AUGUSI' 28, 1908 77â~ NODNE RECKJVED t~~~IIU FOR 1LES$HA 25 OEN8 I RAL ESTATB fl HELPANTE&W FOR SALE-Three desrablo rsde.dncO WANTED-&SVeral girl$ tu wOrk lu or lot lni Libertyville, Î0 Met eqeh. Muet pqtklug rooeu of the macaroni factory. --v b. sold together. Peuaonobf. AppIy Giod waffs. dean amry room ta, work I L. 8. GooDzEL., 5820 Prairie Ave. UII- la. TuE FIi'OiL MILLING Co., Liberty. Mo TWO FARMS FOR SAL E- «roodW NTEO--Good girl for eneral bouse-B Lakre, 111. Ou. farm aof 185 iMxand a work. Inquire Min. E. Eflusa, Rock.W adjoluilag farm of 52 acres. To h. sold foUer, Ill. .- àeparaTly or togetbs. No bon"e faims 4- ln LakeCOUu AiTau t .. Sà-NFr -, Round Lake, ni. 47.1* --ir Mgua G Buie Llb- FAMSWe e lrl 1flt f ;7é rtvio Telephone 1263. 48.2or lt FOR 8ALE--Cbofr lots lni C. Frank -11 P Wrlaht's addition, 50l5p, for 820.9 FOR RENT-U'lve-room flat, a&l modern $260.00and $800.00. Dypos & = 1 I.mmneneue, will rent to emali famlly. 40-tl Inquiai AL KiWcai.&xN, Lbertyvile. ý,op@p47-2 -FOR SALE-Acre lot on Dymond's-------- subdivisIon, close to to and eletçcFOR RENT-. bave a few Moodmo- cars. Price#300.00. DYýODAIT1<euhuasaa at orn Daoo AUSTIN.48-tf FOR SALE-7 room houpe, neiy Dnw bard wood iniah, electqic Ughta ý- good 8Eig water. CWali r write J. R. Xoe,Llbea'tyvllle, 111. 36-« TOWN AND COUNTRY PROP;ERiY --of ail Ir"dafor sale, Ome anid se wbat I bave, you will fllad some lie bargains. J. A. OaLvss, Libertyville. 48-te FOR SALE-New modem'eght roosa bouse on Park Ave., LbrtyveilL JAiS A. WXLL. 4- WANTED TO RENT--8q&al lre. Siste rt and full particalar. Addres B. IL M., IauzPuiauNT offin. 47-8l TO RENT-Iino>s player and organe. u2 Zo$.Setalwed If purcbass& Be'ngaai is uasdpan.oeayp- ments. Kimbeail, IMM tenwy Flacee, $12b; Kranlch & Rbai.$10 Apollo PJay#r, $75; Organe, 825. Md M cCotjck, Lue Furait10e Store, tàbrtyiii. Tlopon£27.RMedence rslopbone 5qa. SUIt W o o -.P"1.% ; FQ AE-Two hydrangea planta, 5 yeasodlu full boom; ons cook stove for" cornwood. Idas. CHua. JoHSON Hafl Day. 48-tf Northi mar- iesday imeau- rn, at kegau Mieago, t the tollov- are 10 p atr ruture d, Chi- lg be- ln thte ibetng Lposse police. started A. G. ue, by B itouse ght re- 's been is. He Ideai ln Paul MacGuffin andi Orvisansd Beau- qulred, sud viticit suit la stili pendî. bleu, solictors foi coniilaiuant. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, 0 Clerk. State o! Illinois, Coînty o! Lake, es ean;îiolAîue itt.luS lu tite Circuit Court of Lake Coinnu> 47- 2 111. To tite Ocloluer Terni. A. D 1908. State outIllinois, Couty uf Lake. s.; Heury A. Smaith,.vseLutcy D. Easteu, lu te Circuit Court o! Lake County.1 Elliert Howard, ltachael Hovard,. Jli&aLouise Smitht Siyfleid ittacyt "Unkuowu hiira. or devisees o! Wl- se Evelyri Slyild, Emerson SIyfleld. lami Fleming, deceased." William Henry W. Stacy. A. J. Abbott and> C. Fleming., 'Ine Bies. lHenry Krtckman*1 Henry Schmidt, Johnî Barbaras. ',r.. Werutec, Gen. No. 3376. Richard A. Smith, - rederick C. Smitht. Pubilie notice Is itereby glven titat Lena Atderman Louise Hodkiis. by vrtue of an ordered aud decree en-i George Auderman. Heur> Aîîder- teret lit the aitove eititied cause lu ,wan. Atnnie Smith,. Cara fSmitsîtnd the 'Uukuow'ttoviiece of or lersonu said Circuit Court at the October Terni Intereated lunte ceaI estate uescriited A. t). 