s LME C OIJ'NTY IDEPE NDENT. and WAUKEGAN )WEEKLY SUN VOL. XVII. NO 222. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRII)AY, 1'EBRtARY 2G, 10O-1o Pages Si. 50 PER VEAR IN AJ)VANCR LAKE COUNTY PEOPLE IN THIl PUBLIC EYE Saturday and Sunday were busy das>' for Lake county ptopie in the world ai large. A freak eiopment, the opening chan.j tr In a fight for a fortulne, the cap- tur.et a pair of New York swindiers, &r Il these had weil known Lake cour. t>' people for theîr heroes and hero- Inca, and the standing of the partiel- Ponts varied and hercies and the standing of the participants varled ftom Eart Hight, a Lake Villa Ice jC&Ottef, te the millllonalrg 'aldow of tiie lste JamOO Mini>' SmKtliof Milibuin and tihe slp son Of illnoci Psderow- r ski, werld's marter planiet. L.OVEO MER FOR HIER TOOTH. Eura i hot, Ica Cutter, Tricd te Elope r on Tuit>' Conte But Found it Mard Motter. Two hours afler their first meet- Ing, Mra. Laura Bauer, a wldow. 38 Yeare old.and Eari HigbI, a youth of 18, became engaged Saturdlay nlght and the wedding day was set for Sun- day t Mlwaukee. The wldow, masquerading In mens attire, and the Young .or'hinvar were wendlng their waY îowarrl 1h,'frelght Yards of tw ihîcago and Northw,,ct- ern railroad v heu Policeman Norar, obaerved lb,' dinguise and arrr-st(rl both. At t1wHt'arrison streetpli station theY tbld the eîorv or their brie! courîship. and saldl they infr.nd- ed beatlngthbeir wCy in Miwaukee b6cause they dld flot have raliroad1 fare. Tbey toid Lieutenant Bonne1ld, they would remain In Chicago anrd bho marrled If Coule gond amartan1 wouid procure the maitge Ilceiss. Ea-à lainusla"a tootb In front, andj to thi ence of the. moiti la ttrlb- utefl the »o f lov'e that wtheal tovard était ober.1 JfISIlt 11a an te Cutter of Lake Villa,1 flL. In lAkieouunty. aud tihe couple1 bel Jmat $130 between them. 1 fa MAKE PIONT FOR FORTUNE. Musband cf Highland Parkc Girl lai îtOP ISon of World's Gretest plan- lot, Paderewski. Want and hunger sbared by bis 'wife wbo was MISa Belle Silveira, a ChIcago artiat Of unusual talent, have driven Oto Wencelas Gorskl. stepson of Ignace Jan Paderewski, to a pointt where he la prepared to sue for hall the estate ieft by bis father to bis mother, wbo becanie the great Poilih planlt'a second wl! e. Ever atne their marrIage. two YeMansd a hait agKO, the Young Rus- si"an sd the Young artigt wbo cast their lots together bave known osi>'1 the cemtOrta Of a meager home. Att tineis en thOQe vere licklng. Fondf and warmnth were unknown forl montha at a Urne and affaire have reftbed sucb j'stage now that Goraki bas announced ie Intention ta bat-1 tis in thecouLrts for a sbore of bis fathers estate. Mrz. Goraki was Miss Belle Silveira Of Highland Park. 5h. bas now gained fame as a Portrait pointer but Yeara aie for the entire winter Che Ulved In the lodieOOf thse Millard es- tate et thse Park, oftentimes cold andI hungry for ber art's sake. Touched hY ber StOrY as toid hlm Gorzki mar- rled ber.t QIVES TIP ON SWINDLERS. Wldow of Silent Smith cf Lake Coun- ( t>' Aide New Yorkc police In Roundr Up of Mon sougst. WhéeIflr. J-s.meHlenry Smith, 4 wldow Ot JAiMes Henry BIlent" Smith eft Ibistai.thei ,*lttlig Wbo dled in Japait about t'wo 1efra go, received a telephone message In ber spart-E meula at the 'WaldOrf Astoria today t requeatîng a donation Of $25 for lhet Newsboys Home Che Immedîately1 Placed the