LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FBIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1908 I 1 ri Lyz special Bien ded Coffee This Coffee lm guaranteed the betit proctirable fox the price and to give f nil SATISFACTION in the Cul'. ACritical Point J I MAN mayt be particular about bis dress, but il he neglecta hia neckwear he will spoil Ji rhat otherrise mi1ht be a splendid effect, It ia the beconing n-eck- wear that makes the whole suit a suc-, cess. Wbat the ordinary mortal rants is thia harmony. Our novelties are attractive being of excellent texture and beautiful construction, EVERYTHING FOR MEN J. B. MORSE & CO.'* HANBY BLOCK, LIBERTYVILLE .~.*Il I ~ Stems about LIBE«11'VILLIZ people you know AN IDEAL SUBURBAN V 1L LA GE ad ort o Frankli Kern lis enjoyîng a twîî week J. C. Rleilly returned irî,ni ('hcago vacation, Tuemday night. Rev. Thjomas Quayle a wt a Liberity-I>anni8 Limnberry spent V%--I lîntday at vile caller Monday. the' Cikiorra fair. L J. Y'eoman, of Waukegari, 'se Mr., J. chlu and lin frei n pt thrcagh the village Monday. Sîînday itn Evarîston. Mica Raby (Ieaeîin retuît-atd tii 0lkinota City, OkIa, Inet Fr-iilaY. d'aIland st-amy supply (if fîtl il iiiiery ildluit trimmingS. MUss PîcîTiNE Mms. Dlla Shupé, cffRat-ina, viîated relative@ and frit-nd e healaut v.t-k. E. M. Kelfey, City tditiir. a 'pi-iîtîga two v.eeket vacation in flartfird City, Inil. Workîiaaîî hegan 'tfîialy liaHe.nry Litchfîeldts at-v. raciitie iii lonîrninard cuourt. S. M. Oooder, cf (liicago&etiat Sunifay witb his brother, Leliîe M. ticudar îof OrCity. Mrs. Robt. Handp.rein and daugýter, of Taxas, are viitiag at the- homa of John (ileamoit. Warraen M. Htath lait la@t Sunday morning for St. Josep1h, Mit-h., wbiere ha will rt-main for sert-raI wecks. (lianles Atcru tartad for Hoastoîn Taxas, Tîîeedav a hare ht-lamse-tut-d sen ploymntt witîi a rt-ai astilta Comnpaniy. Fred Johnson.îî,rîîadmnauter of tii ,. M. &St. Pl'iraîlrîad aid fnîuily IliSit an ovad to t-eir iii., lîîtîu. on Staewtart avenue. Jakt- flyee ant-IHarri lDav i avec fulliv rt-oî,ert-îlfrîîîîn t-e iiîiirit- t-tiltI îluring thue fair and i wll lit-abi, t, ilay hall]îîext Sunday. M r. anadlNil ruF. /.îîîî it-r and socia%% ho liave a pnt thaenmerjnýr w ii Mi. andi Mfrl. P. M o wt-rlt-lt fuir tr lir hiîîîîinl eîîatharîî lIndianîa. L. H. Bryant and iwileFt- Ttuearlay for a tac lor tit-t-e wcukutrip tnrîiugh I owa ndiîDlakota v.litrt- thlîy %a iiivimtl relativesq and fat-alla Wifl Hackley înîved hie famii.v and bîîase-lold goond o Wnukt-gan Tueuday, Ha turaed oct-r al hie pallerei anîd dot-amente to Danie Liiilierry. Mr. and Mru Paul Madzgt-r, who ara inhsilinarie at lkcko,,î)ngo, I na. Stata, Wtet Africa, clent a fet-a nys cf last week w.ith lIre Metzgers mdter, Mrs. F'. Gi.Cleveland. Wt' want to parycao farmars cashi for apîle, pt-are, îîiiiiî, grapes, tntloue, butter.,t-gws and f rte l inlaetasea. Etaployece .î tntrit-an Wire Fet-ae Co. 5f)-2 Ft-f ty picturt-s of Lake Eara bavesht-en paced in tht- stations cf tht- Chicago & Mifwaukee Electrit- railway. Tht-se pîIture are an exact description cf the 1and tilt surrouadlng country. Tutsday 0J. W St-haut-k roke ground for a brick addition to bie large @tore. The addition wililit- of brick 24x48 and three tonle. in height le rîI li e useai in connection -wtb tht- main building. Prof. Haydt-n, wil mad yonr lfIe, past aud futurs also advlst- on matters pereonal and business; st-ad date of blrth and âge with 20 cents and tampta PR-OF. HAYDEN, 2101 Park PI,'Toit-do, Ohio. J. A. Willis rect-ntly ebtaî;.1 a patent ou an automnatie liresd-ctting machine. ft le a