r ~v -- p and WAUKEGAN 'WEEKY SUN VOL XVLL NO 23. LIBERTYVMlLE, 1AE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, MARCEL 5, 1909-8 Pages 11.50 RER YEKR IN ABVANnE II*OVING PICTURE rACTORY THE! NEWEST LAKE COUNTY INDUSTRY -mi. &ho Amrts'$ Most 'aeautlful ose hundffld rese of scenery, w"ay con ho prsssrvsd for the ages n moving pictures. Qilet, luditl4 uleepy and emnently respectable Lakes Bluff, rip-van- ~rwIlgIte wsy alouig tUrough tke years km an ultra.riepetsble mailler, iMy sen ho 084. 3cm. of bloody combats, terrifie chase, and aIl manner of %" a'i nd sxcltl Inciftnts as tire conter of an lndustry brand new to Lake Mms~~ ht of maklng msoving picture filma. The. tact that J. il. Murdock of Lake Bluff, head 0f the. Western Vaude- 'vlflh Mugos<Assocition ha&'recently' lusdbd an oraniaon to fighl the -mu! srPIcAm Pabetet' Compuany, thre trust, and closed, demie with the. c'IàjWset mvl.ipctuere film maltera af Europe for the extlusîve handilng of »04r rodursI, coupded w»ltte fact thot ho has ensg-d tie wortd's mosit, fanro mevqq pîcture adtora torne tea^mortea ln erder to make films 0f birs Own, là» lvea 'ritesto thes Ivtereotlug regort that iheo wllocale hi* ffilm Ibdèmy cour or in ILake Bluff, wilcl la speclallyad*d. WHACT PLANT WOUID DE Irhat Ille bufflng of suSi a plant la v"r oe la aliownb>' the tact tirai Nelmds primo qhlaUeu, un Italien .ovlng pite.. imas, lasiaruady lni tIqIuuwy snd aulîlarrive du Chicals taie>. TIIa tsu ldtry wiil laehé ir c~Dy% moet nosl a o oertain. Tirs Wlarrt mold oeu of a lagea nd pishrmupiacreage ta start, .*aummnMWlth r aye .te solientîfilo varty se that thersurom noed net rspeati a *thp jas ly houe *fer nteasesttilgaof iures, snd tinilmsrense 'q IV - eit oM * sacenasy Ifer pecJal lngs. baiîdes the Jaborutor> fer lthe ,abamun 9 Areof thi Uâme. The posliUl# of such m industry Kt lihsBluff -as aroue tbe keenm- IlYmPle Club; bis salary is big e'itugb for t-vo and tbey cao Irw mar. est inerest sied it le gentraiiy ad-rîed soon. rittad tirat Mr. Murdock, vbhoIa& ena reabuyofc eea bera manages'of tbe Ravînla Park the club, Jin uNcCaffrey, chamionî tbea an rd ha ow bead of the Oym- mliddiewelgbî of the wortîl, Is iaking pic htic b ail in Chbicago. could not bis dall>' exercise 'sitbin thre clui bave iectA àa bitter spot. than tihe walle and ait thý e r'bers are bîgirtu one hi-r frimi> liiisav b' lia', ln grarifidNt(*affr,-x entirs folltowerd 1%a rrîvinci ,Iilrîiri-rs,, Jîrat a- îiary usbnul I is tuand s,,'r.s-, ii b-r cîrrîltu tir-h. What Flm Making in. V'vi" s nrfi.;- hti Site , aicot Hoe do's rire man vho ru't 4a mur ' d lA b.ýte charmpion, s-huattracted b>ý ing pirturri ihmrter Iîuov a-at kiud l h-r rct!ty arc'endeaxors tuocrape of a&lsa to order? llow doee ire keel' aisî-quaintaice Tire frightened girl posteiL! How are the films ruade? attempts to avoid btnat, but bie leana Tbeowe.,re Irie questions that ar forward arnd leers ln lier face. MaryL -oftea mked reisepaper andtbreatri - sees ,Jack approacbîng and vîtir a cry1 cal - g o wftatr that a pemral arr- of joy roua 80 bîrn. Mccsffrr'y Inn-nt ever ha rigit 'a "ue ta abviate fur- %0 canfrosit Jack. A frv angry varda -lirer lffliries. and thec camplou Sets tire surprise of1 'Th <rvhng Piturc 511*5 Ots Sa hls lfe, for tie atbletie boy aima -truc wrlttmdoscrPtImr of ves>Mm UBt M5 sd straight front tire sirmldor; bts Mm voeu as it tea moule, ge.eay -in hi moets te-Pt a McCaKfrey's sStte trical pibiteatia.or san : a w sud 'tm idougiri>chramn tg 1l aserme d5 eet tkisuethetirs tin. t-aon bie b&d, 'Wttir a yen of r4e1 11111111, wbkeb llha tire 5le7 of ho lisps te bila