hotel detective in charget et the matter, and the resuit wag thea errent of two mon who are charged WIth attempting a swindle similar tor tiiose that have been successfuify per- Petrated upon many woaithy women. Thse volce over the telephone In.E tOrined Mrs. Smith that ta messongerE would catil at the hutel for the money1 ln thse evening and would taire it ta the Proper Officiais of the home. Mrs. EW th notifled the police. who traliedÉ hOtM«Reaenger whyp he appeared. Thse eIst:eft he two men, wbo gave thie) 12- M 0 Chaettres Doyle and Josephf XiOÇgeY, tollowed. WiIi Nol PubtiabLit. IIOUSEWIf E CAN IIOLD E -1N'i Mt:t.,Itbe, Dh nn SCALES Of JUST-ICE 1-,br -. ,'. I rI in the ','<auo,,gaît lYsiIr i ElIgi,, Traction Co WHEN A PACKAGE 0F LOODS etbirr0 , on the' boos. wil FOR SALE IS ADVERTISEO AND) 1wopfo ti ý-tionat attx tiltt" ,MARKEO TO CONTAIN A POUND p .,ilkr on reliur"t Ofp oiT MUST CONTAIN A POUND, p1,'1 aS,ïas,'bottgit large hier I of AND IF HOUSE WIFE PINOt, T ODOES NOT SHE CAN MAKE \iW~n ,'t eek hgis l'.to TROUBLE, SAYS A CONGRESS. tour otf two weeks duratlon of Lak MAN IN REGARD TO NEW LAW. count andi lossibly of contigitt counitles One of the nost impotant lasa on the federai statute books, and one SIMILARIT CASES bout whiclperhaps the ieast le SIMIIARIV OfTHE known, le that which reguistes and TRESPASSC S controls welghts and measures. Rep- Waukegao peiple bave been led ru makte lie strikini compariaon that the troubles at tise simali lakea west ln Lake count>' belveen lakelansi owners sud alieged treapassera are atriklngly Ilke those that led to the nlgit rider troubles ln Tenessee. There, ett Ieelfoot Lakte, famouo tise worid over for Its bloody battles be- tweeonlgist ridera and forces sentt againat tbern, thse trouble vas be- Lween out ut towu Propert>' olvors who lnsisted ou their rigis and the buter,.iahermen andsqutlMters uf the nelîhitorioorl who had comte îu regard the huntlng. fisblng and et',', occupane>' of the land itaathelr hlu abterrable rigbî, The matter reachesi a climtax vite', thelard ictî 0 iiers rearrteto r,nrt'- r, gel 111-Ir rigis .andrithr,' record uf bltoodt battI r'anjd icat t tha t ftl]ov d la n ont non, rropn-r t fh istort. Ot t athec atm-ait, t hIsit-lit r rie Iluarrel ta helv'een resident land ownzers. some ut them It la true vrltb thIcago intereats, and "natises," bu- tel keepera, andi buotsmen andi visit- ors ho the district wiso inaist on fisb- lng, boatlng sud squattlog oo the landi, besides treapassiug on 1. The differenne betuuin nortis andi »Ouli la Weils110", bousier, b>' the fanIthabt hen, innIbis dtict, headeti b>' Purni T. JFoule er ldaun- ers are seUkin relreainluthse courts b>' >erpetuI njumeUein, b>' 'le.main- tenanc. Of a apecialJusticeoft hie peaCe te laue warrante, sud b>' uhole- gale arresa, lusteati c! b>'the force of arma. Houever, tise bastc trouble la the aime andi thîs 1h La that has excihosi comment. CAPT WALKeR NOT A TOBACCO CIIEWER ('airtaîrs X'alker, veteran chie! utf th1e ZIon ptolce dePartment, la (amie lng on the' rai! o! the Oan wbo origi- nated tise stor>' that be bad been dis- t-barged froni bis office because "caugbt ,cbewing tobacco. ('aptalo Walker le nov, aa b,' ai- ways bas been, tise Zion Cit>' chie! o! Police, doea net cbew lobacco, bai neyer even been BsPectesi o! It, andi liere la no ProePect o! ie releage froin dut>' mucb as hie enemies wund aeek te have 1h appear