Illinois News Index

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Apr 1909, p. 1

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CIl OUNTY 1$~LENDEN T anid WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOL XVII. NO 28. TWO PARTS LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILJNOIS, FBIL>AY, APRIL 9, 1909-1(; Page~s PART i Si. 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. le la e i- ye n DADY BÉATS RECORD future bride a ni ittise ren aln F'OR SCtIOOL MONEY medte herself. The ive vere front -W- Milwaukee and reached here after the Distribution of ines and ýStats MoneY Office bail losed for ths afierceon. Gtvos Persons under TwentY-ons The license was aecured and Justice thlrty-five Cents for Education. E. V. Qi-vIa iied the knot. Tii,, couple - caught ths 4:30 back to Mlwaukee, Record* n Report of County Superîn- tendent Sfimpson Show Thot Many s E VS R TL Justices fteported no Fines à SU anifm STL -Thot Faurtoen or Flftssn Made-Ab- l1!LP TUE BLIND auteiy no Report Ether Way as- Usuua. No Quertorly poliment Mode April 1 In arder that ho moy gel the go" Aid Extended Through Suporvisitis eommon school educution provided by ln Rogular Channel& thst Poor Per' the constitution af th BMto of ili- soneoitMAId b>. Stops pensions noie, each persa.n Un a oonty Where Not Naee4d, But KesI Ad souder the @goaitwecyha. been te, Deverone R* illowed thirtyfive cents, a"d Coqsnty SuperkMntont aof olseole SItpeen- ha. lui consltid hie reportand #W DePrived lait Docember of their tiribusuboclmal pension by the. board of super- The. report han othor ignlilant tesvieors, the blind or Lake cossnty are tiares, notably tise foilovlng liii: bolng carod for snd ville net recele- 1-Whill 9£utMtee Attorney Man%- Ing mOneY ai a Pension are aided by na boit aiH records for turnlng n fines, the .dIfferent supervîsors ln whese hle record le now beeten by etitW territory they are. Atorney Dady, for, wth 040115 M an. Wble the aboliahtng of the pension ne fine tumned ln for thse perloai e cut a large sont front the expenses of twsen March 1, 1907 ta December 7 the coonty, Ih lefi a number of the 1908, Ddy turf ne ln $.10 for the ceuntya biind ln an ainteut destit nie period bstween Doember 7, 1906,and conditio and these nov receive March 1, 190N. This la reaîîy i not. ceuni y aid the sanie as any ciher poucr ibie record. person, 2-Flftoen justice* of thse peace of The few who diii fot reall. nethelii Lake county, Inciudfing ail froin Wî- lsnsiiis are îlot aitlî-tl sd tht kegan, turned ln îbsoiuteiy no îc- s'anlthlhal i digo tote i iea.a caunling of their fines whalever. The la itt j,,I _ft.e, .tt 3-The fund distrlbuted ai the rate ttou it-i iit5TIi, tt ofitif(i- af &bout thirty-five Cents per head for itoardi of -!17 tt'tt iii~*littitelfe, t avery prion under twenty-one corn- tti-n aut] ail aii it. n - *,îtlîd ttî prlsed $5,354.27 from the eie Itaeif, tihat tilîte tuti l(oe,î i itjîtîtlsi rolurned here for the achoois, and ""'tnof thet (itiiis a:(oîit-ed nîtîci about one-fifth, or $1054.20 In fines criticirianud Itians to have il ce- turnsd In. ftînded verestaarted, but ilever car- l4ow Fond Io Distrubuted. ried eut. Follwin Isthetabuatin sow- The help te ail needy bilnd hy te lng bey the fond was dlatributod and uevsrnik tepsonnec givig te sare of ankganandessary sud keeps ail vie do net need gitng uits, aharesulo!fustcnre.uditfrointreceivlng Use ceunty ney. porte and turninga I n bing Elven ttRa heday mot gri lOti oul aeeent ervurd under otiier bean": hrdY lr 1twodhaebe flonton $. .8 09.24 s Quarterly payment o! the bllnd pen- N«eV-9 .................... 