Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Mar 1909, p. 1

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LA*KE C OIJNTY INBEPENDENT. and WAUKEGAN WcEEKLY SUN VOL. XVII. NO 26. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, -FRIDAY, MARCU 26, l90!i-1(l) Pages .50 PER VFAR IN ATYVAVNT'l INJUNCTION'AGAINSI LAKE BLUFF VILLAGE Attorneys Cooke, Pope and Pope Try to Break Dr. Pruce Injuncion Ag- ainst McNeill, Wîfe anti Metcaîf, Opini>,n Under Atvivsement, Horse With Heavec Court Subject This Afternoon in Appealeti Damage Case F Thue echo orf Il»- >uî of rîfih-Lake Bluff vîtiagu- coijiieti Ilii list ebargIng ail teammters Who s-curu-d nanti ou iif lake fronuft a haythie villagu- 25 cenuf ad sudntithenîln closîug Ithe ontl etreet 03- whirb the santi coulti le se- cured auud In arresting teamaters Wihi 5 naed file street anyway, was matie iu Circuit cou rt Fritiay vien Attorneys Stearne anti Fieldis, acting for eleven feamâters, flietian Injunetiosu agaînut flue village to proibit fluem f rom seil Ing the santi anti gravai or stopping thie teainsters ln aecurlng If. Clam Shelae Unviarranted. The suit for InJuneflon states flua flue feamtaters ask fluaIflue city be restraIneti from sfopping thern using tile only treet to the lake an il means Permanent Injury fu theur business tn fulfilling contracta tluey have anti ask if retraineti from selilug flue sand anti gravc]an beliug lniploir dIapo- sillon of village- lroluertyanaid ren estate uuaaraîiti-ulant iouaîioriz-ul luy law' Thle inui citiuuî i.k,r liai sh,.i l.b restrauu-ui frîinî ,,I'tliig salamI ilîruie' l vi llage - tiîîui anîîî iuudur i,'. o ai> i- orfthfluiak 1, a ni ueh lliliu pint, iuu'lîug ii 1h,rîî i , ,î i f - village Io soIt na)unîi îîl-r salu'rr ifa late it Siljiliir'ialiu' a Alt,>io beads thu- 1st f ,l onillaiantî, iis missal of suIfs, 110w Inu justlce court> againaf Ilree teanusiu-rs four usîuîg ithu Street ia also asked. Try 10 Break Injunction. Confending tisat inu fle bill of in' Junction issued iagaInft W. A. McNeili and wvife anti W, P. Mecsif, afopping theen from remeilng money f ronathue 59yes'nmant for the sasIe of landi to if, lila'. ea" oequlfy adinet Mr&. Mc- NeIlI Or W, P. Mecaif andt fla the M&Jority of flue counta in fthe bill vMO eOn information anti illef, At- to-neya <loke, Pope anti Pope Friday mOrDtng arguued before Jutige Wrght mfllOwIng fthe injunctionu 1.0stand, They reraaeet MeNetih antiMt- caif, Attorneys Masos> anti Clarke re- present Dr. Price, flue plaintiff. Judtge Wrigbf .ook the arguments tmtier ad- Paddock Verdict $2.500. Danages of $2500 were reiurne inlu the verdict of flue Jury ln flue Paît dock case. The verdict was auna cd at affer short deliberation. Golng ouf et i-tirtr, flue jury took lime for SUPPer anti reurneti a sealeti verdict about twenfy minutes to nine, The Verdict vas Openeti FrlIay morning. Witt the verdict one of file bartiest fouglt cases that bas been f rieti in file local circuit court vas closeti, but wlfh th1e motion for a new triai, wbkhcu vasInametiiaely matie, fifmay lue reopeneti. 'lue moufiçn vas ma&a VerIualy but if laf0 lue' aunlmIttetila vr* n sd la ta lhe argueti on, ThetliOf file casie vascouducteti by AttosueYs IL V. Orvia anti Claire C. Bdwsa* for flue pMatia anti Attor- neya Cooke, Pope andi Pope anti F. S. Muni-o for thue detense, Every sfep lnulifs Psogrese vas contes-ted. Hess-y Morse Case Ncw. Fritiay, a homge, lalegeti to bave bail thle lueaves, occupied flue attention Of fthe court, Thue borne was pur- C d iby E. J, Barntabie of Gurnee1 from G. L Van Flet of Zion City,1 aft a sle luat year anti for ftue