tise Imperial Quartette saug several aeletione which were fine sud auioyed by aIL. The Des Plaines bram.baud iurnhsed munie ding tisa day sud enllved tise day. A dauce at tise Oakland bal lunutheeveing clnsed tise days puagrain and proveni a grand time. Tise bail we. IlllIed, about 126 couples h.lug lu attendauce. Muae wu@ iurulehed by Hapke'e orchestra ai Libertyril sund Làandiardanid Laud- lady Sarensan didi everythslsg ta maie ailpleassut. Ou he wiseis tisellOtis Annual.Sldier.sud Sailors teunion praved a grand aucoes sud I ail tawus lu tise future wil1 enteriain tise rawdg as well as Wanranda they may well feai prond ai tise @vent, WillileRed met wiis qut. a seriona accident lasi Sunday w hile rturnlng irons the bal game ai Cary. Seversi nif tise yonng boys frais tawu bad aitended the ganse sud wh.u returuiug wsuted ta hsavs a ltile sport sud tarted ta roi borse..Wtilwe. urawn out of is ig sud gat ilhs foot caught lu betwbeeutise tise wbeel sud buggy box -nid broke bis leg betweeu theikneesand ankie. Myrte Richards let t Fridsy ion Gien- vlew wbere se.wliI visi ber cousn, Gladye Hutchine fan sevasidaye. Tili Mitchell aud Nr. Wm. Coon call.d an relative. lu Libertyville Tueeday. Mr.. S. E. Kuedier sud chldre returned home tiunday tram Ravinie iwhere tbey bave been spuding several Idays wth ber siter, Mr@. . . Stauger. tIrs. . Iitreutisaler epet lest week wlîh relative.sud fined in Naperville. tire. A. G. Mether sud littie Floreuce, were the guestaiftIrs. l. A. Wagner, ut Grayelake, Mouday aud Tueeday. tire. J. Liii sud danster Ethel. of Chicago, viited witb tMr, sud Mn@. P. . Mtlchell, Friday. I Dr. and Mr@. Schaffer accompanied by Mr. Baitmau, ai Dowpe'e Grave, were gueste of tise former'. parent, J. A. Masoan d tamîLy. Tilt and Harry Mitchell sud Ethel Knodler returued home lu.t Wedneeday tram Hampehire, Ill., where they visited with the former'e uncie and tamily, Mr. and Urti. H. Matteson. tIr. and Ire. A. Loomi, are entertain- iug their pster, Minute Heuisohu, of BarriDgtoî, for eeveral daye. MIr. aud Mre. F. Hlerschsierger have had as flseir gue.te tor the maet week thein san, Mr. sud tIrs. Herechherger. ai Minnesota. Mack Magon le epeudiug eccerai week. with his grandparenta, tMr. and Mre. B. Maeon, a1 Chsicago. J. A. Namon and daugbter Mi@@ Sus, Mr. sudUi. IM. W. Kuedier and family and ]diseTill Mitchell atteuded thse soldiëe rérunian at Waucondu laut Fulday. -Gai the Habit" pay yourjubscniption et thea Independent Tant on the Laks County Fail Grounds. WillIam Kuebker le paiutiug hie houa. Adn TItuâ @peut laut Wedueeday lu Waunegau. Mre. Shepherd and cilîdren opent lasi Saturday lu Libertyttîle. tIrs. Dan Badke i. visitirsg relatives lu this place. Lew sud George Radke etarted for 7Texas laat week Tueeday. Mr@. Lew Reudes epeut une day tuaI rweek witb ber mother, tir.. Decker. Robent Richardson in raising hie hanse and putting a faundation under it. F. M. Snsitb ruade a busines trip tW North Chicago lu.t Frtday. tuez Smith arrived trom Wautegar dlust Saturdaày'to @pend aifew weete wlth Lots Smitb. Tom Grimes, Mie@ Nellie Druce and Master Walter Beak, &Il o ut ne Lake &pet Suudsy aithtie home ut Jobn lSepherd. Mies Avis Payne epeut part aifiber 'vacation at Yellowstone Park, ou her 9,way baci sheiepeut a few day. wlth