Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Nov 1908, p. 7

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Look at This! IReal Money Given A way rromn now until Januaru leS, 1909. we wiIt give one check valued et I 5 5C E N T S15 with each pouod of Coffee or Tee. This is really giving moneyj eway. But to prove to you how much better our Coffees and Teas really are than those you a re n ow buyrng froM other dealers, we are offering you this liberaI Iinducement to get you to try them. knowing that if you trythem we wiIl have you for aregular cuatomer. GUARANTE In eddition to our liberel Cashi Prize O f fer we guerentee > > Or35c Coffee equai Io any other dlealers 40c Coffee 30c 35c "25c 30e ORTEAS ARE EQUALLY AS GOOD You cant afford to miss th1s. Remember if you are flot satisfied we will always refund your money. P. 5.-If you are now buying from a tea and coffeýe peddler, try our 18c coffee and you will find that as good as azky he has got regardless of price >1 >1 I jeJE 3.TRIGGS. I Il FOR CHILDREN WooI Bltchens-s - - .. . -S .40 Chilut's maccatias --.1 - '5 Soft Soles .2 5 ta .40 Tyraaf ie 2 to 5 .85 5 ta8 .90 Primary . --.. ...70 Phoehe..- -.....$110 junior, 2 to 5.. "1L00 5 ta8...110 Priunar'fr.........00 Classmate .. . . .1.10 Sua BEam ... .00 Kiter ....... 1.00 FOR MISSES Sunshine Slipp'r S L25 fa SL40 1W, hae a lot of odds antd ends Thehrna " 125 (o 1.40 in broken, sizes Worth CLasamate. vic kid .40 ta 1.50 > $140 ta $200, closing $j Marcia Kid. button 190 bo 2.2 5 out price ............ FOR LADIES Libbey Shoci ......... S 1.50 r akon Oxfords........ 2.Z5 Oueen Alexandria ...1.75 Addms .... 2.25 Trilby Sho, s... ý....... 250 Lillian Slippers......... 140 Crown Shocs .........2,50 P, antan - . 1.. .50 Planet Oxfords.....1 40 Ardmore "......... 2,00 FOR YOUTH'S AND BOYS White Sox ...........1,40j West Point ..$190 fa 2.50 CaUfBelno-'aicr 1 lva........14 Cayo . ~o175 Puritan Cali...... 1.40 r School Shoes......... 225 FOR MEN Hartford vici kid .....S250 Vici Colt ....... . 2,2 5 . box calf . .-250 Shark Skin..$300 to 350 Educator ....$3.25to 4.50 Alil America..350 ta 400 Toiles,.... ...275 Nevada 175 Smith &Davis Liberty ville, il. Horses Wintered. DR, E H. SMITH. 1 amn prepared ta iincer horses at DENTI8T. reapionahie priSes. Good iWarta sîalles oVER ÀL. OUNTT NATIONAL BANk. and carefui atteýntion. 100 acem. Of standing staîks for them n ua nl.. *4005-ftu,12 a. rm. and1 te i5 p ta. W. Beaocaoie, Llbertyr~Ile, 111. Phoue DÂIJ.Y. 754#~Of otbe. old(EW. Morris tarin. 4-4 IbetiileIlols r,, Items about ILLE l people you know VILLAGE and Bore@ you Warren Boves was i vi@itor in Mit- waukee ast Sunday. 