I -I1r ý ,esrÀluta th ltb br comsin, Mrs J tbiÏre.Ueo Outaler of Highland Park w hobas teu viellegwith Mr. endi )Are.------ M. Kodilr left Bawrd*a3ý Hrr IL Ï4-Y.oIOpsWlImI*I tlir, aud lr. S. mabon have j>SflWI lnim la OU? IlS = ~~~ snteft.tilngtbeiir mother. lMrm.Tuttey, ad $àM06Y>r et tvertL for sev"radays. NMoi LGs"y and'tt r~.1 1 7ilt mitepli le»spediug the woek wttb dI'MÈaileigo viatore *ber pster, Mmp 3mDlleurneir. of Libertt UMie lpyti y RitYey ut 1yrtaQ ville. bO ~b Oa borIl a '.rWlid m [Lev. end Mrs. Koeneke had as ttleir Sat-rriY ,àail$.ndhg er,"il'Ioe gulas, lMr. andi Mrs. Frank tirirneier, of auss i l%R lciego. joliet. Mm Jobs*àBrowu st>rtâlae tweo0f 1Mrp. 1). Krne2er spent Satisrday witb lter istletet Friday ansd Satrd%., her niee,lMr&. eo. UImbenstoek, t, !Long' The U*ptavy sodv byi t eibv. Grovp. flounr.shebl, tbsv nogr h.MeaPbeau> Mrs. M. A. WAgner aud chittiren, of inatalle ln Iýlç roues in jýO b . U#ayatake, speut $aturday and Simd.>' and eacb reila, sei eg bistj .a lest see t wf ber aistr'eud btamil>', dwegmed, aâ, uh crUl~tpa Mr. and Mrs. A. G,. M»ether. bruugit tqtw*,4 it% irait estgua Ut. andi Mrp J. Pester spent Sunda>' answeretowtiwi. gour t ottil i wits Mr. and Mrp. i- Coon. trarel si;B 'alto réail, au t theIW.14 Winula oo aotrihp to Raeine, Wis.. metingr «14. Ibernl totloe* b.' 1 que de as t vaut bers becoutumpltes ab ot.é~bcaldsehi,'y wurhieg. aiî at, *ad enbttri.lp ë1tà Tht RanllNelgibsio f Pstar.sVie- ber. MinQse is ýgave a readlutwhd, wili bolti i"sr isalto andy"Theise 0e Pllir exilMosir -Alte'o» e'reuog.A prograns viili e rendered. tfis a-mertu bhlnsai," ubliM, h4 ea M!~r ien héoIl.a h'Isnesll.>releetecd lmpressl.Âs Ipusieveer , he ath ue belote lsalto.Ail Nelgishur anad r.solsg m1mit U»,oue aci fftl fnuias pu M r* lallx lnviteà 10 attend. Ssaroselue. .tb**sAùredlb wurtsmst ll le serwd iater lu- 'but wyul ej M .,h s&UI«9" I h~s&ise.ousiilede ad mua,m . llnnb a &"m'c.a mas olowa: Sen- b.d tbhtadvrgrUoïnt o ~ m. er C. U P*tit etrud bosa. ISt lo TagPpl'a metin luaa~due ater a tht.. veelma trip Wlb el Bne. fl l, wher* abe am beaum 9u " onuC. Ho reporta aislýýoi7 las,'k Nilssdmg' of esuIlla Lait.Foresat, e b.aha..tri. tu'John isriger b»hi e tsi Kaas.a k# mir a ais>'oclIva veeka vIls big »otM.amatMelie.rmmtre .proed parte o f ab bWboy balie il«. 9. e.R*om e t-EPoe8l.&lIanlup lse d'monug itisa eeoe Ciy. -ej.a1bikodpotna sued touelitia s-lt4hpo, massaI tAthée0aml hs1maedancé mté Ilâaday a ielgï - tir»i. XimthMi Mea itelle 14 pengls,' a *wt tebe faisJoissen o iiuiaysleke, v ahie osiEte ohiecer8Suda>,. SI~ ~ ~~i tml a iLuetAseler'. friegia arm gl 1, lutebmt ah. wani t stougis hr?