LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. ?MRDAY. SEPThMBER 25,1908 Fe C. Seideil & Cn' 'S. Big C/otfiing Store ,M? .An Aggjressive OPENING CAMPAIGN of Pricemaking in the Finest Line of WEAR Saturclay, Sept. 26 X7-s tÏ w-/f <t1 i14 The whole energy and skill of our buyirg9 organization has been to make this store the oniy place you can afford to patronize for your FaIlI Suit and Overcoat Ail Styles, Ail Prices to select from TC) $25 SHOES Our new Shoe section gives us much- desired space for the display of the large ncw stock of Men's and Boy's Shoes. Our specialty is a very snappy strong line of dress Shoes, at - - $35 Heavy every-day Shoes for the me- $30 chanic and shop man - $1.50 to %3C 'i t- I ~i~4 1 I ,-f t, e. r5 )es -es Dse ith, 0 ers tng i«C. HA TS We invite comparison of quality and style on our line of Hats, at Our Gimbel over for $2.00 oi.~. - 5> C ~7I grade selîs the world $3.00 You cannot wear a more satisfactory Hat. y47. - CON VINCING PROOF 0F OUR ABILITY TO PLEARE BOTH IN STYLE -IND PRICE 15S ON E VER Y TABLE AND SHELF 0F OUR LARGE SHO W ROOM The Home of Kuppenheïmer Suits and Overcoats. Manhattan Shirts, $1 .50 to $ 2.00. Chicago Systemn Clothes--union made. A Swell lUne of the new shape of 4-in-hand Ties, 50c The home of the Hercules Boy's Suit. Lion Brand Shirts, $1.00 to $1.50 Phoenix hole-proof Sox, guaranteed 3 mcntl-s, 3 for $ 1.00. Hosieay, Sait Cases, Umbrellas, Rain Coats, Heavy slipments of Underwear arriving daily. Sse our new plan of showing oui large line of Men and Boy's Pant! We especially invite you to visit us anid sce the many improvements we have made for the better display of our immense stock of FALL GOODS. 400e FALL MEN'S $10 I -i 401A A CIRSE CONIMLD4 [OrigIna] 1 Evinan Fielder was gatirtrng on wbat he pr posredtshoutd le Iliraast tripsas a guidle across what la now the Bhlm- plon paoiutc the Alps. 'fhat wa8 more ttaon îhrr'e centuries ago, and a guide@ bilties were far different fr011 whit th., lre tii, l nstead of conducting tou ii vt irfi i-r fr ffrrpipautre tes sti "' ;,ý 1 ti, rwt) h>e wbo trrîueledl for t.ît i r- r-es of! tarter. Hertnau ma f0 uiri,,- ;alýrtr 1r-'iag, a (reek d . iiedrchrlat, c hd wa.u taktug a Un 1hiiolo t of gt, ,ta ,ldipose of ti, f u! i, defareneil 10 bi-q leirti t \,rfrra.1litti,' t-asant girl, t, rir rrt., Leept.r-r th-,îtig t' fixed or, th-i, r ý f l.,rturn. This shte ;rrrr il tt.) raîrdarly to the irfrf, i, 11,- 'r- t l rrng itl a,-k sf, r f , I! : iril 0 f1 atlÇr i,irntlrlriig the t tjt, t ic- 1,,,î grî,îind -:. ri it l.-I at r ,,I Suve,le. - t arl ,I ,ifet r , , Io On eu- ntf -'ligr.Ill, 1):tgr, tf, -1-.i j r,, -. rrrrkirtg an 1-i f fa-- tîftiîv eyWc ta rtii, ;i -.ý îthraugh U i f .,,uion ly IEior I f111,1 hi, . *-. ut- - rtlitr.v wma,-.ex t1e-1 1, r r-- _ , f br rit, tZ fu ro, ,I! j ,,1,; f i ti fr t i tr ht,,,, l là , .;à! r, f t il' night h i f ' ri-r, , -r f , ( r t tok '1 i- r ih- à, r.' t-k o-,-i f jtir- u r h -i tt,-,i,,ttr-l, r andou Prift .1,r- 1, , r T t ir-. til, lie f àw 12 ,rtîrt. Ile re-ir fo f -r -,ir.