Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1909, p. 3

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LAKE (COU14TY ENDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1909 Tools for Spring Prairie City Seeders Uloosier and Buckeyje Drills Disk tlarrows, Lever Ilarrows, Deere and Janesville Sulkq, Gang and Walking Plows There '8 gong to be an advance of 10 per cent on Wagons. Better get in your order. Schanck Bios. Libertyvilie, -Illinois. OUR PRICE LIST Mfilk. per quart 6c. pe pinf 3e. Crcam - " 20c. per 12c, b al pnt .... ......6c. quart . .. -.....4c. Cottage Cheese. pe quart...6c AIL GOODS DELIVERED ;ouucobtairrable t factmmcy .mrail tirresý. Special rer for lee C rearrifille,] tIpuxn 4S liours "SoiRS TH1E GRAYSLAKE CREAMERY Crgars and Lau.dry Tobacco Office CLffRENCE IÏAGG t TONSORIAL PARLOR LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Ordure Taken for Razors Magznezsand Put in Order Prdl4,8 Guaranteed ohgaa" MW %. Sala dle8b à» I WIbmiss"..s. . uRlfiR~IKÎ 801PR M 11RHSIUME~ l"resl..Brend every iay iH.mne-mule (Caîke s, andl lie othit-r pastry. I ,uiîch i. an d . l se r-c semi rt ail lî,,îrSý CANDY CIGARS Terephon e 19 E. A. LOFTIJS. Proprîctor Grayslake. Illinois - I Professional Cards DLR. O. F.BUIrERFIELD, VETERINABY SURGQEON. UM5TAIT »TATZ VMTUELNAE»IÂ Libertylie. Mlinois. OnaiàLaWaITUUT BALPs J. DDi 'WHITNEY L DADY LAWYERS 805 Waehlngton Btret Waukegan. Illinois DR. 1. L TAYL oTTiczER aJ. ELI TEIGO eLDG. motrm:-7 1.0 10 &. m. 2 to 4. and ô 10 8 p. M Residece on BrooAway, oppoute Park Lib@rWYslfle.Illnols. DR. C. Y. GALO WAY. orriga cvii LoT.uLLi aute nana. oum-bon 1 to 83ail 6 (o 8 p. m. DR. GOLD)ING DENTIST Boucs 8 lu 12 a.m.-l (o 5 p. J. Eli Trigge Building with Dr. J. L. Taylor-Phone 19 P--B. Phone 1092 - - - - - - - - - - - GRAVSLAKE wD"EPARTNXENT F. J. DRUCE. Editor Phone No. 1l jOrders Taken for Job Work Advertising Rates On Application La Moînt Allun tranmncted business lu Chicago Weluesday. tire Auguet Hanson anul Mr. Tyler Gibert, of Loiuî Lake, were Grayelake viiters Wediesîay. George C'u,îîî,tîanul rrenîl, utOak Peck, are epending n few laye ut the Cc),îmesun iîi,-r bhume duck ebuîting. Richard Seace, ,of Oak Park, visited bis enrinuier ho,,me at Gages Lake oeveral days this week. lielîltiAMarshall, out l'en. vusuelhi@ dunghit.'cber,' as.t Friday and remained over for the pta.ý Mis Nî,r,î Bixier eturned trîmîn a short iit at lirne i VN iscimuin lest Sat.. urday 5eiiing. Gcarilîiin Vr'imleeal wbo bas heen Itite il in greatiy impcuîved. Win. Wilson, utf /.nla. Wis., callel on litevileelmet Srulav who in bere durlng the inesse mftber mother, tirs. Whitehead. Grant Luek, ot Ivaubue, visitelounr towu Wedneeay. Jesse Lougabaugh, the taxilermlet, bas ou exhibition a white swazi known as the wblstling swran whlch was shot by Alan MacL6cklau last week at Gages Lake. MacLacklan le ot Chiago ad whlle out over Saturlay at hia father's summer homé huntîng