Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Sep 1908, p. 2

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to "Copper'head- *tà"6ain athe filsle &&te ~,oI Jla 1893. cfWoed. for! Oo.aty. (Il *$Rbn oftel fat AdLl. -41 Dneomrtie ealitiq for We va. a aumbér of a dialoyai »««Y dotir t létrying lape Ib" ,0w4 ar. Prom théebambers ý ircon, thé aeeuiug evi. IWt the sandrdbéarer ot the 11 gMueras vaa not a true bine ý'M but vau a mémbér ot lat ýeaI'-muaetSociety, Thé Sons 0, «Owdut.axon a hanch o! thé 1 U hoveM as Knigbts af thé a amioe Mad organisée!for trea- OMPUC eaiaaint the félersi =t. Sor"ee moni lée of the norhlaSutlédark « %V4&il Thé mémé mentilon o! 5., 'Domm o Ubert.' ar OM of thé Goden Circi,' ta *»o voee t.e bine an anmoveé "U ef athe Abraham.-" 7e- te *M bitter memortea ai the *be tew tom:ht reél rébeis u un aMd wMRerl thé machina- ue*Péshmw staIhome, OWe that AdILla0. Aevénson ai Mo ov wwaspirtng tu thé gav- lt*$& cmontle Démocratie ticet, klMber of thia treaaonablé or- Io le offered In tlé faim ai an Ot 17 William B. Whiffén, a 9,,'Uevugper publishér at Meta- SWoédhs'd oosatY. Reputabi. un et Wooltord eaunbp vaucb for igieiuée. ai Whlffén vbo ab 6ba Vua eociatel vt Steven' Stii. Democratie Party. r- &"Vit vhieb va. publlmel eO Minuie Stat. Journal Juiy 2 wiam Mr. Stevénson va. acan e u te évce-preéîlency. la a. leet mlinoia, count- PâMlamB Whifren, ai thé county à" thaf hé vas àreMent aithé -et WtodiaTl. Su thé tate o! ftrM August, Suthe yéar 1851, 18«, sud Inrlag tint edtar and proprlétor of Thé BMUtiel, a zuevipaper pub- et Ma=mraIn thé talé o! Ml uoutyi fWoodford, and &M lai re va. personally 1gd politically aasoclatéti E.OIWILStévensan, 1maffaliant 1ý at thé organlzatlan of Wý ý lodge or circle of thé ý'« Amueau on Kughts or sono obot Sulathé sautheat lover Ibo le cat hante In Meta- 4,<y. W. G, Uving, spécIal agent 0 OUaté rgasi»onailie sainme; bIL stévesnau as préaent, anti iegm vau duly iniiated aild ,be lequirél oatie a ieclved »aad penvorla; tiat afflant 8npeneb t the caunty orgen- laet thé Aniricsn Knigbta or i f Iibeity heM ln the court roani Wéeort houe.and tint tht sai 9 a etévénson a. presént ana OU a p«eceting thésaie; and $e' «a= rsthat lhé va. prsent ai 08oétiéil ofitle id Kngh te or F8l ýOUbé'ty beldlnlisthe cily ai M. ISlit, on thé lth and l7th et June. 1864. and thel Adîni E. scco va. a lélegate te sald stalé OU trom thé iolgé or order ni tht 0 hm thé coanty ni Woodford; thé aald Adni E. Stevenson bM for tELdaut, fry vich lhéoh- 0 admittancéto salacouncll; tint »e Inu îl cauncil thut thé 23 W e! thé Dérnocratlc plaliot'm of -Ioar vre adupled anti agreti ýtitI &Moint trtber avers that Waeit 0a!the newe oi thé asea Wi of Abraham i Lncoln, the aiti à e. Btep'en satted Sm substance X vas a goal thîng anti oughît t béé. doué sooner. anti that sai IL. Stevenaon admîlti lu oafflant, *Veration vti hlm on that snb- , biat hé iad so statet i n regard lo demi oi Lincoln; thet alliant MY*ai'that et thé saiti counil <id1 ,Il., an thé ltth andi SJime, 1884, there vére présent r.J*méSingleton, Johnson anti 4dc Lncoln, Ill.; James S. Ev Ingbon, Il., and a numitér DOerRic Pllc pclans bh- &CM i lotgeand circleé é*vec'yCOUW.Y in te oInte, a1vers that thé Ofder of Iglsti or Sans ai Liberty - simitar ln Ibeir char- théordes kisomenas tihe *0 OGodn Circle, anti ait- by the arganicing tkIl U*lag that laid crgent- - o te eagme relation ta -. - 4.5 bêthé aouth; that prisent aI tho 0TC5.lation o0r tour lloge.or crciee of Wôo«od, rl i.nois, - - vée aigairel ity thé vn fid Su secret wvl ~Pken éd inlovu, «(Sraed) Wllia.m B. Wlfen '13ubscribed and avorfi ta before me this IMb day of October, A. D. 1874. (Seai) "James R. Brooks, «Notar'y Public." «The underslgnéd citizens of Mt*- fora, Woadtord couuty, have knavn William B. Whulféu Intlmately durng bis business and political careér ID tMi. cOunty and can uakqnallfledly MaY that hé ba! very superlor facilitiéO for Information as tu the movements and vorking oaith. différent membérs et thé Demoratlc Party of this county duing the vw.ansd tant bis