iedcid kid glaVes al .00. ne long kid cloves VI seeed ieS hiovas, , 36c and . large iai. of IWOe oes et ......... 91uo toi 4Sthé- bse 9"w 1.d ey sImfflyc"I't re- &W the txmO aIo ottbewoubdeed-at, fer certalmin lslethat (~r A0CLOTII blt back sÎd s e spendi q»gty fortu ulifa teture, 44 and «% Ioches 1. me .i$1 iANDOM T-AIL<I deOlT* - made1 tu the ver>'Bave styles.. aMaaY ofthe vith momedi and d nme satremis "Dire tolrte tndoncles1- tact you vii fisdb.a lItaI modela th"c* gppwalte thos. Who bute rutilons extret or comevtive ici te. Sut, thatoeili 1$16.00.,$18 ~.00. MA.~ 8 ~Coats, SURtS am Wal Ex.cegiotIaiy Ow uu ew i lý Over a Iloaga lisai rest t k 1'upu leegth. s-lite at the valet styles atudimt Mt te vlt il u ti elu hUips =4 full catie t tIi.DIsto _ee ftrings Shrts. Undoubtedll ther Mcd -gored aM& P=s -lu are the. muet perfect fitting andS oest. ' mau- popular coata lne . B.8. todqky. are aIl rou, tou te I wilThe.pricesamarefroin $7.50 10 $25.00. yards v ide Mdi de- LADIES' FULL. LENOTH COATS mll.ChRaipu xlAT 05.0-MaSe un froni splendId d an ane grade o!, black Thihet, bhaill lnod 18 ln bîie. bI'OUli. hI tat- Md ffull l.5 ermeane , cd gray. Th".>'en et moeealoaeî rmes e uover a doten dIM o.,mrs00.rtl timd epl&t- styles. spectl . .00. eui lot prieed apècisi>' for ae naiv: ~* i.a ~ at ......... 1 tm i stteine ma i deirabîspci oI -iti. Cottoai vul good% for ladiesell-~ OveS vaiste i.a Om-' 5ev strlpes maS4p. PUAA DE CVGIEN E -A .becutifel sutt aciftlatlig silk. it -fi--u 20 taches~ ,wSat, speciat value. for Opemiang u tai, y pud..891C _____ I s tock.f i*'We""ble WIU. 38 POUND INO Nt ltM4LINCO STItAN YOU WILi. Ilbat CqO" ce dreca. p o $8.00,Xotitted sud ecihinere cacques bath smort sud 1 ,shaWl*uIWbonn»tî.caretage robot. pinaula or Wittta Il otntsilaceas. diapenruie IMPAI4T'SDRU Sa - nDfu- iNFANT's coATs-Both long ly 15.tumde te er cad cshort made o! c e>' fine lu îotiithe . Md long sudas tb o! bai oredfor 000f TABE0F UJ..OTI iiPoM A tL.....A..... iirom have you the opportunity of conbetes tbqse tvo fea- *'fl ljaivcretyof styleet the dlfforet prime eveedtbem all. .1* lshardly c store ti thec omte thfit dsuesnot carry $260 $0 8,00 cd 18.50 chues but very few of hem "sY within 150 IW a5 perpir as mech ac vo do-tii. reanitts botter services *~e betievs that vhen a mon or womas pets bord earaaed mone>' Iohooôt teéther tboy are eetltted ta the. grecteot amount of service their àl>ous>' yl bey, v. are confident that If you wesr a peb oft choes j»Ü: comec from our tore-tie win be your et plceo!ftur. *0oe perchafes. lIOp TTAf AND CO- PIU ~CLOflh 1W tnOS 40 &401 machothm"g, o! ean>'y ever>' celer, teeuse-sof e mate <atures or ibe plendld ie uf %hou svSmar lptsyln< lcthe* ab ec- , on-the>' Coule lu,,lace or atton stylos uni lai an1 le, ters, the prtec s re.& onm $600 te. LA019l 4 ESA 0- Týhitet ofe te cpublie com- bine lie *rqctest amaouat of quaalty, the. best style., ced greater edaptort tbce maie>' esiiotioa tbird more ln price. We- couRS mark tiiem 12.qQ an# -louawould gIait> paf' t, but "r-ilyle au the- bemefit of" ..Uouu * Plain. fancy and embroldered. ev.rytltteg that 90111g ta b. correct <or. tai. Thig la boslery aed undeiwuS!r 4lg tlmbutii bers are some moaiey gavera. LADIES' LISLI 1MOUE- e regutar 35e hbc" vith,<ail ta- ahtoned ýfoot ced garter top, the. limit o! vatue a ett. price, tua acl... c * 10'I.S. Mil-lt I M COFFUS Il a ressue tsf't îonest declig Ich enabtes ais le coffea, ed the. advantagc !FFE TO «' aid not offer y0 t mthk