Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Nov 1908, p. 11

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IOfW f toig. coft.Of lk*. M.,siglee t 1114»4. C tY of Laié. se-iRci'ie's 0006- cf lA, custy, Il- >Cfeut Oousit of Làke CSanty. De- Circuit Court of Lake Cobnty, De- 1 Ilnois, ou huly 10th, 1978, lu bock 64 cacab iiner vsaLiD.k190er. eembsr A. 1). 1908 Terra, lui mortgages, on page 287, ai docu- In Cbancery. No. 4060. Andrew J. MeLalu, vu, Richard W. ment No. 19702, sud the unkuown Batiofictory affidavit, tiaat tbe de" Hawkins, Virfii. Swinburne, Har- owner or ownara of a certain promis- fendant. Pearl Skinner canuof tirina fouud andl that upon due sud diligent riet K. Swinuîrne, Benjamin F. Ja j aory nota for Two Tbousaaîd Dollars, Inquiry ber place or resîdeuce canuot cubas, Jo«epb E. Burceal, Trustee, Beu-j10î,0>dîiAgst1f 88 bé ascertatnad, mu that prucsss caunol mutnin F. Jacobas, Successor lu trs.ecndliMagetBM-rsudE ha serveuj upon ber, baving beau Ouied Benjamin F. Jacobs, Trustee, ,oep it Ashay Mears. payable lu order. ut lu the office of the...Clark oflt t aahdnu*ya ati dt.a C'ou-i, 1". Ilurchlll. Succassor ln trust, Rn o hnsl-.ue srairdta Notice la Iberefore berehy giveil te , ert E. Jautkins, Assigneselu Bank Fîrst Nationîal Bank of Chitiago. 11hi the said Pearl fSkinner, detenuant a. nltecy of Simeon aund J. Asheyîois, srtb inirirestthIbrcotitSt elgIil aforesaid, Ibat the aboya namealcon- Mpars bankups ril eka.ircntgppranua abepr. hlainant baretolora iled bia Billn - - kîîlOrof Pelam îrcit*Stpo uîî.Ia>sreei Colîilaint lu said Court, ou the Chan- Sanîrîci A. Kean, H. J. MIfflin, W. K.: nniially. andr at feu par tiift (I0lý cery stie fberent, sud that a sunjuoný i-theIbouuknown owner or owners peran ruiter maiurity. ssid nt,- theeuition issued ont oI said Court ,r s certali protuhssory note for pilrr'tîufg sî-ciri-d iîy a Iruts t-d ated against fthe aboya named delenulantSIkglt11.87,frn returuahale un tbe irst day nIfli a uiu OaTuth olrsAitd s 88,fonM~ri1 faert nof(le Circuit Court of Lake î$îtr.tîo>aild fwo certain Interest slransd E. Asbiey Mes ,lier hbus Cuunty, b lia beld t the Court ttif ur Forty Dollars ($40.00) rachi btond oil.aiot, itty, lilt'is tîs.1Ban- Hoîîse lu Waukagan lu salit Lake Isd iprinceipal and lterest notes bclug îliîfi F. .aeois, (Joseph K, Burchal.' Couniy. on the Frst Monday of Dacember, A. D. 1908, as la by law dtaed July loI, 1878, sud exactjted by successor tri trust), sud t ledl for rit requIrad. andi whirb suit ls stihi 1siid- Mai guret B. Mears sud E. Astilho ccrnît iirrcordýrs office noftLake Cotin- Iug. LEIM.eiOKW Y larspayable 10 ordar nIflliî-ms,-ivcs, ut-. Mintois. on Decemrout thtb 178 LE\t'I O.BR CKWAY, at First National Bank of Chicago, oneslii book 73 ut inortgagas. tmiipage , WVaukegau, Illinoîis. OcI 22ndu1. AD year sItar date, said prinîcipal and lu- as documenît No. 20581, tidt dileun 1908. leresî notes balug securad by a trus t inowu ctaimant or clainîtrîtîs î. sud A. K. Stearus, COmVlainantz -%li- -dard Iront said Margaret B. Mears f0t the wlile or soute patlof Lot citûr. 