for A Cool. and Refreshing ID rin ko6f Cream Soda, (linger Aie, Lemon Soda, Strawberry Soda and Root Beer Boqttied by Libertyville Crystal Spring FOR SALE BV J. JELI TRIGGS LIB!RTYVIuIr r Il IiEADQUARTERS Il Teas and Coffees We reepect! ully eall the attention of our many patrons in Libertyville and uicinity to the especial qnality of the teas and coffeee we are now offering at most reasonable prices. j îld .4 'n ted !OU R Y Ji What is more refreshing and de- lightf ut thau a good cup of coff ee? Our Twenty-f ive cent Coffee with its Fine Flavor and Deli- cate Aroma Fils the Bill and Serves the Purpose for Whlch Coffee is Used. SIIUTH & DAVIS Libertyville, MI. RETURN ENGAGEMENTV THE MulIvey Comedy Co. lligh Class Vaudeville > and Moving Picture Show New Songs and Dances m LIBERTYVILLE BIG TENT One Week Commencing AUGUST 31 FAIP, WEEK I LIB R TY ILLE Items about AN IDEAL 8UBURBAN VILLAGE don't Lake County'e holiday-tii. Fair nexit LbtyvfIs i0755e will be close very wssfr aternco05durieg fthe fair. Misek aPras, nes al R1 .H .Lv. rtr. atwe valtng C. H. Kaiser nad tamlly returned tram1 a trip ta, Colorado last Friday. Baleîd Hay, Balsd traw and ail kinde 1 of Mill Fssd ai Houz LumBER Co. L. B. Howell, ot Austin, 111., was a viitai rsmaturday and Bnnday. 1Umss racse(roker bas accepted a po- itlon as cashier lu the Waldron grocery. lira. R. J. Hutchlng, et Glenvev, spst Tussday wlth relatives in Librty- vil. Lýafayette Bond r.hnrned Friday from a trip o! eight weeks tiirough the. sateru states. Mmr. E. B. Chriaian, ot Elgin, bas heen thes guesto ai ends and relatives ber. the past 1111, esturu engagement ofthtii lilvey Com.dy Ca. commenclng net lianday, Augnat al. Mur. Jas. licilregar and son, Charlesl, of Ban Bernardino, Cal., are vlatlng iienda ber@. Bulk Bran. Sacked Bran, liiddllnga. 011 Meal and Sugarota F.eds a! HOME LiUituEu Ca. Mies Aila Radzinski, 01 Chicago, waa the guest o!flMr. andl M". Clarence Flagg the pant week. Mir. and Mmr. C. F. Wrigt tet lasI week for a trip to Wi@conein and will alse 'visit points in Canada. Mir@. W. J. MacCuaig and chiîdren. ol Chicag% A pent Fniday and Saturday wlth relatives and friend emi-. Tios. Hiddlsslon andl ile eturned Monday tram Buchanan, Mi, ., where they re.ided for everal months putS. Mark Ellsworth epent lust week wlth relative. osar Elgin. His brother. Lutian, ie visiting tiser,- at thse pissenit time. E. W. Colby, the, velI kuowu criminal lawysr, lettiaturday for New York City, where ho epent sevenal daye on a case there. High-lases Vaudeville ani moving Pic- tures at the. Mulyev Comedy Co. every nigit next week. A good show for gaod people. The Misse Florence and Gertrude Evilszor returned laet week troam Evans- ton wiere they spent several veeks wltlt relative@.. lire. C. H. Averilî and daughter, lire. Eý W. Cahhy, have been vlitlng the. past tva wseks lunSt. Paul and other ldilnoeota pointé. lir K. Dwa, af Springfield. Ohio, and lir.. 0, Wildersau of Unbana, Ohio, spent ]&et week vit tbir relatives, 1Mr. and lirs. S. P. Evilior. irons a tva vssk s lit with bis parents et Green Valy, 111 MissesLaiera, Edna andl Addie Frltcb, ut t,'iicago, speni atnrday and Snnday ut R. P. &hcbaebshe's. Ail th ii.tIs.theiiuvey cam.dy Co. keepo yan laughlng. Bzig show aitie tent every day durlng fair week. a. B. - Psglow le plastering tires banses lu Id&s Farest aiea one for S. L. Trlpp and aîo*bsrfor E. A. BIgbap. YOn caU gsit HEONIF LUMBER Ca. Corn, Cracksd Ouvi, Oata, Grouud Qats and Cuutom Qsinding every Wednesday. A . srm55ioied here Wsdnes- day=tlhg ai ii. eatiaI abrother af Mn. C. IL Shermsan. Who lm eald ta bave dravned himmslflu Wiacanein. isse Franc 'Sirsasie and Fanny MoicEroy, oft Kankakee, returned home lionday sitar spouding a week at the baon. atlMr. and kirs. lea. Koon. The. Ludon'Ald o! thse M. E. ciurcb wW iiold a hakry sale Saturday alter- naon, Augut YV Sathte 0. 