Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Feb 1909, p. 8

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Waukegan News__ , .ORCULARS ATrTAcK CHOIR LEADIER The space befsre the lîtaîn entrunce t. the Plrst Methodist churcît, Cay- tffl and Utica streets, was Sunday rmrning just before te mornîng ser fVicea the scene of a virulent and un- léstifiable attack by crculars on Bur- tee M. Rice, director of' the lrh choir and a noted singer. 'The attack took the form of Ci' U' lares, crsdited to General Overeser VeUive of Zior, Cty ity general report. ln which Rice was attacked for hie aIieged -'expostions" of Free Maton- ry in Dois, timae. The Voliva scieme, If gossip la to b. believed, w»ae 5 hurt Rîce saiit the Mehodst church by showing hlm to be a traitor ta Masonry. Ordered Prom Church. A mai andI wornan, who-wetltl tnt tel ther nanies, arrit cd ait te <hirîli sme time before the opuning et 'lic mormleg serv ires. Tîtolr a nus iwir filed wllh cIrculai s whlchl lottnoi Imprint but are gtîtnurt ln 1110 la"Iitl Jar Zion style. Tîtose t lwyii*îofu ece, l to btand ot. They acre ihoeiciiflet'coljoti d iii 'Wben the, pastor, Dr. L_ Ct. Bîrlîîîg. arrived le front cf Itie churcli ho set te lwe peddling the blls wthin a fe'w feet of the front door atnd al once asinod them wahat thes' wre do- Ing. They repled atd lie tbld theni they itust net dstribute thbc ireulari, w1thin a few feet ofthte churcli door au they aere doing, as flic chureblit- self bas nohlng' to do with e por- annal maiter bols ee Rîce andîl 'ullîc or te Volîvans. What Circular Says. The circular la hcadod "Free \Mas- onry!Y A Mercless and Scatbltîg Ar- raignment of Freo-Masonry as an Un- Christian and Anti-Chrîstian Abordt nation. By Burt M. Rire, ai Presont Director et the Choir ai the l'iraI Metitodist Cburch le Waîîkegriî andI onductor et the SoClled lHandel Club ln Zien City. AIl Masueie Ma- sons sbould read t." 319010, contains a passage credited IMAN FOUND) DEAD 0 ohlm, and how on May 24, 1900, lie.,IINDIER MIlS BED wlth others, ila lleged te haxe gone 1I , - ilirougb the work of the fIrst anad Soutetinw Ttîsday of lasi week, ln bhird dergoes !iis rom elineath th(- Andrew Qulal laieckutI the' ntil t k aidel te l Zt looiioni Sitt h Iencaco CII-cet, Iflans two ressort sRsinausen , aged tifty lise died cf, 1 -Volils trie(d te hIe Riefor his '\josure and alceholtai. essît thoir organleatlon, it le allPged. 1 Rsmuîssen, whe lias a wlte and a liii lhis rivalg filed hii and gotl mari rd ilaugliter at Lake Forest, act- Ibere first. : ii s porter in flic Quat, saloon. lie 2-Thp rîrcular ttaY lie an a'tctiPt 1wtt 'n'en Tuesday nighttitet-t(on on thie part of Voliva te cacae trouble lit the saloon and later retired. ln fla Waukegan citurcli where I he The nex- mornlng, at noce, ald in circulars were distrlhuted becatîse the ecx cing lte saloon keeper andth Ie Dr. Burllng attended the Mutnicipal liartender looked for the oid man, and League banquet recently. llnallv at about tour they found in Thte entire Bclieme was to cet Rîeiscti' -vdewn. dead, benoath i hs led loto trouble wlth MasFions bore tmnd If dean clairs. Tliev ad neyer lhottght tbis is se It ended le lgnomlelouc faîl ut lîtkiîg îtndor the lied. titre as5 the twe who were piutling At lirstili was thought tIhat Ras- out te bille slunk away wlen wartted tu. 'n lied tio relatite s, but flhe SUN frit the churcli doors. îtoi'hdthenu ai' Lake Forest and t Thte "tesflmeiny" of Rîce attils c alirtlîoy wero. nollfiod forntally. 