Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Dec 1908, p. 2

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-os-- the Dl MPîRffAIREvIEW O! u&RcuLosis Death Cry on the Wire. ' I riN vV pa-rnte, Mr. ud rm. Wm. mpker. NM. e.Brman Albrecht @petit Tueaday on Sevonty.Iive.Forma. Olseasos Girl Listent as Her Sister's Suitor Fires Five Shots In the Air and R Mr. and Mm. q,. Andrews and son, of lest week wth her i;ter-ii-law, Mmr. Rdcdt 4Dto 20 h it noHsBan SoMethlng MUSt be Mr. aiid Mms. Ecenry Kane. Mise Ethel Knedler èpeDt the week end wIi lsfod.Ifth Mlr. and Mrm. George Mitchell and with hir parents, Mr. and Mm. M. W. îpeae yAtu i e h ao'.i h agte ui.Mýâd, Mrs. Wm. Kaedter. lîliois arera' lArtuteJ.illfo he "Hello, central! (tve me Main 7883." lgteiethcyta olowed the s mikdoen' norih Ioueau eiiubrt.epnt noay otJ. A. Mason vlsited the stock ehiiw at Knowing. that many borde of cattie *"Hello! 115.IRegina there?- fatal ebot. ueeds S EMttsEm IL the Ionie of Mr. and M re. H arry Rouse the coliseuin Tlîurday night of last , "o ila .BreacbwoTy the eienntS of â Wloliemt.dBarbt, toberculofoTay triReckefeller. week. Mr. Magon expects coon to leave BraIready "WernlashT'lorewd lve wtb isonlewn t Wa the bb fbb George Whitney is (anice ick li4t and for Kansas tu te gone indetlnitely. entirelY nnknown te the, owners ad "hr aac"fr h iewt nlwst -rln-yGrpeyteC&r3îg ai l he J. Raltab, of N'jrthfield, vlited witb that the dls.-asa lagradually spreadinig, ftnl"bue l uhdlt He al ter bis ie. M rs. M. W. Knedler, Saturday. the oext <uetien la tbaet o! a prneticai "I do nlot I>eilove It. 1 arn golng ici the firet ebot. Taylor beard bila coin t euflMiss Alima rik-inieiiijturned te lier Mrs. Dan. itzenthaler wag a Liberty- rernedy. Tire tuberctilin test le; the o le shoot myseit. Leln! ng, andi lictie be olld Bey ia word bc honie « th lekS uîr tere Mr lis « ilecalr (jedyol«e . 'k reliable method of lnding the diseape. Then Miss Lîllian Georgîies, standing was coiîîiiîaldd<oe v'turn te 'tieroom. Sayv hler b lF r. rol e Fi-i .sgmiilcr 1,-fr uris haine ini Kugge. Iowa. Friday tu resoîne lus wîîrk as But ronipulmory teetiîg and theslaugbter et the telephone in ber home. 10De Taylor tol his nîiclibewliait Irf be n. sc n , K'lie Ell a Town er 01înt Sunday at toi cher. of ail dimecsé-d animais ei-s me lmpo'.aihle renrnaylvaflla avenue,. nortbwesl. Wasli tered the reoili be Nould lie sbot. home. itcv.and Mra. Koeneke cntertained the hecause of the greajliie, e.pecilly la Ington, wasanauunwlllIlng literite After <lie slxtb ebot bar! l lec fired a tendediliii(- ltuiui bla, Satuirdav. Harry Kriedier bas returned bhuat pr-that bave oecurred Ilaflirut uItv. letnl 'hî i i 0r ile I M ULSUO N .lealter w<rkiîîg for Bd Broekmn uthe- îaset 01rauiig the law, asud t ause noeate 11h19 renlo tenreB ruhl IMIPbi Irg h eTir bn: Mjwn uitafway. i tingelîatl-yives sdbu seer an keeP lirnishing anny i-nouglî ta P, Taylor, Who eonducted a ealooal The mn'îs il-i-i le thought ta have ff espoflthSo ren-in fi-« ave sIting r-laiead i'l'llMitchell visited tibrtY'i]lc pay the owners ei-cnp1art of th-ir lapei. 