Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Nov 1908, p. 3

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4. TLETSALE! $22e0002 WRTI $2OO WRI 0,F MERCLIANDISE OF MERCUANDISE Bought f rom the Manufactur- ,Bought f rom the Manufactur- ers at Less thain Cost to Man- orcw1 rs at Less than Cost to Man- ufacture : ufactu. - - - ThisV andS.ê II!Ihi For the second time*the Globe throws its doors open to the most stupendous and stirring sale ever inaugurated in the City of Waukegan namely the Manufacturers' Outiet Sale.' Evtry Man, womnan and child in Waukegan and, for miles around can plainly recail, when last spring we introduced our ffrst Manufacturers' Ootlet Sale. There is undoubtedly flot one of you who hasforgotten what a wonderful sensation it created, how it practically took everybody by storm, what throngs of buyers it assembled under our roof and what a favorable impression it made upon thé public; how it braught to the people the 'rue.realization of the greatnes and price making power of the Globe. It was an ocassion such as the people had neyer witnessed before and simply because it was the first time that any store in Waukegan had ever become big enough, a strong enough factor -in the purchasing market to successfulli swing 'an event of such gigantic pro- Ption. le's phenomînal. success induced us to, make it a semni-annual event and this, the second one is destined to completely outshadow the first. The consolidated manufacturers of the east hold twice a year what they termn the Man- ufacturers, Outlet Sale. It is for the purpose af disposmng of every surplus.line of merchanidise. This season foyund thein with Immense overstocks, representimg nearly everyfine af up-to-date fait and winter goods: their pollcy ta always to make à quick and absolute disposai, cost or value not conuldered. The Globe among other big dealers ini this country la anc of their sources of outlet. They notified us of their great OMtlet Sale. We bought heavier than last season, the bargains were griater, we purchased $~22,000.00 worth of the choicest bargaina at lesathan cost to manufacture. The pries to you an a bulk of the goods art nearly %~ their regular value-just stop to think and remember too that the quality la of aur exacting htgh standard and the styles the vcry latest. These Manufacturers' Outlet Sales arc bargain events that are confined entirely ta us in Waukegan as the Globe àÀ the anly concern that consumes enough goods to enter into negotiations with the Çonsolidated Manufacturers; aur outiet for merchandise beng greater than thàt of any threc stores comblned in Waukregan. Anticipate you needs for montha to Corne and buy durlng this wondrft4l'14 d.ays sale. These Should Gîve You-Soine Idea of the Many Big Bargains MUSLIN-5000 yards of a flue andi SHAKRI ANNL - 2,0W0 yards PETTICOOTS-Made of a splendid MENS OVERCOATS - Regular heavy quality of bleached muslij, of a good quality of bleaehied quality of llydiagrade rustling pet- $7.50 and $8.00 values at $4.50; re- '36 iiwhes wide, regular Se quality, shaker flannel, 7c grade, sale price ticoat fabrie, deep flounce with an gular $12.50 and $13.50 values at sale prie yard.......... 43/4cyr.......... c embroidery ruffle, $1.50 values, $8.85; regular $ý5.0O and $16.50 va- SHEETING-PiTTf heavy quality of TOWELING-18 inch full bleached sale prie.................. 69c lues at $10.75; regular $18.00 and bleaehed sheeting, full 2 yards linen toweling, exceptional 12/2e fIKUIIERY - 300 charrning hats, $20.00 values at.......... $14.5 wide, neyer selis for less than 23c, quality, sale price yard.. 83/c made of feit, and trixmned with MENS NECK'WEAR-Four in hand sale price yard.............. 17 OII. omnsfs lc fancy feathers, wings, ribhon and tics, made of extra qualitv silks in OUTING FLANNKEL-2000 yards of -Cotton hose, ail sizes, 10e values, ornanients, regular $500 and $6.00 the newest patterns and colorings, i c va usle price.......... $1.95 25e and 35e values, sale price aslni ultofotn li- on sale in the basement,"at yaues 'Pelice ..................... 