1statenient front Leax'es of Healing are 'fît,' xi t o f the coroner's jury LOUIS THE botli sald te lie trivial andu cil as a more ttet to riato ile- JYEOMAN1 OPTICIAN unimport- wamî i scuodne wt 1 %E Mue Rasmtusscen aed hu'îil igitir cbief. ioiid let o for -lenîbers oftIhe cliurch cey tîitlRasmteuses'as tbey will stick wifli Rire antI luugîi t atundry. Her the Zion City attemplt te "dieccidit \\'sîul,m'gcî tmun. liliu d 'Thrpaleniig fvip ihistis. iswlthî'lî,lî'm't tai ulck y attd simulv lir iituliby i risoýti i 'Themp 1 :ltloCaedy luIld Cutre 'fuillor le hlssa la-ireort et t-or iîemmiii1 Titan ln malcu typete leirculau îta e uinsste, eitlhisg utreh omu goes on ttell bhoa RIre twi re "bh su'keitg.Tbî'y are inulemi, 'thp Lit(tli fied" ln Deaie mteetings. otîce ~In1889 ittnt,' arriedtin In mket mr pur. sud once le 1900, agalnstd"ree-niso l'ut p'tî. are a gcýneuw eiuîmguitili againtatu'il M. 25e. Sut l iv ny: lîow lestes of Healitîg oet Mardli' ALL DEALERS. or neyy Yi'it s )i rs. 'îîî plod et t illoime datightu'u niarricul e LAK KW(ÂUNTY 1iDUPNDIsNT, FÏRIDAY, jý8"li, 1909$U ATYmPI TO, LCATr a gtentpain,. Mre. Rtlze ggltao et her hoe in, s5Offiidtirknawn. Me. vin boe toa.,mtoy MISSIN MAtI lep eariy Inthle moruslng and neyer bed, A pliyalci ansd==e ±eddyms-ad adbrgni uuoe awakelng. er for a long time. She flnallin- won ber scores of loyal friends. Re« The Arnalea cosulntVanouvr, .,The deatit carne after an ilinesthat 1proved D- mISais 'litilwà& tbengbt deatht vili be severely feR.-- - -' iadatealwnerattug utasefslrcOê.IatSUda Tadubtssrivr, Ms Wiipple Appoinîrd Chaplaîn. (iit theIm'reccetiiuîeoatilee mofItiý ietsm'îtttiivc A. K. Stearns, Speaker et thuý floeoSlurtlchf. of tIlllinois Gm tu't'l As.imb îlly has autlionted Roc John tuA, J.'hlplec uhalmatn tif t uixt gusouaý,l asspnîlysof i bu' ic"is- laîtn'. fi ~u'firsitim iît ui tior lias coiii e t0cthe' cîglu ih simîtti ou uudis- trict. L -- sF. C.SEIDEL & CO. Big Mid=Winter Clearing Sale- Begins Saturday,',Febru'ry 13 50 dozen boys' K. & E and Premno Blouse Walsts, best 50c Walst made, 29c 4 for $1.10 Boys'Wooi Buster Brown Suits, age 3 to 8, ncely trlrnmed to match, regu- lar $2.50 values Boys' and 'Youths' Shoes al'- solid leather, size 9 to 6, worth $2.0 $1 Wool Undenitear, odtis and ends, broken Uines and sizes 39C Wo nderful bargains in clothing andJ furnishiRg goodls, hats, caps and shoes. Our object is to close out the present stock no malter if it means a Ioss to us. We want to show -ýn entirely new line for the cominq $eason. llere's your opportunity to buy your Suit or Overcoat at the Big Clearing Sale. We cannot describe in full what this sale means to the man who is open for a Suit or Overcoat, but we cao' guarantee that you wiIl make at the least 4 or 25%~ on every Suit or Overcoat. Here is a Description of Orge of the Many Bargains Offered Buys choice of a lot of Suits and Overcoats that have sold 'ail the season for $18 and $20. Ihese Suits are of the new fancy browsis with snappypockets and cufs, quaranteed ail wool, of the best' makes in America, high class worsteds, tWeedg and cassimeres, * lined with finest worsted serges. The. overcoats are of the 'Pro- tecdor or Auto styles, extra long with large sweep at .bottom of coat, suitabte, for street, dress or automobiling, also plain chesterfiêld style, in ail the desirable colors and fabrics. None of thèse splendid Suits or Overcoats'sold at regular price for less than $18 and $20; your unrestricted choice, $12.75 Childrer's Knit Toques, fancy and plain colors, worth 35c, at 1 loc Men's Odd Vests, ail co- lors, sizes 33 to 36, worth up to $2.00 i45C MIen's High Top Tan Shoes, 14-in., regular $5.00 value, 2.95 B rît conla, h as yletrs vre-hdltdatwneatog i ost a ecvrd " strzduhessrieleM-. celved ln Waukegsn within the î1 lastStraMs tlebsbe ieW5 asn eiul I gi. o FirornceCurtis, instruotor n- e ngi1. fesa days mode a promise ta take u feeling mucit better andi il as theugbt day site rallled but late