101 H treet, soutbeagt, presed a Nrersilted fronjeaIou iaeBebadl licon ' f tesapoo nulthreote or nu e 10 Uicagi t rt relatives Thurî-day and Friday. The «gricilt<iral pe-ue aflîlinola, who Voirer te his temple slud, after tlrlng <aurihag 1Mie Georgius glnce teat Au- for ole <aoii t btle Sn«y erui je at 1.30. u rne Prcsiiding Eider Shutte. of tbiiadistriet, r aligaseia study f animal Èive ahots ln the air, sent tbe at bailot guiat. ani,. alitoiigh the two hbal si( WU'l '- h reefd t a aa ago'ern' il tusriema h raeEa berculesis, don't sec a «mivreairelief ltahir&bng througi bie braîn. tbe berri miner qiîarrels, was of a seroius se have a effedtiiaGer gied iic r., poui n dy. gilirai ciur<-h ncxt Saturdav erng t u#main s aa n ic .Al effer.dan M eo rg r.Boe. 8 uda nd will alise preacli «t the regitiar drastielegisilatioiao! tliq sort, aud do lid ear wltnesof the tragedy hear-natutre. upon bbies ad chidren. ssithMr. ad MrsHarry ouse. Sonday iiornimiagservice, at whieh trime Dot want it. But thi<y believe that hthe ______________-- j$cn o'e wiIl prove the Tire Ladies' Aidsulmetw t r iiliUlitirie s iW"'ilte heu] ,'iîî cattiemea thenuselvea asjuutcndnct boule ,'ti ccmsaenrt.Robert LilI, Sr., Tbnrsday mrningatreiveu.. sort of an ecoriomical canpaiga that wll I*IJOi 1101K t~.Cflt* - lUo'clocli. Eviryone iscordiallyinvited peethaybsse tc yt '~.~ '~ s . te came te dinner, estiecially the mina revent S m.uIy 'uuo *..of stockfmu.,-au. ý i a l" b &ru th.oi umeile wth Mm ad have a good tinte iith their IAN OEdise, and thet iili head off radical KoI'S lFUI' O ntUTIIe'UI'O 71I««a mear bkbtIlMd5t-r-h ncîghrs. ih er The Ladies' Aid Society met ibis week legialatien (otbsrwise sure t coine) and «InGktss0sea iSsath ww ia.Sît, 'a Smith and Mis Thureday wlth the Misses Paynes. unwieenforcempnt iuy oilials wbo do ýý &DWK 09Pel LNeYMICar Smthtr'lara bsies stmu.abi Mtraîî mih pea estetdeulzbusinessr' atou pobeu WneaMondai. Mr. ndaywtMtera ier'snitpaent e elt ttbrnr'srise<rheoTwo Young Jerseys Cause a Turmoi In Hoboken House a Ae Obituary. Tlîere waa a dune leld in the Wo'od- in ds mateernth icntthr"lsaGal . lp" -irs---Gt G ireakfast and Are VA CNMira B. llRay waa hem aet Nel@oni, man hall laet Wednesaday evenîng. confei'i-e ti(t he t uîuersity o! ilîiuîcis FinaIIy Led Away by Firemen and Police. VA cN AMadison Co ,New York,on tle 22nd day Mm. Tom Boyer and daugbter, Helen, that Dr. Brnard Bang, Dnmarks great of Augot 1823. The seveath son of a aPent part of let week Viiig lan pcait ii isae8nadiint ý DkWt faU totames the Passion Pas next famiîy of ea