Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Sep 1908, p. 6

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Waukegan f:ROM CHICAGO Aftr a ruuning fight oft hree blocks, lu which three shots were firPd by tihe poliicCTony Brooks, recputed as one or Chicage's bad negroes, was aurrounded and whiie two oeers held hlm at bay wlth loaded re'.olvers, Captain Adam Vogel made the arrest. Brooks la cbarged with having bsrglarlzed the Tim Kelly baffet on Madison street, trom whlch ha la charged wth having stolen twentY dol- lisud sixtY Cents aud wth ha'.ing attempted te boot tie NeDermett Twins' Bueet on Wasbingtoli street. Thse capture ot this noterieus crook marks a s upposed climax te petty robberies about this section of the country. police as Detectives. ' Siorly ater three Meedat' moru- Iug Officer Metz rau acroas the negro lu the alleyway at the rear et the Log Caiin saloon ou Waahington treet. The officer sbouted, "Holil îîî or 1 will fire." The negro, bewever suîc- ceeiled In ducking beilîl a store nali and msklug a getaway. Officer Spreads te Alarmi. Realizlig that hîs brtiiler officî'r. Loule Peberer. 55 01, te corneIr St the police Iairol box. Metz iltens bi wislle sud sotindel tise alarîîî. Sehuerer tookthie tip sud rashîîd dean Washintgtonîi sreet just iîî ile te 'ce a îuslllclesis leekiîig characer ru acreas lise stret't anîd haste îto tise slcîsay adîoiniiîg tbe Knlîts oi Pythlas bail. Seisuerer did îlet follew îîîîo tb.' cul- prits trail bt instead basteneil ilen Washiugton street and ener enle the luff, wlere be id lu seclîîsion su the grass ou the boulev ard at the top) o the bill. lie bad surmisel rîgbt.« lnaa man rush tront the rear et the Mc- Canney building aînd race own the hu. Scisuerer drew is revolver snd or- dered the ma tetop. He dillint. acisuerer fireil but missed is mark. Agatisehoaiouteil aud agalu be fireil wlitise saute resuit The third time be tred heoiarev missed tise negro. wiostopped and Ilsen raceil off hacit of thse urappeataclari'. VogetCames ta the Rescue. Cajit.Adam V"gei of tise igbt pu- Boe farte. Vie seod os tfie Nor$h- wutamhjpot plaaform t thitlme basie.d la tise direction efthtie sisot w mm as ie Ont iàaoq vas firs.d. a be neie lise endet tise piat- Ir= l.- e a-sdatocky but la" runming iW ibe trc-sHe ordered. timIo fi ilYiiiil "as on the point eof 'b- iom mwjtul esu;ppo dcuipit tara j ead allaiTor« e-enfsdScburer i ¶95~evtees up tise irail sud had jun oiettd i-I. a ccsuilup af the dis- g= risbesi George gager'. watchmant i thw . J_ & K. oles appreacbed l'i liethe t..Sager Intoranetithe of- &cens tkias e bail oserved a. sus- pieieffl Sokng characier hîdlug ln tise buabes at the lake. The officera rnoaildto th ie lake front wiere tisey found the cuprit- A rouudup ended lu lais capture. a Tise negre denied being lmpicaied 'vush the rohhery. Keys, mouey sud a kolfe tound ou bis iterson, however. monviuced the effilcers that they bail arrested tise gulty party. on clealug is doors Saturdsy even. tng Mr. Kelly had left but tweuty dol- tarsansd ity cents lu the Cash reg- ited. The register bail been broken open aud as the machine is enue et the ihree hundred varleiy the breaking wll amount te a oeatsBum. Tweuty dollars sud slxty cents were tounil ou Brooks ai