54 _ -__-_- FOR BÀL :IE -oom iiîuwe, ai uîîdern M________ fmprovemebtq, ou eKiffley avenue,t sOul.b front, lot 100a2ffl<if I"tkei Sîsie of Tlinois, Coiniy of Lake, as. imtnedistely sili ut11 rheap. inqu ire, Circuit Court of Lake County. Be- Bouvr. LYON, Libatyvilie. Telephone cembar Term, A. B. 1908. 1848.5-4 f larriat Masou vs. Fred. M. Mason. lu Chancery No. 3958. FOR BALE-k'arm if 256lacres, kuowu Saisfseiory affidavit, thst the de- aï t. £d Hsrdin farni, ose half mile fendant, Fred M. Magon, cannot ha wmt(Ai Ivanhoe, good haik soul. Anx. found sud that upon diligent iuquiry lotis to oeil on acconrt of Ill bath. W. is place of residence cannot be sas J. DIhr"., Rockefeler, Iii . Routa 3, Box cartalned, go that procesa cannot lie 82. 5 - i served upon hlm, haviug belli filed FOR ro<nî hmait e Il the office of the Cierk of said Court, FOR8^1E-7 roi oue.nriirîy iew, Nollcs ls iberefore hareby given to bard Wood Hiish. etrie ighta sudffthe said Fred M. Muson, defeudant god sraW,lalor wri3te J Ku aforegaid, that tbe aboya namod Mî,o, iabetyvlle lii 31-tf Complaluant heretofore flted bar Bill TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTY Of Compiaiit lu said Court on the --of ail kinris for mail,. Coins and Chaneery aide thereof, and that a what I bave, you wii Sud some fine gommons theraupon issued ouI of said bakrgaius. J. A. GRAYit. Lîbertyvilie. Court atainst the abova named de- 43tf fendant, raturnable on tbe first day of the tarm of the Circuit Court of FOR SALE-4On Cook Ave. 2 bluetsi Lake Couuty. lu be beid At the Court West of bLsCG. batik,.1loroum bouaifHous luWaukegau lu said Lake neil Doew, ail moderîi improvementsi. County, on the FIrst Monday of Oc- nlcsIy flnisbe-d. eut tasd cdlv gater, loltuber, A. D. 1908, sud that alias; sum- 100 by 145 f. desp weli; barli sud mous Issuad raturnable as aforeaad vsrfous kindm of fruit. L. H. BRYANT, on the frst Mouday of December, A. Libertyvjiie, Ili. #34 D. 1908, as la by law required, aud 'wiicb suit is panding. FARM WANTE-To rent snalilfargo LEWIS . IIIOCKWAY, of about 511 acres, witblp a mile aud a Clerti bail of Iiertyeiie. Addre.-ss VTIL Wturk'gan, Ilroii c.2ttli,A.D iMartin C. Deckar, t'ompliîitants So I I licior. l 1 PALL MACCUFFIN. Compai.nit Solitor LOST---&i lu r'I.e car. blsr-k iraiirihse iltit ,rrniaiJs haudag uoulini'g rarduiicîair Il oie lircitlarirt o .k, i ahi Utyt rcm, RPturuan sd recie rtaari .MISSt' \NNATara, A 1).isu, hobuas. iRockefellier. 1iii , Wiiii*itK naigr.