tisat ho la ai- reati>'released. VOIlva, Wien lnterviewed toda>', ce-1 pudiatesi the atar>' etWalker's "dIs- charte" as su utter le b>' su.gnaoeu- Puions and malicious newaper min. As a motter uftfact nelther Waiker nonr Volîva ever board o! the alleged Incident o! lie dlacharge until lie>' beard of t tron Waukegan. Captao Walker la the officer made fansous b>' bis Greenhalgli, Hunter,1 andi 01er raida, sud la coosidered 1 next te Clef T>rreli ut Waukegan the beat Police offilcer ln oorthern 1111- noie. As a matter o! tact nany> Cap- tain Waiker la uorking for lise cit>' o! Zion andi for Mayor Ciendinen. dl- recti>'. .Captain Waiker tbxeatena legal ac- tion againal tise minu ho aeugbt ta do im damage b>' stirtIng lie ahor>'. Sues fer Damages. à George W,.F'ttgerild, et Lake l'or- est, former lerk ln lie Chicago gub- treasur>', arreatesi on a chaige of con- nectIon vîti tise theft cf $173,01q0 tram the caaier'a cage orftliesuis- Ireasur>' Office tsvo yeais ago, began suit yesterday for $50000 damagoa againal those ailegesi tu have boon rosponsibie for bis arreat lasI autos-1 mer. Tise defendauta namesi ln lise L:11 are William Boldenweclt, aublrc.u,- or; the nler-Ocean newapaper com- pan>'; andi Herbert F. Young, hsad ut tise Young detective agent->.1 l'aise art-est andi imprlsunmetst andi defamation ut cisaracter are tht3 charg. os§ made lu tise bill, visicis ta brief, Anoîber bill o! greater lenglis lviIbe Biled later, il la saad, ln ubîcis ohris ma>' ho made defendants. resentaliver' McKnley of the nine- teenth district, whc la chaîrman of the hauese cmmlltee On welghte and measures, baye that ever>' hanse wlfe ehouîd have à pair of scaies in her kîtchen, and that the shculd rmake use of them frequenti>' b sec liaItihe househcld Supplies liat corne ta her n package form are of preper weight. "'Inder the provisions o! thse pure foodi law," sald Mr. McKinley, "thse national governmest has a voit-e lu regulaîlng the welghts o! food stul!,, that coter finto lterstate comîmerce, atnd l a now a miademeanur, ptn- ishable by a fine, for an>' iacktage con- tairing food tuit to be ut lemsthIan laH adsc(rtised net weight Itrovidr-d, of rourse.lbhe article lsa apart ut any ln tt'rslate l-litment, Tlt,'qulestion uf ftt l uv cit ltt forod rjbff tratkagra la one Of great ltrîrortatr'r' o the pîeoîrbr'. and v irtir the cubjcrî tas yet, is argeit ortr' ut slaIe coîtrol, lbere la a tendent-t 10 elt-ble 1h,- national guvet'nnen sit, more authoril>' lu these maltera Hrn,, est manufacturera are rcieatedly urgtng cougresho exorcise sîricter nontrol uver tlsose short welgist deal- ers wbuse products enter into inter- atate commerce, and 1h is ouI>' a ques- tion Outltme unlil k it il be regardesi sas great an Offense.ho aell a short welght package o! food stufs,sas it now la ho Be11 adulteratati products. Tt has been tise praetice lu lie pont for shot ueigt tdealers tb sell their prodicts InnBorne Ohier shah. Ihan the on. ln ubîcis tise> uere manuifacture&, and ho thond caim exemption frein the lava O! tise lIset tate on the ground that the>' uere foreigu manu- facturera. Unfortunatel>', the feder- ai aws bava sut been stricti>' en- !orced lu tbe past, but under the pro- visions o! the pure foodi Iaw a good deai o! progres fas beoit made, and it lat becomlug more and more dang- erour for manufacturera tgt aliow short welght packages lu enter inter- alate commerce. Wben