Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 8 Jan 1909, p. 12

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ett"o, is elî6Self osl h. bellffl kked blm vi Mle tuL Êi hima." h. m hoi etai.5l w btre io bWë 11 lr le hisd la iSs m5 a - lu atme0 ras t4U .e * t*utom ete a k ±toeyý lm bhakUn It stfur eiece. W the p rteceer. tf'he echar"e t lundor-t P Dvé eescr Riayhnueai Of br Sboomd lu lis -d, bpâ by ldce âRunyardà bobo ab@wn. - -î4 *mwwt agaluat Burgees-a&s. le Iflny Caorouer Edverd 4- 14 vsIt anecesari an Bur-1 Vine s Vsrasetedon aMar"eteta- 4MSMOIr vepon betomte R_&Yburu &Ws t uInsthei vlot.beajing - ~s Sttlment, ayiug ie dg. uuç loibSir. e grautjury. 1'. le dg ael.pnmta ait tlglivod t4lenter- te ibse liglt on the per- SW -rot jIýtlirIogau, vbo la uov ým dfri&tteri uArkansas. Hl E ""S 4 le bbhn theiipregeut reffinie Me RIghwee4 h cltiaeius sud business M" "d *Dm seOf lta even g go oifr stWU. tMtti tiay ineitnov as ta 9" esullp f et a the blînt pige la '$huirlfriou.tramSe 1 unOOvng aat Miles igs th"a gre dorelopinsor lhae 4*volope» .-«àWNje Lowis, commandant et Fortt bb-M1a% todsy îuod -,doeske.ping1 lehr Offslder eut Q.4 itlguoéd.Tht,'1 'S~etl,.sos et ofCatai. Smith ~tdm408 rtinolr3mon te Iuppout cila..-bmeddin à =s *oeloty wlS ssii Cevemnor - tqou *wt 0s spauproseut. -sevfor ltghwood loas if A*sUey Dady lÎ. atle J, C. Waller of!htIi Sgit 5hqusm mase s etter .allng OMWio p 9-iighoorAadues 2elè o fies too,ado lt st e*qanty clOsons to aid lu the are lteleadiu.g developinenta sPolitisi Triek- g apealy statedtlu Ilig-1 a#4 tihe present mIs ut nd phdtQuayle tout$ no seed bi AMu rged by, vUMtrick due toàm layor qibos., geAm Pm bis nd ffogen, vho at irsI reuted IL b at former dive kesper of Mlghvoodà naUed Betty Moran. vlio. viie pros-m eti.ons comtenced, lefi lie vlllSge. ItIvas snbseutly renied to a manà nained RIchards vbo ltu tu eald oui 'Trank lDengees aittetotbefor. Jus- tics <Juil hhat h. hait hougbt tvo drinko oa wvhkey ai the place sud hait1 hemn drinking lu Hlglivood hofore ho staiihed the aoldier. 'Msny of lhe genutue business men o! iglwod have b..i accuseed of aniiecrhblng to psy for s valuable watch preaented to Mr. Hogan. Tbey' lndiguastlY deuy IL sud a ay that If 3nY IL musi bave been tiie blund plg keepera. -"À reinu o! terrer bas been practical- ]y establizhied lunlgbvood, business men have been lntlmaldatet sud It us bhem a ride of rom alinost as bat as viten'tLe dfteen sold bars heit "'Me~ lavleas forces belng so mcii ln the. useendency lu Hlghwood ve earn- esttY appeal 10 the eltizeos or! Lake Couo±Y generailY and ta the judges o!, ti. COUffty sud district courts' to the; Otates Attorney. Mr. Raiph Dady, tb Mfr. Blerif <irhIlu lu particular, to corne ta th. assistance Of Hlgbvaod aud hlep un to enforce the. îav. "PMvae .citisens tliougli arganised Itt a cauulty beagueý bave nul the re- culi4t. paver vetet u inte, thougli lie coevlhctiou eOt"rsecuretj have bee1t lar th 18ke CountY Loague, but SPesklng gmemllY faillug lu the. aIS- [cf ersti. av ttelf muet fail Ou behaif or lie ittzene of ib1 3. C. n'ALItER, Deaths During Past Year. According foibe nber of hurli permit& issue t ti litly