And Sale of Authentic New Spring Styles We request zqour presete .a thiâ %aster 'xhi bit wieh takes le audq ~pi 3, and the follwivng weelc E VERY one welcomnes Spring for then it is that Nature and fashion disclose a wealth of suMime and surprising beauty. The first suggestion of Spring serves as the key note to the prepiartions'for castine aside the old and taking on the new styles. There is a pleaiing departure in the cmations for this season from t hose of the past, a refreshing newness in design and style that will lx much welcomedý by discriminating dressers. An atmosphere of spring=tïdè per,- meates this big store, for abundantly displayed in every section are the new things for spririg; the styles that fashion has or- dained as correct. It is indecd with niuch picasure that we invite you to attend this occgsîon, for- neyer have our uines of merchandise been as thorouglily completi in previous seasons. Every departmnent in this store has reached a degree of per- fection towhich we unshrinkingly point with pride. Mâin- taining as we do at ail-tines the highist standard of quality, selecting our styles frôm the most authentic style centers, and selling at consistent prices, forni a logical argumnent lor your buying here. We hope to see. you present at this Opening Exhibition. Please try and attend. dma Men, Sele, Charmini New Styles in Easter -Millin.ery Ini the millinerv seetion an atmnosphere of Spring time prevails. leautifull spring hats are dis1layed ini a bewildering variety of ultra fashioliable styles. A show'rng that eelipses al previons îniùinerv exhibitiolls in WVaut kegan. -Tiere is an elegaînee to our styles, a ehuiiînmg h eautv thiat ill bring forth expressions of praise and admiration froîiccvoltVl There seenîs to lic a prefereiîee Io no1 parieuIar style for tijis spritîg, Big turban effeets, togne effevts, bîîwl shapes, and loioîels 1) l evely 1îig-h(sqlle perio(l are fashioîtaîle, as well a-, large lwiîîî bats. Oiri stylesai'e' e- sigus of the rnost fanîous 1arisian artists as weil as titose of Atvci designers, antd are admirahir eoîîstrueted liv olîr 4iWll skilJed anîd experi- erteed iiliniers. We exteîîd ho everx' Iadxi' a coidial inîvitat ion i)oaI teît< tlîis Faster (*xlibit, ho inspeet the sl'Miowîg. Shoîîld voit desirv a lbit trirnrned or shaped ateeording fi a partieular fancv f vouP <-wn* we are in a position to aecontodate voit and(l wilI endeavi. î lue. Trimmed Rats, $4.75. As a speeial offer for this Fl r-opeliîg Wv are shapes, trinnned in a varietv of fashionable w'avs, w'paigo aeaîîs aentigcleto fEs iai.rl<nw wings, fanley flow'eýrs and ornanients. Specia............l47 Women's Smart Easter Suits Low Prîçed' We are golng tb iffer you for Iis East-er Sale aijargaln n lu ns~' stit ihatlias neyer heetILa> proached betore. The seleetdon oftstyles je an extremeiy broad une. reprfflpnltug Ùotl 2 and 3 llece models. Splendidly taitoreýd ot beaiitiful quaittee o plan asud tripwd huhsente. 1runella, Pu- nama and 11ovelt trilpos. tity are Illrd wlth satin nd su ui with iesallu silik. The stylesi Include the biliessa effeet, alîd saiao priIreas, at welt as extremely (-iirrati, aflI fitting modela, ?6 and 38 Inch mats 'l'hey wuuld qulckly brn lîîg . i4. Speclal Elater price.......................................... .......... 1..... 1 .7 sit Your Easter Suit at the Globe Yoti'll want to look your best for Easter You1"l1 waîtt elotheS of individu- ality and style. You can't buy hetter e.)lothes tiîan Katifînian's pie- shrunk garmiets; they repreAenit the hligliest attaiiiltieît ni elothes bltild- iiig. We are specializiflg theiti Stronigly; w-e ve huîî1dreds of' these Ilew sprilng garinents made up eSpevially for, us;1aeeord*(ilig to thliueNwest fishiions. It's a iliagnifleent showitîg; the variet 'y of patteiis amîdi. odels ts alnîost liiiiitless. Tîtere are the ctxr-eîne val."ity styles aîîd1 theîi the monre con- servative and genteel niodels. A big Iiue of eolorinigs sîîeli as gîîtî inetal and ahnmniuîîî grays, greens, ehoeolate aîîd tan browîîis, stripes and diagonials. Thyr tailored finely and by thenost skilled workîolei. Then, too, ftic fabrics are pu-re wooI, the best there is. We speeialize theut simply beeause there are, no better garreilts made. T1hcy are prieed at $18.00 to $30.00.. We also hiandle other.notable*lunes at $7.50 to $15.00, good garînents iii every respet.t. Our' valuies cau 't lie eqîialed at whaitever plie -ou pay. A Great EMMW,'Iit Special men wlli find e c sm>L~ ~ offer. In tact tact these suit$ are equBi 4> gSrmei1ts ooinUrilY sol<i at $2250 and $2500. 1'hey're tise lateet sprins modela lsl- 1tthe. newest coM)$ljtgs, and theyre tallored ln the bont 'possble nianner. Conle la and hévea look ~ at themn any boW. Sp9ti)at..ý.. '1 .0 boys' Suit Special 'Iey are doule breasted suits wlth twu pairs ut knickerbocker trousers instead of only one, fInely taiuored of fancy striped clieviots and worsteds lIn te latest cotor effectse also plain blue, erge, sîzes 6 to i, great 4 9 eagin t ............. . 5 -.OMENS COV .r COATS, .1,1ifclwitliglo 1 ined ltte wat, e -iand ùiuffs i-ininî,d in Plain biai.k. Sýplendjidiy tUios-ed anîd a rima liaile bargain at tis. iw jice .....5.75 SILK PETTICOATS. $498. An exlraordii nary bargaîn ineautIiul taffeta silk p-i Co"ts A hig'iy litîtroîta (iLality, ctii -'etremely full, uiusuîiily deep fiouneÀ,. trimi imed wlUii custpra ot fine Itickas od a wide dust ruile. E,.ry new iopuiiar 4 9 ffle prie 4.9. Sprn waists made very atracti sely of white lawn, ttscked anai enîbrolde-r( d frontta, long.8leeves, uthiers ofmi ncc lguredi waietlrtgs, $1.5 au- 95c PETTICOAT beýRGAIN, 98c. A rare bar- gain In brjautitu't teather silkli eticoat, imusually 1iigh firdsbed quali 'v.I)eep Biiiei- ed flounce Comcte in allite isaitid istitdes anid Illacit. Stroig ialups ai $1.50t. Speclal FAater tiff-r............-. . . . . . .. . Me$MePes in Easter footwms are d splaeàtèd Sthe Globe i~a M nee A < f the e g~ a litoe e abeauty sud *grace tu our' new modela duat las mre lu captIvatO every lover of' ardtitlc ootwear. The best maltes tn the country are represented lu our ohowng. &netias the Red Cross and Americsfl Lady for wuxuen and the Amerîcati Ge4OfSi Mnd lvervity for men. 'Ple newest elsadee of taui are here as weil as every destrable ,)sukt leatlier. in 7both slioes and oxfords. If Yeti would secure style. comtort and econonly. buy yeufl'-tester footwear at l'Pho Glele secilVales at 148*to 4.00 ILLINOIS a, * , - a c *. * ,. . ~ ~ I l 4-11 __________________- _____________- ;,p t -.- 741 WAUKEGAN, ------------