Eeyournce cfi When the mrwýp Mde n t akaJ% yo, jussi can'i keep thec hume warm. Yod'l l aiswouderlulycoenettuea pER1TION 011 Heater Is vmry'i"'î-crcy il aLcu-heat aey coM rocas.TucuieZ wick high or ow-no age-no "mmoes aeIL Easly cre 6r aondgVive nine honol coey comlt ai one hling 01 M vkm afont. Finiuheul je ' ickel andi japan.E-cy TheRe"Lesterwu'r't'Idel "Y %, *t 00 wu . isl STAISARD OIL COMPANT - ---- ---- . --- - -- POINTING THIE WAY Who knows shoul pont the way 1er om eWho doeso't know. la tse lime cd Tdusrinq enaiCoes awe coshow gou 0e gods amitel VSof .1values that wilI __ be iuesting ami ecomomca. gJRMlrigg is ume pq opua imothe imdeo- -V m»mmdis uigkt up withtie timés. Il gou wm & ugt l u o«ktmesone, two or more geai gm &»w &ie sWge is »mthing gem ca« be pleasd w*. Te keep wet dressed means that youmust keee Np iwitises& e s . FRED CROKER TMILOR and DRAPER Liberty ville Exebange fRED JOCHIIEIM 'relephone No. 46 SPECIAL ATTENTION AE To out of Town Orders Lietvâle - Ino Ani Shipping Trade HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIEO WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWNS Horsea For Sale Mountain Meadow Stock Faru ,Il, milesuertis o Wassonda. IHi.,ha. estantiy ou hand and for sale ai Io west market prim a large stock of al elases of borgs suitabis for th road and ail farm vork, expresud draft, umuind ulerviceable from 11(K0 to 11M lb. Prie $80 to $200. No plugs. Canas to Mountan Madow ses tise homorme onoutbetarm. AIl aolisated and aroid ,-sk of sicknese. AUl guar- anteed on delivery as reprmnted. Co)i.. F. J. Bzzmas. If Your Neighbor has Electric Light mi go have mot, just step isto Miehomme sme eveuing after dark 'Md comp@e il$ 9t with qour own. Sttdq e"h poit of Ç«enkenc, Ceaiies., CWeanieoe, Ikotcarefully, amd then r.iwe out for = l il it would flot pajjvSWeil to lmorhouse wired [or eectic 149I twe fan. H ymurhouse islocatd on anyof our dstrbui tint&t*i comumy amrta wire i for you a c-t.paja*bk a uie e«Ch g~ohfor two yam ÇaillWaukegan 2 & fotrtulr N tORTH1 SHORE ELECTRIC CO. NORTHI CHICAGOj Chiefs Hicksanmd Tyrreil Have Buyay Saturdsy Nîght and Sunday on Excting Crimet Chasses. Swuday niorning as he was abouta ta board a car ta leave this city, Louis Browning, piano tuner and alleged thief, was captured by fidward Swvan- son, brother to the victîni, WIi Swan-t son. and taken t'a the home of another lirother on Mot avenuie, where ho was helfi until Assistant tîhief of Police Hicks came snd arrestefi hlm. Browning was a desperate man and wben Swansoa grabbed hlm t the North Chicago unaction he resisted and had ta be dragged off the car. Swanson was just coming home and Browning wassJust leaving for parts unknoov. 5101. Fifty Five Dollars. Browning, it ls alleged, bad been stopping ai the Swansaa reaidence ai Grahge Hall. West af the cty, and la"t Thursday vont iito aile of tbe rooms of thse bouse. stole s purse cotaiaing fil 1y fve dollars, Sud eft. The police ai ance gai isy an the rase Sud learued tisat Browning vas la Waukegaa. Suaday marning the brother. Edward Swausau. telepioned them la regard ta is capture. The po- lice isad worked until tva Sunday mornlag on the case and the cali came ai elevea. Browning coafessed tise theft sud vas prosecuted. Brava- ing isad beau taying vitis Charles fivanson, brother ta tise mati he had roisbed. Catch Wheaton Robbec. Saturday night on a tip from thse police at Wheaton, Ilii., the Waukegso police captured John Lîttrell, wanted at %5ieaton as au alleged thief. He ls said ta bave stien mauey aud jevels of cosiderable value from a woman, an alleged shaft lifter, vlth visom ho bad heeui keepiug