*tJ ihtt. Kliiii,-rUa n- LO8T-Opr-u lace gr)ill s-aIl,. bise-n ciarits . Tatilea Kati-Prte-.rior.slie Porte. i ra ailara r tO .at Mal rbiiet gtr,. A Wright, . i* irtiars a of,rs'rtatintrere.ted il, i,,. -eIl ertatu liuit.abie r,' a r ilni-ttri Cllt ' drlit ' ieirit-d Ini liýe S I ftiii i <'tilra hotél. ltihir.t.OsrlNo ue7,c - Snt>str,.thrry sd r iliai 1roirt ueijuiry STRAYEO OR STOLEN h-ntreiî lniO reerrrof utt.,. îrkarrs iii l,r yearil oid, wiitt' tar iii l leleîi ntu,- rri ot, -,. prre teaiirnirso-_reur caîve; dehorîri. iti'wari ioi *ý . - i, rr Î,eraausi ltaretd ril herrai "tale riesr-riler .y of.auil. Seirt 1'. the lifistof i>tmpl- llrri.rf... . formation or ri-i-an ttll ,tl rKthat rraîsieein catatha ,erved t îan thim Bue., Phonie 267 (;, Litirty tille. tr ettueril lirai, ari ihat te delenanat __________________________________ haries t Tatier Jlr taildarerto tSite.51 of 11111.4. Andsi iing hi Phisteof rIe.endal -,tria eirc atd- sa iras r ieerr skin ruthetîile HELP WANTED of tira Clrk o iiidstCourt. ________________________________ Norriceelathuelars haRaiiheirt lrth ad WANTED-..l.Iret..lau at-iîrgrîr.r. i- dale,til K alhie,,rC-r;t'Cre a, e u, r iiis j .- 1 o iehrorl_ o re> ar V , r:,s(o lai n Or 7ti Ualthr- abrit naaued rracra ilatSedtheitir St-sueS n l ainidtîrrt saimlr.i th atstîsrtd FOR SLEdefendatii. lteuritbet ontrh airkeay the1 __________________________________________Ireri the Orrittcoution -id l.ake Caarty. FOR SALE-i"iirly drriiug bîrmia -rid VuCofr i rl aite oîr 1z.uI 51,u 1.l years î.1 ,- t 1050. ri> liip r ir îai ahict- irti tl t ir. e irY li r.îrrelt H.HFis ., Bliîigi' aatt'r Pr t itres Farriiî LEWIS (i tt r','r AI'tiek 1-2 Wikegaa Illi N- r4 ýle l'AVti, Mh it' tFEIN ia iirrii Silete FOR 5ALE-Eweesud latîlîrs. iqi or address, W. J. C.î',. Lakte Vila11 FOR SALE-Stover twrr boîte goii engne; <one draw c'tlt ansage mat-ina. aluune 100 liglt gas plant anîd na 25t lest gastîline gas iplant, price lr7,0. J. ELi uTwîitî. Libertyvîile, 111. 7fi FOR SALE-75 r-ordol worsd.luruirs &. 0. BAhtis,. Round Laske. 42-t! FOR SALE-40 colonies of hees lun9 frame Laugstrothbives. nt tr per w1ujy. F. (itiiiit... bertyaiiia. Gitf FOR SALE-Choies dry sei-oud grrîwth cord wood. W. IL î'- ts F OR SALE-100 Brown baglioru 7r old bans. lireisl winter layers, saut Vu s$emny iiirck. IRA SMITH, 1R.2, Grays- iake.III. -2 MONEY TO LOAN MONtY TO LOAN-on good fart meuîh. . A avs, ibertyvilîs. 48-tf BIEN Ml. MIL 'LER, S.Iit. ChanCsry Nutile. 8TaTE OF ILiLI5Oi. COUuaTY nOLF i CrcuitCourt of tke Counir. D-arintr terkA. D.la1». 1mseH. 0 naayvaWalIer C Sca t-ri-. su Utuoi esirr» onr iierir1S tt,-r- fleid lutht' cai -asîsînlut thi, it l tO -Q plaint desutrlire-." lu Chanuerp 5e. 40as litiftasîorY aflidavîlthiat'tbe delandunte, lUkswow neirwu5ai of or ru.tlaa InierosWaer lnuths ceai astate In lire 1Biîfr I t'armint deaalbd.raaiol ro undi sud upon dus sudditgtt nur ieir plaes of resisunce flot bit sersvrluton tilts,-r etrer o e ir ha-Ing bteu flied ll ts ofie of tira Cora 351d sourt. Notice. la