1 Mrs. FHarri,: C. <lidialepending the week willirelative- in (i. cago. Hard Wood Kindling, Soft Wood Kindling. Emmons-Mrcer Lumber LIBI3RTYVI Next Wedneeday is Market Day. H. J. Wheeioek, of Oaymlake, spent Sunday wîtb frienda lain tisvillage. t@. U. L. loive and ccbl]dren lett Sat- urday for ber bornae l a liutoii. loîwa. Hard Wood Klndîing, Sofi Woiod 1<indling. Emmorca-Mencer Lumber Co. Henry Lavrenreplma anew employec on, the force at the kmmn@e-bîer'enr lurn'Fer yard. M". Laivon F. Iittcr, (utFrlendcbip, vieiting aithe houle of a. A. Eatuin. BenrýV Kniglit alteacfdd[h. fuacral of JFnn Oac in-Chiî'ago lait Muntiay mornlng. Benjamin .1aines bac ieon sî,kthe peapt %voee but bauslnîprovcd very nrnch lun the luit !ew daym. Mr. and Mn. J P. Mir' ers. of Hi.rbert, Ill., 1epent ast itunéaa at tte home o! Mmr. M. A. Pnttin,. Ed Apîle >v is lîîîîidirîg a nele remidenco pn Nenf..errc vine. Carpentere began vonkt tue. Iontday. Pea 0oal. [hi. m,,.,acornmical of huard coals. Corne ln, we'll explain ho*w fa use tl and save your mnoaey. Em- mena Mercer L umber Co. 1hW'tM", eo!fBraient.Il., ent hf()uoîluuu ii' ruîg a'tlî reiattrre býe crrîinîgTacla'nirîlg Il -Cr. Fr IlFFlir iiu Fi. le, n ttr CitatriFon at A i iinqu n.i. ' i îT h t hiet tel. id n.irî ttti. Fiîien tan bories ail ibeîtt3iii, itevery fannil- Su 'h ivagi, lin. T ianiday. lr Thi iwttif ir t hen F!T i-Ailiha Cluib fIlh Reid w bulha. l F'TI Vici flng at a ii ..ii I ii ti. hni. n lre Pulthe hlirnipef UH. lii lIlrtvo nvei, %iV't-ln .drada . No, 18lfie relornîî'd to W,. 1)gt, .Il Warren XM. ReIT h anî, l itiaTri.poil' nhL icpeii i. ni e ' ttccaîTi ['vîerif'r TIIinsu. i.n week ufr ma trip City. iliouilTii.w,] te Mr. and Mra.lvrn)an i.-rî who ha,,e lene ii tiu'urTe fr thi. ETIT. rtiin ii t bren muiiriig thiei rhot',.tFii li lnrt. vii]e Iu iuirce [or, in siaT i i.iB'iîFLL 5IFr e'"bernil î,înîl, I - fr.i[nat Prida, r Jriig stor.. Fr thelIiiNÉFEi-FNitii ST itiiiî'. lî:r Chilcago bire ThF nill rpmai ' [,onColeiy liit.soid bic hiomeand 1,,tFtm t ne sblt olg8)t u h ()TI éî,,h aveirli. tiF A IC.%fonrai %bcn hii tr tiilkiF si,,i î the.. 15 Th on i te.ile î itb. "1tI) 't fîirgpt te ri* Tii îir 't, tir orne Bet tiri i bilin afaagon tiite Senuior ie iiî' tjTTie it Nov. Sleîith A-ln lnllinacTg.o 9tn iîb ia.î lauk"eavenue-Tii, eliar ahownnd feila 'ehames ii ni.étalent ri bwn idfýlohp etsroiFli t1e la bit .aLatioan bcînig begun FIturFiay. 01 hC.îrionie abulity #aiî fu tumiens t. F. %Vriglît left Satirdir' fier Chant aof the ase. fiIil., wiire Il- >.