chiidren. On tbe 6th of Chicago. hiltin teibdge ear inanditoeat WOgyyugJre oawt alaada h broeetcage 14da, eeveauag. DÉe. 16. Proceda Fibruary 1848 i- was married te Lewi, atk ftadkcrptigbuge f laranbroen baa Yun ereytwsweea atsan sou tbcpeedcare ~te o heOtoircuc. Emelne Swet and f se ypars Iter <bey ick liai for the past two weeks la netails did net bail tbrooacFte tetavrsIon fr cthe slanaugtc be m.ltta t hot re eca a yeard g or lx berno iag, tete brifrtneinteg t.TavligbItea, the taste fo avinfr tceilmblghmtebdusel'a lodto the o tre e Ascpeaardg o- .~$ Virde, ! Cicsg . senta tarted for Ilinois deteritined te 'tlv reported mnoh intproved. culmination o! the whole mate-h rledalkd oaru usIabgtw aedo!te. le, o Ia ekwihltr adlr. tfr orn Bffl the wsat nTreingb rn uk hehdbi Oadvery informationned by catticaien of double ieaement t 552 Newark treet. It was a work o! sooude for thet ire- hua, .Toeoi fo ufad lteil Ithreathed harîey iast Monday afternoon. That Illinois and <th nited Stato-a chcnp Hoboken. mndrct roaUcare eri e,,U. md lira H.Goding re<urnad hi cars; te Cicago. Theur destination probably fialahes the threshing for ibis and osrmtentehdo!SOp dih pi rit wy mmt eir< til au thend cre rnstenrolp dtîurd&yalter a ibre weaks viit was Lako county and ai Diamnnd Lake asason.ilcnevttemto ofsopg l'c artrlre wyfottrirta tlaetendrmeusI p Mr ad lira Jeu, Goldng md <ey locatesi on pnrtiablly improvedi and Tom Boyer attended the Lt. . o.F. tht inection and et elai bas beau il astera. who ware drIvlng Iben, i<o <ho ie ire e, peand Ittathh alway. A I lorda.wbtch continuasite<ohath homne o!flMr. meeting ai Liberty ville donday ening. eperatiotu laDanmark for 18 ycars. 1< abattoir. andl took refuge on <ho second But thetr red shirts only made mattera î ?ý Wevsos returnasihome Monday "yai nti! bis removai te Lieryville giviag bis report o! the meting fet la s folloies floor front o! the tellemeut. fi tookt isrse. Tht Innocent rowa. <bat: bail @Poeèding a fsw days ai the Fat w bicb occu~rIed ln tha yaar 1W M.Spigfed Famotta Experîment. ha rombîneut efforts o! ail the school neyer doue an unladylîke thbng la their aboiriwChiago.Ray was <ha father o!a a tmtîy of aine Word Ws recaîvcd here of the hrth o! Dr. Bang, under apecial goverament cblidren of the netghborhood. a romn itres, auddeniy 5w blond landl went shwsrbiao hildrpna.four te! whom pracoeded inl te a daagbter, Nov. 29th, te Mr. andt Mrs. Pr ffrmnadtePlc eevscay bydse bu h os <Wadàr.E .MvrsetStr ha other word. B is wi!e departed ibis Paul ttubbard, o! Arkansaas. Mm. grant. attemuptedin la1892 gaull , t e hmdw.tiutl tro.ustlgcar S"aa gandaY wi<h relatifes IC ife in Fcbruary 18811. Mr. RaY wad Hubbard was larmerly MisseAlice Payne change a tuboreus herd o! cattit mto A fermer !rom ont Secalcus (N. J iuandl tiretbreakcfaat diches antdi.