Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Sep 1908, p. 8

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CAPTIJR!D S Oontinued trans 1 n» drastic atepa were necescy. "w 4» olice couider tbat tbey bave ~Is ~good job lu cleaning up the ,$u* iAk camp and belleve tsaI % àmwill leave for green fields and atrBncw ater getng their be- Th formai charge on the warrant TuIaday monlng wae the postooffice , owever, thse làbora of the police ,& rMotentir-ely lste itlai.conccdcd ,y the. Chicago detective department ~fdtisathse biggest and toughet jffl of alleged creekamen on the limmhse been forced 10 abandoni ,.,j" he» been ta this eime à perfectly1 ,«M retat, th cottage aetPourth Morats ta ideniy the prisoners as »mseen here on the nigis of tise »bot*Mfce obhery bave Wcied. The -luouers are adamant t0a ny attempt Io p>t them tisougis bti ird degree. ,Tboy deny that they vere ever ln ',,IVlÊeean hefore. No evidence bas bismeneathed ta connet vils tthe bp"cta robbeny. The reent la It may lm Imspossible ta hold them unes qoetng ne, turne up. George Sîitzier, alias Hcrry Stein, "rn re-anneteil et 2 o'ciock Tuesday -afternoon as he stand ln iront of the BUIf once With hls frienda. Ohiet Tyrrell ecelvef a telephcme mifr&= DetocUve Sergeant Bîdînger ,« Ohicago et one thlrty, telllng hlm ta laod stitzler as he le vantef by the O~isago police an a similar charge. T» oarret followed. 8111,er ai- j«1ud no rexltauce but lise look on is boile tod the %tory. Mie pal Fr-ed Weaver, vbo stand nont tosbhlm. took ta tise woedasoSn *ftes Tynfei badi nformel tbem of thi e age nleceived. He lit &cros euse.. street up Ihrough the ley ilit the Tagen store, tbesce tbrougb ta Oo.aSty treet, nortb on County ta 2Claton and then dovn ta the rail- 70d treeka, vhere later be vas ne- pued tlav ae taken a frelght for Wlseu seen by a SUN reporter Stlîz- lernid tbat lie canif fol for the lité at hlm underatasîf the laIe suave upon **s part o! Use Chicae~ detective. "I supse that Il lanttse recut ni an old trodu aiAshich he bas beld aMainst j» us for Usa put six years or sînce hé ,L_ »dI1lied a figbl." be stcted. -The *"bale &flair has been trumped up and tkte local police are being made tbols -~of liy Use Chicago men." Thle farm on vhIcb Tom Martin, #Y"k Wecver and Harry Stein, sus- i e in leth Ue Waukegau postoffice rob- heS7, vere capturel Saturday s hi i tarie grouud. Bl&glotshie spot vhere the thr- lngS chas'and capture took place ,0ple Red once gatbered materlal for Ida novel. '«A Yankee Ot oaithb Wet." and lbe former ovner o! lbe faimlu.Mm. Stronîi. les a famous cha etoe lu the Gsaebook. Pie terni le nov owned andi varied by George Shelfon, ber son, Mrs Stroluk haviug max-iel Ivice, her w, arai nsarrlednaine beng Sheldon. Oxatoical fights carrIefi Taft and t Sher-man 10 pollîlcal vlctory, Deneena vas e-electel govenor andi feciaref presidentai timber. cnd tise entiret state and national republican ticket l Was lcuded vitb recitation of istory. l logic cud pophesy. It vas a great nlght for Weukegan. Six thousand people, cheenlng, wvvng banuers ccd cpplaudlng vith bandf and automobile haro, met the Roose-P velters aI the cty docks as tise steam-1 er morel, and six tisousand peap e ieard ontars diseus cmpalgai issuî on tise tepe of the Lake county cu*t bouse, standing packed like cordwoodI col neyer complclning et the twa and c bal! boum taikfest. March Prom the Steamer. a Tbe members of tise Marquettea Club came here une bunil iel and J fity stong witb tiseir ove corps of! speakers and left et eleven on the( Roosevelt for Mantovoc vhicis vas1 Useir next stop on the four day tript rabout Lake Michigan. & Forming lto ranksataIthe city dock1 rthey passed belveen clles oi people, beadefi by a baud andl iolloved by au- tomobiles. Tbe automobiles were la bave car-i iel thens up town but they Insigteil