1907 ,aereof, thete inderslgned. lu te Bill of Complaint." ',ster lu Citaucery, yl. on Tuestiay lu Cbancery. Cen. No. 339. te 22nd day of Septernuer A. D. 1908 Satisfacjtory affdavit taIt upîn dit etatlie hour o! une oclock lu the sf- lnquiry escit o! the detendattte, Uit- ternoon o! salitdady at the east Main kuowu beira or deisees ut Wiliam Fleming, deceased.' Lucy D. Eatoo. entrance of tite Court House ln Wuu- EliterI Howard, Racbaei Howard, %il- kegan. Lake Coonty. Ilinois, sIi ai lIarm Fleming, Haus Bles. Het.r>' public vendue t0 the igliest bidder Krlckman, Henry Schmidt. Johnu Bar-ifrcshtefoIlowiug described land haras, Sr., Henîry Andermanu. snd aud reaiestate, atuata Inl te Coun- "Unkuowu ovuera ut or hersons lu- ty o! Lake aud Stale o! Illunois, 1- teaeted lunte eaI etate descrlbed vit: In tite Bll of Complaint" canuot he The Norlt tweuty six sud une tiird fouud, en, tiat procese berein cannot (264) feet of Lot Nine (9) lu Block te served upon titern or eltiter Ot Tvelve (12) lu the Orgiual Town of theni, iaviug been flied lu thte offie Little Fort, nov te City of Wauke- o! the Cierk tot sald Court. gan, belng kuown as Number 218 Notice ls tliere!ore bereby giveci 10 Northi Geneaee Street, stualed In the sabti "Unknown bei's or devisees o! City uf Waukegan, Lake Couuîy, Il- William Fleming, deceaseti," Lutcy D. linois. Easton, Elbert Howard, Racituel 1-o Datefi Auguet iStit, A. D. 1908. yard, William Fleming, Hana ies. ELAM L. CLARKE Henry Krickrnu Henry Schtmidt, 47-4 Master lu Cliancery. Johnu Barbtares, Sr., Henry Ander -________ mann, sud "Unkuovu ownsers of or persons Iuleresled lunte real estate STAT OF 1ISu.J a degerîid In te Bill of Complaot," la urt ut Lake Counli 10 lits thte defendauts as aforegaid, that thele A .>5e aitove named corplaluant fied hieQ k rtrues Bill of Complaitt lu pal Court on Ch . Hro .P de the Citancery ide titeroot. and tisat a fàidSe.atS"U aunmous theretipon Isoued Ont of said nvuo Iano snob. Court agalual lite above najued defen- lmh"0o dauta, returnable ounte Aret day o on-0 dute the Terniofthlie Circuit Court of snid te ,k o Lake County, to lie beld at th& Co ufl a. Ut uta 0:eW Bouse In Waukegan, I n id Counlya li. ,o! Laie on te grst MondaY Of Oc-d toler, A. D. .190#, as la bY 1gw te- ýem Do MA lm aWf igl 01 uuw'îtiîî pean. LEWI O. BuoiEvA. ltlerk. Vaukega1 n. ia.AfuKet il.19U& AuLM " MaUsI.Omplaitnladsolicitor MIN IM. MILLER. Atten.y. Notice of Final Seitlemrent. &TATI, O? ILLI501, cotuvn i oLAIE in lihe liuait! E.ourt of Lake County Seatem ber Terus. A. D. tee@. ho th ater cfial tisettlementofthtie ataea ~tedriokBartbore. deoe.eed. 0oWlimiJ L Berg sors. Prodertoir J. I& eshmand Obristopberýe-a.liem e l.wdevimseudi Ipteisaiof &&td deceaeaidt oosdeacb of ,ou or@ hereby notifi.d segt the unaiaieaed Sicuor o t' es Wa sd Teetsmnt - - drlk Ber.borset September. A. D. Ueo pIten o tinet A. ilnt te CO>ut court rooo lai lte court Houes s the Cite 'f wIlaun,.Lske Counuylit.i. efoe la. onoaitD. L. Jones. Jaidgs of aidCoutpreenteaid Court ther "ia rport anid asount Executaire of sald WIII U "Ir ie a akta, basv e hosame e deolaed settled and %0 Deicaihargpas&4aisit xeotore at wbh ft s odo. la m L .ea f 70 5 Execu=rs ft t est WiliIadl"tmn f 1eeslokBeghoMa>deceaseel Datg& a 4 as - d7-2 SMW. PARMALBE, Att.