tise ime of the arreat. ROAD SCOUTS POST TI!AUTOMOBILISTS The road scouts of the Chicago Au- tomobile Club bave distoe red a uew route te Higblandl Park and L.ake For- est, by the use et wbicii tbe businecs man mtorlîîg uo and front bis office ilowu tewu mias anoid the towîî et Gieucoe and oulîer hostile settletts aiong the îîortb ashore. This informsationî I, contaiîîed in a bulletin lostel li tise club bouse Tbursilay afterîîooîî and thee rst trial et the uew rosd was bad I)vsesîeral inembers. Tise rosI IssasiI te 1sin st hclans cOndition. littie travel,çId pa .i:rsil ' seitîsil, sud the efficel.,îl. Ihi, hîltor- leta' organizatien. W lî a-le eîdeavor- lus, in relieve the acuts- situation brougist about by a llîlesate arrests l tie nons ashore suburbaîî districts belleve tise use et the new route wili prsovo satistacirY te ail these wbo use tiseir autos for quIleitrtanspoerta- tion t ansd tram the City. "Folow Central street at North Ev- *n#txms. reada tise bulletin.,"eut te tIie 0&4 of tise trolytrack sud about lel amili. beyand. visere wlb be a lins ot poles wvhs ibree pawer Vireson porceistin sultore tht cou- uecis thse electrie Evanston VIOl 1e, station at W4bil».d Park. ~-b UVOPthà d h i~i lo ilUmib'dmi. hà Xl.'W. p'. par L $. a. UT. .Ma IBTV -M IL Sec. 12, West Antioch . Tp. W.D. Wnn. B. IUoyd et il. ta J. e~t' ., $3,00.part af W. hait Section 16, Deerfeld C. D. W. laisey et ai. te A. LU Milii, Tp. Deed, $1. Jr., uortb hait lot 6, bloei 36, Higs- J. B.-Lloyd to W. B. Sprout, part N. land Park. Deeda, $1. W. qr. Sec. 16, Dserfield Tp. Deed, $1. A. W. Tabert Sud wlfe te F. 0. Master ln Chaucery te Annie M. Kuoppel sud wifs, lota Il sud 12,' Scissuermaun, lot 15, blockt 33, lAke block 8, Dreyer's suis. Nortis Chicago. Blu. Desd, 1,5.9 W D: $1.Wm. BIurne te, Henry Clauslng, part Sarah A. Jackson sud bum, te J. J. Sec. 2 sud 11, Ela Tp. W. D., $1,650. Dietmeyer, part lot 2, blüce 23, Origi- us wUaegsn.1%-l si a TE! .. WED.-- , Tedsac raEvaIatolstO thse t'wo Cty detectivéea. aPudbsi " va Moae distelce Hghland Park for wlue. In tise prti wu et i&at 1'A* bMoter of tbe é I ma14n1 li 1oraine ls tie rilu gthabec of tee il iCnsiadt hotilaeceu'oe woman, sud Webser later eates'ed Weber, M1Wet Vans Buren staQe, stables, as rapld time cao be madie as a cab i wtis er and la sald to haye Chifflo. tol tise police tisat he ai- ever the olti Sherdan read roule." îoured the sentis aide. vlsiting many Wffl earried a lare arnoînt ot muney. L. . Couaty Titie Trous Co. resorts. Tiie oMeWs ais atseboapîtal Vere »Abtratet* Ti'tis.iNtb i..tuaruteed1, SUS ICIUS DEALI A cab driver named Kens Insista thse Irit tu ise told tisai Weber isad IMasonic Temple Bidg. Wauk«gan Iii. SUSPICIOUS DEATH ~ that he carriedt he couple arouod and beffs living at 1340 Michigan avenue LUBJ UNZ eY O f IIGIWOOD MAN that Weber was baIen lun Tuckiorus wlth a woman wioso spoet -place, that ise teck hisIni th ie Areisa be bis wte.. Tnîie nformation vac et Joseph Frlynd sud wlte toeFP.P Dy- Wlle detectives were courlltg Chii- Htel, 1340 Michigan avenue. and Once sent te tise police, snd Inapectôr maud sud Edwin Austin, lot 14, block cage lu searcli et a mysterlous nvemau summoueti a physiclan. Dr. W. C. John Wbeeler, te whom Webers i. C. F. Wrlghts