foot bUt tire mrbm -the &OHM. irlb.therM , h lbie h s 0 fthelicclub separate tire contestent* erder- sud tire affair tlows aver. Juil thé.u Tire iflin.tbceh'osu are nurlo in a mesacuger boy arrives 'wlit a teie' ail mner of wsys, soame turnes cite gram: "Ar nrtable to eneet Aprti film bekng a ipatchwerk of ottes, or notes for $20,O. My 1>'beiness fan- 00ne film of illctures taxken ou top oft1rare la Inevtable. Forgive -ry harsir- "r d c nu inchonne. or au>' ere of a dozen achennesiiIn - 'Tyour- fanirer, addition ta tiis speclal cttmianli( 0 f "t-hsrld Asthton,- ators "play"- bebore tire caniers lu ail As Jac ûrti îs ro leave the gymulas- sorts of pantomime iirammes witch ar-r' tm bi- seess apiacard.placed un the- "taken" and madelnto films for cou>u buitetin briard ihaI murnins-: "An Iniercial use In tire sbirw sixops i What a Film May Teli. outtechallenge frorn Lc('nîfrey tu anv Iuman ho thi- world. vioner 10 laite att Thse fllowing la the circulas- issued ThreCe tury Club, a rival urganiza for -Tire King of the Ring,'- a fIlm 1tlon gLr.uteeing a Purse of 82561V00 tirt la beng ehownr at the liatsen for surir a mateir." fire ami tthuales- ou east Wasbington otrot anshiows boy much lnlitlte a lm me>' telil ts audience visen tirra-auIre se-en. Homsiusje vhole nordl of Ire tbree decker tyg own oin hmoving pic- tures ln a ver>' fesr moments: *tory' of Jack Ashton. Jack AltoS vas tire atblle bero of Brookfisld Academy. Jack and pretty Mary Blake, echoolmates. bave faundtimtre ta bocome sveetirearts, and ln our openlug scene on tire cam- pus groundis Mary arrives Juat after Jacrk han been summoned befome thre facuit>', antisire thon and there de- cides ta give hlm a lecture for ne- giecting iis studios, Dcvotlng ail bis time ta athictie parsitits, tire>'mel the neul day ou the perlalyle of Uic college grounds, sud a ver>' pretl>' 1111e lo-se scene nc- cns, Mary acoldu and Jack plead8, and pretl>' Mary, as vomon vere ever waut to do, coda fie lecture b>' rest- lng vîthmn fie embrace of Jack's ilrang as-ms. Wo tirmu see oar hero li is roora, strenuanal>' trylng tlamer lessons against the corging examiatlon, ibut Ion lote. ITire acuit>' enter sud fie lia>Ioleeped-loranch attention ta football, boing, etc., sud toniltile attention t tire, prescmlbed studies of tire academy>. We are tiren Introduced miat bant-1 er Asitou's slnd>'. A note tram tire lacuit>' bas apprisei hm o f Jack's dIlagrace. Tire olti father dlues udt take tire neya pilosopicaily, for wh'bn Jack arrives ve flnd hlm Iln a iovcring rage. Jackt explains tire it- nation trutirfult>', bot tire fatirer la lunreasonable. "Out Of mY bouse; go esrn your lIving b>' your muscles mince you seem to prefer It." Jack Wants Champion. -Tirree montiru laler Jack daahes lto- iis sveetireert's home vith tlie i' t1a4 tidînga fiatire iras been engageti as boulng instructor et tire famous "M29000. vir>'tirat w v agitave dad,." "*Ses irere, Mr. Carter (vbo la preal- dent of the Olympîc club), iii you liaek me w iglit MeCaifs-yr "Will VL Do you mean lU?" «'I do. Put me In tire ring vîlli t tan ant i gve me a chance," "My boy, 1 believe yau eau do it; 111 back you." Tirops-l dent steps tirOe middle o!fie ftour sud sunounem tirat Jack Ashrton,boit- Ing Intructur of thre club, accepta Ire Ceoturys offes- and viii figlit Jcr Me- ('Ifs-e>'fer Ire mlddlevelgirt cirai- piaf amp. We liren ses tire articles sîgned sud botir men go luto active training» Before tire firt round le over Nic- Caffre>' realizes bl itsmstake, but t's tue late, MeCaffre>' exortu ail tire treacirerous tricks of su oid figiter, but ta no avail, Jack's