ailegeti heages arrostalle la auliZ to get back bl* purcluase price, The anfire morning vas fakeu up1 vflt secuing jurymeuL ul oes of et i- qustte bu horsa fradea and tih le if- ferent Juroas have ever "stung"l or "b-- otung>' In tradee formetimnt Of flue examinatlon, A number were excuneti for lavlng overnaarti a con- versation of oneS of thle attorneys in the .case ln regards to If. Boflu ides «CexasiJurymlen andtheflueast one vas belng uamlned stnoon lima, BaMnstabie daim;s he attendeti one Of V- Fleet',saIlein ZMon City anti ater beins tbld 1thaï; a horse lue1 visiie t 1bld en vauairiglut except1 for flue ligltegt vind trouble bongluf do!zrn #Ç'U4 IWlfh a bld of $06. I 's t r h tç M » ,t b a t lue fo u n at b eU biise ba lte inae.bua mevre man, uer, "en F1101 deie. lb. charges sndà lantiefeoding the suit for tihe purbasef price. Van ffleet ls tppealing fthe case, Attcrneys B. V, Orvis anti John Pope rePreeent Bmzdultble anti Âtoi- neya Iiauder anti Kig, Van Fleet,1 »mal1er cases %sittled bunfthe court WMreWIliam J. HAMIltOsuvs, Ida Bwtter, foreclosure, settieti anti dis-t miaseti; anti Wlatiersiav Poelaiskj vs, John Unger, disollsseul for want of.- prosecution. Monday in Court. Circuif court ronveneti Montiay viflu Jutige Frost on the bench long enouglu1 ta iear a number of motions andt ienE f0 atjourn lecause none of flue casesm On flue dockef were ready for trial, Thle entire trial cal mas gone flrougluJ vithout a case being readti1 go lue- fore a jury anti from lack of businessr Ihoi- ol 'g, î ijaiî oi i,5MAY SELECT SITIE Law Passed in 1833, <la'l)I juin il lia 'u dIg 't0li' oieo ut l« ,IN THIS COUNT~Y ,,'olgu)tl itliff ,~ î-,iil lî-fic to- îo~îi a~> [lis stsatfinelit, mode . id, ail th h'- îtl' for a"> il'JîîIlloiiu Secretary of the Chicago Association t , lat fie ieir- ei , i o î ýj i t tA o r n e y s a S t 1 a i > > , , d o i t O f C o m m e r c e , W i l l i a m R . H u m - m i . f , l I Iî h e r t b u i i r i t c i . * id 9il 1fo i',ivi i lo ii lo, 'r , Prir ss SUN 'Tha t plant " icr- ', ' hla', toonf'l-;11 Il mas 'il in'froi lii' LI>-lltr 'jui, Wiit be Loçate i n ChicagoMn-ta dti13 iî ivt. i iiu ii d Atioron 'vFleltnir"". i' facturing Zone ant i Wli beBScked aiiiiia iiîiîliî<-ii i.>kid b>'îîtitoi aai tot r i r ii bv Chircago Braies and Money. 'tie riritiint l> he> t toiioi cre iîii nThI- aNr eau->: 'if an, '. iii> hall tubIll . i ji> î>'î fîor \'uIuiî g2n. 1db- ki-iti oîo-iîau, tîlîiîî îîg. î I iior a- rt %i iie. Zjolli i tt3 00>1 SNorth <h icago 1-ou1 on Siiday or SîîîîIriîLIvght, lie C ROP 0f LEMONS rte>csite, a cie eximîuil for tiei- "1,01(01vcin bý ntt IN IURY VIERDICT iroliOsed generai federal iesitng sta- eXed 10orlp id î(,llot t1ex 'u sthatthe liroloition hasnent ce i enh. -h tatîtei- s in Relllt f Hihlad Pak Cnderna-yet been given 01> anti that the mat-secîtin 12 of h,,,Iija3cd.o Reite HlaVedictak oena ter of a site selectign May corne te aIliosf183 tio Cae aVerictAssaaig or head witb fthe next meeting of Con- Benellte Ovei. Damaget of $750grsatWnnfoE A G LITl S Aginit One Objector and $1,2W0 Sres t a illa Rgumhe, oAROnEC P Againet Other. Both Objectora who seredeti William .H Mania as A G IJl tA CiaIm Verdict Meant Otherwlae. h u-e ila .MnsR éRfW JS A secretary of the Chicago Association UulLn fTi<o acn n Highlandi Park property owneruu who of commerce,' furtber assures theUelAgLnoOf Tmileon oancingan ,obectd t te wdenngof arka% SUN, Iu a special dispatch tod&y. that Calued Oon 0theorn o MCit 'luecI ted 0 lue onitening of Park are-f Chicago brains andi caital can os- CWhd MEscepe IGauean H,, nueinfluI ityonflu ouns ha sîbîy swing the