'Peter Keller';Cms k of Cheer ImOMAX JO BREAK CHAIN 0F-DISEASE W4bd 120 Wb.m Entered, Ater BNe etof 11k ud Egp J.sh.rer ToiIal Welohs 140 a" l FohImg Stter and StTseger Thus ver Retire aUidvt twekty pouidza dded to hi weight. PtrKalerof el evidere and Jaekom ullet his morias ltthe Bmath Roed Tant Clmi for the treat- -m tof tubeTculoala ta l Intenta mand s pofl&curaiman. A" Pter Keller la grateful te bu ,Sa& 1 net boul apaUtai tthe col- oui for the peutfte~r menthe a.".de- ilsaed INa ioraura, "I veumnov b. 0,ai ama. ,1ai attl f !thai." kDLr Wattermeu, directing manager of the coknlge.mtai: "Kllers là vbat la knVU £ au an rdated came. That ia, ali aymàptoma"vebeen rre.ted." Kler%. Stor>' of Cure. -Wtea 1 entrsi 1theg0lSy." mld Kellir, es h. toM hWa tory lIethe aux voimatarily.-1 vasa wreck. 1 weod120 p oàuda, wmm vear. atck Md 1 traly balaye tla mortel dnw -limyta a w»o andeght oildremi - uni Mdtremment am rigoroua. *Vprb«« wblieother pao.!. bave heemp tostas tiair obinsA t varu m'a- "ie Mdl atiag vhetther d ii baveau.livUinn ureblai tah offl psr, soat emiintg nilk do. laS uiaiverdaoma w«vea ta e .. ceuév »o to a b. corai t&i ge lJ t fok.fer ayi amw A tln op, mela4& 'Aler four tuothsat 1the eclo.yi few itvmeur "d imt.. tbmi «Fevr -id us Mr 1f. befmwan m u o.jiaa 1t :l à ie lm uoa da evSr Il vila lotym m m e.au.14tu 3.5w. mr am th1tint I t tbeawda Oh. 5atu 4w et.5tabamwlow - ley Mm ' 1kkaMidAairw Xëlier. 1 à ti hm Mt S pqbaveagoutheli la Mt 103 Wt ib 0la dh&.- l i we hae be&.ote e tlaD. amsi <rt. yara 1 I». moue& pger 6 e iasweah NWbmw tmi et mtHlhhd Paj*, ___ lm s wtàeotc a a Pflélor q«et MW& m viaUlm»w anu. I. xap ils m vt ut the Vire mit lia ta t lais l rVYTarseS UVha f10M4 te amo t t commeur- àoi*aghe o 0 iwaza a" ma y aVm es-"sitle $dAOUN euc vais *rat repoeda. Atua"y Usa]HL Miler Who va PPOintaby judgs joces ctLb outy toaws.acota* le talaof th.e etaL.ttta l a inheritance tau.,afl w rfwutir i iatertay te obtailaferuamlosm «& oesulnt the rosi valua or lie 11>00,- 000 of stock tu the Usyflosermi"e of cMouans.. The.achedule of the n. UctrMWUcalthithSa tock t 4 rcentso the dollar. lMr. Milletlhaammaa -11-eseafor January 2uta suv. IssU- i m oichmdiag the Worth 0f lie fitock. whUcbh tla novwmail, ma b. tound to b. Wothpu,. A liUubtarman Iodgy caledup a PhYbîchtan d mkMi l Le vcul i-. 390d ieucatte for ttaberculosla. ne ",à1 ta4Mi hs i.lri er. coughilag Ï p fd b fearodI h vas tnfeii.The È~ IM oupplu ia auto tWmakegan eil- dew-a A sorti aide remuet Kt the ': : ea' Iane»c=1164 UP theYi. yicasd r; ý 'PLWtb li mmabai bold ber hi cov. 'z Savingi in Hèn's Sh6e%" Fine Shoes, worth $Si, $4, e at- 1 AmiI12.98 ADJIBISae e SWWlx' »ud Ovm.ats MoW n'anmd $W0 mita andl overcoasaroduceil te......19.73 Muon% 10 salta and ovrcoats roduced te .................. 15.95 MCn'm $18 matea nd overcouftaroduced ta ........ 13.95, Meh'm $15 mateanmd ovmfeants reduoed ta .... 11.93 Meule.811-W.0smita and overedafa r.duced te .......... 9.99 Mon'* 110.00 malitsanmd overcouftaraduceil to .......... 1.95 ShoeBeiains We'rm prril la iw soa" .o - via 0ttf~ltama. l. vaigmeluaîeea. AMt et er Irokn iota o« il kida fet ier g. it Itedued Prices. ofokan lot of boys0"ai»»i..fine ohm m a %VKPMoe. FbiShoes, ait oins, $5, $4, $3.50 and $3 gradies at 1198 $20.0Maluta mend overcoota #IWsieand overcoma 's u reduced ta .... 1.... . 9 $1600 maltsamnd overet reduced ta. ......it 8 .74 $12-W0 maita and overceets redaacad to.. .. .... . $1000Masuteanmd overcoata reduced te ........ 7.9" OU Tiiosr Mena $4 broumera31 ai...................21 TPe fetyea'eer centftn. Mena 04 tromer 1e..... 1............. 3.1 F.ne Iniprtail vorataea.taliored l n owt very best peemble manner. mows 02M00pente... 