Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Oct 1908, p. 7

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Look at -his! Real Moneýy Ulven A way lfrom now util JamnUanlst, 1909. we wjII give -one check valued et wltfi ecdipound of CofIee or Tea. Thisi. 1ready iving 'unoney awag. But to prove to you how much better our Coffees an-d Te"a really are than those you are now buying frorn other dealers, we are offering you this -liberal inducement to get youl to try them, kiýowing that if you try them we wilI have you for a regular customner. la odditlon to our liberal Cash Pize Offer we guarantee ý Our 35c Coffee equal to any other dealers 40c Coffee OUR TEAS 'ARE EQUALLY AS GOOD You can't aflord to miss this. Remnember if you are flot satîsfied we wiIl always refund your maney. P. S.-If yau are now buying from a tea andi coffee peddler, try our 1 8c cof e and you will find that as gooti as any he has got regardleu of price . je e -i",)Fi c ap J---- .-1. TRI......S. To PFeel Comfortible and ta look well, is the double object accomplished by out American Beauty Corsets. Ladies should take advantage of our cut price sale to, get these useful and essential articles at minimum prices. Comfort andi Elegance are uniteti in aur corsets. We are 'sow selling the beat of these useful articles at greatly reduceti prices. Ladies will notice that this is an unexampleti opportunity ta secure the finest corsets at the lowest prices. Odds and endis in 50c Americari Beauty Corsets we are closing out for - - - 37c Also one $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 Ameria Beauty Corsets, going for - - rca 79c GIRDLES FROM 25c UP. Smith& La vis Liberny vilk lei. The deausta#O ofl-1 uO-iid Ol tm»eeA.W a% Ibm but a DeS0 l eImber .1-vu m a Is OpOsWNe booksa aa1 of tbe vo lit alebiOur ttcuIfa7 hwy me~ Q< AN iDUEAL RUAN VILLAGI9 aid sor dot me you Lyle Bond left ion Tesas lait Mpudsy. Mitcbl's Miltai!y Band played for birs. W. E. Daviq le visitmng rejatiives the Market l)ay ctawrd and îlayed weli. lu Mnneapolis this week. Miss (lampiti-, af Riglilaid Park, visited ai- the home of Mcc. Johîn Fry Mr&, H. S. Hurîbut. of Grayolake, îasýt week. was a viMto-r hors Mouday. Att li en H. Miller. will speak at a E. J. Rouer bas sold hie prapecty on1 Republiî<.an raily ut Oewego,111,. next Brainerti Court ta Mn. Bader. Sai-urlay ight. "Old Sberm." the opticlan at Smith & Miss tiladys Blaklgy, oi L.ake Fortet, Davis store, Saturday, Oct. 24 io do ýV.dnesday boesa gus.ei-ai- i-e business. bone îof J. El Triege. tiidolpb LaFrantz, a! Wainni-, la, L. B. Hanhy c,tarneldr-ltI 'ay froum ti 'en, li the funera ibhlI)rot*isc-in-law a trip ta Si-w Yaiîk tate wl,îîce hi- pur. hice Fi îJay. ebae.-r,,iles apples. NIr. and lIra. Il IV. Folett entectairied Th i ilies of ithe Presbytet ian churcb a fici-v fnnde nt a Harvi-et Home dinner, c.ia excellent New Engîiîîl dinner ast Thueduay. L tu- cburch last Tueday e,',iiitig. Tie llly Pennirnan Pa.o as s,î Rld i-aMiss Emmert, apticlan, a ilil:e ai- the J Eli Trigan the tirstot i i -,k lfr Ncagtle hotel Saturday îili-i.coon, thbe Hutu 01$6,000. 0'.t. 31. 