147.97 IL Aitioes........... 269.13 W. Anocb.......... 5912 WAUIKEGAN LEADS Waaregn .................. 411.00 u~ muaa1T XLS Warren ...........14560 D U Q E TT XLS Avon ....................... 258.42 Grant .............. ........ 103.72 Non Resident Owneri Pay Their Tax- fihîsîfs..... ........ 279.661 os ta County Treesorer ln Prefer- lbertyville ..... .......35L17 ence ~to Town Coliector. Speciai Freinent .............157.18 Agsesments ta Scout List One-haif Wauconda ..ý.. .... 142,37 Agaîn Au Much As the Total Now Deerfield -- .. .... .. 9 t 61 tands iltls Ciimed. Vernon ... ... . ifti > Ela ................. .. Lol tf The delinqiient tait total for L.ake Cuba ....... .. .... it2 -'84 cunty b s$110,357.39. Waukeganî ias City cf Wauki-gaîî . . 1 1 ...1 7 (; tue largest delinquent city ist. 29 City of L.ake Forest.... 4 7, 14t7.17, andIlilghiand Park basithei, îiexi, $2-,424.14. the ta o towiils of1 $64S8 ' I gaauk anti 14,et ield thetefore Reporte of Justices. ha vlîg the largstil-J.ts as ialihole ai- Waukegan, Ill., ,Iai-ch 31, O The tlloviug la te report of the receipts of the ditributable fund for the tune fremNiMari-b . 1908 10 Aprii 1, 1909: March, 1908. 1 Cash on hand ............. 24.45 3 Josph Haas. J. P........... 10.00 7 rD. L. Devins, J. P. .........700 20 Alfred Stancliffe, J. P... - t00 28 C. K. Stauley, J. P-----------3.0 June, 1908. 1 G. M. Fitch, J. P ...........5.00 30 G. Ml. Fitch, J. P........... 20.00 July, 1908. 7 J. W. Bridgmtan, J. P -....25.00 Novemnber, 1908. 24 J. W. Bridgmn, J. P -....15.00 Docember, 190. 31 L, P. Mucus, Stateas Attorney fines front Maici 1, 1907, to Dec. 7, 1908------------ 469.65 Mrch, 1909. 3 G. H. Wtauen, J. P -.....25.00 6 John Mattiesv, J. P -...7.00 10 P. J. Aiverson, J. P--------.3.00 13 a. M. Ftch, J. P-----------.8.00 1 R, J. Dady, Staie'a Atty. fines trot Deo . 7,1908, 10 March 1, 1909-----------------..358.10 Total--------------------.1054.20 1 Coliectod ln Fines. The foltowlng Justices report that tbey have cilected no fines: Alex Tweed, D. A. Homes, N. F. Schnyver, R. W. Chitteuden, C. A. Mitchell, T.H. Boyer, Aie Stan- siffe, il. H. Hcîtje, 1). Muntington, R. 'W,, Churchill, Joseph lIssa, E. W. Brooks, C. V. WInters. About fifteeit rettîrurd nc anavers whatever. Beiabed Couple Married. Late Satui-day affernoon vItile an auxieus groom- to-be calisd up oeeoe tise cl.rka ln the county clai-ka office -te as. I be conld have the office open-, ',O4, o e aecoul becure a license, the The tabulatîcît giien beleti shen- iîîg the deliîîsueutt lists In detail does iot include sîtecial assessîîîellta, a-ihwaill raise the delînîîueîît total bat! aganîîas iîîîîîrb To,- reaseit for, the large delîîîqueîît 11sf ls malîtle-thai non reideîi own-t ers cf reîerty liay du-ecrtote , treasurer atnd Ccuîîly Treasuter Ainies does îoit c-dit much the- theoit iat meîtey is aRoy sîcî-r crItail î-r te gcc than lasi lear. The detailed dellîîqueîît lit lientos Toawnship .......... $2,t44.71 Zien City-------------------,716,93 Newpoert ....................55.,.40 Antioch................... 