Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Mar 1909, p. 2

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LÂKE oOUpTY 1K W eu strength ulad he-one, muscle and lubd n nd-wlth Mehua iW of r"chblood. When weak, ln low spiits, no theer, no spring, wben rest Is "otrest and sleepls not seep, we are starved; our blood is o, there is fiiWe nutriment Back of the-blood'lsfood, to keep the biood rich. 1When it fails, take SCOTT'S EMULSION It setstbfe whole oy goigi aedn-man, woman and chilc - ~IB ..ihs isdbuwft Dun. ROCXMEHLLR Pied Bergiioro, of Barrington, was a the bome of hi@ bro ther, W. L. oghrn and family first of the week. Mrli. and LMr. Oeo. Sanbornentertained ýZf&dagtetr, Mrs. Robt, Simmone, of asSunday. Tiie Mieees Marguerite andi Bessie .Avard-were Chicago visitorg Monday ot 1" aweek. lirm Fred Knigge was a récent i isitor bt the borne of lier son, George at Diamond Lake. Horace King ré seriîîuîyily iat he home sufferinx au attaîsk o ii parititniat. À trained nurse Init Clirragoi, ein sttendanoe. E. W. Fischer avi i u ani, lwt,,, fmon Chicago 8ajient 1rrîday withlhie =,dumoetsé, 'Ir. andi 1M. Itt. Mms L. B. Aines inee Laura Doolîtie MWd ttié son, ot Palinyra, Va., are here ona vilit te, ber parents and triends. TheY will rexeain indefiaitely. Ma.. E J. TIyler is euîaying avisit from b« daghter. lira. Geo. Bush a former *"ont hère but now of South Dakota. (o orof Chicago, forxnrly au ý 'I@oYse of B. Broadhead, Sr.. peut »""Ya~ wittb ù-eBrodhed fly. OUM s~Kniagereturned toa choal Mou. «-Qn trIuoeîhe prevoue weeb an ~ ofilume.By nodoing 'b. bas biS hol record of neariy totir rbdelg whlcb tme lhe ha. béau Ccýabout mi tardy. lSfr SdAy of lit week at thhonme Ifgdéaighter, liru. Johu Wlf@ occurred of Xihailrs. SOinuet. Au aged baibe"d, twa ousu ad one daugbter as'eleftta maurn the death of a loving Wlf. and mother. Funeral took place Sonda troam ber late houme wiîh burial Mt IVanhOé cemetery. Mis,. S. L. Tripp visited her !,,te, lire. W. L. Butchiags and lamity at Gienview séverai d i.le lat week. Mr. Trlpp and Hazel going do wu on Satur-J d&y aud réMaing river Sunaiiv Miss Bazel Triîrp eiîtertirrrl tire1 R.ockefeller Social Clair t lier Ironie laét Tuesday evenling. A iîomt enjîîvale evmiiug Wu@ spent Wiîlr carde and musie. Card of Thanks. W wiah to thank our friends aud aigbors for their kinduese during thec Ilu and death o! out dear mother. Mo. AN MR8. J. H. WELLS.9 M IOD AKE loi"Luolla agit- bel] apeut a lew day. viLla relti vu.ln Chicago lait week.t Me.lm rna@ Peut a numbér af daysa villa ber aitera lu3 Chicago ibis week. f A nuraber af tii. ladies oft is viciujty attmwaddasurprise Party St lirs. "esletf at Wded&Yda aternoan aud ah V« 900d Urne Was had by ail. Mr. ed lMr$. George Kuiggs are the Proud parentâ af a baby boy boru liarch1 10- Motlie and cblld are doing uicely. Ur. &Wd lir. John Hudgs aud chiltlren 01 Rlghwood, $aeut Suoday with iheir1 P&Metg, lMr. andlira. Ofo., Ray. Fred Towuer, gr., vlited with relative. w% Paltine laut atrrrday. Ur-a-d Mm re.O. Mitchell reburuéd home Bunday alter opendiug a few days Wlth relative. in Chicago. Ur. aud lMrm Thomas Rtussell and danglter apent unuday with ie. Rouas. Umia Ethel Kuédier épént Sunday ai UmnRaya&. Mmte Hartmaun, of Chicago, i@ visitiug villa lire. Herman Brockman at presént Vrltlng. MiseLillian Russilland Mirs...ann Batte. Of Ânti,sBpeut Suuday with tMr@. 