[peit siulam '5iIT b Friday, the tblrtreruîh' ichl' hi. Finle. C f4right,%aho îe JatteL]dingir ittry 'Band a ili iF their regzular e. bool tire. dance at the6 town hiliiIr need@ rio 0. A. Nevrsoî i vas cinifinedtire hi@ iritrodnî'tlon. Cornte ai have a giîod ivireîî isei ai da 've [hi.past a-k ibv an tinie First-clas iuin.r Nice crowd. raltaîiknifttoiailet is tut iva» bcck an hie Friday evenitag. Coini. Irilil Mitdi.i. The great Bijou Ailnaipint Co., the Hiîrrv iDavis n'as the ainner of the lanrgret and hi-st nioviTlmc pîctuni. shoîw te)[) bowa'in le cire at the. hure ali-.vs t raivIl ing iililibe ai. the Ui tîFit u rch )on asmt ieet ani(n on titi ret prît.. IHieFriatevaning, Nov.13.'orntinences alire n'ai. 203. at 7:301. Illnstatad auIrige. A lecturer ltei'ly Prnnnan la ri.pairirig rtie bauc. wi describle the picturra. in t hi. 1r Ipertv nu r, iiee.i ru Ben LiiFcrf.vvii ce bunildingic ii lm tnnue@ fln t terI] oni iTiiird c trcct uai] preparing tihoîîiîf iod. A nu ilier ri- a lons. lai te, [Fi eiîi ut oce, fi. starteil iv Joseph ii ihave at th, ar îrnriiTir,]sti'e,,t andti ilrî ad wa. Eiiiiiîînu-Xtr"ir Lutuiber Comnpîantit, areiCorner 0i y. huiti l it adit iiti ii Itliir iiug nlum en ise iv iii tier ob his îîoirirl uti Iid rFnh l 'ic ill C r-Iter a'agima aîd t[arne i ewhlg o ivll vne a'och neigii iii on thibg e-aIeo. An enter1lriminz vile-rn la ibcctyville M rm A fiaîler ibae tlheripiieee.ulin of atitii..erru lektrlirîîvIiteîifo î,rV.V tiriaisFîîe ch.. reuei IUrichiise.d troui 1nian iliai iîe Irîî't trttitr t antîti..n E J Huer. r. Meer %-il Ieuy the:feliint lierhail lt u ite i donc, hîs E(u jumerrr vcttr byerU.L. iHo u.up t duty ileîtnrîl ovr iihall' ýt andîiliimed hiiieeîna vcatd b t' h Hove. an"" \"X"oppoisite. 1icadee igriature. Tue hadie.C Aiîi of the. M E. ciiorcb Nent. n iilyicr aanul1),ir iiiéeii. huri'h perfoîrs F. K iininisîreii, of Evanemton, bas, TnFecay, No,, 24, Renineaub,'r the.(fate. le-rn dinh iiiutitig i- ii. Fiadirecto i-re 7-2 tihe pauut an-. Tiîiia lathi.e uueriri isse Mime Stirna WalîIrî-Y, wbn bas heurt liehas lait (Fut ile Lak ie cîniyand [lie Crui'eI' Iiniai. c[rriîi nîplei.rât thfe [Iblo on bhok ciii m e ii riot. r rhrîIntglh y hUe1 rvitol; ['c ,ei. i îîW i,a[einlaarîd s111. i îîîH r and coiriprehencîv. liîigoatth hieldi, îCirrepoudence tflui eerrirîr Si'iiiii buesMain l iiigiais entertained a Thue hîîîfîi -'Ai] iii'irt.v if [hi. Premby- nuuiberiof irîi'rii.i tIL i iiiivir iar3y on rrrîaî î'îînnîî iii Il iret et [lie tienn (Iî141;e u aa ifTilî nn f' iFitri> paî t Iîf Mie. E 1-.,tirl, Tinrmday afre-rniîas theëeiiirig nîîî.îî. II in boia'rn at tii. NýI- . .iii' waii b. aork ion the LuhOdrltimi.i rliii itei.partv e ptined au'teriiiiri. 10 thei.. iîe c.,they a'ere inoet TIi..apiplrîiiital iiif frein t g vpa tliern i . & noyai.î'ente it.. id itisttii, l rie laie î 'îurîtv The en[ýrTiiriiiýt vven et flic b1ilb lirlîcel t iiii i vîi iii are rît tii. areent echool iînililiî ,, ili,. îtnpil.i f theli ti iiI . a, iiii iiai tiitiîrir orders and lin Sergrade.a îi'ldt.' ibigi le wi i n iîiliTg iIii ll attaridel Iîi-r f îleivei.nii Tue pirFgrieunait,%%lit-iýrtakiiiig ant il Sevtrai Irnait li ?t tue liîiîcidi inhluMost adlînîîîîî >r' , m. Ille rcitiîîiaîli. xi iit 3:31) ieiiA cîîrîial ilinlt>itl-,ti lm mietil ail lirelima o conrte Imprnvririitma iii 111v oittlig lin athe I hue Tirrl'iae, [Johbn ¶Noîlrîigr ij[o ýiviiit, L.iberty- Libi t' vid, rievltrie re iaiii ývile ifi" l .