7&DAY- ÂUGTIST 28. 1908 A SPARKLING REFRESHING -- SUMMER DRINK I l rin tomberu yardvu 1o 1 RuseilLUIlNrIf. ~*BAIRSTOW ______________ N 0 WMAUATRRO Louis Davis Lawson sees boru Aprîl 29, GGESLýAKE IS 1THE TIME TO bAI J ( a 19 nCîuo eie isiepar. Anthony (3ounyi las a fine new surrey, Mvarbie andu Granite enute otilierchuntilr9f7whentthmve ta .Kle seiýrann i rte rayeluke wbere tbey bave 'ince reeided J.BKelriiîrtnighertb B u y gave corne traveling. Hone es taken tram Rockiord. M onumenis sick wth pneuroua en Aug. 101h and Rev. C. M. Ri~d preached bis furewul Ho wae convertedsud joined the church Boy. Smith, of Es auston, will elpeak at Lumbr, C ment Cut the auteo! thîrteen under Bey. T. A. the chnreb nuIt Sunday. L m rC r ntC alCeenetery Work of Every 'Stephens and elfes then hue tried ta ie M.adMs olhCadadfml faiblu tebigtrut. mon may drove ont fron, lîicago lait week und Posts and Mllwork Description hlas od er he "Mamma, Ifae iditiug relatives la Ibis viinity. GIV MEA TIAL Coressnndncte the ctunch; but ilflha don't, 1 amn Ira M. Rarris, of Park Ridge, je repsir GIV MEA TIAL Corespndece ollc tdready ta die. 1 arn not ai-aid te dB,." iig the houseaun hie farma hure. Surely sucb a tetirnnny froin se youug Fred Vaun Zandt vlsited hie brother i u chriatiau lea videuce o! the reafiiy o! Madison, Wia., te tiret o! the week. IF. . H E D te Umuter's lest message t0 hiesdisciples. Thte Ladies' Aid Society met with tir F1S lE A D I26 Genesee St -LoIl am with you aIwayo; ve tnWfi nuto husdy RUSSELL, ILL thedeshe" nrl nri Waukegjýn ay~ed by lire. C. E. Havouer sas thnaaea onadstl gder Ceprocession entered the church sud tohrav you pay ynur auhacriptl<i by request the pestai and wife reudered ___________ Gray lake- Ba erq"Nearer My God ta Thee, " hslg the ________________________ uly hymu Louis tried ta ing dniug bis Ingiesidu Canmpî:3989. M. W. A , mest Graqsake *Bakeri elkuese "TheLand o! Clouless Ski, es"éVi tiret and tlîîrd Tuesday o! eaul and yCaaBGare gave a great deal montb. Visiting Nscghbore and mumbur Resta rantof com!ort te tte berebved parentesud ara ordially iuvit'-d to attend. friunds. The tpxt u9ed, Psu. 16-1,,'lunhiHOWARDCi-uneil. Retua tFARM thy presence la tulînees of ioy; aItby 81-t! Il. HENsîîaiu-Ke, Clerk. right baud there are pleesures forever- more" The funeral was held Sunday RcfrIIhsNwMsu Mealsand unchs Sevedt 230 and Lurial ut Grayslake cerne- RcfrIlhsNwMsu Meas nd unhesSevedIYA CsFII'N E R 11 tory. Hie breavud parente have the- at ail hours ___________________sYmpathy o! tite entire comnunity. t19i00 tlakute liv-n raestor eduitatlona ICE CREAM SODAl of ailKnsEeyhd a nAfflilte o Pc i liI bu hua8eil teter AND SOFT DRINKS ~the Rnck!ord uievii05î ao ny esta Everyhody is talking about It. About lge yteilnl tt,88tiss what? Why, 'the novel eutertainmntTt. dsas ax vigi~ ue huoenst hon I'I~ U> IDffl hoconcert and dance at the opera bouse Expert doutons - plain ibusu diieageus an Fniday evening, Ang. 28. iftho wuather aie tete puNli. It pasi-5 1 travel 2o mrtlles l, vIel Oiusuiu n sd to ltsi CIGAR andCANDISteafinetoe e ilI bu onu o! tha larguaI about tbe 00w pilnîue sud bloodiese ouiE CIGARS and CANDIESwith crowde in the istory of the hall. Cone nmade to bs 5tî'ligts-îenn ret &long adheip swuli the rowd und have Al l lk people