deai, Whopan WlEsrow hae n i 4n te H eian the appraisers had nflt allr dte elo ca*edthiteuMn the loanu- Clty. StiI$hCve inthNew Senain enough for their property were Tues-fbc long done hitChicudaminth day Moruing astonislued when the jury fakctoi cilles meine C'neie .B Wllm, h a verdict was reati ln the case ln cour-LakeMoney citiaes ee fo Peo. rhosnlaruei ak-gnt ly court. "TueY cre forlojt. EagsM.BWiimthmn The verdict assessed I Srs. . "hegoverroment has ntyet sIeec îrenlY bybiste ae aîre ya Shesan aout 7.50ou hr piper d a sitlefor lis testingplan," enz yhsutmcstev e SandaP. about $rds waoui.-her î l,-ti ari,s %Ir.HIu u)s go andiwho later faled f0uiîal,,c such anti 1 Th(Ricnards aa ,till e'ng -ivent ai',impression here witi Erangelia3t Both -Iaiiii that &ls iiîa. >teî aitaWashington, but the Ie ewl.bsrnaars rul anid that the jury îîî-îtîtif a, 'ting itio ilt ,iv > 11 i i !'i i ii lîsîu-ad cl s( iriii -thi i, m ti,ý o t er ilia tnmIat uîîî u i, ihu Imeuidctîs, aiooing n-îîhî,ý-uaur% uîrourit, ahm stil oiluers say thaf it nouiti iake a l'hitatiuiîlia laa'>er 10 iake oui balt sa haile verdict meant. The verdict mas altldrawn froni thue files; anti receipteil for by Attorney Kali, for flue objeciors fluls morning affer tise Jury funed ti tln anti if is understoodti Uat (ai! mili gef tise satfements of Jurymen as tu vbaf tbey meant by fleir verdict, untier aI- fitiavIt. anti offer tluem Inth le court, after vbichI f necmaary an apposa vil!lue faken f0 ligiler courts, tif l IL fact tafjurymen matie stsemenfs tu regard tauflue verdict vbiclu com- plicafeafts meaning, The obJectors dlaim fluat flue jury- men meant toawaard fhem respec- lively $750 anti $1.250 for flue landi taken for tise streef videning, 600 feet ionk anti 33 feet vide, Insteail of essessing thenu, but tluere flue verdict stands, andtihue objectars anti their lawyers are scurrying the counfy 10 hunt up tise scaffereti jurymen andi int ouf mbat tbey meant, Cowv anti a Note, A ovw, a $30 note, a wrlf of rephev- ln and a number of Interesteti partiesl furnIsbeti a short but Interesflng triai et lb. circuit court Tueeday morning n vblcb the defentant, Et yard Carmi- can, vas favoret luy fhe verdict of tise jury. 1%le verdict vas rendereut in fen minutes, L>oue Ume ago T. A Campblel, tlue plaintiff, soIdthfle cow fo Carmican, In payment lue receiveti a note for $15 sud anofluer for $30. Tise $15 note vas paît anti le fluen sodthfle iarger one. If passedt lrouglu several ovnershlpe anti aI last reaclet Cap- tain Walker, 'Flen Campbell bought if back again. Clarming fluaf $2160 vas sf111 tua on the note, Camupbell anti Carmican ln Justice court anti lost, Thenu ie, aie pealed. Carmican testifiedt fiaf visle Walker isat heiti the note lue bat palti IL Tise verdict mas refunetiln inbs favor. The rom bail been replevIneti by Canmpbllt ant i bs returu vas or- tereti, Ahh parties vere fronu Zion City., Injunction Nof Injunction. An injunction fluaf vas not an ln- ~inetfion v as diasoi vetTuedaY aftern by Jutige Frost. The Injunetton vas i9vuet lin favor of Fret W. Busse and againsf the Illinois Wiing anti Fin club of Cluicago ln Decenther 1907, buf on account of flue plaIntiff neyer isaving flet bonde, an ortereti by court, il vas dissolveti The club bas a club houan sf Fox Lakre, Spltflng Info two factions, boflu manteti the fonda anti one fac- tion manteti to seli flue property. Busse got flue InJunctton fo stop tbis but neyer flied bis bonds. Freer Divorce Granteti. A divorce mas granfeti Tuesday alter- noon to Hattie Freer f romntluIouaaa F'reer, New case iteti more: G. H. Simpson vs M. A. Sramer,, confes- sion; Charles