ig KMWgIland Park have selit >g ivtgtloea for the weddlng cci ji daugbter. Misn Helevec Van !Doa -ten 1 Tomy Mynyard Bell- bMe Ea OCanaia, on Thursday, Oct u. t the 1am1fiý residence. Elegineer jef Cour-sou of the water *aria Mondsiy deciared h51 Xli su- jgý tongumeli more water daiiy iu >eopmo3n thon Chicago or any other Wikulegau Siso constiumes m-rc beelu proporion. There are fit ça saloons lu the ct snd the tic, bII! la one o tbe largest t is sald- Monday afternoon il was learued tbat the Chicago &Miawaukee Elect- rie R. R. has installed a ta cntY Eram ute achedule on i tti-.b11e en E_ augtOn and WVauîlegan. ,Ilite îîorli aide run ta North aNenue lias alsn been cbanged and the cars are nah Ing the trip everY tacOt ' minutes la- stead of on the quarteri of the hour. wth the rtul n of Asesltanl Fiioued States District Attorney Simis to ('hi- cago aller a laite cruise the famous white slave cases lu ahlrh Deputy Unted States Marshai Wlniot made sa many arresta are te he talen uîx andth Ve chances are that the four girl wltnessea Iu Lake cu-unîx jail wlttbc bogbt ta Chicago to teslfYý fiîmday prosed te be onie of the UiOS pleausut dapuin ithe 86 years- blatoey of one of Waukgans moat Ieioved oid realdenti. Mr. B. A. lier- ima. of 806 Beiidere creeu The oc- ennâm cas a famiiyr eunisn at which3 flfty cere In altendance- Mr. lleumasa"-nchldren cho ivwe ln aftendance cere: Mrs John0 »mrimanc. Mm R. 0 HoN. Mma James lueDermett, Mm Thomma Tysrei. H. a" J3ames lernaL Mr. fTleru&ss ele ded tins tweiftb Simmay. lu& RUg s»d iumr fesat proved the -~se et th oesiou. 1Niay sflemo..a blacktRae Mb iepelevaimset at osty four dal obu vIus rfe i an ulLTe wàaIssu - le! kt on thene str at am 0 1 , et biu tahoeustoe . he ne babahomboy veut ta schaL A im ua uhetes is b S l anruodeed ibnthe s Chme mam; mlg ma" mm Ou w» a -s %0 le sa ere bft ut be h.pellS aeg the nortin *.a. bave bomaioUfle @qm*W, Oeoetoua-l, thesCou- gtconoa ougreqtlom4 meaiherso! e ayae.o dme"sd aise oi ffl CWlIM» Fadevoe. cliiboid liis- 1 l y day. Oubm eamnesnes I ihava Chamg et me et mg servies. lIed SBuuay la Ieperance Sunday a 6h. ehuein, Thes cinlrean litake Im a "luIbs ervice. Tveuly o! tine yem u ldiefetthe einrcbviii Pm-e par.a bond creeti chick wvl! decor- *tae tins hloved piletre o France Wiflai. The Woma, Chrltian Temperauca Vabo lanauimportnt metin Kt TeaipweSuc Temple Fr-day attei-- ueo., Superntendenta niftepant- useels ce .appointed as car-e vice preiiats iranoin hecbuccbes. lTe - gesien-s oà1cers sud trusteeas erej elected r-ca ceekz ago. The year- r-at1 buast atosaI bas beau martel byà a trattylng Incease lu membersbip1 mesieacin anti ait scen realy ta do tinein Part ta maie the nec yaar r-cb in deetis o! beiptulucasilu ail goal cor-ta, The neciy electel officers anti su- per-inteudents are as iollocs: Precident-Mr-s. W. P. Htgiey. Vice Presdeul-Mr-s. Jaunie Jual. Rec. anti Cor. Secretary-Mrs. A. C. Bocen. Assitant Berrerary-Miss May HII Treaaurer-Mrs. N. A. Griffun. Flasctal Secretry-Mrs. E. C, Y- yreitated this mer-ning tlnt h *could not 1,00t until she el"ner»-,m mses ta be gooi or e&ste. insty. Tbis makes the tceuty third trne that ibis Pouash qîteen has beau ar- reated whcn tuader the Influence o! Business #'rgperty