- agsein marriad on thcIlItb of Septamber oet <bus pace . a ieathy bard. Retptstcd the 211-16hi-«d, i wsdibg I edo -i iW u'smi leUimn asotedr (l ie M u ura a u ur. A n 8is) in W aukegan n t a lr . J e a a r v n i o d o e , c w ;fl i e e n s o to d cfChli uo pniSna s aen sc ashotAimeaaer Tha Forester teanue!fIvanheaCamp, inding 80 per cent of the uilk roses and1 along Newark treet seben tht trouble The arefractory animais@îireaontly witl Ur and tirs. . Ueary. (romu an injri recivod froteia a leince No 1253, Moderns Woodmen o! ALunrica 401 percent o!tba yonnigeattleand calves began. At the heau of the lprocession <1ueteil downcnut wlth the arrisai o! tat tinta he has iisesi with bis youngeât «iii gise a dance in tht Woodntan hall diseast es.H made a selîi board par. seas a Young <ing. bardlly more han the poice raenves things began te Xt. *nd lra. J. N. Ziminer and son, son and i wlt. Nearly tien yonrsa aichobeut Isanhot, Friday eveniag, Dtc. 18 . ahlr.totgaousdamtnny otbtgerArouil!wrwa sud Mis@ Clabeamry, et Long sufeores a troka of pavalyits front wblcb linsir tii Hapkles oretra. Tickets tituon la the @table, and cempletcly sep- I efr rtigaogieamtol okbIhe.Acuelo a a ,lip osil unda w it b M . and t M m . e bas een a great ufferer eing ' T5 s- ane a! tr a tasotli t <b a ated hasi ea tbai '<'lue ca l-es e t b o8 y o e e a u m m h a rh l le d h r , w r. v r -o h p Walensee. ~aimosi entireu ly pies. Al <bhrougiigrs. miss ne f1he<essndisease ledrectd.'rtecotfth'ers o-ll adamigmt reauesede mini- hitsen i.eilu r olc 4AXiffsdance la te hbelaolet tth the long icara o! aufferng lhs bas been ms t iesdmteswr moýýdiml bal.l, riday eseing. Dec. 25. remarkabîy patient for ont se erribly iatuly ater birth front, ir<le uicdsal lfirtëdl. He basi bean graduadll faiding W D OR H j &%P"dis'Iterarycltibiebeing organisesi fer seme <ie andt grew rapidli worsa and ater hibving tbe rawilke hi $,4yoong ladies of or village andsiWheu on Satarday morning daatht came The easy fi ofnl t 81w maki» pue methers the ti day %v-esaiwaysalater- ren5ted a roum ai the Oakland te is relue!. wbere wurrouindtd by is tbunk sinter bas comas te tay. w!ard given boiied îulk on the milk (if 60 bod iheir waekly meetings. fanuiby midt bosha lovesi and who Lao Lui sent te Waukegan Mondai healiby cows. 2~gnndence beld at tht Lakeside hali se tenderby cared for bila in bi- on buintess returning Tussday. This plan se folliuwcd year alter liaik'ndnycvanmtgpred ~grat affiction, is .pirit teck tls f it lutFreayýveiagprvei ate fibat landi frot ebence ne ravi-li A large crowds attendesi the meeting year. The isolation seat emiesebat le- smeeffs abolit l0 roupies heng lunctru Monday evening helsi byth mi otu.