Dalton vis. Abert Bocie anti Robert Bock, confession; anti Auguat G. Schverrnann, et ai, etc. va. Mary MurPhy anti Dennis Murphy, meciani's lien. ln la ný aE c nE sa ou de Ju tu a fI al Ca on fi- fbi an ai ti lu. 1 d& STATE MILITIA WILL 1 2itelianîd îw" îîîr l l'iiî" il>,' on-DESERTER CAPTURIED GO TO SP IGIL iir'i'Clrcîî,iîiriii IN NORTHI CHICAGO Failure of Attempt on Part of State <' il t ' ' i..i'i r l, jAýaitîng Sentence for Desertion, Et- to Make Deal for Cannonr Far, ' j.. ii >1. capeti from Basemnent Wiuere He May Also Have Led tc Charge, as , , Was Fixing Etectrîc Wîres. Whoie Artitery Greaty Desîreti Base 0f >> .'j' i I' iîîl vtShrPirleiaiCpte Opecalions Nearer C hicago Than -NrhSoeItole n atr Springfield. i zmii ui 1, 1-'>. "i: .. i I Vuas Mateien Less Than Two Houri ri:,.Il pI' ..o1111, r Afler the Escape, la Prîvate Soi- The douart of' ('ni>lit-ai> iss ,ij ur jii.,'o ,,,d .îI.> ii i ia iler. as a gaîheruîg lplace formi tm-stati'c i i>rc tîa ire t.' a il, ia roui l cc fouiFotS'hrdn, hula andtialiother of L.ak,-em prsîiîiitranl Ade lirfon ot ýeInw hues bas goîîe glininering' mus a srheîî>-ie f i -'l>',r ire wti>"ta. inoining ait ter>, captnred It la helier et thaf the artiliery bat- 01cr lpower 1r riîltcated. iilIe ibarnî of John Sherwln at North talion of the înationual guard ii fiais One of fie first î '-i>, rithe ii' mîrger tChjcago vhere he was; hid'ing in a ),cr g t, Srinfild s bfoe Cmp0ftflue electrlc itantzanaîd the ril-tarret. i la cla!meu that le hati a Lourgo fo Sprtnfll s fore ('amponroa i ls aald to be the îuxPrlvementa revolver mith hhlm andi migbt bave a two year trial miaicia bas resulted In that ar en ae at the plant here îput Up a figiat lad lue fot bean cap. the iscverytha Cap Joan a t o t fumnish tfie Chicago andi Milwaukee tiired bIn 01>11 close quartera. tEmalt discmoer fl the am llerydnla 10 î eîwîhpower, tihefact tisaIfthe The tieserter, Charsisera, ap«- vision andi must aîways remaîn Evanston plant la already doîng go vote, escaped frorn For-t Seoridauset merely a rifle range, n ta more power wili be furnialu- about 8.30 this morning. Hie WFi The tact that a deai for land, the e y the power plant In Milwaukee. awaifing sentence for deaertion andi olti Cannon place, bas just about foi- as taken onf with a working sqisat en througis, mailing thue addition of SPANISII-AMERICAJI to ielp tise elecfricians Tuasy On being sent to othbllement of olie territory <nînuasible, may have some- WAR MEDALS ONLY of lise offlcera 'quartera ofo i omie .thing in do wiflu tle abandonment of -i e i sae hog h ae Camp Logan as an artillerj-center. Waukegan Veteran Writes 10 Propermetdoaniilapre. Range a Too mai!.Place OnIY to Pinti That Only Lote Cavalry men suere sent ut 5. i par Major Veeger bas diacovereti that Wars Entitie Veterans to the Decor- tien anti covered the norfb shlore froau Camp Logan ls îoo amnal for a bat- afiona and This Movemnent is Re- Wýinne't1 Watikegan At ten o1clock tery of artillery and that only one gun gardeti as Hardiy Just 10 the Clviil hrough here. At about ten o'clock, nîay be brought Into action at once, War Fighters.Fe a se ,eig h ano the tbree gunts of each battery havlng Fe a enetrn u ano to aliernate, 50 tirat the so-ralleti tir- Sortiîe liîîe ago the SU'N incomîmu on hnhe ewsi0fanidteforicaorHon i h atterjc scannot getfllteto ractice mîi tihiler 1lieîpaliers of the staite th utsd fNrhCiao i nîrîaetîtereit the baum anti dis- ar a body rai att anti have to go honno iiiintell a sf1tot îtothe ceet tuai rot- cm>ered i hl itdttiiili a barre!, 1cm(ý I iIiîg thal iierci n airi cxvii,,>-for cilias of a ii of Illtir- utiriranh marrs tle r> or îarcil haockr to the fort %%'11lt luld gt In ctiýem-ar-,ereenntioîit eIîtîcionii aiei s of noveraI carbinea faie. ail1 h h>-> lit tdo oas 10orwitie toM10 h nizl At Sîrîigliîiii 011riIlie coitrary there W\ashinîgtonî anti clai» tiirra is hjr ck. One Waukeganite who r 10ool> foiîî .