qjtlckness raves mlm f rom ail thre traps iis vtly antagonlat isys for hlm, andi bis sesengr sud clevernesi boon begin te shrow. B>'Ire end or fie second round McCaffrey knovi ho lu up againut the flgirt of!iei life. He proves gara. enougir, but thoso rushes pres- age tire begluniug offie end. Time &fiter turnelie goes davir for the count, but oui>' te regain iis feetsud lie agatu sent upravliug. Tislnletire opening Jack vas okig for-a hard upper eut to tic la-e and MeCaffçey's puglilutîe fame la oves-, Tire referee toile off fie fatal cauni ten, tirova tire nev cirampionls gioveti baud up in iis admirera an d praqlaims young Jack Ashton "King of tire Ring." Jack hias vlred iis fatirer ta meet hlm at ten o'ciôck. asel in hie dressing room after tire figlt ve stIe pround boy prèseut iris fatirer xtir Ire certi- lied cecek. "Gentlemen, 1 enteredth Ie ring ta sare rny tather's bottor, and ti il iiie ra> firat sud iast figit. h hope the, OlYrapie Club F111 awaye have lire 'King of the Ring' sud the bet" --- - i six of tirose lndîced are lu custody>. Their nomes and tire bLIla agaînet them are: Lewis G. Browsning, trrae bill for larcnv ('barged vîtir steaiing $55 frui WiliasSwanon.. George Stilar. larcen>', cirarged 'sItir atîatiig $60i from Josephr Bend- Krt.ter lio'o.iuasa.îit itir dead- iy -a îîap i 1h i ictentunkitI, chargel with triîîg a rexotvur rît Sebug Ka- loosaiiin an Oak aireet pol room. Frank John Burgess, imurder, chsrg- ed with stabîhnig of Private Josephr Rayburn in a IHiglivood blînd i pg. Audrew Pogan, larceny, cirerged wli tirte ibeft of $W ZfresiJohnu Rer- zic. George Sinith, larcraey, ttargd wltir stealiug mone>', tkstand dodu' irtg front Station Agent Job5 Kline aI Fort Shieridan. Tire eleven true bUis meturned T'uesy maie a total oft twenty-olght cases ou tire peopie's docket befome tho court thîa tem't. Sage WiII Case on Trial. Monda>' rornlng tire vIii cortesi case of Mrs. Ellen Brener agelnst ber mother, Mrs. Margaret Sage, over Uic wiii of ber fatirer, Tbornag Sage, vas called. Tire jury vas part>' seiected but the case wap coutinueildihc rai Wcdnesday momnIug for tire cx- Lmlnatuon of candidates for naturali- zation b>'tire court. Mro, Braner la conieBtjng tire yul of ber father, a former resîdeut, of the north aide of Waukegan, At Uic ime 0f ber father's lasi IMues Ms. Braner came frornther home lu Wash- ugtou to see hum sud alleged IraI oer mather vauld not allow ber lu ire honse, bcbng angry ai Uic dangli- crsB marriage. Tuesday ettemnoon about 30 appUl- canto for naturallzatton were examn seti b>' the court aud Assistant Unît- ed Statua Attorney' Kapsa, from C'hi- ago. c e c Appeli Farm Sold. Wltb a sale attire door of lire court bouse, Tuesday altemnonu, tire trou- bles o! tire Appeti heins vere brougiri mbt the lime ligbt viren the 160 acre far t tie>' ver-e given lu partnersbip b>' tieir fatirur was soidti t satiaf>' Ireir cdaims. All attempts to tilvîde tire farm have failed. Tire case iras been lu Ire courts for years andrana gone 10 tire tatu supreme court anti been remsutied. Tire moue>' ln nov ta be divlided, emong tire contestants. The sale vas matie b>' Muter Ira Chancery E. L. Clarkte and Hlas-sy Riddo purchasedth fe lard for' 812,50. Discouraged by Closlnt ef Several Big Tracka and Sis-ingont Laws which Mamper Sport. Ed Geers, America's moot naleti traîner and driver, ma>'i nVade Irje fomolgu cOuntAes lu test iris ukili againat tire best of Austmsaa Russan tati Englisir euperts. Altirougiras ai- lent as ]2 thereaoriy days of Ire bar- nes orid. xvien ire earnod fie Babri- quel of tire "Sphinx ofthfe trotting