Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Mar 1909, p. 1

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LAKE Cole,"NTY lo INDEPNDENT. and WAUKECAN WEEKLY SUN VOL XVII. NO 24. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1909-8f Pages $1.50 PER YEÂR IN ADVAiNCE. as teas, ber ht the SicLare,, sebool. WOULD DO TIIINGS t hîcago.BY I IlfJ'Is. Thu. ai-d19iiglathe rosoîn tof s ru- sVINJUNCIONEs tnanic sutiiItuer ouîînng in the xl clu-- tn it . V . of fuh lIiamui Lake, sblr W han Volîva Beeka by Injonction. has 1011g9 u-., totel as the~ harîîîtng t-To keep Dowlet ouI 1,100 year lI;1-itj 'tJul as b,' la th(, suri-anslîuît clases la power and to presense them, uif ;11jl%%h Iiisint here. TIi>-prinipial Z-Soit agaunst detendants naaned 1thni.c". îssî-ased hI hiiii t ba n labilfor bccakung lcages. h-iii i -il,,iio uiltnterslilceis and , 1 atm 3-Parties un sout belevel to be i . no h r-l r ecrrd rofhi, btîî '-t1aublinda for geitinig ai Reccîver Thomas. tililith,i gatine sasrd,-T, fuit siiiiiii 4-Reat contestants are X' Ibur Gecan Volv a and Receiv er Thom a. oru juta hdý ý 5-The temporacy Inunction wull Tuegnîuun, S alhave îua ,XXa,, heacing here Marcb 16 wth bogaiî lia, îîg siraid fiip\u t ina 2, George Fel as one of the attorneys ri-i'îîuî,î'u iii tt esr' Chui a w ,vi i,.,n the case. (lort of thfs tîflie was speir ii, prou îig up on a dlaim îinsWestern North liako. ta horderlng (ho Itoosiesoîtr!auîbh Returnlug homte wlth the aesîerri spîrit lustitled iWtbln hlm hoe was en, gaged to teach the JlaînionitL.ake, scbool. sslîch position ho has bejit neurty tbcee leurs, a ler. bhIs aoîk as a mchoi man is fl J y aJl icur TNiîsu Jir, ltergir blas uîjaa Is , inoat poplar tiil JJ cr Js ani >i k,,os, rs a al(uJnreul e>tig,-r ami , cîîtl'r1n i Furnittire. Iuithlntg axaJdjj s.,Ji,t JTheir tmar,> fietiii, rî,, iiî, lii the ftuî.iltî sud the tbrec tîluatea th.-ni a bai,> furttiii ot tii>- hîîîso w'c.. tottuiiut,- nii -. li Their ltbon st. ajj, j, . llig tath thir lles. Xai>r MXra Xli, laJs lsabourt 2-asit-.or agi- adî, îl aiii,'oîf bth ,,> w roto iîiii i J 1i,10 !it .T,itj (i , grine Brave Attempi ai Rescue. Abowiirîn-- ,, <liii JtiI. ntiiiî(g TIhomas ilrai, 55 t irli-'s (î, ut iitir INTERNATIONAL SOUL SAVING BUREAU [Jeigoastaiît Jjitr h - l,, aî , , hii, if -111i masa awakonil and Joeluug coirt h'.! iî nrbutAroua,]t,(i saludossas (hi' 'ut clat houle lunýBpitlirho lti flaîn:s. H uslI îg oser tri thenolose lie lihe bas urgan Fred Lb-Jtra l.otiudçod on the doors sud sheureil toi SIrs. *811chaels wthout getting auy repiy. Growlng desperate, be roke lu two doors mid a wludow, hut waa driven back eacb lime by the ire. .Nra. Micbaeia bad. been glven up fer lest wben she eame ruuuIug up sud annunc*ed that sho bail saveil ber- sý'Tf sud the twu chîilcren. The chIldirîî,. Marie agred ablouitanwo tnoria, noonul avug Bureau" Ileadquarlers are lu Aurors Obui will henlrausterreil te Chicago as soon ias branches base heen esialilishel luI the leadiug cîrles of the sorid. r The Aurors pastor flaus s stupen- doua correspoudeure seheoleoftsol saviug sud the Institutioîn is to get lu reucb svth nillîlona et the ur(ons-err ed hrough a aistoni of a aurad- andtî Yeurs and oeehaif, aîîind tha'bahY, 1 ituctu r tiostal raids, abolit file mntuhs nId, ire aJI',eJinxi Thialniiti'ijj.i' -l iia lit i11wi sanit.' nan