LAKE CUNTY NDII~ENDENT FLIDY. MACT-le IOW> t %~An IYou llaven't Tried The Best until gou have us*ed Ardee Flour Makes More and Better Bread than Any Other Flour on the Market. A Trial WiII Conwince You. J. ELI TRIGOS G1ROCERY AND MARKET or--' Although our stock has been greatlyp depleted since our Disso= lotion Sale began, we stili have a number of articles in stock that cao be classed Rare Bargains. Below we quote a few: A lot of 50Oc. 75e and *1.00 Drees Shirts, 5OC Lot of Youth'a Canvas Shoes, worth $1.00, 54c Ladies' Beits, worth 50e to 75e, 39c Lot df Laces ani Insiertions, worth 5ce Vo 8c 4c Lot of Laces anîd Insertions, worth Se to 1-2c 6C Lot of French Napkins, worth 7.e, 45c Short lenigtli patterius of Lace Curtaiîîs, worth 25ue Vo 51. - ' - 21 C Pearl Buttons. worth 5c to 6c, 3c Lot of Pearl Buttons, wortli 6c to 1 --e, 7c Slîeet IPatterns, ine quarter wide,21- long, worth ýk1.25 per pair, 95C White Cotton Yaril, Jper bail, - - 3c Since the Sale we have a lot of odds and ends, too numerous to mention, selling cheap. Corne and see for gourselves. Smith & Davis Libertyville, Mi. esalshet Th os ttatieara of Shrsi oaigpten.Afn o fHl Hoe tls N c &.» -il Mfles n Hn e kecies an '\ ie*acyWitea J. BiOViSenCOs1 HANB BLCKLIBRTYILe D DEATII IN SOTADPROA TRIGGS GROC!RY AN ELL.KNOWN fML .u cl tteVi- -, h. UP-TO-DATE STORE Miss Blanche Pester Succombe to Thursday eveulng. T>phoid Pneumonia Early Lsst WedDeeday was Mairket Day and Sf. Sunday Mornlng After Three . Patrick'@ Day also. Weeks' lllness. Dlck McMabou left Monday nîornjng -~ for Lexington, Ky., on a short trip. Miss Blanche Pester, younigeeit daugh- Mr. Wm. Wblgham taslies vigitiug ter of Mr. anrd Mr&. M. Pester, djed ait relative@ lu Chicago the praât week. tise home of ber parents on Cook avenue, Iii" FAY Wels retumned home Sunday &bout ix o'clock laet Suuday morulug. after a two weese visit la Mnneota. Obh. had beeu III for the past ttres weeks Mr. aud Mi. Warren (rummtt enter. wlth t.yphoid pneurnonia aud at varions fained friende from Evanetona, sunday. tlme halbeenna very critiralcoudlfiou Befoe buyiug your field seeda osalIat the Hou,> Lt'seE,> COMPAii' Liberty. but sitb youth and vigor toi suelain ber ille. 24-2 gbe rali ed agalu and again anadflot Outilv evi gborIsladnour. a few days before ber death did tbosee h ilg adlbiînin u e who eo lovjngly watched and cared for bares ou cernent wallo, [)il] sou gef ber eme the lansfraY of hope seetfjug i ou gloom thst WaeiN evitail>. Mie@ Ruth Procfir, i> ( hicagu, bas Ttc funeral was beld lrom tbe home at been vieting relatjves and Irjeride bere two okloek Tueeday alternoongnd was the paot week. Oue of1flic larges fheld runte village ru many a day. Bey. Van de Erve aeeised L. 0. Turuer and faiîiiir1(-t Tueeday hy Revý J. B. MacQufin oflejafed at the for lridiana oli , nd ,v liirp viey will service and i wth klud and thorîgbtful mate their rn. word, of eheer said mucli fo soothe tlhe The Social Dancingiz ltwii give a affliction of the bcreaved faimilv. Mrs. dane at the tuai> liai]i înîivuf tTburs- F. E. Wine and lire. L. B. Hatithy sang dey evening, March 2--, oeveral eautiful