réputa- tion fur trui and vers.clty ln thu ecaty va sioauasta ead un ta, télY SnImplcitly IDa anytatemént hé ahoul make regarding the thinklng...3iéve Or pi'olice -1reputation ofa»YamMan~ber et thet Party. Slhd - "Z. H. Whltmrtr, -liante Wikoff. i l'j. W. Buta. "T. D. Wallon. «F. F. Brlggs, "C. Nl..." REPUICAN ELECTOE8 Uaéé sor Thom Who WIU Appéér on thé Offaal Ballot et No- vésuber Elecoio Thé Républican electors at large, via vére ehoeen aI thé Républicon éte convention, and the electors from thé rmectiyé congreasiontildi&- tt, vbosé narné. vUS appeaf on thé official ibalot lu Novembér, are a. fol lavu: At large; Waler fReéveé, Stréntor John Anderason, Chicago. Mintrcta. 1 George W. Dizon, Cieago. 2 Narry W. Harvey, Chicmgo. a Walter Pagé, Chicaga. 4 James 0. TPInucané, Chicago. 5 Jullua LieléIîig, Chicago. 4 marer 1y- Gatpin, Chicago. 7 Joeph EP.Haa, Chicago. a William D. Cook, Chicago. 9 Dr. John P. Willilams, Chicago. 10 John V. Parweli, Cicago. Il M. M. Plain, Aurora. 12 WSufléld S, Aliten. Gardner. 13 George I. W, Brava, Dîxon. 14 J. 0. Péasley, Maeamb, 15 W,.E', Asten, Ray. 16 Caire Trimble, Princeton. 17 Sain Weity, Bloomlngton. 18 William W. Br'uce, Casey. 19 Richard 0. Lémon, Clintan. 20 William Mumford, Pittafleld. 21 John W. Kitcheli, Peaa 22 JosephIrE. Watts. Greénvill. 1,23 Harry Perjým&n, Oinéy, 24 Jullus C. 1%rn, Carml. 25 0. J. Page. Marion, The dietrict eléctora vére choeen ia thé congrésalomal convention. Six candidates vére placeti ln nom- luatlon ln titvonventIon for four va- cancles for ~e trustées of the Uni- versity o! Illinois. Thre aithe vs- cAnclés are for slx-yeer terons, thé other for fous' yéars. Thé convention nominated thé follomlng persane: Btz-year terma: Mus. Lae B. Evans, TnylorvIllé, re- nominaled. Arthsuf Meékar, Chicago. Allen F. Moore. Montlcello, Pour-year ternis. A. P. Grant, Wincheuster. Arthur Meeker and A. P. (iront are nov filllng vecencles an the huard cauiaed loy deeth, havlng beén aP- pointéd loy Governor Denéén, NOT BUSLT LîKE DEMOCRATS. Demooretie papérs are nom claiming that thé Ynteé féllows viii refuce la support Déneén and itlp lu elect Stevenson. Not muchth le Tatée foi- lava art nut tint kunI. Tbéy are Républicans. evéry Inch o! théi, anul vién thetticket le naméd, they vole thé tIcket.-Lamfenceville Républ2aS. e NATIONAL PLATFORM AND e THE CANDIDATES. a* u perty nomînatetia candi- C date fof presidént mto lied iteenC e tntimately connécted vith thé 9 great policiées litlated by Wil- : elami McKinley andtihcbheve C e beén cerrieti on su magnlficently e ho Theodore Roosevelt, e man 1 e eay irbu bas beèti more inti-e :mateiy connected i mth tbose egreat poticies titan any livIng C 9 mani auvo the président himself.e : (Apk i. Su vithounr vice-a a presideni. Our party bas for Itse candidate for the vtce-presi- *dency a mati)vto bae been ln-e a tlmateiy asuociateti vititthé leg.: * laaton whicit bas t'ecently ad- *vancedi ouf country lu the gréaI- a est powrer ln theé vomld. Mr.: e James S. Sherman ut Nev York. e é(Aplîuose.i * We cao stand by our plettorse 9 and liv oîr canditates. The :éver heyIoflte campIM irbwat. aee hymay hé, wml ilmplya meno the greelest possible et-ae fort lu gîte Puhiicity to their C a worlt andi the wvoth e partye : during lte past Imelve, yenrs. C e And me miii min (Applausé) lie-e k cause thé vork of thoéIe men s and bécatise the prIncîples cois' C Ctained ln our pletform hq','é benc *overvhitemingly endorséd hby oure E party undi thé nation-Prome e Gotérnor Déneéns atidres aI Cthé Réptiblcan staté convention, c lý e 0' 64 -'e -i Chose. ~tndeéc 0e&M pullmMée thé Pasage udcai tiifai steesseoc se à stl.drot forviel . dlu m lue.05 neaiWihowstrs &»Moraeéflou hépeepiaetM nié ut., e sus emeu u ci lefii 0,e ccd 5eecaldmidimisilatPie é té sa-. MMa eMn moerm ewm me oms u Vli h ee twm to Oecé bu Dm1140600isc d es isW"et Om adimmtine b e. ehéé inbord 5au he s 0 eodi tnmaré e *dé lai,.e fléi ea0.e eu Publea,~tie ord.e e t cmié hduM04 e uwdé ,.éiwm ri sheitamotu0.abâillasserlé., lsuameit d e tire . ql démn cecsil i. atw ,"Mt'etVb.0e an dé .a t me@"tu e 0i dt InemeI m~ , a uto eMâd e P_ tgesnom uàai iscl M .d 0 h.