a ptackage la advertiaed ho contaîn a pound l must ho a pound, sot. That la. th; contents o! tue package must welgh a pound and not the package and contents togetiser, A Byve Pound but-ket o! lard Should ueigh Byve pounda, Plus the ueight ef lie bueket, sud If an>' houseuife get» hait o! a package that dc.si't uelgh thal mut-b vien it la lina &d- vertiaed se can prosecute lie offeuti- er wlth a gond chance ut convictlng hlm. As >et, cougreas hasnet matie Provision for an elaborate system of Inspection, Bc that a lot of short ueigbt dealers take chances of not belng caugist, and unudoubtedl>' a lot o! thmare gulit>' o!lhits practice" Feu People are awaru that a mag- asine la Publiabesi in the Interesta et Weights and measures. The Journal la publIsheti at Troy., N. Y., sud cornes Ont Once a monhln Ils advocacy of a stricter tederal coutrol o! velght, sud measures. WEATHIfR STATISTICS MRON STATE R!PoRT Tise folowIng la the etate weatiser report for lait y'e.r, eho's'ng 'wtse WaukeM n ud Lake COUat>' ma> ln Part eXPeet tlsa >'ansd gtvlng nrain, anow and trost figure.: Lest and firsl kllhlng frost-Anttods, May' 9; September 29. Tenperature-Anttioch bighst, 98 degrees, Jul>' il; 12 degrees beiou zero, Jan. 30. Prertipitatlon-Antlocis, 33.12, total for year; 5.26, greateat, lu Ma>'; 1.50, lowest, ln S-eptember. Sno',w,-35 deg- rees. 58 ram>' days. January-Tbae weather vas moarti> mîlsi during the month, the departures ut daîl>' mean temperatîrre being ex. cosslvo mureotthan twu-l.hlrds of the lime. Tbere was more than the tosuai anoont ut brlgbt sansnhIne. The prîn- cipat atorm petiods were about the 111h, 261.11and liaI. 'Chese dîstari- noces were of more or ies enacg>', but consldering the season, tbe mnh was remarkably free f rom severe storina. These alrta utthe 31.1 bogan a til valtri Si, w tiih la r lit, c'arrsltg "t tt ,It t .'Irt irr a,. tii fdattee fir r.' , lkîtrtg. Tirhoti 01 , W t r irI. I'rrtr acPer sslt'tr tt.t tir,' t 55O>n 01t , Irlfo 1.- t h- t h ,-r A j j- ritîatt Iiees, and rat 'r t a ,-,o t ttt itpcded lI rrn , t rj, T he. T ir'onth opened tm ir.r vase of conslderabie as rr ,ienu th1e lowest temperature of tir, "'t'on were reglatered. The ext-a-ssit,- Ire- cipitation caused huIg watpr in, the streiLma andi rivera, sud liOwlands vere lnundated for a oeuederableý pe-riod. Ille moan temperature vas unlformiy above the normal The. hlghestetm- peintures obtained about the mIddle of the mOnth. T7%e Pe'OWltation was nearly two loches above normai.B>' far the gretet fille ooeîtrred ln the southerru distrIct. March.-The weatiser during Marob wac very aniid. lu central Illinois, where the cOneadtàona were nearly ty, pical of the wisole Blute. there are two days wfth normai and four tiavs v'ith nteficient inean tempatrr, the rmainîni- days being abose tht' Iro)r. nia], buts-et-y unevenl>' dl'orinr,îed. Ai) rîtrusual uccorence uns tlt,'alit 9geem absence of snow'falli irimes srt tIr- îatities ln the rentri land tl i,. ,r t)-i,,r, districts, wh tir ' t rrch r, r-t',loches of anow fe ttti rat -t uof ir- 'torîtern district. - tjriJ.Th(e temperature ttc. t-iljig t' altos, the normai. Thýem ais a 1trat ted pet-bd o! Warnweathertfromn the lhth co the 25th- The morith end- cd coldv'Ith kiUing frosts at many stationO In the oentctI andi the flot-b et-u disîtricts. Thse p#"C tabnwas excessive, belng eqg lhy heavy ln tihe southeru dia D I.ly tuice ln tlilrtY Yeshms tbcsr Ieen a greater April average Prdigbk*. A storm of conaiderabie seves1t' jpeut over the Blae on tise 241h )Mr--Me -awa OQe.