thretorr hreby gisen tute saIS -Uu.knawun ouers oh or p'ouan lntsrssld lu the rossi Isiae ilirte Bill of COusPWnt ldeecrlberi ,r 4élî'uat.,as afore. aaid liraItiraeabovt aamed fiomplaînaut heretof orsfIleS hi illîîof Cumiiant i%id u court ou tirs Chanter, aide tirerof. and tirst a aumns horeurron Issued out of ssld Court aaalsel tireaines nameS dsfsiidauts, eturuairle ounlire Ora day of the t0" mof the CrcutCort ofLakA lotiit tu ire hoed at the Court Boues lu Wuksgsu lu Nl saiSIks Ceunty. os the 1151 Xondar uf DeeSiber A. D. i15en. as ls by law reraired sud whicirsait la atili puding. Limwin 0. Baoasanr. fluait. Waukegan.III.. Octtobr 27. A. D. lies. UeN . iuan. Omplinants BSolîrmtor. - 6-4 Auclion Sale. 04ORRY LOANED-On lame eitler fur The uudereigned lîaving det-lded tu ,om or to y0u. Abafracta examiued, qi amn iloi tpbi uto PAItaLe bughtye a gau BNJA0 on the John Horeuberger farut % mule PàmutzLawer, aukgan1-4 uth sud % muile west of Everelt ou 6- aturdayt, Nov. 21, 1908, cummening at 12 o'lock lnoon, the lollowiug FOR RWTuf propertf,: Black borses, 12 yrs old, wl about 800; bay mare, 8 yrs ld, wt RENTSix - fat n fet 300; good cow, 5 boge Wl about 175 FOR RN-S rounfltn lrt bu. saab, tel harruw, MCormick foor. Inqui'. Mes, Iý 8. WA555 s. 7 mogar neary new, Dring hay rake self ~~ dnnp, Mlwaukee binder, 3 Incb tire FOR RENT-We bave s few goond 1od Dady wagon, top bugy,sprnug wagon, isahoussesantd flats o rnItysou Ot sa ugg, % yard gi-aval box Austx.1 -tf usw, uaw lia>'rack, thres koeed bob seig, eter, Dlaînond tuotb entivator, FOR SALE OR RENT-8 roo bouse sulky culivater, Maywoud scraper new, olg Stewart aud lMcKinley avenues, lu- uew Deere plow, sulky plowu borse boe. quse . P. SMNuieîsLnC. 8-2 3 ton coud boxingle buggy h arnefse, 2 seM double harusases, 14 tous@iuixed hay __________________________lu st.aen' toua timothy bsy iu barn, MI 11E ANEOUS 3 touasecond rop rlover hay, -, tons ciovar bay firt rop, 2 Mtacts corn @1NSURANCE-l write lire snd tornado etie 300 bu. sortsd corn lnudcrilbr barrel i»gufflre. 1. A. Giàv£$, Libertyville. eider vinegar, 80 galloni jar, uew barrai 48-tf thuru, new haill tearing wringer, Davis ------------sawing macheblunlugood order, sofa, AK ESYMONEY-Home corres- boas, forts, pot maul, posi naugar, làonding for nawePsperl; eîher sex; ex- garden raire, obaini; sud îuny nîber pteMunsn nneceasary; reportersansd articles too numerons f0 mention. '*Mmsopndnta wantel iai ve&!cion; IJuai terme. smd stempe for parfinaoEaîPIEî - JOHN HOiiEtqsEunEa, Prop. geUsSvi's?ÂrrîMiddeport0N. Y. 8I-2 J. SeuiwinuuL, Antiloneser. sud Ei. Aaniay .Niaars. tuer niisnd. Thlrly (30>)lun8South Higuuaîrd Addl- 10 Josapb E- Btîrcliell, IBenJauttu F.Ilion to141Hgbhand Park, tîîuw called facobs, succ-rssir tn trust), dated > faviîial.' accordLtug f0 lut tiereot, July lt, 1878 sud fOued for record in reorded June 7tb, 1873, ttt Book "A" flouse Dresses at 98c Made oI suprerfine fiaunllte, heantilul patterns sud coorluga. regular 1 $200 anîd $70.O values, sale rOte. '8 KIMONAS-Made o! spieutdld qualiy flaunlatte. 