i >tIi 'ut ta X( jI al, ies a pi-r XX'bu , sit ac.iý, ta isabunîutl , brto ih, i itJu\ , I iLI l-t JjI X XI- nTl r,ux t l> l, ut f1 - iý i- Jusuutritfu!u1 , , t1], ts1 1 . n j, l t71 -ut ,i ai ii , uTltl-1 ,, o h a d no Il,,ui , ,,I, i, , t )iuiî tît t-,l -hJd Tu 1, r u-TiTt 'lT, iii g-tt it ai tli ýl, u,j1i'A,, , ) 1 rJ kJij~un iii utl-ii-ul tt' tiil l - X1, 1lui uuul s n al of ii hu ,loaw uttito titi- roof iii iw i- Jurî ltr ,c t t -ii lii 1 ,,NiTer asTtliiîlt Made Ten Foot Jump. lui. suu uil(u, 1acb ii. -sJtuiu TI,,' in. ju tot lii-goiid as -f, l it dth e ,, iuua n itlg in -i ci iî saGil,,the(50 bailes.luhber arr,îs Tlîu-rîi t un tt t,- auritl XX'c'cas (raiý,' (liu sile tan te the uext houa,' aono e tbrougb ii- ii-n inrchlarge of tho llaceil thcuî on the stepsansd bu branthes. rled hack to let the rescuers bues, "The aivls isi-uienttas mîJJ ho placuil abe was safe, Hercousin lîves jîsr inu ualli- pîers atîd perlodicals of west et ber home aud abe snd the osery landl.Aliothers ahose sons are two chîilcren wi'tt there toc the reat msnltg su-il wnte. Sons wbo seeli o! the nigbt. toug-lost parentas, ilJIcommunicate Wbheu Mrs. Micbsels awoke o'uen wth os. We wIli flood the coiutry the flibr of ber bedroom waus ablaze, wtb pictore pestal carda of home It was as nurrow su escapue as coitl sud mther sud et the boy. 1 bave have peaslty heen made. Tbrougb- trled this plat, on a sinall seille, I eut It ail. she maîntalueil the greatear will socceoil on s large une. bras ery sud coinesa. Several soebs ugo lic Dexte, chuon The ire la aupposeil te have tartrd i lneil (he practice of firing lu trom au uverbesteil or iisconnecreil cburcbes. Ho deciared flirig wsS Steve pipe, where it pasil tbroogh a purgeil of wtcbedness lu a bouse of partition. lt bail been hrnlug seme vorship. fimie betore dîscovered us the bouse was abslaze from the cellar te the roof. Franchises are Wortless. Fîremnen Worked Good. The repuort of the atoruels for the The tire departmeut could do noib ILondlon Finance Company s(aro (bat lng wben they arriveil ou the scone the franchises of Chicago EIectrlc R. except tu protect the nigbborlng bous R. to. un North Chicago sud Xau-e- es, The building was already gnlteil gan are non worth the paper tbey une Thelr worb wss espectatiy bard ou ar- sritten on, sund this stateil (o ho the cont cf the severe Storm but excel - resson for t e deal between Frost sud lent service wasa doue In stoppiug the the Londoers talllng through. This lire quickty aud In proventlug the Iouly applieil te the eastaide lino. building troim buruîng te the ground. Why uot organize s local cempsuy The furniture sud everytblng lu the tu tabe user sud op.rate thîs vaiuable bouse was lengt. propetyInl Waukegsn sud North Chi- cago. The attitude efth(is conuipany ROMANCE ENDS tfie te (iaurd North Chicago la tir, IN A WEDDING ain ,ngol esson why sue shoulil j Frotnî Woiiesday's Sun. The utan nage of Paul Ray, Diatîtonil Lako. antd Miss JLuela Hlerschbt-rger, 1319 Congressstaroet, Chicago, tool, place tIis tii,111ringah the rosideuco of lisTtles. Ji.i',i{paifr of a wost ide Corigroguuhîuîl church. TIie u'î,j un g I h,-.u Ifa'twa a-aseraed lu the frîstalIlohi)iiittof tie Grenu thîcîi Ilte],tîl n ia ijjuIrut n(.l- mate fieîds. Tboogh thoelbtride ls relativeos lu Roglieteîter, sud is wldrrly bnown lu Lako ceunty, bavIng