~~~~~. ............ ....... .Ia l~a mr ce* tmbolaoism of suparloe ,Conrad, ww by vIne. 0f wMiéteeefor os t.4fmh!P c# Waukeoan, the eseamfh sincbm0 olter mdad, lu hill.ged ýover gehorona #or p&r, btw *l l ent na ntera bi»výorfaàm ývndctp9n when1 ti. pUblld bhasan oppgètmnity f mo n ntihe candecrlbtd. koau*a lq o. Nies. li Want of #I, I"W *94atima, h lnpi 4 Ouý "ph% ,l4 inc»PApkate4d whetSlâafea d4àag t' alti yra Nirq*g# e4parM4lbr, **(Y lkw we'O 4oiyt&o or paIsfor f4d fjjàillýq.y Iitî frfe.1 andbort, namassa. itihateil l1w 114imune oppemtaoty *no hfqýit> permit of self suaftn-; eus or&d le tee Ocamous wlth this clama of people, wa or* comid YeU kmaw of tiis mmny colls hs. bting wnterc-Uys, 4.ýbo mastr la In a p9ieion te relleve, of. the appeale àh Mo >s.*ul4 botter îa"%5.etaknt. mO,is' poor la noti"*mly OMlV,. No man wlth hie hWat ç" oow4i th taouilatiel, oa 'iAbggars bhoid ot l à th. oiwta mi?,, yat whatevpcr! ;0,Q& -4a- I. t ' h.'coutry" aupeinilaemmp'aallgethit vid -we4 onera, petehlIrly coma. fremtheo ther Waa- Mr teffld la# wetyk 4aalaIyrplla ~ ~Stud hdi hiuJaf~h.et'WàukeflIt Ipm ar d0 e0 lo 4e6à Wtt Vty iaat.nil<y sdiwob bptÀaei blglnïg br a S"n a maêlertrMy .atmfat6rWto t ha@lourd of "a tWefaft ii 0Po" i atav'#cutI., tuny the i- par~ *I~auapolt dVIsOla e hl wbotu*g !t ôý e Osli M the"lir agItation et = 4pe aadie 1iaI "100044, - lb3at e Sa ideclb. Sreao tu vhcb antut i ré Mas o t e a mai o! t~ay atte necn an la- proved ua ontla Im ott ýàdwtlch lau te ovr* b, "qi" otfl, ootlélaIofr 0Wam el mytae"em.- M,4* ,Uattmm an eaaboo nÉe sla tu gor ma îiaor a tem out a pear- ~~$1o ~ O Ul0 lr NS anmdvi&ci !-stel evry lnrnry. It la earo bas b6en ne intopsid. )aaY itancea vQe. living on i"*! Ibm land.' However ibis v ith theé bill oft are"in <Bars cRa nnotbng of thekido 4a, ltefuture. - Wtltney Reslution. ramtdfor adoption and enoiang Attorney oendRécy for circuit hesbeal édîscuastezi. "bee4ant te "t"aa poitics onto Every matiapeakint ftsOlutlon tiral atetIs lt "fe'M» mr.Wittnmy, _ L dtdnotle , them bmrewan -prp«yoffl= te Hewear.u'nku a41 we a lnigl v abla abusé Mr - W, Waukegaaa peer and'htia ~e~4(Iis~tsaipr«*0Ig. andS yow'l, wh ~woolto "Ply, millca «Von thoagi, tu od hh1poin lt. Il appearathat p6lllng plageacan, no le "a0tedlsa -the Watea*«pi e- eup1té lte e lnuaey as la inte' Aiit" proctu a the litta teece ta 1 amoeuts allewed brooit tfortk an *Uper'toem. luto loté«peut &M bomw la opaderng the question mnd Spa- Il deiided that Wânkeuma poins p)iflota*M mot h.reaIméfor Mflo0tlem, titan $7 par daY .Altbcaghln ftu ai tt7 preclocta 85 pot day le thm amonot pawé The bitta for rent for poIlln, luAines eW"4lm.eaorm bialy pi- Gazetteibn the .Carpet. MentI OUIh.o te o!f the, SAturdai pemanô f lte superviser axna latn il» br anaalttiàno f the CismttW'm. bil o! 841~, for prltlaig of lte bai- Iota.e telt ateloction. supervifnl atierlaad. Quentin. MillerandI lobertMienrecently vwat>. .4 a largo uother eofcountie la 1 l. nqýda and maaeotabotebmprie« pl4 for PrLing ballota. They repored lte avorase price vwu 110 Per lion- senti. Tih. Gaztte'. Mbilv., on a baxsi fetportheus'auté ver 120. The Bailititbhr explaîned the coutil,- ioua uPder vilci t heY undertookte ,Vork Wtt, élitrent. but the super- 'vlBora cota iS nesoit Iat vay andI It vas abounthaltItIbmconnUes wtllch tey vIstaI coetaneé «union" shops andI taItthe ballots prlnted vere