Soid. Mir. L. O. Wainwrlgbt. prulrletur of the Coiumbis Mercantile (70- lion- day at public aur-rien puirchasel the buîidinîg on Norlb Geiiesee treet 110w o)ccupiel by the t7nitad Plates post- office and tbe BaTe?8 Mercantile (Cm- liany. The same building was offerel for sale aI ipublic auctioli jîst onue 'ar ago hîtlas îlot a single bild as en- tered the sale wast petltpoied. The buiîlilng a sld by the nias- ter in chaticer3 i foe h.SbfleIl ctate' a hîch is iniat inig ia effort 10 sct tic the, lslte. Thliteliiicil-, ;I a-i l kîe i tbusiness itait xho-.c high liumiiesstanîdards iaxe mtadle for hlmi a liante xell es teewd inithi-. cils. The consîderattoit was t2, li r alt rth tatel iliat teli-. office aîîîhurics sîil hulila t'ircc acai s lu axe oitthe tîuilInýc cuit- qie'iti.lu tht-rt- is noi J.ps ofut1h e uts î cl'iîu able to dbase them eut andu I tîcle Sani heing coniiieltel toii l tîte nih talked o el office tîîîtt i112 BRIDGE CAUSES TROUBLE. 'Traina Two Hours Laiein Some In- stances and Tisen Take Two Houes More 10 Gel Inia City. Tht- cîuci îg ut'h'- oea ciii a. siccet brdge in Chicago, the tact that ,awncibcs arc said ta bave. hecu dis- coisie-el for the bridge aud then ctii,-c5c-d in te rouni ana.r. aud the desse smoke f rom forest ire-, 11mndas jl consîired 10 delsy Ncrtà- ceffe.rm traims. Trains hall to dean întblr y bock ont te limte and some. for Iusaec te Younng Lady I.ving at Point of Death Appears in 014 Haunta. White Nurse borenxofet heJan* Mc- Alisier Hospital staff vas Iyng ii un. te death on a ct In ont et the hos- plIs1 wards three womneaissw her shade cerne to her former beardlng place, epen a acreen door, second th. stairs and enter her room. Th. cas.eslaonceoftheb. net cemran. able instance& of projection oethéb astral body or aura, If there be sucb a thtng, in record, and la rederned frons sny doubt by the tact that ce- sponhible people vouch for the occur- rence and r-is mor-ning related it wlth wonder, beltat and puzzlement. Deep Mystery in Star-y. lhtir-sday night itîst about luak s l111e social cluîbb al galber-el ii 0ne cf the rooma ai lthe boitte aber-e Misa Bor-enbas becit stopiplg. il la the îîorth sile resîdence of a weit kiiowu famili. The lady of the ilotse. a frîcul ut MLxx iiorenz, bal beeti aI the hoxptal 10 sec the sicit nurse st six in the e- cvecuuz. At that tinte Miss Boreitu cas Will Incréasu Iheir interesta andl Devolope Big Lace Faciory. Speaking aI the cecent Municipal League banquet lu Zion City, W. S. Hipea, oeeof the managers tfoc Mac- shall Fieldi sud ComPsuy. ocuers af the late factory, ssidinl part, sbociug thbe rrend o!frtbe big courcru: Speaklng for Marshall ild & Com- Pauy, 1 ciah ta say that ce are very prouti of Our inter-este lu Zion City. We ar-e proul of our plant ber-s. pr-oud oi tbe efficency ofi ta wor-ker-s sud the splendid resulta ni their toil-mnost ai ail ce are proul o! the brilliaut sue-- cees wcrb e bave silsinel througb their- splendid loyslty 10ocur- interesta. 