novelty lan itelf and cati lie used for cutting and lfcingnearly evtrything. Ht- bas bt-en demonstrating it and takt-n aetverni ordere. Tlit Ladies' Aid Society of tht- M. E. cluurch wIll give a birthday party la tht- t-harth parloirs. Fniday evening, Sept. 25. Sapper sarvt-d 25c. Those recelvlng invitation get theirsupper with donation withoat etacharge. This yaars lfair bas bt-en tht-betstnlaits biatory. A plrox imately tht- receipte were $10.000. Tht- amoant pald out la premiame nas $2,000. Monda, was aaditing day. Tht- association t-aperte te ha able te pay aIl bills and have a emnali surplus letltil tht- treaasry. MIr. W. Lamsvîn, cf Bloit, Wis.. brother cf M re.J. Mack and Chas. Morris ber nephew have bt-tn visiting ht-r for a few weeke, tht-y also attenied tht- fair tht-y were mach latareetud Inl the stock as tht-y art- bret-dere of Holsteuin cattie. lIrs. Mack'e brother may bud bere as lie bas rented bis large stock farm. Lyle and ltobert Bond started Tueeday for an extended trip te Dalhart and Plainview, Texas and other boutheru àtatee. Tht-y wlll vîsit John McAtet- and Wili Warren whila ln coutherti Texas. Lyle Bond, wbo bau had charge of tbe Bond itros. iaiiadry tht- past sev-en years; le a mont efficient and accore- modating young nian who bas made manyfrit-nde wlîc wieh him sutceeis ln tht- future. A farewall party wa givan hy the lades of tht- M. E.t-hart-h at tht- home of lIr. Chas. Ling amat Frnday afternoou la honor of Mme. W. L. Hackley, wbo wilf soon move to Wao4egan. About twenty were prese-t and a pitasant aifteraon r as apent. lt-a creatu and cake were served. Mrm. Hackiey baulitvcd bere tht- past four yearu and lialit-an an eantet norkarn lutht- cfurcfî andi made many friands who wiii greatly mise bar. Wblle otffciating at the- inilacat ovar tht- rt-mains cf tilt little Iahe at the Larecu and Conrad io rgie Friday et-en- iig tor. J. L. Taylor, cornro f Lake coanty, rt-calvad a tait-grani froni St. Paul, ttling cf tht- deatb cf hia hrîthtrsÉ wlleas mother, Mmr. Taiiîr. M re. Tayloir lîad bt-en la St. Paul iîcomîlany- iag lit-r daughcer wlioue tht-ntrîcai obligations calîca ht-r te St. Paul. Mra. .1. L. Taylor letltchat evaaing for St. Paul te attend the- faneraI. fi. .1.Itrot-to r pent 'in r uandl Sîndia inla tifear>. .1. l'îrtt-î,îla laîy hîau i ni t u uni buît a acîine better. E A. Bishop bas sold i i- tturni-ie ti, Mru. John Hughes. Mirs. Charfas Ward, ofl tanna lsit3 , nu v îutnng witb relative@s litn,, CiirI H ughes raturneaii , nn'nliiFilie. SoutI, Dakota, Moaday tnnglnt C'inducîtor Hart- i@ bacn I .în Inai, ldrîîn ad la bcardlng wltb G-, lrnggt- A îîamber cf Liertyviii enlie 1ýýattain. ded tht- fair at Flkbora thuis lîstk. Florence St-bat-lt-r ltflt nnînjliincrnîig for fowa wbere she wil attetnd wuhooi. Frank Day bas pari liaut-d A. 0. 'tewsom'm residence on tt-e ,,utln euh îof ton n. Tony Sebwartzenbergt-rnuf t1wi'Shaidon Unleerslty Prems. Ia etinnxnînîc a at-tins vacation. Joîhn Zrmnmar, ferr,nirn nf tht- wnre mille, ie apeadtag a lt-v. da, i nnin la Miliwaukee-. Roht Spelîman and finnli icturai-il fromnuM ilwaukee-, Moeî, nnuct-t-t ie attendeai tht- fair..1 Geoîrge Mt-Ntil. Ion t ra,. t- aiiIniniler, of Elgina, Ili.,t-pt-at a lev, - vitln nia conclu. Mra. J. Mat-k. OnaTue'nlay, Sept. 22.l O h T nul houl tir annual pî iii, ' t 1tlt-hiu- cf Mîs, Marthn Flkt-. Miii (lt-inge and Tbii nnni I-ter ntteaded tht- Wist-onsin ttate fair at Milwaukee- last Thunaýdar- Mit, hlls Milituxry Band ,u11nivthnneî-i r regular fcrtaigblly dance iiaie jýtin hall Friday evening, Sept. 1 Mru Haert Siatar. of Jin,,nu 1tn and Hed Sîmen. cf lIan-au ut-ý, Cli, ict