taugbt bore be- fore sbe accepted ber presont position iii io had el,, a usa tijper cura. iuey put lu a drait, pipe acrosa Common- waltJhbave-nueio (at wasatoo sauî, anri our officiaIs ebjoctel et the lime. Theys-tatou tuiwy ssould 0e roaponsi- bJe for aIl darage nbat nnlghbc0eoc. casionieil tterciuy* and were alluweul to go on it enh (bu rsorîr I-ter on dutu- age id hhoccur tu oc te fuîîdry Companyî and now (bey refnînc fo pay so that (ho foundrî crmtaniy huve berri tocel (e sue the ciiy. The foundry cumnîli aouti bave (bis meuey, but lot us niake the street car cM~Pany do as (bey agree or get off our streets.-Nortb Chicago Times, MOTII!R SAVED TWO CIIILDR!N PROM EIRE Mrs. Auguat Mîchaeta, Awakening Wlth Room ln Flamée, Took Babies Under Her Arma, Crawled Througl, Window Onto Ktchen Roof and Jumpecl Ten Feet to the Grounil. Hlouse Ruiniei anld Everything Loat. ith lier Juil rio!., a -s, îj Ji î,a Mlrs. AuganXJch, ,of 1h li stroîrt, early lThursala roruîîug, imail the Most r daiiur * caie from ire tli5t bas evor occurrîin l XXaukegati. XXlth ber tari sija- i ililu uder ber arruis, thieîiulî cras led out oft ho beil rooî.î ssîîîdrw onto the roof of the une story kitchen andl thon juxuîed te, the grounil, ton tfeet below. Nether of the two cilîdren or theo mother wasa JnIured. lier escape> wati niade ln ber nlght guet, only, ito nsrrow a usaralu w,,s ruade ro sstety, and sbortly atter It hb ie,. ettecteil (ho bouse hb i, gitted hy the fire that dsn-aged It tu> such an extent thst t hwll proliatl neot le reju)art>d the use of the deeds, Vol]> a bas threatened vengeance andJlias repeat- ediy told bis foliowers tlir ic aould puot a stop to the gamne 1b ;t Iîîu coup. The luJundlion fileil thi'-TTîlîs rlbelieved. to be the coup Votiva va. Thomas. XX hile (the plaiîîîiffs'e ' J, iîil,îiîrajt iiu the Huit must be the r,ç~îa lu the court records e. tiiiJlJ of 1ho si,, ir la bellti, j îî 1n, tirai, r Voiva andl bis fOJlOwei i (ý!1r,iîver '('lomas andl fils barkii - i I. re 1reaJ c"illiosratits. 1 The suit was file>]i Tîîe 1 George W. Fields auj itiii i i u a. counisel for the îîlaintlff n ji, 1-e A. INoedlnamnsd A.K. S,îîî Attor- ney F'eJds ls counsel fi X iîJiva lu his suit wltb MotberslJJ uandllia, been active lu Volîva's iegaJ aîîrk since be book commandl at mIon. WiII Decide Zion Future, If tire Injunction la tferriîiorarily en- fOrceilorn lis be.uring ounii'(,iteenth and tire case la won nitjti, iiý,xt oc- tober terca of court, enrnithe(le- jonction asî permanent ,tiJ taklng away tho land held hY th, d-4-îiidant, On, accoun t Qt fease vori .r 111W mnean1 a retucu lu ZIon i,, nu l, )<rile ilas Of tcontrol and t], ihîiîxiîîu1rip aiiiil angle of a great arî,iiiiîr of th,, a u,,r (bat bas be-en d, 'h i-, tir, cul .a wet ito the ban>] ,f a ,î ,î.is The case la decîdedji inrp, rir tini a] jchesir way It turos ia, i r ajJ j iîjjj ilctio. eri r..i ii Ii, i? 