1 fel 1 arn safe in saying r-bat nochere In titis cor-Id la tbere aîy plant. the personnel of chose workcrs ls higiter Iban tbal of the Zioti lace Induties, uf which Marshall Fel & ConnpanY arc the prouI lirolietois Wýýhen we purchasel the Zieti lace Indutstries a yesr age, t a as wltb the idesa of mskiug laces and lace curtalus. lmmellsteiy we sais the spîctil oip- por-tmnity for iner-ea-.in lits scîlvitles -.0 rrîi(al tait riettîs coîld nul s-c hetape iooms acre lIrtIput lu OP- berra ,T.tiounasud receutly we bas-e begîtî Hears Shade Approach. ethtc- manufacture of baîlkerr-hjcfs, Ju-.s as the shaujex cuf aritniese acre snd ce bave other- planis fuir enlarigfutg eîin doan axlnd îaîtlîîîg al tbe te sape sud iîcrea-.îî hecfilcc ibret- comen aI the scial club lmcc-i ut the plant. noui conitiiit u rselxes lue tear-l sornteoee -ometitng, lr- t îîthe original idea oft ianuîiaclutrinr- cite o cf e ours 10 the bouse. The laces aloîe. noise ceaed eily 10bezlu tealthilyý aI toitter uoor, ie -creen leur tI's tinte. Il xozm,uxd as ihough sunie cite cas irtiug ro îpen the' Itor snd luidnot kuow hbac. peuplie cita tell the star-y assert- Shode Ascenda Sta ira. The noise ceasefi. the leur- appears 10 have samg epen andi rlosed. Au instant iter the thie- e omen assert Ibat tey sac r-be glint ot snurses wchite aprou between the baulster- LOUIS J. YEOMAN~ t I d- edue Lt W ss et *ve, dii set * rejh 07b teluIco juilhaur Tis elm vu s ied cul » pe anitoust e t iasta leeVe the 1 Cr-y, but rai.. tinr.s.es-e nâme ur-I inter. Tb* aie. alme aifa&&lm-sez-1 ited laIe iionday niii Tnesday aionu r-as iade bettero tinte but vure lu met ase deiayed »everni Minutes. 16 la csled t6t1 avttcbe e e. romgly e0ceetajsd1 anar-led np tu sin shape tht b@tter service vas Impossible. A large force ai men Tueaday Irev avtehes bY bsnd sud .11 possible devices ces- use lai ieiltate traveL. LOCAL DO<MOCRATS ORGAIZE. Attermey Ctarnge Dives- £letd te Head Dnantie Orgas- astis., Candidate Stevenssn, a nommnes for r-he vice preaidecy of r-he Unlted Star-es on r-e democratic ticket, viS appear- before a Wankegan publie snme tîme before thbe r-rd of Novent- ber. The lomocralic rally cas bela Fr1- day. An organisation cinicit cl lie hncu asnr-be ryan-Sr-evenson Club cas formeti. Attorney Carence Diver- vas ap- painteti presîdeut, Arr-bar- ZtIsecre- iar-y anti Dr. W. W. Pear-ce treasurer. SeventY five attendedth -e meeting thal eveutng LAKE VILA BONIS ARIWSTED D'OR TiI!I' ilor.a Tructees. Evidence Not Sufficient r-a He-B"s r MM. Jobn GourieY, Mrs. M. . Per. are Turn.d Over ta Relatives.. sons. Mc. ('barles Wiibur-, Mns. Car-.__a_ rie HeYdecter-, Mms. ElcarI Yeoman. lea-oOI son. age 15, sud Lidy ady-j sase. loib of L.aeVilla awr-e arrest- AMella gsnocshy, Pouash qiuFet ofcd Satueuay mertlng en a r-arge ai the tii.cy ant i cie et John Soanowshy havlng sioleu s raulr-al ticket valuaI Wbvl te novservinguie lunrha Joiet at lourîticcu or litteen dlltars ireni peitentiary for bavlug asasulied sud the St. Paul lepol at .ate VitIa, lISed a brother counryman wtt a M'ben tbe case cas hrougbr uit forf leer batti, cas duel tccnty fivee triai IbIs muruitg lîtb boys pieass dell»andsudnsetolajailifor bavingn5ol gulty. The boys crimed thal ,,eogot 'lIn a dr-y police officar. tha> bal fottul ttc ticket lyiug ountae *peila resides ln the Bernstein flor of the lpet. serm et. bridge. On Satîr-day LIidy iiysaw la a pîplît the 'A: ~elpber pal gar- drunit sud star- leulale School at Chicago sud cas1 ogto eleen thingaup lu gener-al about ou on 5alpardont grantel luy tht- mu.