oecectjns. Intermeut wa@ jn the Lakeolde ccefery wbere the 0 Mr, aud ire. wordvîî-ils î,1j îîîl eon. remalus were accorupanied by many of Elgin, vjerted the liaet 'i i-ut witl their friende and relatives au wcîî aq riauy of parente, 1Mr. aud M r is. iu> vilei. ber yobtilger aeeociate aud lasmates. Lou Knigge and laiîîki havei mived f0 p The pal] hearers were: Frank Eger, North Chicago. ('lareni', Flagg aud Keunetb Lovell, carl EHughes, l'art taiily will occupy f hein i if fage. *Attridge, Oeo. Bulklcy and Ed Sc'bwarf- zenherger. Thre foIulowiug >oUQR lau je, A derajîcîl car o! wjre lviin iitie yards acted a, onorarv bearere: Miseefirace ucar the macaroni flitiiriku'îîtfilie Smth, Evelyn Trggs, Eathel Spriug, wreci'tng crew huey F-ridai [liglit. Hazel Butterrleld, Irene Fry anîd Ente The place to lîîy fjiiîi i( l,,lov-r andî Mlloy. Ail of thym be'uug mî'mtere (iftallataaeced ijseat ti>I,-- i i iiFit ber uîwuinmedja te claec îor ecliol naý. eCoiîNpA',y, aleu lawn gra.c-'e'I 24 2) The floral offerigea'erc imanl an-i very heautîful, makrug a Iragrant lase Joseeih Medili Pa lvi.i Iiaiîi if vîlîr thaât hespuke the tender eyrrî aIt-r cîiending tfl ic v. i, i in i,(li ac 'ntiîy and i'osdoileie . oree rîv ae. hajuve faken Up flîeîr anoult' 1>v"u îd. 'hvre. were abîout flirty-tic fpieee iniail. I Ernet McDonhiiîd lui- . ,'ii u.1 î, 1 t ,t iîugtlv argr pviv verv. A i rue,>Iliwitil I;lielllîoiu iiili flior ili, lii oi lie cr11ployee of teflc"ouleM il i i hatwv'nk hbut isre rvlîî i, .,griî-llîîg flic(,, ae ire ruill and otlier'. lituilivrila> oralily. lrîîîrî fli faîtily n'a a floral w el iwt h livre spoik'e, une uttierimling brokiiî, tre. F.l-?.Mareh, ut th- ii îîftaîîîSfiiîkf triere wvere fwo îîîîowei, one Iroin rvîa-1Farm, returncd laef 1' ýi%1> îîronhg tîveeu thflecfarnrlyaud fie oheur frouiîîatter epeuding secerai th',ii li iiîeilivre ot the ire deparrîrîcut. Thev sui)vyet. Masers, Eaetern Star and Rfoyal Neigil- Aili Deacon TOUl will IlidIIi ciuopai hore were among other cociefie reprc- eervices iu the %.ondulai,îhll unextv @enfted. The hib ctieool, tf lulsue of Suuday alternoon at flirt--i'lie Ail 1910, of vvhieh ste bad been a meniler, arc rnvifed. as well a@ ber teacter, ail sent reniera brances as did the girls from fbe maca- M re. S. P. Stevens aiîl dauglitere. ot roui factory. There were mauy other Barfleff, III., speul bnfurîlay andn r. r ouquets tram Irlende aud relattivest~~.>) day art thume of ber elerer, Mn'>. E. numeronu. kwmention. E. Ellsworth. Blanche Pester wa, bord lu Lierfty'- Mr@. P. E. Clark returîie'ijt i ber home ville, Nov. 8, 1892, and died Marct 14, inl'rbaua, Sunday aller epeudiug thea9 1909, aged 16 years, 4 moutho and 6 past week witb bier motlîvr, lire Fuller days. She waa the youngest of fbnee and other relatives. cblîdren of Mr. and Mr@. Matt Peste r, ttc idol of thebome and pet o! ttc tamîly. W. A. licDermid, olflic Sheldon Schoolt Fate meeme to, bave ordained that elle and Newtonr A. Fueeie, a magazine eblould tie the tiret ta bie faken away, writer, litofo Chicago, irere ftle RueeteA learing behiud many tond and lovrng ot Tho@. Dreler laet Sonday. ruemores