1... »1. .. Mens $150 pgnts ............ $119 _____________________________________ v pfr~0, lias Ne Ovuceste bys CI.îh'd sharply (<ua $BIbu>'. $&00 P% taor ovefcoats &UAIbuya $7.So malta or overcti aita or ov.rcoats "396baya $&W MUR*l or overcOita moita or ovarcoata $016 buya $3M0 Ait ont Clearlng the docksa of »Il surplus stock o! .11k mufflers, hua.. oo8tg4 bath robes, fancy ipather gooda, fany supendoni nt froM, toiL'ssho sÇW#BtSinTff brokmn Iltn@v not mors tItan on. or tva of!àa icnd but ail &go* for boya from 7 to 16 yeara. Former price.ý $310 ta $6. aIl go in Ia * 1 Ma*a ett........... .......... 8..9 8 Winter Underwea. Odd ai nd d of man's fine wool shirts a dravers. Natural grsay gr crl. 8 regulmrly for 811.0, nov -79c Men'e hemvy brown fleece hrta and drayert; ordinarti>'Soc, 3 et............................. 3 Mens bue wool rtbbed "Con te Cook" eh mmnd dravai'. Warmt ad mont or .ble u nderwear mode, raguler $1.25 vo ln tuta aale, at par gar"ntl. ...... at ftt ldctm*lw gurntadb>'us 3 .oAnoff CaIfine quilaud fin"d nlov..................... .5 on5 bimk Wolf ew Seat CeaIe.& g lirnad or eordurey, bail var tn ont ode,'ai..rakdita.e $2&S00blaok Wolf Ceai l rmducod ta 15.95J Muskrat mmd eh testl àa e t and sold ,firts ervic- Muma iOc ;J il Iý 50 kiii Vne.(>~ftu>~j HaC Pce 100. Nèno's Fine Suits at eliafl .Pfice A 0--rmldean àe* ef MIltw . hrshanlins of mona " fne OVér00ts. Tua. iii. Irtcludedl in tht. lot ara th' broican lina. of a number of fine 09 ii g:mt=lshelsilame th Productions of mort schafiner In"atl %oniryal fr$6 $8 n $0 j9 & as m wleofud$15, $1& ed md 20values. >td uiteta omrysl Z$5 1,e Wh"e lie>'.la... ......J To maite à final clearantce...... .................... D.S ' 0rncoat a tk e. EoysiLong Pant, Sub. M tHaif Palce a AGIS 14 Ir* myWARL >w am 5Wil!flwt" onl boe - -ViWlt 0n atlSfiOly onorte of !à kînâbut laatfot verybody. Panc-y Ailega rlftt of boye$06, $7, aerd $8.» overcorAsa 5qm s heviots,* nd blacica. Double or sinebrmtd en o "saletm.-............................... ererpIoam $730o $12. White the>' tt................ TtDAy Vests bn'ai -ou 09 1^-4Y0"«fA ~wI*y etae'lifr h40. C-ri4w tghaao w bIiSchdnesh 1. bW solo or mntî -f $e0 lovesoimm - 4.,s okkle 7sva mutits~ O uIr ÇÀ of ail Me' n's a ô d Ftne lLO1 NO SiHO > ETC.. SUpply your needs for m M. ts to corne at redu4ç.iQns f rorn T wenty to Fifty Per Cent. Ladies Shoes, Specil Prikes TO CLEAN Up ODO LOTS. Fine ahoeî that fo.rbe y s old at $4 and $3-%&.The lethera are id, good vlour cafakin and gun matai, 29 go at......-.......... ........... ...................9 Thalot Includea a bunch of hoea tuat formeri>' old for 12.W0and $&Mo Corne lnt expecUng ta get a Itino maMtr what yoiar aime ' may be. Whiie they lit choice ....9..8 -nt................... ...1............ JansrySale Mens Working Coats Mon* bordurey.co*ta. fuit aamp skIb lilned, high fur collae', formar prici $710, rsduc.d t a." ...... Moi"crdro cat, hop indhih oo climformer prie 18.0,m1 $4.o0cortluroy reveraible conte, 28 $300 Blacl Duck Coata ln thia sale nt:-...-....................... ............ ... 2.45 $2.0 blmck duck coAta ln thi. sale .8 ETABARGAN-B0yp corduro>' ful macknmck lmmd, former price $300. Go n -.9 this saie et .......... ........... ............................................. 1 6 at»va',aia4lt .Nothlng r m.r e - olaiet hi t nt atclrcr es te quailt>',rât mnd paftelat*Ill bi dellohU Men' S1~s a'79C includam m&H Our Mosjarch pl&lMO or pil t&Ï,,undride Of handsome\ pet- terne t0 solet Wom inctudesailu Our "Olu#t" p18fted,'laiw frOntOr unégilges aia pbrueani udmadra. 1 1 1 ----- - - ------------------ - - - a -- - - - 1