Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Nov 1908, p. 4

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T7hat if Schemne is G"o for Marshall' Fleld and Gompany's Moncy it is Good Enough for Waukegan D RTDEIYVIVASSOf SCIEIE CLIE TIAI HAKIET FOR WAUKEIAN LACE SURE FOR «AIS UsS0ffectiSU of Schcnue That DIed Months,Ago Followlng Ina- bUlty of Local Men to Swing Deal Atone or Interest Ootside Captal Recorded as Good Move on Creat Of Present Posperlty Wave <lProm WednendaY's Su 1.) oitput ai the Zion Cit" plant anud Ilb revival of the Waukoîar' Lace bave announced their Intention of Ia0eniom rinu Company la now pro- quadrupllng Uts capacity. V'aukegan *SWby capitalise foriMerly intereat- would be the great central Source of d ateformation of the concorn lace supply for the northwest, the M* itepo may b. taken in a month uuhetadtews r twe# aftor affaira have aettled Into IH~ictor ofDefunct Concero. lsold poop rity stricte following The Waukegan Lace bfnufacturing 40609toa brIng the matter o buid- Companly, vhlch It la proposed to re- 0@ A lac. facry in this cty tgain vive. vas lnStltuted b>' Waukegan ce- Naloe t1e peple.pitallîstL the Instance of Zion Cty -ny heS tiiey ef lace makers out of Juba over a yeau Oniytht tatofie>' Lft. agg. Regarded as a fine propositUon, The Wkkgan Lace Manufacturing'as lndeed It la, Il vas explolted to the 3Mimy la nov representoil solel>' limit. man>' took stock, plans for rr 00o Iada of statlonery prnted for. building vere made. and everything t a eesa & and -they are belng used vsie going lovely to appeerence vho w ugaid pper In a Waukegan huai- the heada of tie project founi ttha k9om mm they ould flot reine a needoil $150000, 00wever, au recent tatiatlca show, cther slngly, or vlth the ald of the S.f thei prenant time IWO amaller stock boder, and bail to ithe. lace for the. Unted abandon, but not to give up, tie à# la cnin frOM ithe 0tra acharne until a later dite vhlcb nov àWup. e à" A*Parcs on.third. If acema noar. = bb'la manufacturai! here. Good for Waukegan Money. Slace, =m» sWho ame tuZinc Wel Di uiversal regretvas fait j»N » . 0vwth John Alexander Do- et thc Urne for the resting on the cars, l;a= m a glittertng profit and a as the stock bolder handa bsd gond ibXe irWs aea and are villing ta offera of patronage, could have pet put i ~ a the Indutriel reanrrec- op a building. and vould have base loi. guaranteed a profitable butinesa for yeare ta corne. Thon liter Marchait Qpad Markcet GuiI*inteod, FeId bought Uic Zion lace vorts and -B; fig, lt iit Wankegen vlth for Ia tljne tha acensed to see the i.~t* maufetor a Mehlsty vonld doom 0< Uic local projeet. However, s t~ be MauuIMeld1 and Coin- nov Waukegen captalistz socs f0. fmoyet Zion Cty for Uic lace ney loocening op ame of Uic opinion treof, the middle vrestthat they cen reie sallient fendu, -I ava 'n mak a deal t O - and bave been convlnccd tuat a po wththe Cty plant, position thit la gond enough for Mer- ai»oialPrducta 004 mrket shah FIelS sa" Conpna mOneyla w tb îe rival', fttail depart- gond euough for tiroir ovu. 000 Ite a lb. Cily>ofc hen"o. Uttle la heing aaMdabout the pro- Wauk- egeehedaOf tue powed revival nov, and only chace Io o arevl'e se. gret hope vords, lWdrap ycuterday by onc of tUs t tiat Marleid and he SUcformer o0leali reveeled Uic plan arow mothly olarglng Uic for thc reauciatbon. ATIWAÀUWATOSA IEnNiÀ MW mi é'te amidC".tyÎ.i lu lfrfm ,M 10MTIIENEFU Tl£ fMAI MANT DECOATINS TOU t, "Fir e igmyle .a-O) <rmwunoiy a. W - remm ceivci etu xkcgaa hy ThrOnga 0fpeople linoS Uic main1 1 uOMM Goorua Vy Powell 7es- ct eteeigl ,t.l» b effait ibt Pery P.treeo f Ucthe ateolugl e omUitd hhm ea ec- spouse tothUic nnu neect pûhb- IDic =tSUiirOtmh" cd la Uic lait lane of Uic SUN telling 11ps Dle tballe- 120t t<c tbe0( the paymnt of