- i . riveu r. Stcr-t8 pg d' ')lriver ecuhi rTi iCron îd Jimas lii ttire-îplierî'n 'l)P i re ii.. lTh l in - J. Fl. ia-iv d ii, î ý, ile. ithe p(reif vpnî'tiiii Mlailu tl e Illibg iiale . Se itir I uti(ii,' 1- i il i h . etei iii.Pi aîit ve,.ut i 11 il, lkIl W .Eiillr 1',1' 'Inrrr'kla fniuninî-tt..e ailnd ,i-etCied t [i aisttt i...tiiig tarn F)'luriait1'i îii~ it e.retrar oiif thFehake Ct'î,iiýI irîl ofS~rvir riiiId titi .titil, b iuîîgci Cive et mîîîdÈ.r ifor ati i rouit t lie claie T1,ý tiCt i, lleitiivieil vr iol. I lies artîil asver ai n Sestii [ fta ortii. liilier 1 1vlu in a iauvthe tFifiiiii iI.iee 3in riîîieg. d. i entai t tient (I'i(lirr, *$i liiiI ildiicciiSueias anCre. i th trlîor, Iîurciiacîag tinî~ rI4.r ;., i cii. lThe uîtîe uppiies, etc. singile ticktsa nîl 1,.. .i .1ii 3, 'ent.afin n e h et....t- fti lzp rerv, ee.. n gnedtyeurn Ci.riîii .r(ou,- at lthe enîi gliîrii itiittSC ifiii C e nhtt i lerfle iii 'liliuti' ,T inie Umjmyàlotuir 14 i Vii rn15 enn, (ui§' Tike'. nrlielîul îînî ii fIltiItll ElenNews bas iii, friirisa%: u ilu 'ir e or thiNi PENENT - e'o t e-fii.r 11 ci etan111[ itni reepî.nce no rthe îîîîîîî igiliiefi fir ever giren île tiiîs iI '[lTee iigiiig n'i. i Ilnrîa tirrivi. piiatrurhi. i q & ..XCeptronall i lu 1 i-rcnhaine-n ranceo rt Penilias immeFluila liliiiellioet ail tiie, wam gi'epi-ted a iiluibftsel ieathnusia.uî sreti' 'ira aliiîîg tiei.ileic îiluirirnlgait,, anti applafJeo.i trpittii o nL[rvil e i ~e, -t et iel tn:trn:er lotI- KItîggk-avf RoCk lieytuai th(, trait% raun e i i. îîîîîIo ay opJomilte the IInet TI iCpLit. [le enp.ctcî llkrir' tiivni pa ti,% î.îbuilding iiîi.ii A niarrîî iv esait, fi', î ven tt rmi gb t artii four etil reI i ntrfie Crrielî h5 vr le, ri Iîîîîîerîed l-ir 1' îaboautfllîr anîl fare ii Th bue îiling u, iil n', K î.îîr W4. drIi i[Fic aaliiritýiuilie su lsin'i itht taiuaddîrîîîîî,r h-m i lsn, Iiilwsik..aF 'ii liîri cii,- c[orv y i ii it-ed b.. Ti' deiv lletsIl( tfi llhes lrF.' iirii. mure.. ueetiiin of Lifie, t i î fins liadta nîv IIdi i- ar îki'î- iiii iý c I-it. r .r. Fi fal grîuwîb li),i. isa'ot l'a ntîîîîtiî lir t~- ri' r i t d. I ,li rt i i rki't ali il Cens Fs tlie Ii iitieri.uiiii,tuei lie iîî vbii'lit wtas 4 î[îp- 'i tire fi-,ri.îin for afew ci"tiitattnengilior- I' i'îi et.1boid. FiEN tinece annitry dii3s tniake you think of iîit ou've datte ail siiiiiiier onme expiticus a feeling of genuinie s:ou tioniiitir-pos. inînîste at initerest ini nue SAVIN(,S depsrtxnent at $4.on p, r îî ck: Six monîha, .......... ......S104.72 Two Vesrs .........