1. Luce turaiturs tors. Carne and buy. 47-2 Tii. v.skly bond concerts o! Mitchel's Ilitaiy Bnd ae attrncting langer crowds euhwusk. Lt Friday evenlng tii.y were repoi6tsdlY en-ored hy an ap- preclative audience. liegular ConcertI neit Friday ,,snlng. j Rochester Academy. Ejîheeter, Wi.. apens ise forty-fel-and year Sept. ki. Course admite wthaut 'xaluiination ta college ar univsrsltv sI.-ilicourses in Business, Music and I l'rationfo 1 Teaciiing. Far catalog asnd inormation addrese E. G. Toan, l'nî 43- 5-7-m Mise Marlon Gertrudl liarde gave a. rarely gond entertaînnmeît ntths Union chuirci lat eeîn.Ber humorous charaicter 8ski-tles and mono- logues were tuns and li-r îorhraynl of "Aunt ltty" and tii.- aid njaid" par- ticlarly good. Si. w as iandicapped by tiie absence oft usei-aud iad tbe ceter a! tii. stage ta hi-ceci! aIl the een- ing but eutertalned ber audience ruat admirably wlthout h-,omng iesosut. de t th 0 th Ramblera 3; Chicago Standards 1. Tii. Chicago itaudards, wha wee deeated hby the. Bmblercefast Sunday rov.d ta be a rather mediocre aggrega- ion ot ball tasse. Tise gaine vas pr&etic-ally sstti.d in the firet lnuing wien tiirurh tluwildneeeoftheCicgo *tcbr and bis pour lieldingz support the Ramblers wSee2 rafle. Tbey added one more lu the. hbird on another batcii of ellav feldlng. Andit was tortunate bat they dld nôt nesel aiiy more as the Standard's pltcber wae invincible ailtsr Jst, anly B Eaiublers reachingftiret base na the, rensalinng inninge and twao!o thase ded lu an attempt ta sis" second. Boyse vas sntilld to a sint-oni, as only '2 ade bis ver. made ail hlm; but mne o! ties. camne alter a flelder's muSf aud a paued ail dscored tiie Standard's alltary i-un in thie faurtii inuîng. Ramblers -2 0 1 0 O O 0 O X-3 Standards-0 0 0 1 0O0O0O() 0-l Batteries. Boyse and Johnson; Adamsa and Becker. Bits: Rambler. 5, Stsandrs2. Struck out hy Bayse 10, h7 Adams I8. The Chicago Grays th. Board o! Trade Team, wlll meet the. hlamhlers sh the tain «rounds ,.,xt Sund"ay aternaon. This le a tast team sud local tans wilI have the oppontunity of seng a gond gains. Blames Liberlyville Man. Vie Gaylake Tlin.s lu response o a comment made lu tuile paper Baya; The Libertyvilie Independen t 'coile st an item lu a i-cnet issue ai the Times yhlcb Stated that the. Libertyville aas Cmpany couteuplated pîpiug fuel aas ta Grays- laike betore the snav Bley this 1"l. As lte Item w a8 prinlad on the. word ot a Lbertyville- mnan, "Somebody LIED! Somebody LIEU! sounehady !alsified o me. I Auctiofl Sale. 1 viii seli at public anction on the 0. I. Bockenbacti lairn, two miles we.t ai Deenfield, tbreî' jîjiles eust o! Prairie View sud une mile ujîrti o! Nortielld, Vuesé- dey, Sept. 1 , commsnclng at 10 ucelock a. mn. tb. folio wing describ.d property, to-vit: one i-ni load choie. Wiscaîie cave. 15 neii ijlker., balance epningers, 4 stacibulle I suaI berme. () I ROCKENB1A(,H, Pi-op. FRED STAn X, UCtianee- open Air Meeting. Next Surn,lay altennoon will concinde the open air nri-r ee loi- the summer. lu case the we-atici- jenavoraile tie meet- ing w111 be i tih,Utnion ion-i am hast Sunaday. Niate tis e sthe of ail for attendaj, iLev. H. F. Lawlen vii have charge. 