1,378.00 Grant---------------------..1,581.50 Aven---------------------..1,172.66 Warren-------------------..1,064.74 Waukegan Township-....6,664.35 Xaukegac Cityg-----------29,017.17 Shields Township----------.7,61.23 Lake Foi-est-------------8,434.05 Libertyville----------------.1,321.96 Tremnt ....................422.97 Wauconda------------------.69.64 Cuba----------------------...31804 Ela------------------------..214.14 Vernon---------------------..435.71 W. Deerfleld----------------..996.27 rteerfild Toniship----------4,796.78 Highland Park------------.25,424.14 Total .................110,357.39 Ha Misunderstood. "The siiîtlî-stLtrîoit05said a mnator n alii h i-r-t ddreas, "must be $t cut wlih the utmtsciare la the vordlcg, or uisnîilrstnnding, dissent, even anger, uîay resuli. "Thus, as a traîiîîn asintoving forth Ifront a Cncinnati station, a mac stock lis Itead fan eut of the wlndow. "'Keep.yoor bead lu tiens,' a ta- tiosh attendant shouted lnua-arning, 'or it yul be knocked cff!' -Knocked off!' shcuted the pasien- ger. linocked off, eh? Weil, itvo't be knoeked off by auyiody the YOu, Yoq bandi legged sirimp"'" ELGIN BEET GROWERS ABANDON INDLSTRY Facta of Elgin Experience cf Inieresi Here Because cf Extensive Planta- lions of Beets at Zion City and Out Near Hickory Grove. Farmers Toli of Their Work in Abandoning t in Kane County. While L.ake Ccunty sugarbeet grow- ers, of vhcnî tiers are numbers ai and near Libertyville. Russel sud ZMon City, mestly Belgiaus. de net lntend te abandon the grewing of Use giantu sugar maieriais, Inliane eonty 1ltI different and the sitoation lIo! In- tereai bore. A maJorlty o! the fartera In. the ElgIn district vie ralaod sugar beets lait sosion have abandoned titi crop as unorofltable. Baya tihe Press: Net over tvo or tire undred acrei vîli ho planted te beets this yoar. as againattwio uhouaand acres lat ses- son. Whlle the fammuers say thai tise crop la unprofitabie, inost of thent admit thai If ihey vere net running large dainles and vers able te give nmore attention ic beets the latter produit nlghi psy. eels wili net b,- raised here In a general way un- tii ti l-s a sîîgar factory In Elgin. li i- îist e rît part cf thA cotinty con- tilaitaai- ,itteore nuîîerons. Wil Not Mîx With Dairying. t lit tstiaiîii tlpIs arnhoig ttî-e it tttiî-lit , ho rali-il h uaa -tdîrlîîg tihe aasoti toift andui 11, îlIot tinIt a a ita ngise tt Iiîîît tfor a tarimet- niti a big dairy ot iü, on(]u a h îîîied arntun t cf la nil lie seas obligedto icbre forelgiiers nItn hein he conît ncl coînve-rse, and îhey had tbings their can way hé say s. White ihey verked ail cf the tinte. they did net ksep the fields ho the condition that lté avei-age fariner hereaboots vouid have dons. There vas a fine atari le the sprIng on the land sud die promise e! s big beet crcp vas great, but tise veather seemedaunfavorableasud the Plants fadeS and for a tlneso seom te b. veakly. La&ter they revive&. and during the latter part o! the sommer flounlahed. Thene viii be ne attentpt on bis part tecals beets or suy other root crop vhile be is engaged In tbe dalry business. He censiders the atiempi a fa llure as far as he ta cencerned, anîi as far as he dan learn bis neigi- bers are- cf the samne opinion, Peeds Crop to Hoga. On ltian abo îîianced the seed -aa ebligt d ie eed the beets te the linge, as. L., îîîld gei lie Cite 10 i-are fcr theîîî Vraitki lîtîtî bhas ito. renea ed the totitthi hait andtilneot do so. i lit- sugar (iiiatii,-aie spreading ont atîd liait- ciii ia-elth ie vesi end cf tecoîlîit . î he-rvsec eral farra- er-, bacienmade- tuîîtracts among them