~Waukgan ewsI Township PrimarieS Moid Lest Sainsday Reauli in Docisive ' Defai for Cramond, The. tovu prlmsriev beld Iu Wauke- township Saturday btetweeu the o! one sud seren Iu the, after- resuitet in s sweepiug rictor>' Edvard Conrad, candidate for su- Mlr. Conradi piied Up a record smashi- An vote for the norminatiou for su- 'pSetlor, lu spîte o! determined sud . âe.tCo dean ruethoda used to beat .b. ad bis rîndication was a ma- 'l osrt.y of 1088 rotes over iis oppon- enSt, Alexanrder Cramoud, vbo vas erauesingl>deteated. ~jIDwiag le a ilst ofthe nomixrees « tihe repuhUican tovu primarles, vlCh I -s etatesuent of heir maJorities: UDWAEX) CONRAD, superrisor, Joiyof 108. RxNET DEÂCON, assistant super- vw majSity o! 299. IL.J. DOUGLAS, for assessor, mas- .3ornta'of 802. XODERT B. MUTAW, collector, plu- re ~lly of 175. O015ce Whcne There Was no Conteat. O0ces viere her, vas no contest ansd candidates for nomination vere as felova: Town Clork. GRO. W. HUTCHINSON. Justices of h Pence. (Five to be elected.) WILLIAM F. WEISS. REUBEN S. BOTSFORD. JULIUS BALZ. JAMES P. NIURRIE. EUGENE M. RU.NYARD. Rusd Commissioner. k lf KRISTAN. Scirool Trustes.. C EL AI.BRECHT. Town Cessitts.. IL IL I.N ALLS. W. IL BmIH Tsbiwemvue yen candidates for tý esautabissMd ithe feioving ina acon- cm at«Batt crthe vote, h. firat *» Imm fat ,hgthe uomnatioes,, Ire te ADAM VSo~u l. L. U M=T, 1957. QORoMoS BOWN. 1:199 r ~ ~ ~ I Hi*#c .MK, 1105, W.ALTM I rKOWSKI, 631. PEERDELATOSKI,419. HYMAN FMNKELTEIN, 229. coBrnra Comnment con Resuits, li ugoeralY cnceded hat he Weskneu o! Che W#nkegsu Neys, 1M.ok raits paper, vas shovu b>' h, Csauod vote as the News bcd as- Iled Conrad tbath sud toe naîl sud bld spred no Pains to try to defeat bi45iet h, primar>'. in spite of this bMt Conr-ad vine Ch, nomination orer t 19 altOne eral>' admitted hat lhe Conrad vicier>' shows Che Bidlnger -UWtL stesasMr. Eldiager worked liard ce Mr. COrdi beisi! and h, tva me sclose Perdonal sud poltical tomd u al.Tbns h, Conrad Vigor>' iodsver>' tavorahly for h. Elingr rictus-y. LAKU C0UM TYMEN IIAKf THO~R MARK Oraftee Wiix Not the. Oniy Mn Who Hes Loft $UN te Gain Sue.... « % D aies of theUnited States, M toau..of 011w,-. In Verioua 14«« 10Idicate. Rose Likes New Orlean. Nevapaper men vho go ont o! Wau- kessa seen te be maklng a greet bit Ca th big daie« of the UnIted "M 98 a letters receIved at h. SUN o0100ce t am euO!hero shov oday. - I.eter B. Coiby- la nov attach.d to the Meurphis NewvaScimitar, ut vblcb WMIlClemeus, uephev ta 'Mark ?vaja,' Osearuel Clamons, ls maaag. Mgla editer, sud bas Just about f allen la love vii the, prctty soutieru it>'. B$ wu asformerl>' attached ta h. SUN Mr A. Rose regards New Orleans, vbhele la a staff rua au th Times 1)M»West. as Weil as Coibi does Meu- bt- , and là maklng is mark on tels 3îîerWhICii la noted for nus gener-ous ltuntmm0!ofils employez. Graftte WiIcor, anoteer Waukegan sKIA bUtt ith Olou>une vho bas nwA. a great aucceas of nevapaper w9* sbrosd, la nov he secretar>' of t4oIr Ciricago Nevepaper club sud a b<cS rasa On h neyas ection of one o<t i. Cicago dainies. YbMhp Kineley vben lest bear-t