<uafrnrdsntpenulyc .Muiu wsns rnialiesi by Thi-ftn. l ath-i ud« temensippers at Brosets hall. teml'fci, h amrddntpopl e OCnnra orchestra, et Chicagou, Dec. 6, Res. J. Van de Erse, pester of Miss Carre Creplëv. ot Antiocb, je .move the il tuberculens anmaincs, nd fa hLn..aelsbarntel uiler W«i, he Preshyteriaii cliurrli et Librtysilie, guest of (ien Waddcll <is wuek. anism tetncficlatuyb! ttIse Lai-cie hocradlaunrtt e ofiitig uSiia t Diamond Laite Eniaun Casmere andi Mm.c. i ietds sens resentesihy the sent-anuual <rats. a! Mtým. Muerphd y aila.uThe inory.weme Wanksegaa visitersaone day taiet, nt, un spite (if <heie drasebuaie, theue ena nettth a io iilebei-uni-tdviinoryraý ya b ya - o ~ aNew eai ri-l, airte. 1tuandailleTM. ;el . GoBantieitt spen2t Fmday in ud tireivsoni urnsd criyc la <or d t u a i rlou wat dl h -luti a o o i J a u i g u t t e e d kaassrd t ai seo aten.0. Sponenhurg, o! Gumue, w it" tuiig micls. atuuuu< 3 iait.e Thsfolawing affect-a wera ehartcd by Dirli Adams,. of Cirago, mlie-t Sbuday Wadeueerttî last Wednesday.ofterain inamabu30hd -1110 duise Worker, ii-r. 2:Petfi-t, at bonis. Ms taCrnyvsts1-tra lh.spru uatfen<uc amau ýàLI Car; mnantor, Mrm. Bame-e; Mm..ildMrs. Chas. LeClear, o!fthCan hrisi Ett arneRuse tua The uioun iuiaii -n as itis lli for Y yH. E. Maae:banke,R. C. wcesha guesta oil Mn.andi Mm. A . chfilàreuRsel.awodinCpugnm niko' al ILa a eary; si-utti-el, Minhiki- unday. Martin iLux tes ini Chicago Tuesday. infante,~ andsiun <lu,-tet af las< c ar net IHst;wýarien, .Alfred Trud ; JunWomn6e«le <ice The dauce gisentu y <hi- Ben Huresnsuni. ofthe 211 animuasla cited. l i"tDr.J.lDawson. Pu rip oO aasccsad ed<aecjys.Succeedsi n Farm Practice. <*t"Io i~b cdJt.2 to. M. ansi Mrs.Pyle amd dangbmem, to as bueesLnx lm spendmng <ho e uali Dr. Bang saydi t n'as coseuul ieil-uau Chingo, are viiiting sitti M. and Ms. wiîh Mmte. P. iser «t PRussell. tae<tathpinipeola-iurte C. Aces.Mre Gi-eu. Castuinoee catertaitei bts- mises and bealtai cattila away fron * RQCKEFELLER ~~S. P. utrtisen wanca 'aukcgan uailler muotuer nuiS sitar oea day laet weeli. inetowa îrut.ndbtsluc r ~~Vcdncsday. ~~~~Organize for Protection. crreioturtilasmi-îdlie il seman il Sndm n<iu l3li by.bell ul.-tin)g «t <at place on Monday aàdforteclmofis, ~thesîuin bu wul 1reah o Mak ~ The concert given at the hadI orth <ln aglulie 7, for the purluose oif urung asdotbcreudit.dtohus ~a-Y,"Banere.'Oui Dec. 2tb tle Cathoir banday selioul sens wli atten- an uaganuatieu ber protection «gaiaiH- oans<h-bal i 'nt~ ul'iîuî ~pulr eîlpiiailuaChrstmnas sermon dua i tirs. Fagan, ef Bugtilansi Park he rite irr me ns uaiut kHe wa0< once, but y nb u ci<ecci~(.. o.rniug l'bat esening ilielite won <ho rut glase@tuiwl1. n De u ol eptoeo 0amusical progmamn. Tht seiiir the CIhiýaCi 'ty IBoard uof fHaitb ithe ifecte 'osain iluat do muat ehouw C b uc as puri-lus-si a piano anira , A. B. y fbassoalS Ilieremîdetîiiii J. lias madue agaiut <ethor -cmnpcllimg hi- o!'v iseaeas ae.