15C nestripes, checks and plaids, bea- BED SPREADS--FiIl size, attrac- WOXENS OOATS-Beautifully taï- utiful colorings, 10e value, sale tive patterns, hemnied, ordinarily lored of splendid qualities of che- tioNal quality a of box caî eer price yard ................ 5/c brdng $1.25, heavy quality, sale viot andi kersey, 52 juches long, natty new lasts, $2.00 values, sale prc ........... 89e stylishi neNN semi-fitting inodels, price .................... $1.79 GINGEAM-3000 yards of tic fnm- pfe positive ý'10.00 values, s'ae price W MN UT-ut10o hs 0115 Aroskeag apron ginghaml, tic TABLE INEN -Exceeltionaily at ......................$6.8 Wbe u Itif aî ad t0ofersis kind that every wonian kno-ws heavy quality and good finish, batflfl n itrsis about, sale ýprice yard...... 5 /4 c ehoice new patterns, 60 juches JIVENILE SUITS--Made in all thc stylishly tailored froni broadeloth PILO pevaiiling styles, of serges and no- in ail thc preferred colors and PILWCASES-Made of a spidn wide, 50e quality, sale price 33/2 elteags2Por0xcrs a' black, $15.00 and $18.00 values, did quality of bleaehed muslin, PANAMA OLOTH - Striped and be. duplioated for lcss. than $5.00. sale price ................ $9.95 wide hem, size 36 x 42, 121/2e v*- hecked panama, in attractive coUl- Sl re........ 30WMEN'S SHOES-The kind tint lue, al prceeah...... 9cbination colors, 50e quaiity, sale INFANTS COATS-Made of an ex~- always sel for $3.00 and $3.50, CURTAIN ENDS-Sample ends of price yard ......... - .... 32e leathers are velour caif, gun mnetal curtains that seli up to $2.50 pair, ceptionall ' good grade of bear ski and patent, sale price ...... $1.90 while they last, each ........ 15 OUTING FLANNEL lnsile .alwnted colors, ages2t ,sl WOMENS WAISTS - Made of a FL] iTB-Abeautiful new new styles iu heavy ficece outiugs, price ................... $149 slni quality of tiannelette, Ue of waisting flannelettes, at- . ie ooins igtan eiu z SUITS - Wonderful money stieplaids and othier designs, - tractive Persian and other designs shades, 121/2e grade, sale price aigontehhs zd ct- pltdfrt,75,vusae actual 10e value, sale price y.5 s e n'tityu-odt BLANKETS - Good size canton garments, sale prices $8.00 and Fa flannel blankets, grey with pink $1000 values at $5.95; regular BlJd. You Get One of ~rr rau lu Qres,$$1250 and $e.00 values at $9.65; d YU Gto e O _______________ price par.... .....4, reguar $lS.O0 and $20.00 values at timon Ptutcbase of HAIiDXEOEIEYSM-Goodl quality 1U75; regular $22.50, and $25.00 Our -Bit Yellow hemstitched, si price each ..2c e at............. $15.7 Mrgolau loUrai pM Siain flegamnfr OLD LETTER GIVES CLUE THAT CAPTURED MURDEREf R Belvidere Connecte Alleged Murdoerr With Mysterlous Assault and Theft of $75 Watch Alto. (From Wednesday's Sun.) The bloody hbatchet witb vbich John Bedford la supposed ta have done te the dealli of bis friend andtan- sociate. Oscar Hoganson. waa bound ai the Bedford place north of Marengo Monday. Deputy Sheriff Burke fouet the hatchet, bloodstaifled, bldden ln an out of thte way corner of tbe bouse. To Deputy Burke le due mocli of the credît for unraveling the mys§terY surrpunding the inurder of Hogansoli. A week ago today Deputy Burke was rummagin g about the Bedford place and plcked up an old letter sgued mother" and dated