Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Dec 1908, p. 3

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Frau Ovnil su wle bae mved~ ' Chldl~i M ptp5*uig Prayer m 1ti haw ib hld la bomc LON W NU -- Crmi an wlegivmned"0et thi eholhaefor a while. This week it Wll IN h d 5$ (ffl ~~~~~~Into their home en the Cremin la uni near.Ilre atere WId~~ IetingApçuratUwht I4~ wttb~ Asquare Osai" nd a MOrryXmas AvOn Cenler.i. IldO oti Bd> olylRSSL d ~ A i ~n jc~ct ta Ait.Dick Bsesis>.of Norwood Park, waa give a C lsma etstalURIatth futh â - La gaest aM the. Bowlinghome I'Mt week. cîjurch Olrlitma eve. AUl amecordialy Rev. wor@y won emtetalnd t Mm 4wo otg itt$32 W a scaitwon>iifuea, We have dongs*Ur Put tetmaire thiq Mat Sulivan in home [roui Motanathivied tcam t.1R NLA . a Tbd oarsOv e Sonai.ue u cott*erandte ed l o te scivit.The atucm. .lO 1 he& -A-. Tebotitr'. ove Satnd. u, h uae a.maWeloS.4Ç), SOM d ealet'S recco ~the, biggest and boat Oamm adti urmcaons b av madegaitP. ol a nxad ted frsaca becuae tey ar chta.h intownil oui'beautiful stock Ouuecalehv aegeipe e d Aurasalternoon aud th fllW-articles did noeila wellas theyUsiiaIly gILacolsnlg ilutt parationis for teXmnao trade and con lug officers were elected: Oracle, Mmra do. audee utmbctf te "C fxa ltacnâi g&Ite dgive Sous od value for 50Your oflY Jolimen; vice oracle, Mms.Amée; Tho, Sandasy hoof le preparlug a am l noli-'l brlgbt, lfrash, uew and novel lu holiday an o OUau fied eiaewhers. 80 why nt Chancellor, Mahal, Mcclloagh; recordei, ecantastu ha given the ove of the 24tit b ulga eaor gootte. HereareAiew of them. lupport Sour home merchants? They Mmr. Chitteuden - receiver, Lottie Stearna;i h csý, WàIiIikC 1no Mwsake ,bya a da r POtîery-Â fine ln o ofodd and band_ ae the on" who build up tiie town and maruhal, MnruMa&rgaret Thorn; fuafloler, Boule Lux spent lant week with Mr@ . For sle b morn pieea (om 25 to 250. accomodate Sou with thir waree the Mum. lertba JolIey; ltner seutinel, Us. .8,. Eoynt a BceFral C Oe lcntre,2eto)$.0 tar round. 0f và thomra atrial, thes wil Ores; onter sentinel, tirw. Bowlings and OOMO hia-imliorWS, Japa- neead band *et Sou square. L 0. Jolley, physicienl. The Young fainily bave moved toe A. W I w 41 p ~ 1 >pointait, lf to $.00. Lonie Garwood spPnt »everai daye at tMme B. K. Mille aud dauîjhter, Marjorle Nebraska. 1 A .WOIH F L ut Glass-Vers handsome $125 and Antioch the pon eat are spending the week witfl relatives in Slrner Morriesud wife have moved i o.eAndrew Docker, of Libertyville, vras Chicago-.jutthe tii. O ol>bum reeently vacated by a of CaHeaOttiinsil reviens uee o!Loale Oarwood Bandas. Meer@. Willamsanad Jolley and Dr. Young. h( Deaer in £Il tOnds lStn DvcsU -Bor.i5 ivradteget00MitnMlil upieh@mte L.lBUJ~~~TYVlL~~."Mr. V. Olia traneacted business in Mesdames Willams, Joliey, Applejard Mlo evlearrsdhemte chIna. OhicagoILLhchiaa. and Chittenden were Chilcago eboppers b> comlpg home [rom Montan a ist Lather