%> cral firing batteries A W'aukegaii reteraxi lias o rittîco iiben ae oth otsat "'Iîd I tî r imm1g> i a tarie of aeîîîal fieldi ait, iltie fotlo'Aiuîg letter showsa that (icatir îîî1hlm 10 lu he uthe bnd- siriVr.a ting chai th, healthily tire article ruas 'vridenty a nîlsatate- chancepri ,i blairap e agan. lhae car growi ng artîlter>' neetis.That lis whytirent of tcs anti that the medalscbIne po escaeougproTe caron the arîlllery wilI go te Springfieldi. are only for Sîianisia Amerîcan a-ar buspoefeog rtéin Whai a Firlng Battery ls. veterans: The lring batfery la the business Sir: if does lnot appear fromn youar IARMERS WITI1DIRAW end of a laffery anti consistas of ive letter, daleti the 13th Instant, fluaI sections of men, four sections esclu you are entitiedti f0any 0f fthe Cam- OB3J!C IoNs TrO ItCit to one of he four gaune anti one cals- palgn Badges, wluiclu are awartiedt'Of sion section,.'Tuis la8flue worklng commemorate the designated Miii- Just as Socin au Court Overruled Tsch- baîtery In warfare andti iis la why tary campaigns. are tu consaifute a aicai Objections Land Ohseins Ibis kinti of drill la needeti, part of tise army uniform and are to FIcked 10 Moka Agrsenent teoire, BeaItes the firing battery tilere Ia lie voru i suclu, They cannot le i- minatte Cage and Many Cave Rigluin thue reserve, whIaci consista of tise ex- aued f0 any one who vas not In the of Way Over Their Land t0 Aid in tra ammunItion anti the extra cain- bnlifary service of the United States ImprovemOiit. otneers, anti the train, vhich taaflue es- on the litia day of January, 1905, or cerf, equlpment of wagons anti sup- bereafter, noir dose the miiitary ser- foilowlng on the overruflng of ail pies fluai lrings Up In the rear, vice vibich you rendereti warrant the legal objections against lb. proposeti Battery C Perfect Battery. Issue of te Congreasional medal, au Skokie drainage sysitei om"y In tisis connection Baltery C, liii- Iluorizetiby fthe acf of congress ag In flue county court belore Jutige Srni- ois Nafional Guard, Waukeglan, la a proveti June 29, 1906, miaich a i pre- iey, tiaere was a lanti slie on the perfect firing battery anti is nom in senfei oniy to the severai ofilcers anti part of lanti ownera affectedtu t give ihape for actuai service more fluan nien, who volunteered for the mar the drainage boarti easemnnf over ny batfery influe state, boflu as to, wih Spain> servet Iin the Philippinue the landi for flue riglut of way andte uen, equlimont andi drill. Islantsin btfle prosecutlon of tirat war rut flue expenses by entiing furtiler There are seren sections of men In anti who remaîneti In the service f0 piroceedings In flue suit of objection, the baiferv, or about 133 menfif faites heip sulupresa fthe Philippine Insurrec- The legai objections tofile im- 128 luoraes 10 nmounâtflue baffery tion nameiy thoos volunteers anti cer- provemeot, al fechnicai points, ver. iroperl>', anti the men are fraiedti o tain of flue regular troopa wluo vere overu-uleti Motnday nuorsclng m~ oeah a hlgh state of eliiciency af drill confinuet Iin the service subsequent noon> milen court hmt barely tahen ils ind maneuvers thaf recenfiy when an fu April 11, 1899 the date of flue rati- receas, the lanti ovnera bema te get rspecting offilcer mas sent ouftfthe ication of fthe