officeslthee have heen 287 iteatha noted lu Wan- liegan turing tue past rear. 212 lu Waukegai, 46 lu Nat Chicagoansdi lie rosi elseevere. viere Interment tlook piae ee.. The causes are vali- ously ghven snd the lieu la conalderet tSo long tu permît o! coniplete publi- cation. Titenderlestes o! a 1i l.s, 1. g- beaing mountalous ebrubi gve la Dr. Sboop'w Cougi Samedy i. marveloue curatve prapertis. Tigil, tickling or di@trýWeug cougis quick)y yleld to the beal log, eohiîg action of tfia spien id prescnplln-Dt soiiop'aOougbulemedy. »It illà a "adudgood ton cbilidreu, gis veil. otaloulno opium. chlora- liw r o raller arnful, triag. hlthet aieOlinb sat.ty alwaya denind Dr. fwi= upa.Dhotber tesuedime ofet-eda its Nol De pour 0"ae lte hbftd ptgkeepere ta 'accaunt for the fareveli token.1 O N They aso sate that the sprhng él- -; sellas, lu Hlgbvood viii be the hotteat ~ nrecord ln Lake countY and Iliat E) itraindistluct. iii finish Hogsii. ne " rivât Mc- Keep Open as Bluff. in ci tfagie M Blnd plggers are sald ta have kept hain esglit~>'Openti ueir pltacels of busiess.5last .e le coutl flot iglit to ake good ther bluff of!o doue vlth tiie keeplng rest.aurants. Hovever bot- m ties sud glaffses were ClearOd &avsu maire room tor plateSsud pie tins n4 bis »truck InluBet snd every partîcle otrlquor bas been id Rsyl>urii vuld0 à le he vasonith.e lipped 0out or hlddeun. je was ettacking The. lard biov lias been the. order b4 'q did not thnkotflmajor Lewis today lorbldding Bol- lt dierse, i.precincta ai HiglWOOd. t aid.guanees mon intimîdated I 'nperfornici la Business me, , hforié ud ta bave a oriiia body. The. b u tinldatet by alleged combined d, vas anuInh dudforces or 1aw breakets,. are beglnuung t ifl! au inck I wde te, wake up sud are ke for the. for- îAthw ee itmetioùof.,t body titt viii dea-theà di xcSd qb w etety of the. shainefut IusititdOti tbata bQiI,- ie fCtSd haire been-s bat ou Its naMe. Tiey I ,neo dth* ver cutcomprise a maeoritY.N mrneail wre e t x-Aderru au lienu la smang th-o lie sw rssuted sali te have tmade bis xaled IlQuorà The kaite viii place ito a restaurant tMa veek. pok tkal*wt lXghwoad udighnband ParktIti- w two *»da seu a«are ta combine lu union meel-r af be haidie mut mptof proteat. Tiiere la troug talk 1 PVgy*na 4eg of annexatiou today. i a vod Ltter U.d asnetîfltian. 1 s a l1t o ver isix Tiie follovung Ietter bY J. C. WalkOrt 5551t 1*151411 e l ietlig lrculs" as a PetlOn1 GsMMt About 1se but containa a mlutatemnt ase Mayor1 m tbe othur band Hogait do.eijot own the. prernIse de-i màa_ * s *mu ecrel.aithougli he la saidto 0havet Rsarnria. am-pald uie .taxes'an 14 the .Pabst Erewlugt 0as tia*tt Ii. ilanComany bieg owuera:a %M, .11 desire te, place before you the. 3 tàt tO7et5conditions vbleh have exialtelu Hlgh- la Kases- Cîy vod for sarnie Iii ai t i In Y-A 'C'lty lawvas pased the. saloons vere clos-1 besut he-l'o " nod rematoed so for sanie time.e Thon litte by Uttie trWglt ,mder the1 massieali ek'e eyos of the. vilage offtelaIs blind plis, fa ni~II Park egekn ta corneinu outil recently tiiore1 "., i bod v er. elght, AttemPta vers t once1 le "uvt mate by frieuds o! 15v aud order tua the Seresso