ke ANQRVy 3F STATEMENTS f vçr llped Hlm t édTht He Do.a ,ng lJnalded Joseph Medili Patter- fue vatby Chicago ~llawallnked yes- jattempt of Mr%. H. E. mm. Genevieve Cband- uver, Col., wlth dyne- dclaed that Mr. Pot- ir lterary aaaoctate. in- ~ding ber va eought f!Denver, wbo reqos~t- '.go police ta invetigate. , son denled 'even kuoviflà an d hdob bad neyer fh until ho read the storY ýto extort $20000 tromE t.Friend o 1Hie. 1 ve clboated wth ber y.r-., a W. preparlng a soacialaom and society." he lobhe represented herself as er af mine asdl lo ei - Isoclallt leaders ilu Obicago -. thy k...w nthini of the , d.Z oreedthe belle! that s aPttOl5a'name to iend t,' li oatt nt that abe vau - i*:ter. t vp.5 ber re- estht lobe'vuaaspecial Int.rette l th lMr. Patter- ~FpTD kaon sociallamn éty tat yed Mnr. P1ppe ber te erideluthe automobile. the rid, ahe made ber demand tansd tratened ta explode TleN a Rambinil $tory. D»ever police reported tht untold an incoherent. ramb- umaaeaWry story. osa't knaw vbo 1 arn; 1 dont gW:bere 1amn tram." ahe imoaned. in lDenver tram somewhere '«set wth Mime. Leroy. She had 9es influence aver me and saad volbe1p me. 1 met ber On the 4 21 wus once ver>' 111 and nearly ei bmailfeyer and becaine ae- xed tathie une of morphine. Kms XLer« ' lira. Connes gsto.'iShe vas ging to cure aiit terrible morphine habit. "v that %ho tld me tu do thinga tht 1 tt out o da thezn, but )lt renuinhr vhat the>' vere" , VU3*el Car Fae.R.tinded te- Out-of«T@Wýr'C0 Purchases of $5A0o oOVew ÔPPOS ITEI LYONS STORE _____________________ r WAUKEGAN, or b L ALTÉIKATIONS.,Î, 00 - ail * ILLfl~ *1. 'Il' ENESEE STOIr : near : Washl ngton ::Street : LIgk01-y BtaIIding Fprmehed gon U. aa.tyTtéé and ?gTr"Comey Aetreeta 01 Ti"is. T ilp w e M W4 la oleTemple Nov. 10, 1908,- Ja M rDenasi gandl but. ta C- W. »~uieMoylot r>, block 3., ighlsnilPark. tidlgt of vaky aver lwet 10 tt. lots 1-#M 8. S block 3. W. D., $300. »uMan IL Rche lu A. H. Baker. utwMa hait lot S.block 39, KHigland Aark. W. D.. »0.' 1 Iaitoank 1a,1IÀ&e Vrest ta Krî- til. Jau, lot 44, arase Bay' add. ta X* .4 rest. Dom, $700. l ary j. Weyh* an" bus. lu W. B. Beoriog andal te S. hait lot 2, Sec. < DetBoton Tp. W.D, $600. L. J. WUlmot and Miss Lauàira&s way t. b. Claited ln Latter (Frrom WeduesdaY'a Sun.> 4 .J.wilmat, deput>' circuit clerk, and san a! Deput>' Unitedl Stateî a Mr 114111 Wtat, mai ilsLura Brock- Isy. d&ughter of Circuit Clerk aud Min;.1, O. Brockway, viii be nte la'nauriage ai the bride'% parents$. iodmne at the cerner a!f Iirat sn& iuekory streots aome Urne durlug the ateor part cofIlocember. the annoupctfleft came as a nitr- * C o trol thir mauy frIeuda wben it frtbocal» known early thia mae- tue. Bth are val kmaya tbrauh out the dagut> and, la this cit>, both bue- I ng graduatea of thel.Waukegan higb - -Ur. wilmot la depat>' circuit clek wa* Mua r M. U . BrackvaY. Mila» Broakay la a cbarminis aciety lead d or and a wUlllnX varker lu the Inter- *t of o the Congregatloaia chflrcb. NE14W SIJITSI. 14*w case fileal in tbe circuit court * Ia atpunion ere as tollova: obtS0p-hTle sud Trust Company,. <toges. vs. Walter I. fitga, bill ta (OW -eff Tide snd Trust Comp5uY 1 lAbt . Pagat, bill te for& t»a* e ooutblag dolais an o< I » a eteùd tbe aie r acIluilIin 1evidant à&e t IiunBadar of a & ~1 W. ôen's SuIit I ômen's Coatsi IDresses, Fine Frs i ICostumies, corsets]i F7 New Fail Skit I New ali-Waists1 I liuse Dresses I I Kimonas I Misses' suits I E's' CoatZ Mlllinery -j IChldren's Garments I AND I-UNDREDS 0F OTIIER TIIINOS ,-ALL WJLL'BIL SQLD KEGAKDLLSS 0F COST M. M We -are-,qi are goingi W-antied At 25 A&RdSal Sakqiris 25 AMtiomi Alteration Hands Apply At 0 . (JET ALL YOUR WINI ms A1TED This Sale ,ethe pùbltc time-beflIt5of buying of sçllhn tbe stock t act-iort. ls sIp~rtsubtat ever happeoed., STORE for Ret Possession can be given ln ashort tie. IFixtuire,%for -Sale D. tom st ce M nt, qu uni CII of su eii bu ti Air A RACTION Of THE WIIOýLESAL 1 m ý 1 1 4ýýj 1 ,Millinery