-: = me d-i z b. tâne la mCd<éasmiati., an I. ésusumrrées a y mai e oco ls Ràut" blhIéeue M.9 peh e tbais ié beatatue ts l e b.dtai.e Bate' dé lsc.baitaiteàM dé sýtat» .Mms ewA a à.v" suaeésusdé asenes rome sects edéts é «u.lab s otaf Méd bat, e11- -Ma-d -ÎdW mm.isélisre b4-e"lgait. IM méila aciita eg ee'au et artma.ntravorbe d,beac rontai,.ecceaé cfdé - ..tashilest. érmie teméei le sautfeai i10,,-«W»te. éor lth ,iA ver -dh e..aéth. t.pit. cDIa'- e Mll pasemte ai eul s' e.1 jautaOf hé oitale.ltatouattshcendant as ofe 2,» S et Ire cetlca sdéalienu.54iéc. sdérrm e mAke n t ubliereats.a t ha,. a e *e neeccide.romtasBdis Peant e é atsgmlns train ahe h., le. . dé ela eé e * il a isat« t, h*.pla Sm, hee pl e ia h ossd.the Intrdu c io téof er d r célal 584 déti«I l e unedbii t dés ofé iset a ccoo. A é t iec te dé toimCotrt tht""" e e »t "mti strletpub li &taies theai ato< le sflr sse etCtr tndam 0t a 3We mee a s e alltMsa fords vlgtast.d udî tendaa « e ffortt eurlt s Chti th hatonttscrlcl caae eees ticpubailst.,alixe oses c..tâisuo-i mg e. fr Cu e 'a edeaye eb t«o h OI éed Pulc eat r ý 1e .- W.. u 0 A. tem or, tsamesd d testh epé '. ts cn t la osf orty nominaetionms, n e . ii. 0 th.. pea--tleté tet thé -»peel lrun i tttdat, et seePart t ptm ID 0 the hPacmmelle of . eorutee . ice stt e dt'pcrthé .'c itactioae,- te ti,-,ddnah W* pay cél the etdMi ndtot héM erténprttt i ta, agtS ed a la. thé t.éaei teeneghth assa e ofab isrela to rdé dat mtendigthrs'. a-veta a o e l emaos d I dmlicth. ctié euttcsoundIngempan tasc eCetct. a céatue - eaa.e.esl sudpebas lotiétais, ha, t aSIe héea . lrgd te tfcIesi et at taiseple ce t. tesee alleltecd caec.eiie..éh , -ocsd luean sase mtanhi 7, e éctrt sdetée Mi<iltia f n hre ttrý. ý.K h fr o é.eto t- Pa u.. M rt h thé dja tr of i e socerre heé lc, If ts thél d m r in e te t oseau ai se' e v bo'nétIls apc.ics lcrai tm tine te e dh ttemployé eée t-ý e and tth t caL ID a ci t tst-gh th tta m ig a rd at e the pep1. dAslel O te eetsc cs ggd lncta s a e :a ce tsescandu Yth ethges-aol esefairul: nt d eet dtepssdties prtetangers a Inidn dé a raciceetpt eétt. bott unlàtls thtanseonst chni t rsé Lh.'aes ofided y a esi ae t admit.e . ét at a ý mne lùfr h okI a ecmlme th eevto fte»tm ý %I h tt b u h g e fte lt 0 olgeU . fur. r h Inta Kerna] athirU. e we v7e d e adatlsts.aa adnth ee pet i nic, sSand Andtt u Sl.ériée. e e Isa l tcécasees f t. gtcattha,eetsttfA n s c dégal ht teette Iof te Mt . o vac é a .th caI. éd te ne e ft ku thewa couretne ts thenai ttc tof tepoplno t h epatt. é ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t caalcmuccd e e .aets, ata. lIt. at.îe. eet et hildees ix tsil livet lat ae <. ptntce, ne spoeett llnllvrIhnl aeuîe0ae h W@m .,ime end the d minifstti erthe Avern f r he g aaenM.;t a e h p a ethtg o h l t l n h 9 t h a i n l p r t n o r n r . e d 1 l - i a e e ccunD h dIJtai o MthIé Lavage,, e -gie o m dm a s th , la teaourso] g bS ad ste th e tcc oitm ,nd ltî uttl edi taune engaged 15 dé é W. sudett ae ktyel .eos5 s-- t nre nîlîoalrtdteael ine lt e f te t-srst eI-a otat shé rta e wte ended else 1rtheltnts t a téett. teHh.ld W. .tlgttc-.,. utatctd..IMt ti tth I fl-I Ifn h.tuî,llsolc. eth -e cueh - esttat eer teglta thépcsted.-rtoli thete JI_ Iwth. trtuo dWé edél. or tit.oA 0e the I. ite.. e tet l,. n es etrnsse 5 el ee We six,,c-1,..,utththt ite, - A0 la it aé la«i ixinsg daaéuttor etol ailt nasta ta à- nlra fa h ra v. J ta b e téhtsrt Ic .el.u.f ah erth ...e If t hée tstate .issj the a pt te o, thI l inn ,tpoc ,tnd ic . scde"a e .j- batss "lt lcc er te pt e ateogtelaleltas- dsle1oueed1. ase Os, thé e . taeirn, an ced1,taée, eelotfth &mmtat.nvu atý a va .fl eormv pticedaacrctosft honeseetlI a iest o d IblaIttttalc théenhthe t vm; i ,îirpl l d .,tehde fr.,t ite alaIe sel 0efthéls. à a eWar dta a ître thé met jelar d o t al teneeleine ce.lonul l e ne.]a e , Wi . ticcd ue.noIth eftheé rcntcsinstîu en 'thert"î"' c seed e rviTo Mair pressu,.ed thé.IKg etnlth, te h Man t ht relesthe d ced ,ýI ceh. eo é tes-ta elso-d the Oesec te th shiecd te r 0-1snétnOet t lSltucti t 1 c e t ue Icrlfte orc e ssi'also s ri t. le.e ,el tatio.o f tr- c . t a e tu lis rd x S a tun 1 r e ul týpr-.e th i e Cc *Ofstht ele a d 't hépla ecio, ed th TWOd-eCIM.eNt AlIA 3 H.p ifeT oil S.. rt..Ch v éi l s., r.