'V iiia fenirt i ZION CITY MAS ANOTI1ER SORE MEAD 1*ýt'-il Tit:19 1,eui iutit il th, e aoi r 1î Ii:1111 frîîuîvolatiug 1iti atît a>thl-' Jo aivotTaylor, net th, -origîial )h1iiuXouuo Itomile Jenseý IJr i JiîîaîoîîîTaylor, but a îlîff,-reitrlote, nIr.'at o rrer e rb o hae, , hti in- esect ed Voilysa iit , isî xs e.'r and, to stop th,' sale or Ziî,îî suid, sud ls alleged te l, ie anug vtu- baidIl%-J,> d sa.Roev, ~onao luratIve pamphulet.s againar his qion- il unos dioîg. Dowlo' seso ote utîtil V>60 - Uiluniaster sud the Vliva cause. The bill was fied under the tîtle Taylor was a man uftBorme con, of Cbarlee ID. Irs-lue, et ai. versus seibuence Itt lasini, 8and Irt lanatîcipat- Alexander Jlohnson, et a]. Groondls eil that bis shîlns vIMI be tarked se. toc Ita hrugiug was stateil k ho tire cordlngiy lu todays Issue et the Bat- violation of thse Dowie lease restrie- tie Axe rions hy Johnson sud others andl the Taylor bail charge of the Chicago luaunctlou la asaed te stop (hem andsi on .a-.... .. andnuos nnOs ce- 1 pros eut others froru slolatnng the re- expedîrlon wh-bch Voliva sais start- stritîuu u tIter t-i the anti-whlte slave agitationu. He Ask Permancunt Injunctuon, niarile such a bit in CJhicago iluat Vol- TIi,. surinions ahi> h ma,,sors euon tva ceculled i")îtîîo Zien Cîri undilii z- 1,I dnt Iiii.. uJrî rrcn ti, n bas ber-nitrainiug (bore for.a touru r, iui-u i ini,-crcuîrit umî rWwrt , ,-scîd lusa Xolls-a nu, aî,îî un i i,- ,sr,-ili ofttIýi,, 11thnr iroi si r lli sImtb a ~ rn -i-tu.;,, ai r,,r i inuiiiiuii t u. 'iOnnltul, Tirpbîsîcuj uili, ,j nltharging tili, i lui-ai, i d-JTii. alise ofrvolji .1 u,î i il iii, of 111, j a nd i i : -'i, iti01 Off i .î i .utngnttoethi. ii,\T 1 ,1ij,u,, , I ' ii,inîj tii i"u,î, 0 r,- Jhtîijur to, fitii t if ritî- 1 bu , lllTii hile,' titr,- tIiisorat-i lu.- juritetliili- antnuii it.s PJaltTiffo ii the sunit ileil are Ira lue. Aithu rlî Il.(ittinimouil HXIlarcilJ. Haniîisoiî Johnî p.Drienne, Lauise Zwizlg andul raîices Murphy. Tht- uetîendants are Alexander Johnsoni Johu Oison, John Weaters Hlorace C'ook sud original lease bol- eý ra n truwhouu saie ut the defeuil ants securcil sub-Jeases. AIl the plIaintiffs are bîosdteo Volîcan feos, ers. Charge Leases Vioîated. AIl are chargeru sith vIlating a section of the lbase wbIch set asile cerinuPortiona ef Zion City as exu cinsive resideuriaîluportions that sboi1ild ilontue usent for business or nanufcucriig purposes. Johnson is chargentt abrunling a bnbery, Olsen andl Xesreru a btoteer shop, sud Cok a contectionery msnouctory wirbln (ho roaldence portion. The biluJJsals that tho property bell iîy the ilfouiants Ill taben uway from (boni auccoriling (o the ncnditions ot the Jease andl (bat the InjunctIon be servent ou thoi n sd aIl otho,' Isui boliers te, provn any furtber viola- (lotis. His(ory ,of Zion. lu the bill fiel, a treatise cuverlug1 about 30 pages, (he atery etfZMon City1 la rolil tron Is boeglnnlngs. Thej beases, the bill stutes, wero preîsurod (bar the lanid purchuseil by Dewle, but beld la trust for (ho cbucch,1 slîouli l uways romiatnu uier the con- trot eft(ho cburch or its generul oe seat aud thuf thon' ywere useil fha( landl aownrnight 0e uroiecteil from1 anuy s loluIttlia cof tlîe prînciptos thar Zio,, sroodîlfor an Jenuts couîillie1 miore- ca Ils'prosecutldleinder tIno Jease aiyqtpt)iisurliîoo i n aruaul ou u- ersbip. la Volivas COUP?t The leases are Dowos fanionsose thouîn anSd ont, bundrel year teass They have, lateJy, been superceded lnlu ZDon City hy the direct salre o! landl by deels, by Recelver Tbemaaf. With itîg unt lii sauT, ig lare cOsiu1g Sii Sais tht- Zîcîr f îtx News: A socles ut tsasperatiiigli pJain pamphlbets under the (mie outhte -Kingdem of Goilund tise Chorch" utîl ZMon sud the Klngdom of Qed bhave recetliy, maie (boîr appesruuco in (bis clty, causlng censternatjon lu cer- tain occleslasticsb qjuarters upon wbicb the ligh r e roand ofuleti gospel la dîrecteil by thege pamphlets Tbey are qîino ubly gtten op andl singe the occlesiustlcat haîr sud uer- rorîre the sensitive ecciesiastital heurt in a nînnuo roy PlsilJy aund îisinfuIîY evidert The pamphlets lu question do ien disVU1te onaît,-of the soîhor on place ut publicatiou, but are sern tbreugb (ho milsJ anil bave been te- ceiveil by nuobers et Our people, Atthough we hase net read tbem lun their eutlrety, we fid them te ho able documents andl those wbu have read (hem caretulty prouounce (hem te 0e biblical (broughout sud extremely able In (boit Preseutment et tacts. Returned fruru Business Trip. The returu 0f IL A. Cook et Grand avenue te bis aifo sud eue chîil 'ursday nighu ha sald k> have set at reat pbtishen t anries te (ha effect that ho had desirted bis tamiiy, a charge tbat Mrs, Cook today donleil lu ber hoaband-i trsence, 'He slmîsly a rin awsy on a husi- nets trip," sho saîl "Now lho ta b Holiedîl tnt dosert me andl ail et our troubles si cr0 caosed by tht- nongues utfuî-îgtulors who dîl uet nuke mY snuoîuîu uts ef tise tacts a> true but made Tii tti>etf(beir usan. '"MrtCook suu uiway onObusiess- lie la nDewrbati 'r iisme, anîd suhile ut et worli jii.T ii ow Xpcta soot, te 0e irmPleyed J oni atsflil Sund(Ito nier see what liii nu,. s my uffuirs arc INTERESTING !ACTS ABOUT IRELAND The Shamrock that Fa-iliar Eribjees of the Emeraiild Se Dates Bick of the Christiar, E,,, tilîtîl ran-ili îglýJî toaaîl 1lI li,. -liîralijlsWu a j l,. aithJijoy ii -gti hia t Ji jg s> ni, Ofj t'esidett iijjJ fIlai Of Il)-' J uj ri tsili jeagjei, i nu,,is îîînt r ail bOc illluit uthtI]. Son of saitd e iînOu f Iiiii<ijil al ings iunbheast: 'More than une-hait ut IreJanil bas liassedi tOothe absolute ownerspip Of thOse wbo tilt It. Suit thîs eue baît sK owned Os 22a,000t formier tenant farmers, 14.000 ot whom haveho- iOrIII osaie rqnsw ibm t ho hamst fou r c ars. -More (bau n 00esicteil tenants liase î' ti n i in reastickeil taris wlth- iin theoast fisc lýeurs, lI 'ring t5, ast îtrcailo .,004)i lab- ii -..rittagea tiare lieen orectoil, i-rbaitb lus foulr rooriîs, state -Ont- -i iifiit tiihje uit santaira ithlist 1J1ut if g. îîuîl . îl T -ti -il thile ntin lia a) so, i hts alfe thar sule bu ahi, i J rtIlijj soIiîgjIt aliî )oir 1 i0 10 iiiii~ o il , 'aIiotilii na(Ile ro a p.hui%,- cJaiioT, I l fuir i ýi, g i,.raljiiii .SUN rJ trir Sarit-,taa iurv n r j i,%' " I i, t ,t r o i jil , lj ,, of,,, , i T îbî1 î i gior, Tri, i f Il jr, an interesting tact that moede I;il al*i tsrfi eiueiitlY rolreset rthe 't l t ui!, as îIr(,eritilig a tretuiJ i MJlI, . i ~rgirn Jr la a cl] j.Ii l lt Fia.XgcljîoNais fount of il ~ ~ jý[ iii , i fon ýlIi> (IJ i iii i, J ihith il i i qc.î 1, j,. ia' Tua, i Ill, - p',i'.