h.r eleter, tire. Arthsur Gullldge lu Moutan. st Arge numiber ut lvauhoe people attesdedtise reunion st Waucouda le weelr. Ali report a good lime, euloyluî lu partjicular the. maIe quartette and martial mugie. The Evangelical Lutheran churcis wll re give thor annal Sunday scisool pîcule he on Suudsy, Sept. 6, lu Neyer'. grave. i) Thepragrani will hagin wkb su addres byBRev. Hummel at 10:30 a. M. at.e wicbtise uaual pragramn of gamnes, races snd auber amusements will be observeai Com mel, bnlug yaur dinner. with To aud &peus a day "close ta Nature' in -Mm.George Oet, S. sir alid bil WIIflw " moe e db hre but twenty-five af ber friand, iroinsCbicago 00w 0f Chcago called oanfrtrnsudberfi les nerday ai tise houe ai bar son Manday. Georg. Mr. Frani udltsledaugister, Wm. Bouse vielted lu Waukegass, C0 WaiSohdà, aèa spending tise pressut Wednesday. wsk wlth bar porsute, M, sud Mrs. 8. A. Mrs. Lizzie Kuehi sund children have . B . Ayusley wore been viiting ber brother, George Ot tor 0helos= part e lat wfak gflsts a ew daye. aiofliste daugistar. Ny,. Oea. Boas. Miese Lilisu Russeil, of Chiscago, visited MiassMisU" Rous, lRester Bilinski aiu WilI Rouge'e, Saturday. sud Caruie Wisliuy t uiThnreday af Tise weatiser lia.eeP, ratiser cool forlu et wqek ai RaVin&la Pak. a tew daye, but have couragelu willi "Mies Kitotlns<<à, aiChicago, we. @coou e warm agabu. *armenst vialioraet tise bomne aifiercosi, m M. sud Mm. George Thatciser, tram Mm. EvareitW@eU. I 3ucketeller, spent Sunday wth the r udNl.(isLs r esetil latte'a Parente, Mr. and 1..Willia.M r. adg,.s stie re n. daeen Lenspker. irons Wlscosaag»seprecet yeek. Mr. sud MN»..Bresthisover moyed to Claresc.," hno longer su Elgin laat week wisere hobais.acpted a eub.y ahWIOnuîn centrai mliroad poitiai. baybsg relgrda hsr, insuy mautisa o t Sndy sbolf ut 1:30, pxrocblng iltlsrvice $as sqgatuiagent. ~ ~ -.......i Mna. B. É. Terp nd chidreis, 01 MI. Keller spent Snnday.lwitb HeurY Chicago, wVon vIits. ai tishe Roua. K au.. homes ber.. A corn roai ou the noruiswe.t abore7 ai Diamond Lake Tueday ulgisi was en- joyed by a jolly party. Tisai tbay isad a good lime ibere la no mistaie. Mm. lin. Roper we. a pleasot cller an frienda lu Palatine recently. iro. Laobe,oftlgih, vielted be fatbar, Nr. Porepe sud ailier relatives lu Palatine and Pluns Grave receuly. Nias Prellberg entertiled a lady fiend aver Sniday. Nr. sud Mn. J. H. Scherdlug attended the reuniai ai the aid soldier. ai Wauconds, Friday. Mise LIly Ssner. of Long Grave, vieited fieude sund relatives here recently. Mm'. Fred Porep, of Plum Grove, vlalted boe g aturday. liaran glad ta e@&y Mr. Mummer's litile sen is recavertng irons bics evere flness. Mias Elen Elwell sud Mns. Undertack are visitissg relatives in Michigans ai prenant The inant son ai Mr. sud lMnr. Hermon Wldisageu dled Satunday nsorniug. At tiseLake Oouety Fairn s thse ime. lit thse IndieenenoTnt là tise place end you hsadballer bring tise girl along wisen you psy your laut year's nubscrip- lont 1tise Independont. e Mesdames Be nsd AveriUentOrtOlOed Mn. F. N. Uaudbna aud daugisters, ai Sioux City, lea,, uesday af ibis week. Mn@. lIlliMoussu sud daugister, ai Phoenix, Atm., a1e speudiug tise preomut week vlaltlog aitishe home ai ber und., WIII Ksslggealao aiben relative@ sud