41sere e I.ta hé an entertalnrnen4 iluthé Chncb Frlday eveuing, April 2. nadms u4"25e for adulte; 15cfor children under U 2yar. Full particulara uet wéek. A aurpris part a given at the borne0ai Ur. and eire.WErneet Schroéder , aOburday evéning. Ur, sud tir,. Seb ro- &mIe rayaI eutertainérs and alter zffldiug the evrening in playiug cardé a bsuful lunchéon was servéd. IM»re WUIlboa shadow social at tiýs borne a1 Henry BélIer Friday- eveniîg, X a"e 26, for beoedt of the Ceus-ti LAdiIN pleasé briug lunch for two. I HALF DAY WAUCONDA'DEPARTMENT j il. E. MAI MAN, Coirepondtnt ard Agent1 1ev. S. F. Woulfé wenitao Chicago last Cari Norgi retned home Manday Friday to attend théetuerai ef a friend. frou, rdyalake whére hé hae héen éni- F. L. Carr sud M. W. Hughes traons- tterain>ll'@ @tmrtes.lrkl acted business lu Chicago Friday. Misé Genevieve Effirîger visiled Wau- Idre Bill movél into thé Heet housé couda triendé Salurday. lest iionday. Mis Martin wae a Cilago îiitun iast tir, sud tire. John Browu vieited Sun. Friday. day with thé latters parentts,tir, sud Mise Frarncis Serinott purvltased a flué tirs. H. StillinIug îirivrng hoîrsv laet ii,'Li We did not haveour usual St. Patrick's Tire Waui-oriîa a nii were iomel serviceseet the Catboiil charliî Wednes- Iseit Friday-. i)tir t arliere attended tire dm as Father Vi enlie wî-rit tu Fox Lake ueîiiire ~tît vrtrit Lo ori.îr ita. iluteal. Mn. art'iAl'il,.ti l'i triît vre Chi VeTitinuile Clubtiiiunt i tirs. Kim- C-agt vi tttt . n, r iai li i li ere sn'wiiug h îg't lier wr th a i er, Mies Esti,lia i ir ur-lfront sattîr int ri'-stirrg ti-e, wa 1i'ru lail udirîg Iay il Srtntdax %.w thi a irk, gant iienida j wirils, ea"Iborte I'oiitirt)-iig nitir(rat, Mi is M iggti lui.r,if if litri1,Il ar- h Cl'imioted al tii o lite aay the tir. .rI.(rrttsatii(iiiy rrîl.utia rt i-laii ui tlieir train, tireri aitit itr prnitisitere . iiir rnuit for iiiiy tire. Bitrtorn ,\fr-.rud Mra. Il. J. Si-iatier, of M'liii ririeeeagate ta king thé prize. Tuere slient Siiday wih H.î(; aryan iu1 was also a black board exércise lu wblch eie'tt iînav wîthH. eanyîîai ir'iY* Elolse Jeukèrprruvîd harseif umonatefficient Mise Olive Jerike Who bas been ill for gaixrîag thé neat prine; alter whieiî ail soine tinié fias returneil 10 ber scitolI enjoyedl au lgant repast returniug work at Deerhlelil. bornélu thé bappresit possible meoil. Alvin Kimbali ivas a Chicago visiter TéLtrr lbddntdeai TeorgedyeradsnPalo üe Men'ay évenlug as éxpécted. Théeurén. Geoge eyr sd sn aulofIlHery bers hiug lath 10 givé il up ieo ve l cailelou relatives lu Our village Sunday. méat hereaf er or ntif warm wéather ai Mir. and tir@. Joe Dowéli are rejolciug thé diffrent homes. Nézi Tuesdaý over thé arrivai of a eou hemn Suuday. eveuiug vith tira. Cari. ____ ____ ____ ___INGLESUDE. PALATElir. sud lMre. F. J. Rub are vfsiting lu James Meier lae etertaiuiug hie sister. Chcago thie véét. froni Scotlaud at presîmý. Mayor Busse dipeut unuday ai hi@ A. L. Bonnet le on thé sict lisi. tarur. S. Lipfos@k> aud famlly vere guésî.e et Mies Pearl (ierred, of Gravelake, spént friéuds ir the city ever Sanuay. thé past véét with lir. Wrn. Stration. Who are thé bappiet couplé lu Mies Eider atteuded thé teachrsa Palatine? Dr. Starck and ivife with thé meeting ai Lake Forest lest