ron mcrcblug col vllh flag ansd ban- nera wavlng climbef tise bills ta vari- ans batels and restaurants, bail sup- per andl iesh aod enthusiastie bell atheir meeting. Speakers of thse Evening. Speakers oi thc evening vere as falove:N Guvexnor Charles S. Deneen afil111- Io nais. Ppoke on slaIe issues and got R enthusiastie receptian. t J. &. Cubiison o! Kansas. Proved F, oi reai vortis sud merit as an oratox-ai andi signallel ot Deneen as liresi- il dentiai timbex-. Provaked mucis an- 114e. 2tmunk la bale andi heary ln spt a emceanlba c p e in- e.i spit of ar ge ad ba may rein- Hon. Edgar A. Bancroft o!Ililinois. Mecnces of Red, viso aae, iaall liv- Spoke on naionalIissues ln c foxce-o [«. 5h. la slf to bave been diavo fui. ioglcsl manner thal von. wth accuracy In the book.Ho Afr Tyx-ablnfr Read taye et Graylake white Hu lrdTyoro-ninfr irrUngwha lacosldredoneof ismer attorney genex-ci. Gae. cleccx- best books. He suppliel Use firstln- epoitiontotiernovions o! lectand 1 alaue ln vbich Lake couuty terri- Wiiam B.outefthpe sdid fent n tory vas taken for the back ground f Wlim .Tftaa!eiet à noyai, and Ibeme bave ual been Haxry MeEven. Toif funny eloxles Smy Instances atince. cthaugis Lake 19x a mauner Ihat bcd evex-y on. goiug1 Forset ci laIe bas heen c favorite psanee thossibenim unehr. ot seeue forcorne o! tise openlng chap- Tsea Merposibete lub rea Bnf liene of ocleîy noveis visile Hghandf h eqet lbBasBn Park in not fer behinil. gave Belectlons o! mucis mernt aud _________________ as cieeref ta thse eciso vbeu l es- LOW FARES WES f exe a ptriolle mefiey. The people, Via Chicago, Miwaukee & St. Peul Ry. speakers and tiser alike arase en Lasw .n.a evex-y -day, September i1 masse visen the national anlisen vas Otober 81i, tu points in Caliloruxa anl playef. the Pacifie Nortbweet. $88 for one-way County Ciairman Robert Bl. Con- mwuod-elam ticket rons Cbicago to San oiiy isesdef. Fra.ncsco. L"sAngeles, Plnxd, fSatte TcmYspokne, Vicoria, Vaucouver Amnong the Guets. mc an tisrpoints. Cholceol routes. Folowing la a lisI of tise Marquette Loy fi.n. frons il statlons ou lise Chi- staff o! speakerp, some o! thc commit-1 ca&oMlwaukee & St. Paul Ry. U raatop-over arrangements. $7 tee, and corne o!flise guesîs: fer double bertb lu tonribe seeper irons J. K. Cubbisson of Kansas, Hou. Ed- Ohfraqo 1tuie Pacifie Coast. This ln a gar A. Bancroft of Chicago, Hou. W. àpbmiesl oppoxtonily ta invetigate the vÏ&,Wutaral and commercial openinge hL. Taylor of Indiana, Mrry McEwen *uo fened long tbe Pacific Corait Ex- of Chicago, Judge Liuebarger of tise Iasaon ai tbis rail wcY.-Complesilor- Philippine Islandls. Wallon Ire. F. A. Miler, Generai Pas- Preident C. L. Forey o! tise Max-- _____Aget, _________ 49-3 quelle Club. Chicago, Secxetary E. A. *Clielie Wuîîg. one spot Chînaman Bigeiow. Politicai action commîllee, *ho vas arrested laIe Friday after- ln charge aoflise meetng--Caix-man, »t or n înuîîng a womcan actrees T.t' ('orletl, seemstsx-y, W. H. Emnicis, v»la apperng aithtie arrison Arrangements commlttee-Cbeirmau. W&$te, asfuel one bundrmcdfol- H. N. Wagg, secrelary, Johno W. Ken- "d Sg u couanltise police court for nedY, Elvard S. Pcuiiey. -is atIons. LAtex- i attorney, E. .;. Rendl Mesage Prom Taft. mTes e l aunythe flue emt Assistant United States Dstrict At- *e Àlalc cuuly paf he fne.Be orsxey CiesterA. Legg rend lise foi- Ow Aiate contr Wd is ine.Heiowing telegrans la Seeretax-y Bigeiav $i»Ysmed t0 conducî himmself ln a irons Candidate William H-. Tait. big geulmnymanner bersefter. ciiet fnitise reîmblican pcrly and tlie Recoup. next president: Usomp aey lomms you may haveh5d *Iongatulaie youx- club on 1-ur iuvc 1e"s g itis atoaeuv , by euergy and enterprise lu iuauguraling Itlu so,pradut*«,oquipped tise political cruse on Lake Micisi- ~Io . uitwp Iaie An w San. 1 slncerely bope lise