- ýýj" plae. An onfcer cw" suinmoucd. niial icourt of Chicago,.Fe i-la iibe -MMa Benasky. vinaas under- r-e returuel 10 te sehool.9 llgdne. etrliguas-. iec t tha Officer Oson willl <'lIbhaturnel ccir- lu1 5 ho ge tteaipted ta arresI har- the John Worthy Sciteol or- to snuInn1 Botin cire lochai up anti ciea-ho bas offerel to care for hlm zxUvsy fined tventy Oive doal- lutita future. 1jý*4 ongl. Wm boe crafuse to Ttc evideuce agaiust the boys lîi b b9» Sh. cas lacked lu Vie nor- amount ho mur-b, titos tiis action upon the part of ttcelstes attorney. la "igcanaldsssd a toetgbIbe case cas Itrel hefore Justice b1v <lejocal poUne. Cilot Wm. F. Weiss. ra a"dsticks. The passage oa! 9ese ade cas so- mOpmie4 by a noise s aia rush'ng The visios la partliaichite aacended th. sasis slowly sMd It appearei. ceas- 17. and tmen a dean opened andd mut Tine vIsIon. the sinade. r-he astral body, vinsiever 1 vs,- bad entereti Misa Bos-ens iad roca. - Reuch t. e pIi. Tbe tins-.. cmn, a&lo!fvinonusac tbe shade sud heurt 11. ces-csurpris- ai su" puzuled. Mis Bava. bad at beeu leit aI r-he helspitl critlcally lIIL dangerauzly go. Nevertbeeas ber-e sine bal mast alked mia, tbe bouse sA" up In ber rout. The Id isonceau-adeteammned to fiud ont chat bad happeusti anti don- nlng crape hhey ceulta ibte bospital. Tbere ihay cene tlid r-bat juil ar- r-be tinte they had seen r-bestral projection, IdjeaBoSenz hati experi- enced a aluktag spel anti thal hope hail abmoalbeea sdonet. TheI. ncident la affered ior chat lt la cortii. Explalu It thuone viaco. Miss Borenz. Se*er Now. The Incident la poalévely aulbenlic. Wamau conner-led wcl$t, are uvwli- iug ta bave Visir names useti lu ibis *tory but the nomes are ounIle sud mnay be bail at tae cty edilor's tis& by r-he ilerealeti. Miss Borenz la ne mucb improved lu condition sud wcli recover. Beate A.& Ghoet Stories The stary celaItpdbhasts ail ghss starles an record. it la the first in- stance of an sal iProjection ever r-ecor-ted lu Wsukegan. A tbeosapiltis could gay r-bal MisBar-eux la asen- sitive andti -at lnluiiu s sha baipr- Jl-'tid r aura ta a distance 10nme ai ber nid surraundingz. WAUKEOAN DAiRYMAN WORRIED. Formter May Talcs s Seit at ilutMon, Who Will Force ln- Âllîougb Lakte rounty farmers bava nul atrnotînel Ibteir intentioans deSl- nitll>Itlntexspectal r-bat n nNovent- 1,cr lies' tbey cii uake a raine lunr-ha tirlu-- o<ifmutoluthe tiairynten of Laite d(tuttity. Ibis niave bas beau brouglit abotit îty the aulvance lunr-be luiSi af milk tlui liii-Ilz*ns aiflina cautiy. 1 dasir-n sryman chen inter- rl-est ui'!jî1» c-k by a Sun reporter r-i. tuaiw-I btcatiakastatement but loferr- 1 l thait th.-y expfetpi a vaise lunr-be trie. ocf nit oen i6ovember tieaI or vdtn titi-r contract citn the farinera lui r-e hast few iittht u.se baxve brought no ul îy sast-cilarge îîunibîeî Io cuir gener-lsi ale-iit,ii anu depart- aienlt saiesmen. a-ho coser the cutira country, tu sec tbe Zlot i Cty lace plantt.bol ce have brougtîpa sver-y large numuber of otîr cuslomers, who bsving neyer seau a manutacuiung pila tftitis descriplitinexpressel themacivea cuthusasaticallt -- h la or Intention tu, continue to flot only bave Il keep par-e euh cottemporaious mauîtiar-turng. bott o have il astsep ln alvance