tram &fier h. national campalgui, durln whch lievas attached to the, jeu. ecuaitte., spoke of going back totheSi.Ciicage Tribune, where b, vas a str man. lu Memphils partcularly' Wauksga neye voriters sud It li atrdio hat su>' man halling tramthsct can land a position tees-q If he vishes IMarc Rasa vas furmeri>' vlth he Memophis News Scimitar aud Lester Coiby vas farmerly vitb Che Fort Worth Teiegram. nov the Star. JUDICIAL DISTRICT NOT !NLARGED Representalive A. K. Stearns Foils Schemne of Msklng Kano Couniy s Pari of the District. Due to s fight put up ti>'Represenl- tatire A. K. Stearna of Wautkagan thee judicial district remains Che same. Lake, Boune, Mcllenry and Winuebs- go. Representatire Stearns is a member of theeeuh comnxttee ou judlciaJ dIst- ricts. The sciiema vwu to lucinde Kane omm nt> kthlt judicilicircuit Attorney Stememsurged ht thie district b. retaiaed saiCt la and a Judge ha placed on tue beuclu for ech ta thee four present countUes kn the district. He sncceeded lu preveuting the merglng of Karle county vite tee dis- rict but did not succeed lu gettIug Che four judges. Hearing on Hatcher>'. Saturda>' marning Represetatire Stearus callildbelore hlm Captain Smith o! Wankegan. reteran flser- roa and fishiles expert, vbo gare data on Waukegan's sud Lake Michi- gans ueed for a isii batcbery. - Represetatire Stearus steted hat the figt ta net tbraughth e Waukegsu appropriation o! $5000 for a tiatcirery was proviug a bard one and ticguru- morred Mr. Smith, tiie heat poeted commercialfIsherman. posseli>'ou Lae Michigan, ta gther information sud suppy ira hm vte uaeded data ou h projeot. Most Important Data. The reniait o! the caufereace ves ht Captain BSmithi sspplled Import- ant Aacts te be uscd as arguments ui tiithelegilastuareto secure Wauke-. 11hai Waskesa ln the principal fiah producer lIlincis on lAke Miebigan sad tuait Ifai nduistr>'lu large, Ira- portat sud wS yi>of! preeratlon veres aovu, aud t" .repr«smMUtV., un a resaioth i, omtmes-ne, yul nov tele itu e . sigliltslreud. Judiciàl District Fixet. Iu bth the, senaie sud thehause bille the judIcial district rerusin, the ses and viii te so r.ported bacit for passage soon. NO ONE KNIEW TIIAT T11EY WERE WED South Chlcsgoan Weda Mns. Lililan Reeble Ritchi, There. Frank H. Johnson, superviser of labor et the plant o! the Illinois Steel Company andi president of thre Southi End Center, stole a marcb ou bis friends last Mouday viien be vas Quletly unlted ku marriage vità Mra. LlIlla Reebie Ritchie et Lake Forest. Biniehat fCm. h. secret lis, hem eo closel> gusrded hat even Mr. Jolinsons mont Intluut. friends knev nothlng about bis marriage. Tuesdsy morulasgteInformationvwu receled at h, steel plant sud surprise vas maulfested on every aide vhen It vas learned hat the popular superviser of labor bcd heen enjoylng a crulse on the placid matrimonial ses for h psst veek, sud he>' bcd never sus- Per-ted It.-Bouth Chicsgo Calumet. Veuivas Annual Report. Vohvaas prfs-aa briag pan ot ope- rating bis Industries in, accordlng te bils annual report a sucoceansd cou- siderabie sais have bsea dlvtded a. hic outlined la Iis Msement I My 1909, tire foloving sboviug h. dil. tzIbution of the. profts, mcosdin te he unique scheigne for h. ten mccli. ,uded Januar>' ai, 1908. 