being \ irgîl Ke fi- snd Chris Oison of Virgil. ii bie coutracted for tiventy-fie- tii-aeach. There are sese fiui lii-all ccunig vho have arraugeti to rats the o ret ibis ysan. Tii,- brîest grener in DuPage ceuîîtt la the Oaltiai î stock fart, and tii,- aork te dore tinder ltesuper- eisionoicf Sîîîîitii lti eut P-ratt cf the farnitig de- artinîîîîît, Dîring the pasi ten tytars the iiiiustrt lias besu ihor- OaLI911 Vtcateîi, anîd the mannagement i, cf tbe opiionîci iat it is a goond pay- iîîg rîcît. and tîtat aithoughIl it vars the lanîd and the iahor necsssary ls expeîîsive, nîîch cf the land ou the farni is adaptedte1 the raising e!fi-cet irlis. Therefors there ans ifty acres planted te beets each year andtihe resuIt has bec varied. Last season the crop vas a fair average and the yisld sheved fi-ontwielve te sigiteen tons te the acre. The pries dont-aci- ed for vas $5 s ton, and the same icuitrai-t Ias been made for the coen- lng seasen, aud anotier fifty-acre field bas been set slde tor the crcp. CURE DISEASE BY PASTING Town In California May Have to Cur- lait lis Grocery Orders People Est me Little. Lake County Puts Fust- ers of Zion City ln insane Asyluca. Which Has Right of lhc Big Quaes- tion? li Zuit liti i t,-fortv tint-faci er la atr.t-il a-,ii îiaîîd 5,-it te El- titi or ui Pi t f iithe, i-it-. 0e er filiCali tii i iithert sIx (11t taster abstalîte fretnt ssiing te cure dIssase- In Zien Cily ch,- people, soreeof thema faut te get tcrgiveness fer gins. Have officiais made a mistake In prosecotiug fasters? 11leliville, NMardi3 -:h ~rof t1its place may have lu îui ttt or- dlers for supplies If th( t ..,î.îîî fad of fasting continues te st .1 aîflnoîig the citizens. Misa Sadie Wilson eitererd a orty- six day fast, Nlonday, antil J.,rejoirý ing over benefits recelvel ,Su,- was a sufferer front chronie catarrh, which cauzed partial deafne8s. DurIng the firet sit days she vas const.antly hungry, but then the de- sire for food paaed awayý lier di- esse aeented ctsred by the thirty- third day sud hearing vas restorsd. Miss Wlladn thon undertcok te eat a meal. bot found the dId nçut cars for It snd roaumed bier fat On thea forty-seventb day the vas real ly hua- gry and ate tvo raw ogga. Since then ah. bai saten llistly, but regularly. When she b.gan bot tait aseweighed 125 poonds; vhoq -lclosed ber veight vas 97 »otn4à. Frank M. Cbapilli, unclse! Miss Wilson, recentiy futed sîxteen days, lest tventy poundoan sd vas much beneflied. D. V. -Chaplin, anotiier of the young weman'a relatives, tua veek wîli be- gin a twenty day uirt. Ot her Hoivilie people have become so Impressed that tbey'are planning te abstain from food for considierable pEriod s IION!VMOON ENDS IN DEAT1I Of GROOM IHoneymoon Baroly Ended when For- mer Waukegun Railroad Man, Later an Air Brake Inector for Chicago Fîrm, Feil Victim ln Comning To- gether of T.wo Trains ln Hibbing. M innesota. Malt, vifs sud vidov ln tItres short veek s Itse Ife hitory o! Mrs. John Hockney, o! Antlio, aud the tale vas finished tuoiday vben the i-e- mains of her bogad cause te Anti- ecb for Intermeut. The daisaiten o!f.- oôzca prasqwrcsss ismbe.