sr-ou cmduos mlcem" cevomudi on -B n ede ai--u t e Mt ew me on. fmncluh . T'l t in d a ii k la mpe iec~n.danger-Mo muni ba-, beasuse id the seululci dvis àdw t9 hat ltslm édi~ i. DÂiihLariruqlmhaue& iu. Abcneaudsinew. rfine. (molasses) element in' just the exact pro- [>rto make the anlunals relish it. At the amre ,bcing ail fbcd kla asiuy digested and readily auetd. Ninoýty-eix percent of the ntrient ch.s- to o Sugarota, Harse Feed are, lully digestible o ta develop Muscle, energy and strength. Frce weed aceds, the. Manure fromn Sugarota Feedsiîs an Wtir=zr. Ail Sugarots Sacks contain f ul weight. Sugaroa Dairy Fecd, Sugarata Cati!. Feed, SuaocaHose Fend, Sugarot Shcep Feed, Sugaroh Swine Fecd, Sugarcla Chickau Feed sud Sugwrot Caf Meal sac baluansd mixe-t, cach for the exact purpoue for w"hiti is taiec fcd. FOR mS£ SV HOME LUMBER COMPANi BER. COAL, GRAIN-AND MIL.L FEEDS. seL ItTY VI LLE, h£. W i r ?4'RTHERN NIBý, ËSXICO IRRI- os ARE IE BMS R. 41 ~I LAHDPrimfBPUI.H 1'RANK L WOU ê&COMPANY Suite 40 121 La Sai* St. CHICAGO, ILL. w M E. WIRE B« IS0C457. Ub.r4-tyvl. 111. *1 Mortes For Sale. Mannie!,Medow Sltock Faim 19~ miles niaitii ofWanconds Ilii, boa. cotantlî en hmdnd af or sae eta lowut market pries a laige stock otfc&U ecim ofo bora s itable for the. ro"d sud .&U fcrm yack, ario n sd draft geSw ansd seile 4romu 1100 ta 1000 ib. Prie@ $80 ta $M0. No plut Came t. moua Medow oue t boiuswosk ou tbo. fam. Aui olmated ,' coldnor adele qm.AU gwa- -Moad on e#ye=a à Irs.. .1. Busv. Il -Heury Rudlpi AmanU WyUl ual 1e triai aI this terni ai the Circuit court. Ris Cbicaga attorne'y ul requeat thatI tie case be cotlnued. sud il vas re- porled Ibis mornug liaI State' AUota-- ne>' L. P. Ranna lul net iold suy ab- jections. The criminai danket 1s larger tala terni tian usual. Teme itciel cas, siolud b. trted tais term of court. It la doulniful vietier it vilI ever b. clied, bOy- evers ai l aem 10 bave droDPPed le- teret lu the. cae. for Judgs of th e Qýrouali ourt. 18 RaUlfM4 byea PeiliMotSgeib? Mumbru o liewSa. 1 Carle W tltuey, 'oe of the Sde» ce tic Lahee ountp' bar, tWs>'lare- of the*bar forme. mcmouo ii self sa acandide for JU> et tbe cIrcuitcourt ofai 0wsVeateclth ja- ticlal district fiivnig are lhe petiution aeS b>' membwet thle bar for lb. Lak coant>' a»datead igSils vu an- We, th undergigiied mrnbers of the. Lake oouoty bar recoguize the tact that litigation ta on thinirese lu thii. cuty and that t the proeult 1 time, aud for nm*ne ime past, the i. r- cuit court docket of tM! A wunty? la the largeat and 'ii~t Important of 5iiY ln %his Judicial itrict; awlng ta the. Incrased lit4gatIin, *0 feel snd b. Ueye hbat lmke couati7 la eatltled and ought 10 bave a redêlt JiOP Whio viii se shie to sive more ot bis ,tlrne ta i thei g 0f cout i tIildtSii i TW»Poe *3h4 *tv ", m+k stand bow il vas oveilookeil. Here is the alatemeut of affaire as given- tae PUN: Siiurtieff gaI credit for 145--should biave recelved credIt bar 207%m. Stearus gaI ciedit for 194%--siould bave received credtt for 257. Anderson got, cradit for an is tire. ah a time votes-1016. j This latahe only Imigaske thug fat uucovered lu auy poli boak. The re pubîlimu lelislatlve candidates dld dlot even reebive tre.iit foi lie 181 stralght beflobts ty gol vien th poi books ver. inide up sud tht errai vas duplicata&. mana wit M 01Off t. Cet Paper *we tsgo M Mlad Train, goit and Sustabmid Pi-mtur. Leaptag fýoM -a faut Moving Irai on lie Nortivegtimnirbad at Dayi Meet. »vanston, to be vili ber sveet boset. vie mie tllauqbt hm 1inû thé coach. Dortiy ffdwti, 18 yean bl&d d tuehr of, irmtyParents UT ing ta =Iun, B0, and a student'b tiriy Hali, Lake Forest, recelved In urie. froni vilchitIla 5belleved aiq tiii die. lMer test becanie lsugîed lu he shirts as aie made the lump, sud ai, bit. upon ier hecd viti great faom âSi. vas plcked up gnco"usilupb>'W B. M"ab, aIea a stûde-il at Lai Fbreet vith vhi sic vas au io va> ta Chilcago, sud vas laken ta Ih Uleplee iospllal.