Pla ecfure eouvctious. Sains vere ar-1 c l- tibt" e ar. rested and fluet and Otiers vers trled1 M a tem50t0vv l5 vith i arylug results. Conditions are1 bbi4entb * treet, rapidly becomlng Iptlerble andtleie is ftlio, latotiiemurder of Saturday night lu vlilci M~ Bis !atbew- lea young Privai. ilsyhurn met i$ideali 10r ' Ite *Marshalli viiibe folowed by athers sud simier crimes if lie illegai lîuar sellung la suent ùtto uqe t ne topped. ie or ie18 l.41"The buling In vhicii tbebravi ptb *S»d s' qJue»- Jtook place vhicii euded In the murder inOies o!tii.' tee- la ovuod by the mayor of the. ctty. Mir. eage of su set. vbich viiiexempt trom taxation aIl bond» Issued bhi w Oshooi district, or scbooi board, of the istate. Presldeut Davis lbas appoluted thle above named menihors to Invetgate the Iegality of itie aîep. At preseut the boude lsaned hy thie uev bigb aichool hear 41A per cent lu- terset sud are taxable. The board bas figured tint under the exemption clause tiieclty vouit bc aile ta save $20.000 durlug the life of lie *425,000 Worth o! bonde necessary ta secure the construction of the building. PROBABLY VICTIM OP MOLDUP MEN Important evltencih saidt la have bepu gatiiered by retatives to solve the inYeterY -o! the deatii of T. J. Walker of Watekegan. found betveen aix- teenthisud Seventeei itreets, North Chicago, atten a car baît run aver bum, maY serve te reopen the case. Followlng lsana outltine of the. ai- leged evtdence lu lie possession or the Waiiier relatives: 1-/Jrh. 8ixteenlli treet alectrlc road station was the next dey founit ta h. efltersd with blood and e. bench w»a broluen up as tluaugh lu a figit, Louis Wolf uftearthlng this dlue. 9-.Thu duod monus trou.ers sur. biaod soaked Inside, Itad a (orge eut lu them, made evldeutly by à kulfe, and woe.bîsedjieu on the. outelde. 3-is movements have beeu traced e fer au tva lu lie mornlng wieA ho e suas found, nt whlch time a North Chleagosu met hlm, suas aaked for a AiSt in hie buggy, gave lutaeWaiker sud sasi Walker lesve with twvo com-. plii ees t etrefieshment. ' 4-ThOMas Vctor. a brother-lu isu, sWho lia been active lu the ceas, If ipmid ta have recelved asisnîster mes- *aga ta lare hlm fror i bisworlc, vll the ouly possible motive, assauit. Tics. are thie thingu tliai may ne- oPen thei case, according ta Wallrer's kilt. Finds Station Blond Spattered. Wolf, Who la s Nori Clilcagosu, ha said te bave told Walle' relatives tuat'vieniie vent t te ii.Bxtenli atreet station the. day o! lie suppoasd deali by lie Cars h. ftuntpools of blood.nmarks fa fsatruggle, sut flnlly a b.uch liai looked as tbc;ugh il hait been broken lu a fIgbt. Tii. uppositti o asliers tel- ativeu I at ILie vas beld nA the rob.- beras uifas t ho b"h.d Othlng<bat su asailI£#lveth At w wurva goh. - bigS met n ,*,lRo a mi101 55 a sewli*t iiê4lne orh* aif hor. ieg. M. IC: Jceyiiof Vsukeg*n pa»d ý n1loetê*Mili* atone lu, niitda y térîoaend asu -béer eistive0 of the cityJ at a dlii.ér*ad revulo. 