îaa I t i ilsit a far ;îi ,clltlg 'ifY f i f IGHILAND PARK t MAN DISAPPEARS Merchant Left Park Monday Morning tor Chicago, Did Not Reach Desi- nation and there la Not Slighiest Clue. Highland Park Depot Rob- bcd. It la Belleved by Orunken Te- Iegraph Operator. Thertil utery thaJ suiiroiuils the 5 of W Juîie îtXV.1'icNa, y tif .uui Jî- jiitiil tr i si- l fleJte s i)f A I1 (h îîtîîitand tonîip , î, coti -ij]iing uc ii,,,, tl., lit J2i., iMonroe0 This latut1 ast iearîl et hlm lie neýere relicled lie Drui offices. The -ife bas recels ei a miessage frortu hin i tus triencis report (bat (bei hase not seen hlmi lie la gene no oeeknows where. NMcNanly bas a piumblug shop at 118 Central street, Highland Park, andl resîdes st 121 uortb Green Bay rosil. In the samte clty. Wben be left he bail $75 lu bis pocicet aud It la beileveil (bat this may have been the motive for s robbery. McNaniy was 44 yesrs olil and la marricil, havlug two Young sous. He bas been marcleil tor twenty years. Rob Highland Park Depot. Fridur uttrbt the Highlanud Park de- Pot ia.,robbedin luanutnosal nuanner it lii iltJ -t one of the tole- glai ()n uîiîuîtsîî the Niîrthba-steru cnOt 0ti1 iil r iiiii, s i f iT lu alloerl' 10 l1 tju, ai,-of $7,, ut il il. il is tianîîîuî a. idJ iiih', MXilîitîi , .uitthe rth' îîî,rî Tf , rthe Jiiti-ri i rsh îraw- i r,an utîhre diist ilrlîdoiloffice- Tiie i bief got $-U' MANY IDIE MEN IN NORTHI SHORE JAILS Montb of February. Waukegan, 142. North Chicago, 130. Zion City, 133. Lake Bluff, Lake Forest, Htghwood1 and Highland Park-very amail num.1 ia, r ai agii rbî- tria nt s Ji, tIn un(ntiiti,, aerfe g"isu he ,îght antîîtt truicurs us a condition pni- i ( t Oij-ýct ion -a prisi ilJege no t on jor eil uni bore else lun(lie woril. -Begiuulng wltb this new year (bore goes luto effeat lu Icelunil the odl age Pensions bill, sud it la esti- mateil that st leass 70,000 men sud wumeu thece willl ho relleveil etthe herrers andl the shame ef the pessîbil- lty Ot the poorbouse.' The tîtie fer the new ontversity was set tîIl, by the letters of patent receut- IY Iss,,ed, constltuîing it the "Nation- aI Unriversity of Irelanil,' a usme wbcii gines grelir sauisfaî tioti to ail liant is. A ir,cent s> riten ceriit,sthuit tes. ii-,tii i-i,1at ~r i-, triîiJi i-af if j,,î 1-1:111i d nf xi,îuin ruili sitr n j îîî (ii, i.iiîituîorn T10ijT uit, IifiTolr tuî,niiîîabto sî i*ni iru fi i s finat a îiJiaJ toiThe Peopîle of tirej unit If, as seunis lîkoîx , the osaint isas lulluetited lu bis choice ot ibe, sliuunort as an emhlem o! the Trlnlty, hy the fsct that the Irefill was alneady bell sacred hy the Irish, t la but one more example efthtie tact and god sense for wbicb be was s0 Justly celebrateil Accordlng (o the aurtout bards the trefoît was au object of worshlp wlthi ho ietnac eJaas . onolnie I of n.te osîli-su resh(e eJole ftever- nalas noeoser te mbben, ot hoe nur l uiierfuIth the Drolilof St, PatcraIs artaith epochla ulthSt tani ick s ar to lîe. t( l ath tei iiiot' oiredblnpee taton rofll a-s eni rectl lu te anriniItanof aheuIrse reaueîctdupon norientlty eti (otri-ahranr au laor Itetal oign for nheldsbaurorlortheest equltet suristbell scedluNes t rom the eharties rs. Nor la Itso rprlsingbea bn a(Is hotihe se.nifa-heu wie bear lue ntîeolstevsgnIfe-itIn gie (ho nvroîl, evou In pre-hristanmes lu oeeandl thut the mystery et the adorable trlnity sasa atrsbîpped lin the Gardon et Eden. lu la certain (bat ibis Irefoîl ws regariled as emblema- tic ut the HuJy Trîniy long betore thse udsenn ot pagunisu, gave any other tuoutnig ro ilu Audulaipossibte (bat, lu theii's uteruturutuf thebopre-Christian Irihlifor t1lutir foil souîotbîng as re- tuined oftiIihi t iosi t inb utise une mrue fjulr ii,i -ted trou, their remoto rui,stri s. luii!i-, IJ.lusoomas carceIy to nuu îu tii J,Sav- that theunnîlî y wr> lu ik sI itli,- C'lruslan signification ut t hoenu fu i > i ccoîîtod by the ( his i J]j,iiti, nu o 0 mucb to the i' liofi ia . ii cbelilr-tas k> tho te- shîrîl uit unmiuui, . Iat bal net heeîî te (ho rest oethii,' sorI'of 'uit un iiiole to sîoop nover Tlîe Ceeks a bi, been married for nîone. tao years sud are making (beîr IJu sas.