o! other sîtîtlar plantsa ai al timea. To that cul ce expîert to Instals large pcer pant la coniiertion wr-b aur facturiez bar-e chlch wcliimake for grealer- effectiv-ciesln manuufac- turc. Wa ciii lu the immediate future ln- atal a spriakier system ber-e. We bave msny tinas ln pr-spect, chicli Epidemiecof 8icknois Atiribuled la Talntsd Water. Siomach and In- iaestinal Troubles Prodominais Wells of Lake county art dry te auoh an oxîtet tat sorne.tor-mers ars driving 10 Wsuksgan and other laieahoe cities wlth water tank wag- ons snd loadlng up with Lakes Mlchi- gan wsater. Farmers lucky enough te have milsa bave plscarded thoen with signe resd- Inq 'Keep Away" and car-n ail offend- ara awsy trom the premises in stem- efforts te koep their water- auppiy for- human bings and stock intact. It la years sînce thora wu& such a dry apeli as there la now and great suttering la being caused. n Waukegsn one case ut typhoîi tever- la reported. The people are us- ing well water- and the water- ta an thîcit that it ha* been traîned ut tlith lhrough a cloth, epainingtae typhnid. if Kettosha taniter s se',agu pliliteil Wsuisegaîî drinkingwaster 10 uuch ait exteut that W'aukegan ipeuple aie ai- fictcd wltii beadache, stontacb ache anl ahat Is aliito4t aitt ttack oI walk- lng lx 1iold, ah is ixt thal ait cpi- dei e ofl t the saille cî,ltt lai nt ls trai el ltîg over Lakte cîuttîîtou,îtsldeetof\ au- keýgait? Kettosha adîltits Oit ilîst t t,i N ,,aagehas po1lutitIi, t1wlkeýit, r te sich ail extent as tiii tî,k- it un lit, sud It la gettral ltî Iîg-that lakte clîrrerîtsi-atrry thle tpolltuton t \Vaîkegau Now hoa ,se aI..-cotti ty enters anîdd caiisiat It b,,-.the stomach ache aise. A xisit madîe 10 sorne ofthe roîutx towns Moîtday by a Pt'N retîtrtier shows that 10 ait aaruiiîîg calnt te people ar-e auffcring wlth stontach sud IntesiailtIrouîblesanaid the reagon lsa a uzzle. One stthorlîr states îiîat the tact taht weiia have mun udry and wsîer for drluking is taken tr-om 1oiitted sources therefore la the reasort. Il is a tact that weliiansd water courses, have driel Op 10 a reruarisabie ex- lent, au mur-ltsotat there la tsar o s ester famine soon If te rain does not conte. Foieje@Orino laxative laaneranîedy, s&alanprovement on the laxative of r yems, s 16 dom Dfot gripe or nmuaS.aaisplaat to taie. it b - -d.-IaM- -B. -O- - - *Read the -* Etraordiaryý * Values Buligo 00 ohf 10 ü audy4âdNna oeHveE 100Nwol 237 utVle Ne alSye 0 L.hi u.S.na .iawd MSgpeil 0 1000 N Fail5 $275,SutVale ecFteal Syle oe ma aspecla Bl fo lagetPc 0*75 Taft re ues 0 v7a nsl ong at002Pan$2975 Sirt,i $500vane lne mtenal u 3.570207 _____________ Wc aE aNsPeU @ALE OF IIEALESTATE TO PAT State of Illinois, Laits, County, as. Iu thbe CounlY Court of saiti Lske County. Josiab W. Butler-, Riscutor of tbe lait*Wili andi testament of Issac L. James, deoesaed. va. Benjamin James, Edilb Sitidmore, Martbs Kelley, El. nier James, David James, George James, Henry James, Frankt Nicholas, Anule Chard. Tbe unkuocu beirs ni Heur-y James, decesseti, The unkuocu baire ai Isaac L. Janmes, 4ecoaged,, Caria Bristol, (ailies Carrie Bristol), Bell Waters, allisBell Waitcrs, Sossu Pelton, Jane Jenkins, Daniel Blipper, NeIlle Specitman, lassia Way, sud Filetta James. Petrion