Sunday at t-e F. J. Allannaîi inînnît MIre. Chas. G. Seipp tntertanaed ht-r cousine, tht- Misses Taylor. if Cictago, aiso eutsrs.A. Ayers and K. li'rkehlic. J. C. Jonas. wbelesaltand retail butter de-aler, and nile and dauglîter. if Elinla Ill., hîave ht-t-avisting their r inn. , Mns. J. Mat-k. Tht- fibertyvîlle Voluateer Fin lit-part- tnt Ill give a dance at tîn t own ball, Frlday eeening. Sept. 25. Muait- by Hapke'e four-piece orchetra Raf resh- tuants sert-ad. Tickets 75 ct-ara. Why tant some gond bî,sler gi-thuy and wnatht- $2.00 offt-,'d lit- i. 1tLut-t & Co. every wat-k for tht- bighattcore la bowling9 For ths at two wet-ks HarryTtus bas bt-en thériant-r. Jadge Frank Wood prommîntnl t-hardi and Sunday st-liol work lu Chi- cageo I deliver an addrsss at tht- Presg- hyterlan t-humch Sunday at 11 a. m. Snbjatt "Neyer Mau Spake Like This Man' If yoar chîldren who attend echooi cemplain cf their eyes or b4ve beadaches have their ayes tt-sted at Eenike. We test tht-m fret- and if yen wisb glasses3 we fornilh tht-m înder a guarantaet d do wbat ne tell yoa. 50-2 Prof. Walcîîn Perkîne and wife, of th Chicago Conservatory cf Musit- spant Saturclay and SuadaY at tht- home cf C. N. Darand. Chas. N t-belle aud wilt rare aIse guesta lMr. Nicholîs lis thé assistantt-ditor niftheChitago Amerîcian. Tht-rt- as a Lake- Couaty Anti. Saloon League maliv it tht- court bouse in Waukt-gan, Tburuniuy, Sept. 17 et 7:30 p. m. addreuat-d nY Supt. Jasl. K. Shields cf tht-Ilîlinoinu date langue and other speakers. Siniag and intra- mental music by tua JJtaier orchestra. Satarday aiteraon nndevening at tht- Higbwood churu h vu i ha the- annal convention of the Waukegan Smb-District Leagne compost-ai nultht- ubapterseat North Prairie, Waukegan, NorthbChicago, Liliertyville and Higiiwood. Tht- dis- trict officera nîli attend and help ia the co3foenceso! o differt-at departmeati of tht- nork. Missetfaxanand Miss Hlawk will report conocerning tht- Epnorth Institut,. at Lake litnet-a. Tht- main addrescofiihe cvening will he git-en by Rt-v. C. L. fiay, cf Evanutea, a former pester cf the lzigliweodt-hart-h. Several memberu nil tint-Lihartyville chapter nu attenîd. fa a quîtt wedding vutIi but a few of tht- relatives preet-at at tht- Daniel Lte home on Cook at-enniw Arno Neweom ras marrlsd ta tline Lida Lee- last Wtdesday alteranuon iii chret- et-lot-k. The marriage wau roIuýiiaIzed hy Rt-v. H. P. Larler. Mimuel1- a-te youagast daughter of lMr. ad'tIra. Daniel Lt-t. She le kuownt maua rge itambar cf friands nho havet- m it-iiil ht-rilachool, cti'vh and t-et-li iii Mr. Newoom came te Lihertyrilie îaboutm four ycars ago as an accountuvuin it tht- Emmonu- Merter Company andmiInsi madle nnay n'quaintantea iutiuiunnne. Ht- is n member of tht- Maî,îuu ritinity and lu an active woriar uii tînt-Mthodiat chiirch. Tht-se 3inucr i peoplebava tha congratulations uf a u,)'t cf frienuhu. Tht-y left Wtdnteday e e îintg fcr a two waaks' visit at poillai nichîluigan and Indiana and wili un- n Mr. Nansornia lurtbplae and nid himunin tht- later ttata. Strang toay uni iiu'oinfortanle dwellingjnet being cnnnnuîut-td on Ptark Pince le uot te lue ti ir rt-fdt-ne, bta tît-ey will htat home tu uiun frit-nde aftr thain rttara at Danie.l 1-'s. The transaction of your business regularly through tine bnk, turning in your receipts and pay irg tbills by your own t-heck, ie a mvlinienc-e, pro- tcttion, and a meana of eetabli8hîng a credit and business standinîgin your coamuuntiy, sut-h a@ you cannot afford to overlook. Our Savings Department isa profitable and convenieut nnrp8tment for money in any amount from $1.00 up. We aloo