te rlbe rmved fix 41,00nt wok, wopep M -~the ame 0 *as.£Pu0t Soundi Mrfl~ Wappa on thse age pMl-*oeoeetate the e 0 l oc thooassde o! ib noesesa> as thse o0 bo*ds'or tl4e rallwe>' o lh ba" opeotei undesm 'tO tDe St. l'niod led e 4 .at oar n t% . ra.tenosd'e te te PWac le coat. .46êd witbrder tchage th. aebbC I*iOSW e on 'the rolllncetockfron Chaam, S gb U* 1. F Mliwraukes & St. Peul 40Cscego. MII-V1 u'auke & Paget Souud. LowimotiveaTiaA couàm M sd freight a aebt set ont wtiithse newnarn J ts OIT T1 p rlnted ontbiu bri hcolora.:FCSAOTPS FIE For th beneft I 1 Ilnent voter. F -ABU OT Fii ana 0f the cvil WmIjp "metwtve drili et, lMb. held b>' th# Smpenes of b ('<,theedaanu. Fmirat, Second mi evgsth reglnente.ý Potmaater Charles bF. wats*ua of nai Illnois National QUfi, jasuari'29. A, wauhgaa hu a fo rmrelved hWl hr iver lovlag eëp,*M le ivon tothe commniltcufor the office, thse Parps- Pty,'. ompan>' mAkig b lest ahowlng. 0&f- >ic n igedb, Teoor OMfcers o of 0UaLtÇ states arn>' Win IA-b detaSeAtrous 1lt Sharidonb>' M& Rooseet, datlng f rosiseceinher 1"L. rOM lot Geassul Vdi4k 1D. Gant to azt It la a rermarisabe tact Ibat tise signa- as judffl.tut., visicis lapenned& la 1k that of ex tour yem aagd ta Mr. Watre»,na ft dt. . Raes h e 1.late John commission, thse RooseVeit otanature "ai T. Ragea, 0f MHlWsd Park, dled sud- net ahowlng aL hai's change. 4*l.detal>'onu t>. 111h. Services ati p. Waukegaa la one o!fusine pres1den- Mse nu. Thumsaa>, tise 141h. at 216 Centrai liai peut officeslu ais conft>'. Thse e vme reut are not lu tise lrelddnthclam. ,,rkêa preolestiai omea ,om whie' Wjeaula largest and chef, are. ~On tt. Waukegan. North Chicago, ILis.e Forest, Fort Sheridan, Hlgiood, l%àlaud Park, Atiocli and Uberty- yile. Twenty-Seven al Toid. Tisera are now twenty-seven poat of- do.. &U tdld in L-aie county, a change trous tour or flve jean- ago when tisere t*O fftti-four. The change l4u been brousht b>' the advent of rural roûte dâylery, maklng thse jerk water postal stations tsuneceeaary. Under Civil Service. Arrangements have been perfected ahiadt ln fot known Just how the-ays- tem worka. but fourts daces postinas- teon are boginuing January Ist under civil service n that future applîcautâ wlU probab>' have ta o oiplu Wauke. gain ta taise exarnlnatlon. Alderman Charles M. Foeil wus choses president of thse Marquette club tosucceed tise late Charls L. Fure«, at a meeting of tise board of directors leat nlght. Chester A. Legg, well known lu Waukegau succeeds Mr. l'oel aas econd vice-preBident. No other changea were made. =f TIt ALEX. HEIN eCl). Fascinators Tea ApronsIKftchen Apronsj ,il-We.l Vrameater Uoh35,cr LadIse' White Tea Aprons ne value now go for Clearance...... 1 5ç Clngham KItchen 'Aprons full six., for Clearance ... 15c Ail 0500 Mud *06» 4.1 uew for complote clou- mu -8-9i Nlght Gowns Muel'*100sinn Night *w,:md. up of heavy ualîn or fins long cioth, Cienrfng sale price .. 