theodéct electian miaam5WUuwatusiL .bt ever von la thili it>'. IlteitJohn wu .ab-ai0d bthe hbco 0! Count. Uicpopular Mafaet Street r«ki K55.m sxNcanlv>, I l M k Ident. won troun a murbet Street sa- lvAIWAYvSh4&"ta- 90 b- eloonkeeper a bt whlch ended la MpycarnieS ont blaihtention Connt'a riding lua a vbelbarrov tMMi Sbotoralmt, acping from Uic Ifarket Street op anS around Uie Ulimet WbnvatO su d takring curt honte and Uien back agan ta ~ be forNiehgen.Mrbet st-oct. ,t" oba le th at i :I~ The ricket>' aid vheol barrov hid t4bo hac ta isntarinni been mont tasily decoreted vItit ban- ocrsanad Japaneae lanterna andmai thc M M M SMyproessin pas- Pearcc's corner ne ~I~5 CEiiI soKiST I i Ian Sft7 Market treet Us - vere la huie vith borneanad Un cana, J"On blicougali, Jr, f Noir Antioch, Count. bg ai he la, seemed t0oen- Author nt tarly 5oy the ride, althougb It vueompul- Açie. sor>' for bis ta twist himsecf np la 9Fromà.Widncdar's Ban.) miry aapes ln ordor cqsfortabiy ta Jobn Mctiougail, Jr., of noar Anti- scat hîiief In the old barrov. The <4w6, who la reateil tu Waukeganites aleoookceper epp«erd on thc ege ý5bIIM *c.«ver short tory In the culr of a breakdovn man>' imes durlng ýîrt Im o f an Antiocb paper. thee irde but froin ail reports he polaS eSUmm Wo0ely Ailvertîser. It la en-Urougb aIl right anS hae proMInled tu, t1tod "AM&a Wcl Tht Ends Well" vote for Den0eon lhe net tîme Slavon- tepi obows hov a por boy who joîne son furnilabosthei opposition- ~%cirons troupe bocamo ricli and _______ ~oa. _______1_ LOIMTOI MOT MIENTIIl ~ÂT E IN_1< *S~I1SEChie! of PolieBaIyeThat Aseortions *.ý Trace o! Myterloua Prion Who Lits. Olage Lake Bluff Remit- (From Wedneaay's Son.) tance. Chief Tyrreîl takea exception to - brs. la ai yet no trace o! the mys- aaeet en rîe bu b wetrnok vbo tne olo theagnts cit>' to the effert tbat Peter BIais- viera enilltaneontalnlng trom vbo kicllled bis little boy lis a la a ge Beluf f etattheInsane fit, vas a bard drinker sud - laa govln beief hatUicmay bave klled the boy Is a fit of 'een about Uic tation vas delirIum tremnens. -IL »Mauila oman's clotblng and Chief Tyrreil donies that this la Io being carricil on on this true a idS ever>' vîttoosa et Uic 1%ere vas-a bgrde of railroad county court lnsanlty bearlng and h.- b oelle .terduïiy. fore tho grand jury'. vblle et the ln- quest came the most vigorous dental o! ail f ront thelips eof Dr. Foley. ______Cief Tyrroil says that people who assert that llomstrom l. a drick e-1 Yw» B arrae 0 le ii Go Out cf Arn sbould be riddon out of the clty CiyTiifeigo on a rail for tbe lie. (' {Ma WoSnAWO s oaeSn) The Waukegan tCentrais Fot Bail w.acn fgi o lnt emba ond h hcaoFo 'lor Thli asiortmcut comprises icverai hundred yards or Our rogular lskc grade and a fcv pleces that sold al lie the yad-l ban beon bunched, lato on* bit lot et 7o per yard. 4ft w.<I Dr*"p Gooi »ec pcv yar One ef Uic boit assortment ot 80 inch drens gooda that You over maavat Uic brce-lJuat the thing f'r Chtldiena dresse or alcecvaru pettîcoata. prc. oS for thlusale ett p rd._ - mo lIlw Çws. EW#mi doua a Uke>oppor.tunit pro. but ktaeu. W. do,. tbue elMPLt3to showv yon boy farrecblagourprIce. Meking pover etends. PfiRov cases 45 x 16, regular 16o values, at Oc.' Tho. WlBove n u1I wlts a Wood grade of feather bsfoof tclng and am tuheat auIynovr i twlco the rcthssl,.gSc eacb, IThe Ju'nior Orcbestraî wfll render a musicafl Iprogram from 2:.30, tà. 5 pa., and in thé I evening from 7:30 tc>'10.