duce sho @piedl and ebot the ewau. The bird ia a bard tone (o shoot and recluires au expert with the gun to riug (hem do wu. bics Lot Fenlîmu, otChicago, returned home Welnesday atter epenlîng severai laye witb ber mister, Mrs. A. W. Harvey. Mna. Dan Homk set severail aYe witb ber son, Charle and hie wîte at Chicago eeitly. Ar, W. Harvev 18 in a sery cririal con. dît,. n ut bimshbone mmii ev î,mîîîr i. Winifred lritsu'lî wiii' basbiîî'n travet- rg n the -v îîtii and a st nturnied borne tA ,'dîîeeday. tiË itie ec iden t ilît FrcinikbFritschi hmmnu't tmrgîuîten lime lerai lîseI reîls. A riuîrimsr lhive remivel e. îîis irmr Iarîle. J-- ri'Lmmigataîili recels eI ,îî îtî ch elzg, il.(;, V. utc a Jaitanese ieSelsper. Frank Drue,'r a,'ivd nads,,iîi,' gîl' mturie f4,îlmanulDr. H acvey mistick pii ad (litre Fr ank eimemîers bihiensîmsat houme as be trureis aloug. eo 1 sel Co th en 1 R. B. Dixon. t aildtir. Ellsworth leicaf. MieVersa Metcatt aldMiss Ruby ELugbes were Chicago visitore Saturday. Mie Margaret Hawkins, ottiarhfleld, Wis., in @peoiling the wsek wlth ber parent@ bhe. A namber lu ihis vlcinity are sufierlng wlth tonsilitis. Mise Blanche Chittenden entertained cmpany (bis wsek. Mie Ruby Hughes returued hi ber ohool dutia &t Oxford, Ohio, Wedues- ay after a wesk'i vaca6tion. A large nurhb4r litened (o Fitch B. Cooper, imîtator, Moaday eveuleug at the bail amdailal thongbt him a gool untertaîner. tim. John Austin ail Mi8o Loia, ut Waukegan, called on trienils boesSuuday. Mir. and tiMm. ranger Waters, ut Vankegun. visitedi at the Ditley home luuilay atternoon. Mcm. jeu. Wessellaldcbiidrcn returnel home the latter part ut lest week alter a few weeke visit wlth relatives. Mr. eseli le at the Union hoc1,Ital lu Chicago recovering capidlitroni an pecatioîiiftocaplieuliettis. Gideon Ilummonl o! Zsun ity lias 'e7eutIi iîtmslled a 220) a,'c,îîîît keepiiig syeteli at Roy Bracheres sto,,r'TtÀiîsl mîade ai. Alliance, Ohi,, iy (lu, Atî Itegicer ICo. TAYLOR GROVE. El ticGuire tasc dring is sister, M re. AI Thomson alter cI ccii i ru, th8' trip in the West. The news ufthtic I.ail, ,ot tis. Rubert Surant wbo lied rit t, r boume lu Wauae- Kan Wedneediay l,,,,Irug crne to lier many triend e beslis ail, 4ok.Funrerai Frlday et 1 'ciiî, h litti lî s,ee. Net Sunday lîcug lalis Sunlay Mr. Waldnran will i eiîi'Tie l'alrue" ai the evsning service litt il..Ili-ion. Uncle John Lrem r e,,',r. sick et ie home et Brues ;Lake, Mise Hellen IC ,,, anîd Kate Douyle, ut Nlo. a cie , t;ac ,.ake visiture Wedueeday. There milbe a,, Ilister duncesat Amarra Brr.' hall. I-l 'îî, Lake, on Mmniay evenîng, Alori l2 1ev. Pratt, îof Ui n ago, ii ,mnul the servicsat (bt.