îtrtlu TiMs ay bulala e c'.e Walter Raabse, of elcao. apiet sa ir * m.t.all ises lu- Min Mr>' ook,paur teaséher, suent Of1x Rusuull. Ssmla.Y Ited algIlBel*Dy lywW. AMisa., Ryaialsiore cfAmerlos. Willarsl 1 ~ M4tbe-biWi. 407, o. i piri4e V... w* bol 41Cylé,' lin ib l apulmla.là1latiçsstnrdsy'even- 0 rich t u woil,' e.J*s. 4. ayeliiibborae.l lirn lodr*WW Cs 1arlla Foot, vasta 1UboMcville <aller AbbMyçms.pmsud w. vsol"" lukv a saab. - '4 'wy 12 IL »1qý usy~,1Q".taryMaIeea trp goCh(mo e,"pt r.sieMée, Bawl, Mr. asmrm ~~ ~ - - .ml m7»4mi. bmv.. B.L. Nes W*h e sé t£lb. danse a mmm MSé Ltqa eys Vu.Muas. :W. i.,'Ibogr> F. isstimmu*cape&eS gauSse &4a.Wal»@4 ahm bo ssue wruo w& t.npW tiioimmiralaet tés.ofias-oseo 'bt-uSa'.Z 0 sd« ,allam. g4<il.hi* he eu »e tubes api..?h"s est aueita 1.Leas et bolpdsm piot for lm" At rmait Forua, of U.rato§4 sowe a"ibraieriatatrw etiaste opadama t ta 110% tl b OW lbe im at oreftsas tise <ti, Mmliae.V. Veil aid Mie lSsa. Vimy > ougliteMW" am ou lb. pSot uniet Iprot vUllmg oaems sas mroilMW in II,' Roehea a et 81y -d, b uit blbrss.t M".î,rtmmad lut"in plae sod,. lergrmttesuvient me busgo am evoit 1er e lm b,' cadariaitUr, bmBegisr,. ind set lit vay &4 pj"«lt.Moy aof sur icfto., vistoI rose from '.re ,' bis panaIs bhn uver Sssds,. ilier. ilha Polor 8R4ust, sbosntirs lalu te al. Tise faumwcl as. '9,P I o 0,Prmal, the 154ýR&rbs tai., Jaut. 4, ati1O C.,t&o ebbrgu01 thbas. Sooffiahcteil sad laid te ruaIlln tise A 'C Tboasgb0of slà'quiet Trbetouget t-bM aofMr,.manMp. ras sa lorSisle chilI AlvIs cVEre,.4w dse"alaJaeu.Qtll 4ouis Is shre sud te a statel, Wi Urm. sek m p.Ileen ill b.eaî, mle.t imyr.patI t î.lteea fThanlca. lIern,, listUr, anti nl Ia.e AtrltuAer., rik fiir man Scu Yuar, w day asic#. t rîîr uîssy l-îs Thîa fe yue"at s'lsld, a I1"111e bof uM r their L-tariàos.uiandi anti Ur*. John ilerane, lortisI u WWs. itLs1,11,ne vam "i-a. doeuil, arsI uliiîle t'ss t'.uî i. tnd l siirsel 1',5* twoanad<l s hail ortor kitiney.s ar 4aIes' (tans oulv o! EH re, lu lise orten _______j_______ Oti uISurprse yaîs tMr-.. Frank Y",e,ut(ihla-ae'sslt ta-,ev tihe ccst. Andt i lî'hss with)rm t-,U» mýI m oquiclekI'.Pr. inCroA iii ber essleer. Irs Caroî s, iturnecisnor Jîsî Crî,ai iitiîG selpmes ~ ~kidneyî. 1 Dr .. "e u INnIITtsly ps ureicty to tise sass evis organ aurte. tise ' il,'orgoam a," croup ) rativley 1Stoppa a 0ss Onw e tt alisne vîli ursal,' eurs tMA tul. No d ilitrssi4>m R " &, «* Md md b Th Arra up.trAauCelUo v teaSgeologiea Ms -"xp abim UWàlbed tht Rousasta" Mlas psedhwv ».owu ts Waaconapro -VubI" le od higCo. W « td MiNIàolJi l Pportai auriom* al, Ia presaIrtl"ag. 1. -Is Malsm ila 4ttq e mo, apt Bat.silay ad Buada5' vlth hr das, àM "Y M,.'Moll. Pruat Boue>hb ise iio*al>'IIIfor lb.*gast wutk bMe4b$olSamc lk&a-b.d niuthsrMaa". ""Ibo 0.A. IL aud W. E.C bsljo14t iaet. at aItsbailM9lmevtiâte sud a iarTg, ýmmbe r usa41losatteauo A shlort jsrogrrsm wet roeeiuilr whies rmahmute uv e rdisd ad ver> iskn.t .<eaim v -10"d- 1 LOUIS J fleo. Miebel trasaiMMi@amm1mà e , ClIngmo BSatdsy MnLots-à Haitk, of ttryvl lire. Vin. Cooper aIsim eda,' lu -mmt.Basbrs.inhonutle "et 1. ]m G" so. itelselI .peml oMi en sdi Tussiaà v-iis rimlalves la Clie@o.