steamer â"ani ,oftb - Ro0ee0 uo vsiisyo eabr "0 OO Rosvet pn 8chy7.mbr the republican candidates, platform and policy. Mucis creditlai due the chairman oi the political action committee. Dr. Cor- leut. for bis brilliant Ides ln nndertak- ing Use Roosevelt croise. The local committes hf thinga veillaiea. Many on thse Cruise. Amcng the suembers cf Use club on Ibe croise ln addition ta President F'nrey, are Secretary E, A. Bigelav. Treesumer Howard N. Wagg. Thomas G. Corlett. Williain H. Emnlch. John W. Kennedy, Edward G. Pauling,.CC G. Gilbsert, William Penn Nixon.,IH. S. D)uncosube, W. B. Austin J. F. Base. Fred A. BrItten. W. J. Burke, C. M. Hevltt, Dr. Henry Houper, G. E. Rich- ards, Francis W. Taylor. Paul A. Haz- ard, B. E. Amntzen, James McNaily. J. H. Abern, R. S. Biome, Colonel L. D. Greene, A. H. Hi, H. G. Pattercan, C. W. Sanfard. E. P. Schmitt, Fred Mila. A. B. Mulliken, Seymour Wal- ton, W. G. Weil, A. D. Wheeier, Gearfie E. Wisaier, G. S. Wood, C. J. Dorence. E. B. Cassels snd H. C. Adams TIsey Went From Waukcgan. The fullowing vent irom Lace Coc and tock tise Roosevelt excursion t, 1Michsigan City vih the club: - E. 'A. Blisop, Libertyville; A. K Stearus. C. M. Gorbasu. P. L. Persons Fred WV. Buck, Frank Eddy, C. P. In lgails, J. G. Brown cf Fox Lake, an( George Bingbam oi Grayslake. 0, 000 people Yon yl Most an yba trip andi that You Will convince thefli W a"- lkeg a i t ls thelegbt ot folly for the Amer- loen electora mast as we are regalisins the confidence of investors cf capital LAKE COUNTY VISITIED wbich is necessary t0 a resumptIan of BY MAR UtIT!CLUB craUic party uipder lis preaent leader National Camnpatgn Opened Haro by make democratic succeas under hie Governar Deneen ana Other leadership a menace In prosperity and N4otables the destruction of confidence. Will- -blain H. Taft." Witb the Illumination cf thoxysandis Meeting Was Enlhucstic. of coiored electric llgbts, the glÉre of Tihe first national political rally of scores of sky rockets. and tbe blare of the Waukegan and Lake county ceam- a lhirty piece brass band, the steamer paigu, armanged and carriefi out ln Theodore Roosevelt entered Wauke- sncb novel and pleasing fox-s by the gan harbor ai 7:39 Thursday night. Marquette Club of Chicago, was en- and from that lime on until eleven thusiastic to thee lesti degree and fid o'ciock the city was given up la the muh realigood ilu Wauxegàn hy awalc- discussion ofpoliltici, state and na- ening the people to the necesaities of tional.thb campaigu and the real menite of id Mine Deneen et the Depot. Aflex- waltliag patlently ai tise 'tortbvestern depot untîl nearly eight for Gavernor Deneen tise cosmîlîce came up town and-Deneen came on the elgist o'ciock vitb Jackson o! Lake Fox-est. He put up et tise Washsuru and baît not been lntise cily ten min- utes before he was specking. Tise governor vas elated et lbe thx-ong tisaI greeted iicanddlespîte a hardly used voice taîked tise longest of any cf tiese peakers. Be strsck a popular chord. Tise main points o! bis adîresa de- scibed tise Institution and valne of psychopathsie and isydrotherapeutle tetments. Taylor Compliments Sîcarna. Hon. Alfred Taylor of Indiana spolie ln tex-sa of higist pmalse ai Hon. A. K. Steamna of Waukegan. candidate for epresentative, and urgel bis elec- dion. RICNARD MILLER DlIES AS RE- SULT OF A BAD FALL. Falls to Floor Selow Whcn He Mie- takes Door Lcadlng t. Stalrwsy for Door te Room. Papers received ln Kenosha tll o! tise deali o! tise Rev. Richard Milier. a former pastor o! tise Flrst Congre- gationel csux-chis n Kenouha, vhlcbc- cux-rel et Seattle, Washingtou, on the morning of Aug. 21, last. Mm. Miller fiedfirons lie reaulta cf a al. He bal leit bis bed during the nlghl and niietsklng tise bo- lsdng mb 5 staix-way for lbe four o! bit noosu ho feui vioientiy to tise floor below, In