f0 assuag the grief tbat me ire. t'. L. Howe le eiîfertainrng ber r tdft eecniy hy lovcd one af home. Ste mthlIerlr. PA ulutlletr had Roue f0 flie public scbool here ail ber Siîuflthaota. and bier militer, Mc, Ifý. A. lite and af fle icfme of ber dcatb wae lu Nichole. ot Eefhervllle, Ioîwa. flic third ycar ut igh a-boul, alruost rcadY fi> î'>rîplpebler etudie and rate Barluid iiliuii, ut Clieeland, 0.,forîncryly ni, a uI lutalîcld prliie e> 'cf îu rditiir ofl lu iii ilent Part p uerbîfni iw aindllaîfiiuea youiri prvii ujd- diciifir l,[ agazinc, was ae i eivviena> fali-n away. giieýstf 'Il ......Irrier lait n cT Ai yoirig. pri'liy girl, 'nut-if i-l elî~vin k uii îîaîîliîvn - f-Silcii' ix., a tulcgvaiî lIiig(i fli3 yiui5 u ii>] iel uchic 1flc n " i-iîrtrng tlii'.-riîîu.'u ,NrI;" ief >itla ale icaid a'l r iliee iiof1-r liîîiilîî-,.Lyl, Bondiî. gru'vfiug andl flat aIl nu'racuilucrcd îaîd (la.h->-î a ieîiiTi Icit iw lsii Cnas, expîreeed f itrelargch- tle . holvi ii as emcd lin Tuexaiis îcnfliuring at lier lier and ficena' ihe pciit 1-vi hc,rturn,- l .Siîîiil,@ liiicrs Iri licie'loii rouîu e i ltafer 'a shoîrt fripi fi flicsouflirct. a- a.Irarucd witif itbe and lier frienîle f'Il tI lvglooiof -volnece but i flicIlorne W'>lii gcvsi'iar- rv îorted f0 lic nn iriiel il,>' vanit viir wilriccd no eminder i abofli lalice tfui"month. Al, la uf tr tformer oi-culian fton locked in eni h elci hut tluit liv haniter', turîve îlîîîe fondii hearfti lu-ce w iiifie cvirhed fond udrachavel to, i , taiinte for pîr luci-n îî lioe caind affectioin that wiii sorte daY gneef lier on anîîflîr eshore. M iriBei WIamer enterfnitil a _______________________ iuàrlnlber of lr rit lier home on Orclii d s trieef Iet W'vl.-.uay ereuing ',>'1 Card of Thanke. lartysepelîf a iii..i culoyable evvniig. We i'> iI î itu ankthflicmany frîiiid li.Te W' C T.'1'. Iimpnier ti rl, i arnd niegilîîirefor fliir tînd liclp dnrîng of lire.Ediîhlîllcrrii'k, Tuesday, N'u li the andîcv il ierai îof our beiorcd 1231, at 2 :30 p. il,, tibject: "hhy Slii1l, dauglitr. TIuc'- aîîifîtl lowere n'cre a ('lii'l MiilerBi'iong f0 flic W. C. 1T iililreu'iuio-l 1-1,1y and vie wishfi> ex-f presse un liiiprff, i nîreruiarion of f1,,' fliougiiifil il i îuaid l i riaflîy iifi t e A ' .ii4lilfeilî, filic hlubober. le i-- i lîîur o uîîî i ,'nii-iiciit ig a tiev itri'vlhîurec on îlllîvaiîlofii- iIl Preu iir&m)> F vNr > avcejue fleur iiil ,-tfric dcpit i%,l>i li nul lfir, iei, iiniiing andîl li'tiîig1, Nofice of Couac for Ballots. ij-vîlbluv i,' >->v'j>'i' al of ltl, ', ut> ' l l- ii fliîin$ ti iii i Ijý t.H .'iji-riu f cî. Republican Caucus. A l'>nulils uoftfi'el iii licann i tere ut flie 'l'unhlîiip of ierft. l vil i li b hlvilaf flic tii îîîhall oî Safu rday latfioir flicîîirj ose uof îinring in nnatioîînfjîî tiî' hllloiiîig fi>wnsihipu oHie-r-. Tiv n i lent, aîe>'ecir, vi'iil>tsr, cîîîîîuîîscîîîrcrf bIighivaYse for fliceii'jifsr ilisfriî't, tititi( Fii'C oflihe îeaî'e. twi coinstauble, one- i-hîtol frusfcc anud f0 franeavuf run îîflîr u'nlnines, fliat rîîav coin>' l>vlîîtne l ricting, J.W. MjILIR, L. B. BAN ri >, JoiN ArSTeN, Towenshipiî>Comîuittec. Molassese airy Fccd at $24 pev ton. Confairîs 17 per ieunt protein. liteapeet teed on flic meknt. Hovrc Lrsri COMIPAY. 