Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Feb 1909, p. 12

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right tm uSprlng Waukegan Newsu1ts yon bi 'e ~1 lu J .1 .4 71 t 2 .5 i I I -j .1 IÀéSt IDENTITY RAMBLER COMPANY COURT INVESTIGATES or DEAD MAN AEADTOS CASIE'O! ASSAULT lDoon Trced as Far as Barringtofl. Plans mtade public Saturday Lt the ljured Wona n is the Motterota Large _Pavages of Cansumplian Made Thauias B. Jeffery Compîany, milaiers 1 Fnrniiy of Oidren Upon Whom lndentificaliof l Amasi of the Raîrbiet automtobiles, conhen- They Depend for Support. Impossible. pliate gucat Iis totansd aidi- The olie o BeoitWis, hve is-1 tos t th bi Kenshaplat wich The assaulî an Mrsi. Jos lingjevlch Tvre he oie tiBelofi, the litua it ru suîosv theI-li geai lplatnt inth ie aorid cf Waukegar, whichi i aliegeti to bave ia oeiidda i the idertit of t he laS timd fori, the ianufac tiire uf netontoi:i i cil blerte gluivprilattire blrtlbte ras~~~~~~~~ bon ediitetaran i ies. The charges ii inte plant Lad a bidlas been rougit tbtLe atý ~orttveler nslroid o lut' i ofbeeiilrou1it ieiia«i lfor the ut iure. but t oii îî f Shte' s Attorniey'Dady 'andi Lutyear. Ita as today prove cilbevisa the gmat salirs of Rsuibletrcace fat 'aita Manning, broilier of tirs AI- te eini i-st ad Ileiiasîîsuce hille ouitil c 5sCtiou i s nmadu bkI IMead, vifs ai a Iocal grain desiii1that ihe Rambler bas corie tîac Le o iihis ffectt, ai L e brought before or and, ai Charles Miannig, cler1 il, of tic great sellers li tbe automiobile thbe grand jury at tue Match terni or the St. Paul freigbt office. Iiie, bas farceil the managers of the court, It lis reported. Manning vas tiscbarged from a rompant ta maies these additions îa :Nirs. Lngevicha physician asserts 6aeptal a fev tisys befare the un- the plant' immetiateiy. The plians poslivelt' thal the wamans pligbt as utavu man vas founti deat in this conlemplate the erection ai four addi- a resait of the ansanit was nat at ail ttyl He vas suffering vitb consump- tonal buildings ai mammotit propor- exaggerated by newspaper accounta. tfou. - vas toldti ta there vas no tions anti one ai Usena alan. vhen turs. LingevilcbIs tise mother ai sev- elaCe for is recovery andt Ial he camplleti viii bhave mare fiaor apace en chiltrsu vho by ber pligbt Jose s nil botter go ta bhis home, He sadli tan the colileum lu Chitcagovhere nisans ai support, as ah.e solti egge be b^d a home t Beloit anti alartedth ie roenet automobile show vas belti. anti butter ta get a part ai the iarnllt la tirat plate. He has not been Tiis building viilb. 386 tet square Income. bour tram since that time, vhlcb vas anti be one ai the largest buildings The case, at firat regardet i lgittîr, 1 cay a day or tva before tbe findiug ever erecleti for manuiacturlng pur- nov taklng on a serions aspect and et the body boere, aithougith heba poses I Wsconsin. This gigsntlc the tateas attorney ta only valting Imma traceti as far as Barrington, Il. structure viii be tievatedt thie in-.util Mrm. LnevichIot la el enougi tu IdirO 00001! spectian anti exterlor flnlahiug depart- ta brlng Greligatis anti is allegesi 'Manning vas a railroati man vwho meula oi the Rambler plant. compaulous ta 1bo0t. oemrly livet inh Belil but bu! been The plans for te uev building for It la saettiat te figbt starteti b naa for tvelve yeare. Witen be vas te plant have ail beau appraveti by tveen Mrm. Sosnouaky anti Mrs. Lin- log noe oiere te vas a man ai about thse officiais aifte Company anti vari gevich anti that Mra. Sonuausky final- 3U panads anti il la a ta be won- viii b. starteti