WAUCNDA D H. E. MAMAN, Corm Elmer Puera, of Chicago, "net Suuday With bis parentm ini ou r village. 1 Henni Mairnan and daugbtcr May. spa n aday with relative@ ut McHem ry.a Eyvin Wbeelock returned home Sunday 1 * ater a twojweek@ vacation. Mir. and Mmra E. J. Meyers viit.cd w tb relative.s t l)eqPlaines, Sunday. Miosa Nttie Murray, of Chu-ugo, spentv Saturday and Sunday ut ber home in our vdilag.t * lrý. Mouahan, who bas bei-n seriouiiiyo Ili for the past feu' aceks is riported counialesient and we bîîpeto tii ici er about again soon. Mrs. H. E. Mittîsn andtiMrs. Il.tiiiaryt 'were Chicago rtiitirs ThTur. Chemter Df)leîion viietted t lii- homon lu IeblPlainteu. Sunday. Willie ecedi isgettiug aiiîug rt Drii' Fuller rakîug tir,'t'ait oilf it i ii bs hli Mouiday and toi k (ort t iii liii t ýaitrt whirlî lie re1îia-i'cl lie 'ait t ý,' I.M . kitt,1ng ni,' i liiit ,iil e et trai wisk mons- beliire ' i i'i w î1-l aitiiii'iiîî agutu. returue eilîiiî ,lîi ta ' -k, vara tion. 1fr, and i. Vi î,î] iaî fî i Urare and daugit,'r 't tii ii nu' i rstio the wc-k. * Eeryiiîl~liai' iist Satîtrîlai -i 1 ing ut Atranu ýlia2it.lotntîl atk, î iutieandîla giiîîîi tîîîî 'i kit 7'lh ROCKEFELLER froni Mukwuoutugli. Wis.. ere rî-rît vsistors lier- w itli relitiesani l rt,'tilsi J. J. Spoiou ej-nt part if lait - ek at the borne of bni ilier ut W atrt wi. Win. Mir. and tr-i. Louis iloier liav e for their guemte MrH. Edîtard i'iie~atid )EPARTMEN ~ us~1akgnclei pondnt nd AentMié Avis Payne spent ast Sunday at ber bonus ber@. Adamx Tituâ bas Weu tirîilng a well for Thse ire tompany carne ont for driill Grant Luak. Mondar evcuuog anti aprinkiedth ie Blbberd Araes andi taugister, Vers, tof buines section of M ain strfet. Since Chicago. caîheti bere Sundey. tite apriukliug .upphy tank collapsati abouit a moutb ago no @prlnkling bas F. M. Smith sud daugbter, Lots, viait.- bei-n dutne anti the. work of the lire eti part of iast week lu Waukegau. torpanv was eertaiuiy appreciateti. Bans Peteraon la eutertaining a Missï May Maimau ls entertaining ber brother ant ie isWft. front Chicago. toueru, Miss Brans, of I)ePiaiue@, titis Mes. James Beck, of Waukegan, spent we'ek.f part of iast week ws-tb ber niece, Mers. An eigbt çouud hai3biiby arrineti ut Joisu Shepiseti. te home ofi Mr. anti lre. IMat Mitran, Mms. Frank Srith bas hecu stuymg o o! Hghw'iodlue iiaarulu,.tht. past t wO weeka îvitb lier iauglitter, iiauîiei l. , tee, of Pe-rria, i'aniidute lire. enry Coudrcy, of 'ttankcgau. litGe tiîrnuur amud lite F. Auieu'si, tf Botu to Mr. and lire EtiHewes, of Lake Fort-st. tiiate fuor repu-eeta- Chîruaguî, a batyboy. Sept, Ith. lira. ite frotrurte ivetghthlu .rîatoruai dîstrura Hewie a neriy Mues Marion Payne. tii the troib ttaitiuontiker adtireseud a Friday evtuiuug. Sept. inSt heimg the. etuillgauluet ug tutufitet treet Tilcaday unniî ersary ta! Nfrs. Touti 'er c iirtît. uua'unnr tt 1 on nuitk.The i->rîtale vrY lit. Bhiivite,1 lit abut lorry otf tueur gotdntiruikc 'siit thti e t posiuetionttu utmuny fmnde. tuikroiN n tut i iafe.Tht. tu înîutîtriat ttunîlaeýk'rig forcurpriss- --tueas i turullete iuu,eemas air thu,' ct ii n ,, tuftlit it kiýt. 