Goods-MaflY bandeomne Chiao FrTscred a cted business ai Friday. fllay ulght. th Frank FricoutschatTbrsada Under the auspices of the M. W. A. tMms Melvile bas heen ver> slck bal la Pl elle ltSes-lu eboils, china5, tag, teMois at rsaiono rare l "Carter'@ Original Carolian Jnbllee botter nt "twiti*tng. 0" 0 » ole e Mg Cla"htt§u o rireV 'w Singera" wiàl give an entertaimmleiit t tr u u. .1.Nwllhda111 fane> colored wood, ejîver and alligator vlsited heme hast Thurodav. the. ball Mondas eveung, l)ec- 28. daqghter borin b them lust Weduenday>, <i * ,A A~D D~.IaI the very Istest styles from $150 te $8. Andrew White waae~hicago vlitor *Mr, and MIm. R. B. Dixon and Mr. and huttdid'tcome tosta> log. Suaday $ * A ,-ýBeR eN e a* Manicure Sets-Ail kinds fromt 25c tWoSatardsY. tir. Ueo. McClougb went lo Chicago morninz lb died very suddenly. The to .&! .!2"1- Fnùù" fityl.0oaMimeLucyS ow'lees, of Wuons weto se "The Old Homestead" at Parelita have the s>'mpathy of the coin l Ir nwSmoker Sets-Al tls guest o i d ic n ieSt a.leiklTuedas eveuing. aiy M l e Il w stetflt u& - Pe- Mrs. H. Nelson and dauizhter, Olive, of tirs. VantWoud, of Druce. Lake, Clars Ebfflgr and MatleEtruhart * iXýý ~ ~ A1* ~ Goid Pans, Fountain Pans, lkPe-Lake Villa, called bere SaturdaY. Racmaidb e oSde ale pltSna lhMs .P ie Ot ri PIu s«aiPott Card Baoues-Vers handgomeaiid vlsîted here Friday. Miss Florence Whidden, of Waunkegaut, f rom Union (*rove trom Fridoy.> ustu D DUALER ~~ artitie for $1.50 others as cbeap as 25C. lire. L. Folon, of Ravenswood, ie the vrae the gueet of Mies Mahabel don. sousdfmis.tnd <TM ;FRSUR ELR R 0 Pocket Books, Hand Baga, Music guest of A. W. Barve> and wife Lake M0 .osonadfmly§etSaa Grglk 0priste aud bandeome gifle. the teachers' meeiiîg Saturday. Chcago. J.__ A.ukeeannd A>. evlepes à n Stationary-A bandsome and beautiful Oie Hoema trfaed buinees§ in Ci- Wuea ody une of igb grade stationory [roin 25e îago Priday.W SOT. Barbara Chante retuned home 8und L.Fri ta0atd uin lC(hi- .afteraoou front a week's viait lu% tu $100 pet box. cage the tiret of the n,,ek. Mirs. John Sb'a, isited Tuesday with wankee. Pitures-A selet fineo!fpretty pic- Wm. Moorne wîo lias heen employed relative in Rueseli. & G. Morie end wlfe sud tirs. A. C. Etm tay r res for les. than Sou can buy raimes at the le cearu ftoury bas returneed toe i Cv LzsentsStia u od and son, Willlle, were Waukegan Grags.ake -Baker HiussII Luiberfor. Ask te »s thein. is home in the so,,thern part of the Suaday. ut home. vetr od> adMrosMan differeut kindo roui sta'te. Mm. Fred Deitweyer aud daughter, Do't forget Miarkei Day t.he lest Sas- su ()ors5ctea2.7. 