'dliva oçpesates a general stors, a onsI Yard, a barber &hop, a wagon ami blacksmithi shop, sud £a a suad aemploya about 66 persons. 'Total net gains ta Jan. ai, 1909, 7447.69, Chàrged ta depreclatlon, $447.69. Net profits for distribution aud sur- plusk $1000.00. Ten per cent to tee extcnsion of the, Klngdom of Gad, $700.00. Fart>' per cent to customers, $280, 00. Fire per Cent toarien, $860-00. FItteen per cent ta amployees, 110- 50.00. Surplus,110000. Fortify uow agitirrît tire grlp-!ar It e0orne very nucetimîri mure! Preveitre- tire littie Candy Coid Cure Tabletg--ofisr lu hierespectaiuoste.ertain sud depend ahi.esafegnard. l'reventicsl, etth fineere stage" viii, as weli. also surel>' bead off alcommon cuide. Sut protupt- us@ es sahl-importent. Reep Preventibce lu thee octetor.pur9e, firn luchant use Dosire te Amend the. Hunting Law@ snd Weuid Take From Cengroes- man thoir Birthrighl. Among h, reeolutions sdupted hy h Illinois FaLrmer's institut, at Rock- tord last veek ver, tee folIovlng: Resolved, That tire game lavs of Illinois sbonid b, so amended test it shall be uniavful to kîli au>' quai or piresant for- a perlod of ire yesrs. tirai huuting on prIvate * premises witirout permission of theovner, shail be a misdemeanor sud the penalty shall te theRanme as that for iruutlr.g vithout a Utense; hat ail game Mtii- ed sIrAil ho carrled lu open nvie, sud hat shootiug on Public highvayt or on the preuises of anothes on urun day, shah raid he license of the bunter. Wherass, fier, are coilected, -put up snd dlstributed yearhy b>'thre Unit- ed Btts .govmrnînst, an cangreSion- ai orders, 40000,000 packages o! mis- ceihaneaus vegetable sud flover seeds, and Wiioreas, Because -of Ch, gresi quantitY required for Chus distribu- tion, th, seeda ahtaled can be of staudard sort oniy, snicb as are ta be fonnd ererYwhere for sale lu the open maket, and consequenti>' uo practical Obeot la galned by sncb work, tirerefore, Resolred, That theeIllinois Farmers' Institute lu annuel meetig, do bereti> requeat aur representatives in the United Staies cougi-cas ta use Cieir inguence aud tireir votes to the end that theepractice may tic aiolisired. 51 'm 7 reseui40 »hOYlh u j.8« Ât*fuah ir,' Uppepriatwa Ctà MÏ maat ssturtu fl- and B.ee-tau0tt SteBo b. propehly e**iped t* t w6ed iatir. vrks out- 11laed lu Senate MU No. 164 and lions, PM -No. 136. R-,sO& ,Tiat v. express aur sp- precistin te ths H. W. Buckhee'Seed conipan>' festh* loverfuruislied for the conveution hall and for the pela- nusa affordèd b>' a visit to their plant, and Resowlv0d, that ve lend tu thre eitizen, ef Rcckford sud theFarmers' nistitute of Wnnobagn county or sin- cera thauksi for tha courteous treat- meut sud ubatantil JInterest In mak- ing this lhgtCute a success. WbereaS, 'The Illinois Educationi commuission atte r long utlnued re- search have giron expression to, its convictions that the tovusbip ahould be Made the unit of scool organiza- tion, sud Wlrerefflo, Every statenperinteud- ent