Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Apr 1909, p. 4

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LAKE CO1UNTr IN»E>E!PDENT, YRflYÂY, APRIL 2, 1909 XKE COUNTY IND!EPENDENT OFFICIAL PAPER OF LAKE COU NTY Ô1100 Tolephone No. 1. dtiltore- Resdence Te-eehone No. 1141. LibertyvIUle Exchangec Muare d aI the PoetofficC et Liertyville, Ill. as Second Cam Mater MUED WEEKLY. 4OVE5Ti9lNt. &TU MADE KNOWN ON APPLICATI0N, OUB$SCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE FRANK H. JUST ............ ............... ...................................,.....Editor f IL M. KELLEY...................................................... .......... City Editor FRIDAY, AeePRILL12. 1901).a "TIMES ARE HARD?' Henry Clews, the great New York< banker and alert reviewer of financial and business conditions, in hie wee kly financial review, issued to-day, says e it may ns weil be conceded we are experiencine- a sertous business depression, In tct tot 1times are hard," and he blamnea the uncertainty as to tariff revision for tfilis condition. "As ta the tariff, littie progres, ha& been made, though quit as much as i *xpectsd. It muet b. Uaken for granted that the worst la known in the motter ef revisioli. The Payne bill, white containil acte-e giaring defects,,vues upône t4 ewtioie a menture which lndicated an earneat effort towards tariff revisipri.h lit la çoncoded that the rattes as reported in that bill were the lowest whlch Mssid b. PoWsbiy enacted. Consequently the worst ia known as ta changes Mhtcharacter, and the probabitities are that during the discussion manyd changes will b. made, and thonse wiiI be chiefly In- the direction of hlgher8 rates than thons nassud in the. original draft. Thia, of course, while dia- eoereging the tariff reformera, wlli b. rssaurng tu msnuf.atiire and otiters ispendent upon tariff support. The gret body of manufactilfrs and mer- dclteta re now more Injured by uncertalnty than by any pro*ble revision. uIer *cie d"ere ln ta have thonse problema and rriUating discussions ended la eUr tht they may go ahead with plans and work cther oontemplated or bffun. Thera le no doubt that a great deai of business la being heid back v awaliting the settiement of these vexed problema. This dulînesln business l, moreover, further aggravated by wealcness shown in- maiiy commodtyv markets. The declinea i prices have not been confined to steel and copper,d Wo nearly Il the prncipal mrchandise markets show more or less wcaknesae et fIrat hands. As a resuit of tariff uncertainty and weakness in prices manyL ordera are held in suspense, and business la helng transferred upon a purel'yr handc-to-mouth basie- Production la beîng curt.aled. wages are frequently( reduced, and it might as well be coflceded as not that we are in thet mîdt of a period of reactian which shauld have worked tself eut a year agot as the. natural sequence of te panic. but was delayed because of the power fui restraint imposed by the Steel Trust and other similar combinations. ItM la a question as ta shether consumption s e-t gonq on at a more rapid rate thoan production in rsany liees of goods. Not iefrequeetly shelves are bars, and were tire tariff sttied and confidence regaîe-ed as to prces it ta quite probable that an