-.... ...428.38 One year............- 21 LOQ Three yeas............. 50.37 Vraushanld if ve s B.aftkAccolant. $1io waIlsiari ane. Wr afford aur fpatrons ebsolute tefet;and gnou tservice. TI FIRSI NATIONAL BANK Of LIBERTYVILLE N4ellitDoor 10 Pout Officeé OVX 13, 19W8 Sehool Notes. Lyle Walter@, a meuiber of the third grade, muade a [rip to Wankegan, M~on- day. Mr Smaie vigited achotl luit week. b A t t h . lo c a l r r a il e r ' 8r m e e in g a u r d a y beld ln the high ei'bool ronin, then. were tweritY-ftve tenchero preaent. Thoe takiîîg pars au tne program %vers. Mr. Max eell, Ar. uak, Mise Dirkerman. Mi@@ Hazernann and MislWebb. Mis Lester %vas elected aecretary and Mir. Bugg. chaîrman. The grosa reveiptg trom the ocrnoi entertaiiiient Prîdav nightwer 6.3 62 Tbe senior class eîîtertainnenît will be given ini the Unlon church on Nov. 19. MiessCarer pane(] a tsurp)rise for the @ehool at [hi.opening ezert'ivea Wednes- day morning Patriotie mnirs were ang by the h'gh eehool gii'chîrue, the songs eibg the ilfar Spfàiîglo Bauner," 'liiii"and the iigh se-hool mong "The Yrlow and Black. The foot bail garne on Saturilay betwPen the highmechool and iwhth grade boys e neited ila ascore of 5 to 1). Blanche El,> oct ber cfMaa pin, a fing with the htters L. H. S. and 'Il on it. [Ihe wili b. giad to have it returned if anyone finds a. Ruth Wells was absent Monday on accounat ni eilenos. f.porgla Felers entered the second izrad ast Fridav alter hýing out eigbt weeks on account of eickn. os Kprneth A lernan, Katherine Barber and Vene Whreler werc absent Monday on account of sick ne@s. The halieiie ('rim. y Association wil ilinirt ait h MrA. i,1C. lulkimly on Fridlvar afemoon, N. v 13. ta c.a. for Mrm Ca4i Blulfey. There a ili b., a Tu iînksmiving Day shoot at tlirbergi.r', Hiircln Ri!i 1)"ay fhim e rnait UsUl i hîchene. dnmks arnd ge-be iviilrenan Lis beet marks- rnil Old Damia Rumor bi il that a leape bas le-en teik-n on t[li l'iiips Mannfaî- turing Conienv fiiilfiicoFn lrchard intreet and a skating nil k le b. iastailed there Oct ont >our'ntiiiere3. A.-'h iehteit lé,tiîsî aifi steveral plnnibiiiz îvîînrateî i L.,sk Fiirevt at t he prescritiTie.n Inrili.lotcîî arc notcindiplipipue irýii ' îuny a! theni banc coutracte atinglulniig tone. Otto Frank, o! Lako Zuifl'h,' vas a vieitor bere Mondày tir'hie" eoid bi, barber s0p thera. fîe ,crlmer. Emîi, "vf')î wli COntînne 110 11îr9 at tle- nid sitand.le cili i mninu muLLake Zurich. On n.xt MondaY, (iii fchfaiiiin, n iîo le anKr reeit racnnug i A cleila, twil giv. Sad Accident. John Grace lost bim Ille at the John R. Tbomipâon farin let Friday ta ate tivo hurar hou di-ath G race waC ath a tria feiliig genug an ftle piste. The cuttersehtbpl-ld 10 inaike tii. re. fl n iti the wînud anud bh1aul litliailiii cbiîppirgtheugb