of Publi nutruction ik Ilinouis bas given expressIon tu a sîmilar con- viction, Reotvd, Tirat the orgmlsiUosa de- sires te Put liitul an record as tavor- Ing h, enactanent into lav of, a bill to te 15effited ta tee genersi asseru- blY vtilch ii slmake it possible snd legal for tovzusdini wu hlch a major- lty O! the, lI votera su desire to makq the township thre unit of organ- Ization for school purpoees. A Religions Author's Staiemeni. Rer. Joseph R. Fesperman, Salishbury, N. C., Who le the. author ofmeeeral birok@, writes: "For sererai years 1 was allieted witb kidney trouble and lest vinter 1 vaesusddeniy stricken witb a severe pain in my kiducys aud was con- fiued to bed elght daysuniable to get ni> withoutag@istauoe. I rommenccd taking Foley'fl Kidn,.r Remedy and thre vain gradueallvahat'-d anud t cri-.eneed.I cheerfnlly reCOuruendFrey Kiduey Remedy." Fe.tNx B. LasSL'L. rsdae sov f otece e li. lu t laritin er tthe orNlid ffSkd peorsbnteraers ohSln poeesii-thi mara lSsd te b. otl4e a io ieh ,L .i om silyocpe aepas*eNornesChicas 0f tii oen- tii.o&Rrans h ltr«Kc beOum A" a room by he Dounht MOt Cifo a!tigro m'smier, t lCue t sud fortue on t2My -o Lske ktii.ofrtliuseluI, cD. 1 f1 . A 't. FMà - l D.nv onfl la ofc.thaand MAisde. pllona»tu thiib. ode tnare sDowAlec eshtrMyelneur & lu hêothe, or i »OUl*iMatiter Leeaud Sonthalt aus fo1teo0u seprat hmenbeaus oft areo recP" osnm.nded hytii. W- nMsietun- Irinationthesidreort, tidli ni marriageIlceuse nd-verear iliers of t*ernracedoluthepraoUScd a ILCPe romy ather ad nti theyc= kofath he imssuance of thea disttudfritect. f Ae nthe, coufrmtbuion tef or sotiiet skatrs othe fond ot ada Porut 40 i Ou iertuof a ciispc Td WOrk shouaplication tructcdora"tu tOn ag. be had 0,oMie uedatoGtse DO be tclvenordamIatgedm h owt Iheporqutyour t oted utr o tveddi nd laed hateredso n thes d ditict, o-vil l it: manthur Apanlad a ofiofr ah conp- vas bute ltieoerand ear ot ae Ciem, lendF. bradhey, Jahms w. Cent eid o nce uport t wereof.Um sud socouldnot lgallymarr s ttldgeo eore W.Wlthell. rupseD s e sat"yay t erarycntA. prey sedbe s ivngth iscothe srioetDthei orsonfimesr.ao terT L.or howNDEE bliesbi ues beandylu tbo.ber Stte, ar A. in, arldge Ho dInldain dic'ek otr outy fkamlly.mTer youn poptle ay treyfJhe Mine, WillianseeleHed ry hul oconurt eoud-ai vii ir tgog eaier.oneo! Mrs.tPeska- hoViokenorudaMarge theicke hrprtmau, tty, ho mol.d n torsn morsdt klieep er oat bon. o1tW Sheidon rmcýour, J.ArtherA r iuuadMYOfr&Ycme las u ciame o ber 20ie rofg o!bismur. Srah JneW Blte, Jaeb F. t vIecîe i uporDeal. andgesculby etber. H ary. Attgn, George W.Fore ,Tbonms D F. tts 0thdy fFeraA _______clirohoin_1_btfrte Yore Articr Meek, W Rihard ayMave'er-nvs19e0u9. whie he rid I etyii wtberSKene, MnaLr y aiKBrdeneyoRedman forer uoWltero Har fml.The Commn eoega.terJoh T.e, ians, Hereleery.out f ak Cmf to' Isues tood thatbersurrthoeorsLois F.Svift, Agnea E . ForsyAJoh f clamdt ctedaigo tbhikgaRcfodsdel- P. NSaraoh, aryE. hIAniiaraugut .P . CMeiBaigDeral.h 01 ginl ivectrlc hr.Ondeviifstr vlh tesa ir nt.nr, adMar flob eba rm antyidlnos vok gainluChbcureber.vekfHagnenerg dedvrd