<ir to-ion ae lseulbuak<len t ho musical ieretJ.1utCuoeTh i utl ru uucr otest thir stock was para sevSte pny fori ute'attulfur ni-t famiy have boght a farin i Siiti-qu-<uu uebduis-.Tepun csa i ihii1 On 1msai îuuule n '-wks annuneîuutit. Gro er hin<li-y nteuii miiiaug lit the n-as rais u-si<bti<hi-tutearrulin test waa ebd!omifcin seaé o etnadAop pring. nut ne rate ans ir<bt baving teted. 1<ctdfon necin î anr.ByN--u nlAall Miss Sadis (iaihuway isitedlin Clliage 1t hi-ie ruine wlth the iues or le-es RaidIs on 75 Fat-mse.uYitDEtYIlXA\TiuXu c' oudy ealdyltiwe aibhiMrs. C. A. ahle te cuîiatit1.. Se.venty-fiv~e owucra, 3,637 rabti- G. Weyaaeuth.The ii-itiulg namlurgely attendesi hy teseth~e frat <lit 1892-189M i uarpl ou0thi r Juai rniy. andu <be fariner confit l o ii, haut (,auuifrona iuului con.,end lirK.e. Ilu2 Fry bas luen unjaYiuîg a ALins mut uastue tb ' t< he<i-large ansi cmati aittpPirsnuitd <sec iiissor 2246 reacting adybeieohecs ete bysal h uirnasuî<uaî ha-ta ", vssm lt-ou er ui.Me wos e i ens.mui ni - fret un'as «<ln1i <ha r- c. Aller the tcstung ansi eeîatauanIluaisdenly began te ravort. leudrut'et i heIl(i.gec. È -te,,u.ý wab Very ~RepoirtoftDel tieiueaid r oul gaiîicuug. A charman andiaea-eaty lu-in eoa<inud fer a number et veur"e' ydd oeyr il lvne-1>e i y ln, i ad , Ltte Carroll Pou<est en i-aycucfor the iluueunsiing Dec. 7, 1Ill: Thteaerc niupoiitted aisee.a reaimuttea te itue binai test aliplieul te <hua 5,2 theiii «iiiore s eretui se ast ni-ik nith the roe bgrdebasi an attendanvu of ¶5 aits s- f ue asi ca ete ia ts plidt te526 li lot-d eutongeber lit niai telle muon, lelfer iilng uti)onllatter of breafat dais ~egenbwth radeareguiofions !or malsluthelueitbysectons huisdu-a-I <olt a top, skiplpiaitdjouaitnduul ta-efood bfrontu bbe fluer. Aftansomte pet-- but te reportesi much iiaptiated. lualrcentnethe wo cass au!tarectio.n@e tbsnese rgnuiat>on .W. A. Shaseandcminilay eperit Suard y erenth grade, «tendance 194, tardinemas The i- uxt umeieting<ig il lie belsi«t Buts- opei revealesi anîy 34 dseased v«<tie.!gclloplng offstownatho strect It tiibhemiaiiaithefa'iucr cece led out bu tha wth rolatuse iat 'ya, nda. tseo: sxtb grade. «tendance197, terril- walil !luunay uîgt, Dec. 14. 1< 1,' tu the ixty six o! tbese denonstraiiuiae seeru- matrn iut hem lides. The n ie loors hallwuiy. lui t Illae heudot lie stt!rs nemt <ru-c. ifth grade, attetadanie 195, iluteretoufv ecry milli <roducer toattens. on snalilfarmes having a total ot 1.8,2;-,of 5512 attract-ul hem, caid wt1lhleliretey lu-lukei'd a-ldra. Louis Roder anîd ltti,- uiaughteu. tsdiai tel-e. Aveagtgipartuuu,.a<: Tii-eCiitnaould nlit up ansi loin ctla eih105recei ni<, ni-m wcs cill tonugc led tutu 1eiei.fua' liei-excliinii'i 1 XWreil. are apendaug a en'w t i eith igth. :; sescattu, f2; ix<b.iti; fifth,ternko!