fernus of peace witil buay. reaiizing fluat te loù« they nly hafiery lue inspected the flette Spain. kept t beir suit gobaua the igglwsex-. t t t p s a Et t 1 1 ý p si RI Ir 01 was C baftery because it la the only working battery ln flue stafe Needs Only On. Thing More. To get into actual fildt service Baf- ;ery C neetis only one fluing more anti tuaf ls a train of about six escort wagons te carry bedtiing, stavea anti amiscellany of camp articles. The men of Baffery C recenfly, luy the may, eacu contributei twenty-five cents fo flue baltalion, anti witb fluis anti money from ofber batteries of lue stabe a heatiquarfers ambulance ian been purchaset ant iwll le seen i Springfieldi. Getting Botter' Always. By a sysfem f bat bas been ln force for some fime. every flue a goot live husky man cornes info file batfery a test one is weetietiouf antiln tuls way flue personnel la gratiually com- ing fte blueyonti any reproacb, se bhat in firne, even If if does flot ai- reatiy, Baffery C vil! compare favor- ably witu any artillery body In flue world, If is nov a leader, by flue way, and every man takes a greaf amounit if pritie ln if as an organization vbere menit counta anti menit aone. INSULL PLANS A BIG CONSOLIDATIO14 Marger of C-hicago Elevatei anti Sub- urban Lines, 1he Alroady Psrfscted Commonwealth Company, and the Fact that if Furniahes Rondi Electrie Power Pointôti Out as $toeuln Giganflo Sochemne ta Contre!. An eieclrlc consolidation fluet viii )n complefion. eclipsefthe Amorican fteel ant i Wre, Comupany In magni- tde, la the merger fluet If la cbinuat, Sausel Ineull, heqil of th1e CoMmnon-1 onaltil Edison orpaouy, in planningi &d la osrrytng thruoutil 1 perfetion.; nhe mm ger of the diffseet ebectrlci Respect fuliy, M. GRAY ZALINSKI, Major anti Quartermaster, U. S. A. Depof QuaLrfermaster, The veferan ln commenfing on flue confents of file leffer referredtu ftfie fact that be vas vitil one of flue iret regimenta at the front ln flue Civil war anti coulti nof see tbe justice of ailoving service meuls oniy f0 Span- Isb war velerans. Recaivers Muet Psy Claim. George Itocireli, of Milwaukee, mas on Tbursday given the jutigment for foreclosure of $33419.30, mortgagesB, on bile property of flue Chicago anti Milwaukee Eiecfric raliroat iun tlue soufilertu part of Miwaukee counfy. 'Pie action for foreciosure vas lrougluf Mx monflus ago by Rockveii againef Albert C. Frost anti Clara, bie il>li> us ie'u 0<m stuiutio~ ii> ,mOt Santa iCruz.,,Iarcha 201 Vui, io iii 'i-i-.nt fli> cmm uîg .uu I'it ,1 1 p ('Fi ()ili i'a'r u11ihliaf sa m'ct îtîîi l>> f 21ý fi an aI iriil] i, CI-ca tIl f, ro > i I l 1m'ili. I Xîtamu, astsiuiiî 'ih~ i i iairi, ro t o, hl- mu iilumlij 'î fi i foulî a croat firluat,- (fiii ix tmm 'rt>îtti,,liiil 'h cre. iuhihe a Cordouni ofpîltici- li mtî,r roid-i, the go> <'nfnie-n tis tic 1i1 the nîob at 1tay l>01ic,'îm' lis, faîi1 t io lf va oiflflenii anjuilofi)imiuc-iniilaîîua huatle ileti tu' acb,,r lut (o> cthe- ticai antidsutil ido,",1 1,N>,alf, a thenfx sesiontil, .îxa fioin the churcia h> a baîik aay, n'ratr mait fleflaet er;' Ilte ,uci hefore the croati rcatizedt aat niaic-r uimui iu- dlavei.liait hatipeneti Williamis lait heen se- What Tesling Station s,. luded iun a place of safefc. The Proposedti estlng stationu is a Threats of rough meoaîres hati central aborafory, tua cmploy 200 beeîu heard througluout flue clfy for peopule, to test acortilng f0 govern s>ea as ni osc bu 0 menf standard rmerais, nateriai a's, cituzen s andertambf afluetc5urc fonds, anti other commodifies milere doora nti attemeati t lhlm asrc a standard oif excellence ls deirable, he