hi' rt o retct LAUNDRY OFFICE tgeolmet i 0muneumntou en uonutiton. The Phone No. 19. elsievitere ln thi slýe . For tickets, st 1115 MMAGELACt.Pro. NDSAUGATC ILLINOIS STATE SPECIALiSTS ________________ D ispatch MM!terepondigarturnied ta Chîcago ___Ill. TIE NW Misses Hazel and Myrtie Strng, o! Novel Entertainmen IGEÇRO FÀTORYEvausâton, viited friends in this vicîity Wises @te announcu that Disc Ilarrows Sharpened recently. !niday Eve, Aug. 28 &bey willlopen up Ibeir Mrpa bit w ek. rane eatvm Dow factory ______________AI Miss Zeru Bitermnan eutenlained lier Gragslake Opera Ilouse %Saturday, May 23d niece rom Waukegan s couple o! daye. iii duo tinte for ordera for Decoratiots WILLIAM LAYCOCK Ci). TeLde'AdSceymeëatMs ne h upcso Day. The very best o! create wili ho Will Snydeatîbie wek.- The Ladies cf the Episcopal Mission manufatured here et pries. reaeonable. lir. Aman returned home Satut-day 1 CI, opiae ~LIbedtgVik, 19. aller having an operslion aittbe bospital ADMSION 25 CENTS t. F«AN%, M111114Je4aw -!b6Theiters aenobnsy.. attending te REFRESIIMENTS EXTI Tslplies ~ RAYSLAKE. ILL. Oppotits SI. Paul FrOI*ht Ospot luotztltls Wattkeffu. Corne sud have a god tinte. RAYS'LAKE DEPARTMENT P. J. DRIJCEu Editor ptmNO. Il r rr Taken for Job Work Advertising Ratais On Application mies canon, o! Chcago, la the gueset a 1 .Wbb oAtloch, trausacted huil- A. Ttoumon and famlly. crebr uea' Mr'.Roui-y Kuebksr viited at Wuuke- TbeStangitgreua.howed in town Tues- ___ gtu~rday. day eveuiug tb a Mir sized crowd. MaNua Saffr ad Lonar Rok tThree car Iod" of cane were deivered Marqis itue su LonardHoo tothe orayelako canning factory titis atted the hanl gain sta Chîcuglo wek. The tactory will mun for a short tiaturday. seeson in Septeuber. James ILawson sud wia, o! Hunuley, P. A. Robinson, formier presideul o! are te tu of their nephese, Frauk te Menititauta' sud Farmere' Bank. seas Lsw.ottsndWffe. hre Tuesday sa" Wuduesduy. Ho sud UMse. RMsiFilwebber sud Olive hi wiie were guoetsof Dr. Puarner sud Tiffner wore te gusete oali Me Mabel !arily whlle hèrei. and LIlIla Turner Severul duje lint Tite infant suo! li r. aud lir. Dell week. Townseud la not expected to livu. Corne. totb. dances and concert Frlduy Mesdames Huibutt and Wrn. Witt. evening at the opera houes, more seereinuChicago on buiness Tue@- Mir. and Mlire. aThornon returned day. troin titir tri-p tu NorthtDakota Mouday. Elmer Barge in laid up witb a sevure Mrs, snd 1mu. F. C. Wllhur eulortaiued cold. Mr. sud lMu. Swayur sud »ou, of Waake- We bave a fine ine of ubsolutely pure gm noseral days titis week. aim sat lte Groahlake Pharmacy. AI Thtomsan and !amily uccornpauled C. Holmes le movlng hie bomse sboe by titeir"at Miese Carson drove to goodsi mbt theB"h building. Zion Cty l!unday. The school itome is heing renovated Mru. Cites. Wilbur und son Evurt, oif sud clesued up titis week. eWauekgan, viited F. C. Wlbur and D. T. Webb and duughtur, Lucihe, o! faeuly tiret c! the week. Wuukegasu pe Sunday with B. J. Mir. H. C. Godfrey seho ham h.eu Lofla. a:2 faeully. OtOPPiug at the Wm. Jubua home oit M. (leu. Tbayer and Miss Jessie @pent Grayelake hes returned ta ber home ut Saturday and Scanday with relatives ut Firanklin Park. Waukegau. P.C. Combet, o! Franklin Park, issood- Ed Plonien hms returned fron a