-- i f or a ttenu li e ste -n a lo t . b r. ors- i s . u îe r iio t h n f tSm c out . 9 la a - "-eI ts îl ~ t hén s pritt a n etce rI thus o I a tte l aw he m - am d P - 0 a xr ire rce a ad r .ed Ite to ef tt aete d etrthéo 10 ceé tre a ttsio f t a o t he Am-l t u, cf t t 1. thvers l ita spttln i tt f or ltthé lin- nIy stg t h W. s euilset o dsate fsrsteaf-ed etsl pe.-pth.P ae.. nd eor id t er fedîsta stht Ine g". metan é i sai sceby te pItS ai the b tht ceteeclandet-Iltoen.a&Hed u_ _usîtta. 9 n deleé l i cfte esee t1 ee cot ell . - ast e rrsa th m-,thé oicreciartIon lit ie X.7 e .et .fo a Rooettts eth. l'f a lievet teporohé w.toc etel otlieîr ta thé l-.t.9 éliretion rlWt en . a -Osaud iata fr 1 50ev','.slettecîre1- ccI tten tal-es y hi Rncilt. 1parey,t, st lit eIle tio fI o r ii lit t Id ofth et, t sotituel u .4 ssrteéIrtd ccd th ftha. dtci t ,ý tb lrrn rtt ilenmtI ivil c rtic sts étee y rendue-lb tafthéuptlteacna uffrtotlagsalI rtheoHm.os il urd14. v.' tatbs-luffl staetrors- ttI the, et'le. ros-e etiteof 0 lite p ttna ..îtîlos he e lar th. d ',utaspe t. tcaM Att. J Hup iîe te ittîl or ('. k-a1.ur. tlseta a Deagrety nt a reltourndlo.t . 1OtiteS, ton tirctthé hl...ntour . peoploe fa Ili ateét t et sîce " t t ' -lto rh t t a ithr. 9i...r.1 .tinsset Cl t bîst tee Ate, .. ouiani AI naI tfor llc e retl cd JieH.s ecaileanerethc . ih t ut.ét uét of is totdaa r abtehstdt n l eatte thts .a pfbrneethéIsa. lite 500 e n ced lsceci é has hectud t t tbcoa recoerd nta St thon ,, y,.,,ut tht ,tlra S ttes ntee e e teetht_' chtrh lhe h. crival.t .,t pud lic . , :tht bpel paivai.t lit.e pare su hc os epoe.toétd li ars ith se e r fttate ad ttes lItees éh é sbasets' e au . 1tI the gn tvît re I.scft t iclrjteOt .0th to -ti or t aitals rluti -a-eduh.'basi teesnneelt us- acieîn attcbiccnneeee 1 teth tethshli.ptetgci th prl.creeettah eu f'.I*ornnd trnn h 'é-ea eaei codto ett.te Wt .. ýtrlp tt.. .flys a ay ei hi. i ea hencst 1or et t é .ncaf&elS.'eé 0 15terot 1ete dctr a vcsapp sets-S , ccand t eseicea té th ePrépearatnc Of t'Itti at it nalec. itu a 1.tea ce ec e dS fer Sictre - ts cflo perîn i th atue o . sud551. a ne cedvisihoncée ot th . t , ef tht aepue.-d thesgnf uIe ttheot eemc th,. * tettr et ead chît tca eaet ilbos 1liattwil-rI'-tht supn orle, - * e thebmntrto ofhît ed nt Tit eau a s c nec lnrtet lite ta tr-nd. tbt-tb»tc-f? i: a rés tden R tc t, oi. mo cd eticn the tifon le s hi dd e tle ea n %à*t" fas e 0 . 1 I l l u l à M t h . t l os c aueuwuuoamu StatIU rWiiiiiiUe * 1h. cpaUi,,, M tise id làr ti cn es l pi ss a ile.lSO~sM hesl a rm dé scee hccd W.'ciitiac h Iébaro cd atuu M temmrla déepaienyaý b« oué~ aned pcéliaé eséeeella d phien.m dé att aicpti 58 has oeai lps te .lentwdé , e le 6M oeathe. asm.i oa1fl et me c ea i.i fl me b dé bla e t t be à."lS déSépahfmom lh a --eni a etb A" m at dé cm m « edéet Maél tkcéét ai hade ad éldur e e m e-O 0, he-ee é cai hsda b. et h.UW -éeM é M Ueneeecft cm1. e«».% c~ c u u maé e e mqot"t efnu mf M-Mel 0uè 0B éaoomtmsa RX" .»WIMe FU à vr e nm eami n héb-.«. W"asbusb dé - Iinb»l éeelecal W» dé st 4 mte unomfdé * n OmteahIMM, d biMbleM" te beamtllaa.maithé e ttmetbméat,.,0ct WM m ML Tbas lemmme ,i dée * * eCeclisma mbsw-wwiaetctea tee. a psisha dé et. -m Chu« L "M::MWetÈ"tefl fflle- -teetféb"et le t* n a vé euffl »m« .49 eatutaiea dé ne»« fet »MW"0« m oeltc,".»t- t»~ euwft énancmeo a cle. ..d.eeii au iIei wtedihme pmie dý 1%.&d . àmmumla w M" à s b a b bagl e mdaru etteabUcme cpi«"d l ia e sm Ocf aséch t généosmi betCul; 81 Ma be dé rOa Fain c 5ev téIL. ici .ca. é ce.f.lei b t 6,« mu M "ums, pe M dé casSa. àsi ce a méiblI r paed 5 Ies.9 netic M 1« a tftas l . 