'tir ttitt' e u-rtititig ug i orgir t i e'reku"eper nnilur- tico tu-latti-tuti, oi h ite espeurutiinu ais a tfiket. abouttthlutîsgiutsersnt ireecut. ni-tnstriittie 'il rin'tgfieil. llTIW'iTeî i -tire icnei uiiirme te 1'-imu ci o il)'tt tuti aiuioni- tittand i i-e witi, tutu uiutiuduîi'- tt r', r'nr ae lt', nuuuuuiuu'l;LW."i Iti'tall It ud, ttItguice. Nrc tine N '-ats p -ents-t Ivi uttul i' i1luiirtrîuuIlt'uui iMr. ' and Nttit îith t ut taigo, iuuil,i utut' e uurloit Iann. Ai--r- i'rttr i.- k..,' tntt F'1. A ]'t~i Ilut- giti-te ul-;uurtu'ul ut a tt,httti' lu otiti.giiii t ig 'tir.-. littr -tNitil i it t en tp t-ti.- -, 1,1uIatit urne, tt itiuti utt i r- fti r at'e' itst n'iuirttung eut- cuii'itg lutablitt îî'î t.îi t irtiu tîî.- tittaiuuu're il 4gii. i t4lttl'r %\ eunuInig zimin ]tu ______ ________________ Titi- nuuig i-tas Nt ryplýi-tuar]ttîlinIPA.A7I' i11 tnt'iiiutwit u tt- rel vuit i PAnuATINE t i utte ui ut 10:t<1 1 Ilit aH il titi t,.tt I uî ttt .. Fl ttlirlt 'ie %% tuîtig Mtr. artXn liîniiu intii tutu-riand . J. iruh .înuiI,.r. 1 - t Ii lu t, tut lun r ofIr iii ir nrrufa>' SilihnF luter, c.-,rt S-iitu.a titti.it-itsis tt ttuk Th, Ii'tht.-. fi GSi, 'i 11uu-ja'n. 1 . Iti-r. -,r 1, l,, \ 1 uttiig ut l'.tkitafi. (Ai-,and lr'epotrts a and-ttir ttt rtuile i 'c rialutii. unit', i lne titew Tu t, dtliuiii t,' Iiuauîuunuu I.ttki-icîe iBrn utlMi. andutir ý'ti'tun. ultre a \scu,' itu t, i lt e titirau-cul r t , -dnauî<iter i't-etltti Iur uu u [o tIi. ii utet inI'i s p tiîte tak-' P. H liathlîcu s u dr tin rhe lu,,tutr 'ut tare. nuntrs Mues l'hilue t lasutit e iii itth utIe dugtew o me utui .ta&iîf-itt, I LAKCEZRC syria. ZU1C Tisos. Russel anti famiîY epeut SundaY MlucutIatutl anti Cara seiup, 'ilChi at A.tiocb, vîsitung Mes. Rusai-l*ss itter . Cag0. vueter tîteir unI-u-. eur> 3teup Mmra.Powuoiaki. ter Stimdav. L. E. tiorbant. tir eefiitteu. allcd Onu Mse yi adTii Wili Kuigge reeuntly, en rouîte n tu au- lieeLda u Tl8 ulkuee r kegan. pendiug a fea tiaysmn Chicago. Aog Krehna ani ue rot li-a,'tir, andi lit. Frank saho have sça-ut ver. brs on a riait tu the htterta the. week iu Shiepherd, ich., retuneti brother, A. J. King, a part of the preue tbonFray wsek. MIr, anti lra. Fiteke, 'tNr. Bratvogel, E B. Koch anti family rnoved their Wm. Bneeciug anti 'tAn. Ei-hmau toi 'i householt gouda te Chicgo, Tuesda', atrip tu Wiukegau, Friday. vhsve tiey sapait tu locute Perma- Fred Knckuek, of Joliet, visîteti relu- seatiy ti va. here over Suday. Unr. H. Fard, of Coftt.yville. Kan., wa8 eà guet of Mr. antiMr&s. B.. Burtiick, lMr. ansi lra. Scbaaier speut a few tiays Bamdey astI ontiay. witistheir iaugbter, Mes. J. Smth, ut lire Ritbard Voetker andi auna, of Jle River Viv, vers entertainati ut the Wm. Bitiknuse anti Fred Sep transact- hum i e rai selter, lire. John Knigge, theadou businessin Cicago, Ttueeday #ua- tse e o. John Kols Pent à wOtek lu Wlaonsiu Mr. a"Mmdr&. W. L Bergiioru enter- buylng milk cows. t&»dthe fas-seee bi-ther, Fred, ant Id-ia.Fred Rost, &asi Miepinney bijy tram thse vielnity uf Barrington, sPet Monday lu Berxgton. lira W-- Blaran anti danghter, Cas. Avord