- tesuperature deffleuit>'- Gàtion1nî thu thse fiait de0àde. Ps'uindg hem- perataires or kouer occurel îenerally on the . d POM the. i0th t lie dce of the Mo" thie tempea ture waz moati> above tise normal, thse Iotteat perlosi belng about thie 25th, when maximum temperatures near 90 de- grees usce regis(ered in ail diatricts. uns excessive. Nôtst lne 1892, wben tise State average vas 8.14 luchtes, bas Bo great on amotint of rainfail octu-r resi. Showers feil somneviere lu the dtate almuc-t ever>' dat. Supreme Court Decision. S.pringfild, Ill., hteh. 19--Special to thse SUN.-In an opinion binded down by thse supreme court ibis moruing It holds hbat it hbasnu jorissiieton te cotiapel mayora et nties te close se- looes unl Sunda>'. Tise case vas brouglst b>' a couple o! miniatena o! tue gospel lns Chicago te compel MaYor Busse te close thse saloons in liaI ciL>' on Susutia>,. The sas'peme court holds tiset tise Blnda>' lcang lai la lu efeéct in (Cs*csge but 'tisa lie duties uhidhitI la sougtit te have tise m5.yor pertorm pertain toetise executive itepaitient ot tise oit>' goyernent over uhici tise sutieeme court bus nu Jusiedictien. FInd Sorna Consolation. Coptes ufthtie opinion o! the su- prome court n lie action startesi b>' the Lau sud Order beague te force1 Mayor Base te close tise saloons on1 ÉMnda>' vere receîved lu Chicago Mone-1 daY, sud ilîbtened inlunomenmmmi1 degree tle clousi o! glooni uhlch lie0 declalon coogealesi uver thq "dry' The trace cf silver (or Ilosasi>' ilickel) liluluî 1te ecloud w'asfound tu thse tolloutog paragrapis ot tbe Opinion dellvered b>' Justice Orlo N. Carter: "Tise ansuer Biled b>' former Mayor Dlinne, aisnet out lu lie appeflee'sJ brie!, ayers that saisi section 259 ot the alate lau la nutlnb force l inte1 it>' of Chicago. if Ihis avermenti vere true Il WOuid uofisecessit>' dia-t Pose Of thse case. But il in net traie.1 That section la lhe law ln Chiscago precisel>' as il la tbe lau ln al 01er Parts 01 the satae. Tise mayor of a ct>' la cbarged wlth the executlon o! aIl lava and ordînances ln force thore- lu. "There can nu longer be au>' duubt o! tiseIlîlegalit>' ut ieeplng a saloon1 open In Chicago on qtnday,' sald Ar-1 thur Burrage Farwehl lasI ntgbt. 1 On tise oliser lîand. the ativecates o! an open SutiJnt>'puint outI bat these point was flot )ne necoasar> to thsei declalon of tise nase and vas Ibere- fore mere dîctuin, nul bndlng on an>'1 o00, net eventh Ie ower courts, SWIfS EDEAVR s.rt"h, on 'ni QUAYLE REPORT ON Tu IORM MOrNOPOLY }. . I REfORM MOVEMENT a .. Coorîs Att.., ors F, S.ift, M: -e 1 7 , r He Gorrsidlrrs Foc Lak,-the Eye Sore ri, ' ,,. ofoMae Ht' ,r r , t'I tLake Co.nrty arrciSays Chu.rches H i- . .. rtLatte, G r',rrrrr-r tîi Ai-ost Ctose-o theirrD os t .* , 'r r ,.T ,1'ciI ., r1 r' tr.r .r. .r j r t ,,.. . '1'.'...... i rr ' tto rri , 'rt . 1%tai j1, n r' t rîtî cea. o h i%ý*11ýrt I i Ollrtd a u the rt-ztttrît.a dat,'r'hea, r' urthoeed a trt,ict deal hadeb'te Swify t vhk oforme s cumIetoue nnopo>fotNei> of thed wîackln bose ndtre>po!inea nIssu, w ich ofali aOW thei rncat isue, but alsov ilsinlbotesband osneiecs.gprvao bue n Fact of Intereil ers. This starcilng announicemeot gath. ers mucb interest ln Lake county wben It lB ieerned tisat tbe 'Swlfts re. ferred to are the Swl!