campany. He iii said ta haie stolen some af her loot. Tise sherif aof Du Page county yester- day look him la charge ta Wheatou. Tise police ended an excltlng day by tise capture af an lleged sautb ide tisief. Bis case la stili heing investi- gated. BOLD BURGIAR STEALS CLOTlIING itieen tise bours af six Wednes- day eveoing and seventi iirty aext morning Bidinger Bras.' furnsbiag store ai 110 Washingtan street wvas burglarized andi beiveen sixty snd seî'eaty dollars' vortb of gooda stolezi. At six o'clack Wedaesday oîenlug Frank Bidiager. a liarner of the frm. locked the doar. or bçlloved ho did- Next morning vison bis brother Au- gus> Bidinger oîieued the store ho discovered that the place issd been burgarized. Two oî'ercoats. tve or six rain coats snd one siik s'est sert' stoleîî from the tore- Tise police have tabou charge of the raisbery sud are wrking ou cîtuos picked up aiu tbe store sud ln the '.l- cii A shoeuuaker. vso bsxli;s sbaîci- recil under tiseBiiiiger store, stated next nîoming that ho had seen savl dresîied stranger loiteriug about thse ffiace about eigbt oclock that evoulng. There la practlcally no doubt but that this stranger is tise man visa horglarized the store. Accardiag ta tise sisoomaker the straugor vas about six fot tall, dark comîîiectloned sud weîl dressed. It may ho that tise store doar lock vas Idcked, the police claini, but tise theory that the door vas left unloclf- ed by tise owuer seenis more reli- able. Chicago îîsvu shoi' keepers have been aatifiod of tise robbery sud tise nîstier bas b"en called ta tise atten- tioni of tise Chiscago police dopartasent. Tise store door vas close>» tise cuiprIt upon bis leaving the ýDlace. ismonds Awarded. Frank H. Jast. ediior-in-chief of the SU'N, Monuiay alght presented the dia- moud rings ta tise vînners la thse SUNs dlamond cont.est as the featurs of au Inaugural prograns at the ha- zaar ielng held aitishe Battery C ar- mory by ladies o! tise Churcis of thse immaculate Conception tu rmine tonds for a new parocial sebool. lu a short speech tise ovuer of tise SUN rendeced remaria appropriate to the occasion sud tisen mode tise pre. sestatl.on. after visielihe presented tise fumons *Oid Glory" t0 Misis Sadie McNanara. Tise orchestra at once broke laiO national airs.Tise people lu thebell former a procsionan sd singlng tise national autisemna parnded tise hall wîtis Old lory at tbe bead. Itewl the pain formula on a box of Pink Pal n Taiits. Thoit a»k your doe- toc If tiser.te a better ph. Pain useans eousieatlo-blsod pressure somevisers licý ioop's Pink Pain Tablet4a eck vbme Try o» ud ti s 20 for 25,e by AU. DRALCRIL LANDS IN JAÇIL- Had net TOM NOrmoyie, 23, -of Dm- enport, Iow, flred hlis revolver Iii' à holf drunken cqdition at the Norths- westernl. depot ThuradaY ighti et a lata hour, ha neyer wouid have been arre.tsd and bound over to the grand1 jury in thse Oum of $Ibo for the much more serlous offense of crimini as- saut. As it vas Mr. and Mlra. ltebbe of the Chicago Hanse, Market street, iseard boy thse yoins uitsîha eeli arrested for bis salUaýiy druîîken revei and Mrs. Rebise recogitlzed hlm as the man visa had entereil lier romiwbile bec busbaad vas aîîiîa> at ok a fev nights ago and made a fieniissh t- tempt et assault uou h er.