andi son, lie., who are Floreance, bm Lihartyvihît., viaiteti with sm pèyedla Cha«o, upent Suntiay at reWadve'londsy. tbeï<'hom ebers. IL LTrip bs ben vry usythe W@ re9 aIl 00-Y to heur that Luther s. L rrip las ben vry sn.ytheGliffordl le ik witb the hay Ilaver. pvemt veek deIiverlni iLnul tu i num (.W ed iiedvt retsu «euâ ntaomre eonnatevu . . lain rusnduy. d ih rensu & . Payn.e lat Wsduestiay for Ogerna, Pltn udy W&.. viere lhe expecesitapt lu several DEERFIELD veeks of bard labor. TbheLAdWseAld Society met wltblira. IMr.anti Mr.C. B. Eusion cpst the A. 1. King, Wednesday of this wesk. pâ w ek nMneua Mr. and Mmira.oa. Sabn -ihave re- fM ieErily Knaak la cpsuding th, tuauedstu, thair home herealter oeveal wesk ut Foi Lake. veke abseence ut Laayette, f ut., aud, Sontiey aftet-noon occu'rred tba deatb mon ityin.Of the infant sounaiflir.,ant idlra. J. C. ZIon fty, I lentner. The littie chilti vasonly hIla DIMOPMfew days. Services were balti et thse DIAMON LAKE bouse Tueeday rnornlng at 1()0 oc'k. i The Rec. Joel Linînger. pator 0f tba Mr. anti Mq.. George Thatcera vielteci 1 Preebyterian chut-ch, officiating. Inter- vlhlitheie'- te, lMr. and lira. Wm.irnmenteut Deerfielti cernetery. 1.tmpkee, ud.ay. Jirn Woodmrandtifamily, ai Wauke- ime Minis Gerber apeut Montin l9-an viiteti uver Suaday wltb tbe Totit Chicago.famiiy. Mr. anti Mr@. WiIh Broikrnan»peut issi& Marie Bleirnebi apnt8nuay witb unntie with Mr. anti Mes. Hery Kane.! relatives at Allugtan Beigbta. Mise Mary Bartett bas bean apeuting Idiss Battis Watchke, of Chicago, the luast ev tiys 'ath friande in Chicago. spent Suntiuy vilsthbaBleimebi fantlîy. MIr, anti Mes. Cberley Gosevither vlteid M r- anti Mes. F. àMayer atientiedth ie at lies. Iempker's, S., 8untiay. Suntiay »Chuouonveton et Lake Bluff Mes. Blt irorn Evanaton vipttet i a Suniai-. Will Ronces. Tboretiay. lit. anti Mec Hermami Lui wig epent MIr, anti Mra.Eti Mitchi-ll ant ineau nday at Fox Lake. Jamnes, apeutSaAurday anti Sunday with Wiii Clark, Oh Western SPniugs. isited Mir. anti lra. EBeorge Mitchell. bes Wetinesday. Anuniphar of the ladies feorn thie îlae ontfiget tht. Lake i-onnt l Suntiay attendéd a -Kaffute Kletcb eut lira. B. OI cblonvention vbîch la t ha baiti in B. Koch@ ast Friday afternoon. Deet-leltiOct. liiauti 4. Renemmiter tis Miss Bazeh Derby sisitet i utGrayaiake'date. luet Suntiay. A numbt.r from here are panning tu A number front itere attendeti the ' atteuti tht. state fair aititprugfll. Eikisormi fair hst w eck Tht. adies of tht. St. t'uni Eeaugeiica M. anti Mr. Vine. flrkernecr aui Cuhawiliibolti thutîr l.azaar lu Auter- tiaugister Alice, apett Sumiay witb M. l'a al], (.*i-tM. They wrll aIs.. sent. anti Mr@. Fred Towner anti lamili-. a supper. lires.B. Bartiett transat-ted business lMr. andi Mrâ. Jaicob Menttrer wmah tua in Chicago, Montiay. tbank tuer may friande fur flowergancat Mir. ant ilira. Lnbespeut Snnday witt 1 yupanhy ententiedtuntisent uring tise tbair daugister, lira. Wih Cooper. illuesaanti ni-tentdteath îf theirlitthe colt. A nmîber frorn bere attentiedth ie laiu ru RUSSELL party et Binkia. Thuraday eveuing. Mr"olywseetaniati.. Fred