îs of Lake For, est, Il ita ciaimed, Louis F. Swiftlbe. lng tise bead outh etpkug houose founded by bis father. ln the canie' coî,nectlun J. Ogden Arosour. Ies receutly mut-l raked, la also a Lake Fui-ester. Magazine Writers Afler Themn. oh uf tese figures in tht' uteat hîair'srftf h,' sorld. f or t!bat a s h,,î i-r-r c for lbhe ma gazii iit s t ttjet'. Xlil]jn liatRantlolpltIlearst's a ,gazijne, the l'oc rroiolitan t-e r',, ttg tlit- Ar- utour ettreer Iltilia February nIuorber and asaignitig 10 hlm the tiIle o!(lb,' unerov'ned king of lb,' beef world. and cuserîni- tb,'Swilft career lu the' Alarch nîumber. Tbe articles, bn thia connectlon, are wrltlen b>' Artbhur Brisbane, the hlgh- est salarlesi neuspaper writer on tise globe, noted for keen and searcbbog editorials. Firme in the Swift Dal. faya a western paper: 'lu th. $1O,0000§Witt deaItise 'foflouing Né* EIlnsd Orms are laId tO be Includeti: Norib Pack:Jng and Provision cOmpaasY, White Peave>' & Rexter Co., Sprlugfeld Provision com- psu>', National California 8km nom-re pan>', A. C. Lawrence Lealier coni- Pan>', Wnchester Tanner>' compas>'.1 Strong, Barnes & Hart Co., Consoli- dated Rendertng company and the New Engiand Dresaed Nleat and Woolt Compan y.' Swift 10 Bulid Retidence. Louis F. Swift, a probable figure ln t b,' n q u iry , la to st a rt w o rk I is sprlng on a three million dollar os- tale and realdence west o! Lake For- est nrst o th e lArmurestte In tne a Locail'sRelae io 20 tr h acng baueapr oecthoe gvbepackinghebose probe b>' lig- ueromat, thef R.P.igdericnt fig- ure is th eaminR.P.Warotue- m-l ws au eninuWeeaveitnesfrake gais, as lat week a uInmaerfie theUaNelsn Xrriubere ela aner et fetieral grand Jury. PMATO CROP SMORT Or LASI YEAR' rThe goveromeot reports on pots- tut- for Feoruary sais: 'From lte replies recelveti IL ap- pears tirai on Jenuar>' 1 about 32.61 per cent ofthtie crop ralaed foi mar- ket In 1908 vas bels b>' grovera, and 11.2 per cent b>' interlor dealers, gruvers iseld 13.3 por cent leuansd dealers 12.7 pien cent lecatssu ttise>' disd on Januar>' 1, 1908. The total pro- duction In tise United States In 1908, as estimatosi b>'titis bureau, vas 279,- 000,000 buahels, or about 10 per cent lesa than 1907" Aulhorlises Long Anxious. N. W. White & Co., o! New York, lseavy dealers in potatoos, comment- lng on the report, say-. 'Tbe authoritles ai Washington bave kuovu o! this shortage for some montba; b"nce their auxiet>' ta knou tbe antual quantll> stili remaining In tise coutntry ou tise firat of Januar>'. From the, above statements >yen ilîl sec- tIrewsas about 44 per cent of 1the crop letbou the BiraI o! Janu- at-y, trout whicb bac lu ho deducted the seesi requîresi for tise crop ut 1900. Fifty-alx per cent o! 279,000,000 bush. els wuls mean a cunsîîmptlou te the fit-ct of Jautirîrr of abott156,000,000 busheis. leaving 1 23,000,000 bushels. frum svhich hajjtolu h deduttted about 150000bîthel-, for seed reqttre- ments, whit- would leave uni>' 88,000,- 000 bîsshelc for' the cossomers for ther remainder ut the seasun (tise largoat hait). "Furtbermore, lu Ibat report IL la CAPTURE SWINDLIER IN WAUKESIlA, WIS. Telegraphi- adsices front Wauke- sha, Wls., are to t he eltent that the Poice there base under arrest tle notorlous John Baeck, arcb Wauke- gan sv'lndler wbo bas posed under the foiiowing names at vearions pianos: John Beck, at Waukegan. George