0r. Jpol a onut o tae tre- deutg po« the cjtyr1suad t Io'Âi,'IWthe mco*t active tôt ber sas aiilvlere. ghelit -anB elfiaileut eCot u"sqber Dpe di e ii: suit rfidt#L> et "$otenty sud even vOrbaon the, sev1ljr4 Pasule. sb.4 one 0( the. best needïe vorier.o! fi" tity. 8h. h]MU lved ina Wfflsn sauc 1863',msklg lier home vlgth 'hçr dauaiter,.Mis. Cris .l0ue, iun. BM- warit Besley 0f Orpud are suýîd ire. W. P. Besleyfot north Qenese.stftet are alto dauotero ora. joelu. Pied ftem Surfis. uird. 'niiereja Mei«,n for msny yearsowuer and rnpu.erof lteo 01 CityiUnt.el onu 50h%04 Côutiy treet, n0w the Motel ArIinqo, le dend In, Chicago of burna recelved lai a lire st ber- reaidence et 1137 lemoic, troet. Mmr. McOregor died, of pneumonie that tolovred that terrible accident lai whicii eho vas bumied, the.demb itak- Ing place At 84.#R lizabeth Ilo5pital. tihe bosptal 'n»Areet her reâideuce, viiere thevas cogivoyed stier the. Ore. Mr, icQ-EW«or buhem .,avay tram Weikeffl for a gree.t muY Yean sd Ie remenbered by few boe..Her lite story, with that o! daught.r, te said to couatîtute su unusuai romance Ex-Mayr ePsAi. l4ms prosol po*Fot for 56w Laý.w SipiIisr ta, that tJÛsed ln Michigan. William W.PesqCe. four tiLss mar- or of Wao4kepFn, la et ti.he e4 pof 4 movemnit that wJlmater 111 iiy ethei sale or thé, bonds for the. PrOosed new township htgii eChooL' it le a m0llCmqnt ta d raft el *tweeo the MIchlÎSu pattern thât hooo bonds b. exiempt from taxatlou, erd If it le drefted and goes 'nt*o sfie 1u this mtate rneens that the wýIcegai hlih school bonds will be ii*IoIàd Up, au fat es they e be affered, bjObeed dealers and, Ipdlvlduela deoirlig" non- Ex-Mayor Pearce proposes toak ràttoî5iey Huomer Coolie to draft soupl af1& andSitthen auiieraettv X Stearn, to Intraduce It, to ulske Waukega'ahlgliachoOl Suire. Tii, iaw le aperatIve ln Mli~ei as wiii ho seen by the. follawt*t: Baya the Grand lRapide Proe: An Important recommeudatlOn wvas mode to the board of educaUio lu Ih. apeclal session, held Monday after- noom by WItli WIddclomh, vblcb looks toward the exteuptin trom taxa- tion or anl echool bondb hereafter to Le lsaued. hi the clty of Grand -Rapids. Not only vill the reommendailon, vichl ii h.mode te the neet legiala- tum, ~ln accordanoe vâth the action of tie board yeeterday Affect the. cltY' ochool bonds, but tice. of every mu- nieliialty ln the e atre state. In.; a coinmun"ctlou te the hoard Mn. Widdicomb stated that h blid been lu carreepoudence vith Detroit school aunhorltli>s and bad been in- formed that su advertgement for the ale of achool bonda lu that city shows i tai thebonda vIi bear 3% per cent oluterest per annuni and are exemipt btram taxation. Hie alzo recomrnpnded . hat the. matter ho referred tua A a". 1mitte, of blasemembera o« the bbsrd for the. purposeof lnveaUlgatng and determuahng the proper cou e pur- keue ln mkirngipassible thiesale o! ait LGrand IRapids achool bonds an almitar rterme 1tiitons luDetroit. 