viel, ing the week t the Wm. Jahns home. ln Milwsauke. Mir. and lir. liorrieey, a! Chicago, Wm. RElnne and Miess race Younug, o! seere gueste of Chae. Tucker and !arnily Chicago, spet several days o! lait week Salut-day and Sunday. as guets o! B. J. Loftuu unît fumily. Dr. John Turner aud ttre gentleman Misoees Be"sie Strow i uand Aleattia !riende speut Snnduy ut hie parent,' White are visiting friendsail Wauketgan borne bere. thîs week. Mdies Mubel Wick@ îe a guest offriende Mir. aud lirs. John- Lau ren, o f 11h. t Waterloa, lu. ertyville. visited relatiî i., lire Wedues- lire. Todbuuter and dungbter, of Bell, day. were gueste o!flMr. and lir. Frank Luw Mlre. Hunry Kuebker i vîsîtîng lier son Sunuay. parent» ut Waakegsu thtmuvk lir. Arthnr Iihblue pent sevural duje The Danisit ciurcit ervi- ew ill bu held witlî ber niether ut l.ake Ville. recently. ut thp home o! Mr. and NMrs. Jen8een on lire. Guo. Thayer, a! Abiaud, culied the Dean !amm, Ivanitoe, Sunlay, Aug. on friende hure this weuk. 30. Alil Scaudinavians are inivited ut lir, W. A. La Peire left lait îvouk fer 2:30 P. m. Saunt St. Marie, Mili. Mr. sud tire. A. B. Collins, of Chicago Win. Foster, oi Mobile, AI, te tte Heigbte, lMr. sud lire. F. B.ilnrrîîwe, of ~etof is gster. lir. A. La Peire. ut Chicugo, MisesZ. S. Shermnai, o! Cornue, Iuke View cottage. and lites MaletiSherman,. f Waukegan, AI Groshon, brother of Mmr. Applu, is epet Sunday at J. P. Sherman'. spending the week ut Lake Beulab, Wt%----- Lonie Garwood, af Antioch, vieited hie [lNLK parents bore Sunday. ONLK Andrew Dcker, o! Liberty ville, was a MiRBoy Denulso bas leen entertuin- guet o! irieuds bure tiunduy. ing hem lister froin Chicago. Dr. Smith sud friende, o! Libertyvillu lre 1C i.Whloleenjiiying a trip dinedut HotelGardinierSunday evening. through itorheru ictîgun. Dont frget the Novai Etertainmeu,, Mises liargaiet White, Tussie Cunnîng- concert and dunces a the apera bouse huminsud Blanche Denimon are atteudiug Friday evening. Twenty-Sive cents ad- teache' insÜtt lu Waukege.n. mite yaîî V) both. Myrtie Martlin .isîted a kew daye with Ad~Ipb ('bard and !arnily, o! Chicago, relative, in Waakegan. are viniug relatives iu rayelako sud tDora sud Beatrice Hook visited the viciaity. pasl week wilb relatives in Grayeslake. LOUIS J. YEOMAN *fflLJ= OlAmr% MANI arue. Made by a metbod thst Iniures absolute purity and unusuui qualiti. PIsauget iste, râ&uret. invigorates sud reileves. Try Il se ,weli as Kil's Pure GInger Ale snd Sodas. Sold everywitere. JE. G. KLEIN GO, Burlington, Wl,. iid :DO YOU WANT A PIANO?: If so corne ina an try the fmarnu SCHAEMfER- SCHUETTM * Piano, t your disposa a our store at ANY TIME O * You wiUlbe pieasd with it *STRANG'S FURNITURr- STORE * GEO. E.STRANG I ICENSED UNDERTAKER O Prop. AND EMBALMER Tickled? 0f course, why not---- We seil the SCHIAEFFER PIANO W. coneldur ourselvea very fortunute 319 ktlajuan instrument ne one hentitoaton 10 buy BECA USE - FIST-The price ia eiot Iow (vemy few people waat a cheap piano, $0 WC wont lose much business on that account). SECOND-The price ta not away up (people hesitate theu they're doubtlias tb gettiug bfuItvalue). Sa yonumeo when the toue le huard end thte prîce :unnounced Itmase anothea' SCHAEFFER aoid sd unother home niade happy throngrh Alden, Bidi nger & Co. 209 N. Genesee Streetsiej WAUKEGAN, ILINOIS TO CORREBPONDENTS *f tg fg<~ Pioe. eend youjr copy for the comlng week sa that il willI reach this office flot later than Tuesday. The Indepen- dint wjll be 88used early on account of VOLO Fies! F st1 Mise Lydia Nichoils Io on the sick bast. Sý Mir. Rotebtord, of Chicago, lm spondlng Millions upon millions of flies pestering your a few deys st the John Roelng home. a'.