yesterday' af- ln the higit ochool, andI Mise Abert3 he saork of lbating James Meade of site hati -recovered. Heru lglter. terlion e ae d t1<) illk. F1roIn, stolse. uf Helena, Montanas. NMiss Waukegan, aàyoung Englishman saho Mus. Forence CurtIs, taught lente titan on, site graildaliy drifbsd awas'. Stoize bas 'heen telegraphed for, a* %Oqnt to British Columbia to farrn and higli schl o hst Friday. fl Mrs. Steize italived je Waulsegan have a Itumber of te relatives,' and star to prospect, sahosa fate Ul n m fali, Mrs. Stoîze euffeued a fai veu thirty years and wos very acel I 18 now fin her wa' te Waulsegae. certain, Meade. ache aas eiloyed by tari- ois wm-ltitî' poîle of the cityi i1f- fet'eeu capacities, le a brîght eîi1g Egihannonte cInon biehe Alox Hein Gou ereally from bis years Z' erec sed from his exceptional abillty ln mialing anîd kecîitî frienda Bltff. Coltimbia aas gettcraIlly uerevttd. Ho left Waukogan cîght ycara age, Bli Final Clearance Sale leaviitg a slister lit Chicargo, andI a Now on brotiter, Frank iMeade, cniloYctl hy £vih lmMr. lktn je nov ie New York Mîr. and Aius. J. W. Ilarwelli, bhhld JWWM~Cisy bpyingu prn oodisand c e uýP O hlm among other relatives. every =ig pertainng ta vanter u For livc years bis ilatît o.m lturc UUUUap apparel mIntgo and ffiquickly. ls - heard fuom hi bletugilarly, adId Do't delay. Thu bargains are fins hnhi' stieuinred ilieLadies' $10 2,98 liemedous woîld leave the ssork for whtclîb Coats ............._2p9_forCearanc_......_7.98 wcrt up neulli, and goi rosi'. tiltg. Nobby $15 Coalis$8 49$2 ulé andI a desîre tag discovir th iti îidoîtu $18 and $20 C 4Nea8)ls, I 'fht last hearîl of bleni aIlire $2250.and. $25 Ctat998 * E N vt, 'ats a ehetW %%a it i ,' loii'tdi 8ilFI L PriltresRoyal Islanti ' tI d ______________W_ 'i i le fomAt 'Irit1iaF,=212 M #o@ iet Children's t lime efforts w i',tade w 1 it i i i ýtrnig li a al-heildron's Fine Walsts, a Dariain Bonnets coutver, and in-b-n r bois MFnela wtt W'as1st s, it roive ein le hicl thle conul p troimis ceIl (IClarance sale'.. 2.39 a Fin alv ean i 2a te look hbleup.'I ela n ri i yCo Astrachait arit 98C a79cs$1îtcw tlesîgne aiat to aliatex ci. 'u i i pl t car- Bear skie ...C ,etacefI igasala nt et' t îrettce sud$200 Walsts, eibroiercl (t-no a 5 i~, îîg a umail atîtîîttBearakie an9 amd plaie laleored ý..... ...7IL ______________ )nit cVuegnrlatît ndfiflends M . .3 inlgerie andI Net Wslsots, arc ~ ~ no ourr %0itttitI Ila acnt cleerrco salt»....1.79 Ba ans n hatipenedut te1 eiiifl dic usd1 Eeg $5 and $'1, 298 ag isi Ilslinan up le th, o el it lîds of ..n..ov Iie nerîhern landIan'd sue tearful lest Nu ____________isuin Uderwear, lio bac met cooit itowa'd ra ti or- Low Prlced UIIU*@ flii' art unknow'îigrae. A(i!t ti' f ldre*fll'îstI)ras crs c $ti ,u 0 tut 'i wIl honiasd" te imcato lîîî ' *urs L ss Igg a'tt,- sali-. hi Clearance >,dl. I.OJ Te subscribers payteg in adcance we1 caHaf Mfln Ih ows n l" h's raetefloigecpinlcu leFrnhon ai n al ceanctte . -t- .39C ' no im t'a.2.98 q ofer The Lake Couoy Irdependent. M.fh.....o.n.....95C C(f,, ntfioniSoit, si-t 9 the Chicage DaiInter Ocean n Dr 1.25Siî Il n daer . Paria Modes, a ritymoitîmgazine fr..12 wcmen, for $3.50., eteinquenl t ey oh uh arg.ains le Ilo;tlhcchbloert i' I tlituttutc l scribers maf ais,.,profit by the pro- hs ýatment.h 1 a1.2eara'('l position liy paying up-to' date. al$ - 9 PasdAway. vo Isrs. 25C iatuu, u29c 1 33c î« 'luvi",tlii utoi'tiul m i seci ti d t cin' I i 1 1 t'isî ,,O I -idok,- -rs. Salues Stoîzepof mt 17euer'u ltai.uiMI t i itri1.8 , l W'al3kegaîî'a lhnesi old ladies, quietly 1 lui awa'u et lieu tonte, at 611 Northi aveecIle. The dîsîli came wltioutl bieWMWW AM W Q - -'1<' - I I a I

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