Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Mar 1909, p. 4

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LAKE OOUNTY-!NDXPND IXRIDAY. MAROCH iý2. 1909 ýtAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAK<E COUNTV 00« Toiephone No. 1. ltor'saesdeice Telepaaone No. 1141 LibertyLlle Exchange Entered at the Poîtoflîce ai Llbertyviiie. El.i, aa Second cuaffl Matter iSiftr£ E 1515.Y. AhVEuTi.i'.NG 5îTS MADE 550WN ON SPPLII ATt'"N SUBSORIPTION PRICE $180 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE FRANK H. JUSr ............._........................ ....... .... ..... Editor E. M. KELLEY.. .................................... .................._...-City Ediior FRII)AY, MARII 12, 1909f. We often hear it said that, if a youth ha& abiity people wit find t out wtheut being toId; that if he has menit, t seul corne out; but we see on every hand young men and women with splendid ability, sith good education anck fine training, sut of stuations, or in very ordinary ones, simply because they Iack that aggresssuveness wl'ich pushes its way to the front. They are con- cous that they have ability and they are just waiting for somebody to re- cognize it and'te push them ahead. Working right beside are others wth, pechaps, ambitnus spirit which attracts attention and carnies them on past their more modest and retiring frlessds. In this electric country of push and hurry and drive, people are too buay Su nvetigate mci on morc worth which dues flot exhibt tself or force Ias way upward. The American people believe je the man who claims sorne- tbtng, seho assumnes te stand for semtthing, seho asserta himseif; for this assertion as evidence of that progressiveness which s s essential te success. If a man makes nu dlaims, peuple take It for granited that he does net believe In hirmaelf. But the man seho aaderts himself, believes he cari do the hing he Undertakes, croates confidence; and the employer is leoklng for the man seho has a program and seho believes ho can carry it out. He s luoking foc resuts and mon who can achieve them. The fine grained, sensitive yuuth feels that t is immodest, unbecoming to puaS his vay forward, Su attract attention to hsu abOity, totelldi shat ho can d*; but white he sa waiting for the world te discover hi. ment, and te help him on, the aggessive boy beside him Sas pushed his way to the position abosce himn.-Success. ANOTiIER STAR IN POINTS ON TOWN. LAKE COIJNTY : II CIQLLW "4THRf! TWINS" AT. THE SCHIWARTZ Poplaar Waukegan Play House Under New Management. Out-of-town Patrons Wil Receive Speclal Attention. Roy C. Emery, thse nese managsr of the Suchwartz threatre' at Waukegau au- nlounce thrat lue wli gins out-of-tosen patronage thse pretererace ie regard to, the urderiug of sleats, sud that if they sili Write or telu.lhone hum at the box office te sili te pleased co select aud îay awny sueh ma.ats ase thcy deeire aind hold tluciuiuntul tiair arrivl aritsatire tiireatre. 