téentictul wIb lthose furniahed Lakte couaty. M ilSui the County? Therenpen Supervlsor Raymoend sald he bati ufiderstooé te Gazett"' eqintent cofasted of 010 and out e f date maciJtery, but ho coutil not ses why tkm couoty ahould bava te puy exorbitant prices for Ibeir prlnting op taI ecceunt, and asakoéwh tt' I 'au the $rntho acceptd lte job il Ibey Vers not olnptent to turn fl out &t a reasenabte figure. Thereapon th. Smlths lntormed te Bloard ltaI If titeir bill as presented vuaSout 'l vould but entait an ex- PM" e lethe connty ae titey venté aue andi colecI every dollar they aaked. Theycontended i the face ef figure, Produce shaowing prices pald ln cter .coatites Ibat their bill of over Ice au rnuch Per thouzand ter printinit etection ballots was rlgitt andi reabonable. FtnalY the Board adlourned atter l wau decided to drop te malter un- tii Decerobor 28th viten a special meeting la tc, ho helti andti &t iici Urne Il viii ho dîmpoametof. The raflerai feeling ameng Ibe board meinbona la liaI the oSmtlt mhahoo e iloeeé$10 per Ibottun ferpeotali blita aS ~bd l Ji II S 1 ô t it i t n d r c h a ffetu ir f< c Coroner Tafifir andth ie Y n* mcetly puton 011 ,s.bondev'for te l~pmlegtae- jag-f te gronr% u*oxnol>le With- ou. eissin ndfer Uit aigmp iýeaUng up à i te prseftlt canIfir W, the tuaitMmd itaracaera 0aone Who k*owa about té Vmiterkloot a6l -ot.. lo spictore vaobl.aMdbx de- teclym worlthg ut llyerr"ll eT9s-ý tiay and eaivn, t* fire. 'Vgniderkloet, for iéei4ilatlon aU one of tbhoman, Ou'goLIbertyvîlle on Wight.> The detoclve, vWho vauldtî tgive bls mam., clatma tg bavq dlacovered t4ht on tlihget t f t1e Vaniflpérkdoot Osua.i nhl d rp>bWqr 1 iWe v a- sentl fl'îl - LlhotY-vlilpthat leha d hl re4 ba home endé bq g y at lte Ch&rloe $mlth liv1wy, that h. ha4 gant away *fth twe conivatona, one of, wboi. salé 10 be named Meyer, bronght the ct .b"c Iee were tbree ie lte Vanderkloot aÇlar anld one OCf te mn la ad, îit what raaon itl lamoct known, to re- seeitTûçker. Meyer wbo la de scrbt asa a a tailt aliM nman, la aïao sage~ to aiuvtr- IbmdescriPtion Of a fia wanted. 5y Ildentlfled. Wtiaà c.lled ub-ofn thet elephone t4e VaudeeltOots a4uduttd that deteclîves plcdla char90 o4 the verte have un- eartied clama At Libertyvllle. "*We woold rathoer say nothing about titis ota#tei et preaont,"salé a voe aIý t» trlqphone. fWe venté fot Ilie te ay whaheror nelt Idéntlflcalon bas heinm mde. lita.g Vanderietoot la nerv#ous but ccnataiuty lnoe. Voflva issus& Nw Paper. ,Biant, Parham. Lwend sth Ier Zion "enemlea"ître uleo% and éel- aeSwth mental, bot ta, aend teatit- . in lathetiratl lun.orfVoiles'. new pePar. ite long heraldmé "Zion Bat. The ffrt page hasa acartoon of Lewis 'playing at. overseer" wlth On.Wegra~ tg"y: "WAýNe»»D-Tit iatm ad addresof a decent oman xw vomaxtho voutO go ¶, il -lIn o ÊearhutD.Y The. tiraet'lute »f The Battle A p 0pronti alitt soon the naint of tii. anotera of o!In Cty cader the tSapliaO, "National fitint Pot Associa- imaemen, nough to say that Naticib. for Sida. 0erletCIWl ofti' tLake am mâet "ê#%.bl~~4 3W day e Dâ0merm. 4à, P. M mu Î, .aamtsi w otmity Oerkt coin lt .Oevythm, pand na e! atLhe marln teof d t mR4fnt MME eDrdi e of evio eteaOe ty~a be io de doCtorZIS ted~~~~ ofalh tti$mJIuiI i medienpaWem0p tp i amdeete Ds tail wIemhmQaiayPailstfe thme v 0e siunooawt for $rnt Tht~~de Weesii i~Mr hl be ured