îuuî, sthe Irish national homle t tbe Hluîcs place St 942 Grand em0bletn ton o,,r a thousuni years ho- avenue while E.E. Hines sud alto fore the Euglish adoprol the rose, or are eut west, ,tho Scotch tIre thîstie. r Total, about four hundred, lu spite of ropresse measures, ln spîte ut barsb trearment, ln apite et dlean but unronufortable sud net at al hespînubbe juIls, oser tour huni- rei l dlemon trampeil from Chicago te Mitwaukee sud tram Msilwaukee (o Chicage, llnding the nlghtly refuge lu nortb sbore jaîts, durîug (he mentis of Fehruary. The abuse record. compiel from data gatberont hy long distance sud iucally (bIs morning, showa (bat (rampa atîli cenaier (he long haut between Chicago andl Milwaukee s uecesslty andl tiat ln spite ot efforts mnaie te step theîr traveba or te gel rid et them (bey stîli make the Wis- consin divsion efthtie Nertiswesteru tboir main traveled highway. The sorprlslug Information gleaned from (ho tabulatIon shove ls that Zion City sand North Chicago are Just asa importnaus Wsukegsu otee (camp as a rofuge. But the stiJi umoro sorprising Inter. nistlon 0, thatnouerauy of (he nor(h shore jailJs renît prisouers generous- The XX'u,îbruîoice stated (bIs tuouning T Juan non ail oft(he atay overs are fi-ut.on ois> mb bread,sanusage atndtxawrtu', ai u i, uat(he onthro cosu oft fuedinu,,jInrisonets in (ho juIl ot ail bindihado,-. lot tilt, O to fitteen conta a day. Ail of the tuwus te tohîow Wauuegaîî's example sud gise tbe tramp s coldeal. ln spite ot wbîcb ho cornes along, feur hudrel streug lu) a milil weatlsered month, CIRCUIT COURT Amanui, Figure in Alteged Fort Shert dan Monder, se t11, thence Continu. ance se Gcanted. Stearna Geta Con. tînuance on Queer Basiea Logis- ator, Frsi Ture Pont Developed n Wukegan Court. tI ,jî~uttJo a charge of petty larceîîî XiiJroa Pogan, 18 years olil. -al-'iilayafsitio n lucircuit cm~rt tuu > u u , o 30 > d a y s lu th e c eu n t y jail iitli a fille orf $10. Pogan wm inilicTc'd, stil a ir<mpanion, for steei- mng $5() roni the trunk ot s feliow Jioardor lu a 2Nlarket,stx'eet hcar(ing bouse. Pegan ailmIJted ltnding the key to rhe lruk andl aiaoof tkuowing of the money lu It. Hewever be disappeared wben the money dili and waa trrcoted lu Mlwaukee. Evidence ag»Anst hlm was circumistantW isu bis chbarge we« changeil >tu, ety larceuy aud lie pleail guslty. 01t, accounit of the Illnesrs ot Henry Amant], Attorney .J. K. Orvis aecured a continuiton of bla casee tor murder intîl the Octotior terrm of coiurt.()a (he statitory clause (bat a legisiator wtîo j-aian attoruney car have case coîrinuaed wlhen theoy nulllt wlth IluI ilotles, Attorney A K. Stearns had tho cases agaînst Fred Endertin and James tBrown continued util the jo.- Joler terrim. Xî a, (riiled hjll was filon Frlday fi' Attîirllço1 P L. Persons ili the casae f; M.