culea ithi. o re ma*kiaqta The 'padris s ection la le Ccomplete reeuun for th. fal secam, vitlm Musdng. Forest & Ramez Nus'underwear-fes- trt« eO Wm mmdebidren. abS 'stifer uederwear for 8;4.ND COPÉEU lN A 4? TO OUR OUT Ir Tow#, CIASTomElR$ Th dry weatber aBd âthortage $iilk thz summer mnde o10w sale for mUk co and left thi. urgest a tarer lne . Ua . wttiia st&of o!air tlghtoolere ýbad Theao coolors are luai ut 50e oach. W. bal ý" nadrantage u, ua1aaL cM o adpurcheed a large AuÉ t t eile than mcMi- lcm 's cost. 1 1 1:, 2 he benefit of those wh igeS at the sane Urne 50 *worth of cgr. JAVA BL-END WORTH 40 we ensileS to Su tiis la be gvnus a cedtand con on orct foranimense qi bee cotraSt r on a Ca4 tvtery toc price.. Ob MUST et KEPT Fli poflui t on. tîme cere Il vich you caç keep t1 RpWAckl* tbRentaur out of Ë!Ittn la# he, tc uppli tueed a Cr Cana Ut.ND- eS yecrî bl rating of hlgb It gîves -And w r the aIr ly for 4 atomers Oeeurs» 41 beocua.It ite 14 very loy tuP WAUI~VOAN a - A N invitation ie eteded you beb pres- eilt at, Our Pall OPeniuig, Whinh takea Place Saturd, October lObli, and con- ti nues the eire followiug week.. Tht, elabo- rate, preparations made for this occasion justifie# its beaco am one of the Most, tiotablisud i= = pubic efenote bald tu lwàaundrng the . The G 1o1, is uudispuktably 1h. aéko o dged style mcbp of thé city, lbe headquarlsrsfe 19lthemot; depeiable Unes cf meichudis. -fur mon, womeu anud ohildren. It is detersmilé4 #o deulcsrale 1th11fal its Puprm yMore foioibly than eveir. Al # tiet a been enlarged, store servW iceàpw.Wd$ ana every effort eu)ployed to m tho>jghere a pleasure and of prÔfit.T 6.W< aeut »and akill put forth binke 1b, 0 otm0 sq 01 snob u-.iu~s d .urdsur flaMt Ob, marked eviience of theI g811% ness and enterprie of t r.coe. 'iied pronf of oui' bel»g a k<È ýkrea1ub mierohantile estblibw.t IIy v t he pleasure of your preaeli? corontie .olawmiu*recRes a ~ iMM (?) avA iwb àA>nel i tanoro h, bu gu.d WAUK!GAN BARD SOU. 8? . RDpnu ber pouâiifat e i poetfautsteat GraeaiAdewWltxpPrk, I2s Whers .ae@ hasbtao u sftmiattisuborg K. l.îoiin, ion city. 49. merIes.a ur.Nis' âaure bP 1The baciielors of Li b rtyville re- Frank RiaogSdi. fCha , ePPareatkf breoma, tlrPd î14publIic wort anad gaye@W wbe lir lve t bauw - %t h ber cently laid plans to orgnapize a 10aciae- tde Starioeaà, C~i g.26. fatmer.die j fa ior go. Lraig ut cr rClub alter the Waiakegan patterni. Abraham Bacing, Zion Cit'y- Net-,- tadw die soue 9 re tgo. ieil O . 0mse. aë,merrie hactiolorsaire w.--- 1Ie Anna HsmmL1apoawt,, lad. wimre aprogi i 'tig"N h e'Cad Whtuo u, n~a.g aaaawioW.* bbi* er-with fun atid lots aeBt es s~iàc1l calse"~ the. puboifce fr the petttwo >eurs. YoOnk neu, blvi ary MryNs 'NigeWbitomrbuhe cwys Igvd tu the; O tht l0 funnY, very. Harry Angers Alexander., Qlb»mee "voçlaty f Ure.ysicke .xtpt a foven >se sWOve given aili;the ladies twefnty- 27; Amella. .Tobnson, i7. mgo~~~ Dhesecsc>ei.ailgCl i,. enlaman eMartin, WanakonBc 96 legs. lb.hole c yOdeg a.aPaILOU)xe-, lalar clatracter andmd acreniar.1aaaet tani- However, bore the ladies licdnorne- Cora Martin., Roffdl ait, . OMC& &% vié. awai ,it.d 1r.the public tiiing h. say, te continue Us One. and ptm~uoo weh hst iseb«ld bu àadwir- a hall cet comte opiera,.