> Everybody ln- I vted. S«M~d floor. IWith its w rful leu ;et value for, you.r rnm when you buy SI îs f u CHILORENS SHOES $1.00 and f85c LADIES' NOUSE SLIPPERS, 75c 10 lInU k idwt patent tips ln, lace or $1.90. but ton style, patent leatier vli Pet, fur trlmmed lu red, black, brovn broya cloti and Sull leather tope, ai- or bue, and bIne anS white anS Pink no a complte lineo f children's varm auS vhite bed room elippers, prices' footvear at fron 11.W0and856c. 1are from 75c te $1.90. LADIES SHOES AT $.06 LADIES SHOES 13.50 TO $5.0M Paient lcather and dullikid, Queen At thie prie ve bave ahoe that give- Qualty mairein numeroui napy real Joy ta ladies. Handiomo drossy etyllià lsta that re cstyltable stlst hoea that make Uic feet ap- eiylahlisa tvo ae imaller. snd mach Theve shoos corne ln volts and turns. ea"or and lighter Uian the ordinary At this Prevo aiso itavo a Nurse footwear. Coloreil clotb tops vlth pa- or Tacher thoe-vIUi ituner sole anS tent vamps. "00e Kid" vlth Pearl caâon bel that lUii e appreclateil buttons. High Top Tarinand Black for rouI consfort. at 13.00 Shoee ln button or lace. up to 15.01. ~ Beautifu-c1.ngs and NcX ea Ko6velties, 25c We are sbovlng a complote lino o! rucbings lu noarl>' ever'y vrdth that la desîrable. The prices for Uic dîfferent knlds Io upwards front . 26C a Yard. Slightly %SoIld Bed Spreads, $1125 WHITE UEO IPREA DoI. - 1 5 WHITE BEPOSPREAOS uL65 Sltly soUleS go for ... -O- - euglUy s0110, go for . . .... .AV *1.80 WHITE @RD SPREADS.uAf $M88WHITE UOOSPRgADS. Q lghly souoS, go for . I eU lghtly solled, go for ...... . 8 $145 WH-ITE SEC) SpiÉAS. gft-$M95WHITE UEO $PR EADS.Ib llghtly solled. Jin for ý. --LII> Slgltly solied, go for .... 2»L $140 IIEBDSAAqu~o 35 WITE ORO SPREADS. ellghtly eollod, gofo ""..-I4J Slghtly olleS,8- 2-for *lie5 WH-ITE SEO SPREADI SS $$»8 WHITE ORO SPREAOS. O<>45l 2lattly s01104, go for é, E llghtly sotIeS, go for..... G0 82»0 WH-ITE SEO SPRIEAD& ', 5 16&75 WHITE Ueo PREADS. ei2ty tleilek, go for ee~ llgbhtly solled, go for .... Stýhay Uederwr y Oçphfrts fo45Nen Tisère are con. 4s$ier made et any prAce SW. bave tbem lbs tvo-plocc garments, and the Stephenigon union suits, made Zy 'thté Stalo>' mlsi. Prices for the differint lclnds are 1,.00, $1-W, $2.00, 12.11anS L GO [I - .:' . .: 't-- a. ~-r.C ~ -, . '.- "a-.......... 'a , 4 - . . . - z-. a... ~A. a. Ç' e mai~ Power bas beengiladd 0fIanlthe sales that.%was ever concelved w niversary Sole.,ofours is >the- greatest 'filon the merchan4>se that is ofeê,yU.abi. with -thit wich we ofer, you -hereai tradlng place. As an lncioàlv e to au Wf -ANT OU PY AVISIT TO OUR I IT WILL IORE TRAN Everything for the Little Orne. SINFANTS' CROCHET SACQUES-Etik yokae arnd cuits, aIl colora, special at... 49eý INFANT$' FLANNELETTE SACQUES - White, plnk. and blue, special et .... 230 You save (roM $5 to $1 on every Suit youbuy duritibis 65h . Anàiversary Sale Several of recent bit ptirchasea from the largest and foremost manufac- turera of $adles and childrena vear iu the United States, gîves yu the opportunIt>' you no mucli Sesîre., W. teIl you garmenta that giveu the greitest amount of servie sand saisf!action for the amount you p Y.v Coat 1 ïom, 1 sui - Grocel 20 Pound& of Sugar SWEET PICKLED PEACH ES, led onion. Chov Clo, Sour, Mixedà Pickles, lu quart Manou jars, for .. 20th CENTURY NOISELESa1 CHES-A 60ce-package,4 for ............. .. CAMPBELLS OR WEST 'SIH KETCHUP-Speclal durlng our Anniversary Sale This is IIASEHENT SPECIAJ 10e âne for .... ..............s 7-ARM TOWEL RACK, 25c value .......... 1........ 750 GREY GRANITE TEA**kTIi-i*E -Best graire, et.............. «e BLUE -ENAMELED MIXING BOWL- 8 quart aise, $Oc value.... 1e livanizod Buub- 5ec GALVANIZED TUBS- Lipecil aisle for 08~aka P a- 9-TURKIEV FEATHEROI* forood ccrrssgAffd Extra spedial value 12 HARO W#OOD POLISHED CLOTII.S PINS .... 48c OLO FASIIION IRONS. ffpeclal per lb .........s Over Ton Styles of ChtldtrR's * Coats, 4.89 Broadcloti. torse>', fancy aultinga and tveeds lnaail colors,trlmmed wlit veivot brald anS soif uaterlals, values up ta $7.50 at

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