Towuer, Jr., sietteti at Libertn ei'r;re te tni ville rscentiy. udy William Willianii fronti Rockefeller im teeaiue. lN'sjiewe aseiting WiIi flouse a th hie corn. teuei The Diantonti Lake sehool bas tise Tise Ladies Aid Sotciety yl ineet witb piao raMMGei. titreru Tbueaday ftet-uoou, privilege of uing lie.fRay'@s ianfur t(O)t. 1lst. A"odiInitin e Georgevin tlel er theerrn. éertendeti t alil lterffsteti. GereIMM. t snue tedt-os Wtll andi Katm eiing are eutertaining Moua forfriend@s ront Emganti. MissE lle Towuer speut lira Maryalterr l »0« wvit i ies Mahai anti Ousie eire frt Civeago. ttainiug ber Kocb es Rockefeller. sgefrmCiao fliMesdames l)cForrim anti NewelI seut Mr. aes U-a.ao.a.Mitchbtelanti lr. lsuFmtaati ier aet iseKng M m Elv. d Mitchell anti @ou James, I anti Mia iuires pretée g djiunerr wltb Mr. anti lire. Wm. ln eurs YÀmS, SidA I Stella Pletîou te nucntng at Elk ltobest Roume, Jr.. In attempt uni. Qw Uts ink l ti.e moite ast T ua~IFseIeteeeu tiiî i hy dayManlotat bis vey anti lati toiWwltb Miss froat. lut wtek OpM ashre aguin andi vaîk arounutitht. Cornue Chumes nson th,. euu lit. Isba A. C. Cornas bas Iteen juttlng inua $Mde.y mbool ut 1:30, pt-e-ing ei-etent sal. gauwa.v.rlbody comeas iis may There la tut hoa a arneea shop andi bout eb .Sr btteh * ArmItage anti siot. repairing etahhîahmeut openati Pr" - N sIo.nc"'tu '. utht. ucar futurein tise fiatk roonît of MMira . l a inmnbas becs ou the the barber ehup. Peter Bamseu ilile-m .d1 lo a tv sls. thse prutprferor. The WwgMton aba aIl h all plaet the Rokiew teenu lad Baua=" nt defeetdheby acore o lto4. The1 batries s ouber astid endton for Warrentan andi Black ant i Vlkery for BockebUlr. The Warrentons fill play tIi. Romeerns team next BSuda t Warrantait. Everybody nomse antin the gains. Mmre.Tisuis, of Chicago, le vimiting with lira. John Sh.ridau. Miss Ida Merirnan speut Sunntay wltb ber parente. Xies Kittie Ryau te niitinir witis J. Ryau uud farniiy. WARREN, Henryv Shepard atndi farmîly attemudeti tht. Elkboru fafe ti- patetseek.1 A large itunîber froui (itirnet.anti vi- clnitt atteudedti thu State Fair at Mil- wiaukes. The Warren Ctuettrn'n Associatioin i tieet wth lirs ('lara anti Mis Cura Bouok, Wedue.dut nuvut-ti uturu.Suýit ut30. 4 Tht- iiumpnt. T. 1. i lt'ta reeptuutu ut te hometu. tf N't ý ir e Itnnîilton ru 'trlu," day ini Itutor ioftIi.' î,.%%- iîtiuuiîîr-t Mur. anti 'trtt il lut - 1 'itt Siititav tut Public Atactuoni 1 \,4111 s4li u ii ti , ii tutu t u u (i. J. Hon-ber inru. i uutt'unrtlîeut oii Prairie Ajie i t tîn 01 t3 . t 3, l¶uii'. ut 12:31 , ,,u t hi 'Ittu 1i iltîu tg teireîuil fnuuro ip i . l, %unilut i ci.n mount ite tIti , '. ,, ti uit itu, it-t,,, -'uuuiug rti }i'r ,,t'i uî'tlui 1,.r.- - tetner. id ti 't 1.71 1t i lî sec !,lu ictrs titI au 11..1) , li ii " ' J itu1 ahi~ ~~~~, ciiii'uî : . -iiii i. -4uî t. , "u tt. u, IitrtttIi,'u ridiutg 'u i it litgi 2sutuke iiilutt1iitc ttel .-uk tiaiv uirutt uu ii t , anruIl, ai res gmi, ii nul 1 1ii iiai 'r.- ld t-o rut Terir rtn:oiees-u, l i g ut-tnt iltrtk ahI,' niitu'c iearînu ru t , 'ni tut rtn'u .