42 J, B. Jordan and family, of Chicago, 'j, lrnie G. T. Otun ai i W. H. speut 8utntay at ti-le haine oi M. and 8-kiiineî,,' L 1ake Fai-lt, speîitasit Fri- Mr.. E. L Dntoig. day ali-srnuoa at thbe home 'f Ilcr. F. J. Claire Shberman, a jeaefer focuîi-riy AIIi-ian. locaterd boe, washi-ce Tuesday looking Anu atGuâ1obile tire 'Li- 'il)with a for a location for a ci-pair @hop. louuî report iotu asoas ant id sur- The Lbortyville Fine Depactuierut aili prise of the large crowid oniii... e -teeton give a dance at the towîi hall on Friday Market- Day. eveing, Ct. 23. Ail are inviti-d. The W. C. T U. aili iuci- ai-thi-l'omne OldTi Tme dance will be gir-nli-lihe ofi Mrs. Sarah Mason, Toes'laî. O<t. 27, tôwn hal, Lilriyvill-, Friday, Oct 2.80 Suhjet Eliîî' aI Hi- Sate Gîren by Miicliell'e Miltary band. Convention." H. E. Berri-man, of Evanaton, ci-itor Th, &S-ptemh*r . ithe- Lake of the Farmer'. Voices. aa a gu"t at Couty Board 0i Supervilsîre iulmpois tha home of A. F. Sheldon laist l<riday." au inteirsitigaudin astructivt addition Austin Scbnaebele bas acrepted] a posi -t h aprti ek tian as sterrographer wltbthi-e Cocau Tire Laidies' Aid Soc-ietY aifi-liePreslby- Produces Refling Company at Wauke- teian cbucch wiil m@et at tlic oi-o! gan]. Ars. Van de Fry@, Wee,1faedav îteruoon, Oct. 28. There wifl hi- wî,k Wirt Wright, cashier of the Stock Yards National Bank, ofi Eat St. Louis, Spicial arrangements bai-e im ade spent Monday night wl-h bis parents tua ceiire full ecciion r5i-uci t t- hI- bers. DEPEND NT office ihi. yiar an il al - Henr Roes fil hrolzh he arnbll-tinred as rapidly as roeicirc fioor les@t Monday evening andi hop@ A. C Mrray alter tbeflrstîl,ii-rubi-r about on crutches wl-h a badly siprained wijl have charge of itbe branli "iliteso! an kIl. tbe North Share UsA Ce. at Lai,. Foresi-, North Chicago andi lberty ville.i- ailI Mr. and Mrs. James Sîmmons11, Mss probably move ta Lake Fori-t. Edna andi Mater Jamie Summuîng, of ' Corfos,, Win., visited at Hirami Lusk's J. W. Brown establisiled îî cciutatîon Supdey. as jockey lest Wednesday ai -rnoon whbc i- rde a Racky Mounitain nigbt- Mcro. Fred Croker, Mmr. F. B. Laveil inigale up Miwaukee aveijue itih a andi Mc,. Edith Warren attendod i-be grace and sastirai- wss irulv couiînind- Esutern Star convention in Chiicaga lest able. Tuesday. W. F. Kaoeon, Pcaprii-îîr of i-be An exceptional iîpportnnity ta pur- Lihertyville Batel, wassnmiîîond hifore chane at a gri-at reduction in prnes dry a justice nt Lake Bluff an tii,. -hacge ai goode aud other stock. Mas.. M. A. ki-cpiag bis saloon apen "n unîlay. PitOT1NE. The charge la said ta bave meatade by Henry Harvey and Oi-io Baldwvin bave Thos. Quayle. auîi-dthair iamiiiesand ifiec tati-- A wbistle blowing fond and Iî,iz last Hlarvey form ai-re tht-y expi-t ta ri-sîde Tuisday wfas the abject oitnii h uýit-rn n the niar fui-une. . toaail a lii beard t. The wliîi-ile vaive C. C. Traey, the willknown ceaI on air engine la the yards t t i-Le aid esiate man who nie Libertyviili- hie depot trîpped as thosteam -itni d,în headquactacrs friquntly, in speading and e.nîougb stee I remained ini the -li-ilec meve al eks bha. t Wt h u -e wlitle fors@mrneirime. Miss Fannv Lighbody entertained a aumber oai fn-nde ai- hec home met Sun- day i-rening in honor ai Miss Eden, Heu- sien, ai Cincinnti. The Daniel@ Comedy Company bas bei-a holding iartb st tbe-Uaion churcli Monday, Tneeday and Wsdueeday of tibi week ti-a iric ud ccowde. Bilas Perce anti family, ai whom MUre. Pi-mce insa gsaer aoflits. L B. Whitffl, of Lîbettyrille, have nat hbin heard it-ot Inces i-e recent foresi lIres. On accaunit af clmleng my store several aees dnrlag tbe wmnter manths 1 will cose ont my stock ai- greatly vsduced ptici-s. Mus. M. A. PRaaTtL The LadIe' Aid aifi-be M. E. ejsurcb ail i senti a baxaiftuit tthe ibe seley hospital and yau are invted i-o leave a eau ai fruit ai- Mm. Fred Coner's. This le thbe Tbant.giriag oftsring. There wlll lis a Democratic Rally at i-be iown hall on nexi- Wednesday i-yen- Ing, Octaber 28. The speakers aifi-be evening ailI be the Han. Western Siarr andi Hon. Dani-l Donabue. Al Demo- crtst and ai-bec, are iuvit-ed. Camp Vagahondia ai- LekeEara which