4has. Mambo visitcd at Antloch ~Sun- Mabel, were WauIegan visiter» retenti>. urda> lu Deceniher. ' 0 RetuaùCandie Sticks-Brasa, slver, wood. ti. r@. Wlll Ruihliuug. of Waukegan. epent Farutuan Wakiuug-. Don't forget the mask bail Friday a few days with the home folk.u. The milk producers' meeting held ut Is Tiffle 1EIr)T Perfumes-Ili fancy boxes sud bulk. sveiag ut the opera house given by the tir. audMmre.Duoie> Newell, of Russell Dec. 14, wss fargely atteaded. Coliar Soxe$. Giove Boxes, Work SocialClub. À1 gond time for every lady. Ruseii1 are reuiicing over the &iiivaJ çof Laies Villa, Autlocb, Wadoworth, '1ÏsIoe Meas udLuchs eredB YBoxs, Faney Pin Ti'ays, etc.tir. and tire. Fred Hook,of Long Lake a littledàanghter. Greva, Kenouha aud Busseili hsig wonl M nsa Luce m dB u yCuftilluons, Gald Bracelets, stick were gueteof relatives boesSaturds> Ls tnnrietfo iehni n u e ztontl e lug tormsdat auitoh. tii et ail hOulSPins-The eery latent ad>. vile, Iowa, Saturday. muîk producere everywhore are wakiug MMOS R £ LY A Fine Pipes, Cigara, Cigar Cases, ail (leu. Tweed, ofl ngle@îde. trausacted Frank Shea @pout Mondas lu Chicago. np to the tact thais oxetbiug mut ha nRE5N OYSTERS EVERYDAY sbusi nes hors Tued a>. priea. ra ate'.o aiiViwapn Miese Elsie Devine visited ut Russell oue doue, sndsmen. Au orgaisation of the. Pot n IIok Candy-Morse's chocolates alwaya the MSsurla etbe fareV, @pont Iast week. farmers now n ei uderwa aitI boat. A fine lineo! mixed candies. Diaus Wagner. J. (lallegber. Jr., bas returned [rom hie "e' tain jei b»twMb CIA SadCN ISGV EATIL "Stutled Butiervups," 'Diana tintâ," eo. MaeNmara sud wife, of Rauselt ~ euvr Let oui watchword ha: "United W* CIG RSan C NDES IV M ATRAL "Diana Violetg,*' aud Fruit Tablets ver> acre chp gueâte et the Waltr od[rey Leurs and Eva Lux &pout Sunday Stand" sud ihe vlctory b. ours. The hoc.home the lirat of the week. with their patente lier. unit meeting Witt b. beid aI .&ntloeh, LAUNDRY OFFICE Fc I ooesu Tdy e. Tell deliverod s eer.v interesting Siver Brn. are shingfiug the tieKinsle Mouds.> sveniug, Dot. 21. Phune No. 19 P . . E Afc me, ubnld ok n ed sermon gandayesveniiug at tha Mission. resideuice wbieh moikes quit. an improva.ATIC Basfrtecide.The Omit service , iii he hi-Id Bandas meut. îrnareh'alnigbprcic o MllsS EMMA GERLACH. Prop. RUJSSLL ILL. Book5-Absolutelir the largest aort- eveuik Dec. 27, wheu i iI deiiver Uan tire. Elmner Curry, wbo waé lit tu hris tmas ezenre a.nin eprc o ment ue[ books even put on sale bere. Xina8 sermon. Ail are condisl> invited wesk id mach hsmeoieBotoo!Trvo, a ____________________Over 50 clasaie need every day bysmebool to attend. Sunday suhool eveny Suudar Ww. Murray called on friende lu tthis hnedoSrda.r Bolton Tevw». N ______________________:bldren hand»omels boutand dgoeud et tio'clock. tw una.buroether ! M r . olgteon!won s tp, 35c. Alger@ books for boys. ' Mm' . trCaldwell, o! Fox. Lake, '.isited here tir. sundtrJay. bLahe> ofspeut a day plr ofth. OURS PRICIE LIST GRE.AT RÉVOLuTiON Abut ity o! the latent copyright $150 Wsduedmy. r n iis a.Lbe pn lc.1 - *wdt I TAILORING. hooks e are selllug thora for $125, Je Turuer bas aceplted a position at eSty t Waukegau. tieny vsluabledoge bave been poid a Othergond boouks 75e s copy. Uit books sor.Ceolar