liesue nî'gotiable, demand certifleates of deposjt hearing t-bree per cent interest. Drafts ieeued, payable in ail parte of the world-the most cenvenient t way to send mot.ey through the mail. WE INVITE TOUR BUSINESS. THE FIRSI NATIONAL BANK 0!f LIBERTYILLE Nezt;Poor 10 PottOffice Mr@. Howard Higiey, of l)alhart, Texam, ia vliting lier parcata, Mr. and lIre. Lyînnu Lt-ut . Win. H. Oreailey, îof E. B.Moore' & CO, cf Chîcago, suent a week'a; vacation at tlhe Liglitbody rt-ident-a and ba@ takren photographe cf tlîrdiffcrent pla-es of partipular antt-rt-atta Liliertyville. It takas a eharp knock 10 break an egg fromu thet- Uti.le, whi a waak littît- -bit-k wit i te soIt bnll cati bre-ak It frori the ineida. It ia the- carne way with a town. Tlie knî,çku ltoic tleoutaideliava littie effe it t s t hae ,1 aaat bornei, hat linrt a tiiWl,. Sundiay anîd Mmniday viii, lad on ît s ttracta twî Netorian priaste who ara ini Aitierica tii eccure funie sfor their t-liard Tht-ire le the- rlret of the- cnet- ing branches of t-eChrîetianî thurt-h. At one dîme it waa the atrongeet and as eariy nm thueau yentin tutry sent laie- iiîiare to China. t'or tire paet four hundred yaare their charch bam u caet-ed I-arînîl peruec'tione frîîîîî tiie Turks. Tha Armeniaiîa lpa in tire- tarrltîiryad- inining thîcîre. t i., uid that aiintiimcnt cf imar- riage lu uotight ietween Thomas Haan anid Misus Thuriweii nf Gray lake as tht- girl and tht- man gat thelr mar- niage licease tjndar taise pretenees It lu sald, thc girl bclng only fifteen. The licenua hoock uhowsthe- groom 22 anîd the- hride 20. Methodi$t Services. Nex tSunday nîorning wili ha recepticu cf tncmhbere ad tihe.adiiitration cf iii. Lord', lSupi,t-rIn the t-vaing there nu tii he airîiustraîad atutre upoti -Sriiiy Afriîa- hi t-v.J. M. nprlager fi.r "-en ct-are a. mieilinaryin enuîtrti turi, a at Uliiaii Tht l-ltur, lu antîreiy nri-v aumach i l tie data iilce froin rinrltri llcr iiili n î,dhcr wvhite îînîîiiîsu, h r i-tri.T'.iaîlîîîîeaî, le f-o, WILLIAM ELDON MILLER 0F LIB- ERTYVILLE HEAOS LIST. Judge Jones Saturday Makes Impor- tant Appouedment ut Men on Big Job. .1nn Ige 1)l L. hunes last Saîurday ap- liiled ithe draunage commlualonera forn lhh Vsut Shuikie tDrainage Dia- ntnict, in iutepenu.ruîtof William Eldon Mtiller cf L.ibecnyillne. Chause E. Webb ot \Vaukegaîu aîud Andrew T. WhIte of (irayshake, The drainage canal wnu rt-deeca thousandu of acres of mate land and add huadreda cf thounande of dollars ho tht- naalth of the ceanty. Quietly Married. F. S. Kern, Litbtrtyville, 32; Mary E. Litcbfeld, Rockefeller, 82. Tht- aboya paragrapl inlaTuesdaysg marriage lit-t-st- notices§ was thé first indication frit-nde of either party had of their marriage. Tht-y loth annonneed tht-y t-re going away on a vacation, and they did. Particulare o! the weddhng are unobtaînabis but it les&id Mn. and Mn.. Kern bave gene tu Boston and easterui pointe on a short trip and will ratura tc, make their home in Libertyville within a wet-k or se. MIr. Kern leassietant cashier cf the Lake Connty National Bank, a splt-ndid yoang man, and likeai by eteyhdy. Um issLtchfeld rt--u-id a t Roc-kefeller but ras rt-Il and favorably kncwn in Lfbtrtyville. A boit of frit-nde anait their returti that tony ha axteadcd tht- siant-re con- gratalationuail hava tao oSer. ATTY. MACGUFFIN AND BRIDE HOME Rt-ctption Tandered Monday Night lit Eastern Sar Members at Their Residence. Mondny Attorriey Paul MacOuffiha and bride rtturuad from their rsdding trip and rere f gratted in tbeir borne by a r tshering of friands. prhncpally Eastern tar .mebere, at a formaI reception. Tht- bouse bad