turf," tire veteran bas lIet patience villi Ire violesale crusade agalust the racig game, 'sr- b ias curteled tire irness meets au veti as runuîng meetings, and, viicirln sereral In- staices iras causeil tbe cloolng do-en of aucir iraeka as Cleveland sud oth- ers. Geers bas Just ceiebrRted iris fifi>'- eigirth birtbtia>' It was onuiis irtr- day fiat fie "silunt man" eupresseti a desîre 10 brvade Germai>', Russie, Austria and aIrer Europeant countrios -ere fie Aiterican standard breti iromie irasbien velcometi, sud viere big purges are furnlsired for fast pac- cru sud tratters. it is kdevu tiat tire otan>' aitacks un tire racla-g gate lu aIl departotenta Iln Ainerica iras dia- couraged Gecra lo uaîch an exteul tirai ie iras lnqulred loto ondltions abroad. On MirIshrtirdav tireveteran Geura told of bIs firai "nioiint," irlIch irap- pened yearu ago, before iris debut on s mînor or Grand circuit. "h drove a pair af caives on mit- fatirer's farm," sa4d Geers, "sud I gitese I ai tire race, as Uic>' hrokh- away froot me, sud I badl my firat isjIl" GeeseellIl regards bis teal In driv- Ing Globe, Belle Hamlusand Justina 10 the -earld's record for triple team, as one ofaiel greateat achlorcments. Tire raile vas receti Off ln2:14 ln 1891 ,aud lsUul holda tire uarld'a mark, titra. Larsen llved alone lntire bouse, bier two sons bueiug somevirere ava>' frorntirhe cît>'. One daugbter lu marriedtietoDennîs Murphy, su cm- ploye for tire electriecCompany, vho uvuru vengeance, yesterday mrnnung, vireralie sav tire brutal beatiug bis moirer-m -law irsd ruculved, Fred Jobnson, a painter, is aise Mra. Lar- sun' ason b>-lber lrst inairanti, Her busband la nov lu tbe count>' farm. Wîîcrî the two vere living on Lewis uxvenue.ire irecame alcit sud abe nursed him for a long time. He was finlai>'takeni toelirefarra nsaie muxed tu ber preseit borne. Wbute mur-hinîvstery la attacbed to tire attack rinîoli lier, tire htsplons of tire police anîd relatives have beun aroused Fmît an arreat la probable. Atgy deflnite stîttemunt ai thins Ilte would mean tbe escape o! tire suspect, Tire entiro e-,iide, In, Ueic elgir- borooti, la greati>' eucled sud tire asisallant of tire olti yaman, If caugiri b>' Irem, viii ire ireateti ln a mariner ii brutli or4c warrants, FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIIES BEING SUCCESSFUU.Y IIANDLED IN ZION CIfY Salierrt feat ures 0 f the statement 0f Receiver Thomas of Zion City te thre SUN thIi. wel: 1-The tenor of hi, forthcoming report on the affaira of Zo iyj Optîmistic in the extreme. Zo iyr 2-The net profit by the Zion institutions for the six menthe sndlnr January 31st le shown at $M0663.11. .3.-Over secured dlaima there la in assets, $1,403,%83.12, againat $4,"6r, 626.33 unsecured claims, or in other word, thre unsecured claims aretrrow worth more than they have ever been, or twenty nine cents on the dollar. 4-There is now a million dollars in property on the estate that in abso- litely clear and unencumbered. 5.-The departments show net earnings. 6-Some of the asuets of flaed valuation have been sold in cxtte of thoîr approxîmate valuation te make a profit of over $4000 for the esatate. The entîre report lndicates that Recelver Thomas la the man wlrom Mona City wlll have ta thank for the deliverance tram dollar and cunts bendage whlch appears te be fleur. A better report haa not been rendrsd 81904, the. estate of ZVon ha.ban In thre hands of the rýW4~vers and ail due ocrodit"choWi be pald ta thre man responsible for it ail-Gui. 0. Thomas, RicaNver. OPM 4 MARCII TERM Of CIRCUIT COURT Two Murrler Cass Burgess-Rayburn Case