Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Mar 1909, p. 2

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WAUCONDA DEPARTMENT FAILEIB lUn. L. C. Richards sud M. E MAIMAN. C tSpOO<I&M* Agent M. %Jl ,0fDltndLake, 1 Mi-. sud Mnr. 1). ltieuthaler have Mms Heur>-Hai-ris vho bas beeu quite we etIt v might be asked ta belp vlt b hee coued to thoîr home vlth an DIR inable tolbesrouuud &ainm. the famil>- vash vben ve venu giveusa sttauk 01 grppe. Geo. Broughtou and tamily vhu bave bandtul ud lothes pins, but vem u maIll-R beeu o lii (H.L. rotI-mL oe told nat ta @&y ves or no leet ve bave Mr. sud MM,. Chas. tipiague are the lBvig ,iBrrodonrenifota bay ho bon itu the Brad rfl Lelest Mouds>-. bM taken tram us, (the LÎ o tll Werodusparens oM&arciby,8.r MineCols Gary ioled rom ridyvomen not ta taîku titvs palutul. sud Wdedy ( ha Mii se Cel i Jerprten t. F-da-oul>- Mn. Burton succeeded, tbershy Mms. Jeese Liii, ut Chicago, and Mn. r til Snd,> wth erpaene.tating the prie, a luvely plate. Thon Anua Rouie, of Diamnond Lake, vlited @ Mr-. sud lim. Heury- Goding are Chi- the bostees biougbt toi-yard the dalati- vitb thelr tather, Ir. Rouge and aleter, p cago rielture thts week. est pi-ogi-amesud pencis viti printed lire. G. F. Miteheillune day lest veet. bii-. and AIr. J .N. Ziaumer and sou, questione (agaîn nu tulig) but pi-o- veifm P-aeVevteud Leu, ut Long Grove, etSaturda>- andfouudtedrybuntntrpis lu qetins;in e esutertailament 'Temiple ut Fume" Sunda>- iitti H.(Jear>-and larifly. W1 leg-> utrvsrte i- u u ietvle hrd> n . ag uuv tenc .J e- al. bei-miug eluggisb fi-n oi-cored silence guren tLeryiThsd adC .1,lare ro d atededF. . err sbut twuî iallied and sed in the di . F rida>- ereuing and report tue entertain- horme sale ut theîe huintain lMeadow sreStukr uetrtunate und recired mu ie Stot Fi-a let atuduI.l beautilul fruit dish. Thon came the lire S E. Redler sî)itt tyuu days (I-f I Mi- and irs. Il. E. Maitîîau ejient Sun- supper but ai> lien talle lu doing it jus- the pust weet vltlî lier siter, Aire, S. S. ila3 wtli Mr. atnd M l.r HJ*S, baffer ut tice, su daint>-, su uppetiziug vus the Stauger, ut Ravuniu. t At:ieni->-and uttenulci the lK.. hhan- w bîle buard spi-eud. ai-h ftuud ut lire. Hans, vhoulias lieviuîieriding thec (liueslt te Ru cricul. JIlutel uiunday thIc- plate a lui-el>- souvenir lu tbe tor"'î past tev aceke wltîî lier uauglîter. Nms. ci enitig. ofi docte-s of carnaîtiune unît terus chose .(.Mehradfnil etfrGas Onaurint ui ttcehad counditionof u sîii-> tragrace Iasted muny days, al a A . ut werandtunuuîilie rt fuirbr- the ruadeounr stage driver las beun cii-et remituler ufthtechbappy homieaud lire. M. A. WÀ.gnei-.M usîsgfot or-seH out the tage toi- tle oui- lalîpier time. A lai-ge number trîuiîî lire attended tii.ri pattwvert. St Putiuks bai]leiiito e i beut the EVERET-r. funeral utflire. Jacot) bis, ut Aîtakisie,S Luteside Puy ilion tun Wednesday evcning A ioireio-tnuI the itemu regardina The baud boys wbo tuilcd tu unsverN Mai-ch 17. the ai-ident ut Louis lientzer lat wver toturoll culi Mundu>- îigbit vert, con-L The iron doore bave arrived foi- the a ligbt itake vus tmade. file ara eequentlV fiued 50 iente eacb. The>- villi jaal lu the uew village lîal and viul soun vag set b>- Dr. Davis and vbeu tuten to no doubt put turt aun effort to be be inetalled vbich vilI provide quartere the hospitul au X-ru>- examiuutlon there bencetui-th. for aIl uui-ul>- pereous. ebowed tbat it as et pe-ectl>-.