accumulation of ordera would be disclosed, which would giv. business a new and substantial start. There is no doubt that many or- dera and mae-y new enterprisea are now heid bock purely throuagh 11ack of confidence, and whee- this dîsappeara we may confldently expect at least a partia1 revivai cf business activlty. Possibiy thîs rmay be deferred until the creois tlok la more assured; but In any cases undertylng conditions are sèu0d and ths procesa f readjustment now gotig on la pavng the way for jt,hsslthy revivaliae- o very ditant data. The reo.nt taihure of the Steel Trust lt 1reserve le- deferring litsoperations for fuiiy s yer-wasinItseeSa :nset hulpicioua amen. Thot ieon wiliinet ctoosI b. forgotten, and in future tlie.stirent combinationa wlil Aeeasarliy b. mors careful as to how they Ieterfer with the. forces of nature; for iaws of trade in the andI are jut as isnlpotsnt and are derlved front just the 88"» source as &Il other great I!Wa ln the.naturel wo,4id, Youýtbould Clivé Vour Trotte, Whevv' «eef Posible, 10 Vour Home 1 Merclsants le- Vour cwn Town. lnvetiag your al srasdyn" vlElnl te mû. rlt aa g~ r'psy jelêqtlvsartice PDIN 8. Dêause. whsa yen are sichi or fo MI ruqion I it ury for yen tu ae for tilh tyou e" go to thse loeahýbuel. E . could you ask h o! a mail order1 4.B ecauma, if a home business iaau la 'wtllhg tue .oisd yoe oedit, 700 sisould 4 qlus hm the henefit et yor cash Ire-de.i 5. Because-, i a home business me-n paye local taxes and exerta t ry effort tu botter yeur market ite thas inreases tii. value et beth towu ad cîîentry properi t. ',)M. Mneo smesrd luiWillow1 SPr4ssgeMo.,Frd.atno.Merh 2eetpueumoeu Wla - W ilInee o ny &4.w days.8h-b" vsrv teebie fer ho.e hefori.Augel of =eau ce-iad kw. o~hehsi-su.wZI4a, er home gondaIt-Mari 28. Bey. John bStw$on, t W~the CougsssoelIbmto IMo., coouoainig the servicesi M mains were leid te Nt lu the tory heelde lber iioehatd,i ,r, whe died slghtyoas e go.1 w boru in New York&#d movédt $ ici W ltmn sud trous ta Liberty-g kwSh» Xsti for a otimbe, of! 'tInO Mieb@moveti with beri 2Il-Y to Wiliow Sprltsgs whers eh. bas alem ma&deber home. Sb 1w thé m uother oet Ove childcen, ltiur o-wiole tu, vive h.r, namnely; Mr. Kate Johnson, of Nestor. Cal.. MI L»tde, Lou a»d Bert..- Mattis, the Leoungest. dieti wben la ber inanacy et Lihertyville. lier maidea e-sm. was Charette Benedict. 8h. alâo ieves Iliree sistere and twîî beethe-rs. LOWV FARES FOR SETTLERS, CHI- CAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RY. 6. Bce-ose- tht'meil erder bîtave dot'. Low fane-s for e-i'Ilrs, e-te-ny Toi-eday not ligltea s'îur tax or ina e-y we-y belit frîtîn Mert-b 23rd le April27th., inclueire, th. value of your prtîpe-ty. te North Dekola ad Monte-ne- points -7. Beceuse tht'mni-honder boue-e- lot-e-ounte ew Chcago, Mil ienkt'e-& 'uget notiig for thet' lien-it of nmarke-ts- tr Souînd be-lwa-. betes e-îply te Bayate-, real e"tâte- Value-s. iîttittge-r, Bitamea, ernterth anti 8. Bee-ue-nee.e-e (overuer (k'îh, tif otIte-rNorth île-ttu poinite-, and tii Missouri, s-ytt, 'il vour tl is t-gixîd rBe-ter. NUIre-City, istrsyîli. Nlaeilhpli, enoli tO iii- in il io g- id ttitiýt-4.I .e-t tue-, l. ,a ti. , la u tt oti, M ore. spead yîur iont'î i.