homrasbotTvtia opay eFr.dct the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Yoe ethrhdsgo TeuryWilArthJ. GladerEvrdO.Richad Bappy wsodtrn een, apiaof E.tG for Ch ommba ee moderk adbrg, JohGE. Cauenry lVb.tdCou tro Wu kdetan .t uruhesud teyos lin, Asi. CSwift, Jhnes C osyi, John, ou, dtI,ancnln e er tarDthce Lake It le sal ad 'ElPetou. Jin onisorE.n, Mar Olu st P .00. Mlvlnempraeri of st i. tan voernit odrael ake, ud thinr Cooli sud MayihaCu, Daid- wolkgiovln h crsoa oofmnere it 1.1 rg in MicalJRd Itreger, oh td k variaus OPats reortd, tYi trayalakher osgou L Tk e street, Williamg J. Knl erkor sudG.orge ootprertypoton ever en cak 4h. foaite Shorndriv e ae do t Cea d egoihbn ess rmnKlizehCn-one &Gler adithion. L ao. Rdn, saes- &ro StWaul epot.tock neelund sonldCin n u, John .Dv onalrn iore r tecousyao'dii torugiiLae.cout la sud couerbexp berger. Evamed oreabeNirger, al e y$,0.jepoet odI i basor hen d e o t out o! , cathn-terC ofau, and i c e lue>'. Fr nes Me- nwtrus tun r'oe h ci ty. Gring , the expetad, v in e n ya Johtn Hs icheger. Mar S. hnRe- in d c loute dartsvof chle prohbthe started te onire o sArl sud lb, ing . Knckrl borc eeran Claerg e. Duff, Clarge otion, dao se e, r uinade l LakumSvorelaivd ontotheBessoAI. sdibuinemsE.nHKnecberbker. Gilb oeruadion E . padmer, iioe frtm Waukegan to cklC. M. & sl. Za) hnlMCasonahuleGorge.P Zah frthulesaWhW h Paru deo Gryakand sdrmuergiJspt uer, Jda oebeZarne, Ei.A - ae v cDl otlau vs V hang before erene otboutdiftan c iras . Se u.e Fan k Z ae Fran ekMen- Topî>ernoisatrnd ei bemigt he, as ty.Graing Itla xpeted wI vab n, JAnnieetewi, Macyb e n loe heda 1hc a rbN btetheovcret of-Graysand thme Min-tesuwar. John Reckenw, Cl a r ,et )arguerntadntirersarserfomrteein Reclrieaduu fr h saonI adWai dam Hry loulrs ek rikadcoceebuiesbic n fr m y tbre va r toithebCoy .w &S b d t Z le had, is Zahul ,G o gZ bae, J hn J. Kosk. e alous Thg. s 0f costructio a Paul tptai had a bl fer-and s u s Jose Zhn one. JcobWilli am Gstield Ch ti e -cu time ar),we v doster s ai ossile.i Laat ivl e nnd t eth o rnpa y, Thee higtiway Commione ntua8i grd gth ftreo nng extmrio e lever wi dsancge basrd eso!elTowu oneF rnlelda. lu1 Uic i'shou-yad Tarho in-scnia ae cutre.-y alakii. Times. wa Cri na fla Rekte a n dtrr, acoRe qweun e .swniltetlr iare d ex tel Laxie sofF pa r in h s ativ a ndt ma nyrb ii- heCoigwyloîcr nf ireîii ltt,-geunn ia Gasimer, Wim. FRAIs il . LovEr L. Town of Wet Deerfild lu the Couuty ptLage. FitRNKiB. L)%ELI. ews F or (>r March-Sale W* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~he cant='t e yuhrof the nmy good hngtat we have for you a thls Great March Sale. We have muade achextensive prepmnUtons for a big rousngübsie durlng this month, that great quantities of seclally purcbaaed merchandiem.W &» Into Pur stort froru ennumerable sources of supply. Bargains galore; marchan- disecf ver desripioa -to-wear-gainments, piece gooda,4 etc.