for leave to oeil real csate to psy debta. Publie notice Io herehy given that plîrsuani to s decreeoftsasie enterel Iiithie ahove entitiel cause at the Augiisl Ter-m A. D. 1908 o! ssiI Coîîniy Court, lte îîîîîerslgîîcd, Juaiah W. Btutler, Execuior as aforeiiaid, wiii on the i7tb day of Octoher, A. D. 1908, at the; iîîr- oftneeor-loch lu the arter-nooti lif said las, ai rtbe FasItfront t oorý of the Court Houa, lu the City of Wankegah, In ssii Laie Couty, silI at public vendue, ta tihe hlgbest auid beat bidder for cash, the, iollowing describeti r-es estate, itelouglng ta the estale of saiti decelent, to-cii: LaIt six (6) Lu Blockt elgbt (8) ln C. Fr-ank Wrlgbt's Aî.uîion to Liberty- ville, saiti -.iditiou beiug s Subdivi- sion of parts ot Sections flfteen (15), sixteen (16), twenty-one (zi1) sud twenly-two (22), ln Township forty- tour (44), North Range Eleven (i1), Jgst aifr-be Third Principal Merilian, Leke Couuty, Ilnis, as the lâme la platted sud recorded lu the Recor- ers Office o! saiI Laite County ln Book "C" o! Plats ou pages 66 sud 67, sitîtateci ln the ('ointy ut Lake and State 'ofIlilinois. Dsted Seplember lsAI. AD, 190S. JOLIAH W. BUTILER. Execîttor as atoiesual. Whitney & Dsly, Attorneys. 19-4 QuicI Relief for Aslhma Suifer-g Foleys Hcncy su ad laralirda itintei aiteli ef lii astiqua suflers luinbtheworst oatgesandîî if takîn lu lime will efecît a CUreI. FRiAxNK l i,0% ci. Shortest LUne to Rosebud Reservation The oieiîting cilthe Rîîseiul iteservatuin. l1i11 -S, u,17, nex t, w Iligivxc îîver ),1001) li-ele cae-i a chice larr nil iTri ti CotiutySî utui l Dliita, fior a tili aitrnit l-r aire. h3 l) ai res w iile1i usuel fioir settI l.-înt. Th- s iraii ing un1e of r-hae laritîs xvi tl plie f;i ail x-re uuî-111h I,andu halatie iin ilve y.arm. a'itliiîit tarest. (hAt1iilî and suif l 'îîI, iiiitlî Dakoita, are 1,Iiî,e i regiqtr-atio , ou iîh are iiîcat-ýd iin t1wIt i oîîr-it,» et -,PthIu feer-Citi0iuI r ii liag,-t Chicago Milwauikee s, SI. Paul Railway The hast iutbeftiaiîdsareioeate inîu henîrtîeru part ulTrip.1 iounty,eaasiiy reachad lroiîî lcîtitCHîAMBEîRIN ~sîi îand Pr encéa t the- drawiug la 0111 reqired luiho-a li,, irais lnaeutf theft larme cii ha îotîlledl'y umail. olr October fi, round-trip homaeaekarm' axîurolins ticketâ tu CHAMBERLAIN snd tu, PREsaul, South Dlakota, cii ha eoid at one sud une-hall of tha roguiar ona-wsv lare, lue 2. Tht- minimum excursion lare wiiila4 $9. lickae good tu resurn unr-il lictober 27ý Ra,,ebud lolder, caut.ainlng msp, aîtd giving full piarîjiulars, freon requst F. A. MILLER GRO. B. HAYNER <jemerai Pammenger Agent Immiigration Ageut fer Sur F'i s loig $i.76 Wbite Petticoat, lace sun $1.50 2-piece Hous Dresosaill embrnldery trîmmed colora, Saturilay sud Monda, WC Give What We Advertise yttWtS, 750,Cýoats ht W aists .ij y. WiII Surpass Any Bargain .ver Offred [ti- $12.50 Coal, fleaitti- fi Broalct ail sizesS 80'98 icoats, 9 ~ . [onday ... 0LO% $8.50 Long -oose Broadeloth Coat 4.98 calty of extra SUCeS 'women $12.50 Voile Skirt Gare Effact Directoire Style 7.98 $1 5.00 Broadcloth Suits, ail colors and sizes 9098 $ 16.50 Voile Skirts with heavy silIk drop 11050 75 Beautiful Trim- mcd Rats ail colors and styles, $5 vals. 3098 JRCHASES 0F $ 5.0 AND OVER ti b e b d