Çsy Adjuoicain Notice. Publia Noua. la horebiiai' tit t he subecriber. Jan" sL lwai. Public d sabrer. dmrd. vS ttend hob >Inr (;Oourt o e County, et a ter Wle e thob. oldma i tbe ourt Boua., tn raulean lu a aOCouaitr. un lh" ffrst lon ay ailDeaiem rertxI 154we inMO ber il versonus h*vig olalm as aalusisald stSear aoafld ndreuaesed %0 uresent Uret sd(oua'tfor(djdioston. B.rE L.lAuubio Adminlatrator. àdmIulaUrator o alt st>tat. WaLCesan£ . I.Au"uat24, 1 We, 4e-t I la d a il lu b a au a b t] fi o i A BaRIJTALLY. étATreN WHILE URONtING Police Chief Hurries to Scene in Auto- mnobil e But la Too Late To Take AnY, Aroused ta> a state of iiîrYaud threatening a lynchlng, citizcti, of Hightland Park wbo havie ii rd I l'emeleivinalto a poss erii 'ngugo'd iu a manhunt yesterday for a fugitive, 1vito. after forcing au entrauce 1 lthe home of Mrs. Amelia Sniteake, 204 Deerfleld avenue, Highlanid Park, bru taliv attacked ber. Infllctiitg Injuries twlici may resuit lai ber dealth t AU inglit long the eearch for the man vas kept up. Barnsanad olther placeasvitere was thouglit the manhad hidden hiniself were lhorougiîly rao- sacked. Seîzed White fronina>. The altack upon Mirs. Scbeske was ne of te mouet brutal taIlia.s cîtiae to the attention oftIhe polir" fiîr somne tume. Seized fram beind wbile ironing ai her home, the womau. vas iîîrled lin thte floor. Tlhe, man cboked iter Iitc îînconsciousnpss. Her screams were heard by pelghbors and the police cal- Chef of Police Nelsoai rusited te the bouse li is automobile. but when he forced open the door the fuietive had escaped. An open window shov.ed how lie escaped. /1 Womsapa Found Umorscious. Mrs. Sciteske w as lylng on the floor unconsclous anid biood wae iiowintg from her nose anid mout A pusse vas qnlckly orgauizd and weut In searcit of theAaallaul. Mca. Sciteeke vas alone lu ber home at the ime the man torced his vay inte the ibouse. BIse te nov tîndor the cure of a pitysician. Mr. Bigg-lf thal Young man a rcalling tome0 yon every day lai the ' ukVon lied better Ulve hlm a hint to vioi-alter dinaier. mis@ Bigg-I doa't think ils snerres- aary. Tlat's wbat lie eome aftet. RUPTURE CURED IN ONE TBEATMENT by thie latest snd most scieatifiemuttoi kno.o Ni njection of poison',no.oue o time .no i.ospitai no pain; no'k.alfe: no trus, Thousande cured. Our patienta atler takii.g treatuent. have Bsr',eefulJy pasesei il-ts aieere anid Iry- ln isg. COMETO 13U8 AND BE A MAN AeAIN. Cai for cousuliation or wri.e for tiooki.t. ILLINOIS STAIESPECI&LISTS Eni ire aniîarluan Buidinu 62S W.8tate St... or. iloekton Av. Boukford.tii. ~ IcSpenders (i luteni i e1 mea4y î.nougb fi) niake fieud, lliithtliard lu> kep them. Lenders-Oit, Ii t i bo lili'got a nuber of friends 1o [1-ýeM perfectly willing to Jet me ke,.