____________________ T -~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ etu tion, où &Bd UflI b inUry rovsaled Hagopi- ona citam that seveil uneÉ g ho abumod wth their p " o» t the naval training tatios. ý6ké he was entruaed wth for Pa>- m t the. mon under his charge as ttaw bom. Iaoln tla s tated at thc naval lrsiublg Rhool à neyer worked for the g..IpiiflOt and vas nrt noticed nIl- cslIy. He seems to have been stra* bffs or a construction Companly, whlch one tlas ot inowu. Hggoplan vas veil kuowu here. No * aoey vas found on hlm. He vwu tr&We by meana of a letter n uhîcti hogae s address to a Waukeg5n tjn, et the asme tme tellAng the Uame under wblch ho maaked. 111 vas jorrested on west Maion ftraet tbday by an officerut the Central de-, ÀINITY ÂRRI3S KAlae tyes ter aoro ut warrant LIS.r seve d l .hMree k, ato e, la ameclaed t e Wis Ana Kng bi le iasiggualt 3 197thuelve ofl Wtlh Medlcs ho chueBy s he r a!t Kllng estchageswoAnotafavfIrant sentlonlJusteeshat (gh o vis an od lo furntre rmelnesth hlm.av nl g out bA197,homeIlle that *i e is lspsys agidnler afun mAt becrges inlt andbst takl o shto h araemnt yoatdayeud th manrasodayr the usfrmbnd'h he cclasenil ornebis borerAal ho- Hoe JustAcdWspa sanlgd lbes ffintbu Ase u have anfori he l arAng Kiad- As abr Chlcao alonkeper. A Iter panr or forgas. eswa i Te se iul Aolg havforetra Fo- Lake. The Waukegan polce made the ar- rost. Medcks came n and ftlld bond. Ho As out on bail. The police were * niable to bring tho voman nas. ah. As Ail, n a delcate condition, and At lasimpossle to move her. Medicha à%A a restaurant snd "saoon" keeper tlas said and enloya a proaperons husines.Me could nel bc aeen for bis statement. LA1(E FOfESTWOIEN DMU That ia What Shocked Down Town Peops eatsMrday Afiarnoon. (Prom WedneadaYo SaSn.) People n the down "own shopping district wero greatly sbocked yesterý day atterooon by (ho appearance n a prominent store of two Liii. Forest society women n a 4runken condition. There las nothAng moro repusive (han a drunken woman snd the fat that these peuple arg f rom Lake Forent, a auppoaedly model towu, make(ho in- cident al the more deplorahie. The vomon vere hnatled avay and tii. motter eked out only today. NOITIKCUICAGFO (From Wednosglay's Sun.) Mr. and Mrs. F. Beacamp uf Chica- go viited bore ysterday. Goe. F. Paddock fol do*an a few stops on 22nd atreet yoterday an&. receAved a general ahaking up as a re- suit, athough non hnes were broken. Mons Lta Johnson of Evanaton spent yesterday bore on busines. Frank Klrsa vau yesterday remu,- ed o (ho hospital. L . M.Sheldon uf Chcago Melgbte vas a business viztor hore yesterda.. Lloyd Nelson became suddny l yesterday vith heat falure iu a b h o e r e m o v d t u t h e M cA ll t r d o s- The Phllomatheon Clbvseter- Lalned thig aternoon at (ho home el lira. Deniel Reardon on M2d treel. kA dollghtfnl aW-ernoon vas spent snd L olUcers ere eleirted for the ensuingW The. Preebytertan xrayor meeting vA» h ld tonigbt at the pastor'a 1 ..4çTb. Hoyle chllren vljo have been ~ ulgvillascariet fever, are ahie But triPe, SoiU11erly of thîs place, bM otbw baie b.# tu WichtaK... te ... itipIs Pehit, J spending a few TU WgAAJr wM lbeopen tomorroFv J. WO0149viited he Genes-.Street n.Washloïgo.l IiIHIey Bidn Possession m - as than i asD tirn tuingtM.sole THESE PRCSWILL INTf R, ST -EVERYBOUDY ___ Balence Of ai. olr25c e e Flowers for Ilats-Tre Bunches, TheFq- WaY800ctw st iFine Sablune ThrowsMWsud Muff* . . Children's Fue.-Angora 3 Setsni FINE SELECTION 0F FUR$ 0F ALL et S etr,. .47c la~c faloe ~p.I~u4.70f ImatShe tp to 4 M.e Of A1h~t O0enAway Ml11hPrIoedbilais .~ 98cr Ostic Plumes, worth up ,L4 " SAND QTttEs U®RMAit Y"* 0" - -- ----- 1e ý 0 0 We i« d thiç~ ev ls rag ace -of, mer suitsO I Ot i bas flJlt pis ~LEO74TFUR COAT S hÇ oi4m..1CCfYdes~lt rÇê8tS, al 6 values .9c Feathers