bis lu ise vas ternlbly bhiusef sud he fief early theue uxt msoxning fnam bemorrisage o!flise brain cauae by a iracînrel ekuil. HP lm survîved bsy a vidilan sd tva daugisters, aiso rive brother,ans of tisensbcbng Amas E. Miller, vho nov rei-celaIZMon City. VTise rensaina vers brouglit 10 SoCk. ford, Il.,c afisdys ago after tbe ac- cient cnd laid at nem uesr bis boy- iswsl honme et Winnobago, 111. au Improvem.sst 0on tii.laatàvt of former yaem, Os.Il, &ds 3m» p" or nuseste and te"'-r 1 te tm. tI gueranles. i. F IKL oVgu. feW notti, reevenuce arain sutu rw.a9 -enêG~5dsoIdsoA, rd vr a 08-2Ue. SoIf by Weddlng i«tiU8enY dons e à W»DMPNDNT oMBU leacorne - UBrck LPymaof 4val OScOol Co- Norrow «rait That Prevents Growth pltePoreen*ld Of vaukilla Comerc Ma be Bricklayers of thse United States l'a- Abollais.d byNew Land Purohà#O. val training school wili have campeted theix- labors subsatallY for the yecr Wblle it bas teen kept generally lu about two weeks. F'anrteen butli- dark., the Elgin, Joliet and Basteru Inga viii h. ftinhefi as tu bricklaying railoalin psaniug extensions bIn ls snd mmoesry by Ibis lime snd ,ill be' yards vhich viii matenlclly Incresse ready for the carpenters and finish- the Importance or Waukegsu , as a ers during the coud weather. freght terminus and at thsesnons lime The langeaI buildings are the drill open tu a grenier degree thse district hall sud the boat bouse. The se-wage ?uown au the fatsq. contract is a big undertaking and le The rnd anihe long been ham'ered progressing flnely. Thse piumbing wiii by tbe fact that ilsyar arrow- ro a he doue ln a few days. iew tracks oniy lu wldth right near the Dow Manufacturing Comipany Parhamities Again plant. and hecause of Ihis narra, The Parhasntes are agai sw arm- strait he;rosil bu Itlalesaid beeau 1* lng ln Zion City. able ta hands the cars it voul athet- Reýently oýe nf their number de- vis» e he iaý>ed to talcs care of. velopel the cheraclerietie acute Tise resuit ia that a movement ls on mania and fiapPing hie handis against fout tu gel land andI ncrease the bus aides cried "Higher, higher, high- width oi the yards aI Ibis particular er," thinktng he couif fly, until hg Point, which voulfi make il possible feul exhausteil. 10 Increase iluasze tbe yards nortis of A voman wben about 10 be arrest- tbe strail and accommodale more lu- ed cried "Came not near me, ye ac- dustries lisai are at present located cursefi. 1 am asonted of God and he on he fiats. vbo laya a hand on me viii die on the The campany l18inown te he anx- spot", lons tu excavaIs Ivo more slips andl She vas arrested suyvsy. testahlish tvo tresh Industries. lu fact Au Inspection la to be made and the vork hem bagou on the third slip ai- H if fvii con he cîsupeldavon agaîn. recdy and It la helieveci another ln- dustry ls comlng. -TH-ESE WlLi. WED. Ottà«Fransen, Evanaton, 21; ltigne QuckReie frAshm Sl-r Rios, 21. Quêk Rlie fo AshmaSuiera J. H. Outland, Chicago, legal cge; Foe', Hon. y aud Tarafforda i mmedl- Elizabeth Dulaghen, legal age. ate relief tia athme enflera in the vont AE Lodsock, Janeuvllle, 23; s tage and il taken in time wlll effect a Ac B.Wod * ure. FEÂsE B. LOVELL.1 MabelUe Mangan. 19. mounds for thse Bey a w LOI c- RED JOClIIIIM te SPECIAL ATTENTION te _ __ __ and CO To out of Town Ordera ibertgvâle e; And Shîpping Trede MOTELS AND I _________ WE DELIVER P .