bas bisee -h-cene ai many revels durlng the summner manths cloeed up lest Bat- utday for thbe ainiet- A large pariyai about fourti-in piople bas hi-en camping there ail euimuer and enjoylng lite ln the open air. The ente-rtainuient given hY the child- r-n of the Junior Leagule atthe M. E. churccblest Tbursday was very aucceno- fui. The prgram was lu charge af Mr@. E. W. Catro Wha letirve mui-hcredit foc ber work. Berebments aers served. E. W. Partbuci- bas sold is pcoperty an the corner oI Milwaukee snd Patk avenue ta W. W. CarrcllhwhailI take poosesslothe iSi-ba i-be coming moni-h. This Jsean excellent location and ane of thbe mant beaniutii homes lu Libertyville. Spars trm apassi[ig train tarteti avha prvedi-abe a had tire ai-Lake Blf rss no i- si-atted in i-bs dry grass west aifi-be tract and t wa by bard figting ouly iuat the ci-avoa hanses there were saveti The tire depari-- meut aliet by citi-Inus titi valiani- work. i <mwngta the numeraus anti aew fouati iends Mie Ruina Hensen, of Cincinnati, Mrs Fuira Thomas McCsig, ij-I ar-bmt,i andî daughtec,, MieseaMrva îîîîd Flac. eue wlo have hi-en euiumeinuc uitbi-HB. Wi. Folleti- farni eontb o! ti-ililagc, tagei-bir witlm lier nioce, Muss Flora A. Thomas. have returne tu t tîeir home îini Chicago. Miss Aima Blaiti, wbo bas c,sidli- for same tinie pasti-iibhi-r ister. NI re. F. J. AII-uiiani, 1f- ast Fridsy for Mis- saut-i Valley wbere she will visit relati-ire a short tme going frotu there ta Ni-w Hamipi-on, Ina, wblcb le ber homne. She wili go to NIllies Cit-, Mont., usît epring wheu Mr. anti Mc,. Alleman locate ai- i-at point. The first Liber-yv rlei Maret P)ay ai thbe sesan vwas belti under ideal candi- ti-lna and idi-al weatb'-r. The main part of tbe croavd did nt arrive uni-l aller- naon andt-hi-n fac a time business ave lively and a oumber if sales wsre made. The farmers are stilli Lusy but In epîte ai tiis fact i-hi- crowdl aegood aud the day s sucefes. The Giazier Lycmunui Bureau af Chicaga, will give a course ofai lvi enterntaents bers@ibis wintet-. TIi- bet t"lnt lu the cauntry isemployi-d y ibis bureau and neyeraI evening of cx -lInt amusement ars expecteti. They w Il inlude juhile singers, cartoonisi- anîd entertaluet- as well as s. leture or i obut nota!fi-be stereatypeti anti drc3 *ariety. Dates will be innaunceti later Thse Libertyille i- fii ocmsrly awuais hy John Ri-uner bas amrain gane lto the bande aititbe recel,' ,The dooc, aers closed lat Wednestia.,lbut opened &gain an Monday marnîtie l'y Louis Haines, wbo ailI continue Li-mss ai i-be icît stand. Rehabashc iiiplayed bheefor sane tîme and is w-IL kiiown. Jas. Guesi- i-be last propritar is iId ta have loft for parts unkuawn and lui2 -it ofaisame- thung like $700 appearH ini i-e accoants. John ltodalsky, a il iciian laboren em- plaet y Will Schti,Lr, at Hal! Day, stafe agold avatchi and îther aumal arti- cles from hbisehtIx iLre lest Monday nigbt. Aftsr au exciiiug-chus ta Deer- field sud back agalu Lie was braught i-o Llbertyvîlle and tried iilore Justice Wie- uer on Tueeday Moi-i-ig. Bewaeflonod $25 sud oste wbivb aiiiouuted in ail ta ovsr 1OU and per-mit-ied io go an con- dition thahslhiare Ctei'ounty. she will postpone ber trip te, Milwaukee C. F. u ghesInd, wiT iv e aCr," ti until the latter part of the wesk s a a daaqlbd, iigv ta requet on the part otfn-rinda. She finds' SocIialletImture at thbe town hall an Lbertyvile and te inhabitanta very Saturday svenlng, <jt. 24. Admission sociable. free.r8tibbsct: Trhe îîast, prmnt and futurele u race. aînîilng sventscnet Alarge etaek of hay belongfing to Chas. theit- ehadows before. Showing the mis- Dalton near Rondout cangbt fit-e from a sion d 4ssliIy af ail fratoinal orders passing train iast Friday evpning about and this eaurch. The interpretatlon of six o'clock and wae burned ta the lievela" anSd the PcopleWta The red gornud. There was about. 