on bem aet rOnce vith 1Y summoneti bslp from Greigaitûi derd titat Ile vas nutl dentifieti. as a great farce of men vîth Use Idea ai sud a cumpaniun or tva, the vbale tl. ftaaidisease hati matie oa i hm a aving themn completi anti ready for affair entiing In lte severe beatini mor ske UnieIl plc av aloccupancy ity the apenlng ai the 1910 aiftse voman vito la nov lu beti a Forsam lie ~he olie hve u!seasan lu the mitdle ai Augual ai Ibis her home. Mcm. Ltngevlch ls lu- a imaer oi reasaus for believing Ihat ya.proved anti may bc about lu a veel, tàtromine_____Inthe_____a Her bodiy Is bruiseti anti ber heati sus- yards ver. taos. of Manning. A acar LaI igbt a haras belonglng la T. taineti a severe contusiou. on te torebeati is ans of the marks E rcra1pt a hra nt identificatin hich exactly fited .- ---.1 P i . . i- -!&,,ffaiAIr" alasR%--d itannS. At the bospital he had al- lovud llis mutache ta grov anti as bâeb4d alvays gone dlean shaven bers biri pea=ace vas qute a3ered out- 44*e ftii.e great ililug off ln veigat. <r1$8Qusim n as veli acquaileti Witb Maing but sail taI h voulti *~ b lav laragneti il poable for a MM ta chang mc ln hiaptesa-- bro"Ier.james Manin , Wha vis 1Mmrnars Itir»liePital hi joUlet, ce 1%09I)7y;iglalta ex- là« â *è**âet the itai toegmq. Tihe Babl rebdivnl va, «xM» N mlau'Fter mmml a « tn. tat they voali ie uable SWoeW if vmhe or net. 1(mnlmg bu iruay beem sa1mar mas miagoan. on lIA Yr* fW ~tffl vibe-romembero& kVM'tésusihi us-.four! oa tE e' ~lt . audIt vas hi bs 'd. A* tiqatMaug milui orrerly. e xarn id r hlcit la.regitereti s, lrca Mshsmey, la explsied by tact tiraI re vas complicated inhia le and itati ues on assumes! name The. suspicion of Use relatives ver. $irat a-ases! vien a letter came hec. addromaed 10 Manning andti Uey valted hi vaina for .tbe comig aofte brother himauL ilnaliy te let- ter vas openeti and ti l as learneti tab . bo as!loft the bospitai bount for Beloil. The posbiity of te nia otus! tia being Johni Manning U Y venmtere thieir bondss t the ime, Tire'relaives are yery gladt tahave thre mytery d«Lres!&up. Raze. anrd Gneai gro in an Argument oetwpmei, T . Gatiemen of . Celer iSa-y SBat. A @mitanmd a gui ve.the a-au- muta amiiei ta bave iteon usai lr - George BMEso. lattfloos, la à rgrrnal vtth Wili Levis, ho 1b .laid hobumoeyi li ak aI mter Lavis bil tiinsistai tIa li aliu Dot As a reaut Levis huam e .bai cu an is face, lasidge a lirs. braùwe, and lis overcoal anti. nrierocoat ae baiiy siasheti viti thei Bote ane coloretianti bot Issu tac una1W wh v du,liodde vten Use haou- bie str..Lavis thm been living W" rUsoan Maaket sîreel. Yaher- day qrooct..Brawnufmals!Levis for lia »ur »Me..Lavis repUiedt t le lm& bsolé d mmd cert a ay.4 PWa1 amne etitnanhdulgei 1 la sW un a a auuel Brown drov te1 laitS ad vent ster Lovis, itl i e-d VSeeM isoverébt wv arines! vitit 1CQOg sinasu Mmd lis unier coat vas "e7carl UP but biseibody vas uet wa*abe. On cut vas receiveti an dtàmfaS Thae ssor garce , gravig dol Deravuvwipped ot a revolver anti mhed Lovis ln the face wvthti h.1 jel i" Lois hMbteen trylus ta -ucaipe à"almter the appearance ai tW em a scceedeti lu doing so. H. vau treataifor lis cut anti bruis. at a drug alose -anti asual v orking Brown dis! ual appear aItishe place vIre .le la emplayeti suber, ant Io »M te'o bu' yIng loy, tea-ring Lewis viii aea- ouI a.wrrat for hbu. »rIai aa'Iuwm s vle11t e malter dm p b*. 