\tutiun lii utut A wmie5tFAi,u .tîtc' Thet. fl-tîirans bal clubi laiartht ttie lîtît,,,,,,awienu u.itig itiii1hoop*('iiugii et] 9 tntlat Sly aiAn t is - t hîîî itlii arrît elle i tii at titini~av.les. th fir. shi ii, Til.ii'.- r s tlu i:,i- Mrs. Eîiier Faulkner wasnii Waukegau îîothing else, ci ci i1- i r î viipoig balîtei. Monday. Tlîe u.slilesornegr,-ii iai.',. andte-nde'r Mites Kate Gfi-i ni teen terlaiti tg r-o i.stettseoh a loing 1-liei ttttiiiin tiius îiany fron tthhe le of Man. mliirtt gîve the euratîîe priite-iti-ii ti, Dr. George Weich bas retorned tri Chicago. Sboops Cîugb lluirwtd ,. It cuits the cough îand liea]ls the. senîsitive irinchial Silo tilliîug and torn barvesting i8 the. membrane@. No op îîîîni tnuî'lorîforrîî, order of the day. notbing barusi-md tu injure orittipîretts. The. drys are pray ing for- water lu thia l)cmand Dr. Shtttî;', Aîcept ni, ittur. viinity. Sold by A1 )EAt h EII'-iS. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE OPTICIAN Tise Amity club mest Tuesday evening at the borne of the Mises Carolana. On Sunday noon occurredth ie deatb of Lawrence Fagan. He leaves te mouru his Io@ two brotises. Nkk andi Pa. Tise Mies Foleya are bere frorn St. Louis te attend the fouerai of thier uni-le, Lawrence Fagen. Dance ai Lake Forest. Set dant-e given hy the Sociai Club ut St. Mary@ Hall Lake Forest wiii ha helti Wedneetiay eveiug, Sept. .0O. '08. Munie b Brun'a orceetea. Tickets ouiy -,Or, Mir. anti Mr@. E. E. Marais are enter- taiuing their uttter and frieuti front Evanaten. Mr- Baruî-a, of Rixikiord viatiteti ber nitMica tShermtan, the fi ratotf the.week. Jake Moore bas moveti iront Gages Cornera to the Cawley farrn. Sorneite nutut bave itac their pitture taket.Ounr phot.ograpiter. Rarry Der- ickoon wae aten in Samgatuck witb hisi camera Sunday. Mtr@. IRussell waa geeatiy aurprineti by au uueupected visit front lier @inter, Mine Jeunie Stderlîn, frorn Arizona. fOne new atittol bonne wili aoî.u ha itimpisteti. Itîfi lituder bas arriveti ou the jib EAST FOX LAKE. Joe Ent-ker weut tb tbe Moue tiilleaut Mi-Henrv - Trestiay. Mmr. Et-n Hook andi aunt from Obio and MIr. Clark from southoru Ilinois were Chicago choppera Tuesdey. Florence <aiger, wiso vas quite badly burut threes wseks ago bas ot beau irnprovlng vsry fsst. Dr. Warner, who hms beau ettendlug ber daclded to taire ber te a Chicago baeLital Monda7. Ber father accompsnleti t m. Mrs. J. Palmer, of Eveuston, hn vslting at W. AtweU tiei week. Mr. Clark, of southeru Illinmois, la viit lux filsetouilini, ira. 8. Gilberarndsudlrt. Ern Hook this week. mise Notait, of Wankgen,mpnt Satur- day ad Bunday et M. Galiger'o, Fred Gefiger. wbo hmbaseen oit.k la mnuth 1lMrpoî'edUnder tisa îare of Dr itorner , of W&ukegeu. When Trffles Becomeé Troubles If any ipersoian sopai-te that tbolr kidneys are derangedti iey should t&e VoleC s idney Rameds! et once anti Dot rilk aelug brigbt 'ad=seseor tiibeta. '167elay v the dises.ea stronger foot- hladis on sbsoltinot delày tarin~ Foley'sKldnsy Iemedy. IeA.EI B. Tis Io the trade-mark of Scott's Emulion( and is on every bottie of it sold in thue world-which amounts to several millions yearly. Wby-Because it has mrade so many sickly chidren strotîg and well-given heuith and rosy cheeks ta so many pale, unaenuîc girls and restared to health sa xnany thousands in the. finit stages of Cotsumptuon. Se,,d lMse dvertitment, ugeh ih S.etfpape a in .hh app-. a your cddmusa nd tourceai, te ce e BCOTT & EOWNX. 