- The re, suit was thai the llî'bîes told thoir story and N'ormnoyle gutI>ni adîlitioti tg bis $25 fine for firiîîg a revolver ai1 the streets an addied penalty ln thai ho vill have ta face trial for the as- sult at tise Marcb terni ar the circuit court. H1e was tiaund for Notre asie. In- dialia, wbere se iha, a sister, vsetil arrested, and stated 10 a SUN report- er that ho vas fleeiuîg tawîî to avoid trouble aver the Rebbe incident whea Ln au intoxlcated conîditian he fired the pistai that vas the signai for jail doors to yswn for hlmi Mrs. Rebhe says tha> Nornsoyle at- tacked ber whiie ber child vas vits ber in the ,room anîd resistlng site Cao scross tbe street btiste sugar refinery ta suasman ber hueband. Normayle ssys tisa>tthe whoie rbiîîg is a con- spiracy ta put hlm iln jail sud cdaimts ta have knoov Mrs. Rebise ln Daveri- part. She deniee knowiug hlm St ail. Passed Away ai Hîs Home. Mr. E. L. Shînkie, Madison streat, yardmiasier at the Americaus Steel & Wire Ca. plant. died ai thse lamily resîdence on Madison street at eleven o'clock Manday nigist Mr. Shinkle vas boni at Coviugtou, Kenucky, la 1852. FIe bas beau em- played lu this city for yesrs. Ai tbe plant ho was knowiî as Capt. Shinkle. H-e leaveg s vite sud aose son ta mourn his demise. Hia son resides at POrt- land. Washington. He loft for Mai kegan Tuesday nmorîiin. Tise re msins were forvaridcaIoCînclanati, Ohio, for buriai. If you sufer tram ontipatian and liver troubles Folev Orino Laxative wiii cnre yon permaneutls hy stimulaiing tise digestive orgtane so they will Set naturally. Foley'e tiriSi) Laxative doe not gripe, le pleasan t tii ta1L. eand you donot have totake laxatives con tinualiy altfer taking Orino. FîîÀt B. LOV ELL. a I Once More, and- for The Last Time We Sound a Gall to Our:8ALE! i flD URING flie past week we' ve I~clotheda whole army of men, boys and children,andeveryoiie of them received a heaping meas- ure of value for his money. MORE THAN THEY EXPEO TED! RRSlots of good values left, and the days will rolil to weeks and the Tnweeks auto monîhs before another such opportenit Itp lresent te. Note the eortrln below, sud remember, we sound taps Saturdoy iht. let- ter bu, tha le. wish 705 had. Men's -Overcoats 310,00 Overcoata'.. 39 for ...........................3 9 813.00 Orercoata . 10...................................... 9 $150on Overcoata .9 for .... .................. ............. 7 9 &25.00 Overcoats 59 fo....................... ....ý59 MEN98 SUITS Mens suite that are poitively worth Meleil4. 00 Suit& nf for ................... ..... ............ 7 9 Drasa suite, in plain checks and stripe ; « tbis sit ia poatively vartis 316.50: for .. .7 7 -Latest c estions in fancy brown ' orateds aMd black suite, hand tailored, selle for 818.2 4 Young mens suite and ovorceal.a that are posltively worth Si10 CO, for . -.. ý.......... 9 Boye cuit3suad overcobts positivelv wortl. $4 en, for ... .. .. . .... ii.. .9 SHOES Mens good heav yacok sboes 12 at.. ................................12 Mens fine drees shoe at........... ..... .... 1.39 Mens 33.50 shoes at ................... ....... 1.98 Men. box caîf blucher shoes, positively 16 wot 275, St .........................16 Boys' sehool shoes la box cal r, positively 13 ",.rth 32.25, at .. .......................3 Ladies' 83 o0 and 83 50 sboes at.............. 1.48 Rubber Feubtwser at lems than cout. Mon's good heavy work shirt, worth 65c, at . .. .39o Mens fine drees shirts, wortb 75c, at........... 39c Men'@s50e aeckties. la al shades, at ....... .... 19C Mnsfine suependers, worth 50c, at ... ........ 190 Mein's Troumers' - Men's fine trausers, warth 31.75, for. .... ....... 79c Truesini blaecadfancy stripes, Po i 11 tively ,sortb 8250,fr.. . .... .. len's Mais NI eus R$ý2QOfa 98 Mens $12.50 bat s Q at. - S. . t . . . . . ..1 4 M ens bfl (1o liasaa.