l'h. tre. tan eiougb wn the wnii chaiigu-d cyddeiuy aiud the tottennî>u trea fPli tuward the teariu Grauerani luth.. heaule cfthe iuîrrcc ta liankt tein np out iof liainis aS;ianid thei t.liag tire c'iht bil) @q;iarelu', beaîiii ui to the. gnuiuiid nar u4id antd mn- gled heap. IH.. ias rernovcd to L.iberty- viiilinut dird iliifire "il clu Ild prant)iitli. Patricki treve, ct 927 N Pîiitiua St, ChIcagt i lur. tuer o ilhe,Irr ca ti, aîl to hii-rryvuie Suiday mnuil utg îvîth cu mindrrraler and tii..ri-nuaitte ne.. alueit tuu Chiicago ia rne i Ite tiiierain as lieId Monduuentinu[it-Ilgand %%,as attended by wiany trieîude of the dccraer-d. Notice of Meeting. The regîtiar nuoritiilnî nu.tinz of the Cîtîzerie iîuuîîîver-euut A-crîatîînw'>vIii lie hîid et trevillage ihall (u1ni ttMuî;-1 î]MYe; eeirg, Niuu' I6,.at 8 1IF[ru. A f'il alteiiditrui re eiretel as tiiere i)uucl neca îf iportanc ho corna before the meieting. Methodisl Services. The meus rlas bcad twelrve [reent for the firet iiuehui g' All mn eu . rdius iy in vit.-d ti iuinliiu,.Sujeuî fuir tue nîîrniîg eernnîuîa wilb. 'A ýRrlim'iiune Hon itre." Tuee iinier ai F,)n aill he preeuled 1iiEa dîtt hiJuvrurue iVniand Eva Willuiatuua Youwiiile-oi Ico[un.. A rnbbnc fuctory fuir tue i aufacture ai luîuîT c îiiii eti-aletue lartat nu î- lîctuiF ing eeîpise thttha., i uuuuc d et t hie Flotrif 1.11 îrrtv tille Thua; eien e a lîuuîluiiîug 300 f ent Iuuîîg andl 64i Iet .a dc. nit time uuîri re,- tuuilie aîre o! grounî. ni r. îa'tîu ni ru-ut muintkai. ii., a'itiu arnîlle capîital îîud ueirune ,fl uaitîg lJi the vcîtuntY of Cilruaguu. Tliîeexpnî'î in, have a ceapiîtai 'it $300.000 11 ahi-nufui 113 nu1îîîlpped. and erruploiu. ruuul 210ti, 6001 inni. ilirt;tilii huas tii. ndvatrîagi-s and anglut tii) lii,.t eguorngiî pîuieuiu cpii ntrd moenatii [Fruit le a iuîu'an Fn fîur ai, nterpri.,.. iiins kiuld. 'lhe tratter em now in the haruile of a corunitreo ouf t h. r-' lniJeiipin t cmlAssu ciatiunn c oin wl liiveutiguîte anîd repart hack ah tic next regniar nîeeting. tirorire Fn; wa., ai; hjured aht Lake Forest latt btiidav lu; a junnnî mnia high laclier. ilewamawîrnkingug t the top of iei.ladîler îîuît[irîg iua uuuthlc carli w hînathme aduler ru ipfleîl oui t aurd cuit] b.. aae i'iinipeli..d tu> jîîunup tu cave himaîf . Bonh ikUe aenc lidit spuanued anîd the tentions tFîrn oouse fi lir thbe ieelis. Dr. C. R ISallay and ad ailelet slina- day fla ctrip îtuF Pi eî utei n lIen' r e; uili vi-ut Mine Galloaa'oe ivner1 tire. Nu ai id. Mfce b Lf. Stevenis a.]dcîngfti.r, Sttella. frinn iiiu u ,nrt Suntia; aithi lier unît hrr, EuI Ly riih Mui--- Vnrr Iiî'P a'vha hem quite ii fuir curerai laYS pet a'ith an attaek iii tuton tronuble. E. IW. Pari lin net le rrtuiv iag m bis nîca home on utlihParle Aurnuns. Dr. Siioip's FIaitb Couler