ai Mlghwood and Amann Case at Fort Sheridan, and One Attempt- ed Murder, the Moosîgan Case, Are the Startliog Features of the Re- port Grand jury investigations and a bost of minor motions Monda>' beld the attention uf tire circuit court. Thie court oireaed et one Idonday af- ternoon vith Judge Donneli>' on tire liencir. An atidrestu tire grand jury b>' States Attorney Dady and Its meet- ing vas the firsi business donc. Dan- iel (irady ta horeuian of tbe jury. ' C'ases that vere set for this terra, frer lait, vere pl4ace on cadi Monday They are as follovs: Brauner vs. Sage, set fer lirat trial; Justin vs. (Cern Products set, for trial following; Garresteen ws. Village ef Fox Lake. on cati; Barr vs. Follettu first day of second jury veeli. A petitiosi vas Monday rnronlng cir- eliated amosig the attueneys asktiag the ber1oti te postpone the terut of court for tvu monuts. 'Me petîtion Ptated l sckness amiong lhe attorneys afii rhî familles o-f sorne as the rea- stil Tbr- uobjectiorns of somne caused 1h'- droplurng of the I>lr~tton and it tvaý tot tirtvnoted. 'Th- iourt roorti 's filbt i ,lii inn u' . 'tun--îi--,and F;-î-'aîor- 1L' -. -v - ogo lt. r-f ir- b'- gra .î t jsî a e u tt mr EL-yen out of thirteen indrctimenvv xuere returned b>' the grand jury as true bilts Tut'sday mor-ning, viien a Litile before notai, it uade lis report to Judge Doneill'ln circuit court. Of the eleveir true bills tire Most lmpor't- ant are thecle against F'raak John Brr gess for murder sud Kriloer Hoosîgas. for asseuit vltb a deadi>' veapon vîtir luttent 10 fri11. IThe truc Ibill agaînet Hecnry R. Amenn for murdor mekee tic thîrd c9 Iris khrtd that ,arc nov ho' libre Uic court. Thoos ln CMatofg. 0f Uic eleven truc bills returned, Sîxty-five Cases on Cali. Thle court Cali, tssued Tiieaday, hadl r65 caseson the cail for tht, 1term,0f Ifiese ten are tu b(' îrled by 1the court vîthout Jury, linportant oires on the call are liraui 1.% Sage, (ooke vs. the C'ity of XL u]kegan, Paddock vs. the North Shi. ý-Eli. rlc COmj)any Leave wae %f n ort day in the case of Jenstri vs ihe North Shore Piectric to airrîrd ithe Lnarr. The leopie's cases aZ iii on 1the raill The case of the Chicago Hariare Comnpany against the city of North Chbicago vas Monday contitiel and In the case of (Charles P. Hiebe vs. Caleb A. Busick, a Zion eviction case, Leader and King were SPointed at- torneys for the defense by tire court. BflLlIART'SS§»IRIî VISITS COLONY Commands Mis Erstwblle Followers la Get Buay and Do a Little Misaionav'y Work. Jacob Beitharta gbost bas walked again. Mary Beiibart saw Ir So did Ernity Leonhardt and Virginia Mloore, known as "Bob," thre vonrai lar of u the colony. It appeared nt the Spirit Firuit farrn, ai Ingleside at dead of rilgîr, and orîîlniunircated with thre tan s.oiueil untit 'arly in the mOrnrsjg ft"forc- rit,- rorririg ltght carne, hçme v-r, tire piritorth,- dead leader hdi iid o oihr ieitltii Tire tvvo svoien were awakeiie1 frin iieir silumbers by do,'1, groans, thc> saidli.Situing up lit bed thev heard their Leader call: "Arise, my cbldreot. 1 have import- aot communications for tbesr.'* The wompn Quickl' obeved. 'la rail wail with thee? vwas the first question theé ghont put. The women asaured the spirit that ail was weiL -How la LÉ with t» colony" the gbost then aakéd. , The foilowers lt qfor, the col- 'gay b~Aabeela-= , aug sce tie leader', death. Thor a"e Dow only Luil perse at thre 0Ooey, Lactudlng Mwo cbtiui-OL "t knew as Much,"sudd the leader. -.Are you etil fithfhj?"L "Tes," vas thre anaver. -You, yourseives, are faitml," con- tinued the gbost, "but ame you flght- iorg for thre cause? Why are there no additional members? tIce-rt you to go ru the clty and get recruits Lu unr colony. Preacli the gopel on Lbhe atreets. Let aIL b-ar of ut that the coloriy may increasi- and not pertaLi.