- Physlclanis at tbs bosPilal said lba h ý cult. pr.oi!' ad been fracture sud tiâtiah. baS hufiered Internai l i...Mrquis wu n niri> cia» viii grief au ie Pl*" p lue gir w. ist ereS aufflDy >'tel ' r a i d i & v e r n t S V n t o # i ta I 9 » 6 ' Ive vouai'-Çetdo t*4 Trtnîn, f ~ Arbeautiful level coi f. A tWentll.four inch ri d ing month) which lis the d StatesuWeather Bureau. * An IdeaClimate wil f.canplaw all te year aroun f. one hmsin ihe North, whg which'in borieicial for 0aId Id A Trqht Chocolate 1 :7 Capableaf prodUCing aen kir e * Thweverg beht Sot 4.rangmng fram fllhy ta oehi An Ull !ruit 1C«u T~minent extperts ta o. ethe >*can be raised all the yea rc * Corne dawn with us o o.4, hSante Fe at air eat à di I re true. Wmntèr wet et armari there to ascortain .d Coin, Milo MaiMeý Whia4 y. reglize that this is lte ideai landae are all well 1octe h* praxizty to the railroad a ýe trip lare [ram Cicago and cef to purchasers. ~ For further infarmatic )a* THEÉ-LOCA' lu- &646 FIRST1 iel-" I., te., Of Are the necesaities( reasoh etnollgh for ha, electric light, an cleci trie toastér, chafing lator. They cot yn and every day therea trouble an 14ORTHI SHORE 30 N. Genesce Stte-t of todUy. This b ving in your bou»e trie flairon, an eisc- Sdisi, eofcee perça. i what they cost us, .fter you save time, id , money.- I!LECTRIC CO. VAUKEGAN. ILL I4'tQoii mi11 iidireg n ii. w~ atn o i 1iI b didte fo illiStin change rom tenevadealer. Heran et tii, ne pit u a r5i for ou0.'alter It snd jumped an the. rear plat- _______________111___0a ___ a1ti pjuipations ta bho fled tfaim. IjDG!. W TI E at thi uai judlai eloctlon. Wiiule the.train vas galulug bead RJGIYws MseStoddard leaped Erlh ppP~fl~4G JIDC.i! W. C. Upton Wm. H. FabrY, 1 ou. I fMsomti o tn e otcu Hanna, Ben H, ldillçr, Lewis Ir a on ber sirt as aie turned a iiall ioo*ffd Im A pae-à sou, J. Dl. Pope, Charles B. Leauder, somursault. Prior l toite cr0ss exaiaini5lf ! HKig al ls .F Marquis dropped o0f the rear plat- the, prosecuting attorneys, Judge CalsH - ,DvdfleWFfi ~as sie tell. Avmnin ýhe de-O Wrightl iully explKiued t he ie ttle Wls .T sdckr ae 0kpot uotitied th. police, and anabu* girl the l ss onls it ifilli as taug hl lu lani U C la ke, E. L. U P o n ai d H . lans c v as iiurried ta te Cr us . By the. bible. Tien the girl, toak the Jackson, C. N. ])urand. c. C.. Cape. thie trethe. officers arrived Marq'uist 05111 vljii fo on~ e, F. S. Munro, K. R. fimoat, Er'etvssmoIhseicl ed udrp Tbe rèvelatious w c,)OlwgrinC ek oaepodil te girl ou the. groundan u$a caused the 'specîturs ta denounce thie S- Gail, M&ri .DceRrc sobîug wheu tva policemen grabied* prisoner lu starllig terms and ta Wrght Cooke. F. Hermon, Gade, Phil- hlm and placed bui n the veblicle. vow vengeance 1siould h. be Illerated îi> W. Motiierell..V BeClie.21 by the Jury. F.. deuied the charges held 4giust land, Etianan W. Colby, Paul Mac. CHIRISTMAS STAMP * bis, snd' brauded the vituesseg as a Guffiu, S. Hl. Kennedy, J. K. Orvid, A. bunch f artai. P . Beaubien, Corai T. Heydecker. Di L. TC AID GRfAT WORK *@ F.. lu his introductary addresé ta Joues, W. G. Slrong, Benjamin Parms- the, Jury made a statemeilîtaeth e t .Ewrs .M Rnad i .Dlwr teFrtt r tWi fect tiiat Mr. lRushiallie ai Zion,. su lu-C dadP.N.Rnad .K .saehcFrtt r lWi terested persobage lu thue, asia Stearus, Perry L. Persons. B. V. Orvio, Perfect Suceute ln Raiinç e',nov offred th draP all prosecution iollow- Clareuce W. DIveyr, R. W. Churcill, for Great and Noble lug hiei arrest provlding F.. . would