- Ieitwnenil OtIt[taîlna- staliotte c..ttc ni,- tht bt-et cilice-ns intvot 1 o n Ibis ar-lin- iiithifo îrmat-iona conmnunity lietr)i7ait-c ntutti- îdus8tr V fret' romuit loctatiagsientt. I1'. %. M ti -Fit,ý Why Doltlie-Oee-Ofthe beSt VtiýLHz-a? Cei-re-l inmenger Age-ntCre-î.245 10. Be-at-se he-honte t henh-tslîlp I. support yîiur thurt-bee-a-niIsibtîtile ad To subscrîbers paying in adoance- b. alwysl be-aippittg t-t iLadt ýeey offethe foliewing exceptIorial club ewe-tys e-ad e- ie.ofe The Laike-CeuntIndependent, wortb e-n ontin-ethe Chicago DaiIy Inter Oce-in and And Tuk- ituiteAt tN iîlti dtue-i Psris Modes, a monthly miageai4ne for eleve-th. i wemen, for $3.50. De-hoqueit Isuh- Beausee-te-ny dollar )(titi (ai-it eatey sîribers may aise profil by te pro- maeksyouthat mat-ltiii tîhuoLéerintoceilPositeon b)' peying up-odale., o tettnt-b tfs a iooete-. Dairy Feeders Take Notice. Miss E. A. Bnsh visited trieuds ln Rogers Park le-ts unday. Grn Gluten theaper than bran st LIBEBTYVILLE LumBER Ce. Miss Margarêt Watters, of Chicago, waa the guesrt of Mise Lilah MeCormick iast wesk. C. H. Royeh le bporting one of thte finest lookicg autos in towsl. Jakie le a bora chauffeur. Mliss Olive Tiffe-ny, of Antioch, we-s the guest o! Miss Me-bei Higgino, Thursde-y and Fride-y of le-st week. Miss M. Cre-sser bas ietnrned te ,ibortyvileafterîeeeraI we-eks absence n Eve-ustoeane-d Chîica-gtt The regular ane-I neetingand supper (if thte dire-ctte tif the Le-ke County National Beak was be-Id last Tuesday. Rev. Il. P. Lawler bas heeu lu Canrori, Ili., the pe-et wesk e-ssistiîîg Rev. M. 8. 'rs-mnuwitb evangelistie services belng be-Id Ibere. Mr. ead Mr". El. H. FikeieftWeduemitsy eve-ing for Merehalitown. Iowa. where le was e-lied by the suddeu dee-th of siâ sister. Aadrew Chylewskt. thse 1-year.old boy who we kiiied et itoudout liaat Thors. day was taken te Chicago 8e-tarde-y ,veniug for hurle-i. XXX Dairy Fesd conte-tas 17 per cent V rte-iu end la aoid for $24 per ton! 054E LumBERs-ComepÂr4v, Lihertyvilie, 111. 26-2 Born tt5 Mr. e-ad Mms. E. D. IBubliard, Saturday, Me-rch 27, a te-o pound girl. Ed wiI lie deiighted te enterte-l ue w-itb pe-ticulare ofitItis wînde-rful cbiid. The Royal Neighbors will give a red, white ead bIne supper, a baze-er e-d dae-aet the towa be-Il on We-dne-sday evt'aing. April 21. A progrrant will aise 4e reudered. Mr. ead tirs. F. P. Dymîîud were re-giste-red e-t the' Hetel Metropole in de-ilead, Ce-i., le-et we'.k. Tlî'y cape-rt le ipt'ad se-veral w ee-kv in Dener be-fore their returo borne. Fie-Id seede of e-il hitude-. ele-etle-wt grass e-eed for Pe-l'hy tdte Bomir Liste-o týoiit'Ny, t.ibertyville. Our tovk iv Iree-l tand the' be-et que-uet e - lîtt oîl on the moarket. 26-.2 New sud attre-ctive, free- ead up-to. de-te, ie che-racterter of my sepring display of milliaery. Yen are iavited to the grand openîng. Thursdey ead Fride-y. Me-e. M A . FRoTteE. bute &Ce., aIse Wm. Walrond are instelliug ne-wacecunt keefiuge shteras, the McCssksy register me-dee-t Aliaace, OhieolGdeon He-mmoad. ef Zion City, handies the registere lu this ielty. JEl Tr'iagels inétalled a asw cash register an<iadding machine that dos meost everythlog bot tue-h. Itis e-le aud ex peneive contrive-ice sud th.r .e uethiug In the village ot the klnd that compares with