Hoover, at Rockferd and other near b>' citles. William Lunger at Waukouha. Abrama Wood in Iowa, Abraham Woodsain Nebraska and Minnesota. John Hoover, Harry Meynard and other na mes at othe r places. Thr- SUN recenîtl told bow Beck n trtiitrlzed a farîor'r near WVaukesha inr a nitauner înrer'isr'Iy cînliar îu the \V"'Ige stindeintt , aîkegan where t, atorged alr'tratt-atd deed be bur- rrsr rd $nt.rstO andttlied v'lîh il Xow drircntnb,'c teSllb,,î b,' bas heen ap- lire-benderl andl l belleved lu be the ntîolrous and aî't-unplisbed swlndler who bac heets the lerror o! real es- tale men for years. The SUN at once sent a telegrai» to tise Waukesha chief of police for confirmation o! the Identit>' of Beck ulih the mans under arrest St Wauke sha.but unti preas time De Suswer li been receîved. Beci played 'IN sqie on alarge scale ubîle At laated and aeemIs 'te h" s'~put Over but twe or, lire. lela fqr several tbcusan d doillars aplece each ye4r, then Iretirlnig no one knOwn where, and ilvIng the hlgh life on tise Proceesis. The Waukegan police alons, bave sent Ont 10,000 circulais on his tral but bave made no capture. A Peculiar tact le tbat a distant cousin of Mr. Wedge. Waukegauie.- tinm, livea at Waukesba and probab>' alded lu thse capture, BOOK AGENTS WORK CLEVERSWINDLEr the good bouaewives of Sterling bave been victims vas perpetratesi b>'a couple Oft smOOtb tonguesi, sleek lok- ing Individuais ubo bleu loto lhe cil>' sud sold tise snsuspectung vornen a Bet of bocks for eleven deýlar&ansd tiseo ho ativertise tise publlilng cen- pan>' brev ln a ffteen dollar rmg. Tise men appeared tinbeie nest sud tiben lie hlm, vas up, tle>'arrlved ah the places Wbere lie deals vere made. The>' deiivered lie boksud lhe rug andi made tise collections. o tise face ufthtie propositien It loolted like a good XbIng, and tle gqod vo- men iost nu turne ln shoulug tle splendid demI tue>' iasi made ho their neigisborsansd nongratulated tisen- selves on lise clever purchase. But tiese aIodie cornes a feu laya a!ter-vards, vben another man, a atraisier, arrives. Me telle tise goosi women liai the rug lie>' rocelveti vas Intendesi for. another Party., sud ln- steasi of a fitteen dollar flee,' decora- ion It vas a tblrtY-five dollmr speci- men, aud tisaI tue lad>' vio vas ho gel the llirty-Btve dollar roi got the Blfteen dollar rug, sudlisewus cire- fui to mention tise nane o! lhe otier person. Me aimpl>' deslred te correct the mistake bhat Msis partnei madie and asked lbe unsuspecting veman ton thse rug, deslring 10 take it 10 lie other place sud make thee irchange. BeIng boneal appearlnt, the vena,» gave up tise rug, andi tise telioulie- appearesi. Later Investigation choual tisaI Insteasi of dollar volumes, alle baed secured reprints vith flims>' coi- ara and poor binding, uhîcis cm b. Purcbased ln an>' rellable book atone fur' a qutarter apleco. File Paperu. Sîrits fileS >esterda> lnUie for Itarch term' Oliver Moult vs A. L. Dunge et ai., confession. Attorney' Claire C. ES- warda. Meyer Berman 'VI W. Irviog Os- berne, trespas. Attorney' C. C, Esi. varda, $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCÉ .rrrl iti rtr'gtt' ,,, Ci n- Pair*trr rr t ohiri, 19 prlnted il) it' 'srlth Shire New-ns Letter o! Itrghltttl Par k. t'alla Eu.t Lake the (lt itr'w rt hre tport ia not remark. ttbir- exceitt for lb,' fart Ibat Quayle hrazenly clainra t-redit for the H.lah. wOod cieanup, wben as a malter et tact State's Attorney Dady la respon lBible and Quayle was a migbty aman,. 