lefI the place. Their move bail Tisee are se> erai minoir tesfing sia- been auticipafed haw"~er, by Clulef of fions nov In existence but Chicago Plc ealt cptlfollowing on tentative sIelas tweniy plcmn a lecucu laken autIthe Jamestown exposition, Polcenai the sevce er v rcpo seek f0combne lueu ai inooe lilcemen orderedth le crovd luack, anti, gi-eat plant f0 lue locatet wluere liftiuoîgacro eafu te vilI do Chicago the greafesf amount lueit flue apordo n recktlongreoug of commercial henefltteepl nchc ln eog _______________to allow Williamns f0 le husfleti ouf hy a rear streef f0 a Place of safety. VOLIVA D()WN IN A Williams las rousedth le Ire of flue citizens in fiis ciîv by lie vholesale VAILLEY 0f: DRY BONES chargea of Ilmmorallfy of cifizens mluo attend tances anti other secular forma Straws Show Which Way th. Winti Of anmusenment. One sermon wasaa Slows anti Opponienta Ciaim That caustic arraigcinient andi be bas fol- Via las a Gone Goose at Both lowseci uîî lis assertions nigbtly unfilt Ccmlng Elections Whiie Hia Eccles. lue cappedth le climax by exlulliting a iastical Power la Sali AIse ta be batclu of affidar Ifs miiclu lue saiti prov- Wanîng. eti lis assertions that titere vas ilîfiea or no protection fbrown aroundth le See Nir.- or Nr, __-__Young vomen of fise city andti lat abou gong t wok Mvingbuidýsnares for tiseir dovofall vere open lngs." on every ide. Thisapprenty hrmlsa ad tiv' Williams bas been holding ser-vices ll oeappafre tiahemi ntipflic- bere inder flue auspicea of!hfie c Sd yai n te frampt Influe io poiceProtesfant cisurches off ts ety linflue iunay y trmp n luejai big armory, wlicbhÉolde 3000 people. t lere anti bearing names o! promi- He bas saidtht Iafif as Impossible ent POiticians as liftiti, stirreti Vol- for Young People tb dance togefluer lva f0 wrafb fhissmorning.mît n propriety, andti hat luehluithflea "He tiinksalif vas a lidt Uat pof i aidwt e lo la lue tramp shouiti do election work mîos Inverefiavioseti f0henter at nd flat, Insfeati of offering file tramp Mwher re ug ls were oene « ntiu a chance f0 gel a tiays work moving deiuuucheti lue olti buihdings on flue site of flue Feiu a una igu i .ew bank., it la a biti for lin f0 vote," Ilreata fo ride Williams ouI of townh said one, "andt lerefore lue la raging on a rail. Telegrama have been sent la uiuai andti lreatens summary pro- back to ocuer Iowns wilere be hasa ,eetlngs, misen In realif y flue nofe hildeiisrvices, idi a visvitait ascar- ieans luaf whaf ifBas s Inaeat 0f fainlng his repotaf ion antilif ls stat- f Jeing somefling deep and m>steri- e hffo uoa iaflga 05." as been receiveti statbug bluaf Will- ut WIiiLand AlilIn Jail, lama vas Practlcally forsaken luyw In lis sermon Suntiay Voliva ts every follover lue hadti lere on ac- i leclaredti f0have tisreatenedti f0landi court 0f lie utterances, Fuge Lantis, Receiver Thomas, Edi- ti Or Davis ant ial flue resf In lau lue-ri Ore he got flrouglu, He even put on Ageti Woman Signeti De.d. sl tpair of gioves before lue picket up To safisfy Charles H. Langtr pur- w ire Zion City News, declaring fluat fi claser of Hendee lai-min Avon, ai a 'ton tiifhy" fo lantle ungloveti, anti taclea last Paisible fday In 0 Claim Have Hlm Beaten. thetfOlie ay, r. lnfY Clark Henies Ix Anti-Volivans cdaim thaf this floue uAs Sent f0 fSan Jose, Cal,, anti ul- hey surehy hav'e Voliva beafen in flue faînedthfle signature of a lady ageti 98 mwn office race andti laftishey wli years, Mrs, Ruby Rosella CativellI il beat lis ticket in tise cîty race. Moulfon, f0 flue release of a trust Queer Instance This. teeti, ThueSignature shoulti bave been lit