fiands. Mns. John Kuigge le entertassing har ynaiber sud lMater tram Palatine, Nesdamit Ris.olpb aud Schsmidt. Tiserawlube a gWren stiyaithe home of J. J. flousou Friayeveiig, Auguêt 28tis, W"ucla given by the yougWamWasgould ai the Gougrega- tioni. urci. - Tba young ladies bave pledged tieSaissves ta rais. $50 for tise churcis. T1%9 argady have #80 sud bnp. ta complastise amouni hy nsaking tise gardon pauly a grand susses. A miila program wlll be given on the lawu wbich wIll baighted by Japanege lansterneSaud uefr.sbments wlU ba served. A mmail admission tee ai 10 cent, wll h. cisargsd sud frefrbenexetra. Be sure ta conse sud ' tise evening ai the fini gardan -uyevery h.Id ai Rocie- leller sudllip mAaMi a grand sucrees. WeaS Vomen sisold nead my "Boak No. 4 for liains." It tells ai Dr. Sboap'n NigisiCire. Telle bow tisese oofthing, = alsg stiseptie suppool. taris, bring etsud certain belp.The bosefree. Âddresp Dr. Shoop, Racine ALL DEALER&. LOUIS J, YEOMAN THE OPTICIAN Ir 14AIBFl 1F ADW i ~àm uadrsby ùwcnsang thfko bh and0 It prowo bahw with the necomSar fatd an.d min"ra food for hmklhy growth. A.DRUCMOI 5I 00. AND 0 1.00. rAUCONDA DEPARTMENT Miss Ha.el Tisain, John Stephens, J. S. Dsos u d allera spent Suuday st Fart Shseridans. tir, sud tin. Wns. M. W4right are Mmr..JoOegrove spet Sunday and set etertaiuiug fineds mous New York. Mn. tIonday at tseTayus>r home, Ca Wrght le the pomeseor of a fine tauring tr.Trl.a iiao ii. e ca.daugiter aid frieuds Suuday. g Misses M. Hertel sud Flura Fonteppetj A large crawvd attended tise "Bogan of a few daya lu Chicago lest week at tise hop" Saturduy nigisi aud ail repart a former'e home. Sufie time. at E. Hertel sud J. C. Hertel were Lberty- JatWfeh.rtrdtalom vill taler Weueeay.alster speudiug tbree week, t pleaeaut J( Dr. sud tirs. Schaffer, ut Dawner's Hui arm. vi Grave, sud tIr. liaitmu sepent Satun- MseCrieWutetetie co. day aud Suday ai tise home ut Jud MieCrlnM'dt trandCo- Maou. pany tror Cicaga, Saturduy. E MIr, sud Mmr. Luttreilandsu, Charles, MiseBill, ut Waukegau, le vt.itiug at 01 reiuroed bolusaiter a trip ta Kentucky. tise Sartiett bouce. Mr. sud tirs. F. Zusumer, tin. Nick A crowd ut aur youtsg peuple atteuded Zimmer aud son, ai Milwaukee, were the dauveatAntiocb, Wodueoday'evening. Hait Day caller. i William Hagerty le epeuding the week Billy Mayer led tise orcesr Haer. inCicago, ting lu White Cty sud tel'@ dance Saturday evenîg wbich w" their pointe ai amusement@.. well aiteuded hy l26couple. tir. Mayer Clans Lux has retunned to ber homue lu epeit mut of hi vacatiou ait the home Wlaukegan. ai Mmr. Bors Hertel. Hs ieod frlede of Mmr. J. Ker g luM see Katie viited Hait Day were gIsd ta se film alter au with relatives Suunday. absence ofaayear. IMtr. au4 tire. Heu Sciio@ser are ejoît- li, aIl have tise pleasure of Congre- iug aven tise arrivai of a baby girl. ulatixsg Dr. J. C. Scbnaeden upon hl@ suc. Dr. Young aud wii, called on fieud, co. unpaming tise tat. huard exami here Tuesay. nain A lange crawd atieuded tise M. W. A. Mm. Jessie Seisauen sud dangister, sud . N. A. pici and dauce Weduee- Pearl, of Ksuiakee, are vistiug ber day. 1 ohrsdsae ee Miss Olive MIurray raturad]ta, Wall. tir.. Doma Hertel entetained Mri n d kegau alter spendixig a iew day. here. Mn$. Heydteker, of