4lgE traet. o tire vis- bod*ndul$É b Theff r ",ere unaalabie and flnaiiy, after a grouiTdiess report of cruelty had gone into the police station without çause, bebha to beshot 1'rmening fevealabmus. th cblidren ;sqnlekly andeaJel c1ed by Preventims = s.lIs eCady Cold Cur. Tableta tbbold aiways b. a bandt-for Prompt- m's ai&-luportahit PrevenUae ôn- mc qutmDo 1ndtlug abarhor l5I1fl-;T are Inas.d, % the teb lbà. I MM.I 'ufla ,kt or parm. uhgamd N5EW FLATI BUILDING FOR WAUKEGAN Accordlng ta a stalement glve4. ont titis vese Mca. Mary J. Dunridu 0< 316 Wesh astreet vIii l ltse cautratit for a Ibre.e eary stare anti flat building olt cash telvom $22,00000 and $25.000 anti to b. builf on norMi Gonesse otreet an lte mouth fait aoflte la- aut lut betveen te Warren andi the Muirlton propbrtts&. pçoucuneal regoi4lmg uerthIl eee Tii, Sfla las th gaine eeiptll Th, iiiie go ni - Th. tf close ai ree ýsothec ,s trans Il aid i v- Th atau [yber. A R. tg dayi matil e- Haia - Mi - tbe 1 is est 1 le la b It ideni k.prob m- damn TI bam ta ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w the iteamçfu, sfm~I~A A IfIV m thin" sus Poi- dlgnli eostestreet try 5F8nCiemrallociatlon viii prob- the site of the. Dtrkin buildingbl Svitbltata nte Larsen villiait the apening of la reolvinig mont conaideratian. andi xbegin varie an a like structure Arguments ae; ta the validity Of it la baped by membera thtat lte quant suth af the Herman-Judge Lan- $8,0 bonds of th.e Chicago and Mil- for à good namae vili b. endeti. uilding ' waukeee electric, raiivay we*5 hearti The appointment of several more sDurkin viii have grounti brok- this v=ieby Federai Master in Chanf- members on the cammittee ta makre the spning for the structure sbe ceryHryBooth. arrangements amang the merchants oses ta builti. She bas twa bids Judge Peitey S. Grosscup was asketi andi business men for the next show, for tbe contrnct sn 011cooe i Tuesutay by counssi for the re- ta be heiti here ln January, 1910, and *eu them taar willa stae.ceivera 10 authorize the payrnent Of the receiving of a number ai new i ratue a hi tw atnes~ ho January iîstereet an the $80.000 niembers listathe assoca¶ion wiii bc Le fatue o th twostoiesor bond Issue of the Illinois corporation. the other business ai the meeting. Dis- wili ho that thie rear fiais xviii The vaiidity or the bond Issue îvss cussian ofi ihe next show vill aiso be fronts ou the rear, as elabortis isp)uted because it was made sut,- iad, The meeting wIli start at 8. ifronît faots, and ihe lai,, squelit to the trasser of thei' pro- ____ el frons the cievatioîî, ailie hc îec-ty of the originial Chi ago and ltoîsansetd the Ilinoîîis l-ouitry Fan- hasized. Sliiwatîkee ,Railway eonîîpany of Il- îieers Associationî, but jîlenticai in ail SUN ometite ao tot 1 f lillîois tb the later C~hicago aloi Mil-; otier ways, the orgaiîization of Wnîî [n ProJeet whiie il wa-. [n a lie bu waiiieo Raiiroad ccoînîanv'. 1egan, Zion City and neigiborly shae, util as ontaXr di' This question of lthe fart seull . î,oultryrn,.î aro juiiiant aver the sue- fori ndth bildngwil I e]Y initited ta Ilastîr ilootit1): i ems (il the miieetinig 1id initieIiîliair- h( praisoseti building wiîî go ftac1 netanith eor i i, e deî sttiw offices In Vi au1kegaîî Sat0rday e egapa in norîli Genesee Wo111 lie subusittedtio J nîlge Grossc ul) iglit.« ta growing business district'and Lx ekastebssfr i eiin The iirst readlîrg oifthie chsange lit praecs inetiatma' esin as to the payaient of the intereat rame was held and passed unani- frpers hetedaig tiown oftheharges. nîously ansd a collection amoug the ifrme s theksto earepiacn o eticby W Irving Osborne, D. B. Haros fancies present, nettedti he associa- frum sîrcues. crplcdI andi George C. Moore, receivers of the lion about $150. This Is the first sub- lee st-euetunesom rdcla Chicago & lwlaukee Electric Rail- stantial step toward the 1910 exhibi- ge hata ix tar bildng orway company, Mosiday filed lu the lion. The collection vas made that 'sg a pta ysix proositdinfon United States Circuit court a report Waukegan marchants and business voue ofa the earuings anti expentse. ai the men. besides private, citizçns, may ____________ ati for November. 