aLuiweek@ oeu acsent o!a wnt erd w.. as oCic NLprquart 6.prpint 3 ront 35e tO$225. A large and elect E .Ioksma aktadgoéyaho h atwe naorto CSmme» » 20rpar " 1c.ofin of Xat cardarndetosude.gsor.ckn Cla Lnx, aho s eenbsntFro r ha wnieBard towu.o bk " 2e. er ' 1e. Why go shabby when youecan ln ! tirs. Loftuue and tamily sud scne emdbipoe.Tueday for an operation for appenit. I - llpit.......... ..6. afn utc o'hl We have msny other thinge too numin-t . and Mmre JG-(arwood sud son, T. Meyerâ sud trieudo,-o! Chicago, cîtis.maltr g afnsuto ltefo a eroue ttî mention. If Sou are looiiigu were at the cotg Boe unday. Duftt.ralc. per quart..... 4. ' r~Louis. atte ded ii-fîirlo!teyugcttg ,rtr. Eveh Harrison adste,]ru. Cottage Ch=,, thsonoe tr, ud t re. lof eroungry-Thos. Strang aud W m. Feudick were Ivah Smok were Waukegau shoppire parqurt .... C rieewhshyo , btrieffoe-whtyan qchtywebaeft va -Ur at m.Whqlr f abrt-intyue"havdeeay Titay per quart ~~~~~~~Xmaii shopping bereile seuirs. Our .îl scukFu WdsIs.'uedy AU. GOODS DEUVERED You loin the Suit Club, ut goouds are Wol dîeplayed sud marked ducý%ýed;ay. Goaobtainable ai factory t ail times. 'UN pan> Oisoe ssa>.wr uo dayEarItoni Wug '§, Peut Sun atteudait the meeting hi-Id hy the milk the guset o!fies Rebs Burusit oser SpecilordrsfolceCtSuifhledpleïwanst sud clerksadto waîtup1da t sm.u bppoesat Ruoael. Monidas evenîng. Sunda>,. Specil orers or Ie Crein flled WMpli-aSSouWe are aise prepar o serve you Mr. sud tire. Atwsll, of Mouaville, upon 48 bours notice wit h bot chocolat, tisa! te&, tomate trasatud buiness lere Weduesday. ( "Issm Libbie Moore le on thi 111L. TH GASLK CEAEY HE ALO . oilindcam bouillon, etc. W. cor- Ms@SuM:GE'SLAfKheElo1oeexhag 1TdEallr invitAKouCREcorneYn and s u M ise usWhitehead sud tins. Fred G EOLAEa Te. Graydaleis36. Graysi, Il. Xmas e o-k whther yon wlah to buy or Kw-bki-r upet Tutuday at Waukegau. JliCterl o hbecil.t avry srur> took ber lceth*.Mien net. Yeti are acîcome. ('has. Lnnabauigb o! the Art Instituits Miese tiînie bruce, who le attendlnig week.1 -acs.o, nieîid b> hie friend, MtuitTriggs scbîunî et Madison, Wie., was calied Louls Oarwood 14 egalu worklug for - T e I D EP N D INT nd ail Trbun or Int r- iuit Suudaï witb hie parent. bouî,e on acc unt O! the illes Of ber the eettrl ligt work of ibi place.L Th IDEEN ET ndDuIj riun r ntr-[Grayslake Pharrnacy Ji-sei-întgabaugb trsueacted buiness fat ber, Steve D uce. The Ire nt 1824 Prairie Ave., Chicago, i Ocean, one gear for $3.50. nîuiuagîi Itedueday. lire. Taýloin, o( Waukegau, and tir. Saturdai. tir. RoY Csrr aud baby wr FLORENCE J. DRUCE, Prop. Miss IM-ia Wilbun ieft the tIrst o! the Cannoni, if Zion City, spent Sunday with bnrned to d.ath BRoy Caru ud brother- 4 w.'-k tv epeud the holidsys with ber tir. and tire. Âmes. 1i-law, Peter Petereon acre buraed 3 brutl iieuGý. H. W ilbur, and tamily St Walter [oiat weut tu McHenry foeur seriouftly. Tbey were watt kuowu to .0 m.