50e vaines ai 29c PETTICOATS -Mada of a remarkably good quality of ouflug liaunel. lrimmed wllb a dat-p sealloîued nufle. , f sale lîice--------------.. ......2 c ? Have of Plats, page lot ln liaxe Couutyldated July I, 1878, and flled for re- Ravinla), accfflfng tet Illinois. In cbancery No. 4064. cord 1u Rtecrts office or Lake recotded Jue 7th, 1873, ln The reqilsite affidavit for public-C Z ny, Ililinois. on .111Y 10th. 1878, or Plats, page 101, ln 1,"@ lion, having been filetd in Cleek' o- ln book 64 of mortgages on page 287,' lilinois, that the above n.n4M, fie eot Circuit Court of La~ke County, as; documntîs No. 197o9, aid thi plainant heretofore fIled * g'0J Illinois, notice 18 hî'reby Éiven to the known ownr'r or own, rsofu a c-raî complaint lu aaid Court, on th said] Virginia S. Swinburne, Harriet îrromissory noie foi Two Thouqand Cr ieIeef 0iue lIr K. Swinburne, Benjamin F. Jacobs, JO- Doliars, lui.îîi lated Atiue it t, to the premises ln the bill of sepis E. Burcheil, Trustee, Benjamin 1878. exectitr'il h.ý Margaret i \Nipar.s plaint îtescribed, to-wit: ILot P. lacotis, S11r.ceso1rîIli trust. Benja-1 and A duo' .> 1to nr 1(.0)(2iin SothflHighland Addition mn F. Jacobs, .Tii.,ee. Jos-ph E. oft îberselven, oit. Nt, i tri iateî,i Highltand lPark, (now called R,~h Burcieli. Siieressor in trust. Robiert 1at Firs N'ational i atk ik j caoat'tordiîîg inIthe plat thereof. reo, K. Jenk in s. Assign- î:î BauX riîicy 1Ilinois. wlttlInltecit t ig h; .J tice 7tli, 1873, ln book "A" ef MM", of Sinieon andi E. Ashley 'vlairs. liank-pler cent (8e, )i itr iiiîuiii, a', 1mgr rtInContyofLa îa rils I1. lilffliur. \.W. W \ells, the 11senii-anialv 1 somi i ~~,iif e .ýtStrt fIlinois, sud that a sumcn" îîrînnw own-r r tu îî i t a crtitu ii 'itîriiiisorjil oit of gai& Coecg- tiknw oir r(mifsofacet i I5,~ i i ilinu)i'r i t l i i.t.uiî ili, at,os r- *îameîi defeadanco' foi' i- >uIl noterîeiiiir1), airuc un the filst day of the< of One Tiîousand D)0iioWi $~riiW ltdAîutlt s4 ni ac date Atgus Ist IS8. roinMar t- e\t ternuof t liiCircuit Coe rt ,and Dolclast$>r>aiaaid noe in r et B.>Meain and 1. Ashle-1 Me.iro. îakc - i to10hibeied at the Courti cîjisiDoanirs ere aeiirl ait]ng ri-l er husbanti, or Lake Ctiînty. liii- lii.oii iiaea, nsi .k i113a antd 1878er.,axi **\ t ii cil iidzltslisoato Benjamin PF taroba, (Josephi(iîiitt h ta odyn e JuyIt 88 adbNa . Bu rcelel, sîrso in t rusot) .and ii L[î ) A 1) I iti as is by iaw ni, garet B. Mears aîîd E . shlei isa - lîldtoi, recordt itîRi-rurdet a office qîireît and shîcl soit lg stili pend- and pîayable 10 oriier of theiiselres. of Lake CourtytIlitnois, on December ii at Frst Nallouail Bank of C'hicago, 24th,' 1878. ln book7 ot niortgages EWS0.BOCWY one year afler date, taliitîprincipal pg 2 sdcmetN.251 lerk. sud Interest notes being sectireilh3 î h e îkîon nttitut rîr aukgan, Ill.. Nov. Srd, 1908. a trust îleed froni salit Margaret B. clatmants In anti to 1h' \ (i lrg. dwdB.Wte Miears sud FE \shiey NMears. lier irs wholpe (ir onif 11ai1 tif t lt VG.SrnFwdB.Wte baud, to JosephilîE.lttîîcheil. i Benîs Tbiurty î .