1908. lTe re- se. that thie association la sincere andi SigRel stteDeal. part siso includes a statemesat ai the viii aoir hemi for nathiug more titan Big Ral Etateesrnings anti expesises of thse rmat they are willing ta equal. It ls pro- ail eatat. cîrcles vers agog Tus-fro-a Jan. 28, 1908, ta Nov. 30, 1908. posedti t raise $600 amang temenm- over the pitroiase of a portion of The net incarne for November in bers. Haines landi on north Etieridan shown ta have beeu $8,535.90 and for About ten nev members ver. taken 1by Fred W. Bucke irom Emn a A. the esitire periad, Jan. 28 util Nov. ia i te meeting anti many more are e for 120,000. 30 ta have beau $109,971. Summar- prepa-lIng ta enter. The association E.B3sck boys onîy a portion ai ledtbe report ls as foilova. feels ltaeli iuUly guaranleeti by the re, tract.,viticit bas a historic inter- Novenaber, 1908-Earnlngs, $54.857.- suite aiflte meeting la maklng an ac- baside« belng a naturai park, and 35; operating expeuses, $42,252.96; live campalga for te neit exhibition. sillevedto have purchased that net earnings irora operation;. $12,604.. The regular meeting la ta ieb.ehi on ai the. land vhieh bas a reis- 39; mls8cellaneous ticomne, $14.84, lix- next Saturday nlgbt and at that time tie upon it. ed charges <taxes) $4.083.33; net ln- the final readlng on the new rnants le viii maire the pl(ace bis home, come, $8,535-90. wiii toike place. Members beileve ail ably erecting a new resideuce or Jan. 28, 1908. la Nov. 10, 1908- trouble aver narmes la entiet andti hat ng saute remodellng. Maruinga. $523,308.42; operating ex- they bave one fiviii nol be nscsssary 'lieHains Dace.famus a th penses, $372,770.27; net incarne ironi ta relittquish. e ai Wauieegauis famous olti mm- il>, la ans of natures eauly spots ln Ibis vicinlty, anti bas ai ien been apok- en ai as the possible site for a pellei park Indeed ti o neUlime there vas talke ai geting an option on il for a park anti paying for il in annual la- stalimeuts. The tract le nov cutlin- ta by Use Buck ovuership. Thte deal la one.oaihlb.Iagestlput a-rer l hei os-Id of reafty anti reai eatle muar y titat lit ita been on for @mre menthe.4 Mr. Buck megotiatimg for 18 for a long perlod of Urne ire. tas- a satisfactary agreement vas operation, $150.538.15; miscellaneous incorne, $227.78; iixeri charges, $41.- 844.08; net incarne. $109,971.85. Change the Name. Recently organized from the Zian City Poultry asosclation. the Northern Illinis Poultry association la to go ont af existence next Baturday night iten s meeting la ta be helti in the. Balratow Mm IceluWaskegan andi a n»v usme in ta be cboea. Ifietac that anather amocsklon bom the. mame uai. as tte ane choer ls week, antd hasprior rigtsto ta lne- oesaltatem the change. $PeI M-FuI on Men's SuIt&aad Overceots Fôr e"bLçf al ë tas nt of $ .J'J S0s # ad fia s orth$5O. 12.75For hôlc of~irge assorimentý of SuIt anOvMcOots woth $"*& $20 6.50 For ahke SIsad Overcoats 60 Worth $10.00 and $12.M0 FUKNIS: 29o for 5oc Underwear. 100 for 15C Mose. 290 for Boy's 50 BOY'S SUITS. $ '~ ~For a liItIe felloW's 0uBuster Suit Worth $ 1 5 $2,50, age 3 to yers . 