-----ev1 by ho 0 .lita eki m ofChorus of oGirl. IlÉfiO A r lqâ=m lua *og abnugb Mas "Th*. bqye have cil gens bock o11 us. o- a *escciqfl %elea 1 fidîtaï n ull- '<pe,, onh, It le nmers*pPMO.) h 0 Popblite. It 1%a» tha. kPP "» fa ueil 1poae a siè flo ii4 =155&Sotur iW ta" m e br dealia <setaOtM r.lmi eufus c.tepblé ru " Wia wlhwh aicama.e. in ^r4 e lOvo e soft, sllght cas,, avPI 10OV ait. DLm..O u àm custiel, .Tbugb muieltiuaas.beàrraaad Or *ise mgeotit enlin*. ooumIlt, m . .I 4 ê4 by th~ ié WM* * tg O Ale taoeam But leversaorse asy for Lutte luig.10. 1Ivr.,g.u 4 bedpsIri&flicamea by brnom.A Aw i $akgn w' d* ow* eade W - eîtpro, A__enil &os la s a ". t dit e éa Ard thst wil causte a riffis." C IL O«&LLV4Y. joits iln i . IOMYacWelake re- Thon the. Lubertyvllle, would-be wvwà- m nom«0 faisi ta Imber cia 1uer due obotrM flacielor -Club heard of the. plan of ~ t 01t tg 5r. lua Ivluthe pubic @ar- ir esaiîr.UbtoI.1him vice. ww %ieil ise WbiUieare ait tesont- Cou fBceos M cra anid iappino,, that co h.ebeas i A srry. serry bunch of dulie artVis. 0&. a brighit and intllig'nt )uang' W* #5huU. ai ail theught 01 gay friv. LI K8l- -Wols stick coe ,teaOur hables. OvE, LAEA 0SUm I NAPS M . * Aien Bins. Or wsli fntMe rlskof raiots, eo -tula. md 1 p. Persoiasconteualaing boldingauction For t le'. iven as the sienofM tasai- DI or publie sale cfany klaad o ulo< ot t-he. liiVllUul foiept that th. IanDEE)nEaTfiv aScep-___i_________:__ P"lo dm .prija h.albille et ac roaunablio at three cheers cnd catiser. the lbOm À. Agoud job saaarânteed. beartu of the. ladies latlted at the . ma m SE~.HYATT -%%mse billas asaaialy furnhabed làa Iote sPair In the. jouIs of the. bachelors cnd CIVIL MNIR A9D StYETETO of 100 with 25 prie n u aevy card- tlb.y fe l tlceacb otiiers' arme ailItni lotvllILTi board and tihe balisns on brigbat colorpifbetYII01d T] 5 padtr ppr wbieb mat...là vers e- a banch. trativ, bill. Prieeceo extra large bille Grand Finals, Ofc lbFAKA~iL uinsed ounsapplication ik ibFtNEe IFi Ail bile printed ast thie Office wclii ho 0love@'a o IvoIy Malng lI any ktnd of Wast1 It. paiblisbed lia tti,.Isaaca-E.14ENTWr thutt wetter- extra charge. If the bll@ tire nfot prlut-d Cet togther-«ttogothsri lf. DwMo V. UT by oas' the. rate l lieseceatt» lier lin. for A fine thing sauoiety forbirds, of se- ElAPAC echiraa.rtiae., 'fus INoera'saK" Tbaitii.larg"ei- ciel f5thea'- Onk$ck.. etLuâ ACd. le tort eulation ofai" a3piper li Laka. e,.ueey DGtt Ogt>i...get toethrl SpeIal Aiteq"t W meticib is thIle 14t' and coverai every auot and.c-orn-r of IL We have dtriit.êtegaisins- UISIItilc If. yoat vent c socreful i t. na4a1aiAint no good aiôhow-daggaaa 1 - scie SalVartL-e la tue* paper. Yoae ciil net the. deaired reuita. Ta.iephoite >.u~r Sa get togetheri - D L VfflýNq order. P. 5.-Ths la mlghty pour verse but l>U MJ0 Feit Fram Building. think of chat they Atah nit aornetimes or k lan- IP.M. Whou you pcy a dollar cnd c aîf all rau8llta Report Tuesday state tiiet Henry seat. Jvl EnD r$'tmom.T Bravn, 21, sa enipoye of thie ill iCon- Use. P or-PlW l b structioa Company aett ii.naval train. IUEWL mo 15~S0 tng station, met his death by a fait John W. Lut. Wîao, 6 Mr (rom» a building li Chicago, fatllng Menseh, 21. D.O ~Ml m D twent-y- font. John 4 lno. aie 7; 5arah v ,u r p Tii. late Mr. Brown wuves wfknovpA,,mui 0 lai WorthChtcago.1'nhe trentaine ver. ieery O. Biddlecom, Chicago, 27; take te Pittoburg for hurlai. * gtuerin. Mroch, 19. ___________ jTomi J»bwmNV4, Keiiasa, 83; Tles Loical PolIcidan-,Of*8 2trldov 8 aretK bcdi. Wbat ve vet le more reai, live wr alw 9 agri a 'ts mowks fiblae up a bit. loir. 82. »Omme ont asca-tbat.1 rac la ompb Lungevica. 37; 3Marlio Na>. mo"re uh l ss'ms. 8@~Je 0.- ...........