î's' iMission neit Sunday eveîiig B. J. Luttus trai, 'a,î,.,busineslu Chicago Tueeday. Ed Smith, ot W aukwari. vîslted trieudo hems Tueeday. James MQy returrned tri ai bis visit sonth lant wesk and bas goulîe great fisb @torisetuo relate. tir. Huff andl a î,arty of politiciens rolled lnto towni Tueelduy lu a large touring cr. Their ,c ist mas iu bebaif ut JudgevWrgbt. Bob Wynn was in t aTucmday look- ing alter the interesi- -f the lectric rail. Miss Elizabeth i.e%î ci. isit ier iclii nery dpartment ih,,'&br . iemea. There mille ci t,,ai- ic lescol,,o net week. The towin audilirat n mlt tes' met Tuestay top traigli,iuîuip ibeaffaire mlf the yeur. The i."nu ..u u-t ,,,,iaedf Judge Fitchi, Harry ti lIl fiChurchiîll and Supervrsur Llci aid- bilesMarlon lii, lcjf.. li'-,w, .uc eî'humito acceelt i ,. ' itj ,, ii lliît- tersnali store. i.,uie Garmo ,,i l lt,,],sfn Sunlay at boise. Joetiunises, utChi, a, , % ,î ilo,] rienîls bers Suuda.y. Notice of Sale. The olil Warren M. E. church and contente wlfl mow be bold by the tutees of the (irayaiake ail Warren Md. E. cburch. Anyoue wiehiutgpuchbase the mme pese apol> toR.W. CUrcbill, seretary, Graysiake ad Warren M. E. cburcb trustees. R. W. CHUCMILL, SecY, Bd. Trustees. Grayalake ail Warren Id.E. cburch Grayalake, Illinois. 26-3 Finnigana Fortune. Au Irish comedy whlch was gi yen lest Frllay eveulng aithbe opera hous proved to be agréâatsuce. ev. Garrimon andl wite showed themmelves ai stars bebinil the frt'o ttie andl the reet o! the câat were welt adapteil (o their partseald acteil (hem well. Owlng hi the bad ulgh beem w»s nul aslarge a crowdnas had been anticipateil but the recipte rau np es ootm the fittiee andl thoes wbo par- ticipated wexs well matisflel wltb the reouits. 'V??~~ ~ - a Ltbrtvvlle IlUoisReception to Judges. ffldi Y-th _d 5 e Il Bol»A big retepÀmln anul barbecuq lu honoir h IO~e5aJs..i"Pà J-. DRof H SIT.u agea Douneliy, Wrght anulFrost a eh DR, a'ovrir"5a ENHTSIST ii sbe ll n (tie town hall lu Lberty- sS Nor- ,,. f oTSraSm.-ville, Fiday ight,April 2nlaxhjmuclock.C fi, Wme~h, .., .. -Nee raertviiban wil IlC.0 hen F.iaa.akserrs.amroar55iy. oVEce L CkOONTY NATIONAL BA NX. Th I.letiiebu miiepren W. h.- . tc hon d luei.i1mini. f-erand tîush mîusic. A hait un îox lebeing ~t.f.1 tl.nrt'y- Wouasr-8 hi 12 a. m. unI 1 (o 5 P. M. roasît,, fr the ,occasionandul ater ri sor DAILY. r-frce-.biritis ire servel there sililbe ms spis... -4 Llreeclrtmyrrisc.rd Ieelinoiisitathe lîy ttîcJulgî-s, Mc. Shldon an,]ir ,ac.nslneemiecirr-IS4)!~ra a.îr. .1 C.-.i, îbetyvlle Iltcos Ililer iiîîcrtofutilote. verybuly regard.It ieusiicm.r I es tof iîrrxaffmliaton isinvirjel lu cuuie RUSSEL.andl lias, a goî,d tîlce anul do bînor 10 RUSSELL.t ir inuir Jiîges uft rims district, whoi,' ~ FflW ~ SMITI Te iîepeeingemest mer'k me r,'r, t cery ccnil îip tue lr,'iîins been mau satie- DR.ED . SMIT lmîcge,,tmtterdel bu tthe(ltadties clerc c ery ,uciciry t,,tire uipi General Practice gondîu speakers.