409 Peari St, E.y. Wqeak Women Dr. shoop's Nlght Cure UALL DEALERS" cult Gazette BiII Prunsd After Committee Shows it je Alogether ton I-igh. Tise Lake Caunty Board of SupervIa- ors met St thse ccuuty farm ut Lib- ertyville. yesterday. rirsuant to an annual cusItomn,andi hesides Inspecting libs premises andf buildings weut intu executive session to traneact business unfluisbed uithte regrîlar September mteetinig. Tben the. meetig deveioîîed Itîto a whuiesaie discuission of iriancisi îrob' le iis Big Cut for Gazette. Firt utthe Gazettt's ibilli of SiO5Itfor pîrititg lballot, titi'th'et-eeut pli nar'y elr'ctiiti(,allie-Itit for action.Th'e '.iiiri.tl c intt i tiiti îa îîîîîîî edI WOat w(ýk te a go ta .iii itt ht liii ratie t' ut ti-s ounitiluit ('las., tf Woîrk. ttte ît tir SIthttu i icît' 13ii Roberiutsotni t1tit ttit i' ttii iti t lioiigiiiit II't, liiiai titi'or l iai fi i ti, lat" T tiui' liii Gai ý,t tu i $27 t! Il îî.î il t tii', l'ain titi,11- titi, i t rtiti .... tl' Is ili , ' a t tih $ ;î ' Z',i Il lg - t tii i, t ' i i i'iu i Ii, .'tt i Must Piactire Econcucy. - 1tiii i iiii ii i t i t' i t'iak îîîî' titi, i,, 11,' ;,ilt" t S oi t-t ld tour-itIco tuti Xliilti 1,' IntIce lt-h caim i r t in Ii i nlit f Quayle uru Hati.ae I iefossrmer a eorat at ii,' nu-t' mingo forebard, tt'itato is lreuisedfor idramshlp vut onlotî presients f ibrt'vll twu.ltt generally oppose the. Riudouttsaloon, and doubtiess ibis fat t eerreti meut who boite 10 get a licetise fî'om ire' gentlng a ptitrion. Mr. Qttaý is r-et forts were ttnnecessry. IngleBide Camp 3l*51*. M. W. A., meeta everirfir8t anti third Tuesday of earb montb. Vistlngi Neighbors and members are cttrdiaily iuneitedtu t attend. Il. Alu stiti, Cîuuctl. at-O H. Bsteit.Clerk. AÀilever, itopular faudy Colti Cure Tahlet--caiied Peevetir-ta hbeing dis- pelfe by druggisto eveeywhere. In a he oues, Preventitil are saidt o break any od--completely. Anti Peevetita, hein g aù @afe and cootit.me. are vereîV fine f0or chiltiren. No Quinine. iii laxa-' tive. uotbinir harsb nor aickeulug. Box of 48-25e. Solti by ALL DEALERS. IGET READY TO BUILD 1 A M REAO'Y FOR THE WORK A hg*10el in te.ueeq mi th* )argent alèphanta. Tb@. son" vas very conaclentious and alwaja rs- questeti the apectatore flot ta glye thse imale snything toet. wbicb semati to diaphease the elepisant ln question to anch u anextent kbatlise severai tintes sprinkled tise setrys beati witi sater tram hie trunk. Oua day a h»itander afered tisis partlcufar elephauOiblarge cake. The sentluel luterfereti. an unual, aud tise elepiseut prontptly tis- charged ln bis face a violent atresaut 0 weter. A geucral langis ensueti, but the senUinel, isuvlug calrnly wipee Llis face. atood ou une aide and coutluued as watc-hfui as before. Soon afteis yard be found H iee.essary te relseai bis adtnonitltn, fut