ý Mu'. a"d M aFred 'Pourmevisilei uik relative s t ltot oet lla, Mrpe. Outs. OaS cr b* onne Tlsuroae>' sir 4.p"OIaa fg ves wftis ber daspbte la tiemptaç otna,'".wsilat 13lm" itqcbiig fcsioulag Ol- Cady,' hve a ' bi'eu tb. servire..,. Mm .BrunI SBekbouie usai10tl* Vsuitvgaa ospita saIste tube cpr. steade. the fIrai ut bla vut. Mm re. Out0., Jr.'ikave a dientaîa t tamer to if 1;;»;seae e tteesl a n a0 reporftd a v-sy goOaina.. irem Jobs OoesvIIle»Otlfrida>' lati Mr* Roi. Elmasn, TbeLadWn'Aid vIli assit sM».a. R Mil Tlsurda>JeY Ooi, Jqui. 21- 3'bey intend ltu gir'. a s»«Waabut i'eb. 5th. VEST FmîS T m TbbmVMrevllba Oidfolt'dsstathel Lsba'le isaulin, Vaheonla. l-sht, Fritta>. Jan. 15. T. V« hbouas. uwa.ei.d bualsemala Clicag». Tounar sad iedda>'.,, F. . NeMa1PA isea l usgsssai ise VIeS Ftoieg$ etauery #is wI ve.ail* pairoae sailatebise iatisevork, UMge rmr sputs $ms9"a04onme. User,'T*lsasie bae pare b e um Fdano# sepmpagm Oins. Freelealt u'aanai.çl lineutinl samad la lat et.i A sndo e noltvnrols ebr MAters- ou Wlistejow o be friat 't»in tbl iei n4Ur'. tlsWu tIse tieî re' btlg oitm m Il g l.o %je lce ,Peckers Able1aiom. W.' buvAt-on Il.*trèckin luUlserîjlige a É*r hA41olfc,!silodry tiaitI alarhags. A lslgaoisAuthom"e stisemsst. hldastroubl anti lut ululer h va ns*,' #"kqeat tievas 0 I îu ts' .acbtla>. sseis a ueSmp htui srmag@4 mt pubciplate..TU tSêhu decrsal bp*q*au Avargssaeau t mvasdar.4 fie tali A go-Mt se4cl>' ahi. te seat palb>'ail peeset ilukia.l*tuswut bonor. Tii. (ittilas * FLb.uu it snda w tr UM sxEta4i gare. os >IcBanrl, se tbeare r 00 t t et mi l b 00"8si, inm MW>l4bma. 1 4 Umu UlTwtmluanal, of Alt8ail, [). 1lA êtîkoIu# tht week wuttîr matlrea The leAaoit aid' Rstetu 'Star lotigu =bell' areoueaiMWit coemoaaidu 1 ahmtse r. aery4d, lb ls. OÛWU i Woa4uandus mtmiir'Mjoan o i.opOI-.9 Mra. hib*. iaoiiOnalu J. MYelsà~ T.VA.%veor*t, W.*.A W. V. joibg. ins !Er" e, ssaa user MU.~ . C Sntb.or.êle; Miss E~il' Saw~woe ona*:bu a Ota Dat.. rwil rowo10se~, ILJ. cok. res i.. Wu . ma.ablMrp.Y1. m. - 1inae m« au"% a Wm Ooe-1 dwtIebuji4s movlB" Wglc vas ra w»Tw' sOs4trdettve t. &IL. J»;Jiam.hêy re'ilwel tes Wv>*toeÏ ie imqdjatot pedmg a tesdaffi ~~0*~~~ YeOMAN WÉLER .talw cm on rivee bere luit week. lut - 11w 3alor Mia.loary Socety ijr wlIl nu«, i wt l Mp.lpbIbIs saturdey lPOO ,1o4ýn Bbepberd is employed et thebo Ariar iee bouoe at Round Lake eat b Wmrpy,, eLSmith b i.bai [:men 4101t'. fro ule bs tI.1 b.. aronud agate. m MiM Ague Payne la hom3e airain aiterba tw m iay ita relatires Bt . 