______ tirs. F. A. Reee riîidî r, in aie n ile f~' GA.GE-5LA.. ci kl ltiet. (Iýc h r uilce & Cotirlijui> c ctStre I c. Mets iii,' iîes r,,t iii mc,, su' ci y lrir,îîrte cît tu b tau AlyAmes and Baby Scitis w r W imrit tSntiiiduy eceliig, Aprit td.I 1 SI'lxCb Ai, ATTENTION .1rrm10111dî,ciiirctte inu îmîing an etocu- ke 1gan sviiturmi luneday net cs ek. , al tr,,m thle mrtlîweptern ( l%*I \ 11.') .1 R. Cris m'as a Keuosiliî iituur taist Ilýilctrei, mwiliitîriîsîî nu excellent PI IS.AýSuIc î F(Wa, 1rlgrarlm ut music andul eaking that u T 11E 1:ý E iA.C. Cîrris s'as n Clîiu'mgî "u-dtay. uaimrat attorîro iries . Adissucion 2,wc. ilt.(. Mu rie retîîcneîl hîumii-T uesutay %V. Hathorne is amihiîg a nes' p ccl, c',tii a cario d o wlt'ium. tu its bouse alil l ie s'lu ilî ouse. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS lhuis Murcus entertumucîl ber uitile Miss Rula Kulîplci me îîssîelng tire. 'iii trieuidetallt Saturdny atternmuimu "h,- Wiîrungton at RIollinsi ' inn cue er ixth brthéday.Theîs Mcc Aluce Brmmoks anmît ngbter, Iva, DR. À. il. CHIURCHILL flarty ' m a greut surprise tIi MiRss ilris ,(ti usc;eola, bow a are 5isitiuig olI PHYSICIN AND SRGE andmt,,htire wers titeen elilîren there c',ho uceiglilors and triendm in thiî viiity. ummcii ti bcsmec tBlock. over Young i& Lyrurh rî,r luetmThere iii bena ibasket social ut the Bfcnm .receStore Mr. unît tira. John Lune, ut Kerosha' îîîume utfMN. una i rs. Fceîl luelter fie Speilal Attention Olven to Disetses ofspen tSulduy wîth Mc. R. G. Mrne. Filay evenitig, Aprîl bih. This wiii on the Eye, Eîr, Noen d Throt There wili e an Euter soial tics Fn. ,frr(lis beneit of Wrighît chool fbouse LIBERTYVU.LE r ILLINOIS dy ligt bfre Easter. iEverytt i leandl everybîîdy le urgel tu attend. initel ( oursîmanud enioy a pleasant Mr. Seure vietel ie taran ibers the frt eveniiig. out (le week. He bas a ecîclomîtflumber Mc. unItire, 1. L. Siver spent Sunlny toc a new blînd u other irîîpruvemuentsl. t tirs. W. Wadudels t Wadsa orthî Mr. Date was a Chicago visitor t, A. Sier bas heen quite sick, Saturlny. Misses Ana Amnes anulSara Bcowe M. Keller, ut Rucktord, le vigitiug bis _________________________ eit lut Thurlay with Mcc. L. MI. brother, J. fi. Keller (hie woek. Bane.Gîm. Kalulle vsite] relatives iu Antiocli Wathc, Coca asdJewlr Reaied Tuelmarket day sale wus lncgety ut- tii Mmîîay anîl Tacmday oft hs veek. Ail Work Guaranteed te'nted. Arntlur uitTrker le at Cli,iita.trccanul _______Mr. "nul'tMrs. John Ruse epent Satur- i i cîvi oîk ut (lurel'rettise place SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY day ut A. C. uri.Aprml 1.t. WiII Melill11e wasl a Kenoshu vsitor The I.adiee AId ociety îî,mctem itli Pcomptly Flled Monday. tirs.r',rett Murali tübilc'e,'k iurieealmot T. D. Necu eh lias a usw McCaskey ult tuechnrcb asannourîccît ti last eeks -W. IH. MOORE Register tor tseping accounte. This le paper. (rayslake . lljnois he latet und mut Improved system un Theu nem services wil ,ie l-d ut ths the market. Thcy are sul by Gileumu churc etiri-t Sunday murnîrug anI Hammoul ut Zion City. evenfng. Mrs. Mary Weleh, îof Kenosýha, is visit- ing lier many triende bers. Mrm. Will Oliver nie(in the swk list, also J. D. Murray, M. A. Hogan aani Warren Williamrin. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Winiters are reoieîng over a baby girl. Gertrude Northrop, i4epj,îrnIg ber vacation at home. Mm. Elmer Faulkkner ic vietîng in Warren. Peter Gleaeoni and Jolhi, Wllainsua drove tu Waukegzan Jast ack. Clark Northrop spen t Switnlav at home. 1ev. Read spent t8uniav ut t1wbornue of Rfi. .Âmes. Mrs. Spenesr (Crawt,,rland lson i c iLed Mma. Northrop Sunday. Mrs. Lathamn and lva Taylor bave returned troiu Sterling. Everyone epeaks well ofthois'ast mar- ket day at Rumeell. John ý'eing s1 uit. slsk MILLBURN Victor Strang and hie ullege friend, Mr. Jacobson, are spending their weeL's vacation wîth the hume folk$. Miss Uea Mîntu was here Sunday. Rey. Chas. Scbmsdic, ot Maywood, preacbsd on local option last Sunday. A fine addrese was given. Mr.and Mm. iH 'Towerand firandrea Tower vi sted at Kappie's ut Grayslake laet Friday. The ladies' mieionary meeting and prayer meeting was held at the home of Mr. Mary Bater Wedneeday. Clarence al Robt. Bonner, of Chicago, spent ttunday witb tbeir parent@. Mr. and Mm. James Armour gave a progressive enebre party to their man)y triende laat Tueedaynight and on Friday night the yonng peo pie aleu gave a pacty. Carde and d ancing were the evening e pleaenre. A g:)ud tîme ie repurte.d at botb parties. Mr. and Mre. James Tbum ot Nebrcaska toriuerly oi Mllburn, are re]iiîîg over tlhe arrivai oft a baby girl March 2.,tli James lanieson a-unie home Sunday înîurh irii îroved in lîealth. OnTueeday eveuîng, April iat A K. liai'i thlie1). E. S. will gi ce a ijicasu ring se]For everv fot,,,tali vou illii îay iiiý re ri ts and e rery inch a eunt t roretlîiienits wiIli le serveil ani a good tirue le expecemd. C. E. tupie A pril 4" Lies Les sne for Me trom the Book ,of Proverbe,"' Prur. 8: i-17. Cunecratin meeting. Riîby Cleveland, leader. Mr. and Mce. H. B. Tower spent Sun- day at IRound Lake with Mr. and Mre. (heu. Gerrity. Mis Edith Van Aistine, teacher ut the l)odges chool, was III Munday and Tues- day uft(hie week and Miss Ethyl Âmes @ubatltutpd tfor ber. The C. E. business meeting wli be beld at the parsonage Frlday eveiug, April. 2. Election ut officere lu order andl a fu atiendance le deslred. Mise Helen &aMord of Wheatou College came Tueeday for a week's vacation. [ZZM LAKE Bosing ad Wilmlngton shippeil a load of stock Teesd&y. Our local commîssionere are buey on the roada. Several attended the play, nngs Fortune" at (irayslake lest Frlday andl report a splendid entertilment. Barry Guab, of Liberal, Kan., in visit- ing lu Our vlcinity this wesk. tIeo. Hlendes in on the sick lust. At preset wltlng the tarmers and Furet(Gien Creamery Wj. have not cdms tio any terme wtth the mtlk contracte. The new dmug store will soon be open» The Mystlc Workerm' locige was or- gansd last Baturday nlght wlth twenty new members. Leo Dury spent Bunday lu Liberty- ville. LOON WRK Mis Una Minhi la home