itetîsatinerwaS thim utteredth îata the t. eptiant laid boul of hie mueki-t. twlrlti It round bis hiru, tati Il under bis feu-t and did mtt e' store It unitîl lit. ha ti ste Iil ILI nearly the lutrin of a i.orkscrew' The-I be gaie a snort ut tht. dIeuorni Iltif eentnlfi s If t0e say, '*Nosi' t1luth, ynu'il iniid ii3 'ur iiiN itsri'u A Nîighung Cerk. Ciakuffli titi' i- '-tîtut i ',- il,, li- 1u ttii- . u ttik . tt IA l-ti' 'Ii.ii,- - wiooliK.u l eus l iti .it't. orii' untktlito . 1. li'1 îtîtu 'ti 'Il tti t.. îîw ii r cogi-rît l in eut 'ici t, 'utiro l' tt- htIl 'v -ii'.-iu i i , î rttt tlu lnnin. 'i'i tt Il. . titi'. 1,1tti'hi icF1) it îîî' 1It , in. ,, i. oft- t rthe -C..',- t of,. tutti 4 ta cuî tt' uîuîi i tt-uiiiiu itie Iun mt tItýr i-u i v,îa 'l uiit,îtdtt 111tIt iti.nu IuLînut I IL it, -tt iahr rcP ,,P l Ptii , iu11- ut-it ir-t lie saidtl lv i-11( i le frîtunt ".t !t- ttu i dret Srnh taue 1'hte lt tittua i mtie u il-i altiste l aiitiortbe Soudonwll to l'tu Illtînt tbiîg t-xr'e teise beusouatsi T hege be ,,,ictuehu snt mocut.as h ait get odus evefr, sqstî busw ela'y- thonatikeawmn rabad. conata-y ber lu bis fullde. but I ermpeY t ewllowbfe, - c l'le uigwtsoea bRe Ufet. iseboie luas egu-uti ber anoot anitiani wrebadltythiateeaept btis euks teTe". h8t Chînese i muc, as wbicb as eaisgrete afons for meicieACine;as frase adug isr ever Slna wâI bavebouseiaherer py-u tointhe reasIe. ed ica, id n t crs brfe Wen tse TafueSsa. e foot andugnklen. as by mu.acre p bapte msnlnrs troug Te tit saumen theirython tinakelu edlîbafemîti tht.e mieut, ani hebas relant-euon cioh piae.te coisfe ueby o tht. ledsu doIn Satioihaea Wumeu er o ytho for e oraet. lIeu ie hJounal. ro roaued ci the ou auieui&letis oolth ani rmenmastium. Tiseaeitb u woPsmn aîmarly splacerthawund uier lthe r Iam lttis uoe lhi xpothe Tht. capp ener etorbethermefr u aethitug but Wmntme w u lar ilty.ug geduIea.cisrn.Actr ipuofithua. ma- poore lt. saonua Islt.anuderlnt liU mthee wfokee.1sex.KxaCtpoeurns he JOHlN L. IRVING A atpeOwte. CONTRCTOR nti BILDER An Engtiabisnt ofeLyrntngton iset CONTACTO an MILIER th is fortuuet. tulice lu a coutinuona quart-el alth bis aile.thtmase a maod- Sidewalks and Cernent Blocks ern X, nruîîîr tttI.r'mit' -iini case se sut-vivet ihm luto u*uct. over bis ROCKEFELLER, ILL. grave. It was ber lot to ountlyshlM. but fi wN-s not ao escy to carry out Lot M EstmeteUponthe loh bem tbreat. Tht. huabauti iatitht. tre- Let e Esimat Upo theJob caution lu make au Injunction lu bis whf I echlrfng hic bodyr io be bureln l _________________the ses near hie resitice andi vitiont ceremnt3. Tht. Injonction wax m- M 1 1h IC I- C R IEA M i plIi r"Succooded. pru IN B R IC K S ce'niglve my couseut-at es o PLAIN OR ASSORTED n'y tingtter lu your t-are you muet t make a spectaty tif furnuabmug succee Inlu doiuig sornethiug.' 'OhO. tee doune tisai. I aucceeded ln uither Blric-k or Bnhk hie Cream to isigbrltngtafeabhda- Churh Scial, Penis an Pulie sured me that 1 neyer coulti util you Oatheiugs ...a M*utý hati glvesuyonr appt-uval.' MITCHELL BLACK iEpnIe ROCE.FE5LLaRtILeNIS "No; tIs-e decitietineyer lu accept BOOKFELER.ILLSOI frlendly ativice auy more." "Why tiot? Il dutesn't cust 70 u y- l'Weil, tve touontiont tisat it aimant I! S lnvariebhy coata yoyon rtriend"- A u E I'<~ T Exhage.