Frlday. fate arrivai iu their home,.tir. aud tire. W. K. Kimbail visiteil tirsud tire. Chartes Smith, o! Daes ovér Snuday at baté Forest. Plaines, léf t for California, Friday, Geo. Jacksen purchael a bus et March l2th. Frank tiarvinsa salé Meiiday. lilas Alta Bennett, eue of Palatinea Wxrt. Hueker le warking et Mayer popular young ladies dléd eaddeniBsEs tok farcir. Wednesday evenini. tiarcit 6. Sue wiii Wn oyn'é new flouse la uearl3- bîn miseîi eré lîce, batounrlosa "sîonpèeî ber gan in. fryRefore f The C. M. & st.Paniru alroad are lfr nit 'rIwre . itrry ,te fîîî' nili rnizg traikt tipitr nrer -geai et pit ut Pîiatriea nn n .utel ii le îltuirtFtox nLuike. l'eyw ili tart aîIay aril eto rk lcainz ~ttueinta 1Ii I toni. 1n lglitfonc e tiretit of t irte Inouît b. Tuesday, i-ei. ¶tii deatti vtsin,4 Iître.1 Henry tundhank Sr , an earln- ettier: sud heloveil wtte sudiniotirer. 1FileYa Houen- and T'or cures cougbs Dr. andNtirs. Sn-ierding entertaiued i fuickly, strengtbeue ture lunzs sud expelé triénils Mareh llth lu h)Oor of tIbeir cole. Gt tire genuine lu a yellew four yéar old cous@ birtbday. package. FRAÂNK B. bei ELL. LOUIS J'a YEOMAN THE SEWING. MACHINE MAN 1V NHOE . .AIRIE VIE W bérg bac, I farne justi Thr vsn choo!l at Frrda M tra Dan Con way aansn vlsited nitb Carnne' iThe Cemnetery Society rmet wtth Mirs, liýer piarents, tir. snd tis. Chase. Boi k anuin crsa Jensen aset wee. 1 ..~ ast ineek Wedneedja',. afternooij. tins. Jolin Welusrnnlt'rwas Iiried Mme Chair. Stalîl arulson, iii, in l i' t prescrit ai itere lamt Sunday alterunon. Tiarsauy îuf ast îî eek rn Cran-laie. tUî,'r th Choir practice w as field l at Frtday R len and tire. luoénekFe éîtertarneî Fitch B. c evening a 1h tirs. Beach. their ais-e, Mis Eliiotg01, of Michigan tuent et Jerry Newton, of Rockefeller, was seenu ! and r rot, othe paa t erk. ehaCoprct on aur siréet Suuday. o tuévllth pslesk haater Oti SmthofWaukegau, epent Sun- lire. H. Loo0mis bas been spenliug thei' téen day atérnoon vith hie parents. - Lippe, e el iugbr. atr r.W.b h Mire. Jensen éntertaiuel lire. Christen- Lpe t sonandfaily o Lieryvile l li re. J. Dollénuréler andlsou, Jatkyu ef séoanilfmiyat yetyil. etLibertyvville. speut part e! lait yack viih lieF Suuday.ber parents, lMr. sud lira. F. G. Mitchell ontr. era H. S. Huributi, o! Graylate, vas a lie.A. C..ichrdeihepéuiugthi caller bore fait Saturdai'. C.Rihad@ thé cin ti Jo4Shépherd and Rudlph Dot-fier yack vît behr aliter, tits. Wm. Hutchiné, Sevl begau4work ai thé Américain Wire Mil;@ t f eprthe a at Libertyvill ait Friday. Wallacre Locthead sPeut Sunday wivih for sévèrei FronnklDlph va. confiu.d te bis home friéndsetaiDéopiles. lire.Fra fan ieverai days ltest wee vth at liene Wehérnhee'gerion thé ictIRat. day, 1u Ci aîtact of rh.uniaim. Mits Jenulé Jenéen,1)f Ch-cgo, la Jas UIl Thé caucue lent Satnrlay va. iargely aî~ ia .A np.Saturday atteudéd lu spite of thé had roals. "ugMs.HA.Kol There was canaidéroblé exciténient aver wCbas. Knréer 18aPendig sévérol day s revfisi the officesofa colctar sund road cani- 2lh blé. uclé, EH. Wéherubérg, of Ulihrch. miasionér ai the thirq district, Candi. Llbertyville. Mire. Jo@ date i viii n ou pétixuion. Mri. sudlira. F. G. Mitchell sud ftibr, tom BigE Auvone havlng aId papére, boots, or W.RuéWttt letviéo e.8 magazines ta dispoasé af i iiidrop a W .h ous et e