Waukegan, Tusesday. Frank Lui le on ta. gain. Bou't torget tise Wood men pici ai Tise ladevwortis White Soi deteated a Hertl'@ Park, Sept. 13. Everybody Picted teain tram Waukegan, Sunday, welcome. Aug. 23, by a score ai 12 ta, 7. ¶'hey - ~were a iset team sud Ih looked at ifret EVERETT asi the Wadswonîbeq would te .nowed __________________________under. Anyhow Wauiegau thougigis Tise pkicule given at Laie Forest lest but welen Wadswortis tarted ta bat. forn!St. Mary'. and St. Pst- They battedl th ree pîtohere ouitaiftthe box rick's churches w.. wel stteuded. aud wou easily. Waukegan weni home Lawrence Fa~gau wha ia now lu the witi suc sm'ore heade tisai Dr. Foley hâd~ r McAlister iosptal i e1. n Iln cl.ta attend theui whben thby got bock. getiuglonnlcly. Theisens.o!fteplayer.sud thoir Mie. Jeuuie Kennedy @peut Sunslay positions areas. îloîws: twith hercousin, Miss#tIargaret(O'Connor. liaukagan Wadoworth Mr. sud Mn. Johnu Carlsu ver lia i hIsai........8 b ..Bufi sud Dletmeyer kegan viator. Suudav. Birkin . c....... i ............. Jddaby Mis Elîs Dawon le stt.udhug the Bul..............p .........eNamara teacher.' Institute lu Waniegau. Nasllese...... ..e...................... Doyle M. sud Mn. Blake viitei wîîh tise BeYau ............1 b.............ecanu O'Connor familles uver SuuLday, D. Lutter .....2 p.........F. C. Sis là Misa Margaret Canolau la#end'm the C. Lutter .....If ............... .Newel Iwesk iu Glenvlew. ~Goggus ...... r................... Lx 0 Te Ume esy ad BstroeCarolan Bye........ s........l****",*****Sea Tre atisa.i. LeyBuf. Smlns...... p............ an vsttîg u Lae Buff-p' Score by limnlur EvAnboely dances nexi Saturday aveu- Wautegau -8 0 0O15 0 2 O0- 7 ir ng ai A mnu'@bail, Round Laks. Fine Wadsvrt-l 0O0 O 0,O(3 64 0-12 Ir munic sud a good ttre. Ticketa 50c. îî w.. su exciuhnggarnsa tram tart ta Ir _______ finish sud tise Wadwart bobye outdid %. liaukoegan ail tisa vai. Umpire, le TO CORRESPONDENT& Aitendaisc 200. Naît Suidar Wadà- lit PlWorth wtll craubats witis Nortb Ciii. $0 t. t f wil rcur fort fficeg>sdatogsgmp eepected. tnaoswl eas s.C Ee7 a toud see tiseat-n- Ad-. not lalorthnTuasduy. hindepen- gvrbd oeande te 10un dent wil be isued sarIi on acccesnt of lais sud fr hgent,. ie1 en o jthse Lake Couriy Fair. ainndgte 1 IM~r FRMONT. 1.1 ow ta Avold Appendiclîl.. Mns. Blaineansd chldu, of Walwantb, ce Most victime ai app.udilclti arean@, Wis., are vlelthng ai WiI-. McBowell'e. e-sWaoare babituaiiy con.tipated. FaIsys r&" Mnà. kngust Ulrich,01 Chiscago, m Orna Laxativa cures chions contipa. vWsted rlatives bae recently. "r thon by etimuating the lîver sd bowils WIII, sa i la aud retare. tise naturiralaegon o tei WTkb awarking for Kirwau Ibowei,. Fol.y's Oin, Laxative do, & Fuller o a iaondab. )Un not uiste or gripe sud le milet sud A nimber ironsboe attesded thea ý au otall.. Reue9bitutes,. Soldierei' a»idSailom'anoW 01111 t ai u-. ýod by IANaraB. loVECLL. cua JIAI.F DAY, ILL. DANCE, attmsded tise teacise' Institute al Waukegau. Mn. Berthsa Pollock Cousy, oi New Yorkl v.tlgbr parents, Mr. sud Mis as Nisl Anderson returned ta lbar home lu lois, Esusas, le.t we.k. Bd tiartin, sud A. K. Bain transsted bpeinessIluChicaga ti4s wesk. Bae Adams feil Inta the bassient a1 ber uboIe'à new bouse, liu boues broken. Olaytau