3lu tuila connection i t ta recommend- ed tiiat et the next legisture Item- 1hobrs Norris, Sheppard and lBenjamin r lutroduce su set, or vork for the ps, LOUIS J, YEOMAN T HZOPTIClIAN. Baker, A. J. Long, Galles Hîso. UAbertyville-Ciaude Dresseo. Mremont-Frank Kuigge, William VIj kery. ZaUconda-Pluty lsougbtoo. t(%ar- les Paker. Ela-Herman Heller. Charles Gasa- vIlier.1 Vernon--George B. Zinnuer, G. J. Itorciier, George B. Umbdeuîtock, Deerfleld-Dauil iPéase, S. ltoel: llug. P.CIetn STEARN1S & MIELD. I!ORM PARTIoERSIIIP A upew partuerishfp among Wanire- gan attorue ys vas formeit beglunoag the New Yar. Miessrs. Stoarue & Field, viio bave hieu bo& kuovu lu Laire aud McHeury cauntiea for mauy yeas as ahi. and dlatluguisbed mem- bers o! lie legs.l professian, have t- daY gven out notice ot their forma- tion of a psrtnershlp. A short accaunt ofthle careers o! thie membuers of the. uev finm la given bereith: itou. A. K. biearu, graituated aI ,larvard Univeretr, 1895, admtittel ta the. bar ai Bprh*àoild 1896; paticed la- -ln <llieageuntf li189; foundeT $unu 18e7; soit ont ail aewbpaper lu- teteats lu 1908; practicet iav lu Wsn- kegau 1903 -ta date; 1908, eloclet member 4M. MIlinois General Asaomb- hy as RepubIWan -mibér 86 i M tornail dist t(Lake, lielenry' sud DOMocontieà la kiîovnu a u ahI.ý aut eloquent oeukler, and one Of lie bout jury lawyers et the Wloc . Gorge W. ]MeUS, admitted te bar 1896; cltY attorney of Woùdtock, Ill- inois for six yeu,*, 1899-1904; heud au im;portant legl pcelltbn at -Wasbing- ton, 19044; removeit- , Wauliegan lu 1906; meule a dlelulaled record lu lie famous MoheirsIll-Vollva Ilboil case, as Attorney fer Overeser Volîva; k--vunasone of' the besl cianc«'ri snd triail lvysta lu Wankregau. There la no quintne, sgoulIg %èaive barsi or alckeniug lu Ptre'eniles. ThSe 11111, Caudy Cold Ces Talee qt a#by mgIe. A fewour-.eul ourthreujes. 109 edllita bl#sa. 4ytk proventiuspieset, -chlde, stal ail la the -alusgï, iiý option of substitutlhbg horsebacti c bicycle ridlng endymantce test,.. Oflcers of tbe navy hiave been SUI jecled to a physical test for more ti a year, sud lu tiie opinion o! odficeri tis rogulatio bas dooe muci tý manhtain a blgier pbysical condittla aruoug army oEersdoWaued for offl work tIhan hae ever been iruowu fi tile paît:i Officere, realizing that they wili h, reqîlred to give proof of their powe of physical endurance once a yeni have been extremely careful to anl tan a good piiyslcal ,condltionSt al Uines by menus of regular exercle. Tii-y bave alsao sccuetomed tiem seives tu tLake daily vairs or borse bacir rides, su liat vien tl inte i tbelr annuai test le reecbed lie>' finq tiemeelvesahbe ta meet ît vîit lîtti. Di' no preîiaratian. Tlieo e smre nesufts. It iii belleved wil 'b. accompttiaed lu the uavy bt meaos of requirements for a phystea enduranee test. tui ta0 a" *« ,z rie la UG f 4<ave cslê* i m aniMas fer *_rite Ut aI i the tu v ae.f rides.' The lat. the North .Chtagae -saw of tht'i" ree iy hUn for sowe purpees litovi tea thaîeelves. The tact I)Iu* lier la a cte"n Clear, cgt lu WmIAybe a", anl as ie vas foetd,1 a r~six t nl: t>e u315t lu aiiY wajy lutait laIklisi!.together vii t th Mect IbsI o'*4>f hbugarinents ver. soake4ld Wtdg t nOtotaldO, are fur- ther cou jsasÏc« tut lie had a streg- gle sud -011 a vctIna., etey of Vieor Threat. The nm tIInprtaut sud peculisi part oft1the Chainlu se etact that Thiomu Victor, a sugar relinery em- ploye, wab ut home the S=udayaaMer the detli ven some one, who it le nuit IMOW04 msfed hlm oP at ithe Plant, vhere Po wu net ut varhi, sud de- livere$ a taie message, that Vlctor' -vite*e v. 