@ , < @ @ @ @ @ 0 @ 0 0 0 0 0< ~ Wuv-auilwith a griot on Tuesday of thisant su ad Laie Villa 1 p~. tir. <0 M ru Jý W. BlllIrd spent Wednssday Pave Carleon bas purcba»ed ons o! and lu the summer lîved ai Foi Laie. « * p- -'~ Ai i~U t <0îu hu g tr Sears saddle borde@. Initiation lu the Bebekali lodge Frîda.> 0 01~ ( ~ L i I 1 ~ ' J I j 4 Thuse rI -rose Xmas etatup Sou rend Miss Uns-e Wright from Californis i ilght. * r d A tLLG r a y s la k0 a o* "c"i" 'îbsud ttel3asa visiiig St Henry Wrigh's. T.,ON LAKE P~0[ha n atv Buy s few and help along a Carpenters ans building a rouple o! tir. aud tr. C. L. Van Ptten attended 0od 55 ew porches on the Masnchester hous. the boras show lu Chicago, Wedoesda>. f 0W IT IIBa kt0aI.M iss Alice M oore, Wh o s sie di g tie W ok le quit. l i wlh as * O Ndrthweetern University ,iatthoe overseverMcoW. 0 ~ 0 The (,îayîIake bigi deboutl met thé Bnda. ir. tan d of rs H. Sheelian are rejociug 0-U I IU ~ town ti i uit 'lueeday eeeuing te play Arthur teel, o! Chcago, was a visitol' oerthea rrivai o! a baby girl boru, * EU I~ U W * c off thue lis-r iviceen the two tennis. at Wîl ONeHîs over Sunday. Sunday, Dec. 18. 0 H E N R Y & O L E ~rhe gante%' s aafast uis. The dtit hait tUr. and tirs. Slmer Cannon, oftiuliburn, ti. ad tin. T. Mt auvWated < 0 Ira. 4 i i 6 iii avpr of the tcuwn boys. apent Sutiday with friands boe. rSund>Rolis. ____________________OThoinlaiuil! the score wam brougbt up Quartei- meeting service. wlll hO beld Bd Pslmêr stteuded the International O ~I-1 ,ruu a ter 0 *te 18 to Ils iu lavr of the high achuiol it te churcb urît Buuday mornlng. stock show lu Chicgo. 0 ' C ltes ' . i t i-ver, iiqthougbt b> meDr. Cady aulI ha be e oconuet the W r a ece so h nr * ~~,anLa IIea~~J~f boys a bsn wuld give tbem thie ge. of Geo If u sCrstmstr- ud~(-rge Ke-v to NIter. Minis 0111e Je, 0 yeree i iThers ifferncao! hristatè ado! Ombktosh, Wla. They are now lvUgt 0 Thor_______________ < i -arî ,-Hiton e ame rcofintonlyentertairiment at the church Thureday lu Oahkosh. 0 0 elogs oatd terA s ap,)@iblit ofMiss Ma> Carnes, o! Libeniyville, la 0 BROKEN MIXEJ) CANDY. lb- .5 Our lise Of TOYS is verg completef <90 obeinshi lytioer iepss hel !er ILening.nsale eeswhttr.B 0 25 Sticks Cesdy, .10. nces rengin[ roM 5C to $1 each <Pd. actM s ansd Mise DeupirM.iss Lucy Spaford retuned [rom Cbý hi- an Mxed Nuts, lb. .14 %aIki4 Ee-'nts 02 tinte keeler. scerBans rie cage wbere she bas bsea vieiting the, Hommse coughs aud atuif>roide that 0 Best ýEugish Walnuts. .17 Magnets, ec cad.0 0M.Mr aoo hcgv8tdl ydvlpmoperolaoe ih 0 rne.ptdzn2 Dols, each 5c to 51.25 0 New Addton te Bank. ber moter vet Sunday. aeqikycrdb oe' of n Basnas 1Ales, eosCa - - Autos, each 25c to 51.W0 Th, tii rîhîuts' sud Farmer' Bank tinsP. Belen Dodge Bumessud lUtIles@Ou, hi-aIs the langs, sud expes the cold [roui Ben»$ LeosCa hascouvu-ru-d the roote formeni> used for, James, of Rochester, Wls, vi@iteil ber %he svstsm. FuàNx B. LovmaIs * berrnes, Set oatoes, etc. Some