la repol-teit f lutiafweek lue- securet Iin 1857.M fuse a faifluful Volîvan luadtheia sec- Mm., Mouifon, a'ho huan been Mar- fti m twile opon hlm anti lati an an- rieti four limes, once lere andti iree I-Volivan undertaker Volva ortieredti fmes In Califorrla since sbe vent e mans nelglubors f0 eut im deadti lere In flue seventies. vas flue vife o! oti as a resuif the funeral vas ioneiy Richsardi Hentiee. the county clerk's uncle anti vien lue tilet vas, viflu ler oti without a mord of cheer, aithouglu lrofiler, matie atiministrator, ue grlevlng fafluer 1s prominenf ant Inlthfle release of tise trust deeti only tas huntreta of friends. Bryant ler brofiler signeti antialil, vent f0 <ut reachedthfle funeral sermon. Calîforntla in 1864. On astracent trip there Mr, Heniee f oundluersa anBs t Whlskey anti Tobasico. Jose a year go anti aW whsvi en tu t if la saidt flat whisky andt tbacco signature v«a aket for vycttmfond si sv4 also invatedth ie city alsrmbug- ber al nd got tse of on, In of hlte andti Iatte evila grbv ofrtelesm t vomen 1 1'a inrt fluarba..y.e as 0rifaBristol,e il.VI. Asigum, à% 1810. ,eï pense bill fhsy pleti up againast the district. This 1s wbat matie tensgelb- gether anti from noon munl tfie Casa vas calieti Main near ivo tecanaltia, objections against flue Improveinent itself fhe corridors of flue court huam were crovded and fler. vas a con- stantt huzz of fslk, Many gave flue boardtihie rlght 10 cut the canaltrouglu fir land. The m ain oluje tion to fte im prove m «ta vere tbat file asseasment vas large, fluan thue lenefif, andtif lane. liat abouiti bave been Includeti ln the a»- sesament bave flot been. IVANIIOE ST OR! is -- - ý -b £ Il , 4 -MIJ ý&lN U.M. 1 1 1 1 wite; uerg7 D.STROYW BY aiviauf recea- rfer rost;.5 the,-A ,,,aItt,,ia Pyn an,,nal rus n acev ifr rsf; Ute Cfcago;îfthe l Pay yne Landmark ansvanhesait Trustgo ad Saingw ake Clucla l- Codlc.oti Mtiyaukee EW.eIrv nso rail Effrts by Myturam Outne a m of Gatebtrgeiv Moe and .W. Ivig aone, FuefonPar tsmofuill omse t anti Josle Sbenners. Naught. Insurance la SII,1ght la the Caught on Cloihes Line. eot Mr%. A. E. Wenfz oI Lake Villa Ivanluoe, Lake county, 50.1 $4,000 by faintet ilnflue village churclu from telireklst yeek, sud lt.evlage-ser. excessive heat Iasf Sunday anti G. foi-ced ta vifnss file destruction la W. Barnstaple rusheti nexf door 10 laines of their leatiin.g store. flue arsonage fa gel campluor anly ta Boyer Brothuers' store, for yeasrsiun bang himsebf on flue cloflues une anti y Colonel A. Payne, lb. firsI "dry" suirer painful abrasions of file 5ki, man in L.ake counfy, burneti te flue Thle lne luung 10w bebveen the cilurcil grouint after an existence of tirtyr- and parsonage. Mr. Bai-natable feu lice years, The store vas eftfi-amne to flue grountianti mas flence assîsteti andt Io atorieti. to bis bomne. Tlue cause of the lire la nof knOvn but inluabifanta 0ofluhe village avoke Two Deserters Escape. f0 finti aparks fiying anti Saine apout- The poice huave receivedth le cîus- ing ta the menace Of surroundlng fornary notice of $50 revartis for Sani- places cf residence, vlulclu ve.boy- uei Caief anti Frank B. Spry, flue form- ever, savet, There lneo ins e dpas-t- er of New Yorkr sudte later of Chses- ment In fvaniloe anti a bucket brigade fer, Pa., for tegertlng L Troup, IStil failet ta moi-k vonders, en the store, Cavairy, at Fort Sileridan Mai-clu 4fb building anti atock Are a total loes. W anti also for a third deserter wluo amount of the inanrsane belu wvî mate bis getaws$ only iast wesk. imall accordtobgf regocta '

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