- The women say îhey promised the' spirit ufthieir leadril tu foliow bis in- aiructions arnd begîîî a campaîgr itr C'hicago for ni-w roctrîits. The ottis menthers will be exhortei Lu foliow the Injunction ntf Lb' chost. Thre taik with thre spirit contlnued until almost dayiight, accordlng Lo Mary Beiibart, th£ sîster. GIEERS MAY RACIE IN r OREIGN LANDS AGED WOMAN IS CRUELLY BEAThN POLICE HAVE SUSPICIONS AND ARE WORKING ON WMAT IS BE. LIEVEO TO BE CLUE TO PER. PETRATOR OF OUTRAGE ON WOMAN, 77 VEARSOLD, THAT MAS AROUSED IRE 0F WAUKE- GANITES AND DEMANO ARREST Tbe terrible beatling of an aged west aide wonîan, Satturday riigbt. marked one of the muaI brutal crîies ever comrnitted ln Waukegan. Nirs. Samuel Larsen, 77 years old, la the victlrn and ber condition la sncb that IL couid have beeu caused by no une legs than a fiend. Her face ls one raw bruise, ber rigbt hand hears a severe eut, sud on thre back of ber bca.j la an ugiy gaah, Wbat tîme the crime vas commit- ted Saturday nlgbt le unknown as It vas 001 dlscovered untIl about nine o'ciock ycsterday mornlng, vben Mm. Larsen staggcred out of ber borne sud -as seen by neighhori( The police believe the womao vas agsaulted late Saturdaynlgbt. Robbery Cause of Attack, rtobiîery 'sa- the (anse of the at- tack 0, te wootan although a rnys- terY la attacbed to the tact that ber bhome waos ingted otît. It is an oid sback on wesi Washington streel. ner LEdison court. 'shere the ('oins fornierti liv ed. tIrs a. i.n i iav ed the' u t ihroîîglî tti- Iî orti - iut ls nuri r. 5î ext îtîd v littie vvork il, atîtte ut ber ugo. Ili a discurirected alo-> ut what ttaiperied Lu ber, wbicii ahe toLd tu lier neigbbors axhen thev aaw ber yeq, Lerday, sire stated tbatar be as alone in the bouse, as usual ,and lit someq tirne durlng tbe nigbt that aome one nounded on tlie duor. Before sire could dres sun open it, the noise had ceased. Sbe vas f right- ened sud deterrnlned to get to s nelghiror'a bouse. For this reamon sbe QictlY aPesed tire door ani made a run for the noigbrr'g bouse, li way tbere Bbc vas caogbt, strrv nansd *ragM dbock &%Wu bS borne. Then sire ays morrey vas de- manded from ber. "Ln ber repiy tirat aile bad noxe, se vas ordered to open the drawera ln tire few helongiogs ln tbe roorn. One drawer had o knoband sbte stated ibat sbe cmuIdnot open tI . 'you sawed thosa- knoba off au vonr u-ilrt"ber av'iailaot stated anid lis Lterîdt'.h attacti onîîber oas atarîed. Frîom ihen un tier alors tetta hoih- i Afttîr tlie attaick she nhiat baive îtraggî't iir-t iithe aecond story of lier home. i a tiigbt ut stairs that la alrsiost lIke a ladder, for the rîpîter fluor la eux ered with btood and tbere is une large pool of Ilun the iluoor. She was unconsclous, abe stated. until Sunday mornlng, wben at fne,- abe' maoaged t0 atagger from the bouse sud uelgbboras aw ber, Bbc waa discovered by memberg of tbe (3amasb famllY, vbo live foait data' sud tu wbose bouese ed tried.ita escape viren ber assailant caugbt ber. She vas faken Into tiroir home sud the police vere lmmedlately notifled. Corsplete investigations of ber borne was made vitbout the finding of an>' dlues but any questioning of Uic vi- t lm was impossible on accolant of ber extreme nervousnees that vas aimoat hysterica Sbe vas lmmediately removed 10 bhe bospitai under tire care of a pby- sician wbere, last nigirt she vas rest- ong lulte, eaalty, but