90 Foilý tholce of Sulis, àges 6 to 16 years, I.CF¶Jwôfth $3MO and $3.w50. lare ssohunt fSuits, 6 to 2.45167'cars, Worth $400 and $5.00. HINGS.SHOE SPECIALS. 690 for $1.00 Shirts. $ 25for Boy's $2.00 Shoes $2.25 for Men's $3 Shoes 290 fer 50C Shirts. kBlouse Walsts. 150 for Men's $2.25 Shoes 2à,9O(for Men's $4 Shoes Wednulay mý nurg abotto o1ciock Thorna Lila a lfret con-' ductor vWho vas la charge of a trolalit - train ruunlng irom Chicagol te na< du Lac. Wis., vhich carrled a loade:1 car biSeti for Autloch met vitit a ser- ions accident and one vhlch viii iu ail probaiiity cost hlm bislirf. Mr. Lucia vas standing on top of the Antioca car vhiie if vas being avitcheti onto the aide trace near the warehoase. 1n sanie unaccounitable manner be losi bits balance anti isitcheti besti lirst onho the graunti. Fortunateit' bis fait was vituessid by is conspaniouîs aha rau ta bis as- sistance andtianie sanimonet meti- irai nid A rlg vas procured anti the InJureti man wns hrought witb îii pas- sible sied to tahlis doctar's offiri-, viser,- tilon exsniinailon il vai, lourd iiîat bis siitiii a as italIe badlt'frac- iîr-d and oln,- rit)svas brnieîî. AIier oiig fer i liuail th.t as po<ssible ai ihb»- inhe ivi']wwas hurriçul o Fond ilua Lsc uni ile 10: 40 tr'îin ar- ciiiii-l'iy Ii, XVarriner end pimil li ii a liospîtal. w bei, ery lit- Ilà M'îoirteiriias gîretiln to- card ta lits reaer. iLucia isa Onîîrried mari about thîr- iy-tive yesrs oni se and hisbhonis is tri Fond dii Lac. Loat Chicken Cooas. Daring cbicken thieves Friday nighl doublei on their traces anti triedte l tot coops ln the viclnity ai Mumford roati that they bat! before visite! anti where ltey bu! obtainei 22 cblckes. An electric alarm gave varnIrng and! they taledat this place but visltlng anotiter goat chlckens, as a trail af featitera auggesa. The ovuer of the coop visitedti tlce nov bas a gon and la fuliy prepareti te entertain visitorns te third lime. Printed in Colore. The $800 prize pîcture vblch lAfro. 1William W. Pearce ai Waukegaa baie efor the Eastman Kodak Company, le ta appear in a forlhcoining Issue ai 1Collier's magazine la colors. The tiicture vas lalcen sspeclally tea atver- Slise the Eastnman kadak sud la ans oi cbildren. Fiieys Oruno L.axativei eur-e -inqtipti ..,ariof hi-r llclaures aI the Drestien, Lion and- iver trouble and nmalien the (.erîiany, varitia fair, uîow ln Iîrag- howela b.aithy anti regular. Orino is rems. superior tapilla andtablota mg il dos _________ mot gripe or nansêate. Wby take auy-ý thing eue? FRuANK B, LOVELL, Wuil Fighi No Mare, Steriff Griffln asys Ibattlb. liti" PAUL MAC OUFFIN, At5ase. leisln goond arkiug ortier andti tI Adjudication Notice. be vii l permit any kintiofi *ghls Public Ntie e iven t et USutý atI Lbertyvlle again. wsie.IbrAd5irm ôOtheq suas.ofiWiit 1.»oO@ dom& N u auim Oy ctal He says tâlit wluasreportai ta ofMU Mi-O t e. ilSOSf s. be botm im hlmIal Use men vho fougbt vere y -0 * Il=tvoa mmiiiboys, but b. vimed Mar- mi-s wme ~ssm Ita"mdDepuly BtrfIn.r a ta permit inrtber figiths of au kid W*hs~. lii Ioêusq.tisa.w4 vtever. -------- - ------------------- -- ---------------------- Great FINAL ONIE DAY WIN DaUPSL -- - - - - - - -- T ~GCLOTH1ING STO*Z' Ail Wftte t ,ToVCAT 3 FUKNISING8-and SHOLS wil . 4,~ Pepr&oy t Or Srn C ign. YOUTHS' ýsUIt& $ 365 For Yoùths' Suifs and Overcoo, b, age $5.45fo Youths' Suits and Overcoats, $316 to 20, worth $5.00 and 16.00 . worth $10à000. Speclal Pant Clearing at $1--1.'50.-2.00-m2o50--3.UO--3.o50 & $5.e .l W--j ----------- ------------ - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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