'Ile 'Tii ru.,.Tn lue' plesieg a returu engagemecnt w5il be thue cteing eit the Si-hwuart o tiuu-utrcen N ujay, MaruIs 22uud aud ii emaid tii tic ue iiithe couetest iiieii'ial coii uies t hec ahuapecî uroucccil iin iay curs. The lbook ias lin 'us lui uîuî. lsrien lic' v O A. H aueclaIccl whli le Sari n icilis 1i'i'oiuiiiblo fur 'l'le 'Tlirvec i ic" l e outhe lai geet iuiiuuii'il u'uuîî ialies ('11 thel'oeil, i-"cliiiiuiau ceo huggusgi cars anud t lu ee foia'lislr theu. ranu.piirtli ou i il thle i'îiuu iei. h0ewuof theiluisn uî'cvltics c8 vi lutricfi fe riuil inig meigliniug ilver 4000iipouidanaad illuîmarated îî'iti oser 200iuaa'iudeceent laulis. rîiucouuîuiy currieuies iiinjuiuiuits, cnnuutling theiit lice racer luccua done <icti ci, fur tl,, lieilliug oft lias uorlee fta iid ui riog ite lonig rîuu iliacv Yorck tie 'TlîrccTwitae' wZs' eniiîueed'illivitle ecilie New o'Yiuk licsus, ad Mr. AstonitiiiStevenm ut ti e Nseu lii k Jouirnual sasil tluru.c "hrevs To iiie- ic ai utliit lai y. I lîre are i,' a ts aei uiag lis iiiidiiig "Tîîî. iaîa iia'uuu Mari, -cdle1lAtutlt ibîpt,""Bo" Hîu 'leu. Hec,""<iîîîul iulit." 'Tlue' Are Ali )ut irls,-ea" ccii le GirI l pTlere«" iii i theolie 'iiii lati i iuicu\'ito r M i rie.. RwiLîî hua t eutu. <i-S.Triîulle. Eli i'iliîui s, ulcat i'iuu D...lellia Ni Fr i. ii'.V'anik Sciiiil E1'. 1 iîu' t 'lu, lioii i ; Nici i -i u .i A. M. Nelson Organîzes a Bi,, Lotlge' Ille isIilie ut., of.uauuuii u " iîr in Lihertycille. Staff of Offcers t' d-ii Ni olîui lei'ldnug IIîI, te 1ic ill puiiy iiii iii îatiiinu,' ii n- Elecico for Corniung Year. i u1ts îi a i iiii uptue.,' i u iI ui.i -' lu is lII Iii"dt li lii 1 i.r cash, i'ilua o' f d' it i- l- WuNuuî I xcik:'il. Tucadat oe'raug.Nai ch 2. thîrty clir ciiiîui at due blancutes dueu,' iiiulIiiiuie uat,' luî-îîg iniail. abliit îleP fise of the fout ueo enihi'erc of the ut sîitcloltui' i'aiuI iiO tuui iiaiu iil.l,îiiilii ot iiaît eeîuuli' li tlueticîccuo u i ie ~~'u 41her vi.aler liulu is .iciria.l 1%%uiii(5 Âmer'ucan Stars ofîuutuîssemlidfilfiauposessonuf fie iea1'eruc arc ianilugcn le at thse 2tstc'o'r bail iii Liber- T hePoition e îl'uii ilud aliadîld iuîiu~ci îsI I-elesslX andluic tyYl.le for orgauucaîiuîu. The nmeetinug ton lu a schi lfliouse nîccilie eub I iuuglity biu s lutter us atl-h Out. was called rw order by A. M.Nelsona, miîîcd to a ivote of thi e eule' Po' Ila olas Kratepecauilti uieNlili-ausre district uanaging deutyîŽof Lake propoinsli. Io hua id and tii issue E uuîrried W eiruic-div afteciai iii, it tiie eounty. icho ater îbeîuking the mnu-bneuusb tîudluuejaaroiueiaeIl:it isv. Il. ' Lac 1r.Tiie bers for cheir tuouuîuno,.s. pcococded graph iosg îu'ulc eci-, .1 knowinuai ica cuwii, tlay oflu ltoua tue ý. ter auurîil introduced Io ake charge of organiz- rict is ta be etablilhed coniaosed of 1îeut'lr ig tis body of mnaad omnensel eral echool dieutmcssot î'îîuatai- 1 urk liegauu slae wcek on thela uuuter Aftes thse obligation andl secret workt tiug a tosi ueluuîî h'eipropoitionhldo ii un aaithlluiirit 'fTa, had been given eand talen by the 'nuit crin aili ihe îîîdîrîîug due uau iuuuaoctransftormaaui in tli members, thse oowing isi utftoem- nets riclt2iaeini'th de noice o p sîruiig andîîRucine îîr. 