o[ the ottier toits are: rlat -0 the postuîi- lto a receptiiiu routai off au&nt and uni-le, tr. and tirs. Ueo. Jamie- et the lewest prices .1 an Irons, Trains. Steam Engnes, Banks.,j> o! whihlu dsy will aiso have a pivate souý, thefiret of the wi-ek. 0 asnlb. .0ed.12 Squeeking lEillbits, Kubber Delîs, 0 oraiàdtd u uirsbéd witonaît frniture. speut atys S tm CA iabw Raisins bO D akSes aos olCet,1-iAN dwf,1L S o s *ment as the grnwth o! the baksn . esnadwf.It -sî u ~ L die ' Cllr oelabx-2 50_0 made ît t u,-.i-ary tîuat tbey have more wi[e Ftev,,sud tirs. SaBford ail îtropped «n i OC 2 o.0 GAMES AND BOOKS u Wi'eItTeda routm.The ~pomioffii-e has moved itu tok i htheolat uepd ady ' * Ladies' Sweaters, each .$2 and $3 Our Une o[ games and books ila orlager s1uîrti-r bsa ueneqtilped witgteniud imi,,recsi nt-nvogrd ace jfl(J 1- tlandkerchiefs. A fineline Alums go n urpe r e iht 0 new Ixtur s.Thus Unaysiake fromiisn The Wies sud loii-s bheiyinger da c sud go adDu rice d areal<0 hagemiius las huteudpot an otlAbmIANCY Awy odt odsmtigfr ta willri îbe ii others in mach 32 years aud Nelsouis 34 yeaàrw ail i AlbNSE CIMA WAS5 RE. 1s arato cmetneuwlnies. 1 elsr.To say tii-y ba slfust ne Ayer's Hair Vigor, new lm- ; JAANES CtINAW RE. en? e~eus we have items for * lngrIfwn l o I> ii eliîîý. proved formula, "MI certaiuily * 0O« new i ne of apeassC hi na men too numerotis to menion ail tfTb@ isesar held bythe Ladlies' Aid, stop falllng ofthe bai'. lndeed, * s better and [rom 20 to 30 Smking Sets from 25C to 51.25 <CeerfNwVas. - bote $40.ndTu . webelieveltwillalWaYSdOthi 0 pet cent cheaper thon eng we NcS ismoe 1tcoos n 0 CelbraUte the new y»ar býatten~day meeing the niofJhë u>lnls hedi sm Msub - <isoe 10closad 0 the New Y-îitr bal at Aîniu'Bros'aldyi h ot 1jnay neateel oedsub have lied before. styles [rom 25C to .65 0 Rioîud LiJanl. 1tooulrui8)y ds.. K. Bain was s Chicago visiter Mou- ance of the, general heslih. MR. IIGGfR Sweater Coats 5.5 ty3.0 t er i-<extra. agg ad Miss eJamii-miu sud mutpr, 'tira.Te, Cnsîîîîl~dce The[uiest thing afloat or oshore. Collar and Cuit Boxes 25c to $51.S0 fortfr [ie of lisrge. Horsi-'i ehabled at thsetii-rgie Duncan, returned [onmCicago Ma~1~y sklmo saby- ou i - <wljgi mscedh onba oac jrec 5 0 leevA ucud tiuoiiguaranteed to al Saturday. or hsca aoths liewi'Jg mso su le enbet obccoJaseah .5 0 7battend. James Poîllock transaet.d business in De« na c/lhangeai-e [ AI. . gosjlg~h. etosemddo ot Supener. ue ~"r in box :.50 < ueBelvld'-re, Mondai and Tue@day. Yla& is u »tu tejLL Ianm lu jig, i got ca hen FA CV ALENTat ai. uîesuhlbynuiutisho aveibe otu --îkK.Sla Invites 7u t a6Ws wç, wetern uuaL Tomdiý,$ nnios1 japbnei.iN; LuicIe.. F Our,: G oýrj at ita'" op" 124, 1 &hW ý i actt a e 26ilb*s B Ibe Roll 1 Bars a 10 Bar*s! Fairbank 2 Ples Y Armours St CAnsOed 111à« Slos tde BS, FulIt Coi McLiugli Bi Sour PIck lti L.b. Box QIer( Mlxed Nu BrokmniW 7,Z

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