24-2 t- N i->.> haui, l ý, ii-lield eii,ýtli'liii, a t-%ýi iii i- i ti f lie hiîîîîî , i ai>~~ ~~ uaii,'ar i ialg w Itsl m ')n1 ýa l i ir L t t 111i i lt,- fl hi c hofif r >' 1i. i i i Pr. ji C Z. iiî l , iifit ith li'f % îiiîl i fg1--> i iiupîîîîhuîîitlii> v'. MiFcene I) il i Ircedor amI Nliuiii ,%fil e>r an>'tfi v ilî"i&ril.'v oftfwo verv' uc> i pîîenîs if> ffî'iîl I i fic reîîiueiîal'i tlt ( n itn cliiiru-h 'li i ly cen ing. ',lic ciitr'nain"iiiii zci> nu unden ficth eli" if tlie ligliî îlîî A. tesaiiof lfîî ront tlii hie Iluîllirta rila anay hier lrida.v nomnilg andî farnîirîg 8chiur1îiý ifthe Latefijut National Ifitrîîk îîrapcd coneiulcnîblc hl'airl ()f teliti'iii> i -ic utthe fuilIding. lin. Buttericil (1r, î.ired flic danînge. Have YOIIî'îv i viîîpped to thînli fiat ther,> iief lic gîîîid reaeone nvLaike ehunfy's bhucefaIndusare fenilced withî Page Woven Iire l"enti'e? If jntereted iîj toct un poulîr'v i fnce drop roc a 'unI H.' H. Fr>.>,, .>ug Libertyrjîle, Ill. Ilr-tf Mies Lilyblcle llis, ot LilicrtyvIle, ha, acccpfed a Posietioîn as eale8lady nifli flic Alex. Hum i. tl, o! Wautcgan. Vi' are pleased fi> Icurnithaf oh@ bas locafcd witb thie tliviing vonceru and wieh lier pnoeperty iiitalisudauce. Ste will be peased to, n'ciiie ber Libertrville frîsuds when prying aviifto Wautcgan. ABOUT VOUR, MONEY MATTEgS. EARNIN'G, ACCUMULATING and MANAGfNîG vour mnoney i iv irtli yoor caecui t fojiglif and hest efforts, Do if flic ver>' fie-if nay anjd befuive if us f00 fate. The hauiliig of îuoney aijd îîuoîîcv matii iffjeunr butineutsi. '>ue catihelp yvouu iictand4-lic îîl unveif îuîrur noîey inuthflioît profitable, tiijî,'t convenjient andu SAFIF'i'I nay.' Fivry fui,'>'nd girl îîouîll hvc e evi ngi acouiîl. Evcry mri and nl>,>needs thflitefp anîd udvicc of a' sound andulsecvicealîe laîîk. We rivite your busirress anduhytuun ccounit. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LIBERTYVLLE Open !3l upi.y Nighfe Neet Dticer te (>.eset Office Methods of Business Revewed by t* Writer of >Wanderings in Busin~ess Vagabondia" in Trade Paper. Under the caption *'How Triggi, Holde Trade," Thoe. Dreier, managing editer Of the Business Philosopher, writes in ythe February American Paint and Oil Dealer: Trlgge la tbe proprietor of a store in a litte tOwaoff lteen hundred inhaiahtanta t He i8 a real merchant. At thie place fol@ who deaire qnality goode alwibyl> trade. Tbey kuiow they ('an trust Triggs. Tbey kuow that bis stock se tal wave reob. Be neyer ordere a year's supply oftgroeeres lu adrvauce the way some etorekeepers appear to do. Be eorders wbat ho neede n bei 4henecde it. lu Inhié way hbel, alwaye abîle to give bi; CUstoruere the lateot and i eet on thre market. It je truc that there are rime, rwheu the price is highi-r than it wonld lic werc te tu order jrn larger quantitie,. But wlàaf le pricewoilipared wirh îuality? LTherei seome 'satisfaction lu knowing fliat wbat one buYe je the beet otfered anywhere. lu conneerjon wjth his zroeery store Triggo ha@ a mnt markt. 