A. V. Smth. H.' M. Bacon, Evereît Mil- Cause. ps ahlm a large seulai mou, y. Tyhi1.statemeut la beleved asitalon lard. 4George Mason, Raiph J. DaÜy. bey tiose via are iterestedi it the -Wieii people lie up theu Christmas case sud wiio kuaw the full particu- Ponsdant te lhe desire of the memn- packages a fev veeks beuce, they u ataesAttorney Ranîut lu ie.clos- 1bers afl te bar af Lake county ad t may have contiuuted te Ithe move- bavliug biangiit so disgstlng a cas ai the, caunty, 1 have coucluded ta bie- stâmp out tuberculosis. tata ta. public cort bonne. camne a candidat, for one ai the tire, The Amerlcan Natloual lRed Cross À large attendance, camPoffed or circuit ldehp ttedsoa fsceyo bcWlimH atI Ziùnles, as e thetria thi mor . elegs! votera oai tus judicial dis- president, bas ialloved th. el aio Attorney B. J. Reydecker vas foie- trict, Composedait f tii counties af Denmark. lu establishing a Christmas ed by the court tealad Fee lu is de. Lake, McHenry, Boane and Wiuueba-s- asp. The proceeds are ta io deval- to» BcaiiRolmnamember ai -o.1Ido li aller ascertaiuiug tiiateaitethie work oi vlping ontthe itei the frie love econay, testlfled under a veiY large mtimber ai the. votera ai plague. The tirt place ta lry thie plan oath thiat tiings 'vere happening lu lhe 'district oulalde ai our cauuty, au lu tus Country vas lu Delaware, and the. fath home which did net meet vieilsas tie votera ai thitacauuly, are th. sale af lhe stampe vas se large wiii hle approval or thbiee-wiio vere lu laver county iavIng repre- that thua seasanthie Society La goiug net tomates. Judge Roabert W. Wrighit Tuesday tentation an the. circuit beuci. te make a concerte-I campalgu lu e,. et solde thc 'airder of conviction CHAS. WHITNEY. ery tate lu the. Union. upbeld by Jndge Charles H. Danelly________ i.gveueta emr u10 lu tc cae aiAntdY Bemic, vi'> uued a Christmas tamp, bearing tac vas indioted by the grand Jury ni thei S O ES1VN T kii 1. adtewr 00101,r terr a!fcourt sud wv isi-lOS O YN T kngsia n i.Danimi wr gullty befare thc Junige t that tie. DKCIARINÇo IMSELr "Jule," whilci corresponds ta the. Bug- Attorney Martin C. Docker ai Norhls u.Ti sapvsntgo Chicago diaid au affidait reccntiy ihYl.Tesapw ntgo vith lhe circut clerk ettIng forth Uccaume Je. Andermon of Lake For. foi Postage, but simply as a "sticker,' ceints vhlc# provind tiatIthe. boy dd telt, t prohibition candidate for roi>- for Christnias lelters, postcardsanad net uaderatand wiiat ho vas dong rfflntative, advertimed liC. candidacy packages. The. proceeds vere used ta viien ho PladgnltY te theac ihu a aliawre ullahspllfrcUde ufr Schwartzanad a second youh ai Wau- 'Ih lteating whathi otc@wrbltahspa frhldesuern kegan ver, Iudlcted on larceny ciarg- votes that ho miglt have obtained from tuberculasis. Deumark stilI con- es. Klemicii yul eter a piesaifnet vent te, hl& brother, Jamais Anderson, tinues lie slamp and Its sale ha. guilhy viien reauralgued b> tiie ceo*urt. and cased hlm 'toiun wsy shead of doubled eaci yeax. th. reputlican ticket , n the rucent Amsann la Grsnhed sà Contlnuancc. election, thie voter fnt notîng thal hc Heury' Rudolpi Aian vil! .uot b. won' rsnning forcounîty survsyor, D ..1.mAm.s... un triai this terni ai court ou a murdeî horr1 charge but lustead ta. case peuding hnorry job, instead ofrpenni against hlm vlll be.calied tu Decem- tive. KulkanPlede uli>' accotit for tae large vole ai Frauk Kullksu plead gulîty 10~te a. charge ai graud larcen>' thzall ier- th ait vote, polled b>' James Auder- U u sooansd vas stuued te Joliet son. R tanunt saaYig Ihat hilsbrother I H peulteutlary-..Joseph would bave von lnthie racé for Changez Action ln Case. repZmenetative, but merel>' that votera John 0'Giàdy, Iadlcted b>' lue grand conuised the. tva Audersonsansd see.