___ iGE T G The Observing On*. An opportuumty to malie big momey; Patrun-How etan yen tell wbethee a icouple are mamreet or not? Hotel $200 mnotbiy front an imvettuent of *5. Keeper-If bct ordera two whioha pot-- Expeieur notnecaear. ou'trpilions. tbey are nut; If be ut-ters one Expeiene nt neeâ@ry.Dont rplyportiun for two, tbey are. unlesyon meuan tusimîeer. Four full pur--_______ A Parting Shot. ticuhara at once wrf te Gru f Sisoeblacks (tu chrs)- Biie ir;alue? Seed«y M--e rCi- ~j !LjlinC.iflmn & rltablyl No, cnfaunti yuu aIl;no0* Mayden-Gri-f-n of Tisem-Cîut hie ringe off yoor frgeW Toledo, 0. serssains uime, gir. IfETF'SPARK JIALF DAY, IL. DANCE $abirday SEPT.26 l)ancinsc Every Saturday Nlght l%] imeiefiy Hertel'@ Orchestra Every Acommoîidationr LCALL ON ROCKEFELLER. ILL. l'ardware, Stoves, Eave Tr'oughs, Roofjing and Furnace Work Prolessional Cards DR. 1, L. TAYLOR. Xii ii 7 i si . . 2 1'. 4 i 4 iti olei ut'iiin ii ld a.a v, iîe -Park. DR, C. R. GALLOWAY, opS'ii' E l iiLiiiEiLCO iI>Tt'i @TORE. mot-mi-friim 1 toi.9 and i6to 8 p. m. DR. EDWARD V. SMITH 8[iju Attefltiiiîî t.i Itis8es ofiithýic -. L i ll ihe. hltîi DR. E5 H. SMITH. DENT 1ST. OVES LARX COL'NTY ItÂTItiSAL BAIÇl. uouea.-ut5 to12 a anud 1Itut 5ip. m. DA I . Lfltertyville. 11IlL018 DR. GOLDING IiENTIST Situes emtUi12 arn.-I to ii p r .j . Eli Triggs Building a tii lie. J. i. Tayior-i'liitie19 Reg. Phone 10102 LSttertyville, Ilinlois DI 0O. F. BUTTERFIELD. VETEItINARY SURGEON. &SIWTANqT TATE VZTEINARIiA. LibertyvIlia. Illinoi.. ONIAILSWHîTNeY JIÂLPH J. DÂTy w ITNEY F, DADY LA W ERS 30.7, IahngtnStree.t Waukegaiî, Illinois A,.)(LSTEARNS LAWYER 213 Washington Stroel 'Phone 2761 PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTIORNEY AT LAW. Libertyvifle, lillmts "BoxNE 88 JESSE S. HYATT CIVIL ENGINEER ANI) Si'RVEYOR Libertyville, III. Tel. 851 pOuI-ce mitb FRANK A. WINIiES Winnetka, 111. C. T. IIEYDSCKES & SON, Attys. to, Essaie Adjudication Notice. Publie NotiO6elà barebY givanàthet the fnb- sturibar Âdoelnietratrlx with lest WII anti Testament tnnezed Of tebare Itandler tieeti W il attend thea LttConurt Of Lake CQontr..itea torti ibareof tue o iodan et the (Court nonse ln Wankefen a Ra id OuDfty. Oni the fitMKOnday cf November nazI uses. hen andi whre aIl parsona bavlnzâlha " e<A Ra id estataare .oil- lid an rseneetsdtfeent the sae atu selS ooUrttfor adjudîseaf o." KATnASiYu DIsrZ, Admnnitratrix elts Witt andi Testamant ennexeti Of Barbara Rendier deased. Waukegau. 111. Angrait ut. l9es, es-à RUPTURE CURED IN 014E TBEATJIENT lue the latent andi muet scietttific msthnds kuoxu. No injtection <if tuolasunuotacs tif time. mno tuttat; nu vin; nu knife: nu truse. Titueande ureti. Ouir Patienta afttertskinictreetrnant, bave auaureilfuiiy uaseltuho muet sevuirs ant I r- lIneXe COKE TO US AND BE A meAS AAI.CRI] for eonsultatust or wrIte for ibook lot. ILLMlOIS STÂTE SPECIàLISIrO Entire Baniterlnm. Building me8 W.Stats St,une. Rokton Av. EnekfordIll. MIL-4