1t &efot ordiuar v. lu tact. it 1, extra- ordiuary. Be ha@ an amruouia freezjug plaut. Hi@ meats are kept abeolutely pure and swect. Hiseu od-etorage plant is Que thaf mnercheastsin towns o!feto tbou8and would lie glad to owu. I aeked Trigge jf if jîaid. '(ertaiuly if paye," he ,aid. "You oe, 1 have the qualjfy trade. 1i get the beet orders in towrinofî la dealinO %wirlîpeuple of tlhe beet vaâe, lint 1 Iol» ri[oe si,)nucli noney fhrough l'ad a 1 nr.Iendeavor f0 furun my mtrik iv"r vi itten îlîriug rlieyearthar- îr.'ll, 1 dîl a iiiein,'ee of rîcarly one hi r n- fl iiieaiil >dol1lare test year. 'l'lat i.i prcty fyai r fior a lit t.iiowr tlirt.v i- i%,vmil"e Iriii oi ii îar ci (> ag>, :1'1ivjIl> a uhi i voii insiilvr tlat 1I euh unI> iiitimaiiîl griiivrice. Fl'k, fold 1ic 1 %,i . iiiili iii jýIueiil o filrl Uiifiy -11 MYi îi O îli Bu ft1w avri,'t.Thie' nb Iiiiiilive ariud llire doIi, lfhave tii oi nl-r tfli>r fi ohit i li tri lhvai ny "tire I eupîily ttivir wante better thoan iinyoi,îi.c.vI>'Ig>>ve tlie i iiifactiiin. Tlîat ie a rriigbtv good tlîîug tv> gire i'ucfoiierm. f2oirihince afietactorvsecrvice a îth îualifv Rids aud the aivfioneer ailI neyer have a chance fi>cofler your zoiide for eale utider a liammer. School Notes. Helen Kolile ie bact lunflic seveuth grade aiter au absenc(e of a week on at-rourit of ejekuespe Tîre ,ercnfh Rrade le fakiug up "Macaulay's Lay@ of Ancjcuf Rome" for their reading. The eigbtb grade je tatlng np "Enocb Arden" for their reading. Tuceday ruorning thle seniors enter- tajned fle icîgli scbol putrils with a few pieces on flic plonograpli, George Bulklcy coudueted ttc program. Weîlneeday Eafhcl Sprng and Ethel Wlieelcr played a duet for flic junior cutmrtainnient. I-lvjra Muniienandîl itzel Flagg îîaycd a (lijvLo hifi>eolihiliiir eteirtaiuliivrt Tliîirehiiî îîîîrîîiig. 'dive i,îkeriii j> nuas lîbe,îî frfni uî'îil> iii>t îjida v (i-f ,iii-k it,] iîiia o ii. ui -nvl o> iigfi n attali tif la 'Iliv le-i, ,r's r'niig 'jr, [,, i iii iuvt Th, j-in' f,nîheîî f li nsti tii e af I,.k,»' i>re-'f lus f i- i, andîir>'îorcIvl na 'ci ilil.ieflig lliiig. Iriiilîl Iftîlly huai lvvî lueu'îîrlr,îîjfic iligli mv blîieverai l ay e on a'îultof veri>'Mutaina eIs ai'k in st juil affer a li ai ci *lvicti'iviin is bnck aIrer a Mieu Il >, cJjfrli-te fasliait outhle, I i m îîj bai,li afur a li '>îIil ejîmintese. IEla >,Iiilîii. lliileSililn> i and ltîarie' hAndlews, ari' îîîc,'ît rîînj thj'ejîixt Vred P'îl lnle, ioifIlnu ieg îj, lias iifv.ri Ilth ii> xtih gradi MlliiliLciglifin jei.iuilitfrInîjiMsu hi,irtîîrocu ne n rueiftiof n eevere t iîueîai ejîf>'itiii[ia i ,il i illI itgivc.n i\ ll.4ligli iii lî>i le f lia y i3eve> Tl," i 'ajru lîf tI, îeîl or lflice 'ii i- i l îî fr iii fouîij r m %ii vorti ni 1,11 i îîî l luti ,' I'i j111ii 1a.1 itj i. f ranuIliir4lîi futhijaraiiugit. foli tl c i'arv l.iing 97 71>>il 0 W jîîiiîg Ili ii> ,' îî,ijld , i ii iii"i'i'>llîîî B iia eond ofcIll berig Aa Id vu'n te illva,haliliîînîrîlnne iii>-i lige l th u Murvidag nr'i (>1itrl,'v luPrvejîlcîî fEger v i i vîîei t lia flic Iu u > t tf flle prima, i 'i i v liiajinec tii. c ul .i l f