5 ftl. " e 09 v miCe.e m"tsat ~ IL=m . .;W t.8. mi e"- a e e é e a a e é e é e e a e e a c é a e e c e é a C c e e e a e e é e a a a a e é .1 é é e e é é e é é e é e e e a géaéymiprrlatona smade by thé for- liaICenerai assémbiy. "Thé thlryieghth and thlrty-nlelh Cernrai .eemile iwblti cnnvened dur- Strlklng Contrast Dem. Igluthémilassmlieznap pratdw1, ocra.tlo and Republican 994,195 t eh.piti out by the revenue Business Mothode e h mne fthed, fallenit b V 6.19.93, whinh detlclncy &ise pro- à3Vdéby thé .ucccéding legielature. AI 8M IM N'y GOV RETAXI= 'With tbejiove $15,000.000 revenue te pewvide revenue râceipts during te it- reai tereni ere $12,276,9312, of vhioh 87,394,624.24 ver. from thé taxitleto Taxation l 11e01UlderT" o 1892 el to1896 Inclusive and M4881,1142.88 muJhtauom rotrm lnce'tariffus source,. Dmuémtiee Irna OéIéa "During the four Démocratie Faure Eeaj or abri Ladam'.Who W..' Dén. aaeeé.éd value of ail sdat. prop.rty IrI&A ltgela Are Nov flalkng aveaged $83.427,808, on wbléb vaa leu- AIbél ééra kW lei a tétal tau oni 81 8, or auan éaver" Pearly tas of 42%4 cent. par 8104. Govrmo. *Compari.on of thé huier snd Âltý gél adminlotratiom shour. abat thé toe - iégiestiir encrnder rifer pTgvided by Dp-- 1 Pe%*hfild, 1n., Sept. 1&-P5wtng imopiattons for 8>e eiptàM4ture of $Il,- 111114 IMtidrY ciiairethe ooffe of 1 e88.89 fvom thé Sevenudluumd s&d'the MU ty h«day. thé oeat lini- t'under Altge*d 1 Do94 fil,-a Sol bae ear mch onéruustheé é.. et rroprlaion Under Âtgéld «oonorimeadministration or affe- et $8 221 olé 1l Wi the Democrata viiigivé thée -Te friter"ondfturée of revenue' vbieh0durng bis terza of office vas S$10,822,632, étale If Adi.iStéenomhouie b.udaihé Joli te lhé paifi-by hie ucceeeeor ellcte voreror f iitaift 1)ubteu a r trp ation. of $1,688,429.16, total elétalbovrnr o IliDOe.Doibtle c50, 1.14 Thé Âltgeld esapénditurès tUée ame Demooraa v bavre rnucb et revenius duriag hi. terra of o0fce vae ta MaY durlug theé urit a5X vééki n n *4$8218,sd ho left to héunad Me é mre ubjèct. ýhIýsuecéaer- aé¶prltosn That théir reaardésu thé pat may total t17,517.92.91. t lb. forgottqn, it Uay lieu'.lj to Thé Fifer receipia or creiets verée récal té heto, 0fI. tat.lutna 11,22.8 and thé expendtures-or deb- F90111th*hiOtYOf he tg dIUSîtlwe er. 8.22,632, shovttg an ifcrea, thé admlnl.btatl of ai GoveroJohn la the trnury balance of 1429,744, thé dmnrtu lo nt Coui viih a Cash P. Altaeld, thé Isat DeMO'tSC 80V balane January 10 1893 et $2762,334-49 émoi. lMan of théane lésadmis vbo mi a surplus Juli 1, 1111,Ci81Oé. véé'é hbind Governar Altteld ad ". imedrce .o riUvr PaMliitoédlaId he admiistrBao am 6$1,06.57.12. and the expéndlturcee or béhIal AdWalStevmnson, »Il ahoul déi. er. $14.824140, ahovleg a de- Moulathé balance of $2,89.,294.48. bé b. lected, vili havé much to my hej mnieltracion going out January lu thé canduct of affaira. là l97?. vlt a cash balance cf 8142.- PromSucent mSg .é.ce 'a PAgr et61 an1ti a déficit JUIF 1. 1897. of 82.- C. 9iu)uvam4 national carnrnttéérna. 3nwémeé laSiioa.e who has made bie palevith William Taé Altgeld admnistration found July J. BrysuantontheéMmernplatihmet 1,ai its. atsrplus et 81.5é588#.Z4 aud1 feund. JUIF 1. 1817. a défiit e ni 06. P00111a04vhOeétvOaM &a90agoET. Bry&D 2116.9, a net loata thé tat. tréa.ury médé iIglit aglat Mr. SuIlivan. 09 $9,129 130.52. John ap e -* éa.tihorsalij>esetheaffect of thé mayar ai Chcaa; Jh MoUille, novs, Of81 cents la 1898 &Bd 1894 huén doubléd »er«ry o th stae ommit4e*the ÂltzoId admintotration vwould imeInto éeOétlj t hééta. ommt. ;bave pl ils cool- Thome taisévarte Go~ K E-Br«aa»u and Irutolu13. l'iwdie" tisé $3.eeo.eo. revanhe Pésbadp. Thep are thé mén vho viii 8.0,00.o 0huihvePoee hI havée " mort tai maishould Général voftIS weregrvois& tevedpon home gaveruar. "No une kn.v ih. bétter than thé hesd No man InIlilinois kuev more oi o9 thé adimnlistton. Thé exhaustion the ondiionof sate ffare a ftthé noeseeary vorking balance in thé théconitin o eatéaffireBtthe state troasury. thé e ggfary of théetté, conclusion of Governor John P. Ait, sud the crtppltlgof every isstltuion andi Cell admnIstatio tan thé atéderrtm ILét e hetate va. ouit te ré- velds adinisraton tan te lae suft t0f ccident.1t vas t he eceuit of Govéernor John RL Tanner. Govérnor carefully planned design on the. part et Tanner, on two occasione, gave a hi&~ Altueid, whoe o traege phillu.ehy taught ini that a greai corporation ut.e thé tory o!fodiblone e,.lbe round thétu. tate ef Ilînola coidritraneaci bualteme In a 8 chdllvered Séplémbér u16 on tîtedit anid wthnut ciah. The ee 1998, hé reviévél thon conditions, Aligeldt' vet. Ht accumfl1893.cohie and tva yearas lter again cablldat. dearesi politîcal vish of vipling out the tenton t the, an rai onta sigle iel! 