la created freni finr. parched graine, malt,.nits etc-na real tof inlait. Fillneila favor is "'made ln a minute.". No 20 or 80 minutes tadioas boillng. $emple free. lias about anythingyo need for Faill and Winter Wear We invite gjou to cali and inspect our fine of DRY GOODS UJNbERWEAR SUIO!S BOYS" CLOTIIING ETrC. *ETC. The best fine of Overalis anid Work Shirts in the màrket Sewîng Machine Supplies for ail Kinds of Machines The La ke County National Bank Noedle.. Shuttle and Bobùia a" n aAl Makee of Sewtnd macb4as lias a separate room for the use of Its. cuslomers; ,a place where theycan meet frjends for busines, consultai ion~. Safety Deposit Boxes for Renil BAR OUT THE LONG WiNTeI With a Heating Apparatus when psr1ce la *ith reach of ail. A steel furnace cnd jacket Mr~ six.-room cottage for $32 and c casit 1iim fe nièce for same for $40. Some dealers so nnend steel furnaces because f bey m-e cheap.b buy a furace that is economy and IonVgAýi and mnake no mistake by buying an Idea lui Boyeton fureace. For sale by A. W. LICHTFELD Dealer in ail Kinds of Meeting Devices LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. IMARKET E ~ SPECTAUS. Hleavy Gray Blankete, 12-4. 1arirest s made, wt 6 Ibo, $2.50 value, Market 1) J, -b loît of Bfîtterick Dreris Pattertîs formerly 10 and 15c, to closte out 12J and 15e yard 'wide Silkolone, jsuhrt leingths ................... Bîg lot of best fast colored CalicoeB .. Best grade of Apron (iinghamo ... w Lxiri Aniiti ii WoVVU aps, worthn35 tsu5C ITH4E FAI à 11 .ý s Bize ,MY florf .. .. .. . ut,. Se4hior Glass Enfertainm.i.if. The seniur.lase of! iiirtyvvilie bigh aciîîîol nul render the. foluosiirg pro-. graînie Thu.acdav crncniag, Nov. 19), at the Uitîon chnrch: PARîT t Piao Dai.t--'emanriTraIvuhat tient miCCnaLEýetra 'referandaSOIga HOan PART IL FRANK G(LYNN'S WIFE y aTeini.-teart CA ST OF CHAHACTERS AJ eira01 ln hi. ail,... Nrli ilikte At ine (i,,ressi nAeik MacleHaveay S[t ili 4l'ite u ltC l-e i ihrP1>rOi <,rur-Att e mu-ii . 1.iutnd m lirr loN-areî iIrl Mary AFIrtie Ed Aaluury Craluk' ecge roni rank Eaca PART il[ PanCis'T8 SCsaInC Sang". hmaRuith T.Yl.e 'ceCI 4,ftnrin. 'MitCLlatAr 'rur Voa ."McaoC lu. Ltuvil ald Kca,îett Lovcli -nc ....e.e.nlun Mis.BiseePestee PACSON POlRS ONiATION PARTY A reedy Irats., viee CARl' OFC CARAOTC Rtf Parsan P- - ' FrakErra Peter PP- sanru gîta oniei. Balimic LM POn-"IutavIe .,ydaua tat ne"taaia .iaagti... -id. HsvCn Decon Ciukett-s FSIuiLtni Clark ALoige Peur esys-iàir mr,, ..ýýý....... ma. marnhasDuecaierry, marie flaven Terash Annas Thit, Cuv. a Csay mrs. ilesena Pisakett ' Mstliic Cnby Ma. Sareh Jae est- e, ....Msuue Milar Wldau. trie .' . '-'.. Bis. hPrnetne meua caBsernes ' Ra. - il amuile7 roui r l.v ain .. ...Il.... -

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