was very weak and vas stili la tire mont nervous condition. Any ver>' serions resuis from bier experience vere ual looked 1 - -- --- - -i Institutions Show Profit. lits report, wbhcb a-lt ie qiite clab- olti- goîîîg inito detaîts. Ltossibtlities arîd concrûe figuras,'sili show s net lîtofit made b>' tbe varions instîîtr- tions of Zion îiuring the six montirs previona tu Januar 31, of $20,663.11. You witi notice that tbe terni la net pirufits. The receix-er bas taken oint expenses of ever>' concelvable ekind, ualary for clerks. lavyers, tire recelver, taxes, interest and ail man- fer of rmnnning expeuses. In viev of tire faci tiratiIbis la proirab>' Uic first lime lu tire iistory of this cutate wcien An actual net prOit iras bhe= abow, nobody a vonder tirat Mr. Tiromas ln wearing a bla" amnide snd feeling extremol>' Mas fRalsid 8147000. Since taklng charge of Uic estaie on Jane,56af lest year up ta Januar>' 31, tire recciver bas raiued lul actuel cash covet $147,000, vircr bas been applied ln taking care of lnderled- îîess, rîrnrting exîtensea, etc.. leaving a balance ln the irank aetbte prusent timte ut $36,11.07. Tho Lîresent ahowing of assets of iroeustate. 'sit be seeuln tire fortt- cornig re'port urthtie receiver, la $ LJt 2tR2.80ý Prevent aecured lia- trîhîties are $238,199.68, leaving excesa of assets over secured dlaims 0f $l, 403,983. 12, or about twsenty-nîne cents un the dollar for ail unaecstred claIm- anits, vboaeclcima are $4,866,626i.3 Tirese figures are based on velua. tiona madle Jul>' 31 tas, viren condi- tions vere mucir Inferlor t10 Uoe or thre present tirne. Bince that Urne tire volume of iudebtednestsiras been te- ducot b>' $111,850, to se>' noling of munîung expenses, insrsraiice, etc., yhleb, If couuted, vouid make a ta. tal of about $138,000. These munng cupenses durlng tire lesa ixelumoulu bave been reduced aithtie rate of $21,687.84 per year, oau vicrthUIn.t lereet cbarges are about $4,000 a year les. Estate Naw Owns Clear Millions. As stated previocial> lu tirege col- umnull, the relate nov aos over $1, 000,000 vorth of pro'perty upon vhIrei tirere la no ludebtetinesu Whatsoever, jInd tis volume of cear praperty la constanly -lucreasing. Borne of thc departments wvIrei bave lirlovu net carnînga dorlng tbe six moulue covered b>' thc present forthcornlng report of tire recelvor, are as fallavi: Land sud Investment Associaion, $20,942;, Ceocrai stores, $5,703.19: Paver and Llghting Departruent, $4,' 065.29; tire Plumbing Depariment, $585.49. Anlirer Item vortr>'of mention la tire fact lirat lie ret'elver bas made n sales of fixed assets tire suma of 14, 983.37 ln uxceassof prevus valus- ldons. Tis may be taken as a tip to Indîcafe tire poaalblllteuo! tire future vitr vise management, As Recelver Thomat remarked, "Tirere la, daytlgirt abeird." Trîbute to Good Wos-k. The recelver, vis fueliras muade a muaf splondid record durlng lire few montirs of bts incumireno> in ofice, and on hebhilf ofthtie Investors. tire Neya; deRirAes to cougratuiste him most ireartil>' upon iris able manage-j ment andi magnificent eboving. 1 It la antipated lirat tire complote report vIii ire malle«y ta Investors soume Uienext veek GRAMMLAE PASTOR SPURNS PARTING GWTý Sends Back Mandsame China Set Which Ws Packed Among Mi* Belonriggaat Mis Departure. T'pon tire departure of Rey. Haven- er frorn the pastorsnip ofthtie Con- gregaiional cirnrc soute montirs ago at Grayalake severat of tire membera. ah bobeldliini lnbigb respect pro'- sentet i hm wlth a banilsome china tes set. Tisvpackage vxav gixenbila upon bis doîiartng snd iacked ove>' un- seen b>' mm b>' one 0f tire deacons de tbe cirurcb, viro gave hilathti p tbat tirere was a "prize package'"ft him, viricr ball been presanted b>' some of tbe members vbicbho v as to open upon bis arrivai at bie new charge, Nevoo, Ill. This thre paraon accepted -elti pro' fused Iranks and started merril>' a. bus vay. Several veoits laler wvireji i UY parsan found trne for unpacking 1%1. gonds e sau acraqs Uic «Priueia- âge.