14 touasa-of Lbg. Affltkililàflag, Natiotnal and 17a- fiay inthe pile whloh burned like tlnderteualýMbo. As-mankind neyer making an illumination wbih could eeI ead O! ns, t st s et o! thla, t hes seen for mle am*nzd., flný,Ci9and her andub 5f4y 6,libon ara fl of uag c I slsIuir lai bm handluwai %t btr o0w W. tà. d tb*sP6&0qt mo*weyone i ru -iJ.e nsuce. phraant m- i ant yoqr b4b~ earslUl ai»p W" aPÇOW tend Rom tria wev united IÎ Mari«ae at thse homne af the brîdc'a parenta last Tbureday evening at seen u'elck. v. 1. Van de E-e, -potor af the Presyteran chu-ch, pe-- iforming the cremony. Oly imumediate nietuers of bath familles and a few inti- mate faifends wbo asasted ln the cec- mony were prefflnt. Miss Blanche Triggs aid Har-y Pester ai-ted sa bideomaid and grootui-nman aitiouk tbe minar parts, The bonse wam decorated in autuaini leaves which added beauty and colo, tu ihi- happy egatherîg. Af-i-r the knot had bien tted a wedding supper wam served and the happy pair departed an a bioneymoun of two taets througb i-amtera Cition. Rî,ss Triggs, son of J. li 'riggs, in a WelI knowu and popular young man wîth mauy friends whoalal unite la wisbinghîm mucb joy and ail thieoucesd- la the world. Mie May Pester le a ebarrning younfi rlady, and daugbter of Mat Pester, 5h. lia always taken a promnînent part in the soial allait-s of thî younger set and 3her sweet disposition hb.s.madeber many fasi- friends. The wedding though nat unezpected camp as eometbiiig oI a suîrprise the ar- rangements having been made very quieily. The couple will make their hm'ile in Libertyville at the home of the bridese parents for t-le present an-d AMr. '1'iggs wîll continue business wl-h bis father at the '1'iiggs grocery w-hers lie le a mont- officient meuiber of i-be 11cm. High Srpiool Notes. AIra Leigbtun cuti-ced the second grade i-is i-ek. (Gergia Fi-hors hb hi-ut onaiecho 1 fi-mýecthe iret of the aeet on account a!1 sielu nems. Mariai- Taylor is absent on aerauni of suctes. Lailia Attcidge waa absent two days due tu siknecs;. Sixt-en ni-w setis bave bei-n put in i-be lîîgh echool roorn whîch are munch ap- pi-iai-ed hy i-hei- pilis as i-ach oui- may iiaw bave a seat tauIiiiiielf. V ive seats baave bei-n put li-lie tiret roail ie. Carl Hulzlim-has bcen kept ouit part ai tbh- wie ta hclp nia, c Evelyn Trîggs gai e a silictiin on the pianoa rccently wbîcib was uuuch enjoyed. Blanche Suydam nas uit i-itirtpart ai tii- aviet owiug tuau an itark ai qui-i-y. An eni-irtain'uenti- y i-le Senior class i@ planned for the %eidni-say cvmnng befar-Thauke;giving Tucopçlayo, 'Frant Gn' Vie,' 'Parsonse' Pour Donation Pari-y" wîll hi- rai-ure. Ruth- WelleIsxvabsa1htt Friday due ta a bard cold. The i-ird year Eugiish clase are jugt campleting siome of Edgar Allan Poeso shortttîrue13. At a ni-ent meeting ofi-hi- Freshînen clamse tey voted tu purcbase black bats with mat-ooan ad white bande. Wedded 57 Veut-s. lDc. andi Mre. IL. E. Hackley. of Libert- ville, celebt-ated tîîclr llty.seventh wed- ding annivereary last Friday nigbt at e ciceçtion ai- i-e ru-ai-uce ai their son. Manning Tri-ad way Hackley, 421 Soni-h Harvey avenue, Ou ar ?tk. A numbet oi finonde of i-be couple w-ho attend th -e wedding cert-i-ny un 1",,-) were preseat. The ont ai toava guest8 lncluded Mr. and Main. Montgomery Kitchen, of Ravenswood, Mc. and Mc,. Shirley Higb, of Everly, la.; Mn. and Mr@. Frnk tlawo, of Montelair, N. J.; Mn. and Mr@. William Kent, oi