-f jury ou a Ciarge oi rape. plead guil>'tagt.nm ueso uterp te0 a disorderl>' couduct charge Monadt> henm'Adrono herpb ailernocin wieu arralgned sud vas lican ticket sud remembériig tae ' fined tva iiundred dollars b>' the. lach afi a statemeut oi political party v a - w A court. Untfi 0Grady pays tae.fiue he in Joe Âuderso's advertlseiueuts, " I IF A - L A wilI b. canfined inthe .Lae couuly . - jai!. Prenant ludlcatlonz are for a thougil luat Ibis muet b. the mnu ___A 1 tire, or four year confinement. liey wlsljed ta vote for. Ask te QuamhI ndlctmente. ________ Attarulys,-rvis and Ruuyard Mfil motions ta quash hihe ludîctment lun R O NRT R S f ceplnswihw th amng thre s> a oud iaien -R R INROUN C eg.g»tpotnt Mrs. Bosuowsky and Thomas Wnls. mIOM LAKE !oir!STrceplnd hc the circuit court docket Mouday ver, - qualifications néesr for i found the iolloving- The sensation of the weekasr- ncs.y i People ai -the State ai Illinois gards ciection returne won the dis- are being sald ai ane fifth of againat Amaiela osuovshy snd Thomi- nover y that ln Shielde 1, republican & srîdacivtdt owt as Vente allas Thomas Wenlce. legieitive candidates voee net, is l th O-e niedt o ik t.arceny. aileged, ceditedi wihh aul the votes ltef People et lie State ai Illinois which they voie entitled, Stesrnmsand F N L r agalust Eva Evanek allas ilva Israel. Shurtieff bing .ntitimd te cvi 100. -C AL E Larcen>' . -Wiat tealilnk ai the "error" tan A'- People of lhe Stale aifIllnois derson'a ovu tovu, the City' o! Lake against Tari Cosaazo alias Turi rFiest. la mare than Csuvassers Weiss Chistanzo. Forger>'.PA I ii' Tiomas A. fivautan et ai. -vs. Cath' sud Chiurcill could determine. P N erne E. Swgnton et ai. Bill for par- 'Tie mistake, vas dupllcaled lu tva tition. polI booksandsud vsfa such a nature 4 where wc can demnonstrate t It wiIt pay you to look over our Une¶? of stoves'belore you buy. We haveithe Stewart and Acorn line of Oaks Hiot R3lasts Cast Ranges Steel Ranges Base Burners Perfection Ouil eater I S CUMAN CK BROSj MAKES MONEY NOWADAYS 4 MAN WHIO REALIZES* W< AND WMErï TO LN OPPORTUNITY.+4 y nowadays and the only sale one is an nvestment in ill double in value within a few years and there is onl>y 5d States where there is a combination of ail the dcsirable 4 i good home and an ideal farming country. where lands )their real value. Ail wishing to have this fact demnon- th oui <CURSION NOVEAi1BER 17 + IIANDIE 0f TEXAS o you that the following facts are truc: 4 untry, geullu rofling, no rock or timber to deàr; 4 ainfalit (eighteen of which [ails during the six grow- 4 average for the last fifteen years according to the United 4 îth Pleasant Sununers and Cool Nights, where one 4 id, and therefore farm wath one-third the expense that 4 oyre Malaria is unknown and where the chrmate is one kids of hmng trouble- LoeinmU toWraugingron% two and a Wallto, six f cet, inds Of cope abunclanity. 4 tWatèr gou ce* ilnd angwhere, in unlimited supply 4 tmred qWventy feet. ettrg Oàd a couu t at15prowooocd bg Goy- comng hag coqntey af the United States s there hopu.4 round'wîdtha efichoiema on the 171h in our special car which leaves Chiicago> over. p . an sd we will show you that a&l of thestacint . sa laoking. ine and yau will only have ta taikwthhe4 1whit fine up. they have been rààing of Com, Kaffir 4Oate, -ftye, Millet, Alfaif a and ail gardai pmaduct a ai Io<±atio for a RosI Estate lnvestment and a home- Our 4 d ini Randahi, Swisher and Hale caunities widhin close nd the prices varying from $17 ta $25 'accarding to the 4 s. We cari make sp"calpiçe 'on large tracts. FMund4 dreturn $30. We furnish free berths and refund car fare on write or phone 4 TOIRS' LAND COMPANY 4 NATIONAL BANK 1BLDG.,CIIICAGO. 4 -rELEPHONE RANDOLPH 076.