3Tise Fai- Dances. On Vljuresfi.Fiday and i-aturday evening. S,-ji :;, 4 and S, ofPair week, Mitchelis %Iijlit,try Baud trili «ive dances eh the toc n jall. Minee by n i-st-clas forchestra. Tihe ilîor will lie under cou- pelant iiaija.g.îîjî-ist and etrngere are guaranteed a goal titli,. Collje. t Methodist Services. DTii. pastîr ,îili pi-sach next Sunday 4rnarning jiîî,,,--(, ne witb (lad.' Mies rWlîeeler çill la-'iclai-g. o!Vie Epwontl &League se-rvij~,. llowing Vhe open air Meeting. The next dance given ai St. Maris I hall. Lake Foret, Di., will h. next Wed- 0 nesday eveiug, Spt 2. Music by 0 Bruns@ orchetra. Dan't miss It Tickets a] oly 50 cents. S Tiie business meeting of the Ladies Aid Society ai tii. M. E. cinrch wbich vas ta have been held at tIhe bome ai lire. R. H. Lytle, Tsssday, Sept. 1, bas been postponed until Sept. 8. F. J. Aleman sud brather, Peter, returned tuil eeek tram a trip o Miles Clýty sud Butte, liant., they epentT aweek. A. J. McCloasky acisd as agente dnnlug 1Mr. Alirni'a absence.t Ail membere of Commia Ladge, No. 131, M. W. W. muet pay ail asseasmente on or betare Angust 31, or tii.y wilI h. promptly euspended.L.J okSc On account ofthtat memorable @venth thie Lake Cunuty Fair, the INDEnENDENie wilI be issued ans day ,arler than uouail uext week. W. are ail golng. Every-c body. Fiou the editar ta lhe devil. 1 "Sionhy' Millerasud Bert Autin bave been bus! advertlsing thes fair the puât veek. Indication abus elbt mucb lutereet le bing taken thraugiaut the. county and the atisudance willI lng. Mr-. F'armer why ars You paylug high price@ toi- fenoe and not getting jut viat you like when you ean ha v e 50différent styles ta select tiram t a speclal low VriS.?1 SS aur ad. AMERICÂR Wsxa FENQCE Co., Lbertyville. 464h matter. ta b. consldered lu selectlng a chool: gaod instruction, good lirary and equipmeuh, goad moral atmosphere, low expense. For information about Rochiesher Academy. Rochester, Wis., a home sehocil wi tisseo advantages, L ddreee E. (G. Toan, B. A., Prin. 4-- '-Siali the district labor and praperty uoad tai be aboliehed?' was a question roied upon a!tite tawn hall lasi Tue@- lay = grin hy a numiser ofvoter@ lu Lieyi^ letownehip. Tii. polie vere, open luet one hour b.tween elguit sud tins o'clock and during that time 74 volas were cet: 43 for the proposition and 31 againet iV. VhS mease laI the road taxilu Vils ownsiip willnow b. Eaid lu cash insead o! woi-king it out as ans been the custaîn in Vie pasi. The votenans wia atbended thi f oldiera' and Balai-v iteunion at Wau- conda lest week speak tost bighly o! their receptian tiers and say tint every- iug vas donc for tisir comfort and eniertalument. Thenumb.cwlioauwer call1ceau is growinjg les@ aud less every year but the. ligit iearted cami-ades tint gathe shut the camp-lIce eeem ta gatiier about theus Vie atmoepiere of tai-mer dsys. Bot aid men tien ton thelr thiugita snd tallk are aI historie days w heul men were up aund WHEN YOU GO TO THE LAKE COUNTV FAIR lion't leave your valilable papere encli as notee. bonds. deeds, abetracte, ineorance policie8, etc., lu Vie bouse where fiey miay le destroyed by lire or taken by some