it. Boyv. J., B. M.cGuil wiil coudici hotit thesM osgandieveniag services at lthe Md. E.chursin luthb -sence etfBe-v. H.F. Le-wler. ism toiple fer thse rnoriug sermon wiii be: "Me-n'a ReOiIons Nature; Whe-t Shah delsDo With lt't Wilbur Merediths .hot three eut etfe- Bock of tour gomme lent Saturdey and th ou 1 resson for net gtting tisa teurth té saeIte bave h..o because it waa not fat suugsto met. Gord Schaack @bot twe the week before an-d Fred Parkhor@t lie golog te shoot moine In-ter on. l Tbie mbers of St. 4Joasph's catholic ab»rb wlli gIve a gra.n4 haland oupZg et tIse twn,h-li onu liter lion¶d evsenlag, Ajiri 12., Tickets 50 cents. 8oppbr 2&woset. TIileesoti arks tbs 1eois ot thé Lexton asemnsud in alw e ue of he. argeet aolaI eveutseto 1yesr. ,This nepper wbkch talain be-a fine one ahmbea rsdmod te cents sv e«-. Tiie danesead snppbtn are alwàyse lsetly maneged and a pleaut social Urne aasured.d The Libertyuvlle. Choral Boeiety maet et the. eowu hal lmlasionday evmîng an-d began mahsseang Use oratorio, "The Holy Ciy," under Ibm, 4irscon o! Prof. 6. R, Mitchell, leader ofthtIe bandi. The membership ot tise soclety in lnerfeabng re-pidiy e-ud bas amy traineti voices that wîll e-tit mach toi the iterprste-tioa ot the score. Thse uext mseting wili his be-Id ou uext Mouday eveuiug sud e- cordial invite-tien te e-l heving elther musical abiiity or aspirations. They w ilI b. welcome. The Ides oofe- aiaging seite-y is snre- actmmend-bleoee-tat il e-hîuld rece-ive he-ertyco-opert'riont and support. The expenditure i@ ste-il aond tliirr im ointh profitaeble exie-rie-ace iii trelu ru. Woiidfird Bird while Ie-ding e- cotra ttlîit'dîe-r e-t thteBene-en te-nu lest Tue-- de- itîiing ce-neht bis le-lt hand la the mais -betly msngliag il. Re was le--ist fre-bout a be-Il an heur ead thongi e-very effort we-s me-de te reverse tVie toutbine il relused t<î bndge. Ht' qiorhid lthe me-chin a. ietk himeli with e- rotwblieread tbe-a eut lthetendons et bis bead Dr. F. H. Martin wu aselied anîd toohi the patie-at te the bîtepital la Wauhii'geanwhle-rt'lie dresseti hi@ wonndsj e-at1iiei-e-ede-d iasaving a part ef the ire-tlitige-r ead tbhumb. Bird ehowed re-nîerke-ll e-rye e-s several heurs àe-lae-leei front the lime lie we-s ialured util tri-eted. Ht' we-striveate Liberty- I ille- whiire he we-lked abouît the stre-et e-nil wiî v inpelled te we-it sounte-ime for the' ne-st ar tii Weuke-gau. Btig' lotiof potsteae-l]sites. stre-ieht. dry The oîd fae-siard e-ey of doeing ae- loioi Itr ine-r nd maidrte ite- wee-k steme-ch, or stimeletiag tbhliert rîtînettithr e e ad me-he- site-r. or kidisys is al wrong. Dr. Shioitt1 -ue i n l-etr u- -îrC.T. IEY DPCKER a SOPi, Attys. . er BitaI.. onet pointed eut thie errer. Thbi4 le-whycriteare; toute- early. LtitEui'raVILLE1,17r,-tAjdiain.oie Ie precrptlou-.Dr. Shoopa 1estore--juicatontNtCii tî"--Wdiroced enirelPi thecauseNoIce lE hrelîî ivea test the8e- Uve-l dirsted etîrey t ht' cuse tf strite-r tecuetor of thee atIE msd Testmeat *mei e-lme-ta the weak inide or rcta Bible Study. aIof.1-ua wit-r. useased. .111 attend thee treaSIng ere. ,It isut se difficut, eays GogeL10ae-.o Eso, a, iltÇoutcou rt ut Lake cauna.ait a teriathere-ol Dr. Sho<sp, tuetrengthen a weeehiI eore 1lîge.cf1.n e-,wIltbe_i lde-n ai Ina Court