-Editui-. Dr. Trace> le harinR the wort ruebed Tr dvillage calubooce vus moi-rd lire. Bake, ut Chcago, spen uinudu> su as tu have hin uev barn ready for the iret ut the weetounto the lot adjoîn- vith ber elter, lire. James OConnor. oceupancv Mateh 13. The>-vii ucenèp>- ing tbe Auguet Hapte building. AIw the bai-nunutil the ereetion ut the bouge. (hirock hasnng trsded lots vitb J. N. Mesre. Wiliam Murphy and William Dotur cuntemplutee building thia Freund. Canolan rlsited Sonda>- with the lattere eîring. 8. 0. Darrell sud tamil>- niîved to th.e pareuts. Wm. Cuon and funiiiy espeet tu mure H. L. Brooks toaimtbree uniues veet ut M-e. Seyi rieited lu the cit>- uver Su- into the liast vucated b>- Dr. Truc>-, tovu the tiret ut the vert. day vitîî ber sistei-, Mlire Keougb. April lot. Mir. und Mrs. H. Coun vitI Born tu Mi-. and lire. Mort Basele>- on The Misses Margaret aud Isabel more lut.,. the nooms rauatrd lu>- ari-y Monda>- a 101th. boy. Crlan and Mme. Si'yt atteudedua ehuver Loumis. Win. To> ntun hue gotten out a peti- inui- uuitl Luchla Hersi-berger ut th, John Knupt, cho.ltus beui rufined to ticun t change the mutî uof the iromeholiofutMaYnie Juiyie in Chiuago, Baur- is bed and unden thîe i-une outDli Martin~ nuad vltr ue tlîi-ungbfi-un the (uba day aiternoon. w ith a serere race ut slîinglee is uni r,,ad tu the 'Aauronda creaiery runuuag Mte Fi-unies Cari-Ian opent Thureda>- prîuring ut preselît. t un theîe libtaes-îieis arîni aîîd the a LnuLke Bluff vîtb lire AatAtkttnson Mi- anîd lir. M. W. Kîîeuller andl tuuîîiy i'overs amwc hwl onettehl ilwvC iiiiinrW,[-Htu pent Tbursduy ut Nortb Nurtlilleld andl avr,.'0ut.tlîe caci sud, ut the ronad witb îundl Johin Croa niade a ibusineve trip Suinda>- vlsited relatives utai Einstoll thîe rest(it hic tairi. Viee îînderetaud 1tiibl-nvi s,tira ~ ..Mire Ethel retiainii lur a tee daye ricit tut a mauîrity ift hc tl-uîlertv bolders , vstii lier rousin, Mimes Stithi an thle coi-uiuîity hlaive sugnei thte peti- FRE.P.ONT .iu ihcntesae~u uliecS tion and tbee i-bnge iI lusbcimade. -. Cuc evcsacu tlos Sn W. S. Faruse urt h t ransacîtil isînecoZ %lite elnliiiîusouîthesii-k lut. -d ay su ol u. Ih0ha. iii , lrarli ng il a. ni.; ini tble rit vWeu isiuîandi Tlinreuav. ttîusutrekiss ,cîunît Siiuda vvi il h )1'. A., 7:30 pii ,a i-sn-itg HSpi i li-ishiat L.ibii iii liiWslrue,-,hi cuiui -he uu' ii, i Mounda% ru-ulinig, MI t. i)ruBlo e cn;iiii tetoiruial:% îî ciiiie t, clit utth- ut ur îi iii t île ing tu l raysîatc ralli-rs Sunilu> t le tîrnî tli t. cameil uauu o unus -- ThesRiiaIl Neigli luore. if irai ru.. 'ip , lir tutee ,vi e u nt. but they reporit an J ur I I liý-1, utfAi innus,uta. ies rush i ng e illgive iar pai- t iaituit i-rcî lit erg-i- enlivaul tiîsNext Muîida; cvenuuîg ,wîtbh fiends atîîlrelatives. iere ate halFrla- igiii-uiI2l Ai viiilue liee ciosiug meeting until nextleks. >îmissioun 25c. fai vhen it isexepectrd 1.0 reýuppn. i Ed 'iuguer^muade a biusineiss trt. tu ____________________ Thbi s the trade-mark ai Scott's Emulsion and ison every bottle of it sold in the woild-tm hidli amuunts to several miflons 3-earlM. Why-Because it has made so many sickly children strong and well-given healtis and rosy checks tu su many pale, anaemic girls and restored to health s0 many tliousands ini the first stages of Cousuxnptiofl. Send th, ad-6eit.nit, together .lth e.ý f pper ten h it eUpp-Mre yeue cddrce cnd fwuer re a" s -11 .=L Hn Al- of teWr Uco= a EoW1SS. 409 P=d t5t14U. John Fi-y, Si., returned Wednesday of last week troum Berosun, IlL. where be hma pnt the girater part ut the w inter vlth is dangbitero. The dance Frîday evcnîug in the NeBnide hall wai, wsll attendrit aîd judglng truni reportse -a t i tnlu vas eujoyed by al pi-cuent. Carl, ut River 'i e i-i:npanieil by e lady triend client irreral dîîýs recentI>- ut tle bouni- ut hie îîîîuthler. Atis, John Knîgge. Mire. J. B Ayri e ii tilt lriiid> ut Libprtyville thie 1iist veu F.* A. Bocxkanî(l taiîlî areýnow oua i îuu log the Fred Stu,.kelei --jvýj1Yîîl vacated b>- Juhnîu 'ircbt. Mn.l E. A. lisanit luelat wu-l tor O'uerliu, Obtu. vhere she will riait lier daughter, Unr. H D. Wells and lanil>. 8h. vas accompauîed hy ber sun. clayton). The Miss Floreuce Gleaffon and Mabel iladoîpli, ot Llbertyville, wei-s boetfeee st s 'Novelt>- Shower" Satur. dayfevculffaitthe home otflMr. snd Mréi Wll KulggeIn bonor of Misa Luella Eeehtbergr. A motenjoyableevenî va. epet by about 25 lady triendc lme. euansd cake vere cei-ved. The. bridelu-be recoied auy tucefnIgutti that wS Ioten rmmiud ber whe lunlber Mev homie ot ber many gi-I finonds e e and vlelulty. Joh11 Krsues sud Mise Lonlse Nehiiu vers umited hiuneariage at the home of the hiid'@ uorth ni the village weaues. day. Mardi 10. Bev. Lawler, ut Liberty- Ville, performiug the cersmiouy. We exteud cougratulation@. TueedsY ut this week J. J. liunse and tArnui mOved tu their tai-ni reetil pUi-cased rear Wu.ud.The> wili bgreatly-niieeed livtheir rnsny lriends The Thimble Club. us ait knuw. hure IRotllins Sturd-ay. the muet cungeuiltitme any club eau Mire.John Abart bus tbe grip. tuoseibl>- have, but it i-emaiued fui- Mrr. Mi-.* and Mmr. Guet Wl-tz and tumil>- Car- who entertaiurd them Fida>-. Mar. entertuined cuteipan>- trom the cit>- urer 5, to do eo in a muet rocyal mauner. Furet Sunda>-. LOUIS J. YEOMAN, THE SEWING SMACHINE MAN ber, hvin audvtlîc lîsîr hm e u arly al ut their liv e f DIAMOND LAKE lu Chiciago, MarîIi 10. 1909, îîrurred-- the marilge ut tiaiil Gh lRay, iilIof îiuu Ii-e r. J.Iil I Iri tii Cli i agi, sie t a Lake, and NMiesLuIlali Hris-i ofr, ut lple ilitu> mlast %% sel. w tlii rs. toiu", Chicago. The yunigclîullie acre uttetl i aîîllaily. ded b>- Misés )lica Kîigge. il Paulatinie, irs. AnnieI- lliivcteil u itiiMi-. andl cousin urtlriudi- and M iiill av, li-itlier lre. Frank Mithll laiit Fiiduy. of the grouom. The bîridei is vli kîîîîîv bers belng a graduate ut the clums ut '98 A nuiluber touni bei-e attendu-d the lialv, altei-wurd a tuiicit ot Palatine and -The Temîple (if Faie" at Llbertyvills Oak Par-k schoole. For the. palt tew last vesk. yeare se ba. heem enguged lu teachig Mise Laura Tuvuier vieited vitb rela- in bath Lat» sud Cuok uuuntiem where tives ut Lihei-tyvîlle a tew daye ast veet. she i. beld in higheeteeîntfor ber superlur ahîlît>- a. au educatur. (lenal lun Mr. and lire. Wm. Elusmaun and Mir. mauner ehle vine tri-ends vhei-ever @lhe and lire. John Guoseiller visited with go.. and retaîns thenihy the @ubetantial Mr. and lir. (jeu. Mitchell laat8unda>-. excelleuclse of chai-acter vhic h e r n r.Mm epeJ. r sage The grom aoo a intrucorspeuding a tew weeke vith their parente. saraduteutf Rockefeller@echool ha. Fort7 p.t thi-e years been teacher lu Jimmle Mitchell, trui Chilcago, epent the ichool of hie hume town which toi- Suturda>- with relatives ut this place. bis long coutiuued service lu that place John Foster, ut Chicago, ti-aueucted li a bigh compliment to hie efficiene>- sud buelueese la this vicinit>- last Tueda>-. abilltIr. Both are pupulsi youuug peuple Beit Hall i@ amsisting Ofeu. Ost vith promîneut lu chut-ch suciet>- and the bss vhole cummunit>- rejcies lu their bi- ring vork. ha pies. The>- vilI reideat Diamund A surpiIse Party- waagiven st the home Mae alter their returu troim a sburt of Mri. aud lire. Jeu. Ost la.t F-idu>- veddiug trip. eveuing lunutir ut their threhure. Tb@ ~seueing wasepetin playinoe gaines alter which lunch va8seeired and a vei-y gond IVAN OE i-l aiev eujoyed luy al u@ you alwuye have a goodtunue ut MSloits Ot ehume. Mire. llcbardeun rutei-tained ter- ister Married ut Chicago Mai-ch loi Paul ot tlrayemlate luet iveek. lRa>-sud Mise Luella Hei-ecbrrger. The Mise Mini Snyder spra 1t s Snda>- bride reoldes on Cougnes etiret lu Chi- vîtb ber sister, lire. Arthur Ritta. cago and j@ a proroluent ecliool teacher Fred Beach vleltrd bis parents satur- and ha. reaided ut IRocketeller uutil a day ight and Sonda>-. tev yeare ago. The groom je a igbly MIse Emma Fisher ha. returned borne rsepected yrung man and ulso a sehool alter ceveral mouthe spent in the soutb. teacher ut a good moral charactei- and EdnsSheperd eturedbas awaye lived at Diamoud Lake vith Erdu altep heet i-udhomie la8t big pareuts. They both huve a wide Frid>- ite thse es evieit with Missaci-cIe out tieude luthie vicinit>-. Their Nellie Di-uce at Druce'e Lake. 1 man>- triende wlsh them a long and Mr. Alcholzer sprat psrt ut luat wee pi-osperous married lite. ln thls olit>-.W.. are lu hoPe lie'yl The [iamond Lake Aid Society-yl r.mthe ciesmer>- vbich lie uvue thi8 meet vutî, Mise Stella Wlcox Thureda>-, cpzg. Mari-h 18. Evei-yone le luvlted to cume Little Era Iichardeinm entertuined a and bring their tri-ends. number ut lierlilttlsfilndslaât Sturd ay Fred Tuvuer, Si., viited relatives at aitsi-noou lu honor utflier shird bir-tidn.' L.ake Frs udy wblchwvas Sunda>-. A daînty un,- u-etSenub vasl served ut tue i-ieau], rat.e, randv uni]î Att. Bartue, uit Waukegan, exper-ts nunt..tii ret a iuaisr utfnmunumnts lu uur À number met at t sthe iîol lhonu- tact ili-e1 itii ' iî week Thursau>- ciii g, tu crtiei ilt -'st i.>u-iii lut i:31> îiieuciigigu]. vuuldhe adi isatleët4i, rgante alilterir> W h ig li i- it e 15vurme ticolei oeliety tht. eilring.Tli,.v i alle t;) tlh iltiiai- il îiuu tuat îs ithe it uni couclueiun tu wuit Ultil ne\t lal and tben they have thîe pîi-iiu il uta gi-u -A.R.RI'TON numbei- tu talle lîuld ail 411,sîli iiili ai- mmn oftannuetieit dui iig i nvmitutr lsiliîIir,îiunil dt,, monthe. liii > ' i . pri3iliiug , iI the 'Soi-k SocilI' lii- ti?,kvInil~ .îx i, u ,iî. li nighit ut the tuorne oitMu and.l re. 'i. iî~ . -iugîil Villlai-d Beachi vab a -i, .tI -latîiî, tm i tuaneSitl>- amio ociailly. ionuf Ni I - is il',Iîî- ligi t11lil uu the little bock@ vhlch bad lbeeji îifilu el Itv]ii loi- eacbone it vas touud that ove- $18 had heem cleared. Eethiei Snydei- won Joiii l" 11riîlai e i iting lunîliiiîgîi the prize for gueeiiug the amount. Tbe liaskt t siial ut the Wuîireîituu There vers about 60 pieeut. Mr. and siCboulfcia.. vieIl atie-n(deil. Tlere viflaa Vli. Beach make au ideal huet sud fiue pro raini ater vi u-bthe bamkete ho@Q1lv eres ek The sun realized belua $26., MILLBURN Miss ilslTlîîîîîî rctun onuuu îuhe truun a Wes.c i ci1 'vihrel heandul hi-echu rn. tsnush limi%llkuî tsguiu MIr. ahdl Ars (heu SteîitieueentertainPed tie yuiig 1-le lcast Fina>- eveninig mlun-ug i, tlîe ci ngs llure. lire.(lui-ente ihuige tBuck and ebildi-en visutcd tnieuds and relatives the fure part uto tat vert and exprit to rstui-n tu- Canada thi vet. Satui-day, Ma-clu 6, lire. A. 0. Neleon eunprused Mr-. Neteon un bis bir-thduy b>- inrîtlug (lue tuiloviug tu dinuer: Ber. and Mire. Satiord, Mis@ Foqt, Mr. aned Mmr. W. J. White, lira, sud Mi@@ Bater, Mr-. and lire. C. E. Deumun, Mr-. sudlira. 1. L. Holmes sud Miss Lue>- Spaflord. A ver>- pleasaut attei-uoon vag @peuit vhicb vitt be remembersd tor sometime. Miss Cari-ne Buter epent luet Fridsy vitb Mr&. L. W. Wakefield, ut Ourues, and utteadcd tbeeutertainmeutatWood- [men bail. M-e. (Jeu. berrit- risîted a tew duys vîtb lMre H. B. Tover and cailed on Btriende. The tea-liene ut the si-boule ln this r iciuity vili attend lb.. teachenia meeting ut Lut.. Forest next Fridu>- and tite echuoole vti i ee led. 8lMr. andlire. Rd Weil@ yul suntertuin ti.. yuung pouiles ruchre cluli Tuedar 1ereuiug. 9lire. Ai-chie licCredie vus q ulte elet .last Sunda> a-id Mi-@.(Jeu. Straug ie ralso eu-t. The C. E. business meeting vas beld ut the home otf(Guy- leGnire, Thuredu>-, March Il. C. E. tuple Match 14, hbt are Ou- Liuor Lave and How are tbey Rutureed'" Dent. 4: 1-9>. Mahel Boiener, rleader. RUSSELL Thoes as nu preaching Suuduy on aceount ut ad i-uada. Sunda>- echu Mri. and lire. J. J. Crawford hure t ured tu (bel- usv hume at the étate lins uernthe electi-ic i-uilroad. lit- and lii-. tiheaver vîlI oupy the rluuuee receut>- raeated b>- Mr. Ci-uyturd. Mrn and lire. A. l>ixuu are Peutertainng a lady cousin tronMinnesota. eAytl t Cohrrimslev isiting a fiend tieur Bîristol. liemPi buiîtieon epent Thuredla ln 'lu usul Witt] fien-iids. 1lulîtiliiaîlias uici i luistîii>lu r ilh , , 1 . î ,1îY la i 1, 1,tit,,i Iht'ls 11 -ht4tut the, MucusMAh- i Il,- flutnandii Vi lluand Kate hu.lliîîg l irmixii .1tiithLuu .ucîus Star- larii 'tloiiiiig e-.usto bc ail the tamlii n t J. lt.huirris arid tanuily spent tuhe day ut G, h hiuriCs astWeulneeduy. ri '.lu. Ni-elI cas a Kenushu vrtin rlaiît Tlînrsduy. M nM. Chasme va, a Milvaukee vieltor kMondau>. l.ied ut the Ihuai uit lier Nlle ine .JI lii k h l lger suhile is n v i nîg irer tii H. Si-liertiug, AI is. Aninette Kaiu',sIc ii- li1 3ttAIuri.-ru., iItisl.i ajjil Iî,uîuîus ut NAti-s AI. E. Ijtiti ngs. tui-riyof -iket Highland t aek, ag-il NM l-c I"m Fiunei-al IV J. îîtîîuîI l-uit t îunît t4hi..llu Alan-b j4, Ites (I. Alisr ti îhi-iatilîg. i5 iilk Iturial iin ttie Iillélits iiui ii At rt s tiiitlitt l cai-c *liliu..îii iiij trunîî lier vi urldI> i-ai-uc tiir-vii ond iu~ eli t o i t i-t. tuirerer. 1huir Iîusm le lji-r gini'I i, I. li rl i,-iii ruiiuiti' i vire Iîi«iiuigtui lui,. ilia iudv î,.l.2,î 1-:dus- hi lîi i. .ilu,.î, 'tii-c Ira Fret retirtil ýl fiî ii îîuîi vu-h lhhur îauiutfi-, Air, Ailmiî,a ilî'r,î P'a-k Ridge nretîtti , L istent Tbe Couirt uit Ili nu>r vii l g AFTAYJS'Boa ttirit. and lre Starek a sn MissIi nalilehinuius nov vuîrting ut Saturdu>-, Mardi Il. Diumnoud Lake toi- lir. (jeu. Ruay. Ber. Aliene yuung sunius nuuter tirent- Miss Ctara Wenund, of Libert>-vitie, meut ut the Weley bospitai at preseut. speut Sunda>- ut home vith ber nothei-. lir. and Mi-. Stiaddle huv fre ntbcii- Mmr. Henry> Friliman le viitiug bei- t St present tbeli- sous, Freul, (it duughter lu Chicago. ffveia1,nd. Col., and Giliert, ut Forreet, Miss Dora Sievei-s epent Monda>- lu 11i. Chicago. Ben Hanz retuned hurne reeentiy tri-in Mm. Rd Nutter und daughter, ut bis visit vitlu tiende in W el-ome, Munu. Misesouri, are epending severul wveseOC Êmil sud Chas. (ies, Bob Schley, Ai- Attorey , aut bisM.îuun ove- ou bei-t sud Erlira Riehm atteuded the d u . ,wsatbsbre vrSn tuueral ut Sula, WeiIlun iago Snnday. d Ltivb a ueueteiule Aluni, (led at bis home Suilaçu murnîîuî Obituary. ut 6 o*Iî'slii- Fuii-ai va, at the luu., A ter uni il tiiesuit abiout si-i niounthe. Tuîesduy ut one iiiluiit. luternert lut Girues Lake u-iitiv lii-h uisi ohi lins. Jacul i ueuassu'd uvu>-Saturtl a -VWiluuutto.. Iil, % tvîI Ir. ittlu îî i.. ahorniicg. tri, d. t lier homuîe uit A'tt- aluhuit 63 Nu.Itrs ou lige amit asî%ieu u tisic aizetl71h uasr, lu aîîîntlîc andl23 Ii i siit hî,i i. c Naigari uS,île>- îvuuc hîrîîi in l'î-iiss:îî, tim - ouii Lîv iii 'tii i. 1sd H. ,îuî. iu luiuiti 'Ii ii> tIs i ti a I i oi ilhurriiidu liii I'lili lu iigh i ii l u s. A iiw] I r..- i1, 1, ii iI . il i îl,îvîd iiîlfl , ai.i ar1tilîl te ii. (.re sal i, t at, îfrle Àt ir ... lit ritilgItrH. llî4ri Curry i. clîglIti>l iii rivcd. fAtîiling tin>- nerve-î larger than th in uet elîken tbread-tukee t,,u, th, heurt te impule, île puwer, ite regu lari-t,, Tii.. etoil as ite bidîlen ori ineide nerve. It was Dr. Sboup wbîî tiret tuld ni§ t wue, wrong to di-ug a weut ur tuilîug etoniecli, heai-t or kiducyé. [Big prescriptluu-[Dr. sliiopco lleeturatie'e-il direce.d etraigbt tur tii. eane.. ut thece ailmets-theffe weak sud taltilring lucide ni-i-se. Thîsm, noîîdiiut cleurly exîllains wbY thi.. letorutîve hll utf hâte grue n su rupîîly il)uîîîlrt I lrt)ii ts say tlinît th,_ ce w li iti-tt lii- tteetiîti" Ve iCilîr a lile aveîii al,ît li iiV. u. i îlri lie, iirgîli ALL DEALERS. Whc,îmn oud ut Wlifl Thorough ness AN D Dispatch Disc Mldrrows Sharpened WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Libertuy'ille, lit. Opposite St. Paul Freight Oepot F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marbie and Granite Monumeni s Cemetery Work of E'very Description Corresponcience Sollcited 'l' h- i ji t il'li , i ,lee l ise mi, iu tu, ii i, 'A., i,, i.'i A c- ii'0 . u I l 111, A D une lm l',-iJauuihi bisi r liiiti lloi ut-M iM is 'IL Iiii ui R D W j E rîsitii rîl l it . h inîI mu 'ii iîuruung lier L.uct Shturdit -; ijuiriîg t ruiil i-% i .d. Clit, hueianid Suîu'e us nIarrîrul for file btilti ti tisticreuîir t ii hîra tidati,rt chlrnwrebr ftSsUin i uofThai-basket bail tri,,it lf ii, lriîr1 1 1U 26 Genesee St whmsrie lire sM. W. ut ,>-a rturnugarne i'vtlI thr loi-al t,'m A S Kiakel'lCb&@., Eon Fi-iJacb-P.v1nyu& W .tAtlîSsHwA a-id Enul J. hiss, alsoouor grandcbildren .rýja vnn e hswe.W uea une elsitei- and une brothei-. lu 1899 lnie at Antiunb opei- ue un St. Successor tcakea death again viited hei- home clalming a Patricte day, Mui-cb 17. Mosic b>- J .sPOI _________ dauuqtei- and ini 1902 ber iuobuud died Haunennans8 orchestra. ROCKEELLE, ILN leviug ber a viduw for the second tins. ROCKFELLR,-ILINOI She iiredat the hume vbere ebe died ever R SC SUiacinie aniiOu St.- eCte-anid df u br~ r @Ince @ho came tO this conutrti-> lty-siz 1ieviu&ed. arise lAcm in eatu R sel-m rY r yeai-s ugo and made mun>- triends b>- ber Tien.. as a gond turn u i ut i-hrst ioviug tmnduemm aIl ot vhom deepl>' fet Sundu>- Iu spite ut bad ruadte the lues ut e dean trlend. Fueal vas lire. A. Latlîan und Iva Tayloir ance helO ti-om Long (Jnove (Jerian Luthuenan vstiginSelig 11U-1aio on N l- churchwin bch she va.a amembc . Rîstug nStrln, it ou s- and7-9 .M.Lae 8Oie Pb728 Homne]îOri ciatiug. The social vas vell attended uîtan ae .M seat sunu nuiged for tile trw suigiag D . . . IT E S licotetfoi-ftle Leugue.DR G. . IH S IS THE TIME TO Card of Thauks. James Wclcb eus§ a Wuotegan v isituir PIIYSICIAN AND SURGJEON We cishu tu tbank the tniende sud Tela.t i reet. B U Ytl '.SecntAtetont neighbbure Irtbeirtmindassietancedonin ie.. atrsetSuuu ui .SellAtnlut the ittucos and deatb ut oui- dear int lier.Dry. tllesFÀMILY. Our finrot robin sang foi- uns ast Satui-- ALL ClIRONIC DISEASES ___________ day mui-ning. L m eC ret C a Alouzo Eddy, ut Wautrgaa, rislted Especillir utStoiuich snd Bowen L mb elseC a DEERFELD James Cractond the firet ut the vert. PRIVATE SANATORIUJM Posts and Millwork Mli s epbine Wuodman vieited in We bud a serre.. siet eturm ters on in 1er petient. nesdi.g Wilmette uver Suuday with the Kiet Tueeduy. 515Y Inreal e1 be..tlns ed Rat.e.e.asombi. : GIVE ME A TRIAL tamil>-HILLrite li l nmtlnsu lire. Huyeel, ut Chicago, le the gneet ut FORT WHJLLfoAppanatU an hi-e. Beecham. Miss Olive Jente bas returued tu ber Mn. Millen hue mored tu the J. B. Offitr OIee echool vort alter un ilinees ut aboot Converse fai-n. Seie odcd LAK<E BLUPF tvo mouthe JO. Vogt sud tatuil>-bave nored tfineI 1.Aren. Iiel lire. Lydia Ho0>t la vletiug relatires their furna lu Fremout.. RUSSELL ILL lu Chicago. Mi-. und lir. JoJ Fitz and Mr. a-id Dr. Ogden and husbaud, ut Waukegau, lins. Simon Davie moved to Round Lake. vere tbe gneets of Mri. sud lire. Ed Mir. and Mn. C. B. Combe are nîcel>- POTATO ES PAI ea Bleinehi oven Sunda>-. insted luntheli- nsv home ut the Fort Makt Oies niait, nis. Othe rsieoiiat C. W. Pettis spent sererul duys in Font Hill orners.. reaut,' do the .,ks-i Rlepîont uofleenieid grannar ësi-lui vsnitbthrelativesin nurther i-nAsi-unein. SPRAT, TO -k sud ha ,uion.tharelust al nis Imua lue Sît tth tai ern mtmmni tfor the îuîuînthî endiig liarcb 7, 19019. George Stuudfird purchamed fouronfine DiSead'7ouiled lu là oemaîm. Atteuu(laneeanid tandinese vas asmtuluive: cuve ut the eale utfAIre. Mina Gilbert. SORT , oe.ai1t bocji are mote~f ulL Dr-.p: Nighi Ours1.a the l'.gbth grade.. 94 per cent, nu tulJdinese; Charles ltaugbt, uit Vulîu rctuinicd luet Thara% nothing In ADr. Shoota Sestoraulvs, the <ouuttuttcai seretlbgradeu, !)j per cent, 8 tundinesee; vie-k itt a cuiliad ofit1hIuie tein pete Maohlsery mumnemeuusr.nisNoiory reedy.vlieDr itb grade.', >2 lien cent, (3 tardini-eses, uelogtl s-nei.u .Sboi'cs u-tlreteh= an internaI trait. filt grutu. I;I ieru'et, l trdisess. ent.The Retorative s throughoui ths Total iiuiîiiu'i urolled 4-4. Tue tullue WEST FREMONT. ASPINWALL E UP E T enthie eustem eestinng thnsrepais of aI&U eva. iîîg nua iiihllehave a recor-d oflin HMAe'ers is inahule tu vviîitot Wriitsi-r eeyfor feesbc &11 ur us altise, ana aalblond ailunsnts. a c-lîutîlruniiteuI5iulu cl rsir psu e iies , The 'Nhrht Cisas &lise ms lmDUlee does lis t-et at aniîit, îd puuctuule o1 0.t "llty ri.inmkemnogr ve..e.wrt ihiis ou-eteep itfohesereandliufam. hil yuu- lîIu.r Ates lillii-t uie, Tii, li<uuai- lit Bil,'tmi; vine i Il ASPINWALL'*FG. CO. oluuruc""âetuacBiastctvkusesd -,îtI Kr, su. li Ate. Ttcjurlii - .tattendb uit uurîh abut int hum -suc Sabin St, Jackson, Ilih., U.B.A. d1ifciureo, whitesthe Lts-tortre, esooservona Ruth K M.ker of Ptxc. Mh'.esnt11 rives reisid virerand ambition tenuluutuii'.tltsi, u.-lrgei>- tu the îî-îvuuiI- wr- ul is.rMtr e easI<erio' unldune steitîues. i-ringabout reuewil inug elui-uu... i ,fgiip. "te lîuupe ti i)uI MrAhi-. îuI In,,u SI'i nulituuil i Ttc Gem oh tte Poiuie Field. No ibc etrs=%h. i, ugr. and5 ein'gy. Take Dr. Shonna bettr t niqhý wre 1ainvý il-,iSunayttftc-.IalletornLiiud-a acgeusiitonte lietir li- n"tuc 'r' ¶ltunsu I" i ilIui s iihuIuiI ltls'rplanter can compare viib it. A narvelou' totho sistea. Fristvio.linovl JohnIluli i u.îi. S , lis iii ' lxd cstion ibatdrnps 99 and a Inaction per'~ Acsouncerment. f,'vînu util b o-uefîltieii.uiituiu. cent zoud. JI i î.'et; sînunee hyseit as a 'andi- JohbnuS-'axOtt lad thentîuituitu JOHN P. MOElILIN4I, Jobber date fuir iuoleetour utthe tuîvviiutf'trnot luise aille uns day lucisit. o ok uPg n aeCule h - eoliject tu tIie'wil i ofthe caucue tii be FrantklMantini speat Sonda>- visiiinig FrCoDPaendLk uti N ig C r beld Muni- 2th.Il friîuuds uit Waucouda. For Aspinwall P tata Machtntery ouore reepeettuli>-, Hugli Martin, ut Waucunîlu, wue a.RSEý,IL A D LR- 28-8 (JEu. ZimmER, Prairie Viev, Il]. Weset Fremout carier Sunday. 'MOUNT PRSE ole I.,"LLDAES re ilu 't Fred Stedman and William WlDtbeU Wm. Sebholle; Zon Cyleadlg T he F am il w pkI«ti eek at MIliburu doiug a car of houeholdgaod13C iyd armlng orne Implementa for Oklhm Frions of Mmlre.Wakefield vere glad <> Fred Shes, Stae . uddll sud Gens m. ber nt ehorch Suuday morm» tiu MtCan peut Sonday inu Cysago. ler long Ilume. E S1C1UfndGlBt4hntn e Mir. and Mrm. T. F. Grey ad Miese *Bntbl ud.Hiulsm Rhoda. of Waukersa, $pont Sunday t fr!d = " rom' lowa wlth s" The bera Medicine# ln the with i. and C. Mr-. and Mre. Cba-lft McClure, <Of Mms Sarahi Murnie aud d uhter, vorld cannot fiale the Plic o Romecras, forrnerly of thilace &Te are 'M&Wel*pont Suuday with thehiloî.ke. the famlly physicien. Consuit re cu<over the arrivai of a i ttle eon. Mme. R. Kelly Tlsited a couple of days hlm early vhcn talien III. If V~ B.M on and 0. G. Bawklne are in the cltyfast week. the trouble la wlth your îetdhome kf roum Texas the latter' m.Fudn cetTeandt ueei throat, bronchial tubes, or Mir. Park Smith calleil on relatives in Winter Bros, are erecting fimes Waukegau. Friday. mukiug extensive repaire on thelr large lugak lm bottln Born to Dr. and M re. jolle7 at North tile tactory weet ofttovil. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. Then Chicago, Sunday, March tth, a son. Mim. Win. Ruif entertaineil Company faîte il or flot, as he says. misesCors Mai-eh, ut Evaus§ton, vas froumiRoudout laet wiek. the gueet oft he Mise. Bidwell, Friday. lirec. AIl)url. entertained lier moi-n W oii 0?f-ei H. H. Curbet was in Chicagoi ou law, f iVon Wedlei-tadt, ut St. Louis . I.. bù.i.ees. Saturday. reeently. W. .. =y- .ta Geo. Daîziel returned Sunday troin a Hrir al Nlr a dst A~iii o. two weeks itlt itlî relatives n NI. E. Lux'e the pamit weik.Jdso Alguna, luwa. J_______________ain,_aio____________tacssik-eaaces ldies ,Ney Lamnb had thee nistrtuneitu break JtisBrit hl i tskec.edceIdgs hie leg liv taking a nîiiieplue att FridaY.y. Yîodi- ll"ts tui ANi r.('uts loii(îiL. t, on, constpmtion, dîzzy spelle -theme ~VîllHoukwhu tuk bage utthe SiilIillie ele linieiii a re soute of the results of an inactive Wire Hunse durîn teok Darieeaofeit eatnlîver. Aek your doctor if he endormsa wre ue dinhie um zel Luon Lae, r1 u. utalik ied~IAyer's Pillasin these cases. The dose Sunday. 1Lucky tellow. i ml, replie -cil. Mire. Lake, Mmr. (Jeu. McCulluugh and Mortun MurravOfut eel , seen lin ~d ylCJC iC..LeiM. lire. John MicClure entertained tue uîîr etreete iuite ireîîuentîy. Ladies' Aid Suciety at the hume Ot the Mm. ee wmrledt akg latter, Thui-eday aiternuon and erenilug nda on waÀeounaof - t Waikn nF R S<per vue serve<1 to over (30 pere0un e CMuud a nacun u iius ( b5F u4 ea crowd li8tened to the 'Bruwul Cawtu-d arlly.mrbat @elsn u Girl" at the hall Friday evening. Cio (Jsen. Bretck ameti rchat, e clandiug On lait MondaY M-Mu ie uteleetresoku u ne n ii A AC H.JINTIE 'bY liutaw celebrated their flftteth weddiuog rtr rmtebens.~j~I~ anniversai-y at their home bei-e. TuT hee lI . Faard &rt,,sunper ad_________________ sièters. tour daughtere, a mun, ton grand- dance given byth lad Ceu t arr' ebtîdren, a gi-est niece and nepbev snd chnrcb, Wedneseduy niglît, March 17, in a great gieut niece and nepiîew anid Bruwe'Li hall. Ererybodyly rine and, o ai nd other relatives vere present. An in- dunt furget yuur mbaruiok. o i id teiestlng tact le that lMr. aud Mmr. ___ Mutaw vers muri-ied and bave sine AareLslit uda nWai resided lu tîhebounse tlîeY îîuw (uiuîy. & gan u [Wi tidyi 11Fiank Clark lias lilt an-iie iîillu1 PALATRZE bmei. on thi.- tarin,, . (1.

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