'yarking balance' vithîn the tiret ténton e tcern an sal no a inge iO jeara cf hi. adesîniatrtion- déniai or an atternpt at réfutation bal ueal a aea kpe. béén made. lu diecuslng financtalai f- 'Front Septemiter, 1895, on te the cloue taire lurlng the Âltgold Democratlc or bis ter-. tthé tale ofItlitnois vas hanktrupt. standing bat te bond ai thé administration front Ianuary. 1893. te hock doora cf moey leaders,.beglng le January, 1897. Govérnor Tanner ead'. tarttteg vhipemr for scret &Id and pledging tbe h..onr uf bere- '¶In reclting the hletery af thé Ait- cents to.-repay lite tIiegat toane. and after gali administration o! Illiinois affaira, asarly two years of povP-rty Altteld youvii réalititt té Dmocatapased ov.'r t.,lite hie $162 o- ié.iin you illrecll tat he emoratuwit whchlu pay hi.. de,. of 0,cer boulet aifviat they cati thée eonorny $2200,00 '1't.n66cnt tax lcvy ef 1897 çroduc ofthéir administration o! the .tate's Ing $3,647.962.48 revenue lotks large affaira, Tbey pralne thé so-cniied huai- when comnpem-ed with the .'Illileale cr une@ inéthods of Altgoid. their Maouéeoft52 cèd ent 1t1996and 56 "tu nt1e8i96 tiut the présent adminitrtrion mnis net vho hed titet, or rether drove tieni. nly suppiy the revenue for It.. ev thraugb the tates imancdai vilder- Capenset. but iltrust liquidate te deitte ai 195 nd hé emocatl nee-of the t)mmoratsanad re-,'tat.iloh a sufQl nes dt19 ndteDmcatcnw-cen t woVînng balance le the tree.ury papér clte jou luri te citizens, 'If Yon te Preven tthe recurresace of anything tblk Âtged l yor tieni, uoklite the boetillaiins: bcggary of te tasi donttiAt gedl orfred ok fév 9earesof Altgeido trrna et yoUr ttea tax recéipts wvItle bc 0CashEtiacé N ecoeary. vas governor, and tien at Tanner', 'Th.t &eutil, lnt rumbbalae nt thé taxes.' tren...iy lu a %Irai ntcselliy ne seaue "To Setter understand vhnt consti - k . . bat tit. tnni9 hy bit tutéd the economy ofthlie Atgeld ter esTmIrce 'luTehitlitory cflh- treas- regu bwat vert bis extraordmnam-y n I9S Ialun. c durîng thetAiglt- e rra rélgu j, .. i-la nInstneructive, and 1 viii business metitode and viterein iay te foin t menrt of bis tai leVie8, it le belpfui w "'rite389.adsehilillraoe lt eneil tnnuar-y compare thte Filer Republican itons'Thé revene t-roc. île for the cvii ix Fears witb te Democrntic terse whlcb menthe.. wIthImb tnclî.edtht mcl File, ioilvedil, blc îuîy epînîs ~ tax ievy if tl892, offaet thte.'xtî'ndturts folowe It whch ull exlais tè ad uiuy t. 1893, th, tasee a. neceselty for thte increased taX iey $2.736,825 47 The thit- ghtti gentrei ai le Frtieit enerl aeemby. seehi hadl made It. appr.priatons. of te Fotiet genMI asemby. 0f wvich te frt etars peyment as Fifer LeftILarge Balance, nov due.'nuThisblance. ,f noarIy $3,- 000,0 60 wu a. osinllty tbe balance vwhicb Fifer came lnto the governorablo ha.d been et llatle for mean y esre pon.t upon tht ndjouroments ofrte législa- Jain. 12, 1889, at vhlcb limé Iheré turcs. A yen.- later. Juti 1, li,94, tht vas n cash balance ln the stales ré,- balance ihalulc,1 let. l. , 9.it4514,ami ruby Jaeunm-y 1. 1S9'15to e btovS1.000,00. énuefond ot $2322,17040.Four yearaTht trot Al gid ax li--y "f 1893 had tatér. Jan- 10, 1893, hé iras ,ucceesded nov bote IleOtéd and litesinauftIclncy va. ahove byil,.ue on bit or ht tenue- hy AltgeId, ai vhlcb lime the balancé ury's balance.Tht brthlry-nintiteglnerai in the revenue fond wae $2,752,334.40, asembittymot ln 185 ancd madle ttc ap- .howng n Icreae o $49.76. Te propriat Insu, tesrt year cf whlch te- chowng a inreas of 429764.Thecame avallablo 1013 ltt Thirly-slxth and Thirty-.eventh gen- 'rvo y--ne-ito,é. ebeti tht thirty- oral assemlîlieal, vbicb met ln 1889 and elithth general nssneîotlY nitlîiueed tera wtt',en li,.i, li I'iralsapproriaions 1891, made appropriations of $11.774,' about oîoo Bot -c ltat balance 389.89 10 he paid front the revenue hadl lîrunkttthW10 1 Wht - Vientec fund. Dlrintlg Pefotur Fiter vears. the .