îîî-i 1Groins ru'rsus Chartes î7Oj,iîf' J , -Th rfîase hos.rd et Ji"'(r i. ttrO f cuti ch, wus ruied b' iî e île jrh that the charge ot de. sentior, hait îîoJ jîrot suificlently prov. Oni ,o tie bmilcllJI as ftied to.. Mc 1 JNanley, the Hi-ghland Park ffJiiiiber usho dîsalîpeure list Mou- day. Is the ilcfendant lu a suit tor at- tachuient thut was flleil against hlm lu coonty court today bY Attorneye Scmiley, plaintif,. The attacbmeuî ia for a bill of $325 owed by McNauiey. The defendaînt left bia home hast Moday morasin&. gclng te Chicago. and bas oct beoe heard from since. He had $75 lan hie poanket Sud bis wlfe stateil that ahe foareil foui play. Toilay was a dsy ef Jodgments ln circuit court, Three cases were tried and juîdgmenta returued. two more WI're diiisseil andl the sixtb la belng trierl (is fiernoon. Ieore the court nous is nuthl-sS of J E. FHerbes, for 01., U- ofrit X'iti-n Tîn n igan versus XXiliaii'uJ<auu-a Il îs aunîhpeai oni i ga ri ahi'f,- t ,Juî tgiiu-IIt cf $50iimaas reuiruedlnl thi,- case of the Sc-hoeî,lofen Brewiug r cIipuî,r iîguinst Edwaril Joues et hIighwood und the Desley Brewiug C'ompany- was aurdeil s judgment ef $72590 lu Ita case sgaiust Albert Ro» gala John Scber was awarded $23.- 77 trom Frank Bebm, Heydecker andl Parmnelee ropresenteil the plaint. The two suils dlsmlaaed were tise ef Fred H. MartIn veraus Emma M. Young, settied asnd dismlased, aund tihe City ot Waukegau againstiFrances Nu- bia, dismisaed by the plaintiff. BOND11OLD!IRS WISII Saya Wisconsin Corporatlon Alon. le Liable for Debt. Csicago, El. March 2.-ttorey Levy Mayer, repreenting A. C. Post, arguel in Unitedi States Circuit Juige Gresscup'n court Tu4111 a g a in t th e uetiti n e ft à * bothî> . ers efthUe Chicago ~ Mi Electric ralIroeci te.foreelom* ' M the, praperty ftaeii.bernat et t6 boudiaolders. T'he petition, knwn as the H&»=oe bib, w» fled by repreentatieu ut Ivestment Rgizry, noorpora Use Londen Investmentcouncerand a many Canadien banka. repre.enUng more th p ait ef the coanply'bon ai Issueoet$15,00,000. Mayer aliegeni (bat ins reality thse bill was net proeriy a foreelcoare bill but a credltor's bibl and shoubi ho treateil as uch, Poltng out tiat (bre were two distinct corponatiooo esnulg tine electrie ros, b. eclared Use bbilseelis k> beld (hoeWuIscon Sd Illinois corporations bth repon- sibbo fuir ucts tduat for which the Wis. runsn corortinon alone, If sy one, -.(îuuîlllu e rospnnsihle. Il,.zel Youîug. agel elgh(y sud one of JJîuo laie Jacob Belbartas favorite foi. Issaers sud adis hera, ls dead lat tii'- Spirit Fruit coîonY ai Woaster lk» sd Uere la general grief. Qd g wasa the cause. 6-The matier of a permanent in, junction wilt corne up ai the October te rm. 7-The dectalon of the malter wilI settie ftnally and forever the preaet Zion troublesa and the future rote of Zion City. 8-tf Volva as upheid much of Re- ceiver Thomas' work wtt be undone and deeda given for [and witt be null- fied. ]Jltil, no,rnj. 1(i t.>ls ctri utth,, t-- )îtJsk of the drit courtr a cas,- r jar is iJhofiît ,Jruiît tb,* Jilg r.i litr i fîjjor-afort(ho JYait leur, a' ali, Jîg to th,, nuiwl,rs ot the Zioui i1u o as lijl rb ti-aftcrtnon anid -oare j1,* y bis tliaime srt cruo * T i n J~,r i , TiZi , i t> X,, Sloit ijjt T ii ti TT li j,,.j., n.on - ipru * ti i stant tif hiii e.t iI,.l Jý si.uit j-, thie a.bItig of uti jnjîti-c iîr a-c ýita uJIlandîl iirJi]et, li Zîî 1 CASF-S BIEFORE 1 li fi(- do('s rioi (ain a heavy folio,,

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