ierywrl n ay Si poatal oard ta WWlliekétaeilér, chair- busines.s aiurday. piqurayo mnofaithé conittéé. They vilI hé Chu rcb sérvicsiareas folleowsn Seday PTueO ! cal.ed for alter March 25tb. achool, 10 a. m.; preaehing, il a. .;ur o Siteesn ai the young people met ai thé Y. P. A., 7:80 p. ni.; preachiug, 8 p.m.;£oiu£ te home ai John Suvier hat Friday ivng Wéducsday éveniug prayen mes gu W hoe aud playcd ganiés and athérisé enj'yéd vith Bible etudy cla.. E vérTygo né taté more ibéniséivee. A lunch was sérved dnring ocordially veicomé. roadas lb the evéing te vbich everyane ld adp PevRoal MtL ample jusicée epcialiy the ente vhi hNéAhbre -!. aigiven by thé oa eh eeg Flday ulght andl va. vél atIM va. extra gond, made by our youug attended. lira. Cham. Sishi, tatiug apoke iriéud, Arnold Jensen. alariea ado sfc" ayegi Àadies' prise, a bandeomé lafa cuahion; y g A ~ ~ ~ ~ rr fath fy év-olari e t ', ret priz. bein« takten by A. Front thé flunt sulîtn tirrea-tat . e héW b rg, a gent'. taihlet met; hooby calier Satu béart lis Impulse, 1Un power, lts .Prises.vere taten by Mise Carnie Schléy A. Ri Iarity. Thé etanisefialohait id euansd Fred Possel, each a harmanica. three ne1 or luide nervé. It vas Dr. Shaap vbho ody firai tald us h vwa. vroug te rga ady veat or faiifug etaniach, héa aUATAKISC lir. Ro kidueys. His presrIption-Dr. Shoap' Ullric behi Bestîrailveé directel tralght for the Beu SeZ&oér, af Chicaga, came u a Aug. UIli causé ai ibesé aîmété-iheee véot and business trip Satnrday. ,wa. bélda aleigIneidé uerveo. Thirs, ne doubi ' cbnrch at( flar xl aie ecthinsortie li. r%. M. Weiaud @ent a day lait yack lu thé Ca-i o)f late gro nuse rapidly in popuîarlty. e akgn er Druggiotée ay tirat thoeé ho test thée lira. Carné ie is andCarrieSchhey ver. startel il Ritsrative éven fer a few layas oon Chicago visitors sévenai days lait veet. Monday. heciîmé faly irourmcel o!fits voulérful Evert Wolf speut sevérail aye In Mi% He menit. Anyway, dent ding the organ. Chicago lait yack, home. Treating tue cause oi sictuesé in thé ouhy senattîleansueucc,,"Iul woy. Sol by Our WANT ADS. are paylng athéra. ALL DEALERS. Are tbéy paying YOU? i. Thé Vernon Ceméetery Aéîutîrtîil n. st atihe home o!flire. FreniSuitille, Thuesday attérnoon, tiarcb 25. Ail mémbéna sud friénils are cendiaily laý vit'ed. Croup poivolyatopped lu 20 xiutes, willa Dr. Shoop'a Croup Bemédy. Oas ttslow miané ii urely prove this truth. No votliing, no distreaa.A aie and gaalggsu-iôc. BoMby . ABOUT YOlJR MONEY MATTERS. ARNING. ACCUMULATING, and MANAGING yaur nronrcy la E arthv vair rarclul tbought sud test eifants, loia t tire ver', ticat wnîy anI betone il i., tee bite. Tire hIruirîilrg et nxoney anul nnanry rnatîenn. ns îur business. We rau tir-p van suive, handie andl unvi-nut îcîun nnney lu théeurost prafitaluîe, 'niaal ceuvexient ond SAFIIST wa3. Every bey trnd girl shol hbave a svi ngs acaîruxîl. Every man an arîeunmccl thé heîp sud alvice ef a seaul ond serviceable bauk. Wé invite your business and yu.ur acrounit. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LIBERTYVILLE civs Sstarly ?lbnaeit Dt o th0. Pe o ffica ------------- E. IM. M nées Tue* lire.0. viei MId lir@. St spént T B. B. Vers IMet led tire fi ffiday. J. E. mi Mille, of homes of, leteol vas in Chicago ou busi. 3aiay. O. . Hawkins waa a Chicago donda'y. deia Vasé and baby, of Russil, eelaY lith lire. R. B. Dixon. iOrblet aWd MisesEmma Studer, ceaif aud, làabyas towail atten. sachers' nmeeting at Lake Foregt lus, of Détroit,'aud tire. R. T. 1Chitago, vere guette at thé H. C. Haines andl1B. K. Mille iNorman sud Shermanr Sîonen- re uoved their familles tu Ihlin t et of towu. R . N A. urbeervel tiur rinuth .nry oftht ic arut p ittu viii r d.FiftNt h re tinttirs w n e rit] unr' L-nidate a-as iriitit,u-t te itarre îîf bte M. Vu %viie îil] gice an intentan ru t1ý alt, Manch 2tith. Mni mat abule rumiaiian, ini rtatuir aind iittpenawrouatiir.This ivili hé untertanumerit irn the séries griven il W. A. ti i rter. Dortt WEST FREMONT. -ank Hirouimus, Sr., le reported lk liet. of0 thé West FrOMOuteré atten. caucus at Ivanhoé, Satunrday. Il d thé largési cancnt bell thére SI Yeats. aut liartini seét a toupie o! Chicago lhast yak. (lirch reîuned ta, Minuésota ,alter @pendugsovral laye tiug with hi. rother, Frant e0 Steffel éntértalned ber Master Helow lait yack. ile returned ta F. A. Bowling,@ y ater sendlug the vinter lu rite. Jebhn Bousé'@ chilîren started thé Geulil achool Mouday. e thé rond coururhsiouér viii ,e ntereét lu thé West Fremout bi spning iban be bas - in thé eeir bail thé misfortune ta loo" bhook contaiuiug mniouy a féw 0vhîié aitWancooda. SMartini vas 9a Round L"k, urday atternoon. Ritta, o! Rockefeller, purchasel b0 orsés ai thé Bérry horsé fart tmmâel, mothér aiflirs. Frauk iere lied at her danghtér'a, tirs. nich lu Chicaga. Thé ueraI ahe the Fremont Centre Cathelie id the remaine vere laid ta reat iholie ceurétery. ,Tekampe sud Wili Norlméyer ditcbiag for Martin Hoilaul llut elen Tekampe spent Sunday at Announcemeni. 1 leratîy arinoance myselt as a candi- date for iii{ti of thé teivu e! Vernon sul'ijut ti" the uîill of the cancas te be hall Mari-h 2t Yours reipritfuiiy, 2"'-3 ZIi i tI nicn, Prairie View, i]. To suhaCrrîers paying lu ad'aance we mate the fllwi s xcepitlouahclub offer: Te Lk onyIdpne teChicago a auuiy IudOepuads, Paris Modes, a mnouthly magazine for seamen. for $3.50. Dehiqueut suf . acibera mnay sisa0 profit by the prd- position by Plyiug up-to.dste. r4w4" LakéZurch chol l Blkuaé'spavil. ton Frlday îrnng, Marcb 19. John Flnk made a business' trip to, Chicago Tuueday. Dau't fail ta attend thé towu priurary sa6turdar afteruoan. Rermas eller aitéuded thé uerai of 9Mi" Bene9t 0tPalatine la.ý Sunday. Mnr. P-aie and ebldren, of Chicago, are'visltlug with Et. Héllér and family a féw day. tiawéek. Mr. aud uil Frank were Chicagor vilsitors Tueeday. Misé Milîlé Ahîgrimirwho bas ireen eétaying with fier brîrtier, Mr. link, for the laet year and has beeîî rcry sick lately, waé ni'oved tri lier aister's ,Mre. Chas. Seip, of Palatirn', Mîradri', wree rt will hé mnore couv'eriieît fur the rirrtrir. Severai eupcrvimsrondrîruîri irjir clonermanuîd routraitors gatrii d llir1 lîîst . àonday wiîeiitit' riritrîîicte %orît gîven for two new tri',' un ij)I i gr',î, one near Cilmier ca the i.'Criiîitre bridge and one near Loiuis Erns8tiîîg's place. One Ilrrn near St. Louis bas rIre coîirrst their bid biieng the liveut. Amount being 81246 for the two. Louis Géary took a trip t Michigan last weék where hé attended thé funeral of a friénd Bunday. VOLO, e Mis@ Vinnlé Bacon, of Rasévillé, was lu Volo Tbureday.,,. Mir. sud Mre. 1awrenoe Miller wlill