t-e grîîîfiîîg uîlrî-laic ouiduen'ilt. th lit) .vuli iig,> nîlvîbers12 fIsu.'l-'ik audt: iEger, Ciii1luti I mcis, Kaiser, IL2 chuî'înd i i tîî tee î , inp osuîîuîedi(if Pnvejuir.t i r r' al l he is andrepilfltul-lfcaorble titti>' g the1 vlci'i tîjîlnî'î td faoable nil'linuig fli aulîul ane elecet afn îîîuîîî nin îesjî auee tickethe r tînt taljî' riinis. lumo'onîulyo pu te ufliraj lunMiiii,. By îoun du' canjed Thci e ,uiiiiiingrmlafiiwae pvcctited Tl Kis-er:li-unung ved ltoî ac pr.04sene b ase r' l evomlr e t fond504nl flaten iîjl] the îriîcl af@ieudIt tnnd au paanliitheI. e.pel aeisern and Wanvt a the 2 Molued hy Kaisead Motinleff îji lcveouinle cstd Mofr the. varsrcîl. n tithë w precenteul uni tuuluwe: Resolvcd that $20856 ieh>-talic frîînîtflicpublic berieit fend andl lla>"ifl ichestieciai asieucruent arud Iii>>- tflat flche euolutjon lie Moti~f' iiiion varrcpd - Billesîîvîulîiv on siden-ahts amoult- iîîg t» $,11i :1' roîîî varions pntupenfy îuwrîcrv î rn,NI.0Moied by Lync-hiand Ill le a tii'f rhi'e treet c> uîruniissiorrer lu,. lirîtruu-f,-ul foi> uiemrnevthfe walke and v'erify thePIit-eiferte altt-n which fbcy te hall lîy i lie cilenk - Motion uarricd. I -Movedl ty t'îuniet and IDavis that the meeting auljouînn. Motion earricd, EAriL H. COmRLET'T, Village Cerk, Thousands of Vears Ago lerchants fonmd the Si.rtest way te Success was -1 (iiving the Public Good Values, There arc merchants today who ar'e trying to gel arourid this Truth, established 2,000 years B. C. We have built up our business on the principle ofOne Price and Square Deal. Before you make your purchases see what We have to ofler in Seasonable Goods. Our line is Complets in- Wash Goods Ginghams Percales WOOL SUITINGS A fine up-to-tfîe-minute line of Ladies' .ud Children's Shoes, Slippers and Oxford*,je black, brown and greg suede. and Uni. Lakie County Nationlal Balk LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Statement at Close of Business f eb"j 5, 1909 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts............... $2%6,027.1 4 United States Bonds.........* 41,200.00 Bonds and Securities .........71,740.00 Banking Hou se and Fixtures........... 10,500.00 Overdrafts ............ ...............159.32 Due from the United States Treasurer.. 1,000.00 Cash ....................$26,784.35 Due from Banks............. 52,304.32 79,08.67 $499,715.13 LIABILITIES Capital .... ....................... $ 50,000.00 Surplus ............................ 25,000.00 Undivided Profits................... 5,265.86 Circulation .........................39,00.00 Deposits .............. ............ 38,449.2> $499,715.13' Batistes Dimities Waistings .Sample Socks 3 pair :25c 1 5 dozen Mens' Heavy, Weight Black Cotton Socks, about two dozen in tan also, some fleece-lined, the kind that usually sell two pair for a quarter; you can supply your needs at 7 3 pair for 25c Heavy Weight all 'wool Socks, long legs, the quarter kind for 15C Wool Mixed Grey Socks - - THIIF AIR LIBERTY VILLE 2 pair ?5c --- ------------ ----------- P»»»»»»»»»A MM 1 Board Meetmg. LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, MARCH 19. igo9 1