1%e maay Irlend» ni Le wis Rad ke are, me pkused tobear le laon tbegain. Ithe UmrpCarl [ortier *peut part ot lait Wautat b~r dangistur, lIre. (jeo. B0Sl, t Round La. sbc Tbtrre was a ristalt made. b thse datebu of ti. ecemtery aoefty laxt vsek. lt hI »Mt tisa ekTburod*y with Mrs. Iloyer. nig orage Dolpb entert~Ie a unesher 01 er ar'hommîates Bt br levlitStu do&y afternoon. Thomi prefat wvesb« Ciae:uthor antiWarren Ilydor,, Ruby Ou <3l GlbentFoo.keEdea8~hepberd , Marie hnen Ru. uad EtheilTituÏ bS 'and <Jrsop flwi#bîud Lester t>olph, AUl repurld onextreptsonally fine Mine. p- Cady irai madie and àlanch erved. T -but - -ite HA~RDWARE:~ kmidfladgst.ve* 11 TI Oe adF taew"ir - .<jlftle loî mif taions ysarly, temaiPet bas moa& ry sicUly children i al wel-given M4 tvey ciseeks to sa d, joaaieghrsand 10 so lutis-,0 man,' duunthe fis tageg MY biort, 1 rode '0Ô#n ttetrk I*am au il<bIle. t4eughtt. 4nah'u MtG over ts rùUktroo taA auA d w..p 1Tb.e othe oatlit" blu. tht dutfl> ýavlugç lýeAv4 Ils $hot whil I li ftred,'kuew thpr,%lastm, «olt'.ii beal Qnariiu l own th rre,4 L wiet tut mi dÊ$ aya. (m&a go. igte toit now « i»y liraI "ýruit W, nt tbe itoalt Kinoflht le min u tt ai litiiie is therUntier. Tîsqe vue )luS iheut. &OÙ, hot tvàutcalhla se' laya s « à ianttbAt . tainL au tu riatng vila cl blonde- ý1W, e. e 'gitsted a rs 4boa tAn, t f- Mug- l bail 5rouhla.d as jpoun es 1 stil bare tins. te gel ber une, for a. lu iboee lnUatàIbi rixa>'culta >ba Siué: J» ope udooryu& iIltat lov tilp Ibrouli tb. hilleand luorç lUes taosala a btqr audl utun M 1art ialp b. ut tb*gl,'ve t& Tirau«»«t1I asu1 cmuiln't hope ý et bt«ck ho camp that uItis. go, 1 tked abot for e gooti, aiseltered spot caUp. Just tben my bora. wb>p £<L tfla' 4al vas erail ruaas glow jiat Istiiasitbhe rtat beW &long b"i îl ueridin,'. 1 diamoteil, Wqssed MtW, &d.'vide lu baud, vaut të iuveotlgetè !bertshd 'a l t111e gulci, vue »Mt tvauly herseS. Tbey wtre't aUtel. Louti tomsulhi Ilhe tuait aset'duguaIaboutt a bur.dred ybrdsa tise, hsall.Ugiste appeared hbrougs trac%& , 1I elambereil tp l t 1Ï1e bu mis l>ere. 1 kuciatth liMmlaket do«r. Tb*, 4Mp 1 isatbeeril as t cUtgted lb. p.e vert lruabtd all et once. Thcst 1 ea s lai do"tiarp, clIcha. Tisa tn it e <'cing o f ridles or revolv. rail atumbled tutu. Befos',1t oulet ove back somune uacalleil: Who'$ tbef9er 1A trietîtiand a wiIte oman," 1 fo- Wd. -l The dozopenel. na n abig, ugly kne"lo tpped tforIlsand saisi: 1accepe< tise invitation vils borne fl'tt ut tour atnd healtation, wislcls1 Kleayoreti te cuceai, s 1I honglt 1! as tonutâte e ti acrt nt'sd tisatiI en Derer do to ws'akeu ut that 4t. v-ut ber tise>' wcre frtoausor es; Upon euteriugti te dursînt,. su1 w. feliuspon elgst as.rougs and vdl-1 toua loolclng mon As 1Cvt cr0 5 Mny tite. Tvoioutf hmset na»mly1 ebgntztd un teanstera tvho Isuilbeaeu' Iins lu Lau Shapoma'o train a feu uta isetors tad bail bou dli.s- rbey %vêtecitargeil vlts tiýseurdtr-1 g ud roblag et et rauc'hamand t. rItng a510110ltaborsea.it wax ïaup.il *W tisaI tis aitd let Ihe countriy,'. gavé tlmno signs uf recognition. 