mové mia the 1'heodoré Wartz houne this weék. John Cappéllér has rétunud tu hie work hére alter aféw wéeke' vieit atNéw OrleaDo. Dr. Dawsou, of Waucouda, was calied to towu Tbureday. C. G. BINIOU, of Libertyvîllé, atteuded ta business bere one day last week. MMs.Géoévievé Elfingér le 110w eut- ployed as a clérk a& Luéké s@tore. 1 re. Frauk Hironimuo, ut West Freuront, was in Volo Saturday alter. noua. Mir. and Mne. Wm. Vanderboor, or Fort fBi, miernguests rof Mr. and lire. Edward Lusk, Suuday. Mie Mar.y Uulerwiiid, o! SprinizlleJd, Mass., la vlisitîng at ti~ltaynoîdboule tlîîé week.* M liem Gerter le e E 15 îtgi-rsliu t Sotuarîiay witii f'riais iiin riiîîi Win- Liatin4rer bau retîîrîeîl b Viili alter a vacation épent at liîrndee Mesdaumes Sahrel and jWagiier enter- taiued 8everal frienili Friday afternoîrî Those presént tcre: Mesdamres F' Dunelil, B. Roéing, A. J. Rtayrmond and .1. Stadifield.> rcopyrlabt, nos. by T. C. McClure.) Wbéu Aunt Sally Benutir camé to thé churcb thbere wéré no cushians in thé pews. Shé Offéréd ta stand haIt thé expensé of provtdlug theur. feacot, HantUnge was conéulted. Hé bail ccxx- trlbutéd hit thé lumber to bulld thé chureb snd the two stoves that heateil it, and hé wae thé bis. tic éaid bo Wanted no change. Ant Sully sait she'd get even! Just whiit Aunt Sulty meaut by ber hait threat arin en vetaped. Sfic camre to ctiurcb luigirtg a tbig teather piltiii irdi'r ir ainn. andlthé îIiiiiw uwr.î used tri lier iîi'îî'forra iutlalioi. Sire brt idrrîie Iri t', andlte ire lit tof 1r walklig uni)ti'ealititbhie îIilîîw w'tî,ta ioei t. .i t Nvirimore; It watr sar rdailou ir, tit lu. I eacoi i trtt i lic eo fetil'ii. anrd he ptied hii, btesit'l'uttio is théert'htli wn astn.rrrrtNever Iluail hie 111e ba ie hi'ea~îrd î,f sucli a thlirrg, snd i- ttiped for the gittd of teenisecsud the marais er s<clety the îiliow woutd hé ieft at here lereafter. "Look a-hère, deacon." answcred Aunt Sully. "I was watehlug you al lhrough thé sermon, and you was hitching around on thé hard @st iiké a boy on tacike. Yon May continué to bltch If you want ta, but I sbant. This pillar will coure wlth me evéry Saunder untîl we havé péw culons. I dg't béllévé thé Lard la golug 10 punieh any one for wantlng ta hé comtortable In cbnrch." "But aur forétatbéra etood up te worship," argued thre deacon. "Yes, 1 know, sud 1 guesa they £01 more religion lu their legs thon lu théir seuls. If you dont want me ta corne ta meeting yen con say go, but If t coume thé plleir cones aloug." Thé deacon Raid It was a rank case et lrere'îy. audlire wonld havé put ber out If lie îoulid have secureil any sup- port. Al loes ndvised bImt t let thé matter gît, înd fiir three meonths Aunt Sullty an ber pillow were featurés of the îîrnrîîg sercte.luit seewasn*t satîsitedIt ilti lier v lctîîry. Suîtieor zîs tî onrc . andritie 1e w.rérin_ izr lintr uit, nd eb.lniiy troniîled the subJect rit prt.. r lig the îhuirc-h iti serî'ea dor ;itrd îvitîtow s "'And trrrilia t (iniitre eurrenidi.r ti Batari!' shinited the gîtaI îîiddeaciiu as litegrew ricInlethé taie. "Dontyt Ir? li kefies eut et yeur lieuse?"ohéeaked. 