-i 11,t ______________________FOR SALE--One ligbt spri iwagon- LOST u"d FOUNQ .H EÏI)W irc1e FOUND-A straY bail whicb'came tu My fartaiabout four weeks ago. Owner 'FOR SL-t>taaf0.THEo. may procure same by ideatifytnganid ';e SwR 100 Vine Ave.. Hghland paing for the advertlesment. VW. .~ k. -t %ot, Prairie View, 111. 46-4 _ _____________ .1.1pppe .. ...FOR SALE OR rTRADE-S-paaiof mules, LOST-Betweeai Grayslake sud LMhrty- wOgt 28M0, will 1,1 or trade for work ville Moday, Aug 24, gentleman 9pan- tea*n. Eu joEEs. miner, fl. 47-2 aana bat, no bat band. ileward. rV. _ _____________ BoURs, 4944 Mihigan Ave., Cbleo. FOR SALE-I doible buggy, nearly new.. ruai very littie; 1 single buggy; 1 11VE SOC~K ET<. Oubk eatang stove, 18 i. grate. for either jWood or coal; 2 Oak heating stove, 16 1 .ai raies, for wood only; spleaididestoves FOR SALE-Three gond mules, welNb. will.ae1 very reasonabie. Cao lie seen at iaig &bout 13W 14Ib. emh. Appiy to the T. C. FRENcu Hpace, G,,rnea, 1 Il. (L. L. ldooRic, Mgr. Lihertyville CrystaJ 46-tf, Libertyville, 111 47-tI -FOR SALE-75 corde of wood. Inquire FOR SALE-A fine iiay driving horfe; E. 0. BvxAcs.a oid Lake. 42-tf buggyv sud haraiesa. also yearii colt, 2 , standard bred. Bl. H. ÈiEE, Bridge- FOR SALF-Familly trap, good as new. water Poultryv farm. 47-2 ciieaîî. F. 3. ALLatMA', Lieatyviile. FOR SALE-Fifty wild maallards. Civ - ÏouDWmWu'rv Long Lake. 47-- FOR SALE-Hors., and surrey cbeap if -ýtaken imuedately. Getle iamily driv- FOR SALE-Berkaahire t,îar. Inquire 1 ing hors.,. carniage lu good condition. st Wm. Nehrlich'e sttorp, litco.fplier. Ili. Inquire Wi. L.&uýiÇK, Lihertyville, 111. or Bt ida NEaeaLîî , u-eîmile nortit of' 39-tf Rockefeller. 45ý-tf ______________________SACRIFICE SALE--O! Standard Farm FOR SALE-4On. good nîlk cow. lu- Win5 Feainig ut a eppecial Priceof 1&ceutu qUire Iîcîx ti,îTsrao. Liîiirîr'iîle. a rod on seveal bar. 27 inhes higix, hog 48-tf fence, wbile it lests and other iteigbte ot fenceat greatilg rednced pricea. .hiFiii AN Wiaot FENiE Co. Libertyville. 45 If MONEY TO LOAN N W NE MONEY TO LOAN-ia good farm W NE nSeurify. J. A. (Hu.e s, Libertyville. 48-tf WAN'TED-1>,O(itJ isheléï if tye. Bring in ennilled. Eeasa.s NIEtE.Ra P AEOS LuilauFuCo, Liberty ville, 1IlI. 47 t! 1 1 CLOVER HULLING ÇVANTED-Ma- INSURANCE-1 write tre aud tornado chine wiil be in viiity of Liietyvile ineurance. J. A. UnAS'Es, Litierlyville. soon- For particulare3 inîjuire Scsii-î'a< 43-tf BaTJRatsa, Libertyville. 4- "lent it awful?" sobbed the Young bride Who bad eloPed. "-What pow?" faltered the bridegroone anxiousiy. ,"Wby yoa> know you told me ta wire pa awl teil bhlm vs vere really lu aeed of food" *,Aeal-aaid id wb. 51the" ,,No;he Peut thibihg nousof mugile "a 4ote sts*ug tbotM as uic as tbé, oodOf lov b bopsal ve would get lAT OOK of fateirand put auy other but une Tm'Air so r ut on on ihern If yoîî can. JOSEPHI MEDIL S ý The htusband titen telle Potter itc J05e h M dIl Paters n, lo- coi g w 111 get a diii .