( i I r Ii ti,- t , j, t 11 à ,'- ,f i ,1r , t ri t 1 I r ritlrder an -r,, itgirrrîuro r, k aft,-rNn:irt throwing tie ar- tîi-k i,rf-rth,'litri' IThe next iorrn g hef,,'e dos'tvight Arshigumas henîrrt stormitug and la- rnentinig. IIiruarui nçd the,)Id cooptle wenl t,, iti , a nîtI,, i,-riitseud thle latter cf tllinrhiu l, eu-. "X o,, artt.e ri , of thefl o e wbo have keptili tti(-ur since we were ymoiflg I,', pe. ru' hirrhave enter- toirut tira t tr, f - r' urd bave ai-. ways hoine goodl -tr ,ii'lers: Rather lork tl yv«ir gtrl-,to tîr(cover your leas, Itllunol w e m in could know that yoîi rîîrried J-trs but be." ~j AIl titree(, mere aearcbed, ind the gens 1 hat hadlien placed la Herman'a pocket were round tbere. Arsbag was but liait ronvinveil that the guide wââ tbe thief, for It was flot likely that he wontd keep siolen property on hie pur- son. Wbile they were wrangiing à party of travelers and guides came down tbe mountain snd atopped aitheb Inn. Ârsbag consaulted wlth thum, and tbey advlsed blm 10 go back, takiug Horman wttbhlm. He doubiens lkneur where lh. regt ofthte ewels were aund under torture would contenu ail. Ar- shag winbed bo take tic old couple au -el], but was dlssusded sInce traveierm counted on being eutertained nt thele Inn and would b. disappointed. Petr- huale sornie wbo were caubhllua a toru 1mlgbt perli. ho Arshag started back wlh the part>', Henuan going williA&g 1>'. Yet he was much cent dowu, for he kuew liai on tbe rack ha wowiid b. forceti 10 make a confession that w»c not true. There was a gorge tu crois directly in front ufthte cabin. The. part>' cromsed It, aud when on a creil on tbo other aide Herman stopped and tus5sd, lbe otbers dotog the same. The. at was perfecti>' stîll. There had beau an unusual snowfall, and fer and nu? the peaks were covered. The oDJI etai of a human abode lu ail that Vaut wte of snowy heaps a Ithlb.Inn cM the other %Ide of lb. gorge. The. Ina- keeper and bic wife were standing Iu front of Il watcblng lbe. traveleig. Tiien Hermun ralssd hIc band aud la bis loudeot voice, hbat be migbt b. beard acrosa tb. cban. nid: ..My Agatha bas prayed 10 lh. Bieesed Virgin for rny protection. 1 cura. yeul ana the. holy mothe? W!! make my corse effective." HardI>' bât!iiheechocu of hic voie. died away wben there was a soud- the mnuffiedi boom of a caninon-and in another momuent the wiioie side of tb. mounitaina beyond and above the cabia began slowly 'to move. Buow, tee, trees and rocks poured lu one coufused gigantic torrent down on lb. Inn and ils keepers. Above lie ruer there came a mingled buman shniek, and the. spot where the cabin bcd stood was hurfls fifty fted beneath 1h. snow. In tuat soperstitlous age ouill a feW scientiste knew of the deUceate bal- a.ncien of nature and that a human vole. settlog th. air t libmatng eouid caus au avalanche. The party rgarddlb. destruction that bcd corntte 1 liIn- keepers a direct confirrnation hy the. Vîrgin of Herman'a cors.. An! kBéIt reverently aond wIUi awe madtheti.san of the crois. The diamont machant ecovined that tb. old couple bcd stolen hie dia- r monde and that lb. ireeéâ bchd swept away b>' lb. avalanche, went back to Greece, andi Kerman marrieti Agatha, giving np lhe profesalon of guide. Severai years atter lb. death oftheb.Imikeepers. having failedt 10*arn a living, h. returnedt 10bicformer oeil- Ing. On hiesNet trip, when b. ruacheti th. place wiere the Inn abcioté, b Sound il bance ofsuow. iHe et dOwn tu reat under an ovenbanglua rock auj, Beelng norne rotteil cloi tncked AlYS> in a credice, pulled il out, sctttt« a lot of jeweta at tbe came lime. TRe>' àtw