Milwaukee, Mr. and Mr@. George Sp cagne, ai Kansas Citv, Mir. and Mrs. Williamî Baekiey, ai Wau- ti-gan, and Dwigbt Treadway, of St. Louis. Mathodist Services. ÀAepeclal set-vice wiltie acranged for theoaider people nexi- Buntiay at the mocning banc. Tho details aifi-be intet-- esting service have bei-n arranged by the Epwori-h Li-ague. la the evening the pastar plans tii preach i-le i-ird ai a seriesof sirumons on i-be subji-ci-of «'Tempi-aiion." The tiret quartecly con- fer-ar- wîli be belli ai- i-e chut-ch nexi- Tuesday eveiaig aid8 o'-Ilack with Dr. Cady pcc.iditig. Natice ta Credîturs. As 1 intenti gaiag away seoan. Idesirs ail aicaunte owing me ti-aobettied by cash or note belons Navember 14, 1908. My oailes leavec Lues store, lu my absence Lace & Ca. ailI rcei-ie aud receipi- bille. Ater thia3 date my accaunts ailI be tut-ned avec tu attorneys for collection. WARREN M. BHEATH. HanseS Wintered. 1 aM prepared tauaini-er hanses ai- ri-asonable prices. Good aarpi stables and cari-fnl ai-teiion. 100 acres el standing si-alliefor ihem ta tun la. G. W. BEtuoFRiia, Libetyrill-, I11. Phone 754, on the aId tii-. Mrris iarm. 4-4 Notice. Ail Cu-trmet-s aiug accaunts Si- My store aili please si-i-ile oui or belote Narember 15tb as 1 tiisire to close si- c-au ..ks uui-th, uneuter ma-tus. ýsHOEs LPley m chosE the r 7cd" oittroublein ahtc- lâc. Sec îhmh.t icwers Edmcs.. i t-choc "a" Lit the fo rol iw u i ould - and ahi"-w. fire toc. hwcsn longcc. Mcdcsdh-Rc& Hcff.aoI h .kos~~~~~~ý.1 F.i. <oricS 0cl ii SHOEý Paets.Ic g. a ssrewslm None genoine un!, bearing aboue brun. on aso. Auguat 31 t. EDUCATOR amE OMMMO C om oe b-ebwoefwbbm The fines( oform shoes made for Ladies and Gentlemen. The best value of ami shoes on the mnarket.- Maog other lEmes especiallg selected for i The Lake County National Bank Il j lias a separate room for the use of #te customers; a place where tbey can moet friends for business consultation. Safety Deposit Boxes for Reni, BAR OUJT THE LONGO 1TE, With a Heating Apperatuswhm ptie a. wlM, reach of a11 A steel furnace sud jcW et hix-room cottage for $32 and a eut ikmu âj, nace for samc for $40. Som derier. .w* xnend steel furnaces becaum they are champ buy a furnace that is ecoaomy end lourev.,ê and make no mastake by buying an kléalior Boynton furnace For sale by A. W. LICHTFELD Dealer in ail Kînds of Heating DevCes LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. MliasNi. A. PROvu NE. Oaing tei-be barber abopseclosing ali-er unuday, Oci-. 18. E. D. HiUIIIIumu, Neadeali-r.S P P - 2 Notice. Waten rents are dne anti muet be paiti 50 wai extra large mte VWhie Md c'M ma bv Oct. 24. No rente ailI ho receireti &iter 6 o'cloct p. m. O)ct. 24. the 5000 cae At*ction Sale of Nashtia. Wç.Ç EABL B. CORLEuTT, Village Cii-ct. York. nice clesa gootis on whlch w-cm, aui ONE THIRD, o wtydollars' ion evidences $3 anti S3,25 White ati Grey Vod MiNU Mà Cnr &ypersan ai steaîîug pp very heavy, leel lihi the finea t m -oo 1c. on Mny Place. C .CP N. $2,50 White Elan&ets.12,4. lagmsthkMe*ts YM i CC.Cr..u.MaW.................... ...... .... I U7Û. ana Mr@. tillasWriglht returued $1L35 Dark Ge'ey ad [)ak Tan Elakets... lut gaturday ahi-en spendiâ tarse weesm aM the hotue af 8. J. Youne ln guelphs" W- Dakota. Mr. Wrlgbt broughi- bock sosmamot canmatident anti Inflan com aboli twelYs luches ln leagi-Is, fna and oua bi bla Iau exosuiebt ehowl»g for tblq'oemltv whWch la ot a nts4 mmor@ rglo. Alwso sine large potato 8 I WbictiJi*bout 150 busbek m tbe éeW , btýean eugroavu an Mr. 'IomIin' -AT T w, 4o'i» tounit t e.s2.1 . >4 SmUer dzes, ffl pok, 60e màd .................

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