ýi' î isut>hi, Ilaiiad 'Ad " andt Horace W. Nichols, Jr., Camt- min F Jacolis, successor ln truist). dition 10 Hitghland Pa rk, (îîow calîedi tatnants Solicitors. 6 WAIJKEGAN, ILÉIriOIS YoU Attended? The Manufacturors' Guflot Sale Is. Now At 'Ifs Zenith W7 E don't know of a sale that bas so thoroughly aroused the interest of the people as this Man- V~ufacturers' Outiet Sale;é it is an event that has madç a most favorable impression.upon the minds of practically every individual in Lake County. So far we have'nt hearcf of a person who has been displeased with their purchase; in fact it has been just the opposite. Expressions of satisfac- tion have been of frequent occurance; the people seem to appreciate this wonderful bargain opportun- ity, they are grateful for the savings, they know that we are giving them bargains such as have neyer been offered i n the entire history of Waukegan before. The attendance at this sale the first day exceeded 10,000 people, our sales slips prove it. Each succeeding day has witnessed enormous crowds of eager buyers, every day bas been a record breaker. Bargains are just as numerous now as the first day, because we have been fortunate ini replenishing ail sold out lines. Ail next weel( will find our store flooded wîih enthusiasftc btqyers. Will you bc one? If you consider economy yu can't i full justice to yourself neglect getting your share of the bargains. GINGUIANS .tioskeag apron gingiatu, the- iest tii the and, tapia situe checks, salaeirice yard1 51 FLANNELETTES Bearutîttîl nea, patterns sud colsrliuus. in waistiug fHan- nehr-iles, aclîîal 0lii ne se saleîr-iue syard 51C BlD SPEILADS Full aize, extra beavy quallfy very attractive patterns, or- dluarlly liiing $1.25, sala prIca 89C DAME Extra gond weigbt and flîush, a splendid selaction of ebolce uew pattarns. 60 luches wlde, greaf 50c valua, sala price yardh 3312 1.50 Petticoats, 69c A baiaii It liîarsnever bcen aîîoacbed, tbey an -ru ritumnnadeofa f inîe quality of 8lyd e g iadtIi lu> , fuit in sweeep, decli sblrredod ice îtwiih ail amhroiderad n i ruffjig i o $Ii 1.50 values, sala price, 69 Women's Coats---the best $10.00 values in the country, on sale at only - $6.98 Nover were you offered such beatîtiftil -coats at so low aprice before., They are natty garînents made of a remarkab]y good qualit y of kersey and chfiviot, full length, se"t-fitting, pretti]y trimmed, a grand bargain ato Ou, sale prie e onily---------------.. WOMEN'S $300 SHOES $1.90 BOYS $5.00 SUIT AT $340 Not a pair of shoeis lunttis lot tht suld for lasa These &nits are miade of splendid quality tancy iea- than $300 sud most of them brought bresinte Buster Brown, Peter Psuan 83 50, leathers are velour ealf, gain- &Rus nBlouîse styles, ageas2 lj4, 0 metal, patent, htton & l»aessle prlrîe 1. 