Rouase-nwauikefau. eloac, har orhidnesil uegee eIlgire- e-e-irie-e-ofiibible studieset the- sd Ce-e-etv.on thete-uintMondai lMt utte etorr, et, or.kEacb inaiforgbes .e r-sdeat- I iTj. B. Wiliams, corne-no!fexIt. i, theu sud wheree RUtPenran, eavine i orctllug orinside erve-. bas-tie-LmNorth Ate- iîid "Finet.t. ome-rage-ains eauseaId etâte- arenotiie<t -di 1Searde- ae-tiîgt 7:30; bande-y 3:30 ~ l--sm 0slCte o nerealai then those o rge-nos tunet sureîy and 7 .: Tuteday ad Wedaee-de-y Fw 1 C C WIRTZ. EXeCt-ofuthtee lait fater. Themevite-I truthm ae-e- le-eding 1t ., oe t7 t Ii-eaendeaîî-Wiîiird estnametaifiLe-s wlrta, de-raess-i 10 ItIreyhïet dstnea,,, lt7p tiTi r udron-ýVikgn .. Matcrh 22. M. '26-4 druggate eerywbre- de-1e-ase eaittonatl tnttitiI are- iirdiallIy inviled 10 iueae-mend Dr. Shoopm e-ltstirnit - ~e. r i iir-i. iteItuge- .Tet t e-w deys ad -e lîpite- 1 mjet wl promptly ad ,ur dy olo.Dsiry Feeders Taire Notice. Sl y ALL DEALERS. Dairy Feed ers Taek.Notice. Wr wtîî fir e- le-w dey.seIl Ore-no %-Ve i.etIlutfo e-ale-e-de-ys seil Ornolute-n llor $23lier Ioulan rder te maie Muletn for $25 ter titinta rder te u--ie nuit for ither lhues admaeie-le-r- Wealngattloery doe a tse ootfeet-rine-seand iakiee-ttere-tionti stitts a i unr elevator. Now's yeur Weddta unrm eeleve-torIl.N ce-s yîur chant-e-ie-àar-,cote eariy. LiBI-Ri'viLt Luit. PiDBPNb)ENT office la Orrect coe-e-rlY. BtEtîTYVILLt bumE-it-Ce. IlE- (o. If's that or this and thîs or that, It's hard to pickan Easter hat. Net hard to pick in our line oif JEWELRY. Ail best quaiity. Satisfaction 'given every time, This is mereiy assertion until ye\'ve tried. 0One triali s certain pr )of. Make us prove totlay. FINE WATClI REPAIRING -A. IlUSS ELF LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Bing, the steel trustgets a smack, I suppose they'II hand the work- ingmen a whack. C0O1PETITION -that's tise stuif. We wel- cerne competitiotî. We're- net s trust We know the bt-st alwsys Wins. We'ii putotîr lhue-of Tailor Made CLOTIIING e-gaine-t e-O> g(ttg. Try ours toila -empare il with et lier s-antI vout'il cerne bat-k. E.W. PARKHURST E. Schanck Block, Libertyville wilI cover. And on a good surface it wMi cover more than that No. pant will do bettçr, and very few paints weI do a yl.Maxivu xcovcri*og,,çapacity, easiest spreading qualities, longest vear, and greatest economy are what we ç foi $,W. P.. It's the one safe uise. AIa"s gives satisfaction. If you want to Save moniey in pa4pt1ng let us show you the way. Wc oeil paints for ail kinds of good painting. SOLO @Y YOUNG & LYNCHI BROTHIERS Libertyville, Illinois We also carry a lineo f Alston's Paints. Wall Papes. Corne and Sme C hase & Sanborn's Fine Winners Circle Biend This coff ee is always Altura Blend fresh roasted and fancy South Se.' Blend quality. Cali and get Perfection Blend a sampie. Prices and Seal Brand quality guaranteed. ICORLETT & EREDERICKS Exclusive SeIIingj Phone 30 LIBERTYVILLIE, III. Agnt Stete of "lois, COunty ef Lae, as. lu the Connty of Lake and Stete of lu th e Circtuit Court of Laeo Cuaty. Illinois, to-wlt: John N. Tenaueylcz vs. MI-ke Re-ko- Lot Fourteen (14) lu . Block Ten we-ky, Mary Rakowsky and Josefa (10) lu Weshburu Springs, a Sutbdi- Te-nenevlcz. Gen. No. 4014. vision cf the