add. LIbertyvilie. couiipauni eto C. A. Weber, a Hig-' WbItaker. whe attended tise Man, brothes, hati appealeti for au Investiga- W. D., $3,000.r wood billiard hall proprieler, whe dled says he was calle t t the buttai sud tion, et once deiailed detectives te le- Jacob Goldschmldt sud wite te T. H. at the Baptiat Hospital, sud prepara- Ibat lie toud Weber suffering tram este ibis unkuowu Voman. Durst, lot 11, block 4, Duratsa sub. lu tie-s were being made for the inquest, apepiexy sud askesi the police tn re- S. W. qr. Sec. 28, Waukegau Tp. W.f new developuletts arese te maite the move bu lIo te brspital. He ts pos- D., $3,000. dpath meîeoe the Most puzzllngog etivue that the oman dled fiole spo- SUN4 VOTIED MOSI Bars M. Diver et al. te C. W. Ulver,1 months.plexy.POPULAR PAPER' lot 6. tlock 1, Ward & Diver's sb There are twe causes sssigned for Womnan Demanded Hia Mon5y. North Chicago. Deed, $333,34. death-absce,'55 ot the stolflach sud Then ranme John Wlms, proprietor Recuite of Other Popular Votlng Cons- C. E. Sayler and wite te Iguse Mer-1 accident, aîîd two accidents are re- et the bath bouse. wbe ls confident test et Labor's Great Celebr&- rie & wfte. lots 42 aud 43, block 61,1 1orted. that Weber waa hart lîî bis bouse by tion. *Washburu Park. W. D., $100. Doctora Blamne tomach Trouble. a taîl. lie says that there was a we- tue Belley sud wite ta R. 0. Evans,c As the case stands the hosptal au man wiIh the man, who claimeil te be westeriy % lot 3, block 13, Highland thorities say that the man dieti ot is wite, sud Ibat sise demandeil pos- Feliuwiug are the resuîts et the La- Park. W. D., $1. stomacb trouble; a calb driver declar- session et bis wstcb, meuey sud pa- ber Day popular votin.g conte8se R. G. Eydus sud wlte te Elizabeth ed tbat the mn waa liesten lto un- pers. Most popular mrchat-Alex Hein. Bailey. wegterly % lot 3, block 13, cousclonsuess at Tuckbor'a notorons AI the boapitai tbere are no igus 165 votes. Highland Park. W. D., $1. resort ou Wabash avenue, taken te a et eltber et the -twe "accidenta." Ih la Moet popular candidate for Mayor- Amira Jackson te F. M. Daley, part1 betel sud a physician called who sald sald. sud luatesil et apoplexy tise case Jiîltus P. Bîdinger, 165 votes. west hait Sec. 6, Benion Tp. W. D., th'e man had a blond cilo on bis bralu, t a put dowu as eueetfaliscessaofthIe IMalt popular newspaper-Sun, Y $ 5,976.60. an JhnWime, rorlto o abah toac. 1 votes. Gazette, 156 votes. Cara H. A. McNett and bus, te A. beîîse ai Tirty-first street and Mici-' Listed as Unknown at Hosptal. Most pepular union Man-O. L. H. Alibott, 31 acres west of Fox gan avenue. says WNeber vas injured Weber la kuowu te bave bail more Staliey, 46 votes. River lu Sec. 16, Cuba Tp. Deed, there by satal Issu $200 wben be elteredth ie cab> Most palielar saloou rasu-Mefler-$51 The diering cause's asslgned for 1w 11h the weuîao Wbeî he was taken mott Twius and Jcînnie Austin. Special Master ln Cbancery le W. ileaih are eîii7 part et the mysteriens iiiîconscieus te the hospilal there- was No races were beld. There were no0 P. sud Lydia E. Berreng. let 4, Sec. denelopmentsit it he case. la the irt lie moncy. jowelry or meaus of ideît- figblasi e dLsinrbaîicca lie rewdylam 16. Beston TIi. Deed. $450. place, tbere is the sirange weman, lOication ilu bis poebss He was Ilia t. the pcîe Teewr i iee. lnlbn îsetl eMr e ad there is a series of midnight ail ed as an siiiîkiowu.