- Mises Kate Frost wus a recnt McHeney cows ail day long, millions more mooquitos etiaging,. visiter.r_ rir. John Rchardson entertained «W,. them ail ngbt. How ean the cowe% give %»y iuilk? rltives f rom DesPlainesl during th. reunlon week. John ilyer. of Wauconda, and bro..e M ac Kenzie's FIy-Skidoo . Pote, ofRolnweinVlSd- forenoon. 111111-i Joe ltosing, of Chcago, was ut is I", pute a stop to ail titis, protectiug your cows froni 1h. 'm borne hiere over Sunday. John Btronimus, of Wuukegun, lea * fliee and mosquitos and the absence of ail trouble et spending a few weeks with relatives luin ' and .round Vole. ilking time. 1 have such confidence in my propara-. MWg Loia Avery bas been quite 111 for tin that I amearn to u back every do of it the laet two weeks, but laesornewliat t in rprd bydo htter now. gb, if you are not satinfied, thus giving you the privlege Mir. Watton, of Chicago, le the giteet o rigi tm ik erwa hs h r o! Mr. and Mmr. Hurry Ncholis thie o rig ta y ik er httos h r week. r ili for the third seas say about it: Do't lau to ho at the dauce Saturday1 eveningat Aranusé hall, Round Lake. III would not rmn a dairy without it." Oodmul ndagodtm1IiktI~ I wouid net use anything else now." 1 MIiss aune Waiton, who lae mployed 'I like it, would not bu without it now." at lihsrtyvllle vigited ber parents,1ýbere IIIIs' Thureday aud Fniday. "I was coming hack for my money, but I gufli lire. Sarah 8. Toirance, of McHeêir sr_ w'iaoterca. epent;Thurday with Mmr. A. J. Rayrnond. ,,. Arthur Ingilart, of Wlnnetka, spent ; ---sr' o laet week with bis cousine, the Mise5 ,galons $5IM00 prsscharges pep"or sý5 France@ and Cara ltosing. 0i h tr ihVu w a,1glo io lg4 Mr. and Mmr. S. J. Russell were Graye-. atesoewt oroa eIglo L1,cye lake callere one day last week. *b prepaid or 90c in the store. Mir. and lire. Amabrose Raught, o! b iburtviiiu, are @pending a few daye Sth hOne, folks ut the ltaugbt furrn1111- For lêuug Sto re gocids trade where your MIlW neur Vola.011- by a bundred cets4 worthL Mre. Walter White and dangliter Marie,Iw 0[ Long Lake, were lin Voio receittly. O-77DA Pete Froet and daughter Adelinu, o! C EYES TESTED AND GLASSES FITEDA Chicago, wuru guesteo! relatives bure qb REASONABLE PRICESI onu day iust week. Mrm. R. E. Waiton and cidren, of ~ Wuukegan, âpent severai days laHt week Mir- PHONE 2453PIIONE with Mr. and lirs. John Waito)n. Mr. and lire. L. V,. Lusk and seou, o! Wemt Fremont, wuru in Volo, Saturday H R X L S O ) Paul Avery, of Lake 'Villa, and T f eo gi K p p e, of G r y e ak , w ere q C orne r I lEn a EX adisS T O R Eg a , n gueta et the Rolt. Paddock bomne nissdMdsnWueae ls Sunday. Z Mir. and lire. Evrtt Stotne and sons@ (<(~< 11. wure in Waueouda laet Saturday. lire. Jennie Cosemun and daugbter U Muri, of Round Lake, spenit Sunday afternoon witb the formner', motber an il sîster heru. Miss Ella Moorue pent the two duys of the reunion with relatives ut Wau- conda. Mir. nd lire. Sel aned cblidrun were h st =o!f, rienda and relatives ut aucon aa bhureday and lFriday of iset L A D S ER . 