'Burt my biouse la net a church. If thé Lord witis IL that fies @hall enter thie sanctutîry Il La net for us ta kéép theur eut." "I1 saw yen battlng at eue that vont- éd te lght on yaur nase last Suuday." "Thén I shali o.k torgiveneas for Il. Malter Béutly, you bave almeet disar- ganleed this cburcb vlla your fénther pliows and other hissas,sud yau muet go no further. We vere yesrs in dri,. lng Satan sud hlm témptatians outt aud nov tbéy muet star ont" *«1'Il Poy haIt ou th.e creéna,11 she perolated. "Yen would prohohly puy haiftot have a iddlie lntreduced hère tei belp eut tire ieglng, but that wIll nerer hé. If t bad 1ta iten a acreen door ta gel mIet its ithrrh t1iever ciotl teet right fii Irti îrnîi'ncé t berîsitrer" AiltrhîrII ' n i-it boineIo t( Io rule tlititîlii.trtg -, îrti't ftar tii gi, artî tiie tîrr i i tlte - rite urs stitt nei'r'r. Thait, e.aiiî' ttîitnti bn.,omi-el intît liii. tthe ifi, t ttil i a siinw ifor itîse wlro wati i-Iwlirîtoolr 'giiroiti. A nd. besidea, I sil. , tick la fan thé bock ef Cnes neck anud keep a bluebolîlé fly at a distance. She télt thatt ohé muet adept sauré heralc mensuré te cl at- tention te thé nuisance, and ottér t.breé or feur days thé Idea came Vo ber. She hbalfaIt uacre et grounil around ber bouee, sud se decidéil thot a coupléetfhîvea of béés vouid givé thé place a more bomeliké look. Sbc thérétare engagéd s mounvlthao tesur te go forth amoug thé farmera aud marke a purchase. Juat whether thé gond voman timed thé mon 10 gel bock on a Satur- day nlght yull neyer hé kuovu, but fi dld coure ont that ehe odrîsél hlm to léavé hîs wagon sud thé hîves lu thé alley néar the cburch over Bunday. And, eueplclously énongla, somé toîka tbought she difi not attend churcla ou Sunday. It ralued Satnrday, sud ber rhéumatism vas varse. Sunday merulng breught bot veaia- ér. Théré vas thé nuiaIcongrégation. sud doors aud windows stoad open, aud théeIe frollckéd. By no posi- bfllty coulil Aunt Sally have knowu that a certain boy wonld corné Ioafag aloug that etréét at il o'clock on bis wOy te thé river. , Nelthér cooîd asli have told that hé wouid haIt on se iug thé hîvesansd thé beas flying arounil and atter twe or tbtée min- nIes pick up tbrée or four rocks sud @end théni againsi thé bives vllhao smash. 0f course thé béée résented It They werén't taklug any sa off s tow headéil boy. Thé trouble, boy- ever, vag that thé boy put on' rapld transit ond gat away. Iu huutlng around for bis troul thé béés found thé open doars and windows et thé cbnrch, sud they reaeonéd thtote kind of etmat was os good as anothér fer theur, and they entened. The minutes 151er the congrégation wae golng eut. Thcy weot eut thé bandiet way andl without décorum. Théré veré sauts and ebrieke and voile. andl thé tive doctara lu thé village bail théirh-bande f - fethé n-xt thr AT STrUD Four-Yean.Ofd Percheron Staillon PARADE R 43,928 P. S. A. Sire, Plut 4 "" , Iice -inneret'thp radSweepstaken onl Chopioushie atChic& nternational. kau-usthéeradetPerche,- éé 2,000 Pound mare who traces back in foui limes te thé great Brilliaut. Pinak Parader will make the fol- lowicng rouie froua April 1I JuIy 11 MONDAY-Prafrie Viev, TUESDAY-Diamond Lake, WEDNESDAY-Rockefeller. THURSDAY-Grayaiake. FRDAY-North of Liberty-ville, SATURDAY-Homei. SUNDAY-Hotnc, Fee $10 Caishr rtIrite etf frst senrire. If yor mre In't get in feuil yeur tan serni ber OR ANOTHFR MARE back ne Pintk arader next ssen-fnec of change. For futhér panticulars autîres wncn. J. M. PATTERSON Libetyllle, Illinis Alcohol not needed mont drink. As nov made, there la flot a drop of alcoho ih. non-aicohoio el end aiterative. Ask your own [doctor about your taking this medicine for tim, Impure eblood. Follow bis advice every urne. He knows. W. i.sisi ich W,. bi fram 1- lAeik your doctor, iiWhac le the tirai grast raie o!. hc uiiP" Nine doctors out ot ten wîll quickly reply, "' Kccp tire boweia regular.' Then as hbi ni anu h er ques. tion, "What do y ou think o! Ayer's Pill, for constipation?