*i The recetiîs were aboirl $1,00nuld main. S. hait lot 7. block 7, Kirk& ventures linhicli tine ciiy detectines The .omn ilit the case- la said te the carpenters' union makes, Powella aIdd. Waiîlegan. WV. D., $7501. lay a part. accorllnc te eie repiort. bave lived wlith Weber In the botel at Fred Wilson madîe a tbree times it .1. K. flerlng and wite te J. B. Hall. Dined With Two Detectives. 1:,40 Michigan avenuie. The relatives by bis work ni liiitheîs60 pounds et part iota I. 2 aiudl., Cbiuquaîîin, lit Weîîer la leclared te liave dined ibeeofite uman on the ethet iîaîîd. sv that heet barbecue. The mseat was wcll sec. ,G.MWest Antiocb Tp. W. D., $1. îight of is ai;srk la a restaurant at be lineil at1 iighweol, iniiere he had doue sud a moi) touglt for sandwiches C. J. Pîlfer and wife te Adelaile F. De'lrborii anîd Madisoni streets witb is billiaid reema. ansd pickles. Joutes, lot 10, S. 10 ft. lot 7 and N. Womens Suits, Special, $20 At tbus lîrice we show a piesing variety et the mnoat tavoreil suit mordels. Materials consistiug et Cheverone and berrlugbone stripes, iîroad- CIO th. chevio tsu ad strilseilserges. li the beaaei ful new abades et gre>', tan, browîî. etc. Coata rs n giug reni 36 te 42 Inches lu iengtb, semi fttiug. gored ikirta. attrsctively20 0 trimmeil, rare values at ... ADVANCE SALIE-0F FALL MERCIIANDISE Each day witriesses the arrivai of new fali merchandise at theG<lobe. Greater and more attractive assortmerits than ever bxfore are being put on dîsplay for your critical inspection. The Globe buyers have this year exerted the most unusual effort and care in the selection of the various lines, comparing most carefuly the style, material and workmanship of the different makers garments before decidtng upon the lines to purchase. This extra care lias placed us ti a position to offer to our tracle the best prodticts in every ânme of apparel that the country can produce. In this advance sale great price savings will be a most notable feature. miu Skfrl Extremnely pretti madels made of ail wcol lroadelotis. Paama, sud mohair. trimmeil wih siraps et sanie materiaS, a very desfrahie skitr for sehool wear Special price ...... 98c- A Big Treat in Dry Goods Shak(er Fianmel Unblache, god qulits ais exceptienal bargain at the plrîc spetl a a d ................. .. 41 c LnnToweiiu A goojd 1 tîl nqualï ty fabsorbant lînen.toweîîng .6ic be c , ,sîîecla i îyardl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Siik[olises For cemforîýsanad drapier purposea, a wide selectioîi of attractive col1orinlit lî anisome ilesigîîa. 124e sund 15e values,9 Womea's Neckwear A îre arleti, of siyIes in tsncy bows, tiesansd coulacs l i t i1lar 25ce% Iuiea, t cholce ..... ................ o Taffeta Ribbon Ný u4),al sl affeta rîbiion, ail popular colorsansd black,. 9 Applique Laces mîîîosi armnîg seiection et applque laces ln prettY 1ew effecta, 0t) %l saiîs aI Y arîl«d , 9c; e9 values, at 9 m l .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . ..- 9 Corset Cover EmbroideS7 Fille hîhaity ' SiI-8. 18 lîîcbes wile. values tiiat are worth29 u uo i t-iail pice tard ................ . . . . . - Tapestu-y Bressels ]RUÉS SiZ 5 xIl hîids.u- îîw patterais ln orientai designa, attractive combiiiatlo oiî î visr îgIlsIwenid readily brlug O $15.00, ape ail I t ............ .. ...9 9 Weiea's Skiris Garmentsa t ilviigive yen sur- priingly greal service anil Vear. tisay are made et ail wooi Panama, lu black, bIne, and hrowu. plaitpd sud trimm.eil wth tolas, f apeclal offer ai .........2.8 W«Ua's WaiSýq The newest fali styles lu talor made eftecta, mails et Aruolds stipeil walatlugs. garmeuts that are posiUively wertb $1.00, Special prices............ 79c Great Showing of Men's Fali Suits at $22.50 The Globe strives to excel to give better clothes value than its eontenipora ries. It carefully seeks the lwst products that are tiurned oit in the countrv. The lines we carry represent the mnost clever ideas of the hest lothes designers. They represent tise hest qualities of inaterials and are constructed in the miost superb manner.- The attraetiv-esess, of our line at $2250 is lui- approachable, tise patterris, w'hich eonsist of new combination stripes, are siiown in the latest shades of brown, tan, gray, ansd \Voo( colors, t¶ere are no0 garments in the city 10 equal them at the price and noune ùu the eotintrn r excel theni. They are great values f at........................... ChiIdr.u's Suits SplendId suits for schoel wear, made lu a varlety et tancy mix- tures, le double breasted. Russîs blouse and*Buster Brown styles, sizes 3 te 15 years. Marked at au extremely ..11 attractive price, enly ....................... ...... .95 Women's and Misses' Suits These charming suits are made ini a varietY of styles- s() manv ini fact that it would be diffleuit to describe them A. They are made from an exeeptional quality of broadeloth in grey, brown, blue, and black, coat is semi fitting, ski.rt is full gored with a widc foldI at bottom, 1... . 95 Special. at....................1 ?lusIn Peticeet Women's Petîcoats. madlsetofau .'xceptiouslly fine qualiti et .camn bî-ic. tbey have a deep flouace witb au embroidery ruffle, values thst bave aoid as bigi as $1.6n. Special price-.......ýO Sade of Chfidren's FaIl Coats A large number et Chllrens Ceats for tIs Faîl have arrîveld and w( ar pa ig tbsn oesaeailveryspeclaîprices. LA. $2 98 Wc ofter a very pretty ""'dol made et a gosl quallty mebon ln grey, bine. rel and br.wn. trisumel withbubttensansd ) f braid, sîtecil a i.................................2 9 Are ofeeet nobîsi new ChilîrensA Coata made sery atlslbofetal wooi novelty clealtlng, aise plain celer cheviet, lu browo, reuL, bine. sud green, trimmed i wth taucy brail andl buttosA apecl ai at- ................................ -----.. ..4 9 Men's Wear Neglige. Shfrts Attrac&Ive new styles ln Meu's Negllgee Shirts. luciuding the uewesi shades et tan. greg, etc., aIse black aud wbite, baril te IuîîlleSte for 75c, Special ai-.... ..... 4 c Men's Rose Black sud tan, aIl1ses 7 l value, aI pair .......7 Neeliwear A splendId lhue et new faîl neet- wear lias Juat been recelveil. mails up in the lateat four-lu- banil styles, prIceil 'ai 2n c 10, sud ... . . ... Blankets, Etc. 11x4 Cotton Fini' Blaniiets Extra large sîze aud lieavy welgbi, values that we ordinari- ly charge $1.25 for. special oft fer ai 8 pair..........98 'Cotton Battiag 4 pomînd rolet the hest quaity of cetten, 72 x 84 luches, exact sîze for couxiortsi', 8 apecial at rolli.. . 