t exeet sho%= lu1.11) miCo m tae ahe'.as OatII~L1WlIIe soeewtd y a6:tim Qiemiteru wi de tia110,to1ho1er 1 Pubie noleie la %0heimbt an Mdthat on Satrdmy, be hr0MOU(16G daIl Jmnar~' 110, t . bT.9ffotR 4 Pulire ntm ic aUnlserslîy Pauma, ovàéd*7,lto Mtalaeu tb (1)tv _0 et lU«lool19 tete oe ut o fofrl(4) Inelcss.tlà tboeMpiltaidckey thorma (gloEi.oofte e djiare tsibty-lIvéý thcuaaéod fê Ob rt 0 olast Lt icit>i coleaIOar motileit 10b.le,'oenî :o lioloa cf lvte onSheoution oaie Inlnes tyv.f le,M itw iDec. of, the "1. O pon n a2c ivt "o-Drl eofes traine 0b0>edmoarfor b, tmeupu' mputIm lsole ers Tf emati, fcop n ambesldea, e to 'r e e b é Partcula attAtlNA $cllet e h hlg ada sof teng Ald nivritytaa Liervll, ., WDac. 2,pm1908. 11-3 a le mnslitviite ar7 oelnartityl Ofl oorf.tt*De 0ufalbsimUeseoea b ao oronteed 'Oeuld" spilia "Geld" te Sagan and Bani' A.nd -"Wad -lock" la apmed mata Speling refoni-tht'a the only reforru L the teountlesa heir-hunting, Courita believe me i. re souxewhat inclined that way our- Selves. but theein one. wod will neyer chonge- Thatý is SATISFACTION spellcd. bý Ourlfine of, TNILOR MADE CLOTtflNG Onîe trial willshow 'o that thcre.is no neà of reform here. o PeketSupdesro WilIl1dyou PeietSsedmfo now until Chitrnme for 3-c One. pair toaa EliiW's PAR-KHURST SCtQN~K tOCKLIIUERTYVILLE, IL Po&oet KnIves Go.4 p'azors Saes Sei Roaster Te. KçttIes Bakhg DIOShe T& Pots anti ChaS.0 Dishes Nkkie Plttd anti Grasîte- Colées Pots ...SCIIANCK'S Bos LIBERTYILLr, IL --------- coule-, mYI SPECIALATTrEtIhoN Teoeut of Towr r érera And ahippingTad *tt$o*~css.spsssseappss.. T@laphopsNe. 46 UtertyoillaEithad BAKER anti CONii!CTioNeR Llbertgille - lilh MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WE DELI VER TO0 ADJACElIT TOWNS HormesFor Sala. Mountain Meadlow ýliock Farnt1% Mile@ nçrTtb of Wauconda, 111, lb«, conslantly on baudad for méabea loweetmarket prico a large etock of a&U olamof borées sultabie for "the rosd 'mu alil tari work, oxprsm andI draft, neeal sudntervleMble from 1100:- 0 1600 lb. Priçe 080 l66 $M. *Ifo phi Ooes to MoURt4SÉ Nadow -a"~fl horum worh nbf*.AI oIuaa Iskating Eveiy Agtemoon and Evée> IAdmiýssion9; lncilidng kateg iMASK CARNIL Wedneeday Eveniîng 5December 30 '08 Judges wiII aWard prizes * to both ladies andi gentie- 0 men'for the most graceful skaters and the best cos- tomnes. 0 ADMISSION INCLUDING SKATES ig 35CENTS I "WlIAT SIIALL W! IHAVE fOR XMAS DlmniR" It thot'. goor problem we cam solve Ih for gos. We have evesqytbiug to make a Chrustinas Dimmer. POULTRY, MEATS, GROCERIES FRU1ITS, ,ýNUTS,XMAS CANteýS CORLETT & FREDERICKS-,,, .IBBETYVILLE, ILLIN018 -Tdepbone 30 *LET US WIRE YOLJR IOUSE MEORE XMAS 0 for elechirklight If youie located on anY of Our line ve *ofer to wfre it aI cost includlng fixtures of your own mlection. 0 payable a UitIle each month for two veara TH TI!CONVÉNIEI4CE AND COM!ORT of electric llght la the borne l thua within reach of the mort M goderate o n.Au!classescmsafférd t-from tht Iaborins L am to the a~aa Tht e cf eloctrlctr la no mota" "ci you pmy «t'ot=Ùilumùuants' Gi 2S8 auhegan. # NORTHI SHORE !LECTRiC CO. *23OM Gencec eStreet WAUKEGANèILL * Cow18 in, the Yen Ieed a cow fer mflk. SaprootDairy Fad ma lu eo omnt ni ualltec onmoa jetés, it Io netti o t ithm 1at <e mUI-S agaoaDiry Ieemd isilfor W*W udea& m o mp...(e.î,, p..j cc. m o .l .d Vs.sU-PM 4Mtiii*...â 0