for a week'i vacation. She in teachlng lu a blghI sebool lu Dundlee, Ill.1 tir. anul Mm. Chas. Lovgreu, ot Chi-0 cago, speut Stnrilay ald Sunday witb their parents, Mr.aildtire. C. Lovgren. i Mies Jennie Smith, of Aptakisie, le spelingeume time wl(h Mns. C. Prest.on. Dan Ryanut Chicago , accompaniel by hie sister, Mise Eliza, viitel Suny a b Chas. Wolf antI tamily. tics C. L. Van Patts.n ertertainedlier tîrotimer, J. Schuînaker, ot Sioux City, lu., Tuslay anulWededay out met week. l'ecey Hmîîk eutectaiuet a numhîer mof frîm'îds Saturdu', ufteruo,,îmit beiug uis teî,th birtliliay. 'lrr. Ettirîger anul dauglîter, E'dna, ot Chicago,, visitel the paat week with Mr. INGLESDE. and tirs. J. Martin. Jas. icNeîl returnei l 1i week Mr. find Mrg Frank Dunnri vlited the Flurida where he baas been eeda formersm sister, Mre. Bastings, at Heb. winter. con, Ill., a tes' days receutly. Mise H. Hendricke spent Tbursday Florence Htastings rrturned borne witb Fridny lu Chicago. (hein for a short nsît. A number from bers attended th«pý .Asa Patch, otf Rus*'lt, elent Siuday ut Fox Lake Saturdav ovening. wlth Mir. and Mce. F. lîin. Geo. Ruser-il bas purcbae)ed a fie f M. Sheehanis on thelie îk liet. ut boresg Little Lester Palmer bas beenv.vrsivk Johln Rose @peut Sunlay at apaIM witb influenza but mt pie(i.inw rove. prescrit5 iiiiiKIile and little daugb4 imuir,,ves. are vstn at Juhnsbnrg thia wtek. ANTIOCH M. P. Scnlly spent Monlay iu Ohlceg Ientist G. R. Olett and mite, Mr, ami Mrr,.'MeCrmick bas retumned te bâ Mrs. Jerunme Story arrived houaietro,,,munni er borne. 1 lionaphin, Mo, Tueeday, alter m1winding Mre W'. K, Kimbali entertaii~dagi tue, cul winter lu that sunny clirmate. any trou Lake Forest Sunday. tirs N. A. Richardson retîîrned home Satîrlay trom Lake Villa wtîere she lîns Arinouncement. leei taying the winter with Mrs. Ben As my time which I have linglve IjX nî my ptical depatment bas béroiMul hhrn t,, Mrc and] Mcs. Wm. Tifany last liiitedl and tbe wucksgo extensive, meek a uitile girl. made arrangement@ with Dr. GO Mrs. Alvin ýr lîkers and eilidren, ot Sclager, ascientihc ptician and@ 0s (iietel, . k , are viiing lier parents, specialiet, wbu witi fent the Grays~ Mr. and Nire Grîeon Thayer. Pharmacy every tionlay of se w Mrc. Rari Webb,, ut Waukegan. Ioto ,.take charge out(bat lepartmnwent. vimtin he siter Mr. Afre Efingr. Schiager is an experienced man la vîstîg ecelte, ics Atrl ffngr. work and le widely kuown la Mr. Keys, a veteiuary éurgeon rnoved county. Blis best reterenes belng into tics. Ed Litle's bouse Tueeday. large number uf t slfid «atmm Elle Biîtck and daugbtec. Ada, bas ont the eouuty. IM.u nedo Jam muved intu Wrn. Iinears cottage near lu (hie lins we invite you to caff the depot. hlmi. Examinatione andl enauIU George Paddock ig very siek at preeut tree. FwloemcE J. Datc writlng. Graduats OVtit", Put TbIWStove Ilà Vour Kftchen, Tt is wonderfuly convenient todo kîtchen work ofl a stove that