-ail the cooelng macn's new styles.Of course, what hunés of wlnter maerchandise we have are reduced ta prices that indicate the strongest determination for a' qukk dlposaL Paper and Paints i We are disposedtofkeepremind- ing you that we now carry a complete lino of Wallpaper and Household Paints in our base- mEnt. Don't think of buying before first seeing our artistie as- Sortment of wallpaper sty]es,and if you are goin-g to paint this Spring, we cau save you money. ou00WaÎstt choice, 98C 800beautiful new Wi.ts; materials comprise flué white lawn, fipred lawu, Cotton cbevioti, figured madras. wool batistes, made in à van- ety of handsomestyles, tuoke Die d, lonig aleeves, SL50 ad 12.00 va1uikes, EWIi price, CHILDUEs DEKSSS-Made cf ging- haîn, plain and cheoked, plcatcd skirt, sizes to 14 years, a bargain at--------------... 48 N ewSpring Coats There is always astrong demand in tbc Sprinu for covert coats. \Xe are 'ihowing some splendid newstyesmad ofa fiehqao itycoin in ari ifha fine qeîil strié',52 nchs lngy(>ke lined wit sain.trimedwith black satin arnd adsadbut- WsCan'tbeduplicated 7.7J Fine Sgh Waists at $1.48 Our buyer, while in the East, Iuokily came acrosa a manufacturer who waa anxious to selU bis surplus production of 811k Waists at a big, concession. ,. Came 'in &Ul colons and blaoklong eleeves, tucked fronts, $2.50. and $8.00 values, Sale prie ... ... .. .. NUSLIN GOWNS-Women's Muslin Nightgowns, extra good quality, tuoked yoke out ful, priced for tis Sale t ...................... 29c Sheets, 39c Offe«,gf Beautiful Sprig',Suits Waistings 72zohe boa shot, At tis Ocati 4ate-you will find amciattractive showingo cf Necqspring *Srpd are u bleach.ed .deet, and t r harniing styles, too. F'or $9.95 we offer Nome very spe- c hecked white waist- i m r ve dfeliud al vaineL 11a= 0of shadow mtiped pruneila, satin finish, black an& a number ings, sheer quality, seams, good quality, oi f the uew-ahades. Hmndeomcly aql for waiste, dresses, ee.oh tailored and trimméd with but- an sd underwear, yard tonslongcoat, .plençlid values 99 . :~ .. .. ........... for .............m . qm p .121 ItaiaCoats at $7,98 f. UressSkT Ofier $4.98' Made of rubberized ilk and satini, in black and many popular noloringl, stripes and plain; alec moray effeoira f ull lcngth garments, $15 values, every seam thoroughlW cemented, %I are strictly ran- proof, sale price-........ 0Y NottiughaanCurtains 154 audi60inoh.fiuc notîluglrh acewoouatains, i yds. long, White and ecru, beautifal nev patteru., $1.25 Vaines, apectllst pair---------...... 98c, Taire your cho, froni of immense assortmeut of nobby dres. sktrts, made in tie best of man- uer fs-ou voile, chiffon panama, serge, striped no-veltios, . triped panamnas and plain and fiue stripcd mohairs, cohors sud black; ao taffeta srlk, regniar $7.50Oand $I& values, Pale price4 eg c RaIn-Bow Dyes are superior to ail otirer kiud of dyes for dyrng fetie of erery nature, one dye for élit, wooi, cotton, -(%.. linen or mrzed roateriale, Pl )er pkg ... uL W. are going teotaire oh. final @Winluthe prices of women's coato. Every garment mî%it go irrespective of ite value. It vould b. a splendid investmnent for you to buy one otf fiese coata for next winters use, &a the styles wili be.eqnaliy as deirab>e s new garmenta. Values to $ 15.00 a t $4.95 Values to $27.50 at $9.95 -n -J