5 Baby fllakets Cotton fiaunei. taocy colereil siripes. size 32 x 40 luches. spe- ci ai each------------- c j, Men's Shoe Special at $3 A shoe bargain worthy et every well dresser's Lat tention. They sre made iln the new taîl styles, ofe patent, gun meta] aud duli flnished leathera. pertorated tlp, higis mlitary Iieeis. Geodyear weic soles, the kind that ordinarlly seil for 30 $350. Special effer per pair..........0 THEÉLR Misses' and juniors' Suits Pretty new models just in from the eastern nmarket, made of a splendid quality of ail wool serge, skirt trinuned at bdttom with a wide fold and buttons, down the front, coat is semi-fitting, a garment that would be hard to duplicate for less than $12.5~0 Oursp cia, ric . .. ... .. ... .. .. John ODonnell te Wm. Thalman. Feuix Iuglst, Norths CbIcaço. 28; lots 16 sud 17,.block 15, Chicago Agues Hakuis, 22. Sprlng Bluff sdd. W. D., 110 H. C. Faîrbauli, Zion Cty, 64; Mar- Daniel Pease sud wlfe ta Jennie L. garet Vessie, 64. Miller, lot 8, Feaess euh. Highwood. W. L. Bine, Chicago, 22; Lydia L. W. D., $ I Kuhîman, 18. Jenuls L. Miller te C. J. Streiber, Je,. R. Manit, Ciicago, 40; Suez M. lot 8, Fesses suis. Hlgiswood. W. D., Ely, 29. $600. Harry McDonald, Crystal Lake, 35; E. A. Cummningsansd wife te Au- Mînuje Kollsnkarg. 25. drew Capon, lest 6 sud 6, block 8, Sarais Aguew, Chicaga, 30; Jas. Waukegan Highlandda. W. D.. $600. flaukbead, 38. C. W. Heydecker aud wite te F. W. Chicago liceuse: Harriugton Au- Stupy, 94 iota, Comptons add. te thouy. Barriugtou, 24; Grace McCas- Highland Park. Dsed. $490. key, 23. C. W. Diver et aI. ta C. E. Sayler, Tjsoa. Hiasse, Wauconds, 22; Aima lots 12. 13, 14 sud 15. blockt 5, WSrd Tburweîi, rsysiake, 20. & Divers sub. Norths Ciscago-. W. FrederHck Walch. Zion City, 28; Ma- B., 1.,000. bel N. Blean, 21. T. J. Smith ta Elizabeth A. Smith,. Wm. A. Rilsi, St. Louis, MO., 21; 7 lots te T. J. Susths sol>., and 7 lois Auna M. Little, St. Louis. lu Lindeuwood sub. lu Sec. 12, West David Nerdeli, Waukegau. 43; Hila Antiocis Tp. W. D., $1. Johnuson, Waukegau. 43. Henry Weyer sud wite te J. L. Koe-1 Charles C. Adams. Chicago, legai hlih, lot on east suds Jackson st, justat I lc I.Nron hcgo e S. et Grandl av.. Waulkegau. W .. a$1 AlceI.oro.Chcg.1ea W. B. Smith sud wif e te E. W. Sisb- age. fer, lot 5. iblîck 33. L.ake Bluff. D'ed, $50. rtis nteCuty Village îof Lake Rmii!!te Truîstees e rilofn h ouiy Sclîools. lot iii village et Fox lAke.!'Havi. i un adIisunle îîî,lce Protection Dccii. $51. 1fr yîîur hîi. ake-ila man xif a rieud W. C. Feîdler and lwlfe teu W"' :& ahjonsas -pi-ding in naiîîely spoît. Frnk Norris, 157 acres lu Secs, 81 "Itather' nvs, thei.- rî.y.Wby, w.'veý' and i9, Ela TIi). %V.D. $10,440.50. Igot the llretti.-st sers aut girllu tihe Geo. Graber et ai. le W. C. Feddeier. j ounty." 1 -- bomteid t0f Roud Li coUiity lr lvillage1. FOR SAL barnod toi L. Go InLae coîi FOR SAL Wile'Ila FOR SAL FOR SAL Il gi I s FOR î,Si L LIAN A. FORiîrc M and ) % SORli I FSA theai- r 1 lamesl Anni Heory Cairia I vile ta * te ao he e hoer c et the Caia notai

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