-; L. UwÂYEa r l îAd Zn arator. IANO STIRS THE EMOTIONS îUChee thé heant. If you are of0 puréhabing a piano, rand liten t6 tbe melodioug of our pi&floo. TheY @PO"k emevoes. We don't Aeed to> Word. UtS J. -YEOMAN 'WALJKEGAN ILL »rtvileExbage4 MR :TION!R LERII SUPPLIED TO ADJACENT TOWNB RugsaàaDraperies TheGlobe Department Store By far the most magnificent andatrc tive line of room size rugs that has lever been shown in Waukegan is on exhi- bition at the Globe. No handsomcer a collection or greater values in medium _ priced rugs could possibly lx offered for inspection, the extensiveness of the va- riety, the beauty of the patterns, and the richness of the colorings, make a most pleasing exhibit. There is scarcely a housewife but who loves to gaze upon a beautiful line of floor coverings. They're alw'ays an interesting subject, even though one hasn't the slightest intention of purchasmng. We want you to corne and sue aur present line, you may flot care to buy, but some future day you will, and we want you to remember the Globe. Our selection con- sista of ail the popular room sizes in Oriental and floral designs, no old patterns, because this de- partmnent is practicaily a new one. Body Brussels, Royal Wilton, Axnxnster and velvet comprise the makes. .ý' ful fne of linoleums, oilcloths and mattings arc also shown. D rapeis n lace curtains form ont of furpoii ent partnnts, and a recent new supply of handsomstle and patternis makes the Globe the proper place ta supply these needs, especially when you consider our Iow prices Royal Wilton Ruga Velvet Rag Speclal Brussels Rugs Postivly h. reaestmg alu inthe These rugs would easîly brin $'32 50, At 8I9 9 we are offering very gpeciai a country. Orieni ai and floral designs for they're exceptionaliy fine velvet. si rsesrgi adoerc o in the richeet of uew combin ation The patterns are handsome new design s loricgs, floral and Oriental designa, 8 both Oriental sui l oral. and ligbt, medium and dark coloring; oeil colore, Bizes 9x2 and 5 3x10., 81 O0 i on w i .g12ad8-x6 eisewbere for no% less than 4.13.50; a a lo prie fr ths grdePriced very special 1O7rflbagjoe apecial ......... . . 5. 5 at ............ ........ .. 9 7 9xl2 Ruqs Madras Curtalnlng Couch Covers At 824 75 weshow a splendid new selection A fine imported quaîîty comi s in cream, Extra heavy tapestry, handsome colorings ai Wlton ,eletArmiaterand odybeautAl~ design&, 50 inches wide, cbcap large aiz,*.ff Brume rus, n a andome e K 50C »C pecial et....... .......... Btrnean ehoricn. a ig Oieta adper yard..................... 39oga ae utli Craî designe.. 75TbeCvr a o3 ý yards lu length 50 0Ichsi Special ..........» ..2 .5Tal oeswidth, white and ecru, attractive 1 Attractive tapestry table covers, la shades ncw pattern, pair.,............... 98C Arligto VevetRug - f green, mcd, tan, etc. 54 inches square, Nottingham Curtains Arlngln Vlve Ru d f ringed, 98. Beautiful Uine of patterns, 3)j yards long, Attractive new ptersinD Oinal d-pecial prie .........5...9 C s inchea wlde, 14 signe, beautifully lne oo fet, fpi.......... ......1 4 oansprieiugt green, blue, med andi tan; asze Table Coverspar og C tan 9xl2; a rare bargain <A lHeavy quality tapestry, fringed, attrac- Nfhga uti a...... ............... .U36.0 tive colorings, 72 luches Beautiful reguiation andi novelty patterns square,.... ... ................ 1.25 dso cahel net eurtalis, 3X yards 19 $ôInlnewde, Cutaloni Taestry Portiers RuIfed MusUin Cuirtals coor in gee, be andtancouintc Large size, splendid quality, attractive Plain muelin, with wide rufle 234 yards polre iarden...bine .an. ..t..n . 0C umt.nation atrîpes îfrînged , <ft ong, speeial, aet9 p e ra i y a d . . . . . . . . . . ..s" ai ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 9 8 p a ir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . 2 9 CUrt&tf SwISsCouck Covers Ruffic Swlss Curtan Fine lic quality, dots and figures, epecial- Ful ize beavy tapetry, Oriental deizos Dotted and figured, extra fine quallty, 234 IoOpic inbeautiful color effeet, fringe .8 yards long, apecial, at .98 pe y rd. .. ..... . ... .... . _ a e__le . .. ... .... . .."' 64 ai . . .... .. . .. .. .. .... 8 BAKI RETAIL I LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER e PU 1 - - - 'l- - - _e

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