'eirs. Ca"peller, o! New Orleans, visited lier son John, at the George Wulrnalsy borne over tiuuduy. NORTIIERN NEW MEXICO IRRI- Pay ait h. tant. Thar s the place to ge! square wllh thte Independent. OATED LAND$ ARE THE BUST RUSSELL. Mir. Woriey was entertained over D'byayfrgtâlnetl o e s eeaue Sunduy aut ill Melviiie's. Dntbyayirae a&t Sm u ieaj* Mmr. Edwurd Murray a! Waukegan, 20,000 acres sold no far Ibis season. Bzmursosms «" bas recovered frorn ber sickneee suificient two welm BEST î.Ar'.fl T ILE PEFECT, ifl . to ho taken borne lest Monduy. - r H. 0. B. Youn)g returnud Sturday from R, R. Special teris, prices and Inducemmetsdus4a hie viil to Nebraska. Iuly, Write today. Thos. Sua le, of Chicago, spent Sunday ut A. C. Corrne. Loretta Kenselu und Mon& Sayie, o! FRANK I. WIRE & COMPANY Chicago, area spending a week witb tbcir Sie4,11L al t cousin, Ilyrtle Cornie. Sie4,11L al t * Amelia Puteon, o! Wintbrop Harbor, CHICAGO, ILL. )peunt a few days witb Molly Colby. Or FRANK E. WIRE lire. R. Gl. Munrie ad William were Lock Box 457, Libertyvifle, III. Keriosha visitore Friday. Dont forget the Sunday echool con- r ven tion uat iosecraus nexti Sunday, 3uut0. liMre. Gui,. Siver epent a few days wltt h 'r hblîdren ini lwaukee. it reg. L. M. Bonner and Mmr. A. C. Coris spent lest Tburaduy in Waukegun and Kenoshua. J. R Corne sand ilie were Kenosha i- Dr. Lewin aud Mise Browe were ____________________________ r-Wuukegan vietore last Tuesduy. i re. lMelville ia entertaining ber sîster inMre. Leiber. We have rifen M.The excitinent o! Monduy mornlng w sthat two af our leading cmai etate mo ppeared oun te main mret with r" brusèH oruffulo grass. A ctizen called S T A V R B Già Onterattention teaneund sont lbem over to tbe loading tonsorial artiet o! the bîrg (at his expensee) They looked That we wiII make a Ver Low Price'l >m avýg adno olectr n1he roiti Close Out Quick. the raits inrw. sel epleaaed t meet ail the nId aubscriberesait he e. Independent Tent et the fair grounds.. liere is a Chance to save Money on a Goad Job You'll know why sehon you get there._______ lm L OUND AKE Gt a new 'buggy for th4 Dl Columbtiun Kaighta, of Chicago, will pay bail bure ncx.t Sunday with the IF IT'S A. Staver iB a Staver. b- Frank Duw'ell bas bud hie hurn painted. FROM- ,,le Frost Bros. of Volo, dîd the work. '-rs 'v- Martin Tfuelen turned a Aomeault one I ~ " eue day thie w,-ek and lie liud tîje mifortune C H N CK'S S cii auicI arn af cutting hie lîead. res Mme. Win. A. Rosing and 8ou, vlitud IT'S ots lier father ut Wauconda whla s ick lest O te.. JOe Rosing, of Chiîcago, vislted biere.B Saturday and Sunday. Libertyville. 111. S Chas. Nlason @pont Sunduy anîd Monday in Chicago wtt friends. Chas. Jorgenson and WVill Roeing @peut Adjudication Notice. M"Wednesday. Publia noattela hereby yven titat t lire. Albert Wagner unid lre. (G. B. Itubscriber Admntistor oalbhes8l9.1o N w onclin ltRoeing weru Big Hollow callere lest Emrna J. Pbillii>a doooeadwill attend - Friday. Ibte Counti Oourt of Lake bouuîi st a E UWM U Friday. ~tern i taront te ieb. aI etthe ouVuea ut it on lte »top M I