80ggY and Weil buried potato. Tbe report la unimportant and tri, lai ln tbe main becauso it shows a lack o! what has been doue Iuatead, of the opposite. Ir it were worth wbiie the SUN wouid griot il ail. The Fox Lake Portion deserves at- tetion and la as toilows: "The Fox Lake district of Lake county, one of the fairest portions of Illinois, still remaîns untoucbed by the reform moyemnent, A ascen it- self of transcendent heauly, it la seemilltgiv a diagrace 10 us ail that ii sbotild be the home uf the bllnd p)lg and that aloi machines ami otiser forma of gambllng shouid sbound through the sommer months. A cam. Palgu was carried on ln Antloch tows- shiP ln Marcb, April and May of est year. . Han>' enthusiastlc meetjnge were beli yet tise forces of refOrm bast bY a aman majorty. ThjeS fm"à MUch more serions mattler qe 140 onfoircement of law. The yvqry '"* tence 0ethtie cburcb 118.15 15 ýp. cerned. Tiarese undal seeol aMd chu-elbea have ailot clesl ther docre dûr14 te liest tire yéénla tii soae 4IýM .""e > Oglbftt - IN RfM eSTAIt'DtM suit waaThurls.>' started ln eh,- cuit court againat Jobn T. Jildieand< WiII Parker of Waukegau for $10.00 damagea b>' 1.rs. P. 0, Dodge ce Chi- cago0, a ceai estate dealer, for alleged siander and a reenitant rulnlng etfbem business chances ln Lake county. Thse charges were desled b>' Mr. Parker la an Interview this week. In tise bill Bled Mrs. Dodie statea tisat. as a reai estate dealer, aise in- lended to Bell land, sh. owned ln Mlissiaatppl, in Lake count>'. Sh. made an agreement ultsthse frm et Jud&b and Parker bers, to, sltise lsad or a commission. A large atiflet, of money use aDent, alle clams. qglý an. tereeted parties sud saes ball abWu bueau completed uben. sele 8904t40 Waukegan Ovin uitbdre'w tred ie1 deafland slmudcre& ber tt b. An. tereatel fermerasu e h. uuamai 'te meke the ase. The sAtmeeofeterai tgriqffl &M given and, uith theM versaions, la uhlcb madie that the plaitifur lSiâ . est, bail no titi, te, the MWd udta the. farmera woold b. ln trouble if the>' madie deals with ber. In OPeaklng ofthtie matter, Mr. Par- ker slated hat the i. rn U4 mei-dy1 ithdrawn Ita backlg."IN trâL erg uer. really cur oustmi-, M. Parker, "we blad never s».i~< Dodga's titi. te th, land. Wu tq oui ouatomera tith"the>' eoeli'u deaioga ulh ber if thq ra=» that ve tisought It vould t btte. dela>' mattesauntil W. b"i seMntise titl. to the land. W. d% i t iauler Mis. Dod»l. au'W. Wagi ney]R« stateel tiat sbeluedae~. Tu s tatis atusysilc . givin san hstinsfitle int aveu whs* 'la knownai 1w. Par »iMtboer, boer wtth two pel. Cent of aloohul, lEt lns l .,n., Ion Itiegaliin thse City cf I'ilhwo and tist litwIlI proqeCute sny iman Who salle the famous twe par cent au. tiole under the provisions 61t iimileQ a n d an iîg h th law seh Ic i abolu tal> prohbitia ny klnd of laloohollo drink whatever from belng soîd. At lthe saineeltme Itl sa admitteti b> the same source tisat the sale of twe per cent beer ln any places flot under the sbadow of the mlle sud an eigbtb law la perfectl>' legai, wblcb la wbat Is generaiiy oplned. That tbe tamous hwo per cent la sold ln Highwood la generally admit, ted, but tbat the state's attorueymq oaffice wll get after the twu par Celat merchants, ubo sre irocersa»4d se. eral store keepers, la neya tt« froni the.front