'lpii iiAïd ueeded bis cm &t-q5g4ý ¶he'queer àtalt ata Victorf fliwuh lis home sMd aie vuww dL.'lmh.supposition la liaI Wailita «antllsu, If tiiere are s- salti, bmm, kltaI h. bas been active on the eucasud ami- ter hlm. .USI or JURORS rOtR SPMCAL TIRM Court Opeu*d Morie an sd Thea. are Mo Clled Upon. Below la the.l11»t o! Jurora cslled for the,' aleelai tm of*Circuit court 3viilcli Suvened iMondai: 1 1Betoos-Mihu Bkelly. Heury M.eyer, Flrank Enlié wovport-Wllià*aIL Levlu. A$tiwpl-]Oia4L R uclier, R. U GIrant joSèxh .MMNeil, Joli. O'Boyle., GeWorge 4#isole. 6 Avon-Thomas Stroug. tWauliega-Wlltlan Baugs, Axe] ILybecli, C. W. Boise, Anton'Dudek à Joseil ieUten. HaryDletmeyer, - Henry Doy, C. 'Q. Jugraliarn. 1 Shlekld-Robert Fairburu, Clarence- of id, le ,d, -y al iliving decided tot quit fnniuing the uuderslge.d vii i.l au pblc nutilon the. Dynond tlarin, uili est o! Liberlp-le on lb. C. & id. E:ectric romd onT ,ea. Jan. 12, 1h0, uommlencing et 10, o'.loek, a. ni.Lite ,follawiug grophr , jë 238ieadea'ttle: 0 vith Ceai V Y ldIe, sfiPna,6 8givluig tmill .Iý M .11 Z= 9 mn>hsaid, 6 hohube, brocd' mars -lufal", brown h p, ie ad, 441200; y eidlug. Mymti wt130W; ba gslD0n, 10 ira old, vi 1f1 k bacolt oeomlng 'ayre oid, v wsl; f00buea, té100 'baskets corn,, 70I'b be, 10 ibu eïe vheat, 2o toue tllntby beya>',eiut -4 tous miiu, 20 tous bAIe, elrav, ses-erel atackp e oin fadier. IleCornslok grain biieOoSierue-co 4dér, UMWulwue 1() tlft h*y rfk, h ayjJ'ek, truck waoplarnitruck wAfo, ,Mau une apreader ,wanfo" box, Wvsi6u eprin'a »UA«10-e m ilkgit w90- sl-ky -Cufoi- walklug catilirthr, Gang plov. 2 v~klngnioss, Aéeptlofl drag, 4 Motliaion Oo tagw, bot-se paver soit fed cotie.b p ieuter1puis-ertsr, laud sOri pqie4 vii iiek r THESE WILL WED- Daniel HaJly Smitb, Paris. France- L.aura Berkeley Perrin, 25. John Hemn, Nortb Chicago,. 30-Au- uie Mîkosi. 29. - Jouas Baitirols. 25--Aua Sadan- v;iUe. 22. F. Bune,-, Nul-lb Chilcago, li-Lînua Smith, 26. Jacob Frauken. 'Lake Foregt. 31- Nellie Bovrian. 24. William Johoson, lRacine, Il-Mary Tinnie, 34. lai Bevîer. Chicago. 37; Ama R. Boiter, 30. REugene E. Hawkins, Lake Vila, 26; Phyltuda Little, 20. Ciarte8 Helihg. Rachue, 29; Jk-unle lielai, 22. W. M. Haibrook. Waldo, Wle., 30; Auna Stopdyk, 20. Sig Terra Colla Warka. Just heyond the, vesi site oi ciy Iluilts of Miiltud Park ao Deeriffeld road isle laced vint Ises to ho tho very exiensie vor thie CbIcagî Terra colti uniulai Wil2 tii IU dluc 4ioe.4il] Çkl 'nier. bas heeu a largo outlay of tai lpu campletlng tue vorlia for tl tistlc Industry-periaps 8150,000. ready tiey employ 50 bande, and as. soon as they cii mecure lier sas-y expert ujechanîcs ln Ibis il: gvatiy Increase thie nujuher. Annuel losuranco Meeting, Ilbo. Tiei. nual meeting 01 tt t-li at et llihr, Ill., on i Saurde ti10e. 121h;1909, atlGsBO 6. In.uî olee re o! ttbe'comipac Myuj hange lu by-lvs thbt1 tOU& 00-lii emset0ilof -au -o> nk - ai othr b abine 3,f the. nu lie prom- ,rks o Rlon 4C. cVplleu Lis-2 sndil: î - X - I-Lveai ta LUICY l M*Adam, lot 4". 