*(î .d hat 1 cti a Josi hMeilî l-attrso lii iu'itmarrv lthe w ouiuiis>iyit 1.1 heer'lyvýi ist, eoitoof t he for I1' Yoi ceaot ii 1- o ii e of lho rYoîi mer pub hish r of te Chira,-î Tribune>it- iv]]]sta ttrer ou yoîîr hotu-> rou bas lturne.] Father Vaughatn an(!,.;n a ou h n isfco catis ti r iovei. entitieil "A L.ittle- Bru - out s, alter i,riou *hir te ther of te Rich,' iata iidîrtakn oîî1roi note of ihe volume.' M. l'ai ter- fgo thut fantons L.oudon pîrietriol e soit Suds soeiety" a lretty sordilî betier lu hia startll.î3 disr]osirr <of and unlovely propositioon1 ,i u i-i lite In the "fast eut ,detnt that lie bau no Iiiin tit kit , lu hie equipuient for i i- t tek Nir.I ahi1 w ith the Elinor Gly s Iie rtare >ý Patterson, of course. i-ift*lu. colior Idipa loto the risque wititoît Sîîggo.-i 1 t Upton Sinclair aud those militant Ing more or lests adroltly te ocoro- journalists wito druw titoir Idrus of nie pressure, te taint of mouru, millionalre society from and for titi'wiich lie seems to feel, rime like a Sunday supplementq of esleemed cou îaruisited thread titrougi thle Immor- temporarlea. alities of thte 'idie ricit." position 10 know, aîd cati give fui rein 10 bis irony sud hieslîltiîîg social critlclsm vwithout danger o! helut dis- miased as au 'outiauder" or a relailer ut butlery gossip. 0f course Mr. Patterson le a social, bit anîl doso't care a rap vito knows l; but be managea, for a wouder. 10 keep a tlght relu on bis ecouomic viev.e. Titere are no long speeches. but there are a witoie lot of short sud biting ones wvici enforce Mc. Pattersonsg conviction that the posses- sion of huge fortunes le corcupling American civilization. "A Litle Brother of thte Rich" la the story of twa chiidreu. begiîîuiug lu au Indiana vlliagp sud eudiug ln tal luxurlous. uheaÏthy sud uîîhaîî- py social order viticit he calta "gay set," The sceuery sbifts rapidly. dia- closing brokers' offices lu Wall street. tite drawlug roorna of "socletY.' the boudoirs of restless vomen of fashion. the race course, te dressing rooma of adtresses. life lu a basemeut sales. rooni ot a grossI dcîarimt!nt store aud nocturnai revelies lu the gay restau' rauts of Broadway. Here we bave vitat te autitor re- garda as te comiug type of tite "self- made' rn-no coarse. virile captain of ludustry. but lte youug stockbrok' er, wclggllng deviooaiy, unherolcally upward titrougit aycopitauic frieudshlp wibh financiers. titrougit marriage de convenîance, throîgit ganibling and thte romn of otiters. mati. -y tat la il?' Who bau it ? AIl we kioios lthat nnoney rau get almoet everythiit for yoo." This Is Paul Potter, te "itero"- uave the mark-o! Mr. Pattersons siocy. Back in. the lIndiana village ite wasa ittrothed 10 Syiva Caetie. huit titis ledge le itroken viebebegine te dut. Thetisite clutbs. buo-via tih tasge--and titrotîgi hardsbiii, dis- iIlistaon sud ler own effort., achievee the same cove e d c irclu' itîtc wbicit Pauli lias îs'îumed. Yountg Pottere marrîi' h ia pi-ce of grini anititg.Illi' al In. ,luiiè wlllî atiotiierman's wf aind i]ahit,-itihue- biattdl lu.awa , a l. u Otî iii l , 11-« it p 1urtnientis.Tlitýii rilewtO are uite covered.l luit ini b h lite. Ili cuetti , il iu, sot thteiitîuxlîi't,'îl litn iuîuîens. Tite itushaniiîli nt i l tt.attul s "Voit atoirlout ii titi> traits ber fieut loir 1 Icati>' îr'îiared. liere are, t] ie ' ýtiýr