- Rec unpackod thus viii great eu* and u>rido, but su, vire ie d:,- covored tire> ver» only ctinmuatin ifo the oria>'Clay., bis bogies vsa8b Now, really thre apais Wu ou""~ for gald bricks, be bad toast a *gw heore ho lotGrayalare, ma" i..W tiraught the gond souls a ai vea Iilsg a fev more 10 staut hbinaAlonig relgie- lng, but tu bis great diaguat, tre> vere oui>' disbea, and tiraI ln hua e- timation, only tire ardlnary iad. He declded ai once la luform iIs former fiock vbat ire tirouglit of thir gift, and asenti return tire dishes, - It la alleged ire vrate ln part: "I witl nut bave your diabes. Tire>'arc 'common', 'cbeap.' I would mot ett my breakfast upon tirom. i ean u o tbem fur $1.98 ai the Boston stare. Take hack your dilicus that thon gar- etb. Tbe parson lavetr s chnerfu giver but diapisetr s cheap skate,"1 Tbis vritlen lic bstlly repackid tirfle anessd adreesed fiens C, O. JDp P. D. Q., lu one or tire deaoni aI Grayalake. UPon second tiraugisl ie adde4 a pooseript vbleh ht la ailegn'rem0 lollovi: "I amO-wirnga-iMAb$dpujt ai alto of tire.stors, oe *n 99 cents, Yeu 'mu> hinad thesfib dlirbes te square seqousia," He seaw itire leu« ran tu hit seln Matlsylag marndér valked davu hte the posl ome and mallid It "There, nov I Wonder viro vii open, that later-aud rsad it" ht la alioged tiat tfils le no a l?> taie, viiteri 4y nome day drequer, but tiretlire fact la fiers a" tire dîsires lue waling at tire Qrayis»r station for saute one wIfi $1.85 te bail tireraout. Are tiere an>' more people araond GraYslake wlth a gold brick? Molv farvard, brother, sud gel your iares. Nesd Blind Tiigor Law. Beys tire inois lsue: Tirere ta no phase af thre sntiesloom situetion Inu imis tiret bac saOUsq more gencrail Iteronttflan thre pro' Peci of securlng a biud tWges]ai.r. , EvoVr>' calmuit>'tir.t bas votel lb' self "dry" under tire new locai op"li 1ev ira foit tir e" o4 f a more4$u aud effective Mieliod of etr.s. Thle poo4e have doue weli ladume doardgWal wîth lthe maoset 1tir cornenulfor caanpeiint abeimeneh thre 1v, 'but tirey are neiesly "da learfuilly bendlcapped. IUrss-y eeg- deration of rigtri sud Justice and cour mon faimuesa demanda relief tram lie tromendous pressure ci tire lqire power tc, break dovo hlr1evb>' on- couraging ILS vlo!ation. TIre enormons dlsadvantage of bar- ing to depenil onatire mon Who Sb. ronize tire bmd tigere for eyldence le convict tre proVrietora of tem là apparent toa syone viro gÎvesil A- moments tiougirt. Tire acarei vs' tant ta uaed ta suppreffs ganrbln8& and no corniunit>' ls afficted wIdâ - gamblIng If hi is resu>' deterUei lté, -e -ýw 41.50 PER YBAR IN ADVANCE. 'ireZMon Cit Neya fr'day sald: We called on Receiver Thromas in bis office tire other day and fofrnd tirat gentleman husil>' cngagcd pre- paring bis serni affluaI report to the Irtrestors. He vas iu a moat optIitiîc rnod, 'sure s ver>' eogaging amile, and tu trac bis owrî wurds, ire ttds on iuoo3 iog over the situatign and footing trî bis filgurestirat "tirer-e la dsyiigb: There le notthe aiIgbtftt wby theelavissa Uquor jotu4 mg not ho deait wfth lnthe mm 1555 anotzior, aa tin transtomation seen,,s, , i t t a c fi fi . 1 1 1 a ti p a as r a Il tq a