« a o ioch, ah. va» msulo tp JO" amso- ney, tossnerly aflron4 iJW,ý!Ns.ti- vostern yards 5 ait s4" -,en )Mrd, 12, sud after &ve lg trip, barols'at th. end of tshosameymooo ln tact, tise couple aettled lu Htb- bing, Mtnn. Late Sunday aflernoonthelb.parents of the Young bride received a toe- gi-am rni-m Ffbbing te tise effect that Htockney had been iilled ln a col- sion beiveen two traina. Fev If any details are knoa-n fui-User la that tb,- faiher cf 1h,- bride. F. B. Goodrich 1,fi ai once for -iîbing, sud tisaitithe girl la accrnîpaîîî lîg the body home. Young Hock-cey. after bIs experi- ence as a firemtit bers, took the sx- aminatlon for air brake insfpector for a Chicage rompanhi sud ianded the position, St whlcb be bas ben w ork- ing ever ali-ce. The acIdenrt lok place Saturday niglit after tie ycnng icoutple Itdbeen iinited barely thi-ee veeka. The rerninis anlIved ln Chti- cage tItis arternooiî John Hockneywans 25 yeara old and Use soisoe! William Hockney of An- tiocb He was wad knovn n bPIes- saut Prairie. SURVEYS COMPLÈE FOR ELECTRIC ROAD Road Muet Depend on Local Aid in Order ho Get Outaîde Aid as Capi- taiization Invanîably Ask How Wau. kegan and Othen Cition Regard tie Wynn Proposition to Bulid this Im- portantLine.. Tise Waukegan, Rockfond and El- gin Tfraction Couîpany bas nov cent- pleted the survey of Ivo dtfferont routes te Grayalake sud la cosnpilllg data regardlng cosi, tiseraout, direct and practical rouie sud other detaill for lie benefiticf local and Ostaide capital. lt ba stated te b,- a tact that the smunst cf outaude heip tisat can be gatned leo make the rcad a practi- cality depeuds ou the loceal ad given sud tItis fact, rond officiais lemîsi, ahold be borne lu mnsd, ThseSi-ni i-ete rns fron thlb.esd cf Washington street te the St. Pao! depot Iu Grai-sînki- aîd the second runs front Cwtiric icGi-yslake. Wbii-boncitevlIlic aken dependa on the cent ald th,- t îitii-ality cf ibe hune ibat eibher ot it elIt furcish. Giecni lat Wc-î niuitFrlday sitt ît ltatinluhi e li helIstotal i-est cf tbe î-cad ilîl lt-eithin reason. The road fis progreaeiug mast as rapidly as possible, and lie sboviog la a salisfyiug oneC but local aid Io the esaentlal. WOMAN fANATIC F1b teitt9lirogrescf tvlb age- STIL.. tELD AT ELGIN !lIi pfllfi t aloi iial l)-lit tiirtsi. calleît for a nian of exitti 1 , Womnan Who Deciared 8he Would d aîrs ami I bi itiest tehatd oa Faut UntilRings Dropped from Hecrge vol,' le-tinatrate FnoadOown Whose Throaî The caniatiaes for itresîîlent of tbe Physiciens Had ta Force Food '0br ceMls .Lmyvt a Mlk"HtrElin. sentr aiFiHpec. iledt he- office with tnarked succes Caeu utEigin Cenal Fren for four lerms. retîring tvo tears ago. Case Whos Hebun, FnaDce.A. W. Meyer, a ieading merchani, Preacher, la Suid ta Have Stîrvec and H-. tD. A. Grebe, a denIer Jin hard- Wife 10 Death ln Forty Day Faut. ware, etc. Rellgloue. boiefs Of. à seird and The total voie cast for presideut terrbleordr hve inaly adeMrs. vas 314, of vhich Miles T. Lantey re- terible orerIsvfM nli'ofaVo itcelved 191. A. W, MeYer, 93, and H. ary uttr f, f rertà i ZinCthe rD. A. <rehe 30, aln ur uesalc Ifrots r t he 'Te Pronounced endorgsenent given Lîîesyue utoitu t . thse cadidacy of Miles T. Lantey vas Comý frm W* «B U» 2,- ot alone an acouaI Of hia strong l ou@,netted frmofte keeus inn.rt,.Perffual foilowtng. but o! the. uncesi- b-0 L i a" r 0< 1001 tIt ' e o0s*t ful managoan Of o!village affaira dur- btan. fo.rliityes, ht. evold lssg bis former incum&ienoy, oflth, of- fat Pforfor ty ies Ms.rtenijte a c., 3*1canmpagn for a retornte HosPital for the inanne ait BWn, dès- once. vu mode on strict busines PiteP-dctloà e thetim of h ee-for su econoicai, conservative ceOmmlttunt that asevould be