titat wiîe vnitten 10 ut> aif,' lit thittirdiffernttmtîn. Read tes,' ý ri onite trou a boy, one from zai î. ,aund one froua a grand- Salurday Post for Taft. The Phiiaîplelîta Saturday Eveuliaîg Post, oie of te most widely read pub- ilcation ini ti-e 'nited States, says edi- torlally of Mrc Taft aud tite pres>- lu bis letter. he al'we ase an, b 4 M M cKiley ratiter titan of the pres*9t lnctimbent. **In brie!, ve ahotild say titat' the letter, whicit undoitbtedly exprese the, man, picturea a fairly Ideal wn-. sers ative candidate. -We suppose It ta preferabie that tarty narnes ahould couvey meaning; console sorte defluable concept of go- verrireut. Of late, they bave lant titis funton. To knov vhat an" itoîiîilicau or Democrat stands for toit muet ask the particular Republl* rait or Democral. Conservalive and radical, on the other itsnd, are worda of universal rneuning, sufficlently tu- dîcaling the hase Ue upon whiis meni divide poliicaly.I r. T la a fairly ideal couservatve cab&- date hiseleectlon ougit t o mean à con- servative country, or bis defeat the reverse. "W, can Imagine ne godnd eson w hy sny coneervatîve person ln the nortit siouid refuse 10 vote for Mr. ueîîcy: Taff. Titat there la, towever-ln is "lInitis letter of acceptauce Mc. hesrty indorsemno f the pLaffoim'a Taft ouiliîes hi.îîuelt vîit admirable deciaratlon concerniug the negro-a ciearuess. liee vlîently means a care" very obvious and potent reason why fui, businesalike administration wici couservatlve persous In lte south viii willi not wiilingly disturb titose values not vote for him, slmply shows how expressed lut dollars. As 10 tarif. '1111e vauable, as lnterpretatlons of he meaxas higit protection, wlth tete larger phases of the nalloual spi- ralslng of sorne scitedialea as vell as rit, our presîdeutiai electlons irealY lowering of others. As 10 injuriciions. are." lie stan da firmly for te largeat pow _________ "Mc. Taft le bettec titan bis plat- tom, because lie lealionester. Tlie chIe! quallty of te letteris auxietY not 10 lie misuaiderstood. Titis qîsality every rlglit-thuasklug person wili itonor. Heretofore, lie bas stood, ratiter oit- scurely, l inte sbauow o! Roosevelt; but, movlug out 10 bis owu ground mure vitit one o! Dr. Sboop's Pink Pais Talilets. The formula in on te 25-ct box. Ask your doctor or druggigt &bout this forrnuial Stop womaIlY Pains, beadacite. Pains anYvitere. Wite Dr. Sitoop, Racine, 'Vis., for free trial to prve value of hie eadache or Pink Pain Tablets. Sold by ALL DEALERI, Be sure and visit the new Colleg" Fait Term Opens Sept. 8 ýN Dre vaut you t. bc vitit us the verY first day. Corne lu eariy sud select your W T"Desk. Many deaks are airesdy reserved. We expert the lacgest enroilmeut ln te history ol te scitooi. if you vaut a bigli cisss Business or Sliortitaud educatlon, you eau gel it nere, "ACTUAL BUSINESS FROM START TO FINISH." Xhere business li taught as . business la doue. Where tite best teaciteras W and. the besl metitoda are empioyed. Where à.. sudeuta are assisted 10 desirabie positions. W Qur uew quartecs las one of thte fineat lu thte sIxte. Remember we bave over 7,000 square - eet of floor space. includlng Boy'. Dorrnltory. li IUnsurpassed facilitles for lmrnlg a titorougli S practical business traininug. The W. B. C. eu- inys tite reputatlon o!helug onue of tite beat tasiness training scitools lu the country. W rIte for lu Il information. B. A. MUNSON, Pres. E. B. MUNSON, seny. faukanj4 VSA GOOD SCIIOOL Il 7-119-2 Wash. St. New Finn Bdg. Branch Stores - Racine and Kenosha Gencseee St., near Washington St. I EY B LD N Ow *We will wind up the season by givingg :you the most tempting bargains ever heard of: p AýAASKIRTS---" sepecw tWhite and Colored * Blue, Brown, Black BARGAINS WASH SKIRTS GO are forI 19 STURDAY and I ýî Elegant White Net EVENING GOWNS, worth o 0up to$2.00 la~WuU %rn 0 Infants' and Childreh's Cashmere As a special treat, we will sel aSLK B A *, blue and black * l Imted umerof er hgh raeWhite and Black I worth up i_ for. ara WE INViT VOUIR INSPECTION 0F OUR DEAUTIFUL SilO Of~ F FALL SVffSý t@.OO@@OOOO@@@O*@~@@@OOO@@OOO IF YOIJ ARE CURABLE WE CAN CURE YOU. Wu wiliitait cou wtTya&&d boy Tounsunulia csrfid If vou uislat Our offces, .If cou viii write 9ii about cour case. ve vîli Pend Tou a ltter wrlt ln uet as u WouoId taik to Tou if Tou vers ee. Our trait nent vil]tell cun lis vn plsai slrp. s stri titat bas ment conulrt. beait sud happilnasse 10 Ioasanda. Witbout askif a single question w. vîll digurudiise e1. vIl tiat Tounil ha astOnlsbed. Titis l0we.dos It., sesial tesllng intrumente u8ed aieDo Oter doctors. Thte sarable uatu5 of hiday becorumthIn- li curables of lomorruw sud al alfiolted pteople ehbusd heed tbe varuins a li me. Extraordlnary i dîases reisuIre extraord- Iwari treatusent. It le easiy teOsuresimple dîgurterg. Mut sue orairary duitor or medianeaemuN. tompilated cases tbt def e OrdInsry trsAtmeata require extrarditnary remedies te vanlitem Catrsmo ascoared wtbntbersdiffers as duseste suailigi from a tl.low candi@i. I dues nt tata lAITS, dose. net tare CONFIDENI. E duelProt teks ven HOPE te gel cures. IT TARES NL A TIIAL-ali wemsak. Il cures vitler te sufferer"-ellevs lu it Or net. AVERAGE TIME TO CURE IIUPTUIIE-------------------.... Oe@Vist BYDSOoE.E ..... ........... On.,Viil VAR WOELE ....................... One Vist (AT&ACTS ............. a ste te Dais CACR.............. 10e Dace CA A&SBa ............. aDs GOITUR................... 50 10 se Da7s PILE-FJTU à ...........8tealuTe s .ôiito3DaYs PR U~T 0 TOU LES ...... 10 lu 30 Dais REIJàEaTL~..., u .Iote se Dais NN OIY UEI Y ...... 0te to0asDavs BTgftOH DI a ..... 4.20se 10 S ys Yis DISEASRS... to 60 :':7 BLADD B DIB :: ES. M'0tuseDie BLOOD P01SONE . s..... üte se Dais NO KNIFE, BLOOD OR PAIN Yeuu ilahae ursrlsd boy quiakIy and 6a"117 Ibeffe sures are possible wbee iYOM besume fMlI lformed soncernlng our nev mtboos. Te oe ayew te test lb. .rits of Our cures we ottr o e esastrsb...5 taRER. aduding sedbkine, i yon utI, nov for dates vith una of our doctors. PrivaIs Samullutasani Museum of Amatousi lu aonnetian. Write to-day 10 ILLINOI S SIA^TÊ SPECIALISTS 628 W. Stem s t., Ces. Rctes Ave. ROCK!.ORD, i. LOUIS J. YEOMAN~ THE JEWELER 1qý ýj le- - - ýýKýzlýýý.,.W- - %F 41 1 j>- ...- 1 ý lm .1