'tbe unudrhruach je III lie cieur'd uîît aind ai iliuo field and bers 'sas electe-d to office. asduit 'sIIIioni li' clatire I)iool oui t ailI n fi uti)usgatlier tri uuaiidsfr îîien iirupu ts goveru cct uial Sprirngs AssemibIN No. cai t iif iiu t i I li,1,uuudisti lreliirel. T'Ili luiutei u'uiauce Il illie uuue Mf. Ami rican Stars of iEciu. tt Liber - r i-te'ii l it ilimt li tbliiir u, c ad tue ce fysille, Il:' 1111,1,12. Ill i,' îî d 1 i ii uuîuuîduh Ii îîuî uîîsu uuur Presîdeat. ldo amuiDt) lbhbard. l' i , law. - l;ulli e iii il Io lu 0iu' oul itl icVak 1 lieo cgu are îaît trequeut but C.' VicePres lHenriy FSeg<'ri ' suîueu iii eniieri it f -ionîlliii coi to Il. icierb liig lt 0nue Sum ieo iice eut Past Presiderai. <'as. D.Pructur. che iolllinitieasuurer. lonuguagi) flin1 s 'are, tia tue uu.irum-i NîaueroS 'crnuoie. Crdo R Thé- Auraliara ballot dues flotCl- l'au eggs of thse ordînary sylalta Wyaun Mitcell.uit o scooi îccîuîus esetutclace ltte naruey u.t lîa tencil toiether by a Mic edll. PiahorIr u sc ccci-eci-d bu the sau e ai gauuuct. Hou h parectl,ç foriuacd eggs Orator. î'î.îuase rste aeeece b hesie a- -nairag yulks but soit ehelled. Tiu Secreary,- (arrie A."ictlouald. t c iîblc'sîliofficers oiii iret Sieuwase sois cumbination s couapuerd Treasurer. James L. Clarke. . of ul s reoh about thse usuel sure. Ail seho Tuesdy inAprlu bre serra thue treak ot nacure baeeex- Ciaplain, lira E. Stafford. A scbooi treasurîrireuessorsible pressed themseis'cs as nesver lavirag seen Couductor. George E. McDonald- foc fandu ho de-losts in bauk, Truis- arathiiig like t ieture. He weil preserve Associate Co., Cors Fellers. tees bave roi aoîthoriîy co celease thcm iu eleohol. Wardeea, Otto F. Bstdwîn. aini or is hondgmen n case ut los Autuuuuuhles are of lateyearshecumiug Sentry, Frank V. Gray.'rhe sehoot Sidî recognîzes nu fosses. cou8jdercd ai sureragautf prng tIssu blue birdis ar robins. Wheu thse deyK Musîclan. Lucy H. Slocuui Tha- cutes attoruey lias a ien oua hw-iu tu get warm aud balmy yuu are Trustee, 1 ym. Wn. J. Schreck auil is iauuiod by justices ou thse sure tua surail thse stunk of gasuline aud Trustee, 2 y rs., Jolin (hrisensen. tua ace îu here he iuosoecu the case. the odur ut hurniog oul. Several ut theme Trustee, 3 ys., ('acclo A. Acers. Ail oni fli sauî re ,icuîculeini- 1 ý brds it passage hase aireadyîlot in an Tise charter lu still opuen. The mîentu-ccouy li'ii'edii bers are ali acting as dlluitt s ussiust 'n11111Yîuîuî rmîuîouden-îîîs eluull111-- ed hy A.NI. Neson. Thi" liai e 1 rum, i.ii iuuîu lOis' bonde fourecord. sIready wrlîten. anad exîl"itIo lia%;'I,', ihi- i\piiise uftrecîudiîîg tu ue iharg- lares. A. W. Lîchted, thse village plumu lier, us spurting a ueov touainug car ufthde r1 iui rei-hreu.-t vcriety. It ima a ruauli Il.e sanie îuake ho druise lest sen. lic. k Now when youi walk upon the street - t's either ramn or snow or sleet Ail kinds of weather-youi're tiever suire. Only onie kinid of goods hero-the best. Yotu can always be sure. The uniforin goodues of our SILVERWAPE hais set people talking-alpo buyitig. One try wili shiow you why. A. HUSS, WATCIIMAKERandJEWELER Again cornes Standard Oit W,,.. cOU Upon a mission ffl1 Ra And makti Missouri a very Oîly Proposition. Standard Oil cornes bauk. O ur ciorto)niers dou, too. Not for the saine reasoîî, thongli. Ilîcir reaponirai good goods, fair and rqnare treatrnent. OUR LUNE 0f TAILOR MADE CLOTIIPG wins them. lt's uniforrn goodiieras make-.,tlei corne back. 5CIIANCK BLOCK ,300 Square Feet two coats to the gallon, that's what THE SHERWIN-WIUJAMfS PAINT wvîll cover. And on a good surface it will cover more than chat. No paint wuilI do better, and ver few paints \viii do as well. Maximum covering capacity, easiest spreading qualities. longest wcar. and greatest ecoaorny are what we claim for S. WV. P. Its the one safe paint to use. Always gives satisfaction. If you want to save money in painting let us show you die way. We seil paints for ail kinds of good painting. aY1 acasof 40s '.