Seutht oue huudred Public notice la hereby glven that (100) acres cf the south-west quarter by virtue of au erder end decree e- *of section tweuty-O.ght (28) Town- tered lu the aboya entîtieti ceuse ln ship Fcrty-five (46) North, Range seId Circuit Court at the December Twelve (12) Eest of the Third Prin- Term A. D. 1908 thereof the unde-r- cpal Menidie-n <excOtt flve acres lu slgtted, Mater lu Chaucery of sald te sentit-se-t corner). Courtm'll, on Tuesday the 2th de-y ELAM L. CLARKE, of APril A.D. 1909 et thte heur ef eue , Master Iu Citancer3'. ut-lot-k in thea e-ternoen cf seId de-y Deted Merch 17tit, 1909. 25 -4 et the front deor et the Court Houeeat Wauîlege- lu se-Id Couuty Il yen have lRCktehb-ead urine-ny of Laetasd Stete of Illtneis, sell et troubles yen should tahie Felpyts Kidae-y Public vendue for cs uh-dteBieyt tre htenad bud op the kidusys se they çil11ect preperly, e-e a tbe highee-t bldder the fellowlng de- serions kidnt.y trouble may develep. scrlbe-d lanud sud real este-te, situeted PRÂe-K B. LovE-LL. r i i k Chi-Namel De It Nodile, Varuish or Hardware Low Prices do flot make it a Bargain Corne and 'I will show you a bargain. It has been said that in1 every fair bargain both dides gain, and only the thief and the sheriff eau seil goods at leès than dost. Trhe service any varnish will give is governed by the material of w'hich it is made. The three staple ingredients of CHI-NAMIEL are, pure Kauri OIum, pure Turpentine and pure Chinese 011, lmported from China. FOR SALE BY H. B. E GER 0 ý Libertyville Luiber Coffpuy 8UCCESSORS TO THE- EmfflfOns-Mercer Lilifbef Comp1anly Jîîst a change ini thti name, that's ail. Thie M aageieu.xt aîd 1.o-atjoîîof lîlîrbhîsi îers remains the sainîe. Cali, as before, No. 47, Libertyville Exchange You will find us ready and waiting to serve te the best of our ability. We invite continued patronage and new business. Libertyville Lumber Company E. A. BISHOP, MANAoER. cautionin the ,clecdoemd apecdifr. inoupbido rrc.It711* on p--bert W.oLy-htfeyd ,à LIBeRTYiLL.ILS& The Tale of a Tailor New Spring Clothes. (Of couirse yoil wisli to be arnong the best dressers tiîis season. Youi waîît clothes that are correct ini faskion, faultless ini fit, anîd garmietts tliat wiil keep) their shape and wear well. With otîr clotlîing you take no0 ciîanve, You will he qiîîlk to see the superior excellence of the materials aînd the exceptionally higli grade workmaniship), whle the wide variety of distinctive, exclusive models will Burely interest you. COME IN. FRED CROKER TAI LOR and DRAPER LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS o o O O o o o o o o o o o o o o O O o o O o O o o o o Morses For Sale. Mounte-tu Mea-dow Stock Farin, une sud one-Ite-f mitles uorth ef Wsuceuds, Illinois, bas coustsutly ou baud and for sale, et luwest market price, e- stock of e-l cIesses cf horses, suite-hIe for the rosd sud e-l farm work, express ad draft, neeful sud serviceable, froua I 1oe to îI oo pounds. Prit-es 58e t-tete 520e 00 No plugs. Conte to Mouatain Mee-dow sndl ee te hbore-es work on the fart.AIl acclîiaed sud evoid ne-k ef sickness. Ail gusre-nteed ou delivery' as represented. COL. If. J. BERRY 0 »eaieèe* 0-9»*qg6p. m w' I I I

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