r10' ,hntnfld t Pulic vteandbi ieaaedsas P9rfeotiY -saater a fev Nythenieneperftserveotelnbla days on veeks of confinement there. Isioit in nioerltestimonial o!a In fact, ln an Interview over t1 ho morlniste teui ve hi, oflart long distance telephcne Saturday orppoet Mr2. Meyer hsPou morning Elgin officers declarsd Usai H. J. L, .eyuie eorgeJae a hIle sIte la not one cf the vio lent pa- H-tiJ-Ilam ete, verge-nJ.iaytd tlerîts, sIte is neveriheiesasclearly l-ind forltrmsteesvtent cppre-oinas 5calte and ther,- are ne chances oîf bei o rseewtotopstoa lîîtiîietiliate relett, o as Arneit C.LUnes retirned te the Sheat& N Lngr. ffce Or Police Magistrats. ion t-s cr tht-r,-le declaredti l1)li cr.- itoticeabî-lott tin elc 11itit-rs rcondiîton, andtîltat is ltat ahte tic lîuîge-r triPeb Io tast for I avy and arelta ai a tiîîîe anti ber forin ot mana, if repiorts are 10 be credlted, has changed from fasting and re!> glous mania te mast common dementia of a loy and passive erder. Another Zion City Tragedy. 'ie qad fate ot Mmn. Hunter la enly another tragsdy ta cenntseut e! Zion Cty, viier go Many hi-illant de@- tîntles, erdlnarlly good lives, sud glut- tering relIgIOUa bopes bave been bon. rled. li la ouiy another of these 093es vie te .nsk bau booo bruM f- Iss atidim 10 teosl the griunng bXli et deuilsheue.h Nad FautneMania. Msm. Hunter eosto b Zios i Cty in Use train of a healer narned Ilomp- sons, bead o! thse fanaticai !aîtiag cuit. vho vanbshed oftor hua vifs died from a forty day fast. Mms. Huimer came fi-cm Burnhtrnt, ]IL, vhere ber husband la a justice of the peece, and when It became knoov that sIte, as weli as the Mna. Thompsoce v Iteded as the resuIt of a fa.t, vas abstaining f rom footi, site chreateneul the report- ers who iîtearthed the slory witI tihe 'rath bot! lir hushand If abe vas Iný terterrt-d ailli. Ilowevertch,- deatb of! Mra. Thcmp- son, susîîected 10 bave been fromn can- cer. the conîdition cf whlcb nas aggraý vaied ltt allegeel downrigbc starvation, hrougbt tie,- te o! the fasting cuIt Thomilson, for vhrnî there vas a narrant eut, lied lnccntiueclg. M rs. Huianer as trIesi and i-omnltted as an Inîsane person. Tevo others fibet sud befere Zlîîn City kuew vhat had happeuei l aIof the fastIng colt Itas dld ie d, bren cocimlttd as Insane or had gi en i11) thiir beliefs. ThEr ver,- ta nt). The bellef cf tli, fasiers visa that theï cenît wipe avay sin abscluteiy bt lîscnltîlng front nny kîtîti o! fced loeii ,ii tand Mca i-uter at the tit, etfber cotiiient helleved chat sIte wans vipng eut 1he- aileged sîns cf her htisband and Iter sous. SIte sa t n te tinte of berdorn- Mlment ihat sIte venît neyer taste feod untîl te rings dropped cff ber fIngers of themsilves, and t tidislie Dr. Knight, ai Coroner Taylor', or- ders, ferceti feod dovo hem tIti-et, vhile sIte vas confined at the Jaus MeAlleten hospital and made toe est And uev religions fanatllnt bas degeneraied into acute mania, sud viii ber mnd a blank even te, ber neai-est sud dearest, tIse aged sud sveet faced wvcniof sixtY ita in ber roomnt ai uin, depriveti cf aso.1 BARRINGTON ELECTS MILES T. LAMEY1ý Again Chosen as President of the Village Board atter Two Years Absence fren tihe Chair. tiîr -ii (t i i ls-, rimnary- electio SntnrdaY, titi il t. frîuîîîIte 8 p. nm. 