\li hth cu culas vIiný1ait le iiii.uiiul eac ivitie-ac.fremliuly paiaced aaiuîinoru bead officers c IIoliie e t roua Friceuand laid by ibhe boîuut boards, saii c'loc ad riraiuuarag trafne mshape. Rtoas YOUNG & LYNC porc II.. sd ichos triuntIsediteu i ~ <~a~ ~ fflereTay lr aiics a Ford runaeliiiliteaOL etvl port Il., ad vsitrs fontthediffr- j, ý oter ouity oficrs.i terunand seil calso uîut ionud ecs Lbryi eut assenblie lu uile aund i ool 'rt, u. liaisuicle-ciithe diii i euttile icaetiuli'llu leigwuIdii gounty. The fol toc ig il ii itos- Wii 'li l liu . if'r io-i cu rait e seeil tua 1ivi hisut ui le lau sa- u iar la "e ai so carry a linle i preera: tti-l-i. iocci.'us .E îîiu.e O CIITiiieîiuu ti'i ofi uTi -h it1i l Llîrix iIleWall Paper. Cc Dosenes. Mrss A . Allenui N iJohnîison. 1 o . ili , iiui-to oilieîr i ilui i - Mr. and N Gu eo.tEbert. aIl f tiitiIra i cere Tie s.ipert-Itriiut I - ari)(Sc hool Notes.- venswood AsFeil le No.8'10, l'h icago, m loii ed to i'i liJ ciii'ea-t lu i e i .uas cr'uti i ac t ualrui ug t lue Jii s - Ilit.; hIcs. Tillu' J. Iltass. P'resuileuc t f i trufrein liii ' iui i b fiii uîîîl lug e s1Iiaiitt cl "ae Teket i QI Gieraview se semhtly No. 82,. fieii auFancyisforiiY(uu'ftor aipraiig exee ss Nll. cr.A. NI.Sui b. t ho sîaîrî'uue ini ihe lu gh isau-l, lC hase & Se secenst'.Fretuoi. ii Ir.cui 'umsCard of Thas. l"iiuirilavuiiruiog utie Suuphauiarcs seranm. J.rueepsuat M;tr. nduii '.Iriues u îs i liattî l' 5.tiuda ctag esîicteil thse sutag alled "In tire y y RivesîdoAscunbi Not lu. aiiduce. eiuraigliiucs fii c ti' rtiidntase adto for L.aaiiedofNoud'- for aia opeai ng exerease. i e I'1iin RIerie ssibl N.13. tue beauxtiut I il iis' suaoaari-tii r-u'i st1reil se- Oua Fruday tsaîrninxugM ataae Jeu kius an] iI. ueut (Il ouun ilcar lisulanau n asutaaîec Charles Fnev gare a shunt reauiiugtoi- Alter installitig ibe offlcî'e ,sîieccb- Mus~. \V..1.Fi a ii:u Aîiii l.usved' by anoiuuduet gieeu by ltuth os eer mae b ub ~ - ~Ouu_____________ hIot ead Mairie Hapke fur the Freeh- Circle Blend es wre mde b thevisiôrs hnians morfluug cntertaiutraeut. thse flour as eteaced acuitex eryboit aI ÇMsorn ite magazinue s wre lreeute t c,,tire Altura Blend dace; eteulauint -s us sticd Shipped Lae olarlu sa. jg whoullîy the Sha-htun Prees. pnd stising ordnieli e t- ii'esi i o Jnis enei f ufal lasi iTe ii-x t etr fth oa tahSouth Sea Blend au sacin hîîe t îs î'co s Il d oa i ar louafit u wu'uîtý-ourar liiiln ciIaellhebIelul et the lagh preto l praiesinrto doa l Sjuir uAer3 euuiulî1N0I. o uinINithbousi-i)ili Iuaifalo, NV..