bt-tni prepared in expet-- tation cf tht-jr coming, the senior Mac Gaffans baviag remoed to their new home on East Park avenus. (Jutai rt-civsd by the popular yotlng couple at time of tht-fr marnage-bad lissa installt-d. A splendid baby grand plane prest-nted tht- bridet- h tr ather, a rares dock, tbe gft cf tht- grcom's parents, and some beautiful cil painting@ mers promineat la tht- collection. Altar the couplie had ractived tht- congratulations cf tbeirfriends a musical program ras rendt-red, oeaselection coasisting cf varsoes tcmpced hy lIre. lie. Bond with Iparticulr trite celer- encas t) the groom and whichi made a great bit. MIr. and Mre. Mat-ilulfia are at oine to tht-m frienda uni their Braiierd Court reideata, atid Libartyviile extand aa wnrm greeting and welcome. Dont Forget. 11<,,,t fi rget that the ground heuor pre.l)rganizatin p 1riveecf tht- stock of the lilpîn-BouIder l'onHolidnted Mines Cota- pany aduotnvna from 101 cenîts to 12 lent@ pecr ehare Moaday noon. Salît. 21, 1908. Stoc'k bouglît nov. uili ulow rapîd advances iii prit-e, nestiahinery la iaatalicd. and bnntin nnr lmines are work- îag lantore. lînte'îtn 1,cr lÂtl ttintes arc' fret- and ltar. lunch patentai] and the- aheolata titI,. to l,îtlî lropertica reats in the eolnpatîy Both ljriiptrtlee xuiliIinakegreat mine. Thtia wl I ht a iuick- propouition, and ta aa safe au any rai îatatc. Ona of our minea bac produced ore in 500 lb. quantit,' netting orer $1,200) per ton. Botter ut-c ona cf ac regarding this grouiîd hotu' pre-orgallization price of thia urnexîciled scu rty. Very incercly youre, H. G GutoNFi, Tra. FRNKt, E. WIIIE, Set"y. Card of Thanks. Wtt wicb te ex press our siacere grati- tude and appreclation for the many beau tiful floral trihutsand for the- tender sympathy in wordis and deedsofn our dear nelghbors and frit-nds durlng our recent bereaveinent. M.ay Oode ohoIesulbissan2fl lgw saad *IL: New Uoods Corne in and examine our new goods for FaIl and Winter Wear, consisting of Dress Goods ilannelettes Outing Iliannels Shaker lannels Canton Flannels Fuil Une of Boyjs' and Misses' School Shoes Boyjs" School Suits School Supplies Pencils, Tablets, Ink. etc. Libertyville Phone 29 flllois capital - - - - S 50,0)00*00 Stockholder's Liability 5- - 5 .000 Surplus and Prorits over z - 7,00.0 Deposits over - - - - 390.000.00 Total Resources over - = 500,000.00 Bar Out the Winter When in need of a Hleatlng Apparatus for your home it doee not matter what kind or make you prefer, brlng me your plans or dimensions of your roomu; and I wMl give yon an estimate on the material and furniu specifleations for installing same or will Instaill it for you at a price that you cannot afford to be wlthout a lleating System. A. W. LICHTFELD LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. D)o you want to save from 50e to, $1.50 on yon.r boys' School Suit? We have just recelved a sample Une of Boys' Suits from one of the beat manufac- turers in that Une and can give you some speclal values from $1.00 to $3.50 A SUIT Odd Boys' Coats ami Knee Pants, also Bos'ý Overcoats and Reefers et Cut Prices -AT -_ THE FA1 [IEADQJJARTERS for Teas and Coffees We re@pectf ully call the attentiop of our many patrons in Libertyville and vicinity to the e8pecial quality of the teas and coffees we are now offering at most reasonable prices. Japan Breakfast Tea Extra Special Quality Only 50c. per Pound What is more refreshing and de- lightful than a good cup of coffee? Our Twenty=f ive cent Coffee with its Fine Flavor and Deli- cate Aroma Fis the Bill and Serves the Purpose for Which Coffee is Used. S111THI & DAVIS 1 , 1 111 -11