Boumai sud la. Coller retuned home Idit Tbursday havlng meutsos.tins. aitathebons. aiC. E Mne. Oea. Oerrity sud cbljdren vlalted as iMosenry saVesi daye tblleweak. KmuaPalsser,MUrs. Green grMm. Grisa, Jr.,nd Mia. Âdd reof Waukegs, vlslted Mr. sudXMn. Et. B. ise Alile.Jamiesan, ai Cicago, Cam tridayta spMd a two weekWs vacation witis ber parentis, Ny. sudUNi. George JamuleOn. Bd TyloNyM. sudUre. in. Thons, Ed» itark sud M a.Hughes, of libartyville, Vere iMIburu vîsîtore Sunday. Richard Tis, o aiOk Park sud B. A. B. Tisan, ai Wauwatoma, W6.. vleited ti elunpbaw, J. A. Tiu over Bhaudl. Bei. Thoi preacbsd la Bey. Saelord i Place Nr. sud Mns. Johnu Bussud smm James, ai Rochestser, Wùl. am vitini Nr. sud Mn. Gea. Jansleson tis wesk. Mis Uldned Cuier, of Zian City, le tise guesi aiftUn. W. G. tIcOuire Me .weok. Blarîe Yul., ai Sones, le vlatlg bie couins, Victor and Leon Strsug, ibis week. iar. John Bugis..,oa Lake Villa, le dgng ugber daugiste,tiru.. R. L trsug, ibis weak. B. F. Yul., Fred Hdlie sud Meaure. Dil aamJensen sent Suuday ai tiseir respecive homns.sai Smer., Wl. Nri. Taylor loft W. B. Stewart'* tise tuai of tba waak ta vislt relative. iI il. wsukee. seday until Frlday at Wheaton, DL oT IL C. E. tolteAug. 30: ForignMisions. M Brtpadokspant a day -lth yrus Hamlin and Mission, ln Turkey," rlaivsat Gurul.. 'recently. Ijo. 9 1325.Assle cCrdle lar Max Ucbmldt and tamily vlulted at tise Born ta Nir. and lidr. James Armour home of John Dijer Sunday. 1 augister. Monday, Aug 24. Mrm. tC. L. Thomson aud @uns ePent Lloyd White, lirs. Aile@ Stewart sud 'umday wîth tise tmer's eleter. tIrs. die éoa White, of Waukegan, and two 0. A. Howard, aoftGrant towushlP. adieu relatives tram Nebraska vislted Lsi adc sdli r agis r. and NMm. W. J. White. LIePdokhdh@an agti tIr. H E.Jameousuddauistr Vdathe geartng of a maure mpreader inflict- Mr@e C.lE.cagoist andWdnger idaMn ga eevere wouud below tbeelbuie, algo eeuoC hicaotor'. mathe. re'nbrulsing hi@ arm badly. Dr. Shailer was famrmoy thle retr'd ithther rs. clid ,hery Vlle reurDe wih tem. Several trous bere attended the reunion st Waueouda and vnjoyed a Plea.ant GURNEElà m. Mai y nauMr. and tIr. Jark tiasan, aoframyaka, sud Mr. sud Mme. Rex'. and ie. Willams atteuded thse Howard Maneou, o!f1.5bertY ville. were .issionary meeting lu Chicago the faut gusette at the horme of Simn sA.- Davis ithe week. r3unday. Mr.. Elmer Munie vieited frieude bey tir, aud Mis. Frank Davis, ot Grays. sturday. faite, pnt Suuday wlts their daugister, Misses Stella, and Ethel Haine@ are Mr. tande leuMm .M n rcwad epeudirig a week with relative. lu Chi- Mr. ud mMie. Myrtou FrrandcCariand ýagO.Waucuuda. and Mr. aud tire. Clitiord Mns. Taylor, Ot St. Loues, wa" the. Shermau, of IMcfleury countv, epeut Sun. peetutoftIre. T. C. Frenchs several daY. day vrith A. B. combe mand mottier. : thie week. A number trom he re attended the lianse Mine Blanche Chittenden epeut Sunday warusiug at tile îsew home of Martin ât Ruseecl. Bro.rieur Waucouda Tueeday eveulug. Mn. and, Mr-3. el and Mime Hazfl, of A large comî,any iwax jresent a d a Joliet, aud tIre. Paddock of Round Lake jjleafflnt time w-as erijoie<l lesited with Mn. aud Mmr.