RY 8, 199. kti tifru sacideni thIngs Ib te rde lt. te Il r Q"5-bt li-ý a umub4tn OMS UVuic hw cal), ba I&Ve dhncated Icoisle C(fh ipt I aatbosuatnr 11-e famai1nuhttare.eu ~4 stan tog "i aaP L140$.w as È>LL m-le rjeooPretscwinl itiBt.1 SOG OFTHEfor jaQung*th. "IBail)a,,v,',2 li is E I. 803(0CE' F IE ..*- tc i 'the lte cea(110119th.- 1N*#Mb OR~A 0Ftrippere <of the Ilwlut ratageete. oai.Pt ywir sefu frec'fullIy ttm>tnud diq irl, the. N*st4t f ight ln a ik i kt 110,6 êe.,atakai titra. et.pu 1.toi th e water trouxh. 'VInn at a en-al susp*P# futif 5 g-h0It t ane* «munt of branu mixed i wth a .oupif of ithis ref*m5 ramef bhipeand a bais. of jimy, walk agn-erlY Mlpoing hie s.4V.ighteous liko a helha~isn-pomwfbls.. film aIan-l aupVina, kict like a bakyb or.a- ai-d sm',e au f 3ou had ,èat.f lO litrrulol<f st,,(-# f.Otd. Sn-t.your parttin-r an.d g-t >o4 tht t Ildoes flpt opota "ôtbr. ,of Mr oi bseauas. It lsthel ~d& 0irenflies from eajli,25r thôe attind fer a boc k P«nre 01 fDr.ch Ioi.as Bfllt ff-. eirnssdo Som*1 0 of th~ e ma, t att9o r? tuSt~ ope iguow wfilah fac- no mitempt at 4e*sp- -ciaIwW *Sat th*ý* lo4 lu b*tter tune"e if I 4tutrwiotain *fl rSQfaetal u.ç of e "am 0 the Iiie*t quatily. As ro 4 dmit th" .~stand 'on Pe**s' = Ir0o tatto, wha~ther Elgin butter Àtý'tht oity..It sinEln butter if rmsk.aa çuprçduce a5.4inladei4 mr f~ etrade mmtbera s aef b e. f0 .o*aoieof miliii 'ro$cers. pa a eb sattered ait over thIbm P41 lewp5u wa suling a néifelee t t he tabai "Etgfn" waem ý,touoMte bo*5 t,'qwn out-o ourt. - tô dep1de whether or mot à -e larm 0 Mleté*f0n-d ttté oltr F ÎW the prQduct "$igin bftt.'i." ilà &a~~~s a produoet ha t MMI~n ~Ibr>.if '0e huçdr*d leu ,es f*err mo4< ilaf1ghliand Prk OO<*#14m <of tbe reeent sm'epit % pMaI s vanUtgegus, l.wt detia .wIheu 1 mliit WMOU W012 ' 500 1a <r a% lntrplHnu tHA ~tho .,uift o.f bitij téi 1 "ce thébaS cior 1.9 t rnsaud t ialns'i vi eilliee "4.etrk r"i '.d meatar.. t. w m . C 1, eupul wI,.k for niO*1 ute, etc. t.ittie wat.r w<f-itApladge fhis'braic5, Maka Du r asoutiôn$ sem àa m&hty jeké. to g myteiale-ea*y tO bttakl Sie eou$o 1ýwcêcr,iartimdé u te o »d i4re kqpt.: Ouýý ir mi,I *",to aysgre tfulIvalue frtsioeym4zwhea WC tstrc in botblmu-bàai tygrbeep broken. Our iua-coetis ceoeluivly. - Reiolve today toetr e a titi isud kcep OfW ebItloO A HUSS WÂTCftIÂKfl aud JFW~JR USUU~YVYILL~S IL~INGS. Hoot, mon, an e not en-île me sol Twas 1 who m-ade your billions grow. ..'Carnegie saya that the Steel Tariff muet go. He ought ta loeow - being the fatiter of i j414 rrow, it ýdoes bot boer un. We're too busyprqte"tng our Mm . customers. We do t by means of good goods and1 good service. Our tinéof f piq S*mpkse 4o TaBio Mode Clfi g jo itcomp*aie Our-trçatment is always ~fair. Ours is a&square dcal, You'U like it ~W. .'PARKHURST 8SOCK, LBI~000-000901L TIIERE IS DISTINCÇTION, N A SUIT 0OF GOOD CLOTHES. Did Iyou ever take notice of neat, welI fitting garmeçnté? Certainly you have.- WhiIe yo pas. the ordinory suit of dlothez indiderenty yffl wiIl stop and examine c that is weIl macfr whetbpr of exprcriime, te"ia or not, for it looks mudi dii0srtnt from the rady made suit. Clothes wmaje in op ]ook différet ahd- arc diEferent from the ave-e That 18 v we art- iii business. Soute peope dernand d, dothés and1 we are here ta furnish them-. Wy pot you? FREQ CROKER Tailor and Draper LIBtRTYVILLE, ILL. Il r T h- .-4 SPÇOIAL ATTËNTION Tgoeut of Tewn O,'ders. 'Ad SliIppn$ Ttde, xbo4% r. eiil l! 11,00and <the es a tms fbd&? tAf 3u0aerli. - - LeISOF. n~oI. 18-3. DBNfi.MILU5,Attaruse,2 Adiudicatlon oi. supere Qtzaity Guarai Uogi't root md an aW i Cd N S - M, ER. cO WHEN ,our ,br"adasti >sddby Ipm ecoCA .dodt blumne tke cook fi t yoi, finiout wlmt kind <of cofe she uacs. -les mure td" Èkely >the faWis ewithi'- the coffec and tiot witfth iok importations. Then 4 if ie ccgé cookt, C haf u e =borîn sCoget 40 &,ab per lb.,. " Iite good& CO RL3r T &F *off« to w1oeit t co.i * payealatti uab M« THIE CONVCN of eltebckigbt la te b< - * i"t youp*arot I C OU oteP4ORàTIIS aod CON ftCTtONMR tiwerktge - hiluolsi HOTELS ANO IRETAILERS SUIPLIED WE OELivggU TO ADJACEN4T TOWN$S I4or*#esFor,.i rk.SS et l iit lu9a,1 .554£1 naT4; 1- 1a 1 T 'y j oIs i obigro 4v o M t0 1 1,LLMSRV =L