~UABT. show ' pime iof Umm à --*wdà O- ý- tea offl O.5 *scw uo br«b, Onu C >mlrs'r, lsebook. shleve. e- r a k e M t l u a r' n,~ du0 f"r s 1 .75 e ta...... ..... remAA. OOKGMBES.Quarteroi h,e aviebout fleciUSmBook- mu1 lu the unumd 0 »,~ld"y, par Se00,0n..0 7,k l e0U mm. 1 t ,ai ~ ag la1hM tO Ak m ptbe tmbwoa- 57 150 et ?qlglAt' la 1h. I , oUfd oa. 20X fl à late Glass .7 9 o»otjt»e ble Iothe =1m 4Sy' Mud voare sejg ghvt ivicea befere nuherd 99ttSnor4o podeaal nm. 41.ouly . uaeDutng 4'aAls lq% huaVi Ol&IWCz01 81 S j. 4# L.top tabie, These Ugntvwelght Peerleol Folding 3.001 Gia" d4oe f0101,. talehed ln beautifut quastmuéd-, iish tve drlet. 1 cleului tale 0 prias_517_mly___ lu over t5 different vst- kerna. These Rug ame uaranteed tnt cotiwU nd reguWaly seil t a ,0 pre-tvety' sale PrLcfee, 1.1 onU. aiffor ls1t Ï&#«and d*le-e arge uste"MÉ9 I reg- i burt Poe butotm ta the lu"ge <uantt on -had ve a-rem ling thern ~l 17M5 Iml esla $it, l9"; in vartom,-ddSii5; tbese rugs ameg iipdlwat wear, trou , Sinail Sdrees S6 ansd W a Cear "'On As it la nov o0"udýtt son, and as1 )40'O'O eil toves over vo xÎ e oug te lne of staveef-cm sale uai,.o Celebrated Je*Ol (hU4 fer of stoes) aeSvê gt*9uteed bet materIRIl a"- i'fimda Thete Stev9* are1theree Standard of the w0.ile Do You Wve n tb i vil est up isegï ,i t you do flot walit.,.tgu By buylng a yourselt a FRE pay ta yen te gate. Other Hati* manghip. A ver>' on. tisat viii ije giv etisera hve bheeSý scrap heap. AÀ u1 ot these astoves fr04 lu hT. n en, gnieqrtred oak paetbox, upiiolstered Iu chamezf ~ltertnted sld veywhere for $3500; enly. .èU CHUS. Ail ak trame, guaranteed, heavy steel eooucum~Op 'uàvarlety et caorings, chalcè of plush. velowr orelchne leather, ether tufte-d or plain. a conci UI' voilAs tully double the prie asked, only ........1 .7 PARL.OR SUITS. Mahegany finish. qpvgteredI1 .0 %J~plnsh. a genuine value at .............. 2 0 #MQIRtS CHAIRS. Il la fnt neceàsary te ray anythIinç hem.of Thé R ojral Push Bottofi Morris Chair." W. hae tisfloat prices which vili surprise Yeu. marris Ch4sla chase leather, trorn "d up. oaly ..........7 5 DROP41WEAU COlCl. Upholâtered in a gre' n voleur; laem l at..uP V#, th heavy lon's head Ths Caie la et D*5Im Vleet an ernerg'sucy(.g. as uniexpected v %ttor - ma'Seilrtbe s), ...... ........... ...1 Ituis, Çtirpes Mattinb, Liwwoum Havniie a large purchame ef rugsaud carpets fbomstue mAtisa so*mtqse ega ve have at present over $4,000Ôteqk. aMd as, ve de 4#ih tacarry this enormons stock over 10 neýt sma s9n ve magrdisposeofet ur large lin.etofrnis. -carpets iud other fleor eoverl4% et lou tisacoet Belov we give a 1ev Prtfes: or cane seat ais pace in scriptien eau- bot be given, eely ....... P eayOgk lInng Ca4t, terset a verqbll amorne dinar. speciai st ....... 2.25 vrnr ",lag davk ua la7 Mmi" footSfbo S8k rockers. Opte*=a phelàerm4 saal~ atefn.......... O t,ACE Çartahu and 4l~ WadroW.a-ÉSavt gbeggbt ù«4 thle sxbbdtlou ai28 No ve have a large ~1p from a nsd i730 (t lo i s 8 Te 7 botgh wwhere Igr lm Y& sae0e*3 =R Carpe% oet the& *ad beavimt of Ue Pr-inveut(N7 Blair Carpet 1PS , #a ter=at - onul3 .......... - mattinga Wq. b&o*a b«et mso4f bgb WUi Jabaffee attlaqe, mum ON the NgaiIéUUSmu nuov« 0 pt ter OIIIogL DOeWb... .... 1 ' io i aoti. rAo 00 _ i. bhe.stove sea- te carry 11w' >place Our full as» than cas*. er good makes to be of the mahi». glzdstove tove-on, tiiat VU îou make 3M0 Sewing Machines PATHFINDER SEWING MACHINE. A machine wbIch stands lu the I heat clami. Wben yoit boy a 2ewing l'lacIDO, one hait of whist you pa>' goes te thse agent. We, haover, are content Witb a much amaller profit, and for thfil reeson ontk can aflerd te soit the Pathflâder feW- ngmachine, ranteed JI tn yearufù1 _o t_1 9 mente at olI ....... jiNIK 4., -NTIEluereS rouet ofý uado'net buei1Ver9 ON sly onceinLulae.tbllf. Forth *loe e ve huid purchse tIse1 cUrAble. Our )Une et DWinlug itihev pedesai or square tu.s$0 aatisfy the nesia Of the iw Ad buyer. W. sell antI thse liut at tise loeset pricea. Tht su are Prepgreil le provo te a"Yl )ave a fev rplat*, raks loft1 Chriatmoas trade, heavi Oak,.'brasa tfiUlu, ou........................ Ileavy genulne solid cek EN (net a ehesp veneered lelce Ot I large Trenh plate iir* <À rer, ont>' a. UtIsilnum- ber et ........ ......... We vish te close eut Our flue1 and because ef Ibis reaseitW* at tes than ceai t -max«haeb prices on thee BiiReto *wl-". As a special bsrpuin "e-U.6 $20 Buffet lu haïdeme 55Qupt lmb Trench pate baeletMIPs rer se lu. long, lmed [glam front............... 1