-e.týd e,~i-I rt.Irlait""" ,1 hlt total revenue receipts vere $11,252 r r tri- i. l. - i .-( part tad lteec pald iin-iuarler of thtéîrdlnary 396, and thé total éitiendltures $10.- expellèes, lii,- lcîascey itou pm-cLIally 812,632, lte differencé of $429764 bé- baokeîitt. ing the increaae ln the fund. 0thé "liitiiem t. 195. the balace bAd Ofte hrnktli 117791 40 Nocvvtu-vs total receipta, $749677980 veré frottaIs sîCghI unlîl 1,1Apreli20. 1996, weitet thé tsX levies of 1888 lu 1891 Inclus]v',thersI coîl, ic w meli 189 trc5,frs and the balancé of $3,765,61620 waes Institutions Rad te Borro. fron tite Illinise Cntral Rallroed and 'term- o clig 10 do biutsitopend thé Uuul mlscellsiteotle sources. -the bitiî'tncsit of IIthe te 0m-or10 orccv "Duning thé four Fifer yenm-s, thé as. ecitlcleltt mcccv foiita existenceetrulli sessd vlue f nl stle roîîrtye,-the teici i Of liiit tos i oiected. The sesed alu ofallstae popetyv- 250,00c-i tll II. Orittittttiln permit- éraged $813627,516, on vnlcb vas le-r- tedltteé î-l i oe,- t-vs a coin- ledi a total tai of $1.38, or an average pacative d-ct,' et. bu,itvtfoi of fucîte I cce5ottl - 111,i'r tege-t icencial yéarly tex of 34V2~ cents per $100, thé minci',olîlî b Iu-ught atcoot the dinase tax rate shovltsg from 38 cents In 1889,te.asorauv wl t institutio'ndy -Ttltru to 36 cents bn 1890, 33 Cents 11n 1891 structm-îi lu ,î,rcoo w lieie tev slgitt and 36 cents In 1892. It wIl he noicél fid fiolo octicietto 10 tinlln thoir . lietitutiîle unil ltite rIat tm-euvî.y cIiud tint -ahile the lax rate vas reducéal e,vm- Ili ,Til,,j item.tsmucleîî l overy yer of thé adminstration, mur- drev ti r ceulst lo n tht cLate fictentrevnuewasreetived t1i pay, reasoro attciflm--thc'iv m-qu.tittne Scient evenue ras lid gotlit -loual --r ut and ictet the cool of goveritmeflt- retond te signature cf the goverrnor, "-Wtton ifer turned ove' the state' t bey were b )be asci as collaterai for 15tht boans. IfIr bis w- o 0 itiltie,-icli affaire 10 Altgetd te january, 1893, tittre 1 truseese to 1indtvlduuliv fum-ish any reeatnod nedert of tht appropriations cotinîcrai c- coary. Tm-y voro ulso for lhe fiscal ynnr of 1993 ciosier Pnb- Seeoitc;litiy i3cu-e 0 ev e1- muary îltb. $1,683,429.16. of the o iacens ioteraccountIbookt.,or 'To ment thoeépaymenbtteré vee la reports. the evene fnd Jully 10h $,752- "Tht word ct eut In pamlaitoe vlîlo thé eonue fnd ntiury 01h 2.12.-ait undecacood. 'tueptirlie luace durit netit $24.40. Ti tita ltd came Into tht marn- v t a chtance to mun agate, serrent cfrte tate's affaire vitît vitl i' ehide th-tsact ef the louase te4 tac he properiY teriend a surplus 0f institution heukkeopeaand teecsum-.-cn ceivéd ce aooouct of toans as itai le nenicocatit resineés Mthode. ' ei' reelevd fruse betht, t-oa-,,uî -1cic ye.aes passed wmmc the £000001 énaccoont -f uppropiations. 'le h.oui c inte nuditorn office devnioptd wmitthe iiso Ite t-anury Ped lse , tit th, lîi.10truthhthat Democrntîc 10 tht institutions, te Instituttions iem-o eono-oî- .,i ltgtd' 'hntesa ett 0îeuse the came fonde ln Payiog teir "Nov, I1vant to knov," einpere MIn 0C0111entina Giheon. 'what yot, corne courdag me for. Tour. no"hn but a boy, and l'lu forty." f "Ratai Fortyl TonurnY be a few yeaIuOmaer th"n 1 amn, but you're ter «t twelve yeare tildsie of ftrY, and Sit veuMaWt meke a"y diféerence 1to if Fm veftu fty. Asu oMn a.1Imu 700 1 kneii you ve.Jua1tthe vomaz The rae wua. ÂIBTDDsinclair, a yoangtmr of twenty4w*o g. bal] known Mn buSi .ouly a fortnight but bau é.vy pérsletetnt hie at hantho41mtouat tbp.nee.Hbad. op jearéa 9e rggin at thé.dont of bel at aomkel for mi" Qifeau 11 arn Ulm. lioUN." "Tour.fDot tii. MIn ibeoc l'os iooking for. 8h.'