<a sl"fo<hieenmoenu<hounbctiniloo. utntiuild eio5ti tpi ,aua~asasifrind as <ui-r eraerauiiu )2; huea mkung <hi- uightthgrade the muituel hînafit amnS protcinlen. issi atlest01shWed1,11atean lu es "nnun îluarildituteio irnau insma.Ws uanrt-s udeportinent. T'm7e e ece horde, net one o! whimh wsnsalic hti-intsi.agdy luisio lcmn Raerry Lathrop lias tuen c-ontaniesite twan)ty-four seita sere nither absent A A CThaso e rsuits searacomputesi îy tDr. w s tei talloutn the dot etpl oTey suaro <unis.ttocewn purthe. -leaisometthe pest ncek. Bis celupuiiut ortarsiy ansi <senti-fi va-chose depori.- _ - Bang in 1905. Tbey clattemeut rigb< on opstai-luandl o! thoebreafast fOoulanadrefuseu tet 48u rmted te be chicken Pix.nient st95Ci per cent or more. We- WeeWiud !ex.adPr VStsi Cuaiaioesanmrcan.î-eanihifey pmotbl!edze.îti irsBdeul. ofccouu iteei n Rba is'rt te set a tmjrosement iet month at oeosrtnige. Par , triktng preet o! <he a pit mcmltsaseuilcfw t Oeir etuuy îoahol. Tt girls <bT. uthaefrorsaut "Sedad Bos. Mr. and lir. Josepîh Baste ha -m- alil long tht ln. thre oe snm rd ayai.M. Wan atiiinu prola aof preeuting cmofou- areiul auîtluaut oor.e t irluanie bmb;liuvain h imrsnd"o o, , tioseà front a tiit tua thîir rhilu(d Tesrpieouudtdr.M Win' 1- om u aBagîuin sud uii again h-e PLTIEln honor o! Mis Clamrailst Saturdayie sipleassna f pr. ut <cui.olt jnst ad id b oteu usec- t aif n ainlritru esImp5ll lfomer ernptoyiei<hi-Ornmental aenis.8 ns stirat aioti I a atgo.onutafor titi'whole builditig to gi-til)a t <e crrtalun-who hautconcebveil <he ý7» t0s o! lioclieli-Iher Mm2M,MB Ete sens plesanWtltte. H Mon Prk Hre ho the States. 200. turmoit. The fusamuid nounsense sait the brgbt den of blbud!oldllg the aot- Mys.JeuJa Wics' Wtl redoTl s ayafr inautTuageerd(l Mr. md inWiantisdaughts.errprent,!eMm.ndMansit te eisitas. H 1, tititwstber paranti.ste lint-.asansimd lirey Col n i-c- iii <-icitat oIing Fum,,nurai Tuusday wi<h hurlIs J. uchlty, Mondai. Russell, uow <enu of the agirutural The farmer arrîveut. bmecitllcsi e)ersi1 i undroui pensons. But, at any rats. *i«I iluring th<luter îta giet of Mmar n h, luli-is emary. Emil Oiesais quite busy digrging a wu'l colege, tels of is aumeSofu so thi- fluaitheto s klttisb animaais kuoik i le u, uuideuaworked, and the roses walk5d I.. adi.Born <o M. and! M re!us. nets,51 Miss Carrta eb layin s pendialg seseral Bang methoul in Wisconsin; in bis firt on tht doot- a! <ie front basomeuf. ou<tbltoufoided as If <bey bad navet Mr.m»d lim. bli aie, si a. aaltI Mrand Amandaflurt,na itthadîuguter I)u-a,.1. dSaswtb relatives aied frlendo at attempi ha rnised 27 heatbîcalmves frontî "Sol, Boaa"' îsuedt<ho fermner. erreut fro0ntcite stralght and narrow Bat yBut*o iatthe cowee onrauaton.eibriyll. lblourishouinlre yar. e as utthhoîr sesi.rqei tei wy Uethe h. ali-iîaiuiuîn, Mlu i rn and Mrs, Vrgil L 1 tlJa itesole tsaeimteain<rayas eey ___ niV. auuai f~ui ealaiM.aVr. n e-)Il iKibaj't-r ,is _______ _t_<iai he ueS a loundation of scoute of - - .