4v*ll'sGel$0.f lot 1, . t, Hilglisu$arn 100 lptd-ln Wsbberu Pqrki wftli *dý $ . WTutti. sud wlfa te W. Hl Myera, 23. lots ln uWeibrn 'Pafi,'.10. X. ilagarlan sud wttte o ai 1T fieydeelier. lot lu 8e W. 14 se& 3n ton i ý 1A.0000. Q. -W. Patt$ansd vite te, Oust (art- &19fl soM Wot'20fi. North 100 test lot 59 e Wte I1o4-1f W P Bine to J. R Fichlu. 80 acres s-ê~ieO lu EF W % àec 12, Cuba Twp. W 1) a 0 ltwller and vîfeota led For- tin. Lof il2.,Aa. h8, McL '1.Utwtl- oh. sbRound 1e.w.n .o Esaeofci w uiaoes ta,1tu Arcadie VOer.. N 50 ftet 8 190' fse4, Lot 3. Sub of Lots 56 sujd '6',?,Wa~d F"orest. W D 12000.00. Riamte M Tripp aud huabaiid to Hec- of ai1 ry4 huzleberty. Part lot 16, blocki 1, Kuebker*g iPub Lhortyville. W. D., SEtate of Ullua R. Hlbrd deceaaed te & . K Metings, part lot 1 sud 2, ELdK blk 59, Hlgilud Park. Deed *6.00. Renate ofBlan R. HIilbard decesaed te -4iatfa port lot 1 sud 2, bl,59, Hlgiid Park. Deed $11000. h r 9 J. T. Ward ta U B. Dawson, lot4l, h r blk 76, sud lot 42, bih 104, North Chticago. 1Deed. 81,00. ]P.A. MoutgmerY ad vite te Har- i yHoveH, Lot 5, bih 3, Montgomarys Disl Re-Bub., Htghlaed Park.* W. D. *20. Eutatte Of C. J. lIsuletou decesseit tu, V. W. Bîîrkley, I10 acres ln $ I 14 Sec. Diýerûld Tvp. Deed $750.00. DieC liais Estate of J. D. Qulin deceazed tu *Josephi Chbueutuger, lot 44, Rtavinla.- Deed $1000. 1, H Lloyd and wifete 0O T Broten.W LL M Lot ', block 1, Lloyds R-Sub.. 111gb- ewood, W. D. M10.00.' 1, H Lloyd and vite 10 Edvard Bro- teu. Lot 37, block 1, Uoyd's Re-SuL.. Hlgbvood. W .D. $150.00. OppositetS. Maie l. acl to Vaciay Vlach. Lot 18 sud P lot 17, block 67, Nqorth Chicago. QC D $950.00. - Albert Swasansd wifp to Jesepb F B Adamas. Lot 13, lot A<ld te Waàblng- F. B ton Park. Waukegau. W D 1225.00. Mary 1 Garfield to, E J Drues. Tract MANUIJ o! laad lu &B E'À Sec. 27, Avon Twp. D8$000.00. C. 0 r4tèand wtfe to B J ruce. M arblei W D $250.00. M ot J D Lord and wlIe îet ai te Rudoipli r 1-unoer and vîfe, Lots 3 sud 4, block 1, Niions Add te Oaklandt Suîti. <.etery b- Waukegan. W D $1.00. n W W K Nixon to Rudoipii limoner Des -e and wlfe. Lots 1 and 2, -block 1. Ni%- to ong Add to Oaklandi Snb. WaukeXtan Correspond m W D $141.00. ce Fred Kuebku-r and vifete uDi-nis- ln Llmberry. WV% lot 7, block 2. Kueb- ker's Su),Libertyvilie. W n $500.00. 16 D, .1 K Orvis aud wife to F D Ciavey.G r Lots 44 and 45, block* 1, Orvis Sub. Lr MWsuk-"gan. W D $247.50. wm ;Patch 'OWS LAYCOCU k.paulFr. and Grm~u uuiption idence bolkaà ienesee St' Vaukegau Russell £umIW- y IS THIE TISSE TO B iUYv Lumber, tement ( Poits and MfiÏtva GIVE ME A, F. S. H13ý4 dure, RUSSEL. L, L bhe an- - - plan" ;~n,u-;1d - P. Lslssi P tYBICAN .4"SJ* oe beit e hal BUSeeisd ,M Physicel Test for Offcert. Relgulations governing ithe phyelcsi tests 10 lie given officeru oft he uavY viii moon ho promulgated hy Secre- tary Newberry e ai shlington. Tliese resulationn provide fer a phy- sical test vhich la holleved to e h.eQul valent btuaht vlilch lias beau ap- plet to the, ermy sud marine corPe. A valklug test viii, hi la uiidertoot, be the. basie of the. uaval regulatlou. but officers no deulrlug tony have the, mowam Ji i i ý 1 1 AND I r, .1 VY &

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