tram p. Dont worry yourself witl oarrying them around wirh son, sou MayI ose them or bave tiem etolen: luticail and put them in a Salety Depastt Box. in ourFii' Proot Vault. Tîjis se in abgolute pro- tection for your valuabce@ at a very law cost. Your manes may at the samuf l1me b. eafely tuld profltably luveeted lu aur Savinga Departmnent, or a fiberal interest bearog Cetifcate af Deposlt. You can profit by transacting your banking businees wlth us. ITI! IRST NATIONAL RANK Of LIBERTYVILLIE Next 00cr la Post Office CICAGO SLZWTIN SEARCII oUrCRIMEý Railroad Deleclive Adjuofs Several Cases ln Libertyville wibhoub Ai-resta. Curfew, Law Noeded Hors. UicagO, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R., as been i Ubertyvilîs several daya the at week invsstlgaing tihe robbsry of he cash drawer at the new depot wbicb ook Place Thursday night of laat week. The door of the ladies' waitlng room s lways lot topen and entering here the 1sf ralaed the. ticket window and climbed hroagh ista the inner ofile wbere the. iii drawer waa rified of about $12 iu on.y. The bulk of the money je sent etiie main Office every day go the ànount aecured was flot as large as ligbi b. expscted. The work ofthei detectîve bere waa îccesstuL The guliy Party was dis- 3ver.d and tiie money ha. been returned and asmtaWuastii.rallroad la concern.d the affair wili h. dropped. Good iieiav- r on tiie part of the cuiprit being part ofthe contract. Another islsion oft tus oficer vas the emaus water melon 055e. Two «ag "on a dark and stormy night" a car load of innocent waterxnelonâ waa standing on the. sidetrack near the. aid epai. The. car. door on on.eside was lcked and on the other the railroad meal was suppased ta keep out intruder. The car wag broken open about teu or leven o'clock by twisting off the geai and oeveral juicy mnelous were extracted herefrom. nhe melone belonged to Jake Golden- burg but as h, bas flot taken any action In the matter this case will aleoj be passed op. The penalty for bre aking a"s lla live years in the. peuitentiary. Tihe com- >any will flot prosfeute tbough they went tothe. trouble of an investigationi and six or seven youngsters are said ta be implicated in tiie matter. "Boy@ will be boys" but hreaking the 8eal was un- awfnl and the crowd may be thankful they got ont ofl t go easily. Wben asked about these cases Mir. Cowan said: "Il ever f amn called iiere again 1 amn going to maire it hot tor, some oft ties boys. The retorusatory la a gaod place for several of! hem. Tiiey are flot really bad but full of miachiet aud I would rather gave tkeir parents the disgrace ot having thein brougiit int court but It soins ot thein continue at their present gait tbsey are iiound to get tise sooner or later." "What ttis towmn eda ila a urlew law.' Tii.few day. 1 have heen bers 1 hav. had occasion ta, notice that tie bay@ bang about the. street corners at net an sd the. Language used la a dieigrace ta the, town. Il eiiould b. stopped" LAKE COUNTY IFAIR IELD NEXI WE!K tions ofttue nature the Laie Connty Fair tuis ysar le going ta b. partlcularly promiflent this year. One ot the hast of tb. showe bas hean secured at Vractlcally the last minute sud it ls an ammal show wlth a worîd-wide reputahlan. It la Big Otta's Animal show whlci la et the pi-osent time filling an engagement at Riverview Park, Culcaga. He buas earlety of tralned animais smuaug uilci are ta b. !ouud: Tigers, Isopaèds, lions aud wuivee. Their educatlon bas beau perfect and they have a numh.r ot vondertul acta. H. also has a number o! trained poules. Of the many 0pea air and Ire@ attrac- tions a traupe o! Japaneses acrobate la le periaps tii, an the liât. »iey have been hooked solld through the. Ulnited Stais thi. past year sud the management o!f tfain vas very tarIn- nati luScuring tiens ta play a week's engagement bars. Lt la rnnsored liaI a troupe ai Oriental Dancere inalaa h.a tMature of the Tent City.TýheTtCtylsanamethat bas beau, trsquenlly applied ta the "mldvay" sud pramises a varled liât o! siguits sud sensations bath amnusing ansd Instructive. Tii. alvays ppular maviug picture show wvll h. an attractive array ai comte, sensatianal aud inlarest- ing films. The illustrated songe sud colored alides will aise, b. a part o!the euisitainnent. Tii. uew buildIngs yul be entirely Comnplete belon. tue tain opens and the grande have been cleaned up, tie track put lu chbape and a numier o! harsemen are training then St the present time. Following leaftle sehedule for the ball games ta b e played dnring the Lake County F'air. Vies. yen. drawn by lot and luckily seem ta have bi-oken eveuly: Wsdnepday aiternoon, Rtound Lake vs. 3Nanthi cljago. Thui-sday tonenoon, Ziou i (ty v. Highland Park. Tbureday aflennoon. Long Lake vs. Bamb ler.. Friday liuieiioon, Higiwood vs. Fi-riday altrnoon, Waukegnn u ,. figi- Iland Park. Among tie exljubtm of Internetin thie catile divieion will lie the Sîjortiiorne siiown by Haneon and Clement. Many rememberthe fat sleek cattiewhieh made up tbeir exhibit lu the p ast. Tiie berd la headed by t' tt grand bull, liniff, No. 2470416, an animal o! rare quality. Mire. Medîll McCormick, of Lake Forent has entered a number at thorougih bredi for- the borne sbow among wnisch will be: lour-in-lîand, eation wagon, tandem, single carniage barge, carniage team, ladies' single harnees and aiea eaddlej horns, hunteres d Jumper@. Kaun Brothiers will have1a goad dleplay and a number a! other entries are boaksd tram Lake For-et and the uortb shore. cake, c, ilrnoofltalBmO capital - - - - - 5O0I Stockhotder's L.ablltg - 5o00 Surplus and Profits over - -2 Deposils over -. - -. - .0,. Total Resources ov'er - - 500 Bar Out the Wilii. l Whenin need of a Heatixîg Apparatue for~ home it doesl not matter what kind or make you ~ brlng me your plane or dimensions of. your roon**f will give you an eatlxnate on the materlal .and ý specifications for inataMlng Rame or wMll nàtU 1l, l you at a price that you cannot afford to be, witbà Heating Syetem. A. W. LICHTFELD LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. BIG BARGAIN, In Fine Napkins 20 doz. very large sixe (27 inches square) fine iA&. Napldnsassorted quality ony oeor two dozeu of a 0 Wéue lot we closed ouf 33 1,3 per cent. below u"ua wholuus We s asuc 4 doz. extra fine mercerixed 27uInchNapMns. $300 grade at .............--$2- 00 per dc«q 3.50 grade at...............2.25 - » 4.50Oand $5,00 kind at . ........3.00 m» THE FAI Uibertgville Ilinols Clearance Sale L»dW $ 3M 0Tan Oxford $225 - 2.50 "2.00 2,25 "» " L75 MIe L50 "..... .20 1.30 " LOO. 10 ChiWLa120 -" . 90 Mens $LOO Straw Hats ...50 SOc Straw Hata .... . 25 Boys 2Sc and 50c Straw Hats .15 25 S ad 20c Gngbar ...... .15 Japan Breakfast Tea Extra Special Quality Only 50c. per Pound 8014 by ZKS entpas pctly for LRY IRS IIONED ,Curtd là -AT-