'Whilc tutikt-et-noispeciilissue te atcraci tIhe- cii ca. such as mai-led the primarg of ladsî,riug, when locasi option ex-ieet tf as ai bts heighi, there vas an Issue, ottade Use per- enmatg o!flbhe candidatee fcr dis several offices. STEARNS MAS BILL BEFORE LEGISIATURE Legisiator on Relurn Prom State Cap- itoi Announces That Commifttee Ha# Pasued on Measuro for Lake Coun- Iy Whbch Wilibe Caiiod for Reading Some Tinte Next Wednesday in the Houso. The Lake couniy circuit court Is te have a gi-sud sud a petit jury ai the Decenther test If a measors nov ho- fore tie legialature ei the Instance o! Representative Stoarus pamqe, sud Ms'. Stesa. bsles %Mt it xS Paie, as lit Una oss. suoù so ,»w the comsnlttee sud wyul b. caflld foir paasage on first readlng Wednesday night. Hitberto wie tiiere bas been a De- cember test e!f court,tis attorneys and judges have been uncertaîn about their legs] position it las ad In regard te, criminal cases. In rega-d te the "full package" inesaure i. Stearos made lthe start- ling statemnent that there la noi a full package of either wet, or dry gocds soldIthe l,state. lie cdaimus that the nîcasure. îîussed. will sa%, e eery beusettchd larder great atnouiits et nîcîî,-t per t sar.The cleasure is ntde sa eîîîg ndlinmportant. Zion City Noies. Follcve-s cf Daniel Bi-yant, lit Zien CIity, ve-e excited and nlsi-med for lthe possible snfeî,y cf frienda Suuday, a-heu au annencentent vas made lu bis Sunday si-bcd that an accident had. occured Inu Waiikegan Saturda- lit whlch four lives had been lest, a-heu Ivo street cars had cellided. The i-eport of the accident Thtirsday at Edison court had bren revlved evith adîditionts. Dirling the week Zien bas been flo<edeýUwtb bMils fron tihe tndepend- ent pai-tg luswhich dis ticket is set forth vitIt a copy e! the party plat- clation cf Voliva appeara. Quetations front the Zicn er1iald ef s yeai-ago, front Toiva's pen, it sinis, appear ln vhlch a change ilasaketi tront Uhe louse systent to deeds, lho centi-asu witIt is figisi nov tor the retaling cf the leases. Voliva, hn a staleent Suudag, de- clared ttthtishes te lte churcb front hie folovers nov amennia te $100 every day. Boys Historic Eighty. By s deal made snd finiahed Satur- day E. S. Dooley- cf Chicago la the pur- i-baser of the clii Whitney faint e! eighty adi-es near Gagea Lake, opon vhich Chat Its Whitniey, candhdate for circuit jtidge, was ioro. The consider- ation a-as $Ilt.. titiftîilte deal vas Puit ibrougl i lit 1elXesie fer lte otii iir ani AI t onii td for the bsysi-. ht îeoi. oîîcf tIeti- liesi deals of lte nittîîîtI I 01- tI n vas lte owncr. Report of Waiukegan Coiiecior. Fitîlon ii-tîtr the telals for the ciii bock fiiii.lie(d Saiurday b) Townî Collecler Dcoi S. Thomnson: Acîcaîti Charged--------$ 150,348.91 Amoîîct -Collecled.......... 111,31.74 Amount Delinquent -...39,017.17, Colony Buys Property. s , A( curiiing to the tsi-ma cf su agi-se- ut-tiItI,-d Thsîrsdas' the Spirit Fruit urtuli, tî i Wocster Lake, founded by 1h,- laie J. tisilhuiri, Is soon te acquire 1 17 acres souili e! uts preseut acnego lu Grant towntship et Jamtes B. Brovu - fer $9.870. the people ont the colony t* sigu the agreeentn beiug Vtsjia, -A Moeore, acting bead o!flte Sptr# V,%« - people. and Eugene Clarke, me o ai te follovera. - LMJIE PART 1 - $1.50 PËR YEAR IN ADVANCE. NORTHI CHICAGO RFSENTS CRITICISMW 71If North Chîcagoan Were a Red Mms Would be Namned "Man Not Afraid of a Fight," say FelIow Citizene. Now Publie Scoid of the New Little CitY to the South. Advises Iditer of Lake Porestor. If C. E. Sayier were a redman li* stead of an American vould ho ho called "iant Not Âfraid of a Scrapr In addition to his achool eloctica contest and bies chool site. iJsffgiism 3In Waukegan, he ban nov puUei à 1a*ç the vrath of Lake Forest ead4jà. gor- B0051 wratb of the oditor oCtheiÀM& Forester ln the follovina >»,,.