- IL"*e by th. J.O. Aye Ca.. 1-. .- lir@. R. M. Vant lftu Tu.daY- narnng for an extended viâlit lia Colorado. lire. C. M. soyi la viailtng relative@ ta lir. and tire. H. P. Tharne, of Chtcao, vere the xneste of F. H. Meyr andtamuly Buuday. W. W. Clark, ai Western sprl»ge, wai a Deérfield caliér Suuday. Miss Vfriula Parsana, of Des plaine&, wasthé guesi of SadieGalloway Suuday. Edi Brown, o1 St. Louis, is vleltiug vith bis urothér, tira. Mary Browen. Little Virginia Floivér i8 quIte !Il with pueumonia ai préent îvritlng. Mir. Hluts, o! Chicago, ivas thé guesi o! F. E. Mayer Saxiday. Méadauries S. P. Iluteliion and Ed thleirrîchl nere tiîî'gireete tit re. L. H. tiatuiîewc tnt( 'liti-ago Tunels1 - M ré. H01-.i ai uni, Samn, tav-,.re tiir rue alter épeuidtîg tli ,a-iiter ili (iiifi)îruis. J i l W o init )aliii iiiitîtly. ,t 'rA,uke- gan, l'.'ri. t tirt înd raitti', , iii 1u, lîett, ait S ntniay w Ii ti r.. 1' Tiili. of 1frs..El izairet1l iler it Iageil cayeuty yeané.i. lltaîl1 -einarseit îf Ieer- fiivd fuir ear and us weilik nos-n Ilrougir. oîut thé ronrrrrunity. Th,. fanerai services acre heidil't the lSt. eaui'é chureh Tués- (iay attéruouîn, thée ie. F. Desol olfici- aîxug. Thé remainé wers taico to thé Whoeéllg cemétery. she leaves tamîturo heriossa brother, Chris Aules, 0f Deécî fild. aîîd asister, Lre. Haunsélman,o(u Chilcago. Four danghtera:idre. Fronk Suydér, of Iowa; lire. MeElois, af New Yark; tir&.Sigwalt, ortAnli on Reigiti sd Ifa Mary ai Dséerfi.d. Six sonar Willamr of Iowa; Charie«, af Arllngtom Héiglt..; Front, Of Cbicago aod Edvard, Fre nsd Peter af Déérfild. The famiuly have thé aympaihy of thé commnintv. W@ wish taritirant the mouy frieuds sud neigrbbore whe ao kindly aeslnted ne lu ourrccxhrame. TEE BtLEIMEOL FÀIIILy. When In need of HIARD WARE, Cati on W. A. SHAW~ J.J. SPOIIN ROCKEFELLER, ILLINOIS of ail Kinds R1EPAIRE3D wlth Thorough ness Dispatch Disc llarrows Sharpened WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. ILibertiiville, IL. OPPOaie St. Paul Frelgbt Ospot f. BNIRSTOW MANUFACTURER 0r Marbie and Granite Monumnent s Cemetery Work of Every D)escri ption Correspondence solicited 16 Genlesee St WaukeÉan Rusel Lmber Yard US THETIEO Lumber, Cernent Coal Posts and Millworkc GIVE ME A TRIAL FS. HEIAD RUSSuEL IIL thcugh "Wl. h Marl qii.lm pu= eadchi, tl iblond pru =e - e.. M, et-asa lI L :2~i =-In,= eb= .bl.M lslMU." h4 lu 0,-d=Lhlelb U er dll Dr. Shoop's "«AIL DEALERS" M~AHNRM 1 M 77 MACH JNERY 34 "s a m symb, risuasthqmA uetn. ta nssll do tira -uk- SU?, PLANT, spAT5 ANNWALL E9UIPUEM Tire Gemutf the Potaun Flici. No other planter cau compare withit. AixrarveIous! construction ihai drap " and a inaction pe cent good. JOHN P. MOEIILINMi, Jobber For Cook, Du Page and Lake Ceuntes For Aspinseaîf Potato Machrncry MOUNT PROSPECT r ILL, m 1 - FARM DMT, rîâDAY,,-xý PINK

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