0 ra Excllent values sf8$5, sale pries Dasement Baréains --- Wonderful Savings 8OAP-SwIf to Napbtaua suait, 7 bars for... . .... . . .25c MATCHES -liTira quailiy. box of 600 foi.-........... .. 3ç PUDDING PANS-Oua quart size, gray- r-isieled, sale ..-. 5c COFFEE POTS-Gray enaiiiehid 6 pn lotste. li ica ....23o ROLLER PINS Ntade of crý s- tl glass, wtîîdoit bannIe, sala ptrie . . . ..25el COFFEE BOILERS-Gray ena- mneled, 1l quairt sIzuesali . 49c CAN DY-(ltt>r-rit t.->11s, fineu qtialtty, ,tl.i- tii'- Itolnd -12r. KîTCHEN FORKS -Pîîttabed Steel, bmi iiiw i t>itrl -alr- price dr i. ..... 15e LIQUID VENEER i-rufuîrîui tre pliinîuîîtc2izts, sale price .. ..- . 19C BREAD TOASTERS--WilI toast 4 îtcu-îs of bread ut once, sait îlrtce..................... j9c BREAD i<NIVES-Exîra heavy, îîollahed steel, iveted bandie, 25c kind, sale prie - l....1c CRIB ROBE&--Haavy vehour, at- tractive pattarus ifi pliîr sud lilua colors, situe 36x48 luches, sale pices, $1 25 and...980 698 [68 OUTING FLANNEIL Exîra liaavy 12%uc quality, highî sud îuedium abades iu attractive checks, etc., on sala ai îrryard onhy NKCKWKAI Mais f otir in baud tien, made of god quality ilhk lu at- tracliye coloringa, values tbat sol<l for 25c, 36c, choices * 15C AU purs linen sud barred lawn bandkerchiefs, gome embroidsred, extra flue quali- fies, worth coîîslderabia mors sala pricpe asel 5C CURTAININGr A gi-ast hargain ln Sw1sas cur- taiulug. Ifull 40 luches wide, extra tfie quaity, cornes lnt pretly sîripita, sale price yd. i. ' t rectived forte". thati 2 5 et bREAL ESTATE T O FARMS FOR BAI E-N';rUoun)d 111. (oo farm of 185 serfs sud au 'lu ing farta of 52 scrue. To beboldt fa Lakie ounty, aToul< b. S'rAraa'os, llound'I ake, 111,47-tf FARMS-We bave ail" eliii of Lake omnhi 1fa misl, &Ibobouéesud iote lu Tillego. Diuns.akArtSil. 1 -tf FOR 8ALIK--Coice lote lu C'. Frank WuihtV-o dilon, 50X 150, for $'200 II00, FOU ..E'--Arelot. on Iymioîîîl subdiIsion cl e)to iWn &sudeiectrie Sale of Notions COMMON PINS.l 2 packages for ..... I HOOKS AND EVES. 2 dozen on card for ... I PEARL BUTTONS. l 1 dusen ou card, extra quaiity ....I DARN IN GCOTTON, Whtii, par siiorI ..... 1 WIRE HAIR PINS. 2 packages for .. .. .....I TAPE-Biack or white .... ..I per boit .. . .. . .. . . $5 1& $6_Hats $1.95 Charmng ne n'oel-r arie i etdlii titis loi ot tow riced bats . tîhrshalras are veivat covered asduritrnîmer tvlitwiîg,. feathprs, nb- boit and ornanient-5 ioeKodI leqs than $5,00t to s$,Wri;,c ch oi e .. .... .... ....

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