1 ewoer, deeming l adisable bte lt as renn luIgnorance ai taei*so ras. Lt vas a lbard eroird. and I1 stndeti the tOusser 1 Coulai get fsua> am theni thse ticr would 1we for e- 1 fet'tt ietl t ttit'y us(ee la td N>f hordt tis. "WIsre are you gotrig, kîti, nnd us urîtîs YOU?" as.ed Ong outhtie en %*bo appeureti te lv the leffilr ut 1 gang.1 'l amn ctirl>'alotus. 1 letItI1os'se- s ne Station Mbis rornlnig for a baert ml ui, nd lot finding any btarfi, 1I ta deterutlne te t camp ouI for tise 1 gst aind watt 1111 inutng,'" scatd 1, 1 ud juxl us 1 vusSegoliito camip a w bundred yards clown the creek I t ars one uof>'onrherses winnYlng,i I tîses I C-amese uyuu'ur m." 9 -Where's >'our bure>" demnded th' t lir4et Iint <lousuut Il.,cr.'îtt."t- bey propomed-gotug atter the hore,. It 1thonglit tat vould nes'rer d(,, ns wtitld los uve iitout îilY mins escupa. andi 1 uccordllg ir d 1l) ses ta tiroW thin uoffthe tract, >ptaits, lil lii'é ns>'gun lbure audt doua asti gel my boras u»O corne et and toatalal lght." ut ta>' ciever lilUe gane dld net i rtse i's, a ue t ttst deaspera.toes1 Iaitup am daail:! ,lngu ani i iigo clown ult Yeu i ter 01 or toe, and Yu teau leStve t bmglilere ail tbeane, as you'll j AIrgIb."t,- repltecl. for 1 cota loiu0,'bau-e dneuuutlngtIe. Coi los, aid une et tisern, tanti1 pIllr iet tdoirfi the 'creéktntId o <*tuetebutlisspot irIerI my hure 1 ii lied. - Onae etthenGo uftdhtidl el"tnàjalindi Raid. '1l ted lthe se.', .Ver> w*elllh,ala L "'rT égot a con- ut ien,, haro.. L ariou." pkulup tlb7 sigelbisa wlicis'l ta 54II4n feu bourtte betore sandt 'a.*li' is mimp4niiTbubreugbt1 tihe tsar, Tise neet«r we apprmaî4. th utilgot.it lb.em l I repied the',. ttlg faitea~n iavn» mdL, -tm fi.iho bo1 ti ut ce'îý ,e icbilfo, . 5wd blue tjo4tIt xîeaaar bttarchi me, ** ~~~d* iOeIlii 4t .d T purpoom- ýý4onete M sge beni-ud, âà:to tWebbtw mtpe pleu t *1 uti %bé huhflÊfe 1 ela thoé <mime 's buSse tb do.a~M Kpu, b t v~brfMp 0 00 bis Bo& eutS 1 vr. bis -wt b Wax ttwtt,'.rmuu$u a muont andi cel b:bati. . ' Isenîts lxw-if out s t Jll. gyuI-1, il ballet atnwklc tsadwtIt b, Juïiý b.<t aud tolllug tW Ilady to u.aala.ý wua fortte te Simd a "ffl r: lett b>' lbe busiaoM i *cth# la.14 Canities plt di' tPuil tsk bUS, tte ,W st151 1111th st arlbed a$ vifs six shootera, Tberc e rt cef rallier>' and bainage b"etus ki NwCaudias eor A deme aaeiitg vils:a Ycl. obargul ote di Tit1> deene4on lt4in .aY ut Ioula,' somte-ot tb*cg ù9t à a tilecis Cange. - 11111.- vare lu me tns SUdS <aPe, Ija vsyx gelt t eader." 'Plise'ho he iftred attaîglit #t U21<05j hn.lleltîcstu'it ias4ftU Sol h. andi liedrefsped suat>.' i lUns.tise deopeadoer vert <Ifflai lise cabli. Jun»ga", l. bhéSoÉ4 lberevolversltronghbe b. il« d Pour amea MLrddasd, bëes IaP W dt, et Ibi!osage,'of.tihe-,gwea Altbougb vssnufl dwtb, buàm. auss bullet aud *aIt cru tht h" vIls a rMfe tisé canume hlm le la aI lise mout ntSsd nasý e, S .11- g vilS 'ens." AI hh'thls é sles I nie impef, lb. cabbhs vas lijitp arnuke. sud Suything is e truet orb wax