- -"]mootyBlf ,MottnI riea masin PlatInincet r -sa-mt. Tht Iuiiewiiug asisartismeni recentty iseame, amilrearcai opon ih a heaitIa Students' Chase of Cats Rouses Town. j.. arati Bluonta, tbeatt-uls Musc Ah<uu Fo.ë isit euu-a stia rienaîs apo-ar'-d. Ilcluig aseare that t is il)- tiird, anu <at si-srai ethor uasli dis ma- h tieiaat<i tuaa ~.~ayeeasamtn<oarn o-t 1 ai Highlan~d Park, s boulue t'eai l'uu na nd m i enThat)maisiig %ih d lc t u a v r ie f r a i n ad l e e a s h ti eiý ir fi 01ý9 l m u i g t e s r e m relates ree-enil efan rinSig-e btaii audlau in the sautsieny wiih signal aî te rayt faya-i. na e Ii<luug iI ito-riai rs n he r apssieot 'lcelaiî cciaahaag« iti Ia bafser taasetiemet tic-es l eeàae hordeeira- ro <in oruWisconasinlai cioey 'labav-irtue aaaerit atonton f ý ý i . K i n g a s o p e n e i n %lu t i - o e - clis i eam olat i ni n d e afr i e m ai e ae l h e c tsll e sa ilia is i i tli , glîa to g h c a s o t e l gg- .k ýg. K l g bo k s u c a h a in sale _ fi-s jte wb<h<auuý lt aiih . A rn t ugh e d e m i-s s e I nU s nei bc nt e 'ase auseed e w r - t w fth se ctiîu- oun îî i,- ltlt hai - auîa j fi- l ais ar iaei/e M af r a th or i i !of ne atn (,lutuid lb,- A ga bikaarh i- itiuau ~ t teitud cu'iert a yhkau l! ro.V .M îr u o neltun- st îî'h ta h bt- aabobîs o i- t i aiagit ' h eeeou i h Mcc ltaiîîaIo a, ia,î,i SIula l ~ caauîe rîmnutal huslet abaker. anai<bahil-a(u!-111.t-, buereoOi:<uataac huai iituluai folace îmeciyebtogb< u W. A. s ilA>W, Succéisor ta J. J. BPOHN. Rockefeller. - IIlo"s. HARD WARÈ Cooking and heating Stoves Tlnnlng and Furnact Work of ail kinda GET REAOY TO BUILD AM READV FOR THE WORK JOHN L. IRVINGI CONTRACTOR and IUILDER idewalks and Cernent Blocks ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Let Me Estimate Upon the Job FARM VIACIIINERY RE'),PPAIRED wlth Tliorough ness AND Dispatch Disc Ilarrows Sharpened ILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. opposite St Paul Freight Doa F. BAIRSTOW Marble and Granite Moin umeni s Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence bolicited 126 Genesee St Watik<"gan Cigars and Laundry Tobacco Office CLARINCE rLAGG TONSORIAL PARLOR LIBERTYVILLI:. ILLINOIS Orders Taken for Razora Maainesad Put in Order I Perloicals Guaranteed Cen.ulstlo, Long Dis. Phon tinr -5d 7-9 P.M. Lake Bluff 725 Spectal Attention ta AIL CIRON1C DISEASES EspeciaIIy of Stomach and BOWels PRIVATE SANATORIUM ieon etalsflf., p.ttants mdn d»My pr..slobservation m ttrent. Rate. bessonable Write for InfGrmation and Appoifltmlents. I, -~o d d LAKE BLUFF Tmseaae A-n.. ' Illeas SO W MS d C O P Y I G T * q .iO il Yn =~~ 5 oppi-lte Il a . Patent OMSOOP ol'ail Kinds Libertyville, IL

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