. a yod headed. freekle faced pérson, wbllé you-wéfl. you're elrnply besut1fu1." MS. Gibonm nlkeed and sallefthe good naturel, ceéry reliait ellow té *tee In-Pd*ap ab@ C&Oud belp bile iD hi. aearcb. He did tp ID and vaf in Do hurry tW tp out. Prorn thal Urne orvard h. won dévotéd to M0a Cléosentlna Gbaon. "Tickets ta the. théatér toMt. ht mld anaaflorno... "(et abée W.y bi rtght bla aZ théeavedk and y7ouM1bave btu, w your beel clothe.. Put on wbat jewetry 700 have. Amy liamndil No? Weil, 1 -h I0neAY way clear to get 70 aoune bétoelong If a deal 1 have oe ba" udoes througb. Pearie? Oh, à beaacb set wth peariai 'esr t vt out fe.LL" The young mfan fattled on tu hWe tmuy v.y, qut. ddlSztiDg théeeier Vy lady, wha b.d caugbt bis fancy Wben bu collait for ber lu the evenaia andiMW boit attre lab a Pearl@eUh dre.m beld UW p hie bande ln sdn-» tion. The broocb ha péoouoacl-& daâ7y." "Orne, tvo, three, tour, OVP. 81. éVeé-éevenPearl@, and tbat big one In the conter la a bunerna. l'a: oat galg to b. saanédMof myý tgilto Inlght, you bat. Corne oii" Wh.nevér lMr. Sinclair look Mlu Oit"eouot hé rnantfeéted tliS sm deire that oe. mould b. velS drraéd. and on occaton.appropriaeé fer 3ev' e.117lie begged ber to produce acM6 new ornement tha site lied not wonu before. But MIsa CIlton vas fot It cilned to wear ber beet gowns ln pub lie'. thotgh ahe was flot dlispoeed ta have Mjr. Sinclair thilnk nhe hadn't fine gowfle, and finally viten he bet ber n dozeu paire of gloves tint abe couida't sbow hait n dozen reafl.y ret chas dresses site brought ou1t the hoif dov'n and sald cite r'ouid -go two bel, 'ter.' Sinclair loolked At tbetn. )bt in admiration. sud the next day pail the. ber. One dny he w rote ber a note to eay that ha woul. caTI in the' afternoon to takle ber t., ride ln au automnobile. andi wouldnt sie wear thnt dress wltl, tbe greent tîgure-eneakes and turties on a jamboree?" Miss Glteou laugiset nt bis description antd put on the ire Indicated. Mr. Sinclair caIled et te bour nppioInted wit a Itettlrut mn- chine, w iicit be drove binse1f. and they saiied ont loto the country. Dur- Ing te ride a mtan abead w 11h anccin er 'awtvec! hie bat- Sinclair lowed np. "Ile weîîte to take our îlcture." be 1,1. 'l,el'4 bave one" "No. iio. lie dont n picture"- sa"Yen« we du. l'ire a'*-ay. Mir. 'ho- 10cm-a t) er." There w-veesacick, and the plcttir.' vas tek en. The iuet day there was e ring nt Mise Gibson's door. She opened itantd the5e stood i ?ir. Sinclair and another mam'1 witl a warrant for ber arresl. She cnt an astonlsited look et Sinelar and turned paie. "Who and wbat are you nnywayr' "Robert Williams, detective." Mr. Wllllams. recently pretended lover, now only a peut birellng of à wealthy lady who bad been robbed ity ber itousekeepep, proceeded lu rausack bis ladylo es premîses wltb no more evl-'cnce of feeling tlltqîîIrlite Lad be"et1 a s hîoge Lbnrý!iig alu.- i,bher brain. The photograpli of the dres@ wilb the figure of "soakes and turtles on a jamboree" iatnben sent tu ber employer, wbo hed ldentided tedres as une of ber own. Mr. Williams found thetela filled with liloren prop- erty, ail of Wieh bletoged to tbe rtch lady lIn question. The brout-b wltli seveni pennea was in a îlot of jewels be possessed bast by bis client, and every one of teballf dozen dresses that bail w-n thte bel was un a liet 0f mlsnlng gowns. The deteclîve laed be'm-' given the preface ru tuis lîttie 51017 book, wblch ans thns: Mise Gîbson, bousekeeper for Mrs. Bickford, lied quarreied wlth ber employ er and had lef t ber service vowlng vengeance. Somne lime after ber departure the bouse wae entered wben the owner was away and a large quantity of property taken, Consider- tng Mise Gibeona tlirent, Ira, Bick- ford suspected liat sitelibid given te Information that led to the robbery. Mr. Willams iras put on tbe case and by bis sklllfnl bandlifig uf Il secured tbc -euno tbh snd fdollars cf pruperty and a handiome fee for bl- self. tssGisnufo'w"doJnga terni ln te nenitenitlaryhas.vw.- vegenc

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