an mems>. andi lu theisegom pro ahI>' tise,assIstai bIi bnite le uey Or latertoi sarage tilows. foltowlng t une $ide of tihe rullu., otber ai ittas Lcofilets; Aeltlng »'ttt buckoIt n cit irs» ? it . tue ront'iiv! trha4t VI e-Oethot4t Is W),<bis 1 nuppîse biy tisesimue lhpsy 4ra'-It, tbe rn.n item 1 ibnci lcînceil loisw tisa! b lid trecuvercd andi esrX-! tlid tisensutofwhist tsid isappis'tc"l Tlj' tit! nos! la,' wi t ise main wl 1 Isad i is, but cin ts lu Inaut tsui'uJi ofatp jb.Tey' aire nncsuuted anti sers maklit eter Mmse tinvu lb. rmsgh mQonntsin Ilian t vag. AI laut tliey -ame ns)near chat 1 saw bant 1 MuidtU stîsmti iijur orts. 1 tuped lu te egronti anti gave hlm ea bart i ap n-lItabise itt(iftue ofut u revolverse. wtt ',ntpls"ti::i con dors Une vallt'>. us tale t'1r .bh.dUt) tl atocntaînsî tid. I had niul:umîcesideti store Litait fort>' Ic'rt îi.-ri 1huardlits, sst..y Ill t 1 ii t i lpi rtc' and lu fi fewu' iausi-, ticiy ail rsisbccl s>' mes. lseIig ltî nt i ty ais' ratt1111-1 !cotucîss 'f tut livres. wn tîbta lsc bestl &itc ofti et tîcî. $bvn t'ýeY h. ptn 6111j;g lis thle direetîiîot flic, hume' aa t-hey neu ostt st'pI"s'r's.tI eai§ sat- ed aunlIte bacti. A.i eor îsIl lt">' Lad patssi'd me 1'itylîîî,îb. t -ir n.,tihe sîe» muurtin, tird. lilotingt: tisi1 at gîrcîs tieui i therI' ltt'ttst certalui 1couti L ep mit t tIs way. t nitvr ctrsiiruiii..outft lieseîtmc' Italu. wb-Lt WLZ '~A Liv ' Ivse tle latait. 1t liiti -ct>'h. v.I i t'. îetl ig lut firaI. but uipou reaitîlîîz touerîand let- ter gs'utind Itradets' goiciheatisti weary andtigenerat> ti.:,odutt. 1I l>sss'tsely wttcîd o» lise oses. of thse station aitotti thîrnt tMa>-t renture. Stade blmusolr" lappene tel bs lisere, anti Le nt oese rganhzed .a part>' to go ont lu purnstlt ofthtie hornt tlsei'es. We haas lrLtltride ainsi rrves lu Lhe hnmftiate rîint' ut thu Ibleve' reuderomutaIabout 10u'cluct lunlise aàcsnla,. We*appraclacd tisa dugout Ctulli>. but upoU getttng lu close prcghnùlty fa Il vs cOunl didlacver Do harpes lu agbt Nu ons. us lnplde. ani tise geueftl appearsaca qt trot,' tlslag lndleated that Lthe ,paee bad beau lesettedtitisaItht lrs-ti aflIor. lgncb totiec4t Jroved Lu la tise case.; .&moug'o eeut ns,' arîL-teîagqmtant- euc"o n'as a Yung mais, ulider tissu iny'et.h,, iii. '-tw-e ssSt u marne lInrý lugend a r>' goRmp bas t'aused bia crtrerr lu 6e sorneiriatmisuantie atooti owue t Itus Ivat-Igpeti cracter. ls as an TurnP. Ilikek.ubo:. pi, lhuigit iesniais s'els James, wm lI'eé ln bong anti try. as "Wli d rU."1 WËle .pr'îbistsly snetmari. las veter i' lîao, i smo U140.7 DnotOulen on11 l18 gun. -il msy lie %unid tisaI. pmilpm- cordeul ttans uoftrentu n epituigrfgbt. .fmitsgiaw andl dealtiggt"0.1 'ýur errI,'y-cpOth -e *Ore msôCI.. RjdIp'=mn>' tulsenturMenthe IsMina a. leai re bwll rous eib* VaIr mis uer. A"fflosry. Ou wi ssiI.. bruth 4is to thc.r ~iobIota for tuthe 7Zpars-