at aiii4 !ebraska, a place close te BeatrimO Deputy Burke w rote te Mll s akng, about the famlly and learned that sucli a tamlly llved there. Then h* communicated with the sherlif., and on Friday receivlng word that the man bad arrived there, lie and Statels Attorney Lowell got busy. the Mn was placed under arrest, ant they were te have gone atter hlm. today but a techlcal matter coocernhing the papera had to be attendedt. They wlll go toolorrow accamlailed b> John Nîhan, who wlll identlty Bed- ford. Another curious aud suspicions tea- turc bas developed at Marengo. A man namet 1Bill Evens, vba at ane time llved at Bedford's, vas set apou there one nlglit about twa o eks ff and beaten and rolibed. He couit nt ldentifY hiBaaiaOt. Ho toId Louis McElroy, formerly of Blvid«t*, about It, snt asked for bis $76 v*teb whlch bat been taken. Somne ,&ys later Bedford went Iul McElroy's ai- ,on t Marengo ad vantedte pava- a, goît watch. McElroy tank tia. wth antutdred ta examine the number, Whe- Bedford grabliet it out otfbshtanI.,d ranout of the plan. Itla thug' t tohave been Eveel' The three herses belanglng te Os-'> car Hgnoiand anppos.ed tha,.av been stolen by John Bedford, WhoIl a ccusetdot Hogansln's merder, 11>0 soIt at Ra!ciford ta one Charles Ori sou. Que ai Uicbhrnes vau ta114 ln Carîons posaslan on 8atr>lu«Y Hie bat sold the other tvoandmut lahi= pot ta rememaber taevOOhohi nol them. The one stilli n bis PMoeeeei was itentifiet, and la described uas "buckekbo." . The motive for HofagiiOm UM«o la aupposedtetahave licou robbery. Rt le underataod that ho carned a rOU of' bills,and 1h la stateW th& hoa ut Bedfort bad a dcii an for the sa* of came of tiieae very borne@. Rt l auppoaed that Hoginsoi vent tle Btw torts place ta mais h e nUc t Mid that Bedford, huakigadvtvaue id *a unguaret moment. *truick Hog*$um ln the back of the halt Ih * chet, kllIlng hlm. He thon bot*le bady la the heu hause, scatterlilt- ter aver the freshly bonnet earth, wM st Rame time inter tearing ni> ais carpet and birning lbWtg eatroi evi. tenceofo bloodahet. Then taMuàg t» hanses lie decampet, snt atter soeg the animals, goleg West te jOb> rM labive. TO HOLI JAPAER I WUU Guettsaet Novai Cvent Are ft.%iI0toý ta Coma Gowned ln JapanÏai Kimonos. 1 (From Woeet 8u»Ite) On the nlgbt botore, Thantvia<Id Wedncstay, Noveilber 26, thé g~ of thc Eatern Star ot this iyt reproduce ln pantomimle a weddiln ho hch. about tweut n actera are represeohet. lîpmledl* followlng the vettîngauae___ tancing Party vîi lie boit. A» i.1 bers of bhc Master Star vîl ha dr#Àê ln kimonos, men and vamOli, asÈll$l varlety of colora wtll Preant a' -ë pleslng spectacle. AIl thone, lng wbo are net members of ha- ganizablon are Invîlte a -a aise and thas ente ltoth. î$g' bbc evening. The entire mie tt of the orden las an the refflt* , ititie saalur come>tepu thinty wvlltaie Ospecli pit a that ail vho atteutvi hr piseure of beoa gacqlketanP" participating laubbc e tiU.hl'A" venlng. The Parlh Routeba. engaget and Fulton's archettlS,1 renter siomethîng new le tha »s bine wblch wiii nnobattbt be vpa$uj joyahie ta tbe tancersand ot aS as Weil. TUBIERCULOSEIN 1H IC941 Yeuu co nhrigct eatîng cisaree, goSa Tho cîty hesith 4spar(tmantW paring: ta taie tiOlaitht nSté any of!te 6cs reaw> MlULaWilI framn gattlt>; the, Wà,ei tva menthe the tuh OSI prbablî vill WU. eIp tu I~ .,Our 1 Lceae lemade c o M tram cave frine (rom tube iiOuli ava by hubem'ullfl teuts." coamisalir Evn iehat ýmai' get tubercuîasafrM les mate of mmlii ram cows tubeTtuioot*just as tras buttertelli. cheeaa roflu or TRie aio ib d4au pese prohb 1 tli e sale 1c a n id a0hor m

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