> >.Peared ln the Nor-thChcgiTue and which la suMsy "bojt attg- In reeont lanes.ot tb. ao oi er,8. anlnifltcaat shoot publluls.d l san article appearod grom rrugo crf iConditions ciaimed to eit ln thie ty of North Chicago. This artie Mated rthat conditions are as bad la Northi Chicagoeat the premsot timte as tiiey ever were ln Highwood, ln bte palro- lest days. We resent ibis Inferenee as the grossesi libel against oqr City. We remember that certain papers, in o)eaitng cf conditions as they formu- eilI existed at Highwood, reported bhat lew'd women were ailowed to fi1 equ'iî the sialoons there and that uîci maiatnes, gambiing devices and Poker gaines ilourished ln almost eY- ery saloon after the soldier a y day. About one-fourth of the area o! the. city of North Chicago la in, or adjoin- lng saloon territory. This district ia quite îhickiy settled wiii a large for- elgu Population and bas quito a iRu-s ber of legally llcemsed "1Sag. Thos saloons ara ail run acegrdlns e, ta e. There are no beitor re"uatel u4c ln Lake couni 8 j,ý' forsîgn saloons ana» 0zsure «ïoS for theîr people. Theirs are. pdo#I té» Other barlé &,riou ý **ftheii-mont u= j: *etRI<.Pj" are atrictiy Âmeriqal. Thsre la qo 1--umOraty te bç found la ýos oonaot ed wltbany ofthem. Tiir 1 "t.4 siot machine or aamlilng device otbelr than Penny cigar machin«s ta ho found ln the City o! North Chie. Furihermore therç la flot nov nor bau there been for some tInte past a single blind pig lunttis City. it 1a true that for some tinte after the. mile and one-eighth law weut iet effeet there sers blind piga at dîfferent pîlaces lu the village of North Chicago, buti WL dibfer front the city o! Iýake Forest, ln this partlcular, that viient we fcund u- had bllnd pigs hore vo we.t t e he andi kept hammerlug away ai rhem oUntil ws Put thent out of existane There are rmre blnd îîigs ln the cily of Lake Forest loday itan ever have heen in North Chicago. Furthermore thers are blind pige in Lake Forest whers vomen drink wvith mec and we have it front their own citizens ibai lnsente Instances fashionable women have become 130 drunit ait some cf their clubs, viiere liquor la scld, that they bad to b. carrled oni cf their carnlages. Our Police report further thai vhu blînd pigs were doing business ber. thelr besi custonters conasated of toughs front Lake Foest. Our police docket shows that Boneso! the. vorst and most dlagusting cas brougiit h. fore our police Court have hems againat cîtizens of our neighbor on the. If the editor of the Lako Fareutqr proposes to start a crssad. aguingt vice and lavleaaness lot hlm atart right vithin a block of hie vowa ce ln the city of Lake FoMet anid cean liai bllnd pig flourlshIing la & baru ae met t aielm ack door and thson utart out and go dowu the. main strqet sUA clean up the otiier blind pipg sali t. b. flouriahing tiser. ani thon bwarjh out stillfortiier sud taire lumaue t the. clubs Includlug the, Golf CIub, aMd when h. has cleaned up bie qwn city and gets te North Chicago ho viii ffli us ready and wllllng te belp hlm Cor- rect any evi4s uhat ntay be fourlid, t

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