-. ... . . .. ...... .. .1.98 Gossd Heavy Overafla mmd Jacket.. worih 55e. ai 39e. 11i6 L; Washi4çgton: ,tre.1t John Donald Kfeller, Milwaukee, 28; Louise W. ?leltg, 18. Bernard A. Merle, Mlwaukee, 33; Cella 1, Crote, 29. Michael F'Itzgerald, Crystal Lake, 28; Martha D. Sazilian, 23. Louis H. Mullen, Chicago, 26I; Ma- Charles Hyde, Denver, 50; Etta l3ayer, 31. Jas. Nawardosky, 59: Mrs. Waronek Pslascy, 50. Kslll. Maki, 23; IlOs Lanni, 24. Matthias P. llegh. Kenasha. 23;. Lu- cille Christiasec, 21. Ilarry Diest. 23; Eldos l-rsu 17. 20. Ome from Shermirville and th1e other broni. Deerfild. Have ,One' 'Doctor No aensc, lnrunnlng from one dactor ta anather. Select the best oe, ehen stand by hlm, Do flot delay, but cansuit him ln trme when you arc slck. Ask hlm opinlôn of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and calds. Then use It or not, Iust as he Baya. *5Im is lub - SSil It imu't go diflencat to strengthen aI U a ~ f55 5 siio wiak tamnach if one goffl t It eorrFetiv. I U r :,sII Audthis ie true af the heart andl kidoove. 400155 The oid lashloned ws of' dosng the etomacb or etitlating the li ert or Kid. Alwasa kep a box of Ayer'a Pille ln the neye la surely wrongl Dr. 5hoo tirât bosue. mai on.pillai bedtme, nowand pointed outt iise rror. '-Gota the ýNeak hben, vilii ard .off mny an attack of or ailing aeryee of these orgatie," soaid blousnest, inîdigestion, sick beadache. ho. 'Esc hinside organ ba@ île coutroîîing How many yeara bas your docior known or inaide nerve." Wben these [,orvee@ hese pilla ? Aak blm ail about îbemu. fail then those organe muât surelv lai ter. - MOiS by MO51,0. 115O . Levet.UMs.- This vital trutb le leading druggimte overywhere to dispense and recommend 1 Dr. Sboop's "etorative. A few days Girl@ Who count their faces as tlspîr tant wiii surelY telli Sld by fortune , soonogo inca the bande ai a ALL DEALERS. reiver. It wiII pay you to look of stoves, before you buy. Stewart and Acorn Uine of -==El our tine have -the ! bi B A'ilres oa'i Chlret cas 511 .$l. .u . . 20851 Shirt ilargains goiid vallie I SURk Underslllrts, 2 48 1.tllîc 51k l'ihît .ir,.iu .sr 2.4 Ladies' Sîyllsh Dresses Bargain Prices td rosses. totnoz row .. 9.98 S11k aund Nuti ',iisg Dreses, gitates> I irgaini e ver. Stieclal ... ..6 9 15c Bose, 7c Ladies anud iildroîus 15e li o 7 Special ... .... .. 7 HOUR SALE Betvoen (ho houre of 10 and Il tamaorrav moru ng, ladies black underskirts, absolute $i19 quaiitî for aie hour s1ecial......49 HOUR SALE Betveeu the haurs of 3 aud 4 tomorrov alternoan, white MUsF linuderekirts, $1.50 QualltY,'aIl fine clear merchandle one toeacb cuatomer"9 ai .. . .. .. . .. . Il s!Fuis Fuis! Great savlngs In our Fur Department $2 Furs $3 Furs $5 Sets $10 Sets -75c -4.75 k CLOTHINO NOlISE Wauxegan, Illiois over We Oaks Mot Blasts Cast Ranges Steel Ranges Base Burners Perfection O11ileater IISCMANCK'BROS.II lýA CALL* TO' OUR SALE! 1 1 SALE SPECIAL MOUSINS Tomerrew Listen!1 When Iookmng for real bargains watch our ad&. Our stock is new and reliable, and oui Thanka.. 'vinbargai1ns art rmal bain oretomor- ro.Save moriey. Be happy. Hfandsome New Coats ai BarWan Pules Ladies ful engîl black coat», worth $10,00. Tomorrow aseial 2dMiss.98l Ladies adMime fine coaslu biscs aîd umixtures. Iasluding ilgist asîd emi-fittinis j styles. Regilar îrlef $12.00,.oorw.. 0 Our $1000 coat ii tise greateit coat la America for the price. We vIl]Iinclude ln this lot gar. meats that formerly 9 9 sold for $18.00. for tomarrov. special.. Ladies besutiful cravenottes lu Biik, Moray. rî,blerized taffeta. sud aIl kinde of beautiful $2500 garmenie This is , ,;Ip 'rialiargai,î 5t ou'r Wtediîsday lîricO "*'9 Chldren's Coats Cheap Cisildrei, lu .rsk 49 for toîîorroîs... 4 h n tg tg ti h d Goed Beavy Overans end Jackets, Worth SSC. et 39C.