rs ready I the instant wanted, andout of the way the moment you're done. Such a stove is the New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oit Cook-Stove., By using it you avuid the continuous overpowering heat of a cual fire and cookc with comfort, even in dog- days The o LEw - ERFE , nOw Wk Dine Raine 1On ok la 9o comtrctd tha t dou mot add peaoepnbly ta the bhi of a lîdiffers ftumm al cdu, ccd stoeeini its substantial CABINET T with sbeofor waig pla=and keeping cook bot, and drop. "hevu for holding mmiii utmils. Hus miy convenience, even ta bars tavela. Tbemise. Withor without Cabinet T If vmtwlth yu daier, write oui ree gn 8,'If mot wldr your d7-471, 1 have ietniy home e sadl fhe h BALýDW¶IN PIANOS. 1iInvite you to «Il and ses PRICES IN THIE RF-ACH 0F AIL. GEORGE E.STRANG. UndotakaM dU ecu"Edbm --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - m TIE LEADERS Oak Parlor Stand 89o Table Oileloth per yard 11 22.-incli Stair Pads 8c RÈGINALD B. GODFRIEY, GRAYSLAK!. .l.: ..e4.e*ie.e Olur r ow cuti i imistolirîslril.,l ic , graîiîîîg lis nuuls bece. r,î i nii ttendel iirîîîcbt tulaîtOF I AL 1 its,t.iss i t utday. Maoruî Dalesednth Nýýa 'l'lie folloing ivthem.officitai ballon (lithe xuwî of Icuicî teis morkting tfo i ug ~ ,el~ Irii m, 199. ",lit Abu,,toiu . ds'ahwuiti. sîlîrt t ut IY,ia at', k mdits 4datîptier St- hITf Miss V.,' i twuuid like ailthPe u tittli 0To n l 1ireetk puitnsthey, Aprl, u t, ut ii.. Aie maý -o ,un alter linner us p1lbliit' .. Flor Town Clerk shs h ick liet are: Mrc dF.I. MEY'ER tirs F rclb ly, Mary i mrîtair' [)ieiz R.. Siien, Howarîd siuci,l.ll For Assessor Lewin iAitie Shea anul trs. S. A. liii F .'M.lreît 'rills spent Suiîhna cvi, .oiul u .....JC. 1B. EASTON Taille. F Jic.o Stella clu peut Tuesuhay c iti relis-Fo lecr tic e iii 'î udstrorth, ....-. 1011N>, ORE Olive 'rA cls spent Tbuimcday atteîîiuuîu wltlm Ert,1Lewin. r.i For Corumissroner oh' Iliuliic ay s tir.ilt was entertuineul ai R, h). ~ V'LIMIU Ames Stl, , .ly.'WLIMIUI 7 'Victour , liugs @pent cîneî-îiust îr1î'kFor Justices of lte Peace wîtbhis irîother, Louis. 3 Mrc. :I., ,'uett Bastings sîurîî .Sittilay W. A. STESSEiS witbh hn Irents. C .PTI 1 Next c'iiluy beginis a esc',quaîrte'rI'.W. ET tbe Prmsc uieSundlay schîîuictl wul tube iFori'.Constabîles 1a large ui tvnerdunce, . E>î 3 ilît1, tganu sasa LAWRENCEuctiiiluc OAN Saturiuuu ueo Chas. L.ewin ainîul Cî,sic 1 mWibllmy.iîg u rStc. J IIENIZY MEYER< Shenu. (I A I mborne wcrue u-lce l nltmr 1Dr .Juî îuîcîuîîmule a trip, thinungli bere For levying a special gravel tax BALLOT fWst I)erfield, Lake couty, Ill., (o be F. IL MEuYER ,TownOI By Pe ntou -i For Town CIerk For Assesur LAWILLIAM F. PLAGGE I~i For ('uiieutor Fur ('uminissioner of Highways Fo uur.hîtiee ofthlme Pece For (oustalise _.,Against Ievqing a special gr"ve1 LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE JEWELER e s 7: 1 j

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