13U $1.0 Unde- skirts 29c eSlack sinderakîrta, fine mnercerisd satean, regular prc $1.00, now IN ~RIGCLEARACE SALE! mgca qja thse beralus Iitore beInpff ered 1 u 80CEAIOSALE. Evety garaient atckleoeoadtdevaifflýféried are truiy extraordl.ary. Sneppy, stylsh garments là the *se otlv de iabd ~4fabrlcs are et your disposai'.diarbemg Ibtisseusational Iýelwé at bçIow Ctua ot Of pr<dumc*s. This sweepbng sale 1W doublyIuuerestbng to wooen *ar habt o .ah fa fir pscIoe figthelr garuments, as It enable hem to duplicate,, b quallty, "eet adr. et a fradtlof . the former prices. CLEIAN SWEEP 0 u ntro remalmnngstock of handSome mew Fera muet bu clos"d out now nt any prie.. grgans- nover beforo dr.iam.d of 4"ay b. ecurd hemro. ore withoUt fail. ,Al or 05100 Fur Set, prico.aut relentless- ly.1>'. Sturday and Monday apeclal *i0i@ Fu.tett,M muet bave a comploe ,ýlu«anc@ inm.odlately. price Man y oSer quelîx deolrable bal 110w I aufod hos. AncUser Ib*,4 Tycore nei Olier populO?- tf romn tand at bh ,for*wsr prîcea' ln our big Ce mon , at prcco rgalns cun ltorsled elions on Mah 46* oaess 4 ............ro ..... w Ms leulqA aliaus sesep on *Il coata Nc1iét ôn wthsmAnd the. bargains that we ame ve offerlng. Yeu can take your choice of &*y gar'meuqt lni the house at almost your mmn pMae., aturdaye wiIl b. a apeclal bar bain~ 49 ln tlis .lino. One lot of Coats ln colori, vmNx"Ires end black, sold In aaon as hlgh as $MM.0 Our price for Saturday and Monday 2.98 Ail %*ý Centa#, thse cream of the season'a stocok, ver garMnt guaranteed right and 13-75 -- -- - -- - cnn.~sCOATs 'r* I I i c,) -1, z z z: AtI our chiren'a hîiph prced Beur okmn Coata, sold rffigbrîy up 1te*$.-Mat your disposaI for &Mtsrdy and Monday, et L -- -- -- -- -- Ourg ---co .e me,t tICE SALE ai7and u"me extra AT 1054U7 a.ig.a.. D~. Near Waalslagtoa Ouil is Thoe&rs Most UtusBt ai d Wlirsn'î"Fe gStore'i i Wske9,l Our Prices Are'at:Al lTimes the Lowest! Sults Fur Fine Double Fox Scarfs - 5.98 Genuine Martin Colarettes - 9.98 GeganJMlnk Sts.- 1.98 Lynx Cat Sets - 4.98 Near Seal Coats - - 14.98 $1S values fer Ic 4098 IlCoats 20% ~~~#«_ 6098 [Suiots $25 vagues fer 9.9811 Coats vales5 Coats'vale FINE A A~ne $6.00 Skirt, for -19 T'faom ChIldren'S Béer km CoÇats 1.49' BATS Beautiful EiTbrodered Waists 79 1 9 Feather 511k Pettioats .49c Ladie Fine, DEssna Sacques - 3ft * Chldren's Flannelette Dresses - 25 c CAR FARE REFIJNDED ON PVRCIASES 0F IWI o 0 Ahr o ai rhe Bit~ Clothing Sto*w e C. eieÔ ee Sefling $25.06 Suits and O~c~ T HESE garments were purchased at less than mat tu rers' cost and make the'biggest ciothlng b4 offeredin Waukegan. The Overcoats are.of the Nev' ýe, close'fittlng at the colla r. The fancy coats aillWool fancy cassimere and satin' yoke-offy lm of a pattern, so you are assured of a colat that Cam"' icated, even at, $î5.00. The blacks are pure sre' re is not a better fltting or taliored garment on the M The Suits are pure wool worsteds,'Yeloursandfancy ...many are the New Young Men's Cuts wlth fancy pt the new kinks that show snap Ondsye nyoe -e of a pattern, so there's no dçl'ongye; of lyneet IM ing the same suit. WE ARE BOUND TO.:CONVlNCEYOU., THAT IT PAYS, ANO PAYS BIG TO TRXtDE AT SEIE' . @mm la t