*idutaw reently. Once more we will give vousa good Mleee Hazel Ore"g, Loîsise Russell and tini. Conte ta the dance-Saturdaiy even- Ethel Scanibler, ot Chicago, are gustelug at Amau'. hlall. Rounid Lake. of Mamie Haine.. Ticketa 50c. r Tes osOffice Rsbbsrs Founi our Furu ituro Priced foo Rsaopable o t pay to sfsal if BAILEY MERCH ANTILE CO. Over the Pott Office 218 N. Genes<e Street We are nunufacturers and for a himited turne only we wil offer À aDIIs MUAR that regularly seils for $3.50, for :: : le This chair, h made of se- lected Quarter Sawed Oak ThisI. 82.00 hai, $6.0 hÏgenuine leather. Tkemm afte . gretmibaralS ever .uer.dla -ilmeys.lit la w 111e bost Wb" we say-We uMve Yeu f r<M u le »% en ail u ulture bougkt of u» DAIEYUCilNTILE CO. MLJ. TAYiLR ovrwa0"3 à. îLL Tmrns 81.00 ilu.s-7 ta 10 a. m. i ansd 6to Sp. M. sdeno on Broadway, opposite Park. UÀbetyvIf lLsoWs DR; C.LRGALLOVAY, ornacSoYvInLOYULL's 1IeUG"Ose vouus-from 1 to 8 and ô ta 8 p. m. Llb.flvln. Ilmzos. DR. EDWARD V. SII1T 1 ENIRAL PU.ÂOTIC Office over Luce & C.'& Store Op" ulAttotÂau toDamse.uof tii.Eye Lhbsréyvll.i lWnols DR. E. FL SMITH. BRNTIST. OVÇi LARZS OCtYNT SATIOSAL Aft. uooui-Ilta 12 a. ns. sud 1 ta 5 p. m. DAILY. LubortyvUlIllloi DR. GOLDING DENTIST Rlours 8 iol12 iL.-l to5 p.m. J. EliITuigg Building wlth Dr. J. L. Taylor-Phone 19 Le. Phione 1092 Uibevtyville, Ililinois DL O. P. DtTERPUILD, VBTEBINÂBY 8UROIDON. £IslS?ÂUT tAin vruTmxnAm.. Lbstyvtlls. IllnobLs VnAuLas ,WExvunx aàLI'UJ. Dn VH«INEY L DADY LAWYEBS i05 Waaington Street Waukegsu, Illinoe Y- LAMN LAWYEE 218 Wasahlugton Street Waukegan 'Phone 2761 PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT L.AW. ubertyrtile, hllualea -UONE 88 JESSE S. HYATT Cl VIL ENGINEER ANI 511h',EYOît Lslen!3 'ille, III. Tel. S-51 0tfi0'pe wtt' FRlANK A, WINi>lS Wiunetka III1 Stop That CoId 0~t gro mfà niez Ite 0 I Pro. 001m (»oM a b. y*s Q erm ý. 'j = "'" e Preventics mALL DEALERS" ICIE CREAM~ IN BRICKS PLAIN OR ASSORTED 1 mate a fipeclalty of inrnieinig either Brick or BuIt Ile Creuro tu Church Sociale, Picuice and Pub- lic Gatheringe. MITCHELL BLACK Tel. 2625 Llbertyville BOOKEFELLE.I, ILLINOIS GET READY TO BUILD I AM READY FOR. THE ýORK JOHiN '4.IRVING CONTR~anT d BUILDER Sidewalks and Cernent Blocks ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Let Me Estimate Upon the Job CALLON Je J. SPOUN ROCKEFELLER, ILL. ______FOR Hardware, Stoyes, Eave Troughs,; Roofing and Fufnace Work ail I unir ALJ.2.9 D)ancing Evsry daturdev NiXIxt Muniebyxertel'. Orchestra Sv.ry Accommuodation i f oew n!m!" om nm da la( Mi wt J' se B. Hunghes sud tansily. NdisBlancee biteudeus iseutertalssln a pshty of girl frienda irons Cicago. Tise sunuai townsbip Sonday scisoel convecstion wa. h.ld st the Chrisian cisurcis Suuday wltb qut. a go"d ai- tendance. Everyoue le cordlally iuvted ta attend tba open air srvice ou Haines' lawi, Sunday eveulug, Aug. 80. IeRoy Lake sud Ethel Jobnson were unlted la marriage hy Bey. J. F. Wilamse aiternoon, Aug 20,ai tise home ai tise bride',' paren.Mr anid iM. E. H. Jlohnson. Onlyiy medate relatives ai the contracting parties were proest. - Aller the weddig auer the young couple left for a tri p ta LiGen. eva. They wlll h ai home ta iber frondsa aiir Sept. 7tis ai Rockefeller. Tbaiu maay ienda extend beatty cou- graiulatlona. 1 ýdw&re , Buls

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