-lio rnSatuuday, March 21), ut JPrfc2n ln have CtIs Sargengsh. bs. inly Nos.u rcîltta i ee u uuuuas 'lesolIleti alao ai 'ilay ounSeaU Brand 13, helag.9. heboses ad stbiiii Qng fur LktoSlcCuuiut t ar nues au' l)us t )tiaic(U'utY instîtute ati ale orgaratattlon of thle ityt - u Ouity asu d i liii Folr-'ilecho npltsesje fns, . a state. i"The ost. npyinut lilfdi Auoilur ari- euitudfronti i('uo-îtect ibook [unisuuuud airdaitout aitest u CORLEUI(ST rKt5 Mr. Neleun wilahl ay iiiMmintllal 24thicha. raakiuig foiurt elgbt headIn tii at liiicct Maîday. when liebulles tii incearte tireedieruuc- trocs ulula district, ScieraI 1upiis are absent Iruum tlise Phone 30 LIBIERTYN shilp by 25 more as tIse me, ilu'cs have Lake couîuuuy is noted for the fin,? seiàan ad elgith grades uuoa acuunt ut promlaedto assie lima. lorses il naiseu for work purpocues MacsHaslIuteisdSeiiMxtn __________________ vlaita.d a nuaher f tIsegrades aune dayNti. lest eecla.Noie LOW FARES FOR SETTLERS, CH- Simple Remedy for La Grippe. Mrs. Krchner vi»ited tîte thirut anad I wisb tu annunuestu the votera 01 CAOMIWAKE &ST la ripecogh aedageou tfuuuth grades last week. Libertvville township tiralit1arn a8 CAG, ILWUKE &ST Lagnçiuentcuieghe airelotorgeunsio .x Jetaus Johnasonis hack in Misselugg's candidate for tise office ot tax cllector1 PAUL RY. de niurtt eeu uocnuuna.nroterua ater auîog absenýe due tii ic1- ai -I er uhapecseyu ____Foley's Hunes soit Tainn uceuy tiape tits ee. adwl eyme prcaeYu Low fare* tor settler - ry esenv Tuiecougliat lui aansd strengthetae th, Nellue Bucunautt. Myrtîe Luce aud George supoplrt attIse repubhicain Caucus. 1 longs su St prl27h ieusv, 1119e hat nu serionse recuIts eraeit b' î>ehaate ehusereabsent ast seeck baave E .Hisu fromMarcis23rd tearpndl Tire nelusiveretornat__________ to airh DakTaeangeoutul pantslbolev'g Hoiey anrd Rth'il ieiuuer loe till absent trotta Mis emjet@Cacs oit the tDow Chicago, Mila'aokee& Puget Taren rtaauesuolaruntululutte assitje ira Wheir's cuuoin naceounit i ikekuuse. Deoca cCac uter u a -elowReog SU) 'itl lucThre liai t aut ucone a-as o! taindi- A asa-s uicf Hettan aIvs. ae api'taHarce iRelur- acag..thueIulsu-ats icfur flot. ptiaiet cou ruths lu Miss tire Town'rshipîof Lisertyvilhe ili be hcld HehnoBovitas, Marmairthi 'and -u . use i't cîuiu nomiuiat cie towi h all, Saturdaiy aftrnooti, otber Norths Dakota points, aadt 80 To subscribers payang in advancesi MiluirýdEitiwîizo aa esout au! shuuî Marcis 20, 1109 at two o'clock for cheý Bakr, ile CiyForey'tis, Stusecelmi, maIe the follosing exceptIonal club MIne c fImtweon accouat oft siektas'sc. puriose ut ptaciug 1in uomiuation tise!!ý "vinr, Mlles Cip .Iuihaiauiia audMr.Wheelcr sisiued f!ulosig touwusip officere: Towelcerk, tavna.Rosodp, arisetnMoore, offer: Tise Lake County Independent , t IrII get aduë uîay at wee-k. assessur, ciiIIctorcotmsasiouer O! bkgh- IAWtwnMdOtet)Iutnssttinstise Chicago Osily Inter Ocean a T llae prei-ttage a,! attenud.uce for thse seys for thaeSer aý istrict, two justices - Lwlsuow esaiotiet ontaoa esdiueParis M ode%, a monthly magazinefor ast nioith oam as tolows: B gb eoi o lu e peace, two io auOlsf, tSsoo os bls55W11D. Cmplt. n!osuatouwomnen. for S3.60. Deiaiquent suis- 93.6; sçypruthu sud elgistigrade@ 92.8; trustes sud 8to lsnact SDy other ihuai- hm k«»s your low aom .A MILLEI, scribers May a180 profit by the pro- fifttIsasdsxtb 89.5; thtrd and fourth ne&@ that may coMe before tise meeting. - it Ocou 2e5 postion by Peylng UR-to-date. 94; second and tiub 94; dret grade 04.4. By OanuU 0F THiE COJmhTEL ý,H BROTHERS l, Illinois of Airatonu' Paiîîts. :me and See. anborn's ers1 BRC S Exclusive SeIling ERCS Agents VILLE, IUL.1 Methodist Services. "Not Unto Themslvea" wilIl be thse subleet for the morralug diocourse atthe Methodistchurch next Sunday. ln the evening "Thse First Commandment" wulI lue the subject. ln the reading of thse commandrasents chere will be musical respouses by choir aa coraoregation. Straagers weiconue Card of Thanks. The Ladies' Aid and Homne Missionary Societies -of the M. E. church wtsb to thank al thtose who so kindly partici- pated or assisted iu thse production of 'The Temple nt Faine.", The entertain- ment wa& very euccessful and their ser- vices higbly apprsciated« M»s. J. B. MÂCGUsFFuN, Chairman of Committee. y E 3 I 3 Bcoit eilu, Varaish or Hardware Low Price does not make it a Barýgain (ome and I will show youi a bargarn. It lias been eaid that in every fair bargain both sides gain, and only the thief and tu4 leltcr l". . g., - l - A - ie-4- l cL- . Th~e service any vatnish wili give ira goverued by the material osf which it ira made. 'lho three tstaple ingredients of CliI-NAMEL are, pure Kauri Gum. pure Turpentine and pure Chinese 011, 'ipre d ' China._ I FOR SALE BY H. B. E GER; -SI.J(ESSOIIS T10 111E- EI IonlSmwreFC[ fflhber conuafly Jîst a vliantîge iii the naine, that's al]. 1wMatiageinviit and LoMatioxi of a iii r bu neras remaiîîs the qalue. Cail, a,4 be'fore, No. 47, Libet tyvil le Exuliaaigo Yotu wiIl flîîdlis ready and waitiîîg to s4erve to the beaat of our ability. We invite continuied patronage antd uew business. LibertvvIe LilifberCofan E. A.*ILSIIOP,M sta. PLUMBINO PROGRESS u J T'ne change that makes the pro ,'i' grecs of tIhe ycars ina Iouse building i5 Mos vident in the plumbirag of thse home. Modern faxtures anad open plumbirag, confornung ta tanitary laws and contributing ta good heaic, ar h otoeworthy improvements. ate MtDopubn icrsadtegaase rnaepuauu ssre uumb its ade get. ee Libertyville, Ilin ois *~The Tale of a Tailor New Spriiig C1oth1e,. O f coulrSe ,YoIuwikh ' to bu amoîîg the bert dressers tlîis season. Yoti Swaut clothes that are correct iii fash-ioni, faultiers iii fit, and garmrents that will keep their Lihape Sand wear well. With our clothing you take no, *chance. X'ou will be quick to see the superior * excellence of the materialis and the exceptionally * higli grade workmanship, while the wide variety * of distinctive, exclusive models will surely *intererat yolu. COME UN. FRED CROKER O LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 4 E morses For Sale. Mnonain Meadow Stock Farm, one arad one-half miles north of Wauconda, Illinois, bas constantly on baud and for sale, aS lowest market price. a stock of ail classes of horses, suitable for the road aud ail farmn I work e p es sud draft, oseful sud servicCable, from